Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1901, p. 1

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jttorancc. r TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. r; VOL. XI, NO 1036 FLesh-ertou, Ont., Thursday, June 6, 10O1 W. H THTRSTON, BD ' P T B B f * PBOPHIETOB HARKDALE, ONT. Grey County's Biggest Store No in i '.i ti.. !.._'; .11 ihe sky a bird iiny tly it has to c me Lock t earth for a <lr. nit, ami no matter how i. inch (tores may i-di.-itise they've go! '. with 'h. 1 i \ peril-net.' 'if chop- pers acd the judgement f trade r \ .u kn-'V. i;. M luVanil price* and \alnes the better * are * 1 1 intrnd.. A store with such a , a policy nppcu'.-j l.i.the inU-K _;..'iit. ami .1, tiino will reach the unin clH- Kent, tixi. The I*--- : iKHjU.-t'itii-d protection thmwu around eMtMmcpi hen- mtke< it | i . lij.l to buy as safely as a tin woman. Ami if at ny time you get ^xcla tint are n"t entirely nati.fac- tucy we ituuct that you brin^ thoui back." TWtl very thing u t!ie rm phaois of tbii) a'oru Your Money Back if You Want it We intend IK i.id tip the enthusiasm thi* week with iueci.il vnlue* in all Well known iiianuf.u'turcrH are using us to reicli }'!, n:d wo're al)U- to distribute new and worth} c" ! itt *xe*pli<jrully low |.ricus. . r, but th quickest way to tv'.l of social things i. to uk you tn come ind nee for yourself. 10 PIECES DRESS GOODS, assorted shades and vf.,rnn, in pi i n. t.ii.. ;. s, and plaid*, 40, 42, and 44 inches wide. reg- ular vali.es were 25, 30, 35 and 40 cent* per yard. You can take y"ur choice this week at 20 piece* DHKSS ...... l>s, assorted ginghams aod fancy tartans, iVi in. pA-id--, iery suitable for children'* school drees,and spcvml value at per j:u j 10 pip*cvC.\N VI'lAN TWEED, 28 inches wide, good heavy weight. in assorted stripe and check pattern*. jiit the thing for ! ! eioihes,rei<ular 'to cent nd :ftj centi|ualitie. K i thin Wtek you can buy them at One Kile. 3-'.> Ins., Giey COTTON UKMMANTS, ,,r mill end*, u >t ih abort lengths but ends nnnim; from 15 t.p 30 yard* . lioiiiilit direct from the null .it a low price per pound. We hme them marked so ym can buy them al a sating ..f :'J> -o :t.'i IKT cent. Leimths rannc fnitu 13 to 30 yds. each, |ruv run nt per yard from 3 to die Bale 2.VS H*.. \Vhit C(.ITTOX UKMMANTS. lwnthrnn from 2 to lOyanU cch, values 30 to 40 per cout Hfi regular w<xxi>. ">' 1 10 Mia* A. James ; treu. Miss M. Ferguson; -c, Miss E. Robertson. Mrs H trrit Watson in nailing her sinter, Mrs. Braithwaite of Durham, this week. Messrs. Dan and J bn McL-an of Tiverton, Bruce, accompanied by their totem. Misses Mabel and Surah McLean, are visiting at Mrs. Malcolm Cameron s at present. Mesflrs. Thomas Cunkey and -James Burnett returned from Owen Sound last week on account of a scarcity of work in County town. Fcversham brim. The, ..urroundinx friends ex- rllo ' r JI? M ' Mr. Git.n, who has been living foe the ^reaved fauul>. (HtyeHr wiih his daughter near Bolton, Mr. .1. '.mthar.l : in erecf '"- *h ' i .'. Prcm Our i>tcn Corrmdundmt. The weather has been very wet and cold lately, bu: prospects are better this week. The home ot Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, W(J m ^.^ ^ hgf ^ 4th .me C.:llinw.,d, wasthe scene of a cUin, t.. h.n .- -lie I.ARi .K<T > very sad ..-vent last week when their was* of T.-r-mro, the BtST sT'x'K t* dauuhter Maggie committed suicidt by *d ec L fr " m - nd ll >e CHK> .elf in the ban, ^ S2L2 been ill with grippe *hich aflectod new ^^ e , fry iew ,, . ^^ watche* every day. Prospective sympathy to the *h"uld renii.