Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1901, p. 4

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FRAGRANT for the TEETH and BREATH Mw Slit SOZOOONT LIQUID ... 25o N.w Patint Box SOZODONT POWDER . . 25c Large LIQUID and POWDER ... 75o At the Store* or by Mall, postpaid, for the Price. A Dentist's Opinion: "As an antiseptic and hyeienio mouthwush. and for the care and preservation of the teeta and {nuns, I cordially recommend Sozodont. I consider it the ideal deutif rice for children's use. " [Name of writer upon application.] HALL &. RUCKEL. Montreal. I'DLLY MAKING TEA. The cliina gleams in lilne .mil white. The twilight hour is swift up- |.| -o.u lung. Knti iinci-d I nol<- v^iih shy delight No nt her cullers arc encroaching. A cup she. designates u.s minu \\nli ini'tion nf lin duinty finger. llu- kettle lioils- () drink divin,- In tin m-ry aJi.tll thy fragrance lin- II, i ki-rrhief made in style of yore, Some fairy surely put the hem on, Held sugar ttuch a charm before ? WuD e'er tmch magic in it lemon ? Sin- turns away with manner coy, The In, -light shows her beauty ilearer. Oh. why IH ti-.iMi.g Much a joy! 1 wish she'd loun- .1 little nearer. We sit and sip the time flics I My cup ne-dN lilling -project cli-\.-i' Mi.- i i. IIH-. mid 1 -grown bold at last- Say "Polly. make my tea for i '" - * - t OVEKSTOCKED. i I argued and argued with young Nil. 1.-- In have more wlf-vstii-in \\.is he inlliii-ni fil |i\ \iiiir efforts? lle'x ^l)l so ii, 'ii I, now Ui.it I can't tuy mound \\lnie he IH. Motlirr I am surprised, mv dr.ir. (hat \oii Milli-r 11 man lo kiss you! l>.iiit;lilei But. mamma. I don't call it siiir,-Mng OWES HIS EYESIGHT TO A MIRACLE. INDEBTEDNESS TO DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ACKNOWL- EDGED BY THOMAS ST. PIERRE. Hnlth Entirely Re-*tiblihed by Dodd's Kidney Pills Another Triumph for Tkat Wonderful Hemedy His Eyesight H Bern Strengthened St KJ.I <jui. . .Inly y. (S|M-. i.,l i On<. yi-nr am. a^iniiiili- .. .iniiiiiiiic- il in rim.ini. I: A \\.nii-. the ' 'i null,:, I I.IUMI. n^.iiinil Ills MUlM after liiivin^' for vi-nis lin-n t o- tnlly l.lmd Hi ' was |nili|ist,ed t hi o'Hjlioiit the length and lin-adtl! of Ann-ill. i. ninl it attriK-ted mure t t. iitimi to liorld's Kidney Tills ill. in any iiieiliniii. I-M i >rot lulmr l'i.| |l Ma- 1'iiild s Kidney I'llls that i. ii n'd In-- ^if;iit A similar .>- lins 101 ned iil> in the \iIN.K'- of St KIM tine. Though tins vim,,,. i n.iv ii, ,t stone lihnd, his e\rs ni-vc-l -tlii-lest. \\.-re lllli-lly a linn I'v liiiii|.liK'lii And tJie\ I, .m In . ii ron,|i|i-ti.|y n-storixl li> |,i.ilil Kidney Pills, winch is nn- i.tln-i |ioin1 of siiuil.il it> 'I'lu-pr is iii. nlteinpt made to i.s- liodd'-. Kidni \ 1'ilK .in- ., . in i- for liliii'lin ss liodil's Kidney Pills iii i il.e ^n-alflt-t kidney iiiediiine Ail kin, 'AH That IN Hi- . l.iiin in. ill,- I. i !>,, ill!-. Knlnev I'llls. mid there i i M'li-n ..... niillffli tu |.|o\e tJlat il.iim Hut in r.is,-s M|II-H- Kidni-y I'l-i.i'i- has led |iuiMHis in the I'lood and the s.ud |nnsiin~. att.oUint; t he \\i .,1 . l - |.,,l , inline the e.\ r hi, lid's Kliln,\ I'llls me Mist as ilifalllhli- as u l,i-n' i h, |.t ll n .ii i ft*lM ' In- i. .nil of tin- aim nl tin- -I i. ill i.f the li.n k Thai tin- lA.-siHM of Thomas Si l'i. i r* Wf n --I ..... il ! Inn mini her .11^111111 nl Uiat l>.iili|s K ulney Pills Illllke II. i- li'ni'il . |, iiri- ll. ii- 1- Mi SI I',.-, ,, X l.-it.-i-: "I inn ha|i|iy linhiy to ?-> my In-allli ml in-U i i-i - 1 alili'ln il I'. 1 . I '," Id's Kllllii-V I'lll- I one lll.lt !.':. I, I fill ii-iinily a i In, u -in d I hunks Mefore ;; lli.llll's K Illl ' I'll! I I, .III I oil milti-d many |di\ -n i.ins ami I.,, .In i ..... id \al inns kl!,l|s. I, lit . .,, h made nn- um I had n eonM.,i,i l u in Ilif lun-k and hnil.s At IIIJ.-I.I I couldn I 1 1-.- 1 ..ml I r..i.;d not I.-. lalnpllKh' Having t.iKin ,,nl\ M\,. l,..\. - of l>, dd's Kidney Pills I am |>ei -fed ly i uri-d M.v eve- HiKht is rlear I ndvi-f all thus.. who-.- I. vi i,.,,. ,. , , ,-,.- In Ii v I'm Id's Iviil- Pills SIM- limes out of ten I Ili-V U III In- f \.H I l.\ M ll.ll I- W.lllll <l I u ,, i|..ii.,i s|,i -Hi for liodil's Kul- ,,, v l i! ill do n ...... th.in nnllioiiH HH'lit otherwise for wlm holds any- 1 him Hi t he Wi.i !il nun ' di-.ir Iliun hCMlth. or would sparu any mraiis l., ,.\. ii '" HIS i (ii;i:riiou(JHT. Streeter ti-IN mi- lie has stopped giving his \\ifi any [.in money. Stimry of him. I Hay! Oh.^Bo Jle leaves a smaller am- ount in Ins pork. -l for her to help ln-iself to when she thinks he's a- sli-i-p It Rives hi-r mure pleasure and she never u-IU him it isn't en- ough. UNDO Maud When ure they to b mar- ried ? Kthel Never Maud Never? And why so? Klhul She will not marry him until he has paid his debts, and he Cannot pay his detita until she mar- ries him ^ Th 1 t,ocl " Trnin of tho Northern Pacific wlnrh in-a'ed such a funor during its nrst season, in llMni. in again shoot IIIK I, a, U and forth ai rosw the L-ontiiH-nt in all the glory of its form- er d.i This dark Train of the North- almost entirely new for i'nil is tli.- e|iitotni- nf modern pass.-nt'er train const riKt ion The liming ('ar with its a l.i rarli- breakfast and lunrh. and tal.li- d'hote dinner f,, r $l.