Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jul 1901, p. 1

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i 1 TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLED NOT MEN.' fOL. 1X1, NO 1*339 Fleshkerton, Out., Thursday, July 4, 10O1 \ i I 'S/\s^s.--a'"s,--.a/ va.'<a.'sa/va- T*?r?FJF < T*T r .TT. lilU, 01 HARKDALE, ONT. County's Biggcsi Store \ .. \\ r e 1, 1 II ':.; '11 thl iw :i\.ki' iio'hiiiic [>-rii-;,. The inclin- ation is t i c'io:p n cost wherever . !y where thiu^i arc >n aaaivtwe*. W r!-j tetter I 1 . ,n ;he H\ ."M' '.' wmt r.-. II e kind <.f e\ ndle ti the . -b M;rclant-Tui'''r - Fine as KM and Skill can make them Read this list with you. You ( '. ..vi.'nhlly a mrinuftctari-r wms mmin reaiiy ni-ai witli 1'iiu '.f clothing in i le-ir :it a Knnwmg wo hair.i.- Uiue iinai.tilieN and have il'. l>'t caht<. p*V for ;htr.i we usually net the fim chance. To \v. ..j, \ ; . . pa ,,n .ue JW OMU'S suir* t 3.90 ,.i 4.50 esch. they all sold io ahou i;. WeiMedisAeIy wuv.i f r ."-0 mor, also for samples <-f tin.* t 1 . -y could "ri'er it lUlf Price. The o-nHc'iuence is w purchased largely aitd wili put on tale TKumiay naming 112 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits at th. lii-iirest bargain prios ever . Tend u Markdale. throu.'h carefully, cut the price* "'.t and liiing 'hem will find tiietn juat as rvjjr. n> I. MKS'8t6.00.iLL-\\0'L HALIFAX sl'lTS AT $3.00, 22 M--II Wool Tweed Suits, sizes 3t t.. 42, ..i-ry suit well made -ind '.rimmed, grey and fawn abodes, style 4-b.it'on ,in.i lnvasr ^u->iuu coat, good value iathe regular way a: 9<> i >Ui:. *ale Thurs. r,....-:ung 3 00 .YEN'S 17.10 \VCOL TvVEF.fi SUITS AT f4.50. 24 M, i,'-) Woo! Tweed Suits, izes M :o 4:.', either sinluor d<.uli!e aa,-|i:- COS*. ne.it [wHetus ill rich shades o.;l xrey tweed, extra well eu and made, and grx-d valuo at $~.W and $S su.t. )n sale Thurni..} iiiniii.ng at MEN'S 38.00 SCOTCH TWEKD Sl'lTS AT *4.90. 15 Men's Tweed Suits, handsome Heotrh tweid {.;iit-r::s in rich br Aft ami trey heather niiied t i cle lirenst ficque coat, well niade and trimmed, teg. value $8 a suit, n **le Tl.urstd.iy inoruinjj nt MEN'S f!2 ENGLISH WDHMKI) t-MTS AT & U). 12 Mm'.s Fme Kurdish Worst wl Suits, sixes 3ti to 42, extra fine twill 1U wool woih-ed, rich shades in iey nn.i l!ui (J r "y- fl "" irl *''' lii'in-', with n:de French fncinir in c.'Ht, pt-rf.-ct httiiiy u^ls ;ind (px>d value in regular way *t %l- .1 ^uit, on T ' Ttrirx .'i f YOUTHS' ?J ALI^ \vooi. si 'T> AT S3.25. 12 Youth* all- wiK>l iweed suiu, long trousers :n sizes 33. 34, 36, ij.it check |ii';rrns in urey mid black tweed, v.-e .! tai J-. I nd tiuu'. : butt, n t'ingle brea.->t co.it, go-.d v:iiuoat #0 a uit,t'ii aale Thursday it .l.'.'.l YOUTHS' *5.&4| TWEKD SI ITS AT 3.75. 12 Youth* Double Breast suit*. *ue ., 33, 34, 36, made of all tweed in neat pitterni, tegular v ..'ue at J5.50 n siur. .n Thurs<t'iy ing a 1 I 'YS $4.00TWKEb SUITS AT t2 90. 15 H.>ys, Tweed Suits, ahort pan's, double hrciis' .'-.it, niit Scotch UTO in brown and rey iicathar mixed twetx 1 , wsll uutdo and estra, nguUr ?4 suitx, n Thuiad-iy iimruiiig at wi .! i"- pn'- luiub Reasonable Qood^ Q At Bunt's Grocery wetk Potato Onions l/utch 5ets .' ; uu:ar Beet SEED UAKULN SEEDS UAMANA5. OKANUE3 AND LEHON5. (The People Sizzled sand IHJ< ;;i, ; who ajtfiim bled uu the grnondi Markdaleaiid < 'i.inxuviHe pat up a (food oxhibition ^ame of lacn e, the latter U was a Mot Day on Monday but winninu eight to four th C*Owd Came, Diy n<! hi* yetir site ha* miihaaiz of the oiher^vcn'j : _ ?.40 tro or pac-AntiUor by Antillo, 1 Fli shcrtoB u,.