Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1901, p. 2

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THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Interesting Item* About Our Own Country, (treat Britain, the United States, and All Part5 of the Ulobe Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading. CANADA. The schein,. t,, h.ive a new the.it i. in Kingston is being revived Hamilton I ity Council will bea.sk- ed to vote $10,<XMi for the Royal re- ception Quebec will have an assay labora- tory in onler 10 help th,. iniiieial de - eloD)tmt of thw provin.e Ottawa liimlx-i men have planned a trip for the I>u!>,' and party down the Ottawa rapids ou a crib of square timber. Judge Hichards of Winnipeg will ^try Kllen l-'regg. an Indian woman, of Duck Lake, cliarg'-d with the mur- der of JUT husband. The vessels which ore conveying Canadian hay from St John's, N! II t.. South Africa an; using all Cape Krelon coal for the trip. Thieves have be.-n operating very successfully in London Township, harneas. farm implements and poul- try being the chief articles stolen A Kingston clergyman failed t,, smuggle into that city an ice cream free/or bought at Ogdensl.u. g. N N aad had to pay full customs , i, ,,,.., I'hilip Wagner, a Dominion Cov- en. ment interpreter, has b,>en sen- tenced to live months' imprisonment at Kdinonton for swindling Cali- clons The convocation of McCill u, sity in Montreal, at which the iiuirf into the u^e o f nrsrnlc in beer I. -port. -d I hat the excess of ar- senlc in brewing Is unavoidable with the use of certain ingredients, and recommends that H standard test bo established. deiining tho proportion of lUSUIIIC tO be Used UNITKH STATICS New York h.is a i a.so of bubonic plague from Calcutta. Two nuichmeu killed :too ruttle- snakes near InU-rior. S. 1). Tno damage to crops in Iowa by tho heat i.s estimated at 820. (HK.- 000. Mattoon, in., has had 1M incend- iary fires within a month. Loss, 19,400,000. Sympathizers with the Kteel strik- MARKETS OF THE WORLD Prices or Cattle. Chem. Grain. &3 ID the Leading Markets. Toronto, July 30.- Wheat Tho de- mand for wheat to-day was good, w.'li prices higher Sales of No. 2 while and red winter wa.s made at <>r.J to 7 C middle freights, and the 'P'otation north and west is !'<'.<: l spimg sold on the Midland at 'Me. and No. 2 goose at 5c on tho Midland Manitoba wheat steady, with sales of No. l hard at 82c and of No. "2 at HOc. For Toronto and west i.'c lower Millfeed The market rules quiet. Drun quoted at flli to $11! no nnd- - ...I ... i ii i / i .-* win. inu r* urtri .s.i IK- .. . . ors have ...u.-d an endless chain to I '![", . fr '' l ' 1 | ls ' "'."' "'"Tin at $14.75 to 915 nmldlo freights. < urn There is no Canadian offer- ing, and prices are purely nominal nt about 48c west for No. 2 yellow. S yellow quoted at 50c to OOc. laid down here, lake and rail. Hyr -The market is quiet and pric- es steady nt 47c middle freight Huckwhout Market dull, with pric- es purely nominal Teas Trade quiet with a sale at Ii. uley- There is a quiet trade No, 7OJc middle freight. IJarley There is a quiet trade. No. 2 Is worth 42Jc middle freights, and No ;t extra 41Jc middle freight Outs The market is firm, with of- and a good quantity of the tun WHS left over 1'ricu.s weakened con- siderably toward* tho close of the market. There is still only a light enquiry for feeders und slocker*; foeders are worth from 3 to .'tjc per tb. Kxport uwes and lamb.s were weak- er to-<luy. Kxport ewes are worth from ?'! '.'. to $:i.OO per cwt. llucks sell at 'rom J* to .'tc |>er Ib. Culls at from $2 to $.'{ each I in!.-, are worth from (2 50 to 54. Calves ure unchanged, and clim... calves are wanted. A few choice milch cows will sell up to around i-,n h anl the strike fund. Sun's rays concentrated liy plate glass windows, started an (rto.onn ne at Sioux City. Fred II Newton. ninetc,.|i year* old. commit teil suicide at Kl 1'aso, 111., by himgiug himself Floyd i'eckham. llllietis.ii years Old. hllH b.-.-n In. Ill ted ill Kile, 1'a ., for the iniirder of his father. Ralph Holmes of Kvanston earned Ilis passage to l-airope on a calllo ship in order to study art Michael Kelly, while In .me. shot iir men nt Ix-avcnvvortli. Kan. Due is dead and two otlnTs may die ferings restricted. No. 2 white is Dr KM Arnholt of Plttsburg, j quoted at 34 to .'MJc north and west x-nieinber of the 1/egisluture shot "id at 35) to UOc middle freight iimself through the heart because of Exporters are quoting 34 to :t I I'- ll ne- | The N'ew York l.ock C.i.npatiy with middle Height Flour- Kemund is fair, with a few S-". MM." capn'aV. "tal.es' 1 the place ' ^ lll "' <l : N '.""'* ^ r <*'"; P" 1 ' 1 " 1 " Wcr .f the Hrooklyn Wharf and \\arehouse fllt . al ^ 57 middle freights, in buyers sacks Straight rollers, in ol LL. P will lx> conferred upon the liiike of Cornwall and York, will be a brilliant alTau The population of Hull, according to llii.- r.-ceiil census IM ll.Uno. oi ;1 """ n than in IH'.d Th. County of Wright is shown to have 44.r>'H> souls, or U.30U more than in 1 M'.' 1 Win Ogilvie. ev-Covei nor of th, Yukon, has been ofleied u position at Ottawa, but has not yet indicated whether or not he will accept it The position open to him is on the e tionomica! staff. Montreal's cili/ens' reception to the Puke includes n address, drive to Lord Strath, ona's lesidence. I.I. J> .leg,,.,, next day. inspection of \ i, 'ona budge and a run of the La- chine rupids. *;IM-:AT HKITAIN At London Alfre.l Austin has boon I. -appointed poet lam. MI. S| inl nets for hois. . b.ive been generally disr.nded in London Kngland's wheat crop will be fine extensive in ,pi.m- in quality and tity Mr Mark, the London contractor who built the Chilian railway, is lie. u| 'Hie Whe.it I, .11 vest has iM-gllll In I ''-in Kent, whi-'h is iin earlier be- ginning than usual The House ,,f Commons sanctions " tie-rail system between Liver- pool and Manclieslei Americans are planning () mlro- diii-linn of Chic. mo S |.. ,.