Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1901, p. 2

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THE WHITE ROSE. 31 CHAPTER XL. Ounng the relation of Lola de Fer- had raV terrible Hlory, grown white- and faint forward she c.tunht lla's hand bo- ;ngly Now show ll-s '" ine when- my father "Yes, you no one but you. Ger- trude, you nnd I will go together at once and alone." Harry looked up in alarm Was it safe to trust a slender ~irl to tho liandi of such .1 woman'.' But the clear eyes looked at him unduu.nte.d- ly I have no fear. Harry." .she -.ml. Mi. < de Kerr.is mid 1 will go and return quickly together In tho meantime will you twnd a telegram t.> my uiothrr at the Villa llaira. Kl ir.-nce? JSay just this Tho my.->- iy l-. solv.-il Tome .it onfii.' ' Cord Fielden hoaUnod to Ita-pmi; I > .-end tlio telegram to r'lorcnco would rcoiive it that day. and in forty hours after sJi* would j : 1 "-Ul.-n Manor. N.IV.-I -1"i '..-rtiude forget that tv.ilk from tho golden sunlight into the culd. cii.s-tlesd cornei of the wood where ill" niack Tool lay When L>la saw it again, with tin- f iiiuo.il tri^-s and r Is which grew on it.s inaitfin. sli gave a great cry jnl sunk upon hr knee.s Her face grew diMilly pale, and she grasped licit nut-', hand conriiJsively. 1 am afr.ild," she cri.xl " I am afraid' Oh. (iertrude, help me"' Tin- bravcheai ted Hirl knelt by her hr heart w-.-nt out to the M'ricfcer. woiuiui , "Mil* d Ferras," M-.e w!ns|h-red K-'u'iv, try to muse yourv-lf for inv f.ither' sake Without you we it give him (tiilslian burial. Do not fail us at tho last " And for hi.-t sake whom she los.-.l t ra.idly. and no well, she did li.-r ,!(. and with a desperate elTort w.-nt on toward Uie fatal spot Si- I.-ntly and with swift te]ii I.ol.t went. U|i to the shaft, and then sio.nl slmilcl-ring. with aa e*pression of nr on her turn After n p.ius<j .sJie Uiriiod to GortruiU- and laid h.-r .: .i.-i - II- lie* thero." *e said, "where b- hi, lam sili-iit and still lUI ' years Ho you see where th- wood , where that bl.u-k ,ip i - ' in wh.-r.- he fell so many v" . >.> i .mi.' with me went together to th* v.v-y . U I'A drew asiJo some of tin- tatig! 'I i-r.-.-ji I^loU." sjle i rjeil ill ;l lollll Vol.'.' "lojk, i.cMrnile This is yotii f.i - n funeral slioiild be made at Ki< l ldfn Manor. lie asked Gertrude to pruin- !>. that Laly Allajiuioru Miould not leave her room until the next day. whrn he would auk to see her Ne\- er did maji work with wirh vni-1'K.v iinl ..... 1 lie worked so hard that ho al- most lost siiflit of the reward in view. When the of evening fell, he went witji n |m-k.-<l hotly of brave men. They hail t.ij>.-s anil la<lili-rs, and a litter, in fuse t h.'ir svarrl- waa ,ful Thr.i> nf I In- men had volunteer. -d to descend th; disused shaft. They soon di^'overed that t lieiv was no watt-r in tho pit; nnd tlie.n, amidst hreat hl.--s sili-iuv. two men wre g.-iuly lorer<Ml When Uiose from below reached the surface, the pallor of tJieir fates showe.l wcirtlly in tin! turehliuht. The louder. Kob- ert Siuiuioiis, went straight to Lord Ftelden "M.v lord," he snitl. 'it is there." "Waat is there' 1 " a>ked Harry, hardly able to cunt ml his finotion* 'Hi.' ski-let on, my lortl. of what was .inf.- Sir Karl A llamii'ii e A solemn liu.sh f"ll on iln-iu all. Found nt last he who had been lust and Ix-lifi-iHl Kinlty all these yi-am ! I will no down \vit!i you," said Lord I'leldrn. an>l. In spite of nil re- iii'ii.-tr.nifi-, hi- rarn.-il out his i rsiS- lutlon With rexerent hamls he examined what h.nl one.- IM-.-II the Imdy <f one of the li.iiiihoinest. mill kindli<"*t of men There was ntithiiiK repul.siv: a!.. eil it. perfect Karl It was but a white The clothe-. had anil Sir mill- . ami fell to pi.-ces at a touch. the R.ild watdi anil chain wore not brok.-n <lid not curry him to his old hoiii-- i he home lie dad left without one thouiflit of the awful fate hang- i:iK ov.-r him lonl I'l.-lden !..ni him brought to Ill-Men Manor. It wax noon of the following ilay when ' 'it i nde a-k'-il her inotlu-r if sdii- would i(o downstairs. They wi-nt down t.iijei JUT Outside 1 lie un shone waini and golden, the l>inN s.ing gavly: insnle, nil was dark ami silenui. The gn-rtt en- tranii--liall wa- t r.>n .foi uu-il into a rh-i|-ll.- iirilmte lil.i.k, and KI-M' It was dra|xvl in t .i|>.'is shoni- like stars in the ditknc-.s In the middle of the h.ill stood the funeral tuer, coveti-d with a hl.u'k velvet pall, and up. in th.- o.il.'-n i.iilin winch coiitnin- t nil I h.it i.-inaun-d of the once h.in.lsom.-. geiiiitl Mm one! . lay wreath of while roses, and in 1 he tjiey knelt at tlw tprr'ble "" <lsl "' '''' How. is wa.s tlo- ruin brink Thun tiertiud-'s self-con! rol '' lo|..r.-n w.-ut stratuht to the K.IVH way. surf sin- wepl a, if her '"'" ""'I >"' '"'' '-"I head upon it. I,. IM . ..uid I, r.-ak This, th.-n. wu.-. clasping her luuiilit round it ai lhepl.n-.| where 111- hand-loin.' blue -|lhoiih s!|.- would noser I.MVI- n i voiiii^ baron. ! :.iv \vlnl. if- lk-.i.-v.-d him fnit hli-tM iiiid hi. s hl- child In id from infuiiry to womun- And sh.- .Inl not It was a terrible vigil thnt l.udv Alliