I 1 V TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." ?OL. Ill, MO 104) Fleaherton, Ont., Thursday, August 1, 1QOI W. H THURSTON, HARK DALE, ONT. tircy eountv's Bfeatst Store T . w n Lliir A. urnmg POINT <rf Tlmrecowes a ti-ne iu every li-'ii it pnys to sell at kmnv You may wonder at it txit listen! While you are considering present nedn "hsv- an eye >i. thtt future. Mrr.-h.u i .- 1 full is slrunat here; new goods sre summer ;'icka an faat s needed m mi ran he secured; then "iio ur basines* principle* ia to se.l M iioodi. in 'heir season and curry and '.Vj*ajh the Ii** " '^me iinea in \\v\\-y chei-rfu.ly. Hsyirrz U ttnished and the ftul wheat 14 cut and Home have ibair'* in th bum Miss M <:ul!oui(h of Markdale u vMkV nit with Mm JClaio Brodie. Mr Lin -e El utetuaaoa has treated him- I self to a new Musaey Bttxtar 'hi**. he purchased from Mr. Frank GrahaM of , 1 Msrkdale. Mn. K-.lpairtck uf Toronto in spending ' ;a week "h friends here Mr. Sldon Bridie and hia water Miss ; EW, lv\rc ton week for Laduer, B. C. Our new Minrfttvr, tan atav Mr. Spar lingjms occupied the pvsast here the last three Sl)ljnth's snd ia hnsply sprreciat- ed. Mrs. Jamea Coutea, Mr. S. EuJell, Mrt Mr. James Blakey, sr., tibenire.1 the hffleral last week if Mm. Allen nf Vaxley, mother of the f he first named. MIHN Catherine Johnmoa viaitod at Berkley HUT week. Mr. D. W. Jamtasxm tuok a rrip to Th ombury lately. We are shoving watchea now, anU^^AhjaC rlaion >o have the LArUiBS* STOCK west of Toronto, the BUST ST< x.'K ttf Mleet fnaa, and the CHEAr'KS'N _ STOCK, taking quality and everything* Tlw ewalh t>f Mn Fred Leech has eat into couMderatioo. We are Waretaun. frtim ljr<l\pn CorrrjpundVltt. mefc-nt. a cloud over this neigh bi.ibcoA. Mrs. Leech waa in perfect healti, until Ttne- <4sjr morning snd died on Thursday an rn- nis, leaving a husband md six lictle children U. im.uni their !<*. Much sympathy in expressed for '. inourniug onus by their runny friends m this view- ity Tr.e aaOMH who have Men bnymv hve their labors rewarded by fall barns. Mn George Wright ia visu.iag we tUtB rVwm Oar I Master Kobbie and Ot tie Tucker : (Ml friends at Hornmxn Mill; the |iat I m our liur-,-. j week. Miss Subestou of Toronto -. holidaying Mr. Win Hrfmt-hill. Mr. Wr.ilrii. and with ': i .! in this vicinity | little dauijhtrr, of Toronto, are cuests at ] Oprey t-An lurn ont m T j Mr. J. Heuipnill'n this week. iban toy other Umvnitlap in u:._ u... . ..* i>_. 11 - . . w. . new stck every lev days and selling watcliee every day. Pruapeeure buy^nr hoard remember the nld maxim : "Mak hay while the sun nhmes." The sun M shining now for purchaser* ; all you hav-i to itu IN to come ir *ud buy and your h\ M made. Cone in ind look at the stock win* her y>n wish < buy or not. W. A. Armstrong, Buafucc* w*h -\ hut bswn etr.-i.f.mally K-IU-I oo *nd we ('! an DO tf<-H . S1MMKK dun. x iu the HFFP HI JT L/ L. t_ I \J \J I h hare iue.1 ar. ..4lg * *tif it irh s iz-.r. Tfce tii taki a ..