| construction building-, into London. Thieves have stolen historical me* anil lure,.- ,|ii.i nt u ,,. silverware from i],e limln-ss of Suihei l.md I .old Ililniaven has beer, deslgna 1 ,.,| t.i oiiiiii.ind the new corps of V m.inr.v sharpshooters that is being forme. I On account of faults found in it ] Constant's portrait of ijiieen Victor- ill Is not to be hung among Hi. ,il i-. died ions. The director, of the London Metro- politan railw.iv have ,1,., -lined the of- fer ,,f Charles T Yerkcs to introduci ele.lricity into their system It IN report,',; tbat King F.dward has forui\eii the iMike ,,f Oi I. ..ms. all. I the I'lench pretender will leturil to l-'.ngland to live with his liinhc.s Lord Itussell, who is seivin ., tl inontlis' sentence for bigamy. is 111. being unable to sleep or e.it. ompany A New York coroner i.s charged in N'-w \ork with accepting bribes to eturn a verdict of natural death in ascs of suicide. C.-orge Young, a barber of Ilion. N was shot and killed liy Henry llrown They ipiarr.-led ov.-r a small debt Itrovvn was arrest ud. c -I iMllon nnd Win. Morgan, young farmers of Three Mile. W V .. . serioi sly wounded ...i, h other with shot guns i" a duel about a girl. hills, for Lower Provim es. $H 10 to J.'t.L'O Manitoba patents $4; and si long bakers' S-'l TO Outmeal Market is unchanged Car lots at $.' 7.1 in bags, and $:i H5 in wood llroken lots. Toronto. 25c per bbl extra. ItAIHY MAIIKKTS nutler The market unchanged, rith good grades wanted We .pi.it..- to 17. t . 1 -c There was no (juutuble chfuigo in the hojj market to-day. The run was light The best price for ' singers" U 7Jc per Ib. ; thick fat und light hogs an worth OJc. per Ib. Hog* to fetch the top price must be of prime quality and cale not below IttO nor above 2<Kl pounds ('ollowing is the, range of quo- tations : Shipper Cattle, per cwt. 4 75 $ 5 12J ST. PAUL'S MAY COLLAPSE England's Great Cathedral Has Beer Undermined. A despatch from London says The scare which New York has had in connection with tho lirookly.j bridge has had its counterpart hem in St Taul's cathedral, and the pub- lic him been startled by the expert .innoiinceineiit that th.; vast edilic.; is in danger ,,f co || , enormous wall of the south The 65 50 selected dairy tubs lfi| choice one pound rolls. 17 seconds 15 t., A strike of randier* III a trial rij of the torpedo boat ' creamery print., lirm. 20 to 21c. d, ..(lover Siringham al Newport, H. solids, iwjc to r.ijc 1 . n tube in the boiler blew out and Kggs The market ,s quiet. with MX men w.-r.- .-. aided and burned price* unchanged We quote strictly fresh gathered, nearby. 12 to seconds and culls, r, to H,- Cheese- Markets remains steady with good demand for line for cxpoi i We quote finest ol.: now. choice, 9J to Ulc. twins, 9! to Ml MIL'SSKP HOCS & I'KOVISK.VS by a large linn in New York has been ordered They demand a re- duction of tho hours of labor from 17 to 10 a day While the teller's buck was turned .1 .ni-ioth ind'vnlual in a D.ivton. () . hunk lifted a p.i.K.i..,- of bills fi.im the cage with a pair of ti.ngs and ped Hev W II Leach, formerly of Can- Dressed hogs 8'J 25 to S'.i T.-, unchanged here Hog products at in active d, in. mil. and prices lirm \Ve Do., light 4 25 4 Itulcher. choice do 4 00 4 Iltitchur. ordinary to L.-.....I ... 3 05 3 75 Hut. her. inferior . 2 75 3 OO She.-p and Lambs. Choice owes, cwt 3 30 .'! (iO Culled sheep. each 2 OO .'! (Mt Lambs, each 2 50 4 OO llucks. per cwt . . 2 50 3 OO Milkers and Calves Tows, ouch 2O OO 45 OO ''alv.--.. .-.,, h . 2 on p. nn ll.-gs. Choice Hogs, cwt.... 75 7 :;.". Light hogs. 7Wt ... 50 75 Heavy hogs. cwt.... fi .10 r, 7."> 00 2 OO GEN. BADEN-POWELL. Enthusiastic Crowds Greet His Ar- rival at Southampton. A d.-spatih from Southampton s.i.V- Con. Iladi-n-1'owell. the hero of Mafekuu;. and now chief of the Tr.msv.ial I'lili.,-. landed here at 1 :io on r'ridny afternoon lie was r. ed With the ureatest .-III liusiasm. In itn intefMi-w lien Iladen-rowell suid he did not cnre to prophecy the ml of the war It was easy in such a country for small roving bands to elude defeat or c.i|.t'ir.- \. \.rthe- less, he was inclimtl to think that tli. -I,- an earlier dra: a. l.i. preachiiii: .it a camp nieetiiur f l uote ~ l'ac..ii. long clear, ton. and case lots. 11 to uj c 1'ork-Meea. $1U 5O. do. short cut. $L'l Smokivl moats Hums. i:ij to 11. bi.-ikfust bacon. 14 to 15c; rolla! 1 -. bucks. 14 Jc. and shoulders He' Lard I'ulls. lljc; tubs. lie. tier- ces. lOff. Ituilal.i. July 30. Flour Strong; good demand Spring win-.-' l.,,r Winter whe.it --No. . northern old. winter ne.ir Chicago, said he ex| led to lind a lot of Women In heaven, but very few men Ada Lancaster, of I'ort -inioulli. u . tln.-w the body of her bal.y to the and its aims and leys weie eat- en oil, arcording to thu young wo- 111. Ill's Confession '.I \i:i!AL The Russian mmy Is to be In- creased by .".HO.OiMI men A band of thieves Is successfully op -i at ing on I'nris-<teiieva ti'.nns do. new. ?5|c. No red. 75c. No. 1 white. Toe forn Si long; \o. 2 yellow. l|c. No. do. 61 Jc. No 2 corn, r.iir. \,, ;i do. "itjc Oats Firm. No 2 white 1:1, operations have begun on the ship No :! do. 42*c. No 2 imv-d in it K.ii ... i.. U i I >.. t ..... I ........ .....l i. ! . No 3 do, 41 lc Hurley Nothing doing Ilye Stronger. No 1 asked Detroit. .Inly 30 -Wheat closed N.' 1 white, cash. 7:!c. No 2 re<l. cash, and July. Tile. September. 78J. St Louis. July ;in - Wheat ,1 | Cash, ODc. July. ti'.'Jc. September 7..;, anal between SI. IVtersburg an. 1 the White Sea Mllorts nrc being made to rc'du. . the strained relations be I vv eon (ier- n. mv and Itu.ssia Kais.