Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Jul 1901, p. 2

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1 THE WHITE ROSE, j -*.--nr-)rl XXXVI. font i nued s.iki-. Iri mi 1 o let I" all MIIIH- CHAFTBB 'Kir OiB i;i>' " J'i'11 Ilii- lm \ou an- and what * want." IIP said, "and ,\ on shall go the next moment." 1 .in no <nii' \\linin you know 1 have LMMMI l.mliiiiK fur work I am a IIOIM \vmiiali, and 1 ha\i' l \ln- l>i>; lion.-..'.s In try to M-wuir I . ....... lii'M' (inlay, lull tin-re VM mithiiiK for lm- t.i ilo 1 was tnvil and liun^ry. and I fell nslc,.|i ani'iliL; tin- f<iiis in the park I am jnl.N ir.MiiK ii'w to imd m> way out .1 tin- park 1 ha\e doiif no harm. IA-I mi- ^o. for Heaven's sake 1 " '''In- woman's slcirv mn;li1 he true. III. . I,' I .1 his hold \ I me." he said ' was it you Kho looked in at the dining- 1 mini iMiidnw a: tin- Manor and lerriln-il a ., \.nn.i! lady.'" She was silent lie npi-ated the I did I was lights in I I..IM- hring She more ijueen \.-s." sin- said. ' il Was. lot me. HI to frighten anyone Sold and hungry. '1'he hrinh Itttriii I fil me. ai.d 1 looked ine.int in i harm - I did no hai in I ft That one word "attracted" proved fatal She had spoken in a low. mm inui mg. hoarse voice, almost im- possible to distinguish, but in thai ttn'd be had I'lCoglll/od the never-lo- bo-mist iiken roll of the French "r" v ',11 h the pen (do of no other nation i.ii. imitate. He grasped her more closely \ on me a Frenchwoman!" he riied " You have peihaps come from that wicked woman herself!" .lust then a few rays of light broke through the clouds, they part- ed m maj.-slii: grandeur, rolling away '.n heavy musses of black and white vapor, leaving I be ],. fully in tho sky. "Thank Heaven'" ho cried. 1 ,'aii see vou!" I will slay m.vself," said Lord Fioldon. ' ^ on have a loom Mrs Tiirnbull. the ludy will prefer it to this, and vou can take her some lea there 1 shall sit up hen- Madam." he conlinucd. turn- ing to whore Lola stood with a de li.ml look on her fiico, "I 'hall be on the nleit Itemember if you make losporate attempt, to < ape. I will give vou in custody for a crime would not like to I. oar m* name Moi'ci. monsieur." she said, with a mocking smile -"motri. you will to prove every charge >ou iiu nsl me " wont up tho narrow staircase with the nil of an injured thiiii of a pi isoner 1 1 was a plain room into which -.he was shown For a few nioments she stood like some cngod tigress in the middle of il. and Ihen h.islily closed the door An- vou o|M*n to a bribe?" she asked, turning to tho keeper's wife "I will make you :i i nh woman for life if you will do one of two things lather bung to me poison that I may destroy myself, or (.'ive me t In- ch. moo of escape through the window here I swear lo .vou that I will make you rich for life " "I cannot," said the woman. dale not. we have always served my lord faithfully." "If be and you but knew what was fur the whole family, vou would beg of rue on jour knees to go." shi said Hut the woman shook lu-r head she could never, come what might ! 1 1 ay hor trust. The niijht passed m pie ,,|,ng am lisele- H pi aver s . It was pitiful to see tin- way u moon sailing which Lola do Forras paced up am dov. n the room, at tiin.-s wringing "Now '"''' hands and crying out that ! was trapped and lost, at others UK1J\TIVK TAXATION OF THK NATIONS Harry knew that what sUc aid Was perfectly I rile. ".liistico before men. and justice hefore h.-aven are different things," he said "llefore Heaven you kin.w your own crimes; you know the lives that have IM-I-II ruined by your MIL and. whatever man limy say. Heaven ai least will not misjudge " The smile she Kuve them was must insolent "You will find out your mistake," she .said "Will you tell us one thiiift at least' Is Sir Karl living or dead' 1 " asked I.ad.y l-'ielden "That is the one thing, l.ady I'lelden. that I refuse to tell." she replied deliaiitly. "Hut you know 1 .'" said Lord I'i.-ld- en "Certainly 1 know, but I will m-%- er share my knowledge You Call do aii vt him; you please -imprison me. pi. in- me in a madhouse, kill me, if yon will- anything; but my sem-t and his you shall never force from me You cannot prove a single thing against me I defy MIU'" U.- have sour letters." remarked I. mil Kielden. 'and von must re- iiiemlM-r how they criminate you she wailed piloously tll; 't ""'V should never make her ; speak never, no one could do that dash at him It "'"'' morning came Lord Fielden It was as though wrote a little Hole to his mother lo thai she was to come to the cot- l.iui- iit once, and bung Certrude with her that ih.r- v. . imiin-di.ilo need for their proseme He caution- ed the keeper to keep silent ii s In what bajl happened indeed. Ilo had little to love.jl Lord Fietdon had told him nothing III less Ihan an hour the two ladles were on Ihi-ir way, Lady Fiolden deeply anxious and agil.iti-d. i.-i "I.. I me go 'lei me go!" She made a wild was her lost hope an ocean wa.e had Hung Hself against a rock- useless, v.iur. indeed injurious to herself Tin- last shred of disguise fell from her, nnd she htniid revealed in the moonlight winch she cursed m her heart a tall M.i'oly w. ,in. in. with a mass of black hair .ual dark, wild . v ., con- trasting vividly with l-er white fine. Hie false luiir had been trampled un- dei p...! in the struggle The moon I do not believe." she said, "that if > on laid them K-fon- lie most sltlllfllf lawvei, in l!|iglallil, \oil could Imd ii sn.gle daimiging state- meiil agiiinst me Polores, who stole him from me." was the .sullen reply ' Uul for her he would have Ix-en mine " "That is all past." said Gertrude. "1 do not knuw what your life has t.eeu. but no one could have been more unhappy than my mother Hhe is so swti-t and true, so thoughtful nnd good; yet. since my father's dis- appearance, she has been buried a.ive Dear mamma. I have never seen her enjoy one moment's happi- ness! Have you no pity for one whose life has been wrecked through your instrumentality" "I have none for llolores Shi- took from me tho only treasure on earth for which 1 longed Kven now the mention of her name maddens me. 1 hu\c 1,0 pity for my old ri- val, the white rose I hule Dolores. |io i ol nail',- her to me again" lie kind." pleaded Ortrude. 'Try to think that it is my father who ii kneeling here, pleading to you. ask- ing you to clear Ins name fruM, btam. from tin; shadow of guilt. I call upon yi in by the memory of tho love you had for him to sjx-ak'" With n bitter cry Lola fell upon her kn'-i-s- "You torture me'" she -aM "For He. vcn'': sake U-t n. e alone'" I annot." answered Certnide. "Oh. tell me th.- truth' Tell me one thing. I pray. I beseech you. Is my fill her living or il-.ni ' I.ola de Terras was silent for a few moments It nail to her an though the words pieri ed her Iniiio t. soul; while the thought overwhelmed her that Sir Karl's daughter. with Karl's Miie eyes and clustering hair, v\ith the well-reinemhered tones of his \-oice. was praying to know whether lie was living or dead. To be Continued. A Child's HER MOTHER FEARED SHE WOULD NOT REGAIN HER HEALTH. Was First Attacked With Rheumatism and Then With St. 1 Vitus' Dance She was Unable to Help Herself and HaJ. to be Cared for Almost Like an In. (From the Orum-ovrlle Sun ) Among the much iespoot.-d r,->i- "'Ihen if you have no pity for mam- . <lenls of Omn^i-ville is Mrs Mar- shall, who lives in a pretty little i oti age on First street For some \eais her t welv .--year-old daughter. Mamie, has heen a sufferer from rlieu- iiiiili.-m coinbineil with that other ler- ril.le alllii tion --St \'itn- dance. In conversation recently with ii report rr of the Sun Mrs Marshall told the fol- mu. have you none for me' 1 You loved Sir Karl. I am his daughter, and. strange to say. although you have ln-en our most bitter enemy. 1 cannot help liking you and feeling a kind of sympathy for you because von loved my father " For the nrst time, the delimit cx- ,n on Lola do Forras ' white lowing story of l.or daughter's sur- face soflened. and her pale lips tjuiv- fermg ami MMM|e1 restoration to ered pitcously How long was it I"'"" 1 "At the ago of eight. "says -imv any human voice, had spoken ' Ml '- Marshall. 'Mamie was attacked kindlv to her- With rlioumatism from which she suf- '"V.i"iu loved my dear father." went ''''''' "' rv ">uol>. and although :.h He feared that it w a> I rue. no mat - on tie pleading voice "They say u -' s l"--''''d by a .:..,! doctor h -i t.-r what their own opinions of her that 1 am like him, that 1 have his h-alt h did not improve To make '., might be They could take no pro- ov, ual h.,ir. and that mv voice re- Condition wor.-._- she wa, at' oeedmus against her for anv thing suinliloa hi* Look ut me and tell with Sl - ' ltus< <l"ticv. and I really she had will ten It will be your wi-.-st she said, proudly, to Lord I-'n-lden. "to let me go. or I may probably do what \ou are doing to me now nnpiisoii von 1 haM- war I \ o'l li vou kii-p me hen- until I die. what will you fain if I refuse to speak,' 1 " Lull M MIU had something to con- me if il be true?" "'' ''"I 1 " " f ' VlM "' '"-'' " Lola do F-rras was seated by the'J"- v *'""* '"'->lth u?.iin. Her window (iertrmle wont up to her. "'"' '"" 1>s Would twitch and in* touched with sudden emotion, and S'-ismodicnlly and ho could M knell down by her side r '' K l'"ld a dish in her hand, arr-I hud Look iit me." she ro|>cated. "and | tell me if I have my father's eve- ' The pale face bent over her. the prn'e a'ld haidl.e-.s living out of it now shone out more fully mid i Ic.u - ' l "le full of i learlv tluil Lin-it l-'ii-lden I - 1111 sl111 coal or so thing to fear vou would as il.e unhappy woman met the clear Iy. si ileaily that Lord l''ielden could see every line of the stranger's fare nnd hgiire 111 a moment It flashed across hii i who she was ' I know you," lie >a'il "You are the vvmnan for whom I have I n M-. orliing mmning. ia..ii nid night, for whom 1 have : o. glit all over Km ope you are Lola tie I ei i . '" A low cry came from her lip- . and, Lo III l-'ieldell leleas.ng Ills hold, she fell upon tin- griiimd, shuddering, trembling. "You an- J.oia de leiias." he n- penled. I lie woman who alone knows the seci.t of Sir Karl Allan- lilore's fate You inn I conn- with me " As he took her hands for the se c, .ml tune, Ins eves fell upon her weilding ring, and it startled him \\.i^ she maiin-d. and to whom'' 'Whither ,,ie .MIII lakmg nn I I vull not go to the Maiioi House Where an- we Kolng'" "To the kecpcl's cottaee," he re- plied ' I .hall del. 111! VOU 1 hell- Un- til yon solve the mvsteiy of Sir Karl' 1 - aleilire for US." Then I (.hall die lln-r she i ,- plied. with it triumphant laugh I In ire me many clever inventions ill this world, but I have not yet heard of one winch can make a wo- man speak when she chooses to be silent." \,.i have I," In; agreed gravely I .hull leave il to your sem I boimi to speak I am i|tiilc aware that I cannot compel v ou "You can lock me up, hut me in pi 11, ,11 you ran do anv I lung nnd .\, , ;t liinc you will, but I am i|Ueen of the position, and 1 shall lemain HO " Thev n-iiclied the keepel'-i cottnge nl last. and Nile stood in Mlemc while the ilo, i was unfasl ened Lord Fieldi-n kept ii keen watch upon her. knowing well she would make hei e , ipe if it were possible, and Hint lie \\.IS le.olved she ' hould Hot do ( IIAI"! I K X \\V1I The keeper looked bi-wildeiud when lie opened Hie door There stood I .ml I leldeii and by bis side, held fadt by him. \va-; a lady with a fare Vilv be.,llt (fill illld prollll. \et V\lille anil vveinl with rre.it blnck eyes that seemed lo hli.e vv 1 1 h Inpiid lire, and a mass of black hair She had iieilhei bonniM. nor shawl, her dress \v a . of plal -I bl. ii k vet . In sonic ..- way the man fell that sl e w.l a l.olv \\nlk in, mail. mi." said Lord I i, 'ili-ll I have bioiiebl this lady here, nlui she i-. In remain in close custody n. ,t:l i iiiovv morning Lcr hor have e\el v can-, ev el V al tenlioii. all that be iei|iui M but she must not be left alone. HO Hull she can es- rape " I iila looked ill him defiantly Son m. iv do all t hat vet yon i an not nuke me speak." she replied. "I tell vou frankly that, if I can got a i li UM .- to Kill mv --It 1 will do It. If I 'Oil Imd Ihe least opuortllllity to eflMJ*. C fclinll I ake II ' womlei j not have struggled so desperately she said, as tln-v drove U ,||, ,,. ,,, t|,,. park." decl d Lmd I ha I it I sum. I him; about Ihe advert isi-meirls. Lady l-'ioMon. 