-hiii or two ->lf fce bren cmt au it'>, BIMBW iner bv mhitiK hu nj>li firmer prtoidft. Kvery 4wpstnw>ii 'nrbir!t..ri flluf uri thk w-ek wa a k**sl edge coo*<int> : "' prics w values. M ends Drewa OcJ, coapitMng fancy silk snH wool fl.r.<-, fancy h.< fli. fancy cviaii> plain shdr-. fain^ Urtsnii, fie , n^ular 50. fi nn I ?:v a y xrd. <.o>e of them drvn- Ifti^tha, i.thi-p t ' <>r ibrew piece. Our Midsanaater sal-? , nn i ymr i-hve fur . H fanoy pri.ilfll iHUaiin, whiti ifriund wi'Jl a- deaijivs worth in the regular * y Vc a yd. Uur to rtad n -mil ner NA)O *M MI*!IM. ligiifc and dark gr uad wita lancy linrs.1 i shado* iu fine Bwiaa Muslin, tin- regular price wsj i IM M<d*uaimer Side prioa ia jvur rhoice for. , also yard. // trea ON ft tfter Mntlin* Cmt in ' r ./,o- r ,;.. vnd Pnn, dark ni liht ground-. :iHa->rte<i s'-.adoa snd patterns, the most, storus w-,1 at 7c yarl. (Mir Midsunu-r Sale JTIC.' in 3k W pieoea print, full inches wide, lfci wl dnrk nr-uiHta. pattorua, regular vlue l2Je yurd, <ar Miibuuimer Sale price ia. <ti****t ff all thr now 10 pieces Fancy 8co(ch 8f>hjrr, full :i incheu wido, regolur price IS ml SO ct*. yawl, our MnUuniiuer 9ak prif is ....... UJ^c La>lirH 60c nod 60r shirt Wauta. your ehoice now at 38 r. Ladiue 7oc au<l * shirt wiais. your choice n<>* t aSeta.; Ladiw ll.OO mid fl.^u shirt waisiM. ynir cl.oc now at ............... 73c 1'j . iily LditM WhiM LHtck skirts. aanaVs with flare Jeep (lisa fld and three ptent* at back, wid h>-y incertion, double utitcbttl * ntim, , 4 SOt Wuicben. miiular Tlu *a.75 each, our wtle be Hiirnett of Pncevtlle is ' at Jlr i > Melia 's. Dr. ho"!i of PrketiMe war m town no vi'iiraav. md examined aaite a n ualwr f.r the < 'ho.scn Knends. Mr. Will \VsJnworta of Tnrontn Junc- n visited at Mr. Osoa'a the past week, and will vin.i other fnead uoar Max- well before refuratirg lt.na* Mr. Ashdown, who l<* his warcti some time ago ru> no clue to it yet. Mr. L) .-Sinclair is puttiag ia s new furnace in iim h.itwe. Mrs. Anlidown visited her diughter, Mri. Siuitlt, in the city the past Week. Mr Hsi nw has hia cuatract almost I in[<i.'teil. Sacrnnent service will be hld in the Kn^lnh fhuich ou SablMth ui'iruintf It i -MW our pleasure t< riatie nf Wj,] m B <e y iiu ouunty. <', 'l hu uisr- Co Mma Susan which t'Hik |.lac at tiiu m-iilence .u 'C !- i .n-iiiiu. AIu !, Wednes- day afternoon of Uat weak The bride was ...-> ! l.y liur itur, Misn Jetwiu, and Mine Blakey. Tha p" m waa sup- wirted by m c'iu*;n, Frank B.ky. sod Robert Voiini;. ii.ither of 'he bride. AfW the wedding bhe party returned to ICWCLCR AND FLESHCRTON. Mr. ','.>k has ~.;.t liin ftnn and crop U> Mr. Colin McLMii, *ud iiitttnjs m. * ing farrher weat ia 4 sh.srt tune. O.lm IK a buny man now-a-days, M b hsn < faraM *o<l * chopping null to lo-.k sft-i. Mr. H ii<h Wvltans bas the stonework i fnr s Dew hiMise. The rust uf will be U>U later on. bun- ,,-r wa pr,,vi,i fc.r tb. m.i. bo weru invi'ed in to eiuifrstiat and I'lrairi- the In, py cuple. Cuuvnia Strioa; Bam! sK^ipiied an abundance of -i" ! LI'.