Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1901, p. 3

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AUGUST 1,1901 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE F. T HILL&CO Beginning thin week we make sn unheard nf rensuii*! There's no we'd ratlin d.. t' i tliii continue kee|iini{ ih.-m in s'ock. Those lengths vary in i|uaiititv from 1 t. 10 yrd - serviceable f.ir use ill every lio no. and mai.y <.f them can be botkbl at half price- -somo evun less. Pi tune you are in l.n.k them i>ver. TUF.UE'S lll'NDUKI >S OF THEM. \Vmii.mt- of Dress Goods. iiiii.ini of Lining. Kriniiants. Kciiinants. Krll'll. lilts. Remnant* of Print. Remnants nf Muslin. Remnants. Remnants. Kciiinants. R<-iiin;iiit - df KmliroiMery. Remnants (if KrlllllUllts K. -Mil. .llll.- Remnants R E M N A N T S Remnants of Tweed. JJemnants of t'ottonade. lieiunants, Keiiuiiints. Jtemnants of Flannelette. Keninants of Shirting. KemnantH. Remnants. Remnants of Cotton. { KM N ANTS OF TICK .INC J I.Viiiii.-iiii.-. Heninants. JJeinnitnts. II KM N A NTS of Table Linei You'll find int ivsting prices througliout the store from now until the end ol Angus M. Richardson & Co. *#**** F.T.HILL&CO, Harkdale. ***#* | I in porting Ketailcrs. * W^^ n kLisiiKi> wr.BKLV AT TH>. .me, . LI>...W.l'TkEKT, ri.K.'.IIKhTo!*, OST., f . TB' H^-TOS. . ntniiiMi ulrlrtlj In udvanrr A<1verti*ing Rfttee: Oa* Oolouio. J year. tW) : half rt . I *- quarter sol., ouo year. 15. Titaiieut nJvertlwujeut charged aith rat* nt* pr llua tor ftrnt insertion an 1 > emit acb lqunl Insertion. Notes on OU*w In 1H&8 liyt'itrn, named after Mr. By the engineer whosupeiiiitendod the own sUUcti > -f the Kideau Canal, wach<>8Mli by ..ur lato quon a* the capital <rf the united <.'! I H Ho wwe wai the choice thst Ui-Huh tie provinces MM "ice j.,,nd the iw.i Canada*. Bytown, Now Ihiawu. is Mill (he capital, and in all iirolMl.ility "ill I* f |>r y*r t<> conic, for a more l.-autifu! h.uue lor the Dominion lutrlt.ii i' I'Uil'lings could liardly IK found. Naturally ii visitor's first inquiry u regardi-i* I'-.rliament Hill It is easily found... 'he ii"th side of WvBtHJpM ure.-t Hi' .-i..iind,lliMiili devoid of om.-li irnamont, are i|uite pretty, Iwing k. pi |. -rile i." v cluAii and well WHter- e j' 'I',,, ! i.i |irliauient buildings, !,,, i n.-, are nf nn nl.l.-r "t\li- of arcln'e:tuie than many of the build- \nt it- "tint cut iMitttiey raiinot but be lmu--l on "H of thoir eommudinii ituaiii.ii and t.n ir nt and nulitttjintial ,,,,,.,, . . rUokot tho w.wtorn WIMK Ih l,.i'i. .in'. 1 a ni'>-t biMrfW statue ,,.r M i|....|i Vi toria with tho Bn'^-li I-'"" '')' "*' r H '*' e *''*' *' ' IBr '''''' C*ua m ..(! 'i in.' up her wealth as a token ..f re.;.- t sii.l love. Tins stutuc, Un- worn of a 1'atiHimi atimt, is costing about |:<il.(njii ''. i '.us Ht*liie onn of Alov andi-r M.u '" u/.ie i I>"H placed A siioi ' diata -.00 li.'tniid tin DttUdrDgl i, i ! I. ..* ..f tli.; nil) overl M.LillK one of the!- i the province. Down the well wnidvd Klfep at a dialance of pmttaiily .'MM f.-.-t is soon the Ottawa rr. i docked with craft of different sorts. I'ji tl.. ii-min .nne distanoe is aeon the wliil-- wa<Mn w.'ers of the Oiiandi.