JUNE 6, 1901 r H.R Tn E s H'K R T ON ADVA N~CE tf .into M'I l'l.l.--i lill A VOUNQ H.ii,.r.. Marltdal* Do k'ooi'i l banking lmine. Money loautxt M a re*euuabl rale Call on u* AH VASUVhKN. J P H-rk 5tb HIT Court, Co Orey of M tnla l.lceniwt, OonYByenrpr TuMic Auctloutvr Money to 1ou >t it per cent. Cbaroei moderate FLE8HKRTON P O DKUTt) co],l,KCTEL I no un.lamiKne.1 It r*pareil to Odertake the oollectluu ot all kiudi of debU. >t bo ij'ut. aocouoU col Voted etc. K N UFNUBKSOS. F!eiheron RJ M'ROUI.R H it. r. Kleiherton Coin . ...T in H. r. I . Auctioneer Con \ppreie*r atltt Honey Lenilcr Hoai > 1 Insurance A.-ut. Peedf morum,..., I,. ..., an I will* cart-fully drawn 1 valuations made ou shorten' net Ice. Moony ( i 1 - i at loweat rate* ot intercut. Col 1 i.. with t>r.>iii|>tm-M I'liiive* low. Agent lor Ocean Dominion BWauiiUip Company. A call solicited. AO U W meet* ou tlie lat Monday in .1 ui-.iitli, in their lodge room. k Fluiiivrton. at |> in T -v .1 AM Uiniion. Ilecordor.W. Ktllrni..! maacier. Viiltlng bretureB i; PHP 'HTK L.ODQK, No. M3. A. \ M i -.-II In tliu Uaaonioball. Strain'i lock . rvory Friday ou or before - ' I W M . W J IU try i MIF.HTON. I. O. F. uioetn In . lllock tlio last Krl-lm . o at \i-itini; Korixteri liuartily U. Waller . U. 8 , W. A. Arm. D. E C Ml BVAV, I, D. S..<lliUls.o.. .1. I '.to t'iilTHritv and : i i , -,, ..... | i -. , - .. \S . , i-.]. JIM. tii.- in t \>.- Inojxlar ..!.-. . n-l Uundalk 1 au.| \i Tliurxlay Ii . .1 ,, N -.- i M n:.i*r. I. 1. . ! il.-'i l>lock- an<l ".urt .la>l .1 -jjJlce, Krual 1 tl L\, III ,IIT A McAUIII.i; I . - i. itort COII.->M- OIO' ind. Out auJjVIrk,Inl.-out. V II \\ i. Mi A HULK I H I.' * N |i ,11 ollice. Mltchilli llauk Tory i pi r \TTr-.KSOX 1 . etc Hi lUnk. <>v. n HAIill> > PCI -II- (.TO W I' ATT! MAKAV 4k SAMPSON. Harri.tor.. ill : .^,11 S. IITI.I. M'i. lii'i Itank HI.I. k. N ' I'-itl >r.ni lluune. l.un.lalk. V.,,, iti . Skturday. M ICK4T, M V . H K SAMPSON. 1..I..H. Crov:i Auoni-v forUrt-y. M < i' 4 S Out. Phylclan, Rurgunn, etc ,. Strain bly-k. lloaldunee liu* II - I HCOTT. AMI V'KTI.Y i olli-ei- Pbril* * Burgeooi OaUri. ,i-il-.:ii In Me-lloin* of I fL'iiiv-. A -in), Diploma, Poat <im.iu- A,t. M. I' *i s.-n. ml anil lliwi.ital, Clji.-iwu U-- I "i, . '-ar, noun ami throat |"" iny H. JOHN A. HCOTT. ataxwcll r P o. maiy Hurgeon wra<l'iate "f Ontario Veterinary i. .l.ior flouth west 01; Hut ttraot i ,1111 south li ,i'li- QW M C If \ . . . 1. 1 m, I in ntlut, Max- cull., 0,1,111. Veterinary Cll<e, -:liii Uv ii-.iu 1: a in t<> '' i in -. an 1 F- li> from '-' to 'i 1- "i The Markets. Carefallv < or . Oat* Peas Barley BwtW* Bags f reah Pork Hay \Vinat. white Wheat, red Potatoei bag. ....... Bidet Wool I'd r .1. Ii 31 -o 62 to M iu U to 10 7 00 to 31 63 36 14 10 7 60 00 to 12 00 66 to 65 G6 to 65 30 -M 80 6 00 to 6 00 13 to 13 The IW.AK for SERVICE icrcJ Taiiiworth Hoar H.WT . lor .-r *io> nt 1'uil I.W ilci nUef*. .'i. i *oi.ii by applyin ng to . THOMPSON KM.IM l.itr.U T \HWOKTII BOAR I : OR SERVICE 1 hav.- a i . niwi.i t Ii li,>ar(nr uuivlce in lot 9 J. S. Il U . AiUini-M* Turin**!. W. UKAUB, l-ioprletor ClubblirgList Adraiii 'i- .mil .1ll .MI I l.inpilB Cl -ii ft. , l.ly Globu... 