Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jul 1901, p. 3

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FLESHETOK ADVANCX .-li.^!/. .M/.,. .14. .'., '/,.M^J.W.. tiA.j-i.jite, ~ -" * ..r DEDUCTIONS ! Wciluc*tK>ns. All lines of i;oo<ls that have not been selling as agcrs),"**v of eo*t. These redactions also apply to nil lines ..n tin- bis the I5EST WAY of keeping nt.ick RIGHT and while wo > participate in values like '.he fc lli.wjuj are suru to come ho- again, 6c. ... ..i-:s AT FIVE CTS.PEIl YARD. 2o piece* or 9(K) yards.bcau'ifully fin.- SwU M than 74, while several pieces are, actual 10 cent lines. If you h~e likely to -,next twolvo month* that is unquestionable your ojijHiitunity. Regular lofcent I{cxd8 per yard. OLE HOSK 26 CKNT CA8HMERK HOSE 19 CTS. I These we bought a few <iny- ny< -no' lx*caos>,- w- i.eed- cle H.P. f(K)IIeM, inan*)rt- | e dtheni but becu9 th price wa- 1 .w -very low. fast. Those re precisely ; (Jne nun dred and eighty iir ladiea Cno all-wool plain Cashmere Hose iu nizo Hi. !i. !M, ( >ur i.'putalioii for handling tho very bent b..s,.'ry valueH hits nuvt-r bcun ...25 NINGS AT 7 CTS. 276 ymrits nue linlfcfti. . . ni ami rlon-d, slightly soil- ed, but ii'>nethe worifcTWr wear. If you require anything - rctaili-l in some st'iros at idini' that somebody losas price it matters not to j( disputed, and when we s iy this IK a sj'xid a linea< we've *c 3C ct. bicycle hiise on 1 heretofore sold at 25 c*. 8. thusavini: ahoulil |ironi|>i >on 1 to buy a supply. 25 cent OWum-ru h'ie per pjir. . 19 10 CENT PEWAl.lv AT Ti CIS. One case or nearly 1.000 ysrd-t extin fine f*st-<.-ri!,,r>fl percale at this remarkuMy lu* price. If you've ii.-wd , - - percale in jist season's you arc hware it-, the be*! low in lining y,,u II Bud theso ch*p and y..u d better buy pTic ,., l CllM)1|1 ^^ jn , hl . lllH1 .i. ct- ( , m < a , IW ]0 cf , aoon. 275 yards tnu Imnm pr yard T per yar j , ( rca i e t 7^ CHILDREN'S 1 LINKS HATS D CTS EACH. 86 Childruns' Linen Hals, iiHsorled tir.os, that have been selling at 12 and 20 cents. We place tlis- on SM)U at this ridiculous jrice bocause we require the i|iace they occupy r oilier Kitoda. 15 and 20 cunt linen hats each > Men's 1.60 to 2 50 fine I M , 1 o Dothor Remarkable Shoe Snap. 1.13. 25 TO W) PERCENT UI-.MVTloNS >X DHES.S DOOM We've placed oh tables in the center of our store for convenient inspection hundred* of yards of choice fabrics in summer Dram Go-xlt at reduction* in price up to .Ml per cent. Th asvirtnietit einhraces i all kind* there's sure to ! MHIU thing jou'il n-. .'lire. a look through them ass^on an you can. 2OO DOZ. FFtlJIT JARS AT RIOI-IT DOOOOST. T. HILL & CO., Harkdale. OOOttKM* | J^rW^^m^mrVW^mrVlf^^ rt'Bi.isiiF.n wrr.Ki.v AT THE orrn'K, COL- UNUWOI> HTBIET, ri.KHIIKKTnN, ONT. , r . H. Till KSTOJ1. 1 per annum Ntrirtly In advance Advertising Rates: Oat Column. 1 yer. $50 ; lialf col . 1 Tear. (9) quarter eol ,nu yoar, (is. Transient ailvertlieuieut cbamed stthe rat* nU per line fnr firil Iniertlon >n 1 3 cent acti inbtequent insertion. Mo,,, - s, ill. i, ,e ill. from Our OIOTI C<irretd>/n)ifitt. The gttiillo showerH f tliu luist few days have greatly beuulitod I nc crops, i which in linn y iiwctiii'i .- ! sutluring bndly from Hie paitlieil i "iiiliti..n of tho (iixiuiid, ninl ninny baio sputs wvrn to be s> en in the gram hold*, especially on bitfh land, and f^nnurs wer l-i-^iunnii.' to rn lurlain fuHia that cn>|>s wuulil ba to a great uxtcnt a failure, but now the grain haa covorud the ground ami pros- [locts of a fair crop uru inorv prornisinx. A few weeks ago it was rumoured that one or two legal lutrtncnhipH were likely to be consuinat e<l in this vicinity in (In- neni future, li..*.-v. i , the contracts, il eror furmud, miut bv fallen through as there u not tliu lenat w lumper now that tin uew liriUH oill rvur uomo m'o ox istenoe. We are sorry to announce* that Miss liuattie haa resi^utxi hei position as loacher in our pnlili xcliool. During the f<^\i teen months which shr IIUH In uu engaged, we brmly iwliovo that il his been tier aim to rulu tliu schools with patient kindness. If aniuihility and atloc-tion *re the factors whn-h bind tuachur and pupils toguthor.llu-n Mi-u Heat tie has iliopUtyeil en.iii ji of iliose i|iinlitloH to i ,'hiiei the bonds uihcpurablu. U e bare bid some excellent Uarhers in nui Hcbool, but wo kuow of in. M- who evinced a groater atfoction for lov oujnh, or loss inclin 'lion t.i exercntx bur itulhority by oinisliinv refrsctory I>IILH. Her lonity lisa boon her greatest fault, aud we are in ( hu.- 1 to think that, Intel hor truo worth buen* duly apprunntt! ', it would lime beoii Hfinivlhin,.' very urgent which would have been induced IHM to lender her resignation HI tin* season f Ihn year. As u is we trust that a useful and in inunerativ j Intiire uwniU her. On .Sunday liwt, Alfred, youiiijeHt s.m of Henry Htone, nrrivml bomc from New Ontario, whore ho Im- been Im-attd fut the last font- yoars. Wu ait- m.rry to state lLat Alfreil, who ia an eiiuigetic and in unisiii .- \ ..I, in if .;.. for aoiue moDtlm Itevn incspacitnted from labor by au alxMxxts in the,lci(, * Inch niudicitl troat- pipnt ba* lutlietl., lul . I to cure, but we trust tliitl a ehnue oi ,.:, ni' ami climate will WKIII n -i. i m i. lin ("liner good liitalth. In |H-ilnnx of tho country ho aaja there u any amount of iii-.'lletit fanniUK 1'Hnl- i titinu settlors, thai moat of the olilur <eit)ers niu already in coin- fortablo (... ini.i,aiioM, and ha thinks that when tli" railway (which ia now bud, 1m > 1.1 toinploteil HUTU will be a Uixxi of ni'in'v' a'n.n to (he country. The mineral wenltli oi I ho country, ho thinks, ia incalouhililr ; wagon aro K',,| ni,<l em ployniont ktuady Men m Uio lumber i-amps gut fioni tlurt.y (.1 thirty five d'dlall Wllll b'.'H-d p i in mill Of 1:1 HI i si' uion woikinx m t)' i minus exceed these rigurwi. 