(Hi the uiiei|iiali-il Tourist Sli-i-|>- mg rar of 111 s.-rli,, r is roomy lava- tories and electric lights ; the lirst- class lirawing lioom Pullman with 1Wo elerlrn- light" in i.uh s 1K -tion and the palatial Observation i-.ir with i<i -milking rooms, bullet, h.n- |,i i- shop. bath, library of Mil vol- umes. (iirr. -nt in.iga/iin-s. ladies' par- '-I ! i \.itlon platfol in all to- gelln-r form a train of unusual i ma- fort . cxcellenri-. and even limirious- in s evi-n in I IMS day of luxurn-s Of rourse. hi., ad v. - 1 ifiiiles. stenm l.i-..t and s|,.,.| platform- an- thi-n-. and then- HM- ni-arly .'((Mi ili-i-t in- light- on tin- train the t.agg.ige ear ali-l (lay i-n.ohes heing thus liglili-d also The tra v> runs from si Paul to Portland 'iii-goii. passing through MiliMi-.lpohs I altrn llo/i-man. Illllti-. Missouln. Spoktiin-. S.-atlle and Tnroma l 'nun. -i I mi. s rrom Puluth mid Siipi-rinr and for Helena are inadi- en rout i- Send to C|IMH S KII-. Ci-n erftl Pas- siMigcr Agent. St Paul, six cenfF for Wonik-rlaml I'.'i'l. a royal Look hav- nil-' a i hapter on tins royal train. .K IN I-'HKXH MliTIT.lt. Why is butii-r saltisl ? H is not merely a mailer of taste There is a Tientilic ii-ason why Salt should In- added Tin- I'.iM.il.il poplll.it Ion of ii moderate si/i-d pat of butter may be reckom-d tt\ millions, n ml a tiny lump, only l.ngi- enough to go into a thinil.le. has I ..... u known to I i- ten. tnled by nearly 'IM.dlHi III id llenfi- the in-geni-y for keeping tins,- Inn di-- in ii.i-ik. and lienre the ef- forts which are made, lust. I,. -.1 up .11. -rt iial barriers to theii iiign-ss l,\ taking propei pn , .iiitioiis in the production of milk , and. si-fondlv. in the manufacture and distribution of the finished aitnle linludeil m lln-i- processes is the addition of salt in such i|Uantitns as to nistify lln- Imtler l.i-ing knoMii as salt tillt- ti-i or, in oilier \\ords. to sup- press- to a large f\lc!il I lie acllVltles of Un- biilti-r baclei-m That salt do.-- ait in t'ns manner is shown by the fact thai in butler thus treated a M-I \ l, it.- ii-din i ion ill tin- num- ber of iiiicro-orga.iisms pn -i-nt is ef- ftoUd. IT \S \S I' Mil Kolt A late i.i-l,:. in.. u in Mhi. si- eh I. T \anily and parsimony were the must remarkable featnn-s \vas, for a long time IH-IOII- In- died, in i In- llilhll nf retailing I In- produce of Ills dairy and on liard to thi- cbildn-n and | ..... i people of hi- neighborhood. It Is told, ll.al o:n- i!. \ ol.M-rVlllg a \eiv pr.-tty little [.-male child Inp- ping through his grounds \\ith a null. -pipkin, he stooped to kis- her. after which In- smd in a pompous tone Sow n,. il.-.u you may tell your l_i ., i.ili nihli . n and tell them in their turn to tell tln-i, p r.i inK'hi lih'en . that \oll had once the honor of M-ceiving a ki I h i, in t he (tight lion, ii .,1-1,- tin- Karl of D - . The girl looked up In his face, anil, Mill, a -Ualisji- IlilMUle of SI in; , I II 1 1 V and i,n hn. -ss. i eniai ked lint \e took tho penny for the milk, though' A DAILY THOUGHT. Vou may not see. I may not know, i'he dei-ds to which our kind words grow, Out they are never lost. I know. . ., A FROM THE TRAINS Passengers Get Glimpses of the Pan-American Exposition. IVopl,- travelling from the east ant! west will come within the /-.one of the direct influence and spirit of th< Pan-American Imposition miles awa> from the great and glorious spectacl itself Surrounding the setting of the exposition there are num. -ions features that will rival the attrac- tions of the great show for public attention, and especially is this true of Niagara Kails. There is no great- er or more wonderful eve-feast in the World than the Falls of Niagara, the l>i-.iiitiful gorge, and the dashing tu- multuous waters of the VMnrlponl Unpids If they are alert, long be- fi.n- their train stops at Niagara Falls, passengers over the Grand Trunk Hallway will conn- in sight of the mighty observation tower from which .searchlight signals will be flashed to the Electric Tower of the Exposition In fancy one can pic- ture the beam of the powerful pro- .11-1 tor extending way off toward Hamilton. (>nt., to give glad wel- come nnd greeting to the incoming trains laden with humanity anxious to sec the falls and the exposition. Speeding across t he wonderful gorge the train will carry its passengers in full view of the Kails of Niagara and the Whirlpool Itapids. while the rc- markable gorge will stretch out on either side of the greatest railway steel arch bridge in tie- world. This bridge of the Grand Trunk Hail way at Niagara Falls is one of the won- ders ,.f the locality, and resting, as it does, one end in the domain of King Kdward. the other in the 1'iiiteil States, it forms u portion of the industrial bond in the Anglo- Saxon union that fi.i-c.-s a r.-ali/a- tion that no matter on which side of the Niagara we reside we are all Americans 1'an- America us In Australia Mfiring begins August 20th, summer November 2oth. au- tumn February Until, and winter May Ji'th TORONTO'S BIG EXHIBITION The Prize List for Toronto's great Annual Kxposition and Industrial Fair, which this year will ! hold from August U'lth to Sept Tin. ha.