- li iii I ^'Mxl aill rnled with s hi^li li.uiil. The iiuntero ' .. ....i to Mr and tr<Mn i bit to will Co, Oood vjwrw At Bunt's Grocery Cetton Root Compound Thau wceV Potato Onions Dutch Sets Sujfar Beet SEED UAKDEN SEEDS ANANAS, OANOCS AND l.H.IONS. Ktsli liiuKi and )i. ->ks.<:<; now in get tbtui lee grtam tbis week. ( 1' UMiliiy u t ri 4ncc*wfolly nd Ladiw. aan.rffeeeaaL Ladlstsok droiprli'l tor Cook' f CoMa s*M Cm assss.~fsk* no oSr, Mail Mxtarrt, plllisod im.lattonssr* duifcvmis. Prloe, N. 1, tt i-r box; No.*, MdrffrvKi lining* r,Hpr bo*. N". I or , mslled on neclpt <>( priof and two s-en lamps. Tfc Osek Cojpmr Windsor. On*. sVltos. 1 and 1 aol<l*nd rxrvimanadeit D/ all rsspoosttU Drufgto* ia Canada, No. 1 sail So t i<i oM in F1whrn bv W. K. Hiolianl.^MMi fiutl W. S. (.liristoe, Dni4{intk rVwm '>.. '. WH Horn Jui> I&li, ai. Mm WiMntm PodUir, i sun. MIM M mo i Bull ha ru Mont '.'lur. V .-w J.-rsuy. ( hrr mother. Miw Mann):- Kutle<l'/u of M'.nt i* vmic.inv hur .-^iter. Mrs James Jauiiu- *un, "f Salem. Mrs. W llis i. T'-well, socompanivil by hi-rsaw >^nr, w visithlK her ter. Mr.. W are plot*, d to hear that our popu lr y.'unj resi'.. r, Mr. Dow of Urilli*. IM raiuinitnc sa principal ni our Mchuol fur niiiihi't i. rtn. Mr. Kolwrt ' 'implied of the rnlley or- .lered t.'*"nh Mr. ttt,-ell i>f Floshurtou new Ma>uwr rlarrin liiii'lur r'orty- n{hr hour* after viving ihe irder. tho ljui.lr *iw at work in Mr. Campbell** Held It ia a U.sy to ^o ami ,;ivr good Mufiiction. The we4e.n.i rain at present is i crest li'eiMinir to fat rt.. '.Vilh t!i-i extreme hcs' aii'l (Troaght everytliiny w^s drymi; u|i ami c.tile wre samWaa] i<-r p-t--' WH extend i jrelcnme tu Mr Crnk md fn ni!y of Tr-jnlon. who hm^e nM-'cd t>ni. uf <mt i -rly Indie* ifnt cnuuht in thunder Korm i w> UMI-. iijM could n..t HI! IM> -i at i buttiley t . .1%! am) n stniU in tho wi\e i-Mjeyed hy all. lllrlei ' Ills d MI- > - hill hrstt> CIM !! ;-h. partr shsdy where Th<- sat "f mi. tie ksraaai.. Mine .''t.^'^iii Sinii s^n. of *'hicngo, and j Mrs. W> -at of BuifiUo are vmitnu thur nantiitn, Mr. and Mr*. John Siui|jMm. MIBS i' iby Kohwriw ii, of Tor-mr j p^ndin-.' her holtdan with I h,-r moth, r " The splvadid runs during hn pstt li.tvu li'iile woi.dcrful u loiint of ' (" mid . e|(vtliiri, )ur tb _ who h:iv fall whcai cut sre bei(iiininx to wink for Lot dry Maying did m't la>t lung thin ..HI t-. the ideal wearaerthnt (irevailed for i'v r 'hni- mrx-kn in July. lUchel and Mina Stoltart ( D.roir re aviiMi for i few weks h. i nym. Mr. Malcolm Mcln;iin narrowly uscapf<4 wn.it.. njury last week. He was stand sad f a load uf 'hiiy sudutiiily atariHd. Hi him to tumble to thu L'ro'iinl. lit; w i- Iwdly niiakeu up, but u nrounti again. We .re at pans U to learn that Mr John i Me.Vrr.'uir has arrived in Seotlnnd. ( ut little "iirv IN furnishing i|titt * few VIHI- torn 'o "in Ulaai{i>w Eipoeitio-i. Th iwsny friends of Mrs. Allsn Mcln- iii- will <>t sorry to learu that she w very scrnus!\ ill at present. Her recovery i very doubtful. on i> prcpunni( may of a kitchen, w.nid iteuds to a WM.lt. Mr. Si.li.-v for the i an<l workshop Mr Malcolm M-.