-idc .i reputation last year Minnie Oib..n 2 . t'ing npi a tf.x.d diy '4 fun on Dtun- fwier* (jreen ifiA-3 Egerton 1. Ja He*t-2, W. Fre. kuJ. Fat man's race. F. McDnui;all. Men a bicycle race H. Child 1, G > ^ A. m .. Moaday p-:i 'e beyau Swmin^in u.id '.y 10 o'clock, ther.- wus a respectably liir^e ciowd in ''wn. Harlv in#rnini< threat cnud rain, bat his pua. f awsy md M Sol ^t in his s l'Cers 3. i >rk. \< a i-esult the' Kuuning hop-step md jump-- -TLus. of M majiy oo-d B likely 1, T. McDou^dl 2, M.Wiln-m 3. Al'on 2, A. Alt.* 3. Boj'.i race-^M. McLean 1, fi. ' .n ">,K The concert in thu waa not & Co. H >*+++++* 4 + + +* it~tak7co ..iVTeMM aJTMtturen. pllis and i Imitations are dangerous. Pto*, No. 1, !1 pr tx>z;Me.*, lod**;r**sstron(r,t>pr box. No. I or 1, mallfd un receipt of prto an<J two s-eenl stamps. Th Cook Corapanjr Windsor, Ool. frRmi. 1 and 1 sold and r*oomain4t4 by ai) rMVOBJlble DrnggUtt ID Canada. No. 1 and No. 8 Is oW iu Klr.Iu-ion l>y W. K. Riclir:l..ou am! W. ' : . Chrlntoe. Ilin^q;. a hues ami lumks are now in e(.*Mn get them berc. lc ream this week* (TUiirsilnv and Saturday.) To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laiatlru ilrouio i^iiirlnv Tibbt^. All druKKUU rcfnnrt th ni.my if ft fil to i-nre :: W. OioTO'a ibmatnn toon oaah box. ^ A. BUN * R.ESHERTON. Ofrigbt's Old Stand* Camwortb Boar for Service <*"^ Alvln i No. 738 i The unitei Migiu-d h.w a Tiiinwiirth l!.i:ir for service T. & S. H., Ariemniv Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service. Cord Minto, on I t MO, TIM M!TK .," ' !,> a fine Md Uuihain Hnll for t*r<lo on lot 111, T. A H. R. rmr- f\ I", nrxln eow, $3 for thorough PwMlfiM 011 application JACUl) IK \Jtli, Flch.rloo P.O. THOROVKIrlBRPU 5HORTHOK.N BULL-SERVICE NO. 3S"3 'General 0ordon' The UtdenSgWd b:ir * hr-t el-iss thor- 'lughbri-d Shorhurn 'Mill for ser ico on l..t K<6. T. and S. K., Arteniexia. Thin i one of the best aniniHlH in the country. Pcd>itr<* on application. TERMS--$i, Thoroughbreds $3- Wra Davlf. - - * Prop. crowd iyat '.i i ..A, i.. 1 chair* snd ien- put oaf in -iiMfy corners for ^ r <"ly atteudnl, owiiijj t.. the |;rav;iilinj: qiiusts. The trad.-*. i.rocesio4 Boi * t ' bnt numbers stayed in rowtt oaul uHy better than th^t cf laat year "f**" 1 tll e concert in erde to see toho Jirs- ;and th.il is ; ^t duul. F. r w " r ' (s of whiA there * a nice little dia. vho tfcink of Flosoert..n an a back P|" y ' Alti^thi-r the committee and I tMajnber i*LJawofactans and tndss i.o C **'* W1!| *** *" De congratulated upon a Joubt tl.e L . vu an rye opener, od to g^oU.W), and the :.! r. .. i|, -, m tvry businern r. an ficd with his ncixh- su.-ce.Mful day. The gate recviftsaninirni - bur in his dii|.hy, anu rho sum if thefn el iditx a citizens sulwription ./f ^,'l '.'5. etl'ortJi was am cthiuu' tint Hi not oft.-n ainouating to orer $400. Dinibclesr een. Iu p;.-sLg wu mivrht say that it H the conimi'tee will hav : a detailed .itatsv not 1 koiy i!u iha ptuplu will in the r-nt >>l receipts aii.l txpendituru pre n*'ir future un.V :riiliir diapl.iy paretl for ne\t week's isiue. v nn tune and pockstbook is toot . ~**-7~ ,veie lo stand't. Iherefot. tkiw who | * " .