1 am i|llile cerlanr of il Uitily I 1 1. -Men's in .t words to her son wen- of i.pr.iaoh that he had IK-OH mil idl mi",', and that she had been greatly ulniii'od about bun He went up lo the side of the low pony carriage, and in a few wmd- told I hem what had liiip|N'ned Cor- liudi-'s face Unshed and her --\ . flashed I.ola do Foi-ras!'" sin- .ri i>-d "Is II p.e.'.lldo ' II. is Heaven granted our piavei at lasi'" lltlt Lady 1-ieldeii grew deadly pale ' Lola do l-'erras! Oh, Harry 1 cannot see thiit Woman lh.it w irked w urn. in* " ' Nou must see hi*' for mv sake," cried i.i in.:, I. "Oh, Lady I leldon, in 1 ch.iiosi and truest Irreiid. vou must for net every I Intl.; else except thiil you Imve to help me* and that my father V name must be cleaiod'" J'l.ev spenl some few minutes dis- cussing what biid ha|i|H'ii.-d "She will never ^poak." si. id I adv Fielden. she is still as ,ln> 1(1101-11 of t he posit mil ' ' "She will speak," declined Cer- triide. "for I shall implore her to do so in my father 's name " 'I'lv-y found Lola silling in a chair by the window, and in her eves was the Inol. of ii hunted iiniiii.il driven to bay She never glanced at the ladles, but Spoke to Lord I lelden al onoo Have you any further indignities to oiler me' 1 " she dcmandoik. "Am I to be kept here in prison, n show for you and v our friend .'" '"loll ns one thing," sanl Lord I'iehlen vou. .ual you alone. i an tell it I Sir K.,i I liv ing or dead '" A curious smile curled her lips "I shall tell you nothing." she im- plied |io not be obstinate, madam Think of tho lives that vmi have ruined ulroadv "Have I '" she ci led 1 am 1 ight well pleased. I bill is just vvbal I in- tended to do. I loll you candidly that you are right in your supposi- tion. I, and only I. so far as I k.iovv, can solve the mystery of Sir Kail's fale You want lo know, of coiii-uo, if ho went away wild mo or not if he risked me or I nsked him if he thought the world Well lost for love of mo if it was he who placed ih, wedding ring upon my iuu;oi if he be living or dead All these llr.iigs you want to Know, but you never shall I am I hi onlv one who can toll you, and I never will never' " "You shall bo compelled 1 ' Lord ! ii-ldou "I do not tin nl. no. No power can i ompol me. I rather Ah well. never wb.itl Lot mo remind you of one thing. my young lord." do said lie pleased to Itoar lii mind Hint vou nio Inying yourwlf opm to a 'i.-avv penalty, if not inipi'i-.oiinienl by the com : o you are I leldeii "1 wanted to be fn-e." she sanl I came over- here in disguise. 1 v. anled neither to lie known or to : know anyone The plain fact of t lie mallei is. I s.iw your advertisements | and I vvi- l,e,| to know why 1 was wauled what had happened Fool- ishly enough. 1 left my home, and came in dise.uisc." Uo you know whv you are want- ed''" asked Lady I'lelden HO." she replied. "I .1111 fillll ill the d.uk about it I adv I'ielden app'-ared surprised liming all these years." she said. Sir Karl's name has been associat- ed with Ihe commission of a gn-at crime- ' ' *' ' r ~ * ............. l ----- ' people that crime, when his daughter rn.inds proof of his innocence to to the whole wide world." Lola de I'ei i as smiled again mocking, hateful smile for Lord 1 iclden could almost have Htriick her. ' Innoi-enco is n most charming Hiia)tv." she said. Ihe ditliculty in the present insl.ince is In pr.-ve that it ever existed 1 refuse to pmk. I have not kept silent alt these ve.vrs 4t-. In- compelled lo speak now. Ih.vv is no power which can force me to do KO." "Not if you have lost all womanly fi-ellng." said l.ady Fielden "If cried human would mind hoiiosi gazo of the svvcol loving e>cj(. Gertrude went on ' I was a ImU- child when my father left u, but 1 feel tho d.-epesi ami most passionate love for him 1 wish that 1 could remember him. that 1 had some recollection of hit dour face, of his kissing me. after almost like an in- l.lllt Will 1 .- \lamio Wa- in Hil.s ion- In n m ii neighbor who had us.-d l)r Williams' Fink Fills with ben. rot.ii its in her own family advised me to try them in Mamies ea.. I hac. mvself often hoard these pills highly spoken of. but it had not oecurr. mo- before that they might euro my little girl, hul now 1 decided lo uivu them to her llefon- she had cuiii- p'el.'d lhi> second box I could see .1 miii-Ved change for tho helter. and by .a.'