1 H4) Daily N.-w 8.30 Vaily Slr 166 .Sim l.WJ J. B. Sloan & son Proprietor GETY< it'll Sash, Doors, Flooring. Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters, Mailing, Corner kl the lirst ul spruce I.;ifli..N(>. 1 and '2 shin^k's Vt-raiida and Fitting, Sidin-'s, etc. Turning of all Kinds Done to Order Kss'New run of St.un* for ('li|>|iiii^. Satisfaction in all uur lint* tguarant > i l.a,l> Hank _ t r</m Our Oifn Co, rei*mdrnt. "Tin- 24tbuf My wa it>rv ijuift nn>uii<l line tin* tune nwitiK |. tl.u li.-avy n n , Tin, HIIU I he I) )'.- li> in IIUIIL' vi-ry low i tlit-y liml in<lu preparm ion* for HKIHK! foot I Nil I match. Mr. n<l Mm. Robt. I'lulipauf Shrivluy were viiiiiim at Mr. J. Oitborne'a on 8ii- Uay lasl. Mim N. 1'crlijip of Feerhinu alao vuit -.i Mi .t D. Oaborne'i lin^ in l.ut Buiahud iu this sec Men now and we are hoping f"r a bount- iful liarvent. Al Suuday acliool recently tli auprin tendent axk^d of the acbolurH what is an- other name for Jewa bvHidca Inralitfh. Silence remained fin- a abort time when it wag lirnkcn l>y a aniall voicu which cried out "pedlart*.* Not to l> 1, waa it. New l-ii^uit-n are plenlnul around here Kh inuney in Hcarce. We only have to livt- once. The fall wbeat arouud hero M l^okint; woll. Mns Kdith Oslxirnn waH home on a rUit on Friday litt awl returned to Flea herton on Monthly. \\ c MouM likv to we a better alien- d in- ul our Sunday Kchuol in lliu ld cluncli. Sclp'ol riMimieiKus Ht two-tliirly in the aflt-riiiNiii. I'ltxwc- do not f This .sct-tion IH to be (.-mitly ini|irovl )>y tin- < icction of n. huililiii|{s. fWl Xtt Jit Wl flit limit If I Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery | are don in fim-clami ityle and at S lowest rates. Sin-rial attuntion jf linen to copying. I'-.-ihiiV photo*. K a apecialty. Fii-tun-a frnm-il. MRS. IMJtnER y 'JH 5 -Jit- -JIS* -tSf 3Pr "iff -ft- ?.< -We '/It- J JR i -78" W iii.: ! i In- Icnaorial buni neiiH from .Sir I.i-iin-1 I wish to annnmi* . that the hiitim-st will In- i -oiiiinuetl in tin- oil pnviusi K. \\'i- have had a l*tg i-ity e\|H-i i- n.-i' .(in I in lu-ve we 0*11 i(lve atisfi tiou in i.ur line. Havo taken oter the atiency for And all orili-rn h-i'i Miih us will receive |irojn|ii .-in, I i it. fill .id, mi, ,n FlesberlOR Soaviaj Parlors A. Wilson . . I ro| >. Cjoodji AT Till ing the l.-nl o.ei tin- lin>- in fly iravm. See it, A full linn of awtf.it |WI!N, ilnsd in. \vl,ip^, 1'iillurs, ; t \i.- k -r. HM-. h'.o. oiiiliintiit, rimy i o-nlis. Irunkii, vnlinen, etc. Seo the Sanitary Itnice for i!>-ntli-iin n'- wear-- only tOi> |>i-i pitir. W. MOORE n IITOM . ONTARIO Win. HcCalmon, nfand Hcalrrln SKEOISH, SCOTCB i [tllDllll EraniU and Marble Wort 8H ALL KIND -- AND -- _ Inscriptions Cut cm Shortoat Notice. he waaaMnrtly lid Hud could not net awv from the ni*0, it\n KUrted to kick, HII i never let op until ahe kicked the cart ll to piece* *nd left (he liHrnuau badly in in-, il of viit to the ru| r aliop. Mr. I^Miilry H!M reu.-ivu<l it M-v.