11 nay llior.. in plenty uf work With g, '<><! w.i^ s the yieir round for good uian Cn asking him about tliu vviuter", he sayn, the wint-r we.ithvr is very much elaborated. He admits it is very cold, but tho ilrynew of the atmonphere nun- pensHtes for the extra degrees; of cold, which makes th snow dry and a.ind-like that a person >,,n work out doom, or in the lmh iM diy without cettin^ Wet ; in d '. snyn h.', tliu winters there are m ire pleasant th.in In re. Both Alf. and hi brother Hairy hare taken up land, and hit intends returning aa soon as his health ill poiimt We were glud to hear that Mr. P. II' 1- nian of t'U-'diertoii had BO far recovered as tn lie aide to take a drive out to this iieilghbt.rh I on Monday last. Mr. I),, iiiil, 1 MclA-od is busy fntminK the stablu for his undo John. Tho stone- wurk m not yi-t built, Masonv aro busy this SfA-on. Mr. Henry Stone JH dii;({in8 a Cellar for an aiblition hifh will be built to his dell!ii;' ti"ii-e. Next week w expect t" ^ee liu lini" kiln s|'ittinu' and splutter INK like n miniature volcano. A number of our youiii* people attend eil tin- I ,IIL'II<!I church service at tho Sta- tion on Sunday evenini; la?t. The Cnuse of Nervou* Headache. Tb - "io. t distressing and common nialady doubtless haa its origin in s. me un-'-d i-ondi'ioii of iho nervous sy>lem. I'roUbly the simplest, safest and in iht elKi.'ient lenndy is 1'oUon's Nriviliiie T*i'iitv drops in sweetened ill r fives iinmrdittto relief, and this ti tin. .-lit -h uld bu supplemented by bailiiii;.- ibe legion of tin. psin with Ner- f iliro. To sny it acts i|iiickly fnils to ex : In- ivmlt. S,,ld everywhere in Inr^e 'J.V-. lMit;les. l*o rt Law /'rum cm- oirii ('</rr, .</.ii./. nt Our citizens turned out in force to wiini-m Keshei ton's big cclol ration of uur iiiitnni . niilitl d i\. 5!l.J A. llutchinaon,7rarhor, left for his p ii ,-n'id hoin nt ISrechin to sppnd his 1, .lei .\s, in', n.liiiL to cover the ili .. tanco per "bike.'' Mim Paul, Miss Bonson and Mr. W. !'.' n- IM, Knijenia, visited ltely ith Mrs .InmieS'.n. Mins I'ariie Tiiybm, who has spent several mnutlii tb friundi in Winnip<L' ami Toi-oiilo, n turned h. nin 1 l.-i-tt week- Mrs Hi" l!i ei-iMfi has been in a vory di'li.Mi- -.1 it. . f honltli for mnu' weeks pnst, but her frii-:uU arc pl.M-.ed I. her yoiii^ aiound ni<ftiii ni'ioh ln.||,<r. HlSH.SaraliTiirk.il-, Klenliertnn, Msitinl frielulu bore re. vntly. MHS Kutj MeManti'i loft last week for an e\i. ndeil visit with her brother at llruoe Mm Mr. un I Mrs. F. W. Nichols. 'ii lave returned from their trip and roport hav- ing s|n>n drtlighifnl time ttinon^ the Ink. s uf Alii !, 'k;i H"V. Mr. I.amont of Kleslioi-t .n and Mr. (ioiwliiiu' of Toronto Hiblo Si li.. d :iit, iidr I tin- inn .n pinver IIIR at Mr. John Kerr's and delivored stirrinx gosp.-! adilreswrs which were inn. h apjiiociated. JaloHide nun. n tSabbath scbool(4th line) held their aiinn il \ in Mr. AlUn- ion's wood on Friday lust, tho | npils of the pu'd.L s>-hi>ol und ., 'her fiioiulii join- inv In r, sp,.i.-e t" kind invitations. 1 hero waaa tnrge gnthiHrin^ and nil ;>ieiirHl t-i enjoy Munnaulvwn thoroughly. Enaeuia Fruti. . Doniiniuii Day I iasM)d of very ,,uictly at Eugenia an all our litizonB went out with the Callitlunipuns t, Flesher, n. Mr. John K. Wi'lianm had a very aluable homo killed by lightning during a thunder storm tho past week. Mr. and Mrs. J.,..,.ph K tiwich of To ronto upeiit Dominion Day with friends at Eugunia. Mr. Moiies Sborwnod and family has gone to CollinKWo Mr. M<rs of Trenton hi* ronti-,! his house and moved his fmily up tho past week. A Cordial wflc-'->i.