-re Falls wlutli supplies p .wer t.) Booth 1 , lar^e mil's. On the ea.it ttank it the Quehe- tou of Hull rapidly recoverinu f.on the ell.*:'* of thegrsat tire and on III.- wont b,uk the lower ton of Ottawa lao I. in. 1 r.;ii'l'y rebuilt Ner the fulli are two bridneu, oris behx.Kinn t. tlieC. 1' H. Down th stream M the tine stuul Intc.i provincial bridge recently viect.sl This 'rid K e i* intended for T i u -I... .. i ;i -, and trains A short distance down ilu face of the hill U the fmous I,.VII'H \\*'.k, which i a cinder unth eiylit or leu feot iu width running |..ni{ tii" full U"i{t!i uf the hill TVl U OOlr on* of Ikt iunr pleasure ,u*>rts of ih- tity- N..lfar S*t of Ih .-lit ran.-.- I ' On-- K 11 ^ ""*' """ ' U .jor 11.11 iMMk-un idil spot in Ht . spend u fuw miiiufw air Ironj I t. -l of Iho city It w *erl acresj In ei ut and has luiny tin* walks wd HMM ful ttowur bd. At the si.Uuoe ' i ,rk is a broiie stu tu m*m-y of tw u uws boys, Osn'xi-l" u< * I<"4g, fell st Cutknit. Mill III !* The r"ort uo* niiraotinn luosl Men- , in ls llmaunla ..u ihn Hay, aboot sn . iil-- uo.tli *<t.t .if 'h UMTI of the ciy^ Tli.i OtUwiv Kleotru- Oo., have Wilitrol of I Hi, an provide many attraelioM to j does- if Me ovur their nd. "Tho Bay" is merely an elpaiihioii of the (HUwi river, 1 tpptrently tliri-i- ur four miles in width. A |.r.iu.-nadc pier b.is IH.-OII bui t out into UH- wator 3UOor4<K) yanls. Tin- i lin- ed .41 each xide with wni.t At tin cunlr-' Mid I'tu.-r end are band utaudb wheru 'Ii.' 43rtl regiment band froquuntly gives fr.-n cun.-"H. A swimminc mt.itr is en^a/ed Ijy th KJec'ric C. and he given the lo.- snns to. all comers. His |.:j;jili (.'ive some fine exhibitions in {pUgniMI trajwies and H|irinrHmrda and turning iniior- . in their doscent. One atniiHi -m.-ut tU' nw. motors have is tn play ball m the water with an inflated rubber which i ,i, not hiuk. But the old favorite park <>f the city is Hockcliffo, ab-jut two miles houth-ennt of Bkuk siree*. Though this park ix quite, lar#> rr ii Uirly aKve with (teopleon Hun j daya and hoBJsy*. The ^rond> are in tli-ir natural state tacept thwt g.xid r<Kids hsvu bueu built. Like Parliament Hill, Rockchfte overlooks the Ottawa, nnd nukll ferries re constantly plying le- twuwit the faint of the hank and t In oppo f.t-i >.h<irs. Jwt acrow the stream i- 'he mouth of the (litUimau, a bro Quebec tributary of the Otlnwt. There is still aiiothfr |mrk callod Ne- pean Point, at the southern end of tho m- <. -i. -I bridge. CiiiniiitiiilliiK 'lie river here it a battery of six pieces of the old inu//. l i-l<dinx style. Nenr st hnnd it the iiiHKasine, square stmie liuildiiii{, which w carefully Knnrdod hy Iho police On Suinlay last thin lurk wns sjewMJ to H. . iK. . n.- arnird Hull bo/ repeat hm pfi-fii.-intniwof juiiiuiii',; troin ttn- nt l>ritJi>e lo the water, s distance of '.HI (,< t. I '.u: i In- people waited in vun. Tli.' tory was circulated that the inry't father hnd him urn-stcd rather than l.-t him n.-U l.iH lift). |5.'sidtf thono jrks ther.- arc many iiiturestm^ planen for tho vin'..r. \i ; i is ili.- It.'inii.i-.n miiHciiin on Sune iv. -I, win. -h 11 o|n frt.in 10 t.i -i em:h j.-k day. In this iiiuxeuin are nriny ]...iiiiH'iiln. Tim student of j<c'o!..j{y or rn tlmlog) i-oii'.d here sp. n.l v- mi. n? Hplendid s|)f nun -. fnim nil wrtb of i ' in.