-r William is now letting his whiskers grow, in a desire, to r.'seiu- ble his I. ii.- fat her. Paris nevv spa pets are enthusiastic over the successful f.'.it of the sub- eniling. the Itoer resistance will h.i\i 1 ..... ti i-oiii|dete|y crushed j n three or four months from now. lien Hadeti-rowell spoke with re- iped and adinira'i.in of the Itoer us AII individual !! -.ud - Ihey have tH'en most terribly inisle.l I do not lli/lik that the tun.- is remote when ept, which is eight to ten feet thick, i.'tti feet wide, and 150 feet high, i.s showing a number of very alarming breaks, due. it is believed, to the subsidence of the soil, while tho vast front, with its heavy towers and bells, is also Knowing unmistak- able signs of subsidence. The soil upon which the cathedral i.uilt was never very good, and the architect, Sir Christopher W nn took his precautions accordingly Had the subsoil been left undisturbed these precautions might have sufficed. Hut not only has the water at the bottom of the sandy stratum be- neath the cathedral l-en tapp.nl, but the hillside on which the cathedr.il i, built Is now traversed by deep drains, and by several underground railroads. It is owing to this that the whol<J structure H, manifesting a disposition *Tll> down toward the river. whil the safety of the cathedral i.s gravely nd.ingered by the immense fissure* in the ground due to subsidence This announcement, coming so soon after th. fall of a huge mum of stone in Muster Abbey, due to the de- struction by rust of the iron clamps by which the stones were fastened in Lheir place hundreds of years ago, las given rise to very serious alarm i ."lit: the Kngli.sh people with re- aril to the safety af their two most amous cathedrals. FEAR BUBONIC PLAGUE. Quarantine Officers Instructed to Exercise Vigilance A despatch from Ottawa says "he officials nt the Williams Head lUanuitii.- st. ,.,,,_ near Victoria. It . have be. n instructed to exerci.se ' p..-sibl vigil.mc.j in onnection with II,,. arrival of steam- ers from Hong Kong. The bulonic plague is epidemic at that port. Up to the 4th of .lune the total numU-r s was 1.154. and l.o.ss deaths- port. -d this year: 15 cum* are .an. mth r, deaths. and 2.'l non-Chinese, with in deaths. During the epidemic of tho reported up to The area of tho Dumber of deaths June 1 st was 74 1 'U is widespread. m, -i. -as.es the danger of transmission In other cities of (lima the plaguo ....in I.IHL ..in- i no.- is r.-inoie wnen i, , a K , .. thp n.-er and iirit,,,, w,n settle p. hl -" '"P'-'-'-'iiv serere TI,-, M) s,d.. bpdde, .,,,,1 cordially w..ik In J "' "'-Y " f Sh " ck Lung -net h.-r for the g,,,,d of South Af- !?,'?,' <lr '; ' "'"' ' '' - """ "' ll.-is.-r. the repies... ., .,.. of the y Iteferritig to Lord Milner's s; t the Cuildhall. be said that its must be t., give an obi.-ct les- son in H.MK| government in South Africa lie added Lord Milner. to whom the Kuipire owes an everlast- ing debt of gratitude, exactly hit the nail on the h. .id Once give the II... rs to undcrstatul that they will be govern. <! ti'Mly an<l wisely, t h- reM will be easy l>c[h>nd upon it. in the end we will vv i i ,,\.M th.- |; to our side " <ien lladi-n-row.-ll has not yt gone tn London lie will go to the country for a while for n^t BUGLER DUNN INJURED. closed marine torpedo boat Morse Ituluth. July :IO Wheat No. 1 hard. cash. 74 Jc; No l them. cash. 72Jc; July 72Jc. tier r'.hern luly 30 Wneat clos- It is stated that the l-lmpr,-.-, ,,f 'J 1 <'sh. 71c. Scptein!-, r. I'.'.ij to ~0c. Derenib.-r. 71 1 (o 71 Jc. on S Marine Hospital Service at Que- bec. is detaining on an average eight immigrants a w.-ek ,l.-,.in,.d for Unit- ed St. t, s points VEiMCE DISAPPEARING. Vueen of the Adriatic Slowly Sink- ing Into the Mud. A despatch from Home sa\s There is some danger of Venice disapj ing beneath the waves of the Adri- It has b,vn proved that for ,1 centuries past the waters of the Adriatic have been 1-1 croaclung on the land The stone si .urc.ise !- hind the 1'al.ice of the DoffW, vvl-u-h f.irinerly serve.l as a disei.ibarkmg place for gondola passengers, is now 1 Boy Who I ed Advance Across Tugrela co "U>letel> under wa'er A em. cas. c; uy 7-Jc Bc Ca|ilal is urgently re.piired t,, ,|,v. ,,.,(., . 71 ;. August. 7L'Jc Octobe v.'b.p the promising gold mines nt 7-V. iN-c.-mb.-r, 7l'Jc. N,- - Norther pneent idlo in Kiythrea. Italy. Minneapol.s. July 30 Wnt-at clos ('lima has degraded the heir apparent which makes Ins sue. "ssion impos- sible The Kiver lianube. Hooded by I or- renlial rains, h.is overlliivved its track. No 1 hard. 7.'--. No I \,,i - them. 71c. No 1' Northern ti'.tjc Milwaukee, .lulv :ln \\li.-at closed - Higher. N., 1 Northern. 7'J to 7:!,-. at- and has ., doctor in constant tendance llMgedier-*en,-ral Sir Alfred (;.,s.- lee. has been made .1 :n. i lor ...eneral nnd Knight (irand ( '.uiiiiiander of the Oidei of ihe Indian I'.mpire for his fceixn-i'M in China. A handsome bron.'e wreath has I ii sent by the Kmperor Menehk to be d.'po .Me.) at I),.- l!o\ ..I tomb at l-'i-ogiiiiiie. to ihe memory of her Mil) 'sly (Jl|e, ,, \ |, -I ,,| 1.1," .Mr I^ouis Sherry of New York will open a new hotel in London in time for the i oi oii.it ion. the new hotel to have :inn rooms and to rival the Waldorf-Astoria in equipment Tl nga.u.-iii.-nt of the daughter of \\.ili.-i Win, ms of Halt nn. ne Md , to Nh M.,,,.!. I!. ,.,..101111 llurreil and a lieutenant in :', In si Koyal l>ru- goons. Is announced in London The l-oll.li, II tee on the Ijlleen's meni.iriiil has accepted, subject l , inodih, ,,t i ms HM to d. -I. ills. Mr. Thomas llrock's ilesign for a monu- ment to hei la'e Mai. -sty. and Mr A i .. 