-.e is to them. The many friend, ,,f Mis K lith Carr are pleased to II.-IM.. her home fr.'in the city once ni"ii'. We aro aorry to hear of tho Horioui ill ncna of Mr. Janus .Tamieson of Salem. Mr. John J.uui. son has rN.-t>d an ad dition to his house and he haa m.w a very pretty residence. Vacillation hiir. boon pretty general around here for the pait few week.. ...d mnny thinks it sbotit as * ui, tin' smnllpox. At the be^inninu "f Jano in <MI h yr nbout JlWiirgiiii griiidei-i l.-ii\.- I.ly for l.i'iidon. Tln-y return to their native I ni id in Oi-tob. r und live Hell tor the eight uiinithi, when they itfiin M irt MI their pil^rimngo. lilacksrnlth 5hop to Rent or Sell For sale or rent, in Klfherton, very ho*p and on t-asy 1. 1 ... .n,. blHck..iiii'. I ;il> wr.li K..O.I shop and tinishim; roon attaclietl, in very centre and inniil busi nOSS patl 'f Villa ;e; als.i t(o,, d , .il''. and well liiiube.l dw.-llin<'. A.'liU '" , u. J spuori.lv Kstnti- Acent C'oiu ej.incc-r and atieiioii eer, Kle-,l,i ;-|on. FLES1EITI! HillTIIE WARJBROOIViS t Wo uri i. iyii 01 , v , t -yli' nf SEASONABLE GOODS In all 'in., .f FUftNITUflE iPartor and Siodroom sion and Centre UaA/ft, Chat's, ?Jtnd9u> Shades and Curtyfn iPolft, Piotureo, Caaeit, tie Which \u> .itlor At Lowest Prices. Picture Framing and General Repairing I'n.iiiit.il um in ill iiH Hriini -ln's Sntisfm t|. n Quaranterd W H. BUNT, I PLR HCHTON M. Richardson & Co . EARLY CLOSING We beg to inform our cus- tomers that our store will be closed at 6 p. m. week days, Wednesdays and Saturdays excepted, during the months of July and August. Please shop Early. 'SUJXTJffQR //fillinory at Sicducect prices The concluding month of a most satisfactory and highly successful Millinery season will see our lart,'e stock of Summer Millinery -trimmed and un- triniined ^'ooxls cleared out at reduced prices in evory line. We don't wait until the season is over I tut com- mence this week, while the p>ods are in every day demand Men's Boot Special At One Dollar. A special purchase gives this oppor- |iiiiiit\ to i)H'er ;")0 pairs Men's Half r.aliiici-;ils, whole t'o\e<i, fancy toe- $1.00 ta l'' t;lil st ' tt 'l'- lu " l t shapely last.solid K-ather insuli', si/es I'roin > to 10. sl.;">0 Our Special July price $1.00 Shoe Specials for For THi; LADIES s (lenuine Don.r,,l a un ,l ] i_ ishriiCalfLncnl Boots i-lcarin^juirs from a number of iwulur lines where the nin^e of si/i s is ineom- plete. I'sual price from Sjtl.iiO to SL'.-J;.. ,si/ t . s L>j, 3, i, and 4. Special for 95 cts. UEFA]RT. Every Seasonable Requisite I N S TOCK SCYTHES SNA mis HAY KAKKS HAY FOUR KOl'ES HA\ R)KK 1'ULLEYS MAl'HINK OIL. Chifms Butter Crocks Creamer Cans Milk Pans Butter Bowls Milk Pails. ehinaware new Glassware 3rs Preserving Kettles SCSn UiindOws Screen Doors * ^ after tt> price sell the BEST. n. RICHARDSON & COMPANY v THE F L E S H K It f N ADVANCE Vicinity Chips T i.-trurttriHticM of the Past Carefully C(ill*l for Curie i. liui- l**yi on hAtid. J. H. Ducl<< ' m i. \\.>.l .!, .?.;, al.o liutter and egu s Viighei-t irarkrt price |>iii.l in caah. K. G. F i' M' N ..,-, \V. Daekett'i, on T ir> day nft-rniH,n >i hhie I*TK c<t. Owner all H' tl|:< .