-. come to hand It is printed in yel- low shaded with grivn. and pn a vcrv handsome appearance. Ul> wnrds of $.'!.'>. (MM> will he distributed in premiums. nnd ?:!O.<MHI will be spent in features nnd xjH-rial atti.n lions The livo stock classes hav rearranged in some instances nnd the premium- nn n-ased in ot A class for I'n-ncli Canadian cattle hns been added Copies of tin- Pri/e List and all informal ion dcsni-d can hr had on addn-ssing H .1 Hill, XI! King St Kast. Toronto Special efforts are being made to increase the excellence of the- Kxlnhition tins year on account of the close proxim- itv of the rail-American Pn-iWeen IMiO and 1*7(> ItritisJi railways increased .M<> miles a fMU Tin- present yearly increase is :Jul miles u v c. c mciiAnns A co. Hear Sirs. I have used MIN'AIID'H LINIMKNT in my stable for over n year and consider it the very best for horse flesh I can get and strong- ly recommend It. (iF.O HOI'UII Livery Stables Quebec. who .ire using LUDELLA CEYLON TEA exclusively know they are bavins a good thing. Try it and you will have the >a:ne. load Paokagaa, IS, 30, 40. 50 and Cent* ...PRINTERS... Printing Material for Sale. " | One Four Roller Campbell Press, front delivery, bed 43x56, $1200 One Four Roller Campbell Press, bed 37x52 $1100 9 Two 7-col. quarto Brown Folding Machines, each . . . $400 Two Roger's Typographs, in first-class order, each . . . 8^50 Also Cutting Machine, Stones, Stands, Body and Display Type. All tbU Machinery U in First Class Order. Easy Terms will b* Qivra. or Special Discount for Cash. On account of adding a more up-to-date Put the above Machinery aud Type will be disposed of at a Sacriftce. ? The Wilson Publishing Co., of Toronto, TORONTO, CANADA. Llmlttd If I WU WttltK MTTH. (CO*. POUinir. tfft.lt. ether nttTTt PMMOI, The Dawson Commission Co. Ves. Sis tj i- little fellow over here is the holder of more cups and trophies for s minimi.' . , yrling. and ithli-tns K'-ui-rally than ull tin- oth- i fi-llo\\N put together? The dar- ing, so slim, too I should hardly ..IM- iin.iiKhi it' You nee, he's in justness a* a pawn-broker! Minard 's Liniment Cures Diphtberia Oermany. <!reut Britain and the I'nited States consume together on- y one-twelfth UH mm h wine as NOW, ABOUT THIS SEASON'S For MOWIII, RIAF-H. TNIflMINO MACHIHI*, >S Q" PPPPI PQQ o r r.c.nL_c.oo U Fvo-it Mlth Ontario rartlMr* r M Tear* ke<er ih Public. Uut ou Set It Mardwirt. Drue and Oenerml ttrm sol It. Held* 17 ColJ MMali. Minard's Linimant Cures Colds, ete lu Uie Uritish Army and Navy ore 7fl officers of foreign birth. !!<. being l-'reiich. 1- (.iormaiiK. and K> Italian lino id's lioimem cures Goroei in cows. 7. (KM) m every million Itritish peo- ple have mi. . m. s of over $1,000 a ear. For O*r Fllty Vr M*> Wimiow gnvrniKa RT>cr ku bwa iof Balkan for tbnr chiMrm whila Kaihina. .lhn lh callJ. inlUiw te r'>">- alrpaJ, oaraa or,|u? rrfulalaa tli tnmich D.l nowau. and U the MM raoie.ij lor Ulnrrhoaa. T.n.ljr Mola a boula tvi 1 la ilru.-ut ilirunfhoul lha world B nra aa4 ui lui " MM. Winnow oorl v0." 'li^lish peo|-le use U'.'iTU.s a In-all a \i-ar of whi-iit and flour. IH of ba- con. !' of butler. -Id of etus. and H.-S Of sin.., i $100 Reward. $:OJ. Th* ra.lar ot t lili paper nil) be plruad to laarn that there N nt leaatone ilreaiird di*)i ttaat a<-lnoa luu been able to i-ura In all In tKte-i nn,l tl t U Cntnrrh II \il Calarrb lure la the only |>oi>ltlv . ur > now known to iiu- me.li.-i,: ;ricrnlty . canirrli brlnR a run. tltultonal ,Hi- >. r- quire" OvMUtattOMJ treaiment. HH!) Catarrh Cure U ink n mloi n.-ill), acting riln-rtly upon the h nc..t nnd iiin-oii-, lumCM of the >jricm. Iliorebv daa troTlnx the foumUtion of the dUi-a-o, and Klvnm tl o patient -iri-onUi liy buildlnic up the rinatltulion anil an Idling nature in doiDK m work. The proprletom have ao much fmlth la fi in rail vo power. that thoy olfer tno llun- dreil l>ollar> for nn> C.K.I that It full* to oure. S*nd for hit of tc.liinonluK r.J.CIIKNIY ft CO., TOLEDO i'H. 7ic. l'111-..vro the boat 'The yellow .iml red Spunish flag is ho oldest now in use by any Fhiro- pean power. \i-t it was not flown till ITS.'i Tin- I ii-nch tricolor came into use lo \e,.is later, and our red ensign in IHul W. P. C. IDS 7 CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all skin allmanti. 4. 0. tatart A Co . HanehMtwr, Metallic SKYLIGHTS ooucus ., 1M A UI,<IML. TuaaXTo, Out Gents' Suits Cleaned or l>v-l : atio LaitU-* Wear of all kind,, an'l llmiwa Haii|tM{4 of i-frj ili..wrlpllon iail.ll MUDAI.IsT 1>\ i I: -i BRITISH AMERICAN DYBINO CO'Y, Montrtal, Turunto, Ottawa Jk i^uttf-c. Four per cent of Russia's national earnings are spout on her army and navv. and only 1!J per cent on tho llnlisJi NCINBERS- BUPPLIBS. Aabaatoa Coatli, Plp Cavanng, lubi lo.XIng Oil*, Qrtaiaa. ato. WM. IUTTON OJMPOUMO 00., l.n.-i:4. TOkUNIO. Ul M1OA AXLK ORf AS I. riUi I'l.Kss IN \ NI.UE. Kindly words, sympathizing atten- tions. wati-lifiilni-ss agalnM wnunil- iii^ nt lirrs' s.-nsitivenem, these cost very little. l>ut they are priceless ia value Mioard's Liniment Cures Distemper A SKNSi; (H-- riTNKSS I.ady of the House You needn't usk for a cup of cofTee; our K.IS stove bus been turned oil for hours Trani|>-- Cnlle.'