11 .11' 1. . . Aston Uebb s dfftign the deal in 'lit of HIK NfUUM' iii front of Itucl.- Illgll Illl I '.< Thu commission, 'i appointed to ou- bunks. and "I It I hoiis.-s .in- under water at lludap.-sl Albanian insurgents and regul.us have had several encounlei s , ,., n |>i.r'"5tilc on (he Turkish frontier, with ninny No 1! Northern. 7l> to 7DJ, Sep- tember. 7L'Jc Itye l-'ji in. N,, l , :.,, to S6Jc. llai ley Steady: N 1 .-.i'.c .sample. :iri to .Me loin S-p- l.illed and wound. M| on both .snl,-- Moiv than U.llnti pri, oners from all parts of Iti.ssia. cotiti I in Moscow Toledo. July 30 Wheat (.'ash. July and August. 7L'Jc. September. 7:ii,. Decenitier. 7^Jc Corn- -Cash and July. .V.r. September. .Mic O.its Has an Accident at Cape Town. A despatch from Cape Town While pr.utiMM, at the Creenpolnt camp on Wedni-.day for the reception to the link-- and Ilii.-bess o( Cornwall and York. UuuVr iHinn met with an accident His horse bolted and stumbled and fell Imnn had on.- of his le-! l.roketi and the hoi ed .1 Miiiilar injury it Tho animal Dunn is the fifteen -year-old lluglor "' Hi" I " ' lloyal Dublin l-'usih.-i s. vvhn was woiinded tl ...... tunes at t he of little islands in the lagoon have ' -Milpletely disa|,pe.,,-,.,lf VeilJCO is slowly but surely sinkiutf into llm mud. Centi.il Prison, will IN- redistributed - Cash. :i7Jc. July and September. among the old and new prisons of Kiiropean llu- ia A picture. Saint Sebastian, by Ti- tian, which had be.-n .stolen from It- aly by one of Napoleon's generals. has I n sold to the Count de Cas- tellane for iM. i.nn A scheme is on foot to carry a line of railway be\,,nd the Victoria I'alls. South Africa, nnd :!iin miles to the ninth, where rich copper iiiine.s are s.ud to au.ni development. The fastest time across Russia is 42 days, and this pi ICH of a licket 8257 .'in. but when 1 1,,. i.ulway is C'linplcte the lime from Yl.idivostock Will be reduced to I'.P days and the faro to $HS 1^ As n result of operations to subdue tho tribes south of the Atlas Mount- ains, in Morocco, it is report,- I that the French have '.MI, nun troops ..n the borders of the Moors' land, and have defeated them in .1 great hat- tle. Russian newspapers aiv discussing Drltilh activity in Abv -smia. and demand that Hussia and I'rancc take step , lo oppose (he c, list I llc tion of Ill-it ish railway lines through tb iiintry beioie it , s too late f.,r kuctl action to h.ivo any eiiect. Clovers, s-d- Active. higher. Oil- 1,'m hanged ()ct..l-r. Minneapolis. July 80 Flour Higher, hrst patents, f I ID to ? I :Jn. id, P-! '.Ml to $t. tlrst clears. $;) to 5:i 1" s,. ( -ond. do ?:.' :t.-|. llran In bulk. Si:i t" 51.'! 50 L1VK STUCK MAItKI [V Toronto. July SO. At the western rntt.e market to day Inn cat loads of live stock Weie received, Including 1 ,7H."i cattle. S1.1 sheeii and lambs. .'.mi II.IKS. inn calves, and 18 milch OOWI The runs havo been large lately. nnd the supply to-day exceeded busi- ne.ss reipiirenients. and as a result trade was dull, and pi ice-.. except for n few lots of extra choice, were Weaker. Kx| ort cattle were off from 10 to I .V per cwt.. nnd 5jc per Ib was the best representative price to-day, from 4J to 5c wns a common quota- tion f.>r good stuff, and light ship- pers sold at from -1J to l)c per Itv Several loads were left over Iliitcher cattle wns dull a few choice lots sold at 4} to 4jc. at.d ''%.- or ten cents over Was a few (ivies paid, bill for ordinary cattle prices wer.< from 1 ."> to :_'.V lower than ou 'lu->d.,y s.i!e were slow. HEAVY LOSS. One Thousand Square Miles of Pine Burned Over- A despatch from Ottawa says A thousand square miles of pine forest nd to have been burn.-. I ov r in , ""' i'<'-.-nt (ires in the 'IVniiscamiiigue of (ol,,,,,, while sinimling hie .,,,.1 Kip,H- W a districts, ulthough the "' "" " >f 'he lirst to reports aro conllict,,,.. The money lit* was afterwards weie sen. back to S,,,,th Africa at Ins own commercially Would v aluab'e h.l\e in a been few ,..., , tt ,,. w -spent some t , , N,., M,,, s . but ,t will be in.u.v v ,-. s b.- hen i.- M viMted fore u,,. new growth can replace '. asreraJ members of the Hoyal them. Mud, of the old pine treei lull) 1 1 \ . (In lit 1 1 irn 1 Kr i U,, f. -., .. w.. s-.-d by the lire can be cut in a short time and mad.' ready for the market The principal loser-; are the Shep.ird and Morse Company. .1 I: Hooth, Alex Luiiisden, the Hull Lumber Company, Cillie.s llro.s . .ml Mi I .achl.in Hros . of Arnprior. SOUTHERN CHINA. Bands of Armed Robbers Abroad in HULL IS FLOURISHING. Fire Had a Beneficial Effect on Hep General Prosperity, A despatch from Ottawa says TO City of Hull is in a much better Ml ion now than it was before the m-.-al lire liftoon months ago The ii.,-ii( rolls, which were all i-e- ci-nvd at I ho City Hall on Friday mai-iiinir. ph.,-.. the taxable property in I lie Traiisporline fity at J!:; I r, ', - l ii n l - ing , l*<l. i.. i-s ll( i.i..e was 5. 1 ,1.11 - IMHI Itefore that date (lie taxable Propertj wu v,,iue,l at $j.:,n,, 1 : r;,,"!;,'" s ,'i; > ',,- .-,,, j "Kjfflr-^s ts thai i.ibbi--;, aro Increating " ' thecity. ;.,,-...,.. to ' "nt rolls is K!, :>,.>!. Nlgrht Raids. .1, --patch from Canton. forty A band of made China, armed nights looting shops opi The Chine:.,) um hoi i, ie- . i attempt to interfere Chinese theOUelvM are alarmed trouble It i- 'r.ipert.v. churcli. rallied i>t about Seventy-flve robben - _< M r ac THE WHITE ROSE. ' JC TC - c. -. r :r ar jr JTJC1C-. CIIAPTKU XXXIX. f..r my father," said Ocr- Ixilv d; Ferriin. who still "I txu<lu to kept I-',.,.., "u y heart is thirsting for a look, a wi.rd fr nu him. Ah, tell me if you ever loved him, is he living or dead '>" "llj Id dead." replied Lola in a low Toice. "lcad," repealed Oertrude, with a burst of bitter tears "dead! Ah. then I shall i him 1 Oh. my dear, dear father, I have longed for you, I have worked for you. and I have loved you. yet 1 shall never see that between ua and stole my life's hairiness away. It is no ' eit.iiiT that I swore to have 1 ought perhaps to fee! asjiamod of myself; but I do not I loved Sir Karl with all the sir of my heart a strength that von natures do not oven under- 1 may have be. d by my affection; but I certainly thought that I saw in him some sign that he loved me It all ended when I'olor.