-Irs" A i'o ,..|-t . ; ' E'i|.h:ri u Sthbnth mhuul 'i.vcn'i.i'i i. ! :.>.i o other matrer i hfld oer u:.t, ,."it weuk. Pursu lii'in i. C'>niain:ii(5 sniiiH silm i>f money, on D...U t.i.,n Iy. The l.mi-r can tecuiv MHIIIL- .it tliis ' tbco. Priv.ite or c<iiu(Kiiiy fandx to Imtu at from U to "> pr cent. Espjn*- low. Al'p'y to Goo. Uut!i rf.ird, Shelb-jrno. W..nted at Pricev.lle tannery SOO [ino-.- p.n.l foi Win >\er ..r winter liilivury. C. C. Tunes. F> >!1 S\LE -'.'! yood mvoivl liand 1; it. 1'. e..;iiie i:h Wmn' live Iciler. \\ l' . .IIUI.l. ' '. J. II Ha** D v i:. >.. .. will bbU ii. S-. Mary's (En;; . Maxwell. > n Sunday nt,at3 :}i) I'r - elcutue. TI from >i-n S.mu 1 wan - . .'ueaday owintf " mli'ip "ft i vr < 'A f coul-i D"t .. : r. Vr. .lo*. Firrri- <>f DakHhf rvcrnrh .'.| a how Hini li'ter of eight 2-wt-rki i'liere in eerUrily n: -n. > in pig-* i.o*-".i}s. An olJ My nam-xl Duff w.ts funn-l Jrmriied M i ci>ura at lu-r limn in Jf.ir'itJ'tlu one nt week. An unjiifst was lie'ni ;ii-l lli j'iry returned a verdi ' i.f 'ii'i.'.il death. The OMrchan'i L!.-U t!in i jjlucc^ nf I UHuiew during July and Aug. at 6 p in. nth 'hi- exoep'i.m .<f We<l uet..l - itur.ltys when they will remain ,'Cii until '.'o'clock. fM i- ! U tuilwirk waiittd, deliver.'d at any uf t'w <tutiun on the C P.R. b- teun (' .'ii >.ui:id an 1 Orarigijvillo in elusive, for ahuli the hi(,''iei)t price will be p.. i.l. .J....I) U l'.i:ii'*. M-trktUIe. You i>re invited i,. call and HOC our full |ine ft l'ic\i'l"H Agents fur over 1(W ditfaii-ii! iii'ti.iH. Sooond hand bicycle* (ro;u ^ll'J uji. i '[i "p.-u ii!l iliy July I--, .l.-h-i H. Hnitd. I'niU-r .!.i :iu=j'icts of the mana^eri of 'be En^i i l'ri!.!i>i.erian church a hot din i IK; [irciiaieil for iho i )DII'. ' -'Mi. < 'I!H.TI .ill !.-> vop!i.!!' u. '. AdusisHion to iLiuui ilj Ctfllti. Tlic :' criii 'meter hs bten up i:i ninuiifs u -Tint 'H't of the wo.-k. On Monti >y .. "ii'H.n lust it reiinteri'd 92 in th sii.t'li-. 'l'n.'~ty wa shif'it'y cool- er. CM ; .rnlilu "Ut- The .ail in rho (iiKlifun v<.riu.s Art riueM.. IOW;M|I,[. aibitreti >n I\-_HO wan hantlc i t" R-fVi- McTirith osi M It aii>'>< ^i ' on t!m Hiiiount liich ttie lowmliin i-u- 'o.l, uninely fct.Y Tliis dcli. :> ' fwtuf thu ar>ii': upon Mr. (irahain. A m Mi-i. ; ^irJni party is to lie yiven by tlu I.iin'n of M irkdnle Mo'Jv>dtt church :.t the ho.ne 'A Mr. Andrew lle*Hi.\ Orange Valley, on tht- tvi-ning of Thuradny July I. Sfa.<oii:tl>Io refrosh nifiitn and ItnuM llatnl mntio. A. In SfO Ci.-: It h.. .1 i:' 'iidwt by tlu- 1' terin S..'..|. I, S v l,.,,,l to picni at the bottVcTu . ;..* , | Frnli> ni-x', :"' li inst.. tiuttli: - ..rui' , in-'iit ha been c!:'ir..-o,l md tin ''i K'l will (.'icuic at Kti.'un<:i in otoitd, "h'U'tli-y will j 'in iho |iu['ils of Mr. Reu! - !. Mr. J.iln. Su:uplu hiW tlia Ci'utru-t for >'-r,.n^ the Fovoriihanj nwi! f tb nc\t ti'Mr. Ill - '.I'Kt tr ; UU M ' .v Mr. F. v.'. Hrii.-u, who ^ \ mail ior .- m . \t i-j 4' n. , .; fucti. u u-'.l l.i> j'.'iiial facv is nr.ssi.l in town. Ttie \ . VK .. ..H ia'i<.d with n rull | on Fiivl.iy t r- in *!: {.'' \.\\r. i._ n of rhr r.