. lu.ulalll. is out of the question have von .my left-over sherbet or \i-sti-i day's lemonade in the ice tl Bra$$ Band Ins'.ruments, Drum i, Uniforms etc EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND I/owc.t pt ken rer ouoted. Fir* ra'nlocn* MO lllust mi 1 -n*. in.ilaa fnr. Write ua fur any thing m Mu.lr cr Mn.ti-al In.i mm. ,.. WhaleyRoyce & Co.. T c; 1 n n n,p.g n ^:n n<l Dominion Una Steamships Moauaal to Uttrpool. Boatan to Ut- pool. Porllaad ta Litaimool. ViaU<ia>- taw*. Larii and Fart SKaaukipa. Suparlar >ooon> . k>i all al-atri ol i- nnicia Baloaa> anil " aa< tx. o (...a w I* Btroad 9ioo aad Tbird Olaat aoaOBBUHlatioa Tm riAtMof pi'at au4 all aniculan, afi-ly ta anr agOT at laal'oniDaay.af B-oJ.ir.li, Mllla Oa, D. Tamnaa * I'e. . TORONTO August 26 to Sept 7, 1901 dior nnft PMCMIUM* (mr n/in 555,000 * T r R r c ?,oH. JGS.d i J.L.JONt.Sf NG.C9^ 8 10 ADCLAIOl VW IORONTOJ Naval and Military Displays Dc-Uy J > .L.!',Nr SPECTACLES. fiomb&rdment of Taku Forts bjl lutcrnational Forces. Cr'-atost Live Stock Show on th Continent. "Ail Our Country's Resources. K T ovel and High Class Entertain- ment Features. MILITARY TATTOO, AUGUST 27th. Great Reunion of Canadian Old Boys and Old College Student* TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd. RIDUOIB M1M AIL UMI Or ThAVtl. AHOEKW SMITH. PAO.V.M, a j ii 1 1. u. WORSE THANJN INFIDEL. Rev. Dr. Talmage Tells How You May Keep Your Children From the Poor House. A despatch from Washington says -Rev. Dr. Talmage preached from tho following text : "Let him appoint officers over tho land and tako up the. fifth purt of 8 land of Kgypt in the seven plnnt- eous years." Gen xli 34. These were the words of Joseph the President of the lirst life insur- ance msur company that tho world ever Pharaoh had a dream that distracted him. Ho thought he stood on the banks of the river lie. and saw coming up out of tho river seven fat, sleek, glossy cows nd they " thick grass that, out of began to browse in the public charity As for myself, I would rather havo the Lord provide for my family i n a private home and through my own industry, and paternal ajid conjugal faithfulness says some man: 'I mean in the next ten or twenty years to make a great fortune, and so I ahull leave my family, when I go out of this world, very comfortable." How do you know you are going to live ten or twenty years ? If we could look up tho walk of the futuro we would seo it crossed by pneumonias and pl.-urisies and consumptions and col- liding rail trains and runaway hors- Nothing frightful about [ * and breaking bridges and funeral n1tr\f~ t I. ... i_ _ I H__. > Dut after theui.comingup the same river, he saw seven cows u,at were gaunt and starved. processions. Are you so certain that you aro going to live ten or twenty years that you can warrant your . , wvi* vvu, ., . . i ., * <>., t*a *\ .11 i ani. your worst looking cowa that hod | household any comfort after you go far awtt v from them' 1 Besides that, vast majority of men die poor ! t was possible for her husband eve die. One day. in the quick revo- ion of machinery his life was in stantly dashed out. What is the no- quel? She is with annoying tug making the half of a miserable liv Her two children have beet taken away from her in order tha they may be clothed and schooled and her life is to be a prolonged rdslnp. o man. before forty eight hours have passed away appeal at the desk of some of our great life insurance companies, or one of fraternal societies, havo tho sietho scope of the physician put to your heart and lungs, and decree that your children shall not be subject, -, to the humiliation of financial strug- gle in the dark day of your demise NEED LAEGEK* INCOME NOW Ago $50,000 a Tear Was sufficient in London Society. Tho London Spect-u-ir, . ^. .V of hunger they rtcVoureT 1 " 3 seven fat predecessors ' Phar- the King, sent for Joseph to wo only two out in business. of a hundred . - - Are you very these midnight hieroglyph:-:-.. I certain that you are going to be one ^ made short work of it. and ot the two ? Hich one Jay poor the the seven fat cows next. Besides that, there nre men Intimated that the .seven fat cows th.it came out of Uie river were seven years with plenty to eat the Boveu emaciated cows that followed them were seven years with nothing o .-t " ".ext. besides that, who din solvent who are insolvent before they get under the ground, or before their estate is settled. How so a auctioneer's mallet can to eat. 'Now," said Joseph. ' let J k "ck the life out of an estate" A us take one-tifth of the corn crop of | m , a , n thinks the property worth $15.- thc seven prosperous years, and keep [ on ; under a forced t ns a provision for tho soveu years ? 7 . o< >0. The business man takes ad- In which there shall be no corn crop." vantage of the crisis, and he com- The King took tho counsel, and P el - s the widow of his deceased part- appointed Joseph, because of his in- m ' r to *" out to him at a ruinous legrity and public spiritedness aa " the president of the undertaking The farmers paid one-iifth of their income as a premium. In all tho >wns and cities of the land there branch houses. This great Egyptian life insurance company had milliqns of dollars as assets After a while the dark days c the whole nation would have starved if it had not been for the provision they had made for the fut- ure **--- Hi-, sale it brings But, says some one: "I am a man ' small means, and I can't afTord to pay the premium " That is some- tin/es a lawful and a genuine excuse n '"l H'cro is no answer to it; but in ""> cases out 6t ten when a man thtt. he smokes up in cigars drinks down in wine. ;, - inuii .