-s be, -.line a widow, and he married her It was then that my blind, mad, fu- rious hate against her j.egan. atwl I resolved upon avenging "myself whatsoever it might I lov.il Sir Karl 90 well that, if he had .. m.V life. I would have given it '.. him without a From the day you! But better a thousand tunes dead tho/i living as they believi.nl ' Tell me one thing more. Iid he go away with you ?" At l.rst I^olit resolved not to an- swer Tins had been ln-r wcret for many years In order the better to be able to keep it. she had buried herself .done, bin; had cut herself oil lte..ulieu and go to (iermany from her kind, -he had lived a life did so and she died there I need that every day grew harder But not dwell on any of the details hut how could she refuse Karl's daugh- when sJie died F was alone in the of Uie marriage I wa.s like one mail 1 hiul sworn to her and to him that I would be revenged and I w.i^' 1 P-rvuaded my dear mother to She te. ? It was strange how the girl'x eyes and voice, reached the depths of her heart You ...... pleaded Qer- 111 V I if'' IS workl, my heart full of the hit t er- nes* of the disappointed love and of a fierce longing for revenue "I h-ard how happy Sir Karl and his wife were. that a little daughter '"all before; nw. but, if thiV * vlow is ! na .,i b,. Pr , horn to them, that they not removed, I .shall never marr> I shall live in seclusion, as my mother has done Ah, do not condemn me to such a joyless, lovelc-w existence' By the love you bore him I besascfa you to tell nii; did my dear father go away with you ? If ever wonuui's soul wns torn, it wo* Lola's The treasured vi-n- wcre a model couple she so ten.', r he so proud. In those days I had when a band of ice seemed to be en- ii-eling my heart, and it almost ceased to beat I clinched my bunds until they bled. You are cruel cruel 1' I cried at last. 'I cajno to you in deep distrain and you t.-li me only of your own happiness '.' He stopped abruptly. You are right, Lola,' he said. 'I am li horribly hellish ' Then he tried to console me. All that I next i hat we walked away from the light of day, and that my heart wns fuil of burning hate to- wards 1>0:. ' \\e - l,.uleU us. hut I did not I told him that the one I where great bout;.'. . the de- f my heart was to come back here and live near him. where 1 could som.-ti him. talk to him. 'make him what he was once, my best friend and adviser Ah. in," He wa not willing, he who wa.s all the world to me refused me this --mall crumb of comfort Where we were walking the grass was thick and long and the br.mchesi of thu drooped low he pushed them hand It would not do. Lola ' he said 1 would do anything to please you or help run th, prudent >' was plain, had fallen down the deep, long-disused shaft. I sp^ak quickly now; but as I lay there with wiidly beating heart, thinking deep- ly, Clieb4) itlc'u^ were &uiiiu Lime si. tip- ing themselves deeply in my mind 1 had iiaxl a terrible shock, and uiy thoughts moved siowly. A moment before Sir Karl had i.'-.-n walking by my side, strong ajid healthy, the next he had vanished from, my sight; and I knew that for him there- was nothing but death in the deep, dark pit, and a terrible death. Stronger nerves than mine would have given away f crawled round to the pit. The whole of r ^ wide mouth wa.s covered with rank inter- lacing creeper-; To all in her- and was no difference between it the ground contiguous to it. There was a gap at one side I knelt, ilown and peered through it. but I could see nothing 1 aloud, no uMswer came Then I took a stone and dropped n pit, wit h the idea ..: :ng if it ware deep It seenurl to before 1 di- t ine-iislied a faint si the st.,ne ii.,d fa. l'ii into water Of c.iur 'sir Karl was dead by this lime. No help could reach him 1 proposed would not be ~n--w 'ji.,' .-\.-n as I knelt there Your best plan will be to looking into that most horrible so I can see that I have acted im- prudently ' (To be Continued.) BBEAKFAST IN NAPLES Coffee and Chestnuts Constitute the Morning 1 Meal of the In the "-hort and -iinple .um.ilH of the poor" in Naples there is no get- ting up and lighting to cook the family breakfast The wayfarer ar- riving on tile early team, or 'hi- i -v- i-lli.-r returnm g from gay ball at dawn, seex the lirst movement of the llll!l.en-e go for away my dear child I have ' chasm. done you evil .-no'it'li Heaven for- ' ' And then I must have faint- bid Ihat I should do any more' Try to forget me. and till your life with new interests I am iirati-fiil for your love I could not be othei I but you must if you wish to be hap- py, . it F.ven w.-re what you contcmplat ,nj ei.t.ii.i,. -,> f.u- of human app. in ihe sha|>- ..i ., dismal l>ing irv raulfied in a ragged over- coat and .-hiilMn. filv from door to door oi ti.e op-n basHi. or ground-floor hop- and ' ":i.-n.. nt s. II.- .u-ries a long-handled iron pan, half tilled with smouldering char- coal, whereon smim.-rs a ,|U..int <-<i|>- ; r pot full of a mixture that pur- lu be colfee Tins . oiiipoilnd which he duly administers to his cli- is the Neapolitan .-. , .| ei.- - r Well swet-'ejied and well wiurm- ,-<l . r . esM , .