-nl'arry (M n.) K|iu,-, who 1 at nrt-Kciit mi a Mit to his |':u. Dundalk. N .tie yeara ajt" HP spnt one wiuU. Oil llii. Adv'incv s:lf, situ-,' which timt- lie l.-s '-h.iiij by" the Ciir!>uny paper. (!M. Kill visit the Pan Am bo- fort rftiii-ninK * -t. He y d j>n>i<(*cU iu t,:ie west are guod Sfl- .lame* Stractwm, KMrclxinr. <f ll, who U about to leave for Cali- f..rnU, will t.o!J ^ Mle of lioiim-li'iM etfeciK. f irui implement* and some t.-k. on \VS' 'fadHy, Ju'y 10. Any :. ' .it th.it 1. re. will also b^ put up. 8ee ir';e bills. S.i!. M I p.m., nharp. ii.Tvlcen w-.ll be held in the Pn-.shyti-run c'mr^h on Siblwth next, at 11 ;in,l 7. \> in. and in itcc >nlAiuv with UKU.-I! CUK'OIII fl.e etuninx service wiU ba withdrawn in th,- HfthudiHt church. Huv. J-ilui Little of Chatsworth wil! duct th. HirvicBB f< r the third tune ilur- in,' the l;ut hve yi-ari. Tho L.-HTIIU eMinina'ioni are \ \ny h-'M tlii:i . . l'i"iu-:,nl SI. a; ff:--i t ' Iluili];ili:. I; V preHiiiiri'4 l.efr; *u.l Nju-.-r* "f [',.n<mlk l.x.ks ;i'te- I ! o Th'<re :ire lull teofi pu;iil.s writing at Flbshert'iu and only AM it Dm.U!l. >{ t'v: n'nr n hre ci^ht belon: I ert.in scVml. W;. fumru all animaU that I fin.l in my ; rcini*H8.the Flesh. -r [>ru|jrty. I vill put in |>< feuct s ar "ii dowrand f >lon.it ni'.^n.! :. i r |u--'ir :" \ . 'ittle. I- H tli.- .I.. 1 . >t > ii-i-\ i. * :n-r i '" -'.k to l'>ok if-i.r . ' i) they want :o avn ti.'.il,',- i.. - tiii-y hud bi'fter >'>< v i;. lvk-11. Tl.- i.'-t L.O.I, met at u . h^-n it was tin ! Jth in Hi* vil- ' swell. The :' >1low ti.-n . .:!; en 1 >i. iiiinn. at to the \|. : . - i' *oo.nd.-.l by Ur ' T!i it . the ottictrn Hini in-: '>itn>-t L ').!.., t ike this opportunity ' eX|>res;ng "U r ithv ,:th I'.ro, TU' c. Sc<itt in iho MMlt 1. - b- h- 1 .- -u ta:ii-d by tl'.e di.iih of hi- wifi-, an.! i i'.i) tli . il.c God of all HMCO wi,al<l (Uii'iiii ami . >tnt'"rt him ai:d l-.ii f.mii 1 ) i" ' . irsaj a!i!\i i A'.out t vo'i:> o'" the \ unv; people of n .:n>-il , Ku-;enu :i Thursday hist. Th Adv:mcr man w.is -u t "f t!ie party at tea, as alati wa il Eu;:enin citizei M. \\ . ' ay fur tho Isdioi -A the party that ..ml 'iit a npiel, the eiccllcnce .if K seldom *en at a piciiic. There wore | i e creni an<i tra*l rn.-k. . i ui. - l>.i'ianaM. As for the t<*a ami r.i.ikinu- well, they will be fortuunte fellowi who _ t theao youiiii hidiet tur wins. That i. i.ii:- tinal ilecisti.'n lw.se.1 on t)-.,- ox--i. of pies an ; . Af- ter supptr tho y uni; pimple Biicaccd in tennit and other gamen, returning b.'ino in the cool i f the evening '' r *h* rejtirepiiti'l by tht'ir "i'.tin.'. It w;ut an flt-il .1 iy ." r i pu :n< i'i ' certainly m nl "f '( p fuinti-*. i in the wind. Rev. \V. Sii.cliir left on Monday even- ing t., drive tn liii new charge at Burn- hnmthorpe Mr K V.mX.i'i- of ()al(ville is visiting friend* in this vicinity. lid was accoiu- li.ied bv Miu Rita. Mrs. R. PeiiUr of Th .rubury called on The Advance on .Monday. Mrs. I'jdlur inys buHineM \j much better this year which fa -t we weru i.l*tl t learn. Mr Loti Karstedt of Elmwovd, acconi- pnnie'l by hi* neice. M INS Thaler, vinited wi'h Mr. and Mr. F. G. Kantudl for a few Jays during the put week. A Mr. ('oilin-i, or^anixer for the Chown Friends, is in town end'-avoriug to form a circle. Ho *ay* he will succeed if he ban to sUy until <K"ober. Thiit'-i grit. >/r 4ii.l Mrs. J. MI Boyd entertained the following u-sts over Sun.lay and .iy : Mr. John Boy, He. a:nl Mr>, i.oo I'-oyd aud Andrew liuyd.ai! of Cnn. Eitrly Saturday nioniiiig Miss Annie Ilicbard.