-tpeci-xi ->r, <!,. cussing the new standard of veAlth in recant years, remarks fiat nfi/ years ago an income of 10.000 was account- 1 sufficient to mainc-un n Ruo d Place in society. Disr.u.li. cue of o keenest observers of n.cjro ,u- ired that an income of 80OO 'was a veritable Aladdin's lamp but wealth now begins with an income of:M 000 yearly, which. U the possessor Uves up to hi.i position, does not leave Ii in aa free from mojiey cares as though he was really rich. Tho country house, hired London house. shoot im; a wifo's and daugh- -"' d pends in luxuries enough money to have paid the premium on a life in- - _ v suranco policy which would have t now these suffering fain- kl ''' t ls family from beggary when h.ive nothing to do but to go I ne ' dend A man ought to put p -uid collect the amount of their '""""'If down on the strictest ,-eon- policies Tho Hiblo puts it iii " Ul y unul he can meet this Christian a short phrase 'In the land of Kgypt ""''"^"y You have no right to the hen- was bread." I . a y this was ! Iuxurios f life u >til YOU have made tho lirst life insurance company. It ! 8uch Provision. I admire what was said by Ur. Cuthrie, the great S,-,,t- tish preacher. A few years before i.-.ith he stood in a public meet- ing and declared: "When I come to Edinburgh the people sometimes laughed at my blue stockings and at tors' dress, a moor in Scotland and six weeks' yachting loavo little free cash ami nothing for improvement Many expanses which the rich incur without thinking must bo avoided and at tho end of the year Uio pos- sessor of such an income will think whether this or that could not be economized. This is true, assuming that in ad- dition to :>0.000 a year there is in- herited Uio 'plant" of luxurious life but In the case of a man starting in society with an income of 2o.OOO and no plant he is fnr poorer Pur- chasing and installing himself in- suitable town and country houses must cost JCi.-ln. i. reducing Ina free income to 14.00O. As he approaches 5O years of ago ME BRITISH PEERAGES HOMANTIC SOURCES OF A FEW OF THEM. Gallant Bescue and Its Reward- Trivial Incident Won a Peerage. Thero are few page., i n fiction more remarkable or fascinating thar tho stories of the origin of some o Ul "ril is', ,-ages. many ,,f wluc.l race their descent from roimuitu tources, ranging from a l,, vo ro Tit-Bits l U lottory ' suys Lo dn A century or so ago there was liv- ing m Dublin. Luke White, dealer in second-hand books and keeper of lottery office. One day. so tho story ns. on looking through a second- book that hu<l recnntly hand to tween come his possession, lie found be- two of its loaves a lottery ticket, which he was wise enough not to part with. As luck would hnv, it. tho ticket won a very valuable Jrize. which at one,- placm! us own- r in a position of inilue.iice. Throe of his sons became army colonels and mombcrs of Parliament, luid tho youngest of them was created Baron Annaly in 1S(>;1 a peerage which is i.-ld t,,-day by a captain in tho Scots Guards, who, like his fortun- incostor. !., i-s the lucky name f "Luke Wlui A GALLANT DK.KD Any one who chanced to be pnss- ng at the tim over London bridge no day in the seventeenth century light have witnessed a gallant de.-d erformed by a. young apprentice. A oung lady had fallen into the river. nd was in imminent dajigor of rowning, when .she was rescued by youth, who bravely plunged into the river ami witji difficulty brought her unconscious to tJie shorn. Tho gallant young roscuer was Kdward Osborne, an apprentice to a worthy draper on I London brnlgo. and Uio rescued girl was the daughter ajid heiress of his employer Such a ro- nuvntic episodo could have but one appropriate issue. Kdward Osborne married tlie girl he had saved from death, succeeding to her father's wealth and business, and founded Uio A WHITE CITY. Archangel Only has Three Xonth*. Summer and Sun Shines Continually. For Un-oe months in Uie winter Archangel. now to become tho great. western port of IJuwiia, scarcely se the. .sun. and fur throe months in U si.mmcr seldom loses sight of it. Yet there is no city i n the whole of ope which lies for so many for the greater part of the year" in act-under a mantle of , ; and bocauso of this, the Itussion fondly calls , t . "The White City " too. it is in other ways chief buildings gluro with blinds. The rJiurchcs-and in Kussiun city there arc not few also of pure whit,- . only Uie cupolas are green, and the crosse. their summits gold. Alld whlU tho private houses of Uio bettor sort except where Norwegians and .ernians live, for blull and blue 1U isl rod then streak and diaper Uie pine walls and odge the gable onds But -reel-posts, gates, pillars, walls 'nces these are all white And In summer, for every official you i m a blue or gray tunic, you see tn in whito caps and whit um- orms. Bright color alono Is left to the rouien and chinldren ; pink blouB eon Kkirls. scarlet petticoat^ range apronw. and bluo korchiofs re common enough . while a croup children will always look like a ster of old Knglish Mowers But therwise. m summer us in winter s old city of Archangel, now dwl nod to bis the capital of a new useia in the near west, is a White ity indeed * a ore allowances for his sons' pensions and | n ? l>l<! famil Y_ ' wl ^' rh i-'eorgo (Jortol- other claims will make a still furth- divim-ly org.un/ed It had in it ^^Ivantoges of the "whole lifo plati.