-iub.T tho old n -I IK | hay while rhe sun slime*. " ' | u staying tu this bunt at pr> '"Id in in is vi-ry : The Port Law h IH.-M i come in and ' . ,r hay spire *n the Presbyterian church, is i.. . u.- in in.i - .^ri.'atly. i..-w water wheel is doing L ' 1 )i .hard* are bloom. 'r i i . ' with a *upera!-uud- .>o.l for the tail lawyer. 'x'uite a number around town have it art ed dressmaking lately. Since whip- st.-cii- and lvalues have taken the life Of S k -fiwa, the youuit jersey haaUken During the Losy sea*nu uitny items of . . the .-u iti-.n a* walmii^ sign post. whether you wish r., Imy >r not. W, A. Armstrong. JEWELER A NO OPT:C * FLESHCrVTGN. riU rest were lUowt-d to no unre. tnd piuui in' 1-ii.iun on acc.iunr of press of work, besides, working in a back Held one h*H not always the best facilities to lean, what U tr-uijpiriiii: within a of two or three miles g within a radius \ There seems < x There are a riuin- oept rain nd muu which U abundant. ber of wedding* that should have been; Mis Aunie I ban rerurned ther cnnttnim tin* they reported *om time ago, but have n. t for home after a lengthy viit with reliiuon* ***** b J ^ the -irnple reason that our bachelri [ or Mr I R.IM spent Victirti with his ptreo-ta. Mr. K. Ir>h ami J W r \Vre- ham have the contract .)f the frame work of Mr*. Th..s. Guyi barn. If tho lo *t Boltou. M:s Sara Guy of Butfalo ia 15 s*t in tnriin-,' iti. rhe thi.-f of tim and Mrs. Hunter ind Mr. Ed. Armstnpng ciiiiniDgly warding off CupidV.Urta. Iwt -f Ow.-n Sound <p . t ,t Vict..n Day at it iaeipected that with the June bloiuoins, 'he. mo here. -' fneiidn here. Mr. J. Fei^u-wn returned homo -n Friday evening fr-m Millbr.. k. "ciutmider their ways some at least ill and be wise. '' teacher :n the Mrs. McCJee, sr., v'-.-r .in extended M...S ,.u 1 - sch - '. -;>oai a Miw D,.n Wakely, wh.. H.X-U! ies tho I> H..nnns f w t*y, been burying hi, . ir v vu>it wi'.h her daughter, Mrs. Janiieaon, has n turned home. Mr. Guy B'akeluy, who ha* bwen in Owen S.und the (tot few weeks, has re- turned home. .Mis, McCoinb, who lives with her daughter, Mrs. James Fisher, has bven | ill for some time past. We hope ihe may s. ,.ii K' restored t,i health. recently wilh her -<i.ster. Mr*. Merrill Nichollu. The evangelist* Hunter ind Crumley ud the funeral ...f Mrs. Tli s. - Ceyl.rt held \ service in the Dundalk church twj Miss M.iru Chislett if ( >won Sound weeks ago which was attended and *p- spoilt a few day* at the parent ii home preciatcd l>y * number from hero. 'this week. 10 DOZEN I'AIU Men*all-w.l C*nhmere Sox, oizeH.lO, 10J. and 11, an* it ted, plain or ribbed cushtiurr, eoery ]pir wrth 25 to 30 cents. Fur ihm wek you CMI buy 3 pair* for 10 DOZES Ladies H)xian Riblwd Cutfu Vest-., full usluoiutd, fancy em SiMidenfd neck, hitlf lceve* and gnd wri^ht, re- gular lalue 15 i-.s. each. Tbis week the pnce will be Our store is full of go id values, many hues that you ctinm>t e<tual el*ewhrv. Wo get as near M we can to the actual owt of Mr. U. Johnson had a new driving shed erected recently. Mr. J. I :.!*. w the worn man. Mr. Jas ' - ako Mr. snd Mr,. Jamie^n returned t,- ; ""*'''- !"^""-' !