-nt . and m Uie .:>.', of !l arly risers, of luu'k- HH'ii reluming from the night's chill tatioii. of watchmen making their wcury rounds, or workmen simk- "Whe-n I came to myself Uie .ur "if the let hwrgy of insiifUi lejit "Id all the sumn.. L-ep of women half poisonnd by the many correspondents in- this neigh- " ol Ilkr> " Holon-s would not muht's rest in houst-s devoid of v.-n- tilai ion. f soon Uio air hwon,. witli the . iiiir.u ttrist ic culls of the ,:ast vendors Hot. hot. and . r ..- I ig -is appl.-s ' ' snout tin- ii-IIers of not plea-se Dolore*. Dolores would : Rrass. I cried aloud, and more tJuin [>e-led . he_stnut. 'llu-s*- are boiled and beauty had departed, the wind Was wailim; cheerlessly through trees ;uid Die moon was shining the recollection of all that had curreii came buck to my muxt the \, oc- my as you and I are conn-mod it would uh.de frame trembled More : borhood, and my brain was fired by these home-pictures. I felt that must see him or "lie I wanted burning reproaches on him to in. ike him wretched by si-eing my wretchednesti, to show him my I wjnt to the mouth of that tnrriblc pit with the intention of Mil-owing myself into it after him . of no one but Dolores? You stab me but my courage fa,:-.! me I would I interrupted him with a fierce cry cruel you are! Will you think m huge caldrons in n, reddish broth of their own making, which is fur- ther seasoned wiLii laurel li;.iV"- and _ . ai .IT \y ........ . \ . .-.it's wortli ol .T again witJi that name have gone down to -ave him ! ur [ 'he steajumg kernels, eiich of which 1 ..... ''' ' ' , 'I must think of her.' <l; U -e,l not die s.i far. except m ask- "* as big as a largo Kriglish walnut. he said; ojid what followed was my ing for an interview with luuj, I had thi? long-kept secret, the rni .,.,,, ,.h. lt the siifht of it might f ""'' My words startl.wl him. he done no wrong, bum Dig hate were all slipping from , chill his happiness Let me be ! seemed suddenly to remember thuti .. Now camc my t , ti her She could not speak falsely to , truthful I hungered to look on his this young girl with Sir Karl's eyes face, to hear his voice, to touch his and von-.- hand! "Tell me. my dear 1 " cried Ger- . for living streams as I inwie. in desperation "If you hope [ at the man i | ved ! forhea.,n tell n,.- th. truth; did my I -. oh , blind, madfollv- As well father go away with you T ! might a hun K ry man " try to eat ^No, she answered he did not 8tone , I lhoUKht that looking at She paused startled even in her ' h , m WQull| s| . (ltl> ^ ,,,., , own pain by the cry which broke i fo wo(ll( , ,.,,, ,,. ,.,. Umt burn . from (.ertrude's lips. br;un ( wn)t( , tl) nmi .,,. knew i, I knew if Ah my i j mm U)at j mld a fuvor , darling, if I could but see you, hear hi f n , b d t|u|l , michr ^, hlm you tell you how much and how , ^ iUl(J ,.,, ,, , deoily I love you, and how I have , , ,,, y , ,,,, ,,,, , W(lllli , we were out together alone, that it ww iiii.- and Ulat ho was distant Never dm thirsty heart pant from home I saw him give a quick for one look startled glance around him : he He ia a nourishing diet that worms th fingers, and comforts the stomachs of troops of children on their way to le considering which wus (Jie .shortest path across the wood <'omc this way. Lola.' he said And we left Lh long straight path on whii-h we had been walking and crosffi, d the green I SMW tlmt I had distressed him. and my hatred of was dead whom' I loved better than Mh " '- " r rather to the ,-o-, p.-r.,- all the World, but mv hatr.jd and uv " "'''lies. ,,r nurseries where one jealousy of DolOTCe still lived Dut i l '" l " r ^""""'/"r ajci-nt a day , a. h for her. he would have been mine. and anguish of mind in grant that it was a diabolical one came into my mind It was this that I would never reveal the truth of Sir Karl's terrible death but M -if Uie babies of a score of others who must leave uieiu bo* hind to earn the u.. DHOTJGHT PHOOF WHEAT. Dolores increased Think of me least with a little kindness !' would lead this woman whom I hat- ed t., b. iiev-e that he had abandon.*! The Australian Article Will B Given a Trial in India. . moiniis ago when anoth- always believed you innocent!" 'Ilien. tuniintr to I...|,i. she added, earnestly. "Heaven bleM) you for tilling nit- even so muc.li'" It was the first time for so many years that any one had prayeil II.-..- ven to bless her, the brst for so many years that had spoken kindly her and gone away with me I felt It is all Dolores, nothmg but _,.,. thal , h( , o|( -j rf ^ , C r faaiuie in India se-m*l m.-v Liolores^ 'I must think of hrr nrst. , l;i<| m) . t (Jnvl hom<i h . i(i r ,. ( . ( ,, r . a commission w.us snt bv the Indian ' I) " 1 '" me l f.dt MueJK sui Covernmenl I \ . - : -,, ex.aiime - the grooni had also recogm/ed n,.- "'" ' ' 'u-'hoils of w ,v.,- vt in all probability ' " )n 'here with a view oi Uieir ' No ed There wus a terrib'e crash. great cry. and he was gone I stood long gro.su alone' bad almost I t.ml ntni that I would wait at the white gate near the coppice I went to Peeping by train, no .un- recognized me Al eight o'clock I was standing at the coppice gate, wondering with a doubting heart if he would come. ' The night was remember the ..dors from the treee. | ' m -evenire was complete. that .... I the song of the mgh'ingiile. the soft !fT* aCe: '"' Was '' Il>H4r N ' hin(l m " would never *,-v her husband again' ' ' "'" Climatic .u,d racial Imurmiir of I remember ""'. v a ">"> t t- N-f-ire 1 hnd tuniwl I would not say thai he had u ;l1 "> '- hl ' '>' '" ' ,)|, heaven would that 1 had mv ht> ' 1 ' 1 ' 1'ioki-d into his dear 'face. u Wa y with me I would lea. ishin.-nf o( AuMr di.tl then ajid Look at me i and seen th- ai..'. anxiety in her Woman's keen Instinct, qu methode in India. still ^u[ . . W1(h Vl , M \Viij, l" kind 100,1 with- by jealousy, to form what conclusion >u -'" rlslll " I" |W "C and a a kindly light 111..