.-, o hi! l-.s.smg me of s,t- t|]i . n ( . >|u , boxes all ting O. hi. knee; il would soflen m>' ..,. , ,,, ,,. rlll ., UIliltiMIl ,, S( IMU, I cannot even go to his grave vil(1> . ,,,.,. ha( , ,,,,,.,, ,, ^ is now as bright, active and healthy us any child of her .1150 Some Unit 1 cannot even go to his grave and sob ,-ul all my grief and long- ing there. I love mamma most dearlv . but Ihe deepest love of my he.ui is for my father. All years." she continued, feeling these has elapsed sin, e she disi-ont imied th< use of the pills, but not ihe slightest that ,,... 1>f (i,,, i,. oll |,|,. i, 1S si,,,.,. niad her companions mterest in her was ,. ,., , ^^ th) , r ,. fort . a.ou.ed. 1 have honestly U-hevod ,, ull , . ims . lf( . him dead; but suddenly, and .pule .:. i ideiitiilly, I have discovered that lleve IM siiymg that I be- Dr Williams' Pink Fills not only restored i.iv child to health. death is not the cloud which over- (,,,, | 111V ,, worked a permanent cure but the time has come vv hen i -shadows us, but shame My moth-, |{|,enmat IMII. St Vims' dance lolii-o to believe him guilty of de the. whrch and was compelled, through our meeting .iorveL'.' iDMdllv ' x'i.-id" to"i)r \\ii- Hith Lady Fielden. lo toll us the ; |jl|I1|s . ,, |nk ,., 1|s .,;,,, (h|> ^.^ (|)iis truth, but. while my mother, my s, s - ,.,,.,,.,, ,.,. , N , rmallon , |,oeause this tor. my friends, and the whole world n,,.,,,,.,,,,, m , |k ,. s ,. k .,, ,,.,, |iliHU , strengthens the nerves and thus roaches the root of the troublo These pills are sold by all dealers in er. who had kept this story from us. .., kl , lllr( .,, dtaW of il,,', together. iHilicvetl my father guilty. judged and condemned him, a voice ci led ever louder in my heart that ho was innocent, and that I must clear his name It was as though by night ami by day he called to uic, 'tJcrtrudo. my years all men daughter, for have traduced long me; come and prove to the world that I am innocent of tho crime with which I am charged ' Think you. who lov- ed him. that in all the wido world no one believed in his innocence but I. I stand alone lo do battle for pity, compass,.,,,, justice, and hone.-, . o , m| you IV me all dead ill v our heart, then .. , is ii both for tho appeal m vain, und the de.nl ' "It is nil ill vain." she said. "I will toll you what you will no doubt think a very shameful truth This moment, m which I see my enemies bumbled before me. is one of the pioiiilesl and sweetest of my lifo. After that, have you anything fur- ther to say to me?" Il was lieitrude who spoke next; H ii il now she had kept perfect al- ienee. ^ ' l.ol me Hpoak to you.' h eu- t re. iled IVarcst Lady Fioldon Harry, leave me with her. for my father's sake she will surely .spunk to me' Co .md loavo me alone wilh her." C11AFTFU XXXV III As mother ami son desi ended the stairs, it occurred to '!.OM| Fioldon that it might not bo safe after all to leave tiertrude with Lola de Ferrari; ho was so violent that she wan ipnto i.ipiible of doing her bodily harm Uul he contented himself by (lacing up nnd down bonValll tho window, whore ho could bo witbt:i call of Co, liudc if she bad any cause lor ahum \s soon as the door closed I- Inn, I I.onl and Lady I le.ldon. Cortrud* went up lo Miss de 1-Yrran. "Lot me -peak lo you," she said. You i. 'pulsed me yonlordav . vou will not do so today They toll me that you loved my father very dearly If ib.it be the case, yon n.ust love me. for I am Sir Karl's daughter " ' You are also th4 daughter of who can I dp mo Mamma has told me everything how you wrote to my I father ojid begged him to see vou and how he went out to iiu-cl you. After that night he was neither seen i nor hoard of a s aiti. everyone says medicine or will he ,">t) cents a box sent post paid n_ or six boxes for S'J ..O by addressing the l>r William* Mediciue t'o . llroekville. Ont. , H ., 1CVI , ,, ht . Wl . Ilt . ^ .,v w.th asked the older woman in a low volco. "Uecatisc 1 have faith in him 1 Imve looked for hours together at his photograph His face is not that of a man who would bo dis- loyal People may say what they like I do not believe that my father went iiWiiv with yon Then a letter came from you saying that vou had had vniii revenge . and that my moth- er should never see my father again lo vou know how 1 interpret this letter' 1 found no proof in it of my father's guilt. 