-re kick on the thigh and it waa thimghti irt fimt 'hat th UK waa broken, but the docKrr found that WH8 only badly bruiiti-d Mr. L-mdry waa Hoarcely able to walk with the aMmt- -H of a cane. Hia cart nn<l harne** not in.- in condition for the return trip.Mr. Win. II UN luiin.'ii drove Mr. Londry Miie. Henld. It in a alrnnge anomaly that a man nhn will not advertise on the plea that no one reads the paper ia the very man who rould ({o fifteen inilt-H to gut a copy of > paper in which he i m,-i.ti..ji< .1 an a 'prominent citizen" and who would feel dia|io*ed to kick the rditor the aawe dutance thould he crittcixu IHH ac'iniii, or accideiitall/omit bin nainu in f;trin^ Uie i mi.-> uf HuWribera to any charitabln ibject. Kev. J. C. Madill, formerly of CorUt- ton, who hat ben lulx>nn^ in Manitoba Hinct- ho rtwi'.'ned the p;i.-torate of !!- . Congregational church. 'I. .roi. to, IK back < intKno and in applying for re-<lniis- ion into the ministry of thii r'rosbyteriiin church. The ,Ktratfiir<l I'n-ibytcry i* op|M>vud to the appUcati'.n Ix-ing urantud ai.il will enlt-r u poteat -i the Ofiu-ral Amtembly when tS mutir roiut-s up. Thi- "\>, o-itioii HI i>. n from the fact that Mr. Madill vaa i *ithtlu-P. 1'. A. during its exi.i! Women's Missionary Meeting. MIM Chritloe and Mit* Xilla TriniMc Ui-n- il. -h-ijatua last v/c-t-k to tin- \\ i men Mii-i.,nnry auciety, which met in Sfr j-r hin oh, o,;i .Sound, whun del- i-galt-H wore |,ioM.-nl fi.uii MarL il.il. ,1' 'I. In-ill. M, Kocklyn, \Voodford sud Owrn Sound. Tin- n-ports *hood intisfartory |ii--^reai and tli NrimiiinM wt-re full of in tc-runt. The Timea aaya : MIM Clmntoc read a very interuatiiiK paper on tbe t..pir of Who ih K-f [HinniUf lor a sucoemful Auxiliary t The ditcuMiion that followod was KI-IH ral. SyHtvinatic lining was thi- to|ji<: of .iin.ilirr very practical pap'T hy Mi- M, \ti-i .,f M uk.l ili in h,M- tin .ivoi.l.thlo ahiH-iifc wai rriul by Mm. T'ackhain. Mm. K-l^c's papur on M in Kind Wink was un ext-.-i ,!iu.; Itt-lpfiil ii'l iiiii-ri stinj 0110 and dealt l.i'.-, Iv with .snreoNHful p. i <oiml i-x poin-ii,.- in ihn liii|>.*tiuit hriiiioh. Mi- J. 15. Willmotl of Toronto nude tlioi|Uf I mi drawer a dt-li^htful fuaturo of tin- pro grainniL-. Mrx. Kn.-i w-u n- 1 1,-. t, il ilistiu-t orK'inizer, and Khuhrrt .n wan at-h-clfd as tin- phi.-.- of mt-oling for thu iii xi aniiunl coiiTtntion. A tOHtunoiiy H.-I-\ H-.- conr'.iidi-tl tin- afternoon CHHI u. In the evening a puhla nn-i-ting was hold at whkh Mm. Willm lit ,1- li\or.-.l an ad dre:- in which (die briolly roviownl tho work of thu centi.il wioioly in the furuiun li.-ld-. in which it wiis roprt's.-ntetl, anJ ilrinoiihtralrd how neccMary it wan to havu wi.iiit-n iiiiicionariis, in on hi r h tho woinrii in thuso r-oldi .-i.s thoy Coii'il In- roiuliod in noi,!lu-r way. Mr \\ilhnott IH it very pi- I-.HI,' rpoakur, and IK-I -i liln-ns wan liateiiftl t<. very r'.- Thu choir Hang un nnlhoin, "KntK-ki Knooking,Kiiockiti(!,Wlio id Thoro !' .n-l Mr. lliiinld Krnat s/ing excuptionally well the MiloThu ('oiiiiiij of the King. Uov. Dr. I-anuford presided. You UuKht to Know This: llroiiclntic Aalhina can he cured by in h:tiliiio ('ulanh.'