-i.l . But ft>l hi.n who haH nt n hhori time to stay |iei-hap.i till) i nnil .lopartinuiit K-i liuwt intoreit. lerr limy be seen the inlmliiimita of the oa riolds, the mountain!, tho pntini,lh>t >rrts and the SM. From the .-"M i* ions are th poUr bear, arctic fox, white volf, arctic hare, walrun, and seals of all i/.- and colors. Mny of theae speci- n. iii ware presented by -I. W. Tyrrel, author ol " Across the Sub-Arctics." Among tho animala from tho wuriii.-r isrtH of Canada an. splendid red, crow .n.l black or silver grey foxos Tho silver fox which wss trapped near Lake Winnipeg n of a uniform dark groy with all ih. extremities black except the tail, which in t.ip|M'd with ha'r almost while. \ OI..I..-. the l.irt'M lnr.lt those aitrauting nost attention are the polioan from Nova S.-.ntia and the Honty Ibatross from Hri'iith ('..liniil.ia. ^oafiiiX the points .>f IntflreBl *nd peeking of the ^ity as a whole, Ottawa gives U> the visitor a very favorable im- UMlon There is considerable asphalt and bn.-k pnvt'iii.-n' and more it beni)^ laid. The ttreet car service is very g.x>d aud tho L'.iinp-tiiy inunt mnko money, for Ottawa is a st,reel-ci -riding town, There is more business than one would expo.-ijf-.tmd back from the St.I*wrence, but this it accounted for by the fact that there U good rail* <y and ateamlioat i n- neotion While there are not as good buildings as in -inn Canadian - n these will come in lime. What, with its 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCF EARLY CLOSING We beg 1 to inform our cus- tomers that our store will be closed at 6 p. m. week days, Wednesdays and Saturdays excepted, during the months of July and August. Please shop Early .SOME JULY REDUCTIONS- Ladies' Whitewear. [talanct; tf thi* Seasons inm-has'-s at Clearing prices - Pretty (larment* Well iiuul*-, nicely finished. handsomely trimmed with bee and emhim- dery. Special Prices. cwrtjan our 'j*.nhn ,.w wn",.. m to prnt*Mr MUwrnM* r.. n n II....T, Mat frwkOlilm tftntj f..r x>rurlu< iu.- .'. I-.I.MU im tknnifb Mum. O>. n-c.-iT* fl-M-laJ lutta, u bunt i-iiinie. In lh Scccnlif ic Jfmcrican , A hnn.1om-lT f .'t#>l I'T Ttrn.i New York I VESTEil Fill, London. Sept sth to i th 1901, EaUies clone September 4th. A homo ripoititmn of genuine merit New exhibits and leading attractions L.rklmrt s performing Elephants - The Three Graces and Tom Tom " the hnby plephant and many other *|>ecialtit of n high order (irand lii.'uorks duplay, including repre- M'liiattoii i-f "Kail of China" and '"iManf UJ I'ekin Spt-i'inl tiainn over all IIIK-S ech evening after HrcworkH. For prize l^ts, programmes, etc., ipply to Lt.-Col. W. n. J A Nelles. UarUhore, Pres Sec Teacher Wanted TrachiT wanfdil for 8. 8. No. 6, Arte^ n i-M-i, duties to begin after holiday* ; serond class c -rtifii-alo, male or female. State salary. Apply L> J. A KENNKDY, 8ec. Treaa. Ceylon 1*. ". mnnn W A KEKOOMS ! \Vi >r.i .-in IMM,' in: w.