>"> "** their home in Toronto .ttet a three wek' bmlt pro- ti n. mul in Iniyitit: here you nave anything like fancy profits. ^t^iffofd i Co, with the r friends, Mr. and Mi-. Nichol- son. Mr. Andrew PLikcly vinited with h: brother G uy, ift*r an absence cf years. Mr. James Chard ha* beeu sutfeiing from a gathering on his side, the result of a '"kick" frmi a plough. HIM ne;^li burs .Mid friends are xlad to hear that he is now on a fair way to recovery. The tillers of the soil, hating perfurm- i ed their pHrt in planting the seeil, now await tho result in the firm faith ihv He who luu> given the seed tin. UunJalk Frt>m Our Oion Carmponiifnl Mr. A. Down* of Cleveland vt.sited his sister. Mm. Chislett, for a few .iny.. Mr Mill Mrs. Ue-nphill ipent the . v with the latter * mother in F.-v.Tshui. Mr Lester Uunton i 11 n ,n visited hi* c>um. Mn. K Cook, this week. Mr*. Brulgewater of (.iwer. S. uiid pent the 24th at Mrs. Egan's. Mr. T. and J. C. Unison spent the At 'Mil.- ..f rriim l! d . J4th wi-.h their i-arvr-. ?!i;!^4!4?;'.r4;4;ii;4?^ !ed that "harv,-.'. ,i..n n..i f.i," win bid PrkTTlllr will nod'iuht ontvrtar iho factory article. hit- Cini Coi respvnJent Last Sund.iy at Ihe morni:ii; service the Lust Saturday Mr. Alex. McLeod of pulpit of the Metlio.tivt .church was benu- *hi i!lv<e imrclmstf.l the sawmill, grit*- ifully dcoTatid with fl.-wers. T:. Rv. mill Mto :uid housa and lot connected *' w - Varlcy eli\ . -. , -I i ry tlKHt) with l!i, in, from Mr. Ri>Vrt Mctiowan. ernioii from Solomon .s S..iu -' I-', As Mi. .MeLisid h..s Ue.n a respectable flowers N|ip<-ar on theearth." Tho t!i'.s vicinity fur m.iny years in^ *.s als*> very appropriate, we are uro he will receive a fair sha^e of A n ,,, llbvr ft..,,,, th ; H , , wn , t ..... \\i- hcait'ly wish to f-;. ,;,.., ,,,. TU.MI.IV evening of la.H him a .uudaiit *ucci-ss in tho und ivoi .^ i Thcru ;ts no dint on the boys S, in.l iy uiornnu tin- pulpit of S'. w ] ;i . u the) ..t back at 1.'. A . Col. jitia was i-ctiipied by tin) lie*. No:- *j>ii,i.|| >s iodised from his Jeep tlumbvr man l:u-nell, i in.>- .mary from MhoJ to n x ,, crank. He waa a good- Cent: a] India, in the inU>tvrs of 'he , 1:lt ,, ri .,i f c !|ow, ho volunteer m. vein, ir ..f tho Canadian 1'rei.l.ylfiiaii churcli. Mr. Uussell preach- isl .me of the most practuvil and thon-uuh iy convincing wruj u.s on nn**i<m.iy Knik thai we MT hstene-1 t. Wo are sure eoml ruiulu will follciv. As Mr. Dtn r.un|il'e!i of this village *8 coasting iloHii ,i li'li one lately ho ran Mjuare over i -\> t thrown from In* wheel. Smother eith yield her increase, ind ro- : ir.l ur *.'ilan<l b. utitifully sup[ily our temiHiral wants. "A iahtier hand inppre skillea tlu:i -hin* Must hitn/ the clusters on the vine, And lunke Ihe tiv'nh wi'h h trve*t >hnu>. weather i* excellent, the ram cloud* hav ing ilisapiH'.iri-d. Mr M.iody liana mnjr it men \u> at the cellar of his mill lately. Miss McConnell visited friends in Markilale >\. T Sunday. Mr. D. Campbell has the stone work for his house c and the brick wjrk nicely unile* way. Mr. Hen MiWilliauM hs securod a Mis* Ann e Dyce, who ho* ben ing her brother for the post two week* .ere. left m Saturday fur Tor-mr... Wo are pUnsed to learn that M Collins. >n jii-1 A. ChisUtt or* improvedi after their severe illness. Mr. Har.li w has quite a number ..t men and - .-i us nujploywl in lowcrn ^ grade to the Uku. The BiembeM .f Miss MH ajtustiou inadrua ,...re m Owm Sound Sabbath .cho^l clnss met it her home .m .ind left for that town .... *tur.l..y n.jht. ' w.dnelty evening of la week and , ..... MK-.T \ -\. i:;i*on .-I rn-lu-non hv ^. nU .j her w.lh a ha with our dru-.ist. Mr. d Mh d Iruit ' ~. CHI..-I D Nixon has opened grocery , . severed his -.Tinnec- ! lion with M. Richai.Uon \ <>ur lacr-'iwe Ix.ys :i.et wilh a defeat by Fro. It is our sad .Vl. v 'bilfw edeaH-. liii". M - i.l ' , for some t iiu.', *.'h !..