-Millan of Man., has pnrchniwd two hunvN u' Mind here, which he i ship to tl'.. FiTiiri- Pniviuce tin Hu pai-l .".xi pricen. M .11 . ..f the remduuti nf taw ity will bo sorry t i learn of the Mr. Thomii> Uell of Droiuoru wa wail known iu tlim vicinity, u he wild an t-xt.-nsiv t-ait'H mid hurso burer Mr A . x.in in McM.:ian ..f the S. L ni-u.U lc i .ii.' f. r the Norrliwest this wck. Mrs. M. MoMiiUu ..f (Jla.Uione.Maii.. To ** /< ^^ n. ticed *n item In the Stop- s - (iriMtsloiw. ' tlenient olumn of Unt week's IIMUC ..f ,,f ' r rte Ail'' .see charging ci-rtiin rn.vs with 2*-, Mr. liell in Any na wsy fmiu home and' n d"childruii.' is MH-n.lnu: th h ,,,ked. Sbeenr h..me wrt ^, Ucr ,,, r .. nu Mr snd Mrs. Alex Me old EH! e iiil"iiMn's uoderpluin:u{u ']. i in a rainy day, oh? Port Law Fii/m onr'HCti Orrr|N>H</rn( Tho sliowery weather "t the punt few To Cure a Cold Taka LaxaUvs 1'nmio i^ K. W. UroTe' m One Day iinlnn T*MM. AJI If ii (ail to our i Is on och Horn Camwortb Boar for Service Alvin I.e'in. .. lii.-S.uth Line Misa Mnffgie MaLran ot Dalnth i t!ie gu it of her cousin. Muw Mitniie Mrlxiiin. Word !is Iwtvi rr> ti-n-vd S-re tlmt Mr. . . iirtuii '.f Your. B. '" . rl.!ist son of Mrs Bul'ai-M, of the Co nnK-r'tnl ' "t btsng o-rrwcted. II t ]. li.-i.-. i-nii-r-d the umiriniiini.-il ranks, >*. Mr. R. U. Hil- v win gr m,ui,..-in \\ whie doiii^ ma >! n lengthen nat* , v : *l> Wr ii"lM.- \!kmson v ry inach mi.l ..-her opiinii orop which pnuiiise<l to j"J- ^h" '"' x ' "f " llr Priceville boys te be ulioet nnd liht hna r-.sr.led ih fiuiMh j 11 '" tn * ' p "'v "f I i-ii--.l C!H will no d-nbt ia/ ap trf hsvnv, .-mil tn horv-wtiiv/ of , be our old friend, K B. R. nUmuH at th rroidftnuu Ti.i M - H. Soiter wrh .1 view r,, fnjjht. eium .Mrs.Spicr,thiiikiiiir Mr. ^pu-fr wt.^ loivnt IQI home. The facto of the cant- ar.- t!i-^ : While ^..ing hon-.u fr-ini Le*4tit "ii the evvnmi; iu .(iivsiion, ax I surly cur Mi*it(mx to Mr Sim-vr I "Ut^a. imil im he Mad. ImrUtni. ticioualy at the party whereupon ,ono <r *o stonoa were thrown at Im t i I dnvti It. r away and it n curtain nono ever j reached the houfw as WHS stated in the pUfr. I'he "quitt and inuffuiisire " Mr Spiei.r, .<n hearing the lurking of the, d'U, ca;nc "Ut A4nl horntied iK |u, r i_, uttering such a v- Ik-y of "iitliw bn newer lH-,ore >>etn hesrd ni Stont- saWttli'- meat. .Ve feel that such a false ( -hn>g> as waa uj*de should not bu let puns with- AN No. 73* | full w4int and Harl-y.whirh in mnny in- stance* h,. started lo sprnni. Captain M -VTorriH and wife .-f NeL-wn, R. (V, sru viMnr; with th Utter'* pr- ntii, Mr and Mrs. John W ntvrs, r. T!ii>v are n m .-xtcndol t<.irr au.l !. rhtir way h<>nw will ti.ko in thc Psn \iri.-rirtin i.xln*>it.i.>n at Mr. W. J Blakrsin'1 paid a hnsiuess \ivi- -o < ii ii S. HIM Utly Mr. ll-'.-t'T Mcl.i-iin II.M ; ni|iletM the Hrickwork :' Mr. J..hn Nichol's hnunu. \Vlii-n fir. >'' .1 Mr NiL-li..l w '1 have .trie "f the lint'-', n-i I-IIK-I'-. in 'in: oimuum'y. \\.' -..lur^'ili.i.. Mr .1 An A .M.ln ui. > F. A. BUN Fl i5HERTON. 