-ion suited for \\.xHiatcck by way of Durham. While ii; \\"o<jdiit.>ck Mum Itichanl- n will be the gu.-at of M Karn. daughter of Mr. D. W. Karn, the well-known piitn-i niannf.urtiiror. 3. Shcppard M . T. Aikenhemi rinited friend-i here .11 th-- Firnt. Mr. Junief Aikenhfr.d, r. Mrs. T. Aikeiii.'-iui autl children aro also gowU at the residencv uf Mrs. J. W. Arm-iron.* this week. Mnn Ru'.y has fdly recovered her honl'h after a recent Mvere illnejs. The f >l!win;i Toronto jx-ople spent . flay with Fleshertou fritinU : lr. T HrinLr*' n. Dr. Emers. n H. ST.. Mr. ./ \V He;i'l. noli. Mir Hail- imh r!i-ila,.iy, Mr. John G"rdou. ATiM May I >.-uiid I". Mr. Jt>. Armstrong. Mr. T Atkenhrad. Mr A!Uu II irl. Mr. G. I'liint. Mma Hatrie Cole, Mr. Merv. i it. Born Fiidier- In Flesherton, on Thursday, June .'">, t.. >lr. ami Mrs LFiher. a*>n. Cr ssley In i. i n Fiid-iy. June 1'H. t. Mr. and Jtfrs. W . P.Cr ing* evidently. y.m will Ni" matter lumtner Summer is with us and here for It's the li;ht, cool, comfortable things be interested in tor the next month. ... what your wants may be f>r the perio.i you -liquid eiate this >r>re with them. We have made ample preparations for you which will be appreciated when you see our assortment of summer thiiu:-. ill- H-.- and Shirt waists. Beauties both in the white and colored ones. A new assortment in all sizes and better values than ever. If \\\ h.- a shin waist want. ee ours. Summer Hosiery in lu/ht weirhr ca>lmiere .md cotton. All sizes fur ladies and children. (f| Underwear for La.iies, Men and Children. ^ Light summer w.-i^ht at very small p: t \N li'ivi- h.i'i a marvellous trade during the past ffl two iiinnrlis in our men's department < Mir phenorn- *fj inal s;ile of Men s and Boys ready-to-wear clothing tfk has surpassed anything we have ev.-j- ha. I and we JJI are prepared with a good stock to do better than ffk ever. jjt Anything we have left in summer millinery will 5? l>o sold at greatly reduce* 1 prices. So we u ml.! ;u?k ! all the ladies who are in need of a hat to call an- a bargain Highest Prices for Produce JJj Agent for Butterick Patterns JJj I ixl by s!l Unlr rtll- f . dronrlM* In Ci fJL Zi abto nedicin* Otatmnd. fit .lisVl I' IJIII gil I IJI to cor- a., r >rnu JfJciual Wkae*, all flTecta o< abas* r zc9*. Mental Wony. IXOMKITA o* f To- tusoo. Opium or Stlmr.lmr.u. M allmi en rmlpl utprlo*.oiMMokall.slx.il. <* mil 1-1*0*, liIBN(cw. PmptiJM fr to nT a.ldsj. Tk Wot Ciuipsay. w iaUiwr, Oat. W j . V'l.,'i.i'L > !iii" in oi I n Flwlirt - ' i)'ito anil W. K. Ul'-L i: lion. (Ms EWGEI)!;? Rev. J.S. I. \V,;,.. n . P...V ,r..D , bin uas'orxi dut c* in church, i u Suiiday iaM, i . i ..orii- \sl slid <-v, M. |>.iri.t'* nudu i' d.Kciiur-v . I 1 "Whervf"r'> > seeii.u vrt .ir^- .il- i u. .-:!.. i < - . BtWMt, let us 1 . . . 