-nt style nf SEASONABLE GOODS Tn all linei nf FURNITURE Consisting of 3*arJor and Stadreom Suite) \.ounyai <Sid9- 3ioa> ds. Cxtfi tion mud Cantr* Ztattft. CAai'i. Window SkatJtn and Curtain treeU, ipnut Hundsys and (may weak days, Ottawa soemi a ry deairahleplH in wbicb U> liv*. K. I BIBB. at - Which we Lowest Prices. Picture Framing aud 1/ttneu l Repairing t'ltdertakin^ In all its Dranoheh SatUfactlon (Itinnmtc d W H. BUNT, PLR5HBRTON New Parasols ! All Reduced. This week we make a SiKH'ial disjilay of this Season's PaniMils at Special Pri.es. At their icgular price-- the} were super!' \;'lues,at tli- i new selling price they are most derided Ituiy>iins See Our Window Display. ...<S/iirt Waist Thy prices of every individual Shirt Waist in stock has been reduced, in sunn lines as much as 25 Per ent. less than Regular Price. Our assortment covers all regular sizes, and a wide choice in \Vhit Lawns, coloi-ed Cambrics, fancy Zephyrs and other popular wash fabrics all new season'** purchases. See our Display on Centre Tables Children's Footwear > H Special Showing. Children's Footwear, Including Strap Shoes, Hutton- ed 1 tools and Oxfords in Black. White, Red and Tan Kid. Trices from :5.">c pair. Men's Boot Special At One 'A special purchase gi\es this oppor- tunity to otter ;")(> pairs Men's Bull' Balmorals, whole foxed, fancy tiv $1.00 li 'l'' t;lirst ' u-n - ll( '' shapely las*t,solid leather insole, sixes from if to 10. Regular pricti *!.;">() Our Special July price SKOO Plymouth Binder Twine. Tt Pays Co Buy Che Best IS IT REST IS STUOMiKST IS F.VKNKHT IS I.o.N(iKST Ceaoe Vour Order Cd-Day. Best ^ID Economical - - The Hf.st and CLfapt-st Hayine and Harvest Tools All Kinds. ({cm Jars and Preserving Kettle* for the Berry Sea- son. Right Prices. n. RICHARDSON & COMPANY Vicinity Chips Ch.tr irterUlir* of the Meek 'arr fully fulled for the fortow ouncil will ^>eet on Satur- Any i|;uii'y of No. 1 spruce siding at .'. ) Inn A Appr^nr.c.- wanted to learn inilh.ij pply t.i O^pioy FaniK-re" Milling Co., Saini(lxs for '! A lar^e quantity in st.'ckat Iix.l vale Mills. Annatront; Bios il'..d stroug, Mn<irt, Iwy to Irain milling u Johu Mc.iv.n roller tuill Princj Artliin- lodne, A. F A A \I . will uli.- in a-. Hxuursion iu Owuu Sound t-i-day, Thurfdny. or c..u.;iaiy funds to loan ac from 4^ to .1 Fxp.-n.so low. Apply t.. Gw,. R uiitTford. SrfeJUurne FOR SALK -I4,,o good necnd hund 16 H. I', enciit *it 'ocnrai'lh. 1 Iviilrr. WateroiiH manufacture. J. Hitklmir, Mai well. Tho liruiiuu ofc().e>i S mud will iiv u excurai. -i to (iuuli'h on \\.-.li Aug. 7 >> --KlvvrtL-*iiK-nt in .-. cclumi. f<>.- full Iterx.rtH from ditfurunt pjrts .if the ..-.lunty inform u that in Hect-on the ratli |n" - .-ir very plentiful and arc detttroying cram. Fle.htrt. u A. *>. I". W. will hold a picnic ..t Ku>;iM'.-i . n Monday next, 5th iuttl. Muiiii-.-iH an- r. .( ii'ste.l u. *.h.'iulil. t ibu lodiii- rriuni at 1 p. ui.*Hhai|>, .s Giand Mrtt;r Comet will be THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE AUG. 1 1901 RECKLESS CLEARING SALE At the People's Popular STORE We want to Increa CaaH Salea by *Uhe Tfext Uhirty e our For And in order to accomplish this we will commence on Thursday, AUGUST l*t. one of the most reckless slaughter sales that the people of Fleshertoii and surrounding country have ever been bene fited by. The public as a rule are not. interested why a merchant should make them a present of his profits so long as they receive the beneh'ts. However, our stock is too large, so rememl>er this sale does not consist of summer goods only but