1 camo to this conclusion. tliat. whatever miyht Imve been my father's fato, it was known to you. and that you a'one could solve the mystery You may hate my mother because you found she was your rival, but you, even with those hard lines on your face, look too proud ami pure to have spent your lifo us the world believe-, you to Imve done The pulo lips i|iiivorod. and it seem- ed is t''iuii;h the elder Woman's eves wore filled with tears, -die held out hor hands with a gesture of pain. "1H> anything." she cried, "ex.-opl be I. in. I to me. that is the one thing I cannot be. u "If kindness will wia you. lot me Seventy-live per cont of all people alive have a touch of consumption at Borne time of their lives, which, af a rule, cures itself I'anad.i lias the l.irg.vit forest ia the world It is m the 1 ..i >! ador and Hudson Hay district, and is. roughly. LIIIMI l, v 1.700 miles. Cormany holds the Kuropoaii Biiir ri.igo-record at present with ,.:i per I.i >oo inhabitants. Fuglam! .mil IVnuiark come next with .... The gross rental of London's Urild- mgs is i:', million pounds, while that of iill the am icult -.:: al land in F.ng- l.md and Wales is under 'J7 millions. A man blows 7iM> snioki>-clouds la smoking a pijvo of average si/o Four pipes a day for twenty ve.us vv nulj mean nearly twontv, and ii hiilf mil- lion smoke-pulls A spider's thread is really compos- ed of four smalli-r threads, each ol which consists of 1 .000 sepal a to t iny threads, so that 1 ho thread VTO so,- 14 spun of 1 uno liluis .Juno is the c.. I most month in tho v.-.ir. then- being on an average tort .lime gales in hft.vii ve.ns July i-iiinos next with eleven, while August had tinny two in the same porn-d. Although the <li.iiiiot.-r of tin- earth has been roughly known for mail) yours, it has only lately boon ac- curately asvci taiiio.l. afii r :M v ears' labor, iit a cost of $.Ml(l.iM)ii. It ii 7.oi.'c'i miles at tie equator, iind 7.- SH'.i from Fole to Fole The Fluted States hi, Ms tho rocon for incro.no of p.timlai KVI wilbin th "'.-'. years. with t;j<; per cent Ui'tisn C'olonics come next \\ithaU per c.-ut id. third, liustiiti with 7.' p.-r rent . iind that () f Iho Vnlte/ Kinifilum ti3 pi>r i-ent. ^ i , REWARD FOR IHE FAITHFUL How it is Possible for Us to Accumu= late an Eternal Fortune. A despatch from Washington says Rev. Dr. Tulmage preached from t following text : "For the Kingdom of Heaven is as a i.i.<" 'ravellinR Into a fiir country, who called Irs own servants and delivered unto them his goods. tongue : but wl :, it has beeu given t,- 'professed Cl.ristinn man whu very no.. I I, -1 ween the worltl nnd the Church- who 'i compri.... character the man who spoken out for God the man who , known as a ' :-mnion days the man it. struggle has ti-en to Me how rnuc-n of the world he could get and vet win heaven is it right to supple--.- that that man will have as grand and glorious a sftt m heaven as the man who gave all hi for one P" i'liAi TIC \L I:SE. You sometimes find a man in of body, mind and soul to the .d' (Jod' The dying thief enter- ed heaven, but not witii Mie stune acclaim as th. t which who had goi.e under startling I . ceilings nnd acro>s dungeons and ..._ _- , unity to whom yu'i say. |L:S a , "And unto one he K.LX.- at all. .a i r.-atmonta into Un- to another two, and to I mlll may h:vve ft hundred t.i. , ,, ( glory. ' .liners to every man UCOtrdlBB to Ins *' Ml . 1Jllc hiu.dnvl lal.-u's may he fr ,, m ;l ,,otl.er staJ in gloi | al ability." St. ilatthyw, xxv 11 h , lV!H in ,he item of en.iuranc whll t ,,,| mightily for I'hn 1"). i-oMi'v o.in.'S. and h, h shall have a far greater reward Many of the parables of -le.^ 1 :\ those who have rendered only Christ were more graphic in ,, s , uul h , ; eil ,iur.:a it na it a service. tm.i-- in which He . he 1S a spi.