0!d Stand* ' Th- uuJcrNgni'd L.m a thorough bid l|TiiiW'irth B.MII- for m-rvioe on 1 a Thoroujhbrod I'urham avvlm all T. A S. K., Arteiuwia. $1 I oMv ^I , lv R.v. Cord To* uiHivrvliiatiJ bu t luli fc.r -..^ . , .,- , l tu Ki-iulo . fioo -j~l 1141. T * S. R. f i foi tborouiiti- pplii'illon .H: MVKU. FHberMBro. VHOKOtrOrreicKU SHURTMO^N BULL-SERVICE NO. 35ia 'General fio?itoir Tin uuJei-ni^ii 'd har .. iir-tcliss thur- ouglibrt-il Siiorh"rn bull f.>r ser.i.'i" ";i let 135. T. and 8. K.. Artcmi^m. T!n> ia 'ine of the best animal*, iti the couulry. Thoroughbreds. $3. Prop. eo- >t\R!<IRr< WV.u-y Y'iun--Ar tSi- M u wei'. oaWednrsda*. In!y24'''. |P Fleming. Mr. WMlnun H Us Mi->Ss'i' Y'.iiug, So'll n? of (Vprey. A Inrge itsthoni'v "f Ir .nds rni't nt ihn hnini* of t'i- in "lie ovening snd r* i' Tt in tiir. Mr. .?. M. I vorts WS.B nMnnvjnjj rope with hiu knife 'nun an unruly ti-tf.-r when tho animal nnulo a udtln im>, msing Mr. 3. to inflict a nasty ganli in Ins wrist, whii.-h almost incajpacitritra him from i\.>rk Misy H;ttii> Kite, who's tinn. >. i <reat extort is devoted to Mission work in To rn to, is home <m a twt months visit. She wiw a very aoeeptable leader at the Dsivis, , me ettng Urt Friday even- c-nilicaff ' .nil .l.ihu is the oldest SOD of Mr. iyri v v. "f 'his \'i Mrs. It. K .lu-r'xiM h.is just rr r .umil from a visii to h r -IM.-I. M's. CUrk**, of Mr- |{- \is.t dtS,' I'm ^n mi lean, which sh thinka rhould ba it tended, by every- Olll', if H,t ill ]! -Slll.l". Died. - At 'h- n M.'K noe Mi-. A! "i M >!.), ina'd. Kridny, July 2t!, a't-r . Viv.'xi-, v. iiu;.-t di|^)u>'i of >lr. Wtn. ' -._;-. The! rein .'us w i .,, l)tl ntsVslay a*id mkao ''i. resnl.jnc of 1 Mr .Joh'i M.\II. UT, i';n. fun.Tnl to.ik ' pUce . m Sunday to Pricerille cvmctery. The bvr*avBil family !i;t\e thc d.-ep yu|. pathy of t.ha community in their aad] trbct. n. May Fver Can be Prevented. Don't wvk otlKT cliaKja at 'Hay KMV<W S.-a.n". di>:i't ilestn.y yo.ir stomach . i.l n<*rvw by dia^prvut the rfjanaaa. Hay Feer ia. caused hy Kerum tba' Hi -at lafessaim taaaic and fh.asQ^ timl IntKr*- mtti' in ji.iii- rhnt and lunaa. Mn.li uu | w..u i riNK-li tb-ni there, but Csterrhin.ne ' wi I. CiUrHiuaone iitiu'rn 4aa fl > to the rf.-ims. Mart now to UMBrCatnnhi.iit) I Ii.ltaJe it is.V> b throat, lung., n*:d> :>nsaai(es and Itronchiwl luVxw; fc msker. ' "'''".''' thu air you breatii goe*, nud it Mclu- W|U M r ^at "d cure Hay r-t-v-r t'.i, .l..r*.-d by not leas than one thousand iu Canada snd C. S. Kiit t., address for ?l (to fnrwardad tu P..I- * C.. , U.irtli.ri, Conn.. ITS. or ,Ont. .f her broth- Tor' mto, on Tliin item h.-in l.rru VMI% UM toanoS ui the AuNtrtl'nii prrss : \ S w i i nt1e"*ia I h* iianio tlinv a|>|>tni- over 'I i *...r >af a M'ruj{lini{ l:i-.-y ! ni in up o u.itrv t > ill t,..*S,.jt'i WH|MI. v ; ,..) ,4 thu . fii!l. rtbur, st< ftii- hvltef t' 'ility of writinv tlimkiov tli 't An . A MC Ai . us iin/tit it.-, ,..ild look A Si Mile. ' When the mwrer. .. tears m hss yi-n whtspereU uihiv that hia uH'n,- wa*< Adnui, the friend uinl r^ snJ waa ' a] '