everything in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, OWI be sold Regardless of Profits Dress Goods ta . verv time you will lie wanting to see fall styles in di' stnrt'. [n the meantime we're making rhis a grc;.i r-ady month for that occasion, all goods will lie market I at prices that you cannot resist . There will be a clean sweep, no matter what the cost. W-- mention a few to show you how we go aboih* it : 3 pieces new choice dress goods, reg. t)Uc., now 4' 1 ;> pieces worsted suitings, reg. $1.2."). for . . i5c. I O O And several other lines which we have not space to mention. I Se T. .1. Slu-ppard a chanu-j :" .i-l this wiwk, anj r.-aicmtier tliu bar<.;.-iiii .tr. -it only suranu. ({iicd-i, hut In.; r<-<(uct.nnK on tviMjih.nn in tho store i >r the n.-xt thirty days. Just arrivi-d at T. .J. Shej-| ard . in- other Iwlu . . null ends ot factor;, ton* ami wh to c.-tt.ins that you can l.uy at luwur prit.is than ever. We would call your tpcil attention to our Htock <>f sMkr DnnnelH whi. h is inont CI.MI l>lete, and rKuiomber they cum* in with the big reduction. Thu (fanlui pHrty aikerlim-d for M"ii- Uv evvmug las i on tho lawn st tliu Mtithodist ('..foiia^o lias, owing to the iDcUojabt wt-ather, been postponed until to-murmw, Krulay, WKiiin^. ut 6 p. in. All aru cordially invited tu bu present. Should tho weather prove unfavorable UB this o<x.t-..iiu. the entertainnient will U.- held iodoon. After IOIIK and wearied illness Mr. Win. Hatch of this place pasnod away Friday fi-ri ...MI lant at the -ij.. i.f 41 years, liMvin^a wife and six ..nil child reu. Dw'i-aKed was a int'iu'i.-r of iliu <>ddfel|i.w and carried au insurance ^K>lk.-v for ('.''NX) in that *~ i. ly. The funeral took place tx> Flfshert.in cetiu-tery Hi Sunday a't^inixui, the cortegi* hein^ vae of the largest uvur evn lu-ni. Su <een Lodgt- I O. 0. F. of Jfitikdale.atid l)utferin Imlx , Fionhorton, attended 'In- funeral in a t.ody. Deceaned wimii ini-in ber of the 1'ron'iytenan ch'iri'li (tn.i i-i assistant in the choir until iliwraau laid its hand U|H i him. Much sympathy goes out to tlie bon-avid family. The lacrosse gnme between Maikdale nid Din h .in t >ok place ;it M.u k.L->;>- in the rain Tim. sd.iv eveiiinn. I'd.- .-lul lini'd up .it 6 o'clock and play continued fr three lioiirv, resulting in a vioi.ny fur the home U'.t.n by a score of i. . 'H. T!.. n were a larji number of up. i- .. JKS, i.-.i witli-tHii'lin-.' tin 1 ln'Hvy downpour of nina, inrluiii i^ u f .w from Owen S.mn.l. Thin pLicux -lit club* on HII .-.JIM! f.K.nnK, Ktid the deciiiinx inatcheH will h.ivc tn I.-- playml .in neutral ground. M:. J II. McLiiii' lil.n. will ni.ikc an effci^ to havu the next match between Miirkd.ilu and DurhHin plav-fd at Balmy Bunc'i. OA--II bound draw n bye and will th. 'xf-.rv i.l.-iy <.ff with the * timer. Thin ujai.iu will .iNo have to be pUytai on ncuti^l KrotintU Sun. The services iu the Methoiiist clurch .iij Sunday lam were of uni.|Uc Hiid iu'eremiiitf irder. Tho mornitig Hvruion was dulivcrud to the Sjilih.iili schiM.l scholais, aud was an illustra'ed ohject loas in which Che little folk will r4iieint>er for a l'.'i)i( tiiue. Kev. Ui!.ni II..M the happy faculty of bcin^ alilo to ontertain tlieynum<ler with. nit we.iry- uiii them, and untnialcd lit iln f i.