-ci- y .., art . ; ,,n to are now, " ,,. l)f i-|. ris tian paticr.c-. an.l lie is w . ;I ,i ,|,,- ,-ew.irds ,,f tlM r.gh'eous rea I. iting the power . i | , A . up to-night a :'* i;us|*|. and is doing thought tliat there -,n b. much changed. In olden when a man vviuit..-il to t a upon hi.-, m-ighl- nu ch tlie Church, and r ,( , ' r ,.u-an! farmer had scat t,-i- ''"!*, for the Church. nl;l "y Th. .a thi ..ver the field and was , y uclive u . 4 r lt w | 10 U r , pnsa out into that we all have different J|Knt ,, f the . -.vhet all have in I learn from ' that Ills .iVei:Bl'r WOMW > " t|,.. id with u sac'* full <>f da.i.i-l grass, scatterini* Utat MM a" over tho field, and of C would sprout up nnd s|..oi! , , and it. was to t hut 1'hri H (Lirahle ' , , - , . ' ,-,.^' sown among the Tin- servants spoken of it the are members "' '" 'hurrli. The ace our different uua , ,.s uiv.-ii m dittom t.ro|...rti..ns to differei-' coiiung back of the t. wrier is t Lord Jesus retm- ment to mak raising : rul.-rs ,,-, r two c\' Oh, weet it vvi;. 'AT THE PAN- EXHHIBITION. oarnnce and message in MOM ' it n.iw. Abram aving obev.-d ful'y. the I-ord ap- ^ "'''';"" i CANADA'S MODEL DA1RT .IT TH1 rnis His promise I ntil vv fully bey up to the light wo have wo r.m- ect, further liijlit or ; ion. Tliia is Abram's lirst altar in ho land lly laerlf < :. worships !od in His appi,i:, ,-d way At this lii.e .larob af:erward 1. ought a ground There .,'1 -hiia ga- l.ep-d I raol for his farewell address. ho buried -ia- body of .Joseph. md U. d witii the w . j 1 .",^ | B( j an ,i (Special by Martha Craig ) The Canadian port:-Q of tin; Model dairy is under tho MptriBtMrMMI of N K I id.-rkin ol Auu, id.-nt (if tin- Mari- ek Breeders' AMticiut ion. i embraces New Brunswick, ilii-n x\\i.i .lush- ' la xxiv .John tvi I ' . :;.: ilrcady occupied t,v the < 'anaam' os. mil Alir.ini runs' 1. 1- content with his . liii BOD. I ' F.ldcrkm. a Itn f vJuelph \f ricultural cola .rio I ... tack i tc sent to stranger until Cod's time should ,nd lanlded .in a.'ar unto . of Ihe Lord " Tin- ! al- tar in the ,.ind. and ' .veen Uothel and II . margin the Ai of .), Il i.i ril, - Hethel sugo; "' 'he .-; kind- 1'" IT'". the.r'iVoJUCt for and practical as nearly ai. .,r and ' Happv ',.it- ,.\, r m- American by prirate indi- \lr L U i Ii! ia ,da to i: th :-e they il.iil.-l . Amh.-r" III -I ' i '' m " . ' : I,.- ! .rroiiiiding-!. if it be u or I... hiive 'MS lii ilemp'i'i'i bv ' he I ' nid 'ant i-omniiii.ioii with Him ati-st ti that, anv mortal , ropr-s.-' ' I,..-..- - A with ; I for I all who hiiv | 1-1 much as to i had given tiiou- ' - 1 n-i.ubl brought foiirt. n t hou*.i id d.illars as other ni.iii. ' me only :';('. .11 hui I hardly thnught i' .rthwhiio 10 MI - I hi'l it in :i dow of the ark. . His pt ion i Ml II ->*- I' illl. tT a, ll*" ion by tli" rinh 'J kjn _ ,, ,, ,. j.,.,^..... ,,| Bo li.iu'i c.. their last day. while the casting out ..Her is those who have MMMOVM i"- ; privileges. lias t he Letun first fmm 'bis subj< , hristian l OUt to -TV ICO If >0<1 munt.L- idea ' minl ' f r ,, m aTI t,.,,, [ v. ant this in the rom.uic.- If ; \ who have fai.' about : "- 1 " he W THE S. SAESSON. NTERNATIOSAL LES50M, JULY 28 Text of the Lesson, Gen. xii.1-9. Golden Text, Gen. x:i. ~'. In " d.ii.ls of V ' - I a.h.UlS. ' ' ', are aa f lows: 1. I ' ~~ . - \ 1 He i i all who luu .oily for II. in. \ v A ith him : II ~ \ wan. l ~ Pel. 111. IS |ln< 'V A \\. X :. . ' fu ml: '' ,.rt;i,^ of l>.<ly. ml: '' ' iiiiW.Ttln ' ' .. i.ud I.-i ' 1 iv.vr trumpet -omuls, all ll" ' .,,!,:, rr,rch. the M.'-V m. iv N or I em.-iit. r- victor) -hall I-..1V-- i Hut I'hav.- A Vd.l M'VUV SERVICE - of w- - - v Xing i . v \ UNCOMFORTABLE THAVZL. , v of is no ilr'el--i v in it la SOU3IN SKTTLiaal d niir 1 Tl..- : l i-.ii-r .1 ' m.ia m tin- ""' ' i ; .i i ' .' i v I learn r 1 n' t . di" lifts a bloi But 1 . alrul of line '.f i^'u.s. an.l I m Ha- . ' ^ 111 ll be mav \\IV I How It Feels to Go Bv tM Trxns- Siberian Railway. l : J l : i mr c- Cld- 1 <: diiin < I 1 M ' \ . ' i ' I M -' I . . k, and : . - I . .. W. ' i ; tin- pupil ii!' b.H..i iiMeriru \ i o( ,i in the the in' in- il emu;:'! ' ha1 !-'- l as kept a cul' uro, lii'.i' of b - ' '""ft "lie 1 ' ground that N mi m. iv r mill cull ivate It yi ' ' "' '"' and .'