'ni.l tlie sin which il" > 1* t ii'. . Irt utrun wi-ii . .1 IS ' . B . I Ml particularly aim- >1 ai i ne *:n which e l : nd l!v liini.-- crucify. 1! 'tli ui.'rnti'^ t'; ! i\ -.-r niii IN ci i;u. in nii i .ij'|ii'i\!s. Mr. V.'iisoii h.-i-t k!<. ii -'i i i- r.'' 1 : iion indeed, and we trttkt | hi^ proton'. .i ,-i'ii i:i'i.' 'i '. ' .tnd ; ' . ' -out be- tween past t'.u-ir frui'i.i-i which tho\ ..y hv hid. \\ in. ilt for ;.:...-!'' V from this tinu- .' ir P^rso: Mr. an.'. .Vrv Win St.,:i irnvi-i] homo fiou Ann Ar><. . .lay. Mini I-'K' Po**! 1 of TOI-I.I.IO i - ,if lii" M'XII-, MjllMlnlW. '' ' ,u, .N > , l. A ^''. -i. HI. Mt-r Mu.ry Hy of Ori'iianlvilU i, vistin? i . Mi V M. Ci^ni -n. i Mi.to Li-n !..>. . ' ..,] guest of .' , .1. m Percy H-unilion HIM! J. While of Men- f'.nl \isiteo' fr'.i'inU l.c.i- on !S; 'iJay. .Visa Ivy M.mie id Miss Nowin.i.i .'t ilriuiuevi.; e:e ; i<- .s -it Mr. Juno* Sullivan ~. Mrs. U. .1. f n.lell . . \\ , , 1 ;:,,!, ia \ -.itim; !i. i | > .'..is, Mr. a'ld Mrs. J, ' l .ii- '.-ih oon , - 4 With- out help, a bald spot never g r o w a. smaller. 5^ It keeps s p re ad- d^ ing, until at last your friends say, u How baiJ t:o *i getting." Not easy to ctfW an old baldness, bi't easy to stopmoe fiii: thinning, easy to check the first L'lir.s; out. Used in ;:.:, bald- ness is made impcs- sible with it stops fulling, promotes growih, and takes out'*:! danv'.r/flP. It always restores color to faded or grav hair, all the dark^ rich co4or of early life. Yc M may depend ,DcT it every time. Irrringt health to th hair. (I.MaWttto. AU trof gta. " I Sa -n^d yowr I'.'.T Vlp^r *n.l am g^mUj plM>i WH:> tv I tr unl> ujfd HIM botiM >i It, nod ; i o<1 hiir h> <'i.|- I lrinf;<>ut i hM st*> u-il u> (;> ^im aicalj." 7vUk/ WITT. MM ob 74, IMP. UJMnm, S. Dsjk. , ..^ r ^"" r Masy H:irn-. N v ^i,,l W.lkii. :i ..i . I'lt-nt.-. Kl, ui-y .mil Verity plowt MI hand all the ill ki i.N "f !"|>airt f..r tin- unine. \V e m.iiiat.. , Sl.-'^hs. .- . || TiL'shociiii; pr'inH i - -i!!id.-r c.inu icti-d iavi, I.oitni- . ->\^5>>-> > ->^^i>V) 1 N> -^^^S >v ^^>^Y-'SV->^'-^\'jX^ r -vr\>e di^slS^p aSJ@SSSS3 *w L'3 *' OR ~~ '^'^ j ^ First !a$$ Buagtcs ^ KS8 '? <l " V uni1 ' :: " ttl^ggOnS : >i>!in_ ^^ aj)<l tnm I^aiTOW$ : FK'ury, Dick. Mr<iiK. kin.is ttffbarcf \ : Spramotor^ tin-i mf km.is <>Mn;ik( : ream Separators .tt^^nt kin. is fior$ Shoeing, Paintir ; KM V,fininiins3 Carriageuandalllrinda . t BUlCU* <U .MM \\iiv for fonoes : GO ft i If 700 !" T><* o.>uila *., ttw T-.U .\^w4u4 fn-ui Uu> MO V Wri. tt-.i k rvx>ur hcut . .'. Af J. H. Hi;ARD, O an you spare , H few months Tills I 'i : n i,n;.|.'\, ynur Tlim-y few f ai lli ) CO TEAKS' EXPcK!NCE ' UNI. NViniM mali'.o von t . . I...-: . -. MI ii MI. tun. r i'ho Kiii'ri.-di{' Y ni . , , - .i al; ktadvof OOUIONKCMl I.H-..T w '.'., \ .T- ^ . -4.UC J|>U . 1:1 I I .- iirurv. Wri^-lii t, r c.t(..mie, winch i> u Uina lull nifuriiinlinn, t.< . A. Flen- ng, Principal OWEN soi'M>, UNT I , <ww frtM*. i ' ^ i'%tont4 tnt; rt'-xlT- 1 - c JJir.crican i "^' -' ** '. i-. ; fli\* (nlaf in ff M^ -H-in * t r : for I**IM< . t . Sold l A ; -~e*( ' *<.> , , a r

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