- M followed him carefully thi-oiirfii.-iit his uddrctw. In the owning .-i >'"*J Mftiot ind discunaiiill of Meihodist hyinnol.yy was th* order. Mr U iN >n I. as a Urx<- fund of information rei<a! liu Meth.ulist hyiuiiN nnd cii.ouiu8t.in. -us calling them forth, which is vory instructive. Tin- recitnl of thene ius\ ICVH was inter- i.per*ud with music by ci. ir. poople nd pHtor, illustrative and ..therwme, c-mn- priainu one of th > ckoictU muHical pro- XraiiiH heard in I- uvdiur' -i for i long time. Aioi.iik' the s|^..-i ilities -*c- niight mntion a dut by Mi'* C'hrintor --nd the past-ir, "JoHus lover of my soul ,' a <|uartet by MisovN Alice, Minnie, it.id Annie Joy, "Rock of Aj/es," whit} wan beautifulij iwuiered by these ulent .! }oiit>e ladiea, and a *ol" by Mi Nuwtul) La^o of IxHtdva entitled 'Carrie.1 by thu AIIX'-IK . ' Mr. LKe is well known hero and ma puid singer in a London church. H)H quoUU> the moeUouoe of tho anisic WM very hu/hly appreciated. Notwtth- j inclesaeot weather th church i etowdad. \\"i- liave alout 10 pieces left will be sold at about half price. Everybody Hade to Feel At Home in GUI Store that This is the line where we certainly do an immense business, and we have the nobbiesi goods at the lowest prices we can tit the great and the small. Our clothing sales have more than doubled ibis year, and we are determined to double il * again, so here goes, the knife has been sunk deep into the profits and you are to receive the benefit Men's Suits, regular $5.75 for Regular $11.50 for Regular $9.00 for Big reductions in Boys' clothing. BOOTS AND SHOESwecarryame, line, and tor this sale we have them marked at r ductions. C. 1 Sbcppard - l>:.h-. in litvt.i, ouliflowera, aiki new poUtn.-s for sule at l Turner . Also plums in their town. A rtanltoba Visitor in >![.. inn it. live principluH unliouuded. Hi faith .tii.l the Personals Mr. W. C. RubiciDuu of Mantoba, whose visit to Flenherton wiut briefly mentioned last week, favored The Ad- vance with a few facu which will prove of interest to our readers. The gentle- man is a Manitoba pioneer, having gone to that country in 1882 with lean than fj<s) in his pocket. To-r>ay he is the owner of 1440 acrut of tin; finest wheat land in the world, valued at $3U per sere, and in addition biu a lat^e quantity uf stock, implements, etc , also a respec- table bank account. Hi* property is lo cated 168 miles from Winnipeg on thu C I' K. Hnd Canada Northern railwmv Politically Mr. Kobiuson it a COIIIHMY.I tivtt of Conservatives and reveres ti.u n. une of Sir John M u-.i mrM. in n r whose advice lie went wol and to wlimu he HMcnbes In-i prosperity. Mr. Kolun son repeated to us HII incidunt in 'hi- liiv of Sir John which .- believe h-t.- been pulili.thed before, doiling with hia innr- vein n.-. .Memory, but coining from purs.ni.il cxp.-rl'.-nce it u-lds to the interest. I'M- vio is I.' iiimiiiK w.t Mr. K. iit.tende.1 a bau.|uu: t.> S..I White, holdul Oookniille, I'.-.-l cuuiity, nt which Sir John WHS a speaker, nud thu Iittter's ul-iwinu d..<M.-rip- tii.ii of the Nnrtliw (..!, IM posjaibiliUM in i pi-' spwl.s. :i< the chief factor in .lc- ciding Mr. U. |).IIMUI to go west. Pro- vmus tn tlii.s lie li.-ul listened to Sir AU-x under M-icl.