- d ln ;l fl ' w P" ccs of mp tal1 - n a nti - she might feeling sure she woul.l ' * '" lUl >roiitll and 1 put but on construction -n my let- :1 " h<- '''" 11 " <l ' '"dia by t ne ap- plication n( the .-x-n-nliiic prn A.,S 'omplelely ' rein.-mber t.he .Mlors from th. 1 would know that S, r Karl had come "-djvpied to India. for s out to meet me If I could hut go "hrat is practically drought and rust was stunned, giddy bewi'- u ,d th.-n from a : : ''*'"' "'I"'!" "f !" cominiH- f.n- uid brilliant Wn ' T1 ' WilH hl ' and what had happen- write to Ji.il. ires and say t. 'Wic by s fr,m thr ' e<1 '' ' ha<1 walked ;. (Up or two in'reveture w;us lompl.'te. 'that Indian tJovernment. .md while ! " omc ' <?rect - nn(l now n<1 Wlis Where to her, that Lula overcome CJwtrude's ex.it. i reached fever L.-..I "How could Uley sny it of him ?" she crn^l How did th-v dare 7" kola, bending over IT. said- It was I who caused them to say it for a purpose of my own " no contempt For s,,,ne time tie young girl's "I t rembled when I saw his shadow f rent bo " h ha . d -'c more mv heart delighted , n it wild. in., let for her dead on IM I trembled when h... him. no flash of lightning I I forgot even Uie anguish of S,r fafchtr continue.! then she sprang spoke to me He hwld out hu. hand ' Karl's denU, f rould dunk of no- suiUlenlv from her knees and looked in all kindness to me. " "'"' "t the grand opportunity for it Lol.i " \i Lola.' he said, 'you ' p " 1 if he nfv.-r went away with you. ' should not have done this' 'i . ..I if he is di'iid. tell me how and wanted to s, . VOM I cried to him where he died After Ix-ing so good; 'How can you be MO hard and cruel ' to me, you will not refuse me tins' to me' I have been longing for a There was n struggle in Uie heart of glimpse of vou How can you scold tho uii-erable woman, and then -he m.-' M . .-iv life was fading bc- an.swcred s-lowly IM I could not !e you ' M Ask 1-nly Fiuldcn to come h> Lola, vou must nut. speak to on me that night so long ago there _ _ _ ... . was no reproach in then, no infer, " h " 1 "^ '>''' Where c.,,ild tcr . plication .,( the he be? Nothing wns changed. no 'The moro I thought of the idea '""' have I.,-, u ~n, , r-s.sfu . ,-, owiij m ,, in parts ,,f T:K> new commonweal! h,. The pi one of can- fill artificial selection ' fer- i'i.lll .l..d from the pro, in, ,- tb.-ns.i Hie r.- port rif-oiiimeiids that this lence only Ah. yes' (luce tin-re came ( ,-arrying out my threats of rev. H.-aven knew from wh.-i- i \ w the f.nr-haii f^l woman siiuiild moan I cried aloud siITer as I had raftered The sound died .1 and ti..- ->;, nee w.is the -ilc,,. ; I began to i.,-ovei my sonseH. n.ud I called K.ir! Sir Karl, where nuist endui' .ne you?' There was no reply, certainty the sh . .,,, ,,,, ,,.,.,. ,. vs , if ,, ,., would be her port, on .is > hev had mine I knew a n tliat ^he 'one venrs of un- and humil:a- , Ill '' li:if '""' 1 be s..,-ur.-d for India and grmv n on the experiment- al farms oft- I vpnr<- ment. where fuither .mpi . 'Vemen' might -till be ..'I. lined III the native cult i-. and I will tell >ou all " while it was rupidlv growing dark tion I could never d. -. -gony I hiughml aloud in the Wicked ... s-ulTered 1 had i.o idea where or m y heart It would be an how he had v.i-iisiied mad with terror I culled again more loudly tin- tune, frantic with . I was alni"st Vl . luf ,. \ thought of - ; ' - came to me I had shed bitter let her s-he.l but. -r i. Mrs also. H ire 111 i :-..,t fashion.' he said n nis' remember your own self-n-s- Lord Fielden fillowcd his mother pect, also that I am married to the into the room with <;.-, ti-id- woman I love' The poor uioji who 'Yuii are too clever a woman not . begged the crumbs- from the rich to guess that whatever you have to 'man's l aUe a.sk,*l only for the tell is life or death to me for Miss ! crumbs, not for the luxin Allanmore's sake." he said to Lola the ~,anr I ask only for wh.. "Kor Miss Allaniiiori. M sake''" 1 .o- ha.ve to givr. your friendship and la asked, locking at t.b.- i.ob;..- bMe kindness. I cannot live without with a wild longing that it were pus- them " I ntihwl wible to und.) the p. ,st "And then I. who in my life had \.s - he lephed What to'. ..i ""light iiieiis pity, broke down struck ag.i.- arled and tni--'- [ i ,lkad iliirmg the whole of the fol- her Is life or death to in.- ! wept 1 hope no .it her woman ed ro, t of ., tree and I fell with my lowing da.-. Several limes i, And. us I lay on the |r*M, I >ll "" ! ' 1 ' ' taoghl to oei v _ fright. Karl Sir Karl " But my |j,,. wua blighted. >t hers be blight- 1 am voic di.-d away among the trees. I gd too ' to go to the house and get .., , ent ovi . r (hc ^ , u|i| |)njp hjm who lay there a la-t far.-nel! 1 "I began to run feeling that .-very u ,,der cover of the - and in in. , ment was of importance, but b,- th ,. , nlK |,, | | im ,,,.d fn>m I had gone many steps my foot n,,, ,,. irk nil ,| r ,.., ( .hed the high-road help. She was de.-t.dv in,..-.l She i.-- will ever shed sin h bitter tears ni. niberod having <--eeii tin- expr.-KMoti t li" "' "'- sorrv fur me. and of Lord Field, -n's i-yes in those if , \i-n his pity w lie knew tin- men who had loved her. but. ; now how utterly I hi.. I !ovel him. - in the eyes of the man ho saw for inm.-etf that my li she lov.-.l ' | ruined II. | f"i m.- Oh. "I have s.. ni> -tiling tn tell you." | bow ^.-,-i that -orrovv v. 1L- 5lie said "that winch I II..M' long ' t.iikfil to me Uindl.v . . kept MCrel uid which I reveal now 'sil.lv he ailvis.-.l me t<. leave .is hand- .r..-r .1 dark, huge ,-hasin. the men pass -d me I \\e 1 knew month of which was covered with luxuriant, creeping vegetation Had little gueswd that the woman were in search of Sir Karl they They ,-n one step fun-.-. I BHial ,....,,.,| MM the road, who -e.