/.oiie. Si says Cnplnin M. I). -n.-ild. of Kill)<Nlon t Oul., who \i;n IHIIIIIVI Ij cured, alter yi.irs of Milh-in hy Cut .rrho/.oipi . Mil. UlllalllolV, Slllll OHM -.lilo, N. S., MVH : "C.il irrho/.-niii curo.l inn pi-rfi-otlj , f Knini-liitia and Oaliirrh of tho IIOHO and ihi.-.i' Mr Win. I'.illock, Hlyih, (Int., KnyH : '('.il iirho/uiio pi.iitJM-ly cured mo of brnuehiiia." t' ii.niho/. ii,- i'.-ho\,H (|uiokly, furon Miin-ly. in wile, plciiitnt, MIL I Kimiinitr, il to curt 1 Two *ize -, r ) oi-nts and gl (Ml. l'rn;;"iNtH or N. '. I'oKoii \ Co., Hart- ford, Conn. \\ illie Sielniacker, an eleven year old boy of thin place, |.,i-,-.o.l through a str,ii'4(o exputiunco lt week. On \\..| in-- !;iy evi-niii){ lui win in t-he cellar ou ^".n,,-.l in tho prnotu-nl iH'ctipution of pii-k ing pi-tat IDS, win n Hiiddonly his voice hi. h ni iind IIH fur a-, wo c-in liMirn. with- out any viHihlu riiuftu. A phyiirmn wan o.ilh-.l iu and tho boy can now nuiijipulate hi vocjil nppiiiatui HO HH to aiuwor )i-s or no. II in .i" Pust. t)n H.i'unl,iy oveiiin: Mr. Applftoii Londry, who rutiidm on thu towiiline, drove to town iu a curt. Hu had with him some Hinall I'i'js iu a box. IK. drore into thu alieil nl St. (teorxu H hotel and tn-d hia hiima and waa in the act of tak- ing the piga out of the cart when the squealing of tho little fllowa frightened the h.,i s. When the, lie*t fouod that weal indeed, i y t o a woman. Every _^ other physical attraction is secondary to it. We have a book we will gladly send you that tells just how to care for the hair. If your hair is too thin / or los- ing Its luster, get - i ; Growth becomes vigorous and all dan- druff is removed. It always restores color to gray or faded hair. Retain your youth; don't look old before your time. II M a twttlA. All drntfiata. " t hare iwxl yo'.r ll*lr Vl){or n >w for aNMit '.- ,.- i I I it avIeiHlId .ind Mtf i. iu mry av. 1 U'lii-vi I , N-nJed thta lUIr Vlc"r to liiii,drrd uf my fnriiiU. vi<] tbry . II Ml I!-.- KI-.II* utoiy. It ny- inw tba t*t kind of a Hair I ih.!l cerUinly t to 'h"-.i nmt at Hiwafte i I ,-an t.nt ili-y jget a bottle of Ayr'i 1UII VtMC." r. N. E. IUMILTOS, NOT. , H*N Korwlch, N. Y. Wrtto !* nootor. If TPti '" 't obtain Rll ih- 1 iH-T^fl you aeir fntni the iu of th > v- wrIM Ui* Oaelat wkoat It. AdilrMt, l'n. J. I AYKH, Lowvll. MM .Oook'i Cotton Boot Compound aw.1 monthly by oT-r . Hafe.vrTectual. S 1 anil No. 9 la void In Klohuion In \V hardaouandW. H rln I^IIH-. Inn ;.:i .11- To Cure a Cold in One Day Tak.- LaxatiTB llr.-in.. (Juiulufi TablrU. Al) aVwawH rf OBd MM noatylffl fail* to euro 96c. K W. (|:OT a iiinatare it mi acli box. Blackcmith Shop to Rent or Set! For ule or reiif, in jflunht-rton, very chuap and on n*ay ier.n, mi liiivclciiiitli shi>p wi'h wood shop an.J tini.thiii^ roon. Ht.tAched, in \eiy ci-i.trn and main busi ne | art of vilUjt : al*. g M.d coiufurt- able and wdl tini.-liiMl iln-.-lii,,.' . A.