-ii/.ie's ln<iiiliri.ius furociuts and liii-l |.. isi.iirtlly heaid his fainuUH tatBiiient that the C H. U. would nevur |>ay fur nxle ({reuse to (jrvasw tho wheels that thu North went would never be tit for anything but red men and burt'ilo Nine years sul>*ei|Ueiitlf Sir John toured MiitiitolM snd Mr. Koljiimoii, in shakmit IlitliiU nt a reception, asked if he re-mem- ber, d w hero he Imd sliak.-n that hnd lM.-f.-re Sir J.-lui looked at him -i n.o mi/iit, then said : " Y<*. t ' S "l White's ban.jU.-t at CuokHville.' Wr. llobinsiin still marvels at the wonderful left ..t meinerv displayed in this incident nn-1 chui-iiihes tho nuin >ry. Aiked aa to tho stability nf (lie preweiil uoveruuieiit in Manitoba, Mr. Koliinnon i!i-iui;lit it WM pt-rfu :ly M..HJ With rcnrd t> tlie Can- adu Ni-i-ilietn Uirgaiti, In- doe not think the u'.veiiiiii'-n' will ever ' uulled U|H>H to pay a ceul of detici'. Mr. Kichanlstin of Litgar, wh-i w is receut-ly uuseated, is he believes pulnic^lly dead, mil will never rise auain. "The pcupln of Out.irio.' naid Mr K..!iiMt..n',"iip|K-.ir lo hava uiiHtakeo idea an to the K-vtrily of our on. (>.. To give, you an idea, a.tbuugb I Inn f uly a an ordinary liri.-k house, we er nerwr more c. ui'ortat'lf i:i t>ntnn tlmn w sr* at home. (' al oan t>" had for 9^-^' l"' r I ton. and wood M de.ivMwd at fd per ! mttd " "What will wage* be thli. harvest i Veil, of course I cannot say exactly, as I have bcn .iw,->y fr-iru home for some time, bat' there will henothinu lowi than $l 50 per day aud work will hold until th-i snow tikis." As an i.viikMK* of tUo utroug interwt, Mr. Robinsou lake* iu politic* we might say that dnriotf the revtakm at tbe lst vot*ra Ult he travelled ovr 1000 miles with howe and boggy t hie own espouse Mr. i.ul Mi Ko Dun.litlk ; Mr. Newt l,ir^--. London , and Mrs. Foiinlain tnil vt\>, Tuionto. w. TU ijuet>l.i of friends in to(ii .m Sun- diiy. Mrs. .1. M. Thunt.iti, TITOIIKI. w the guem of her son, W. H TJur-- .1 Mr. bin! Mr. K J. Bioxn and two little children, of On-.iu Sound, wen KUtnUi uf Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Thui>Uni Saturday and Sunday . Hr. Fred Strain, who is lakinK a year n couriw iii law at Ann Arhnr. arrive.) lionn- l.-wt week :< spend holiday. .Mr inJMrt. II. I'l.-k.-ns. .i nnil .1 ll.ii. .1 I and Mr. M.iwkeo, all I 1 horn bury ; i.lso Miss Fir nine ,t IVM .'-.t"t- and Mis OlniHtead and daughter Mm-i.-l of Suiilt te Msrie, visit od t Mr. ILtmil- lon i.n Friday laHt. Mr. \Vm and Muw ll.it.-iu Challenger, Mr Andrew and Mist. Maud lt.'\.l, ..; Conn., spen* Sunday with Mi and M. J. Boyd Miii. riuuhus and HltUi dun^h'.ei-. M e, uf Huspeler, aru guut-is "f Mr and Mrs. W. Smith. Miss l.mrit Martin, Arthur, it n .^nH>t at the manse. MitH Cilaxtiford of Caledon.is a ^ticnr . f MiitH It i Smith. Mrs. Fred Johnston and Mr. WiMe of Collingw.iod vJNiti-d for a con].. i nf d.iVH at W. 1'. Cn.KHl.iy's. MiiM Millie Ci-omley u trinitini; friends in ( D- FLKSHKKTON On Jfand For Maosey Hams, Nuxon, Fleui' \- Wdkiti-iin liirm iigplementa, FWury aud Verity plows m hand -ill 'hi ii:in'. n!s. . ,tll kinds of repaira for tho same. Wu iniiiiufacture Wayoii'.. Buguius, (,'iifters. Sleighs, etc. Horweliiicing pr miptly attend. .1 Special ii'timtinn to tender contractod feet. LogxiK and flow Clmnni -MI .1.111 Iv on IMII.I. First Class Buad^s ricasure and arm maggOIIS .Spring t m.l linn flarrOWS ; Kl'-nry. Dick, \Mlill, an.i Dytiu'iit. Huttcrtield Company PIOWS ; unl kin.is shares Ais, sbraitiotors. orHra and i)tln>r kinds of make : fatam Separator!. of ditr.