-n: pr. lent wre doubly fertan<ue in witnessing tlU tuui.. it this year. F.l- low.u^ ia the order of procession : I' h'-etnan, Dr.rJ. i ".di'iit in carriage. u horsebnek u-si: Ci Ji:. J in u.ir;ui. SI. l-icliar<ls. n .v I.' . m t. \ ... , - -STO- inter oo. _ every t watches uv. ry bay. -Pi ihoulr) reiiii-uber the old hay while 'lie sun ihittee. shining now for r--i hisses ; to >to is in come in md buy an is made. Come in and look vhuther you wish to- buy or i. II Thii. w 'ii From a spqcial onrreapondeub. The crops around here are looking well. even tu the mustard. U h to and John D. pull iheir mustard r*^ularl.. Sonic th-nk the mustard wasMwn, others tin' it was those long billed birds that carried it. "Vfr. D. Roberts raised his liarn on FriJay week. Everything wlnt well and all hxd .1 pleasant Diin.i after Che rimsni;. u 'i - well by uTCrflsJH > " - oks to stro'i|j lin.-t- 'he i"iisiiiij ' W,j ssw by v : -r *i . ivl-' thnt new buggies .iru [<Tsiiti:'ul uiui n Uurn. \V A. Arii..tr'ing, jtwcllery display. i.-J. dry p.. Ur. Murray, dii.ud r J. I'. Otti;*vll. MuMsey iuiplen.juta. SV il . limn, furniture. W. U. Thin ."ice. uia CaliiihuaipiatiN. Cu:inii;wuiHi h....d ariivod a little late and c,ii:ie in at il.o cud. 50TBH OV niK ni;>OK!WI.).M The policeui in. !':. Kinrr.>oii son, was tbe cynosure if all c .1 i i ..... Ttti >in;<.-.>fi'a bake *" II . .1 . , eipj ttid butror wagon, scarce. I wonder il In- could lend a ni.-in S\ . M who was in i | inch my iu \V. ( 'i ivtr-n. b. ot.-, inj ^' \\liit4j in th* backxf'Uii.^ W- I)> Mo Tavisii, il.r Imv.-^n-at vrmpitCwy tur l.jn M he it M : .. il [timber. botbswd with ohatterinj tongosn Vnndeleur String Hand as ^illithump- I w " would advise Rtlly uot to -.'t - QC. F. \. I'.lie'. tJtli .h'.p on whe-ls. 'en i i ' l. d.-iny, A. Wjibon. ln',cr and I lumlry, 2 1 thruebnig iMWri'.nA. \V,. hope he wiilt have good fortune- the .numir scaosu. Ceylon. t',-'im Our '/ten Corrriptnvltnt. Rev. Mr. Ward left ou Tuesday mori- ing fr his ne - v home. ViV arc siry '> lose Mr. Ward and trust lie .- .11 lind a h.-arly welcome wherever he mny L;O. The Rev. Mr. Wilson preuchi d iu t':r hall Sabbath a/terntsin :md delivered a grand semi m. We extend a hcnr'y wel- come t i Mr ip<l Mrs. Wilson. nuuibvr from here t <ofc in the hen coming fruni W ire i;! id to hear that the Ilicklirig boys h iv.j their rail! lunniusT 1*1! Mr. A. White i pnuiug hun :i d worth of impr .vuinenu on his . A. Armstron JEWELER AND FLESHERT , who has been very past week, is a little better. We are ulau Sony to learn that Freddie Chiilett bas been very sidb/ h.i|> that ha will soon be heitak^ Mr*. I). Muir had a very successful barn raising on Saturday evening. All report a good lime. Mr. and Mrs. S. Uemphill spent the first with the latter'a mother in Fev r- J. ._ School closed on Friday. Mr. Vollett, teacher, left on Friday aveninn for hii home in Durham. Mr. J. Chinlatt is erecting a new barn. Mr. T Chmlutt isalao putting up a uuuiu>r ktiw'iiMii , - ' f h tlio i resident and his f..otman an easy ptrforinurK-e on the first, in Fleshort. u an I report a good timo. ie of t ho displays wero ex. n di.i^ly Two Ki-t.tlemen advertising cstarth fine, .i:n-'i i; t!ii ' t I bciiHJ tbosi >i .1 i A cr..wd ot people i-n Subu, Lleuru .v -'. iix. M. Uichaidsoii A Saturday evening in front of the Queen's Co., A. \Vils,>i', !