. lt xl S will b* a I. Oh, t \\ith ten ' l h>ivi -' .1 doinn giunl. II'' loc, \ . 1 r*udy und. r Christian culta- - for it '" I- . ef fiiith anil g' 1 . ll. to I m. in who K ,,d md which C - - v - " - ; Hi. ; ,im unto >"'> ' ' it ami hU r.>vv it all : i . : - , ' ' the - v i for (our Mm in.i> ' I" ' to ' answer it llllpe n ,,iil eiillnre. but 1 l'"t \o-ii i, uK . of l "' ritfhte.. iisnes. ,.,,, i.,r hir.soli m ll,. ,,.. io , here wuuaii for herself in thai il.iy nre different qualUlcatloua for di .:- ,). , rut individual-. ' lli.vs.-lf if Hum ilenl of ruinous conir.i' -Vsbai: bear .1 " W aw s man s.ivs- (Mi if I only had lhatj o f m of ni'iii 's fait':, in- tint in.in's n ai.-n a d.-ino'is 1 ralnui l-f . . -IM|ueiii-o. liw 1 power a,,d pmnp. l-ut tht-ie will be '" !' ' I thi-ik. faciiltv tliat i!"d I'--'- ' Vl ' n >"" '"1'1',-i entire (i1HM 1 Hunk lh it man's Qod employ it in . used t,' s Mime and timber w.-re r'K''l v - t! htought to alem for tlu- Teini utone anU pi'V" -I timber was mark- ed; ro that bei.iro t h' Jerusalem, t!v urtliitiVs knew in what place Hut p;. r iculur piece ef timber or Mi-r.e slu>ubl fit And. so 1 have t" toll you we are all marked - d.-us. iin ovei whelniiiig si'- ihiuk it will bo juo!i ii He ,..,, t -.iril It will bo ut the let like for st-iiio >'i,- pliice in tho Temple of the lx>rd and do not us complnin. siivinR: ' 1 would to IK- the Joimdation stone, or 'cup stone " Let us go into the very Place where Hod iiiU-mU us to be. and be satisfied with tho position Your talent may b in personal ap- nar^*ce your tulfut may be large worUH.v estate, your ' Dai'. l in 'US' 1 social pi'siMon uiaj b u a swift r<-ii or .at when ali i ing for their do blessed'" It -'"all thrill with now through tbo ranks of the saved. U will throw iubhtior.il darkness into the ubau donmetit of tho lost. Lastly. I learn from this pnrabl< of the text, that our deKri-vs of hap- piness in hnven will be graduated according to our degrees of TJSF.FVLXKSS ON KAHTH. Several of the connnontators agrw in making this parable the same a tho one in Luke, wh-re one man was made Over live c,t,.-s a,,,l.,,, ' i ci" . v tin- - !.r and i-iaker ^ \ x . . ' ' 1'u ,s \\- I thi 8rU. : ' for fold "I Will ' of the 1 ' ' I Will i: ' d.ulbi. ' V faith, not him tn'iie inhcrt- H promtaed HI.I- lie > while vv ' 1 ;, \li -iim w.: - ! te out of li t y \\.. -v ,. n 'i the i did her up. am! li'in- on the upp.-r hunk. We - is who : '.uti.'iii by t moulhful '"'"' ' f'ither 'IVrah who hon. sipiirl ing .1 on theil hands, v-ijonuis! In tho midst, of the tilth and comfort of tliis haul loir ,r t I . ' .Jr ' , !U,| and . , In ' read i other nods **> a so far as ILirau Abrain tarried there until his father died and then, taking with him - Pill Tor-all hinder and kindnesses from tl e ni" of our fellow tl ii Some of the peasants " alwl nii-iiibors of our party v.h.i ,,oss to be separate evil world, hindering any deir ,, e whose heart is longing for a walk wit', Qod? Am 1.1 ing that Hurtin is fur enough'' K. 7 And th- Lord appeared Abram and said. "Ftito t hv seed will this land, a-id then- b,. I I,. , to fertain prided themselves .m ! nati.-n noted for its 1 fc.xr. said the physn ia-i ns ho came from the su k room t!i.,t your mind is eiilirely gone \\eil W1 (,.' ; , un 1 ....... I '-i'd who ap- ,-,-,. ,ed Iheethei man nh a sigh ' , ...1 unut him " \\e do :,, i -.a I , 1||1V ,,., f the lord unto * .>.. . . .. f(ir lhe , v|st V( , S( . , seomn:g telici. I'm tint iit all pnsod She s be.-n giving me a pioo of il daily ever >im We vveix- uuir rM, niHKen t ' v - ' '"' ll J ',' ,hTh^ Th! K , ,,e:s uro made i ., the UfibCOCk t,-i.r eomposiM samples of tw. -.itv-ono milking*. 1 .,.,,., ted on tnt I A. the purpose of e UnK -u.. my. only one d*y milk ' K tl1 "'7 '. actual '"' "' I'littor made by 1 an I'Ui-t of hut" cured on th is produced in nu \ prosi-nt. the C.urnsey &T9 loa.lin;:. "'"'' t><" AvrshlTwi second. .lersevs 'aid. nnd Holsleins fourth. throe lead. tig "i h<-rd are fi"-t Rnininn on IN (luernsnys. and fiin.idiaiis limy look for th* herds to nf lemlMC at the cloat of the six iuonth*

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