-i-ent kinds ; fforsc Shoeing, PaintinM .'.nd Crimming C^rnageHaiidankindBofBtaell- Smithing ; and wire tor fences ; GO TO J H. HEARD, FLESHEKTON. >^:o^2sv^^^^ss^s^?^^^^>-?i Mni E.l. Madden nnd ihre-; of Chicago callod on Mm. \V. P. fros*- ley on Sunday. Mr and Mr. S Wilmm ao.l two chil- dren of Tumuto are KU<ts of Mr. An- drew Wilnon Miss Edith Hicliardx Hi of Toronto arrived homo mi Su'iirday to enji-y ihi- cool weather of ihoxe high l-ititu.li* for u fuw weeks. Dr. T Hendei>ii. Tormto, is speud- ] inn a forUugh; 'H h'.lidayN with frieudM iu i thin vii;ii.,ty Miss Kilchk.' of Oranf(uville w tho S gueHt uf Miss i 'tini.Mi.- Kichardx'in. .V/r. and Mrs. W. J. Uellumy and larn- ily hiiv. IH-.-II jji.'iidiiiv the |ai w*ek with frit-lids in N'.ttswstana. Mr. Krntik I'-HI i.h-u-n- uf Ti.r.inU.i i spundin^ liolnli.yp. at the |r-ni*l Somt- 27th Annual Excursion The -l^l"i Klre UWI.V BOUND WILL ICI.'N AN KXCUKrilON TO THE CITY ** GUELPH Can you spare H few months ~ This winter in which t-- imprnv.- your udu.'atinn. Tl.- ., fuw uniiilhs H|i.;ne at the ' Vts> WEDNESDAY, AUG. 7. Train Win ,. . >nn S..TIO.I . H-ckforil I ht<rworth Arnott Hol'.nnrl I'T"t I. ~. MnUn. Ihon filielbara* At . I 18 . 1 ? M T M r B 01 B II n S T, 8 d M 00 Adults tl 80 1 M I W i m i au i ao i ic 1 IB I M 1 M 1 15 1 fj PAKU Child SO 80 51 NO HO 75 TO TO Warts Ain't Pretty Why d.i you hanti on to your* < tVo \ leu..* hi.w to euro them I Why FnitiAm's Painless Ci.ru Kxtracf'r do8 tho work Iu ' hurt urdor you jui try it. Gu.^s y.ior l'a u all right ik him House d Lot^For Sale. W<>ck f No IA, IS. Pfocburtun, eoJ frain* howi ftod lurn ta.r>l. luoO r.ln an.l fruit SraM KOO.I W*R,JM fark lot, blook H. lot 4, nlnit 4 tens tl \ui>ly M \<lrw W II HI. ArrlviMtf n' Hiulph at III o'clock ooon Ikinrnlng will hv Uualpb at!) |> m , sharp. Ttckct* HfMHl tu Hitarn onmny rcgwter Trwta ttic l-.>ltvwlnDT. Thtt* w1M i?firtftinfy be tho fxnnrsl-.n of ths h.iiMi.il.. V .v/r> Hi rn:i|t<U)ulil will t)r nmil. 1 for .nt- 1 tkinLm--ut. uii.l c-.nifort of onrMtton*. Tiir ii ..p*4iiiiuiii "f II... Mu.lul Pnriu liftvo kindly ...iif-.'iit.-.l to give Acrirftioi.iNtH .ivvry cppor- ttiititv Lf Mlnu '.. ffvrui iu all it glorv. and Moulu imuuuiaily uk thu (Krnioraalonn 'hn lino "f tin", the Isjl stMnkui of MM MMJOSJ ta the city of Uuclpb UVKKVUODV COMB UUMMITTBB Of MAHAOKMkHr Wtu. Han-Is, Tbo* . tr, E. Mtbnoo. (too. DowkM, w Can- NU Tmnt, Oap*.; (toe. l'ro*tu, rr*+*umi ; W. HOMTS. fbervtarf ; D. MaArUi<u.I>tnitj Ubiel jTB, I)a*l.Cklsl . OWEN SOUND ONT. Would enablu you tu iln liu^inc u. . wtlsfartory raauuur. The kn.'.> . ilu" you would ;iu uf ii>it.. clu|iu'h .n I all Kinds of coaiinur.'Ul p^p.T -A til ', j'.'i UapH. ave yon hundrr.N uf dollnr.s n t.lu- fnturu. Wr*ghl for catalogiw, which con- full rnfurinatton, to C. A. Fleming, Principal OWKN SOI ND, oMT Bold and rnoonjroonrtf.! by all In Otnads. Onlrrali- W H VlMtii.rt'.ii by Dru - -,

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