>. M T.ivu,!i. We un- Hot. 1 . dert:iud the judges awarded the ptisw to Mr. LJiuee, who ran the stage from Heard & Sons. Fuvfr-hnin to ihm pl:icw for tho iiaut few Ewrly iu tho day the rodoubtable yearn, stopped oil Saturday. We are Eugenia warriors cume in with war paint, sorry to lo*e Mr. li.is ho was obliging and fuiithers and guns, crvnrinn much di- liked by all. We wish his successor, viisi- -it. And led by the also redoubtable Mr. J. Sample, Miccesa. F. T. Carr carrying an old crndlc scythe ; Mr. J. and V inn Anna Chiit'ett visited of urinor. They took the town, mid the prize of ten dollars for turnout. They are a j"lly lot of anyway, and can gut up a "jiun up lino turnout. The Advance had a biully damaged Uordon ptess as a result of the trip. TT. AITKkNOON GAMXS. .vis but one Iliinj that tn.irn-1 The Western Fair. Lond.m. September th to : 4. ioOI. The lirnt W astern Faii*o( the twentieth century promises to be a recurd-i.r" t ker m all the essential features that ijo to make up a varied exhibition of the | i ducta of the soil, th* skill "f dairy- men, the judgment aod knowledge o our breeders of thorouighbri-l t<k, the vkill uf artisan, aod the general per- fection to which agrarian oyeratinti ai^i all that pertains thereto may bt bro.ight. It U only wlteo such are eon- centrated and brought within thecompeju of a day or two of pleaaurahle si^h t nee- ing that one is enabled to realize at % glance the richness of the auction from *hich the Western draws Its patronage nod tin va*t poasibihtie* of the land we inherit. At the Fair grusmda all convenience* iv befti improved, and.ethibiti-n will >u pleaaed to know of such addttiona and alterations in Uiu Prize Lint ai are aloulated to give the gretttmt amount of satisfaction to the exhibitors. Th.> speeding in the ring, always a feature of he Western Fair, will '.his year, with enlarged puraes, be more attractive than over, while the irnidvntal attractioua arw he highest priced that ciiuld be secured. The gymiuinU are all the Rrat-clruw in the vsjodcTiile world to-day, and nvt the los>Bt interesting feature is * full troupe uf performing eluphanta. Prise Lists may be had oa ppli. ution to Mr. J. A. Nellss, Secretary. Proton friends jn Sabbath. Mr. J. li-irduner. spent tits first in Dundalk. MiNa Kiln U ile. iv is visiting frieiid in Toronto. . Mr. ai d Mrs. J. 11. Kuan a. id family spent, the tirst in DuudaJk. Mis* May MeNil!y of Toronto wag guest of Misn Millio CiH.k tho past week. The Mi-use O. and .VI. S nc'ftir of New Jersey, W!K> have boon it> that city f..r the tiay'ii fun and llvit wss iho failure ' f an opn tr-'t to rill. A hunire/i il.illur purse as offered but this did not prore a some years, srrived on SatunNy to pt-ni sulliei nt iii.dieein-nt, S.H it see-ns there the tuinnier vacation with their mother were butler things otjrrvd other events, l.owev.-r. eNilire. Tl.e other events, l.owev.;r, pcjvwl of 'much interest to the audience of on* ihoa- Their tht-ui. \\r art. many friend* are pleated to see to K*ru tUt Mr. W. Speciat From Newcastle, Ont. Newcastle. July 1st. Mr. Thoma* Hayes isac-tin % well man, and says. As one who for ten ye.ir< suffered from A.Hthina, I recumini-nd ''Htarrhozone " i p-mtivwly *uro curt- ; three bottles nnr- edme completely. "Catarrh. '/.one had never yet failed. Eveu cases of twenty years tamlmg that baffled the skill i.f special- iats have been en -ud by CatarrhoK-ne. cures by inhalation, pleasant to use, It no dani(er or risk. The wotst. oases of Ant lima can be cured by Catarrh'.Eone in two to five weeks. Instant relief and ultimate cure KUaranteud if Catarrhozono ID used, dive it a trial. Price $1 OU ; so-all size 25c. Drumists or Poison .% Co., Kingston, Oot. Two men dropped from the top of a 100 foot smokestack al Littl-i Current u. Hide the stack One named H.-rlx r- wasfataUv injured and other wdlrseovaf

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