-nied la -on- down too. nothing could ti ,. m ;.,,,. ,,.,,, , tl co ,, ld for hei s.ik.- only for IUTS for Is the only being who has touched my heart for years- this gn I who IM /Sir Karl's daughter She r. -.nine. I her se.it iii the low rocking-chair carefully keeping the ..II (Jert 1 ude's dress cliisped in hei h.n.ds ixird Fieldcn p..ned a chair for his mother, anil stood bc- nin<l it 'Your eyes njid your voiowo mo. child. " went on Lola. ' 'are like th.iw- of one come back from the dead ' I hi .1. ...1 ' " cri.sl l.adv l-'ielilcn. "Sir Karl is de,il then' Oh. Doloies land to go right away, to find new ho interests in life, mid at the time A ... -.i-. .-I MI Now I knew what fate h.ol ove, t.iUen Sir K:irl. I t i-H-il to iiirry on. but . nibark on the innova- t ion through .1 .. M s It is) thought eir I'l-eni- v ,-i-, i me i i droiight- \,-d bv depa-t ment and grown on liovcrn- men' farms till the tia;ive i-ultivti- .emsi-lves that it only r<M, Hires one siight irrigation t.i or four d. in.uidisl by Vanelles they thi'inselves grow I h.id hur< my i""t s<, . -hat which made he, h>T I could not move, and for many long band's guilt Ten thousand minutes I lay on the ground suffering lett.i-s would not hnv dest - cd tin: mystery with a few words T hid iir. self in Tans l-'nun that, letter to Dolores hus- su.-.li ' w- , coiitrid'ablu ,' in', -i.-e Jihysn-al pain At last . ,, jn feelings wore L. rowing in n.- ' - nJ 111 j English "Yes. lie r- dead " s.ml Lola sloW- Iv "Nou must not think tliat 1 am one was love I'.M- hiiii. mad pai-i- Da te liatl si ..f p.- my rival Hut for her he would have loved and in.- 1 i :,"! me Ml tins tnr;.- we ! walking on and I am ,,-: nor 1 kne\v vvii.-i 1 .. I r.-.r.embcr once . ill.-. I |,y . in the 1111- deiwood. and .'t anot.b. r tun.' w,- weie - man passed 11- at SOUK, lilt.;,- dist.lt. < I was crying bitterly. ,i:.d he looked at me in woi.der \\.- v.'aiUed on and ..ild Oh. Cei trude. listen' If I have sinned. I l,...ve siii. .?.-, I lie nor that if my forgot. I honestly believe, how his words would pain me. and he began then 1 rememb.-red that I had once bcfora i to tin - place with SM- K , U. had been 111 the neighbor- hood ,'f t.iif 1'' ack Tool far back in :iy other had n us due da.v I h.id watuli-ied with him through the i. Is ,uid we had come to this lie had stopped and told 'bout the Illack Tool and had Sir km I .11 the >i' K ! was said then that many people beli.'vod was a siibtcrriuiean coinuiuni- between the l"il and the riv- - i rhat c.'nvei-sat i,m reenrred to my mind now with (errible force "Rut he li.'.d not fallen i:ito the Blnck I'.i.il I now. far awny under the trees, smooth and dark. Then I ieineMibere.1 how Sir Karl h id also talked of nn old coal it repentant sinner. life ciiidd begin a-. nn I should act | rent I) I am proud aft.r my ' t talk to me about his little child own fashion. of what I did. Kevv f < Iv, trude and his wife II, - , "ild i of via, . n would have had the strength help it. the v>-i-y happiness of IUM r>f mind to a. t > 1 did. to k.-ep the near I seemed lo come from his lips ; mine, with its long, disused, .'pen .il.-iice that I kept 1 have had my lb- forgot my misery, my pain and I shaft- pitfalls of d. inner In- had revenge!" \ (01 trolled :isii. in his face I could re.nl an- 1 called them and. nioro than that. \ touch from Certnnb-s |, ..... I con- nustaknble content, and my inailjios |, |,,,.| ,ie,l.,,ed his intention to mo oiled her s ded looking im i ".is.sl oh. child, when you hear , o f making the place safe when he M,e pure, svv.-et face MS s|,,. of a-i.voiie Mffering pain, think of me .spoke but her eves were tlMsl ; Kicldii! "It will I',- no te* to VHC..' ^aid. "(hat llolores l.ibb.sl |,:e of ;CVH of m" bf->. Sir Karl . on walking by his side, vviti. .full of love for him. list.-i.ing la his she love for his wife and child' There were ..... iii.i- v\ I my bieath had time > attentl tn i" "1 begun to understand now \\'e had both been luiconscious of om- wherea bouts I had no idea that \\.' the Hliick I'ool. and he supposed to i -ed with me ajid my revenge. 1 .' -A..S . . i-om plishi-il The sneers, .u. that this nimor provoked only amused n:e I ran de. i.in: one thing solemnly. 1 never thought of Ins ehil.lren. nor how the scandal might ' them I novel thought t heir t:.inii' w. uid be wi "Life wius over for me then I went to thesoii'h of France, win-re 1 s>uie ti'i.e with an old !" of my mothers who was d\ me, 1 rein. lined with her for some v, and then took her name I , :' M.i.d.i!!!,- s- \ ge Afl.-r that I i. Flt-iiri- and there I I; -<in h v,-.i solitude and anguish as fall to the lot of few women I have b. lead in life, but that. Which su: tamed and cheered in. the N that Doloi,-s sttfTorod more ev.-n than 1 had I should nev- er haV,' emerged from m.V se. -|!ls|..|, had I no' d 'o -,-e one of the iidvertisi-ineii' . f,,|- mr which BJ ed my curiosity and brought me hi- ther I me, Hit sitnjiiy to roine over well disguised to Knghind. and liku a ll;.me .'f lire: th-ir v n h.id evidently forgotten it also. aud. | certain why 1 wa.s waiiUxl In doiug " \h' guv'ner. if th.- ,|y al" as .[met and peaceful as them 4 KII.I.INt; i; \TS UV i: \ -; Some interest me - . r,-s |,. |V , 'aken p'aco at, the London doc, show t.h,' ;:,., t of a new s\s,!,. m for \te, Miin.ii ion ..f ra: I on bo.u ,i -hips The x ,.,s,,i ,s. charge 1 with Mlpiiur dio\; which ,ipp.,.- ntly has the , -t t ract MH,- 4*> n- hiding-places. and as> s-non as t i :,,. ; t hev be, ...'.,,. ,u"o, a'... |. i;, t h, !', 1 iinents on the si. -a t (io'll kh. e\ . i al hiindi ed rut s ,\,-i -e 'UMMItes I" means of tin v Im h IMS no in in .- is upon the d... op atio-i of thr M. . u. the months

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