^*"* the "Tontine plan." of the i\.-d endowment plan." and all t'ie other good plans. .1, m., the Ilible say In > my cotton umbrella, and th.-v said Dut what ,i >. f hut does favi s 'h i S , , it if tll.Vh " l W '" f - ivor :-"" 1 (! '"V derided me because I lived the Dible d.., I .,,,nr...s ,t I will de- In a liouse for wl.,,-1, 1 pa,,l thirty- it In add.Uon t,, th - ' live pound., rent a year and ofton- timos I walk^ when I would have In addition to the fore- last of Joseph in the text. I call your attention to Paul's comparison phin quia. present head A P1UNCF.SS FAINTEP. One odening in the nurly years of tin; second (!iorg-. when a certain beautiful and wealthy lady wan ln^ ing carried in her Sedan chair 'to -he wan sei/.ed with a sudden attack of f.iint.ness Fortunately at tho moment her chair Nee,, v ,. ry glad to have had a cab- n e, is one man who through neglect , but, gentlemen, I did all that b<H m .. O" w^ltL^ - wwv, BUIAVICU1GI support his family while he cause wantea to pay the premium or after ho dies. Hero is an- on a life insurance that would keep man who abhors the Scrip- my family comfortable if I should cts God Which of die." That I take to be the ru-ht the worm > w e ll. you expression of an honest, intelligent on- abhors tho Scrip- rejects God Which of men is tin; worse ? say th. latter. Paul says the form- Christian man. Paul says that a man who no- * to care for his household is nor.- obnoxious than a man who re- -; the Scripture*. "H e that pro- vide! Ii not for Ins own. ami Mp, ly those of Ins own household is than an infidel." Wh.-ii lI.-/.-kiali was .lying the in- junction camo to him : s,-,- thy house i,, order, for thou shall die and not live." That injunction in ir day would mean : "Make your will : settle your accounts ; make things plain ; don't leave for them The utter indifference of many peo- plo on this Important subject ac- counts for much of the crime and the pauperism of this day. \\ho er reduction lie will be well fed and lodged, but will worry regard- ing the position of his- children .md will be anxious in a s-hajiio-faccMl way that his sons do not seek for tune- less bridea. Tho Spectator does not think that ... the truth of Uiis is based 1ipon lux- Prury Lane theatre. uriiHisness or wastefulness peculiar to to-day. Such luxunousm-ss a, id wastefulness existed equally former- ly, but the increase in the _-^mbor of rich men has caused an increase in the price of everything Unit the carried, rich seek, especially line houses and furniture. Opportunities for sport, uch as rich man's fishing, cost from 2.000 to 4.000 annually. Thero ia no proof that, vice haa in- creased. Gambling certainly has not. Wastefulness seems greater be- cause more money is wasted, but proportionately it Is no greater. Our griuidfaUiers did not chronicle thing, while newspaper adv.-r- tisemant of to-day is responsible for much of the appearance of made luxury in Kuropean society. o.shorno. I hike of I. is. M.,,- Kiu-1. Viscount and Huron, is LETTERS TO THE POPE. A letter to the Pope must be in atm. The style need not be clasa- al. but the languor-is is obligatory. .-onus .sort of Latin must be .-mploy- Tho leu MI- must be addressed tO "Hi.s Holiness Pope !.,.,, XIII.. the happily reigning fPontilP " It must begin with l:,-at is.ime Tutor," "Most lii<-.ssed Father." and must end with some expression of rgurd. When it reaches the \aiican it haa !ittli chain.- of arriving at its dcs- t in. H ion unless some -special pnvau- tions have I n taken, for the daily Inidget numbers 1'o.oiVi documents. An excellent way of -__ _ 1.-IU.T tho Pope's hands is to miLke iu*o of two envelopes, the outer DUO di- recled a.s above prescribed. ,uid Uie inner one addressed to 'His Holinins 'he Pop-. <hu Head of the Fills Holy liomaii Ini|uisiiion." A minor ollinal who opi-ui-d an env.-lopn thus WUS M.opped opposite tho sjlop of 'Xl'l'-.'ssed Would inc'lr the penalty of one Hugh Smithson. an apothecary, BWOHMMinlcatlon Such , (imiiiunlca- into which Uio fainting heiress was l "" 1! ' nr " handed to the Pope, who Tho t "" 1! ' courteous ministra- "P<i* '> :uui passes them uu tion.s of the young chi-ini.st, logeiher with his handsome exterior, made such i\ favorable imprussion on his patient that she sought nuol her op- portunity of seeing him. and thus commenced an intimucy which endud in their ninrringe in 174O. To tins romantic incidont. it is said, tho Dukes of Northumberland owe thoir titles and vast estates, the lirst of their many titles of peerage dating sximo nine years later than tins sing- ular alliance More than flirty years after this romance of Urury Lone tho lirst stone of tho family fortune of Un- "' iul ''' ' '"'-"-'I Hampulla. Tlie Spectator thinks that a spec- ial evil to-day is the incrca.sed in- Klren. ,-p,,,g , he crossings ^^"' ^^ vS?,, ^"a - "- -^ - 1 """ broken broom, an 1 begging of C( , rUnn rouction ^^^ g 0()1 | n ,. ss . which contains more intellet-tunl in-s- siniism and less ileliance , f heaven ih. i 'i such movements have usually had you a penny as you go fcy? Ah, they are tho victims of want. In ninny of the anses the forecast of parents and grand-parents who might havo prohibited it. CJo<1 only knows how they struggled to do right. They prayed until the t.