-ri troiilile but her death was um-xt'. cud. She hud rwe" 1 ho Chronicle and Review scribes from iri; lire lit it hmnnier -\od toi-gs thoHu days. Mike. g..t an uiiounp.. i, My pal on the back in lust week s inane of ihe Chronicle. He sur\H"d. Look out for *juai!.i and a duel in Ki.iuce. The almo-st coii'inuwl rniii .- '.hiK ;-at p, but ! *eek lias liecn beuetical to high l<n.ls Dan is but- 'he l->w p'acex are not doiutt so well. n>st exiicit eydiMts in this However, generally sreakin-,' there is country, hence it would take more than j "Very prospect of a K oid yield in everv a heptoili*mp him into th- ditch. j thing -from onions to fall wheat. But \y last week we iHnpei-tcd to ' weather hot it* diawlmck* as brick- wheel* which, with the exception ' Uyereund t..ne ma*.<n* can test if,. of the hubH, were made by Mr. John tic- j -pi,,, following are he ofnoera of the Ph*U of the O. D. Ii. Vlthough John Kpworih League Vr 1-tiU 2.-Prv. \V. never se.ved a day as a wheelwright yet | o Wstson ; Isl vice. Misa K.RoUrtson ; ^h wheels are solidly puk, ti -gather and j o^^ ^^ jjr*. M Vats.,n I the season on M'uliy. *v:.ri' 3 to Mark'l ili 5 in and the foil.' Ceylon, May 21, Miry <':>ic : DBAR TKVIIKK MI K::- c th* ii-iii' . . Tho garden party whicii wat held ; ,,:c!y f-r s.,,ue day, MM' I I'hur.- ] Mr ^ M ,-C d.un, s M br.d ,y Lirt was day, wheu !, to ',.^1, hot ap- ^.^ w-| , ^. nA ^ t ,,, . ..-.M,. W, , ,0) the -..j-.p. blwawog may .eat upon j a pai-eirly d mger. Kt her hu.slp;iit.t -" tho meet- jinn "" Saturday t Maxwell. But 8 o'clock Sat'irday evening >he t.-ok worse mid asked thai Mr. Scott ' - sent for. She HiDtrred until aln>u; '.' Ii, -h-n she died, umi M,-. > arriviil home in about an hour .if;er at.N ; The funeral was held t.>-day. (Monday.) to Itadi.Ti.t cemetery and was very !-, take this ..piM.rninit* - i in "nr | the i\ic'\ \. : ; i , vd in . ur s[.:n % i:n: A l ',\. ; lr e : - iry you . 1 > ' "me in j. ur t.ew h hat v >: ir<.-'if siir by fi lends ,-s tvun- r hehin.l. and .- Qod'l l' r "-l'T cved* amouij^cd to ten all your enVrN increase your '. ,nd pros Mr - "Will* < -' "1 I:;,- b.-for-pTt.,;^ *-!.. the latUr's br-.th. T. M I; \v M bM \ n . our affection tow n ( Mr. T ..rraiic-- of Hi attended. Mrs. S-otr lo-ivet .1 husLand and tie children U> mourr tho l".s.i of an i 'atfeeti'.tiato wife ind mother. The -j-ni.i'hy of lh;s entire co r.nuuuty gor* jout t.-wards .Wr S. ,.it and family in this their hour of bereavement. Afi* Sinclair, our teichrr, was vis't . Mrs. ile : . Mr.C. Heroiian.l W J. Q ,,-, ; lour mo.it p; 01111111.111 y..un. i.,.-:i. ' -I ., ine tinm ago to >< .-k uiX fi iends in J/elaiK-thon on Saturday j ed > Hut -igain. Kemvnibcr Ike y uare Is ruarTii.'! j.in now ! i" I s.mday. Sabb.it i. Ceylon. Sinneil on r-.-i- M \i;-:li-: v \ ANN v iilsi.i ri M..-v*Mu.ry wns very n i \<\ fortunes, the for- surprise and th.v -ked '--i ol i~ mer to llutf.ilo and tue luttiT lo I'-ry *''* wn 'ch nuld I e very n ;ieh j'l.zt-d. S,.uiid. We ,,s , ,i,,u, ev.ry SUOCOM. , Mr H ' m l' h " 1 . "U|*rMit,-nd-.,t I, 'hen spoke for n short tuue an. Wm iUJiifi?.l lUmiltoll .pent S,m- j r^-oiumepid.-d MI-.S Mry.tld h- t; day last i our >i. to our H^vonlv Kath.-r ,11 rr .-:,.! they W'i -ie hm ten. leifo.it Ike b....-n keep- , ** u: d all m.-et . a^.-un. u,l u n ing- himso f ,' We heard tint ho in Urt. ' '' 1O tnr "'"' i '" H-'veU f All 'i ,'i iyr. SIM after n yin-i <l l-j V\itU You Ti|^ w'o M . retiir-, -t to heir'l...ni- '1 J T

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