>p'y to K. J SPH Ml LK. .:- Aycnt Conveyancer and aucti . eor, ' nt Onat UitgKth . Sold and reeommen<ld by an dmwrUU In Canada Onlr rall- - mdlin dlaocrrenxf. UM rmteni to tnra all r-im>, all effect* of aboM _____ Mental Worry. RxoMalTe naeofTo- _____ i, Opiom or Btimnlanta. Hallnl on receipt ofprioe.oiMpaokjMvn.ili.lt. Out wttt pi*** totetttmrr faoiplxlru frr to any addraaa. TIM Wood Coiuiway, WladaoitOoV U Una In >oU u Kit li.-rton l-y w >-. ( i w. r i:i.-}iiini> ..... Drorr- _ Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Ssvice . Cord !ttitito, 2^008. Tfc" .-Mt-rii;n<vl has a I iliaoi hull for.ervic u lot I r ..T rfrnd* thorough- : . . :.- nu api-l JACor. i.' . r.o. Camwortb Boar for Service ^ ". Alvin L Nn. 728 i -nil Ims a Lhorougbbrad i .tin .. i for tk-rvicti on I .1 14*/. T. A S. 1 1.. Arteiueaia. Ternm 81.00. I.rvtu, Prop. THUROiaMBRED SHOKTHOBN BULL-SERVICE NO. 35113 Gordon' The underHi^n-d h:ir .-t tint clan* tbor- otiitlibn-il Slioiln.ru lull for * rm l->t IX> T. nml S. l{ . Aitmu-si.i. Thn* M .-ii. -i the beat Mnn.\U in the rountry 1'i-d'ui ....... i '';: TERMS $i, ThorouKhbreds, $3. Wm Davis, Prop. Farm oi A fai ' \iteineua i wuli i i ' -.ti 64, Hull. am Kua-l. I'. -nil* ..Mberton Mar. 1 TMOKOlimil 111 MAT III LL Far Scrtlcc Covint Lustre 27510 Tliu undirnigneil hai a tine Iiurhitui Bui for Berrice (color red) on lot 147. T.s.ll. II ^M- ?1.1KI for tin- *,.v n. p ( tli,'n-.- on a|iplication. AI.IKRT Srtw \KI May * 1 yr. Kl.sl,, i WAREROOMS ! trvour ilrugK'it for Cook'i CorMa leal Ca- . Tako iioi'tni-r, an all Miiturca. I'tlliand Iniltatl >n are danfforonn. Prloe, No. 1. Jlit-r l>i : No. , 10 dritri't-ri ntniiii|i*r.fS |r box. No. I or l,uallv.lun retx'lpt uf r nn- ai,,l twoS-rnl Uri|'. The Cook Company Wtiulaor, Ont. 1 and i .told and rrooiuuteudoU by all Lru^glBta Iu Canada. \\ .iro carrying i.. -ji--r .-tylt- of SEASONABLE GOODS In i'l lin FURNITURE C. iisi^tino uf Parlor and tftadroom Suite* \-.oungs. iSictf-ZBoaids, Gxtvt- $ion and Centre "Cablet, Chmi'S, ItSinJow 3/tados and Curtain Poles, 9*ictur9a, Caaots, ete Which wo i-iicr ;if Lowest Prices. Picture Framing and General Repairing t'n l--i'lit'. i i.' in .-ill u. lii lichen SatUfacticn (junrantc d W H. BUNT, k-l'OPkll lnK l : LI ; .5Mt ! RTON Don't make a Serious mistake iiiul huy >'(o|ikins. Cnitiul SiHU-a Hist. .ry of " yiir n \ u-i .; ,.1, : II, r 1 i,- We have the only Carmtlinn hook hy l/or\i Diill'i-nn j i f Ixirno r il.i- In --t |'j,ul u Ins; \\ |.iil.l.shi-d." jiii Arthur l!ii>m-,thi- Qm-t-n's I'nv ill- Sci-r.-l n y. Hon. .U ., j h ( bt>rlnin, Li'Vil S.ihsl'iiry, Sir Olivor Mi'iv.ii, I. -nil Triinx son, K.ui ot .In \ l>r Carinan, Sir ('Ims. Tuppcr, Sir \N in V;>n Horin-, W T - His Koy:il llii;hiu-N<, t!u^ I)nki- of Yolk, an I H!! leading |.:I|H-I.< wii*.- in Miini.ir HtraiiiH. Ts hirvor, ci'iitiiim in no w.,r,l, bt-ltt-r illtc.t :if- .1, I i 'Ii r lti|'r, hulii-r hinding, and only 1 1.7S. Ai;t-iits don't wait- linn- hmnl ling Amuricau ami infurior V<(Mik whin j-oti (Miigt-l thf JHII lii-ntio, liiihi'h- Canadian Imok in ln-tti-i- t.-iins. Hiiudrt-.I.M of ai^oi.M throwiin: away o|> poaition |iro.spectunfn. If you promise to canvai* <ru will send you an outfit free. THE BRADUEY-UARRETSON CO.. Limited Mention tti IIIIiM roKil. O\T.