-.irs froze on their cheeks, they sewed on notes t'urt have been outlawed, and j tne 8nclt until the breaking of th- econd mortgages on property that ! cla J r ' but ^ e V could not get enough will not pay tho lirst. Set thy j Money to pay the rent; they could bouse in order." That is fix things ' not K et nough money to decently o your going out of tho world may I clot " e t- hl 'iiisi-lv.-s. and one day. in little consternation as pos- tnat wretched home, the angel of See tho lean cuttle devour- ' P uritv and the angel of crime fought ibl a great tight between the empty bread tray and tin- tireless hearth. Ing the fat cattl, and in the time of pl-nt v pi, -pare for the time of wunt. The difficulty is, when men think of ail(1 "'" hl ;< r -fc-wt"gc<l angel shrieked their death they iwe apt to think ofl " Aha! l havo won tho -davV it only in connection with their spir- *ays some man: "1 believe what ItusJ welfare, and not of the devasla- >"" --'>' 't is right and Christian, tion in tho household which will "' 1 I mean soiaetimo to attend to conn- I.,-. ..MS., of their emigration this matter " My friend, you are 'rom it H i-) meanly seltish for ; U"ing to lose the comfort of your you to bo so absorbed in t.he heaven i household in the samn way tho sin- to which you are going that you for- nor '"---ei heaxen. by procr.istm.it ion gel what is to become of your wife ' S1 ' 1- '" around me the destitute and children after you go. You c.ui ' 1 "" 1 suilering faniili..-s of parents who go out of this world not leaving ' n "' aMt -^'i'"' 'lny to attend to this them a dollar, and yet die happy if j ''hri.stian duty. Puring the process you con kl not provide for them You I of adjournment the man g.ts his can trust them in the hands of the f '''' ( Wl ' 1 - th '' n '"""< ^> chill and a de- God who owns all the harvests and t 1 " 1 "" 1 mi'l ""' doleful sh:iki: of the 1 rda and the flocks ; but If you : <l '"' t " r s '''"' l!1 ' 1 tllf> ohseipijes. If could pay the premium >n a policy | thore bu .vthing more pitiable than THE FLYIIVG MACHINE. Its Limitations a&d Also its Wide Possibilities. N can already calculate approxi- mately Uio proportions, the strength ' anil weight, the .supporting eiUciency j the speod, and the power required | for i projiKUHl llying macliino, so as to nulgo of the practicability of a Indeed, the mathematics of the subject, h.ive been so fin- evolv- 'd t.hat engiin.M-ring computations may eventually repi-o-- va;iie -^r latniii iii the domain of a. -rial navi- gation. Hut, after the problem has been worked out to a mechanic. il success, and neglected Uicm. it rs a mean thing for you to go up to hea\rn. while they go in the poor house. You. at death, move into a mansion, river front, ami they move, into two rooms on the fourth .story of a tene- ment house in a buck street. Wh.-n they iu-c out at the elbows and tho knei-s tin- thought of your splendid robe in heaven will not keep (hem Warm The minister may preach a splendid sermon over your remains. a woman delicately brought up. nnd on her man -iajv day i>y an indul- gent father given to a man to whom she is the chi.-f joy and pride of life until the moment of his death, nnd then that same woman going out with helpless children at her hack to struggle for bread in a world wfccro brawny muscle and rugged soul are n.-i .-ssary I say. if there be anything more pitiable than that. I don't know what it i-i. mid yet thore an; ** v -v^i ^ * VI TVUI I VUlcUIlCl j i t iiiv uid the ipiartctte mav sing like four i ff d 7 Ule " who u aro nIKIcrent ' angels, in the organ loft ; but your death will be a swindle Y.m had tl',, tican:. to provide for Uio comfort of your household when you left it. and you wickedly neglecf.od it. "ii I" says sonic one, "I have more, {aith than you ; I believe whon I go out of this world the Lord will take caro of _Ye.s. In- \\.ii i rovtclr, for them. oif ^hem in regard to their husband's duty in this respect, nnd them are thoso pos- itively hostile, ns though a lifo in- surance subjected a m^j to some fa- tality. There is In this cUy to-day a very poor woman keeping a small candy shop, who vehemently oppose. 1 I the insurance of her husband's lifo, i and when application had been made I for a policy of $10.000 she frustrat- ed it Sh<> would never have tho through docuvv;ut in tho house that Implied , the commercial uses of aerial appar- at.us will I,,- small. The limitations of Uie buloon have already been mentioned ; such craft will be slow. frail and very costly \Vo are now sutliciently advanced in the design of Hying machines (> perceive some of their limitations. They will be com- ivi-ly small and cranky, require much power, curry little extra weight, and depend for their effect- ive speed, on ench Journey, whether they go against tho wind or with It. so i.h.ii they cannot compete with existing modes of transportation in cheapness or in carrying capacity. It is true that high speeds may bo attained, and this may servo in war. in exploration, perhaps in mail trans]H>rtation, ajid in sport ; but tho loads will be very slnal,, and the expenses will be gre.it But llying machines will develop new uses of their own, and a.i man- kind has always been ti.-m-i-.t t,-d by tho Introduction of now and faster modes of transportation, wo. may hope that .successful nerial naviga- tion Will spread civilization, knit tho nations Hoser together, make all regions accessible, and perhaps so equalize the hazards of war an to abolish it altogether, thus bringing about tho predicted era of universal ponco ajid guod wtlL Scoit, the young Newcastle student, took it. into his he.ul to elope wit'i Miss Suriess. Uie rich banker's daughter, and race with her over the border in deiuince of pursuing parent. That runaway journey really tho lirst. stage on the way to tho woolsack, and to the ranks of boron, viscouu*. and earl, which are borno to-day by his descendant., tho third carl, who, like his romantic progenitor, bears the name of John Scott. IT WON HIM A TITI.1-- It was a trivial incident th.>t won a peerage for Lord Lyndliurst. one of the nr.-.ii.-.t ,,( our |,, r d , hancel- lors. In spito of his uncommon gu' and n ".rent university reputation he had 1'i-en railed to the bar seven sears before u single brief came his way. lie wo,s on the point of .iti,i!i<li<niag his profession in di-sp.-ir when, while Kitting in court one ,|.,s. one of tho counsel engaged in a ' Fi'un xr. Tile laws of Con: re silent on the suba-ci of the will of a mil- lionaire named Plant, who has late- ly left an estate of four millions sterling. The t. st at or declares that the estate is not to be dist i ibtitcd until its value is $;jon.<nii).oOO. Probably tin; law Mil bring common scnsu to bear on tlm will, and in. .urn the distribution of tho 5-. '. Hi hand ratlii-r 1 hau wait for generations of quarrelling over the $;jim.'ii)ii.iMii) m the hank. niccKsr TI Tin. rrench C,.-, .-nun. -nt is nnwi-n- in the i-.-stoi-.iiioi, ,,f what ' t temple -v,-r built on the fa,-., of i he earth," This is the temple of Kai-u.ik. in l-lgypl. which for over :I.IMHI has h,-, -n falling into ruins Origin- ally trie ("tuple was .'17O ft. wide and 1 .l't>n ft. long, or t\vi. , as St. Peter's ill liome It \vas I egun -.~'M> years before Cln-si. . i,,| ..>,,* morn than a t.'ioiir.aiid vunrn in buihling Six nn n with extMided uriiLs can hardly r.-ach .unund one of Uie gigantic pillars still re>nain- ii'g was taken se.i lously ill, and the ca.sc likely to collapse I. Ins was .John Singlet on Copley's opportun- ity. To the relief of tho court and the plaintiff's solicitor he volunteer- ed to tuko the deported counsel's and conducted the case so brilliantly that he not only seci 1 a verdict, but achieved by one leap a reputation which soon placed linn on the right rond to the svoolsnck. More than two centuries ngo a SmithlVeld hosier, called Ilider. lia.-l a clever son whom he was anxious to put into the church, while the boy was rasotilte to be a lawser So obstinately was the point, cont.-siisl I'l-tsvi-en lather and son that il be- gan to soe.m probable thai the hoy would have become n hosier like Ins father in default of a solution For- tunately the matter was siuhnnlted for final sett lenient, to nn old friend of tho family, who pinniped in favor of t.he law. and thus the hoy was si. 11 te.l on ,i career \sllicl, Itll to I he highest, seat in t '10 bench ;uid to tho foundation of the fortunes of the Ityders. carls of H.m-owby. to A i:ooi> He I am tempted sti-al a kiss. She -Oh, don't! It's stuul. Let me lend you ., ii-,v steal, 14 wicked to Tho highest clouds lie at ^7,000 f'-.-t. Mount. l-:\.-i-esi is m,OO3 The Innhosi recoided balo, is li They were looking at their -ir-.t bain With such a ma ,d a a th it. .said the ad, .run; mo! her. he will be a statesman. With such mas- sive Ii ,-t . said t.ho more practical father, he is pretty sure lo bo a po- i > --in. m. London public lil-raii.-i fi.i\e five million volumes Their joint ssue is twenty-seven million vol- umes. A person who had got. some little ring of zoological Ion: said one day to a novice tha' <i ,.,,,, hies ""'n '' !> Hi i.- us. uu. that's no! hiii),'. rejoined tho no\i,e. I vo. of- ten ins .self seen whales' blul. Hilltop Y,,,, inn:, I be doin;; in'ghtv Well. ,,|,1 niatl. to I,. .,|,|e l . i yacht. fn; to,,- \,, t ,, t al |. ( , it. to sav-; money. llovv'* "m ' I'm goin,; to ke p'my wife ut i a whole month. Wn-ilinl; 1 1 ho old b,.,,l; -Weeper) M.V marks my fortieth ->-a. ..f - i v lOO with you. sir M,- l|i,),. s _i u.is aware ,,, lt . M,- Wn-dinU. and t arranged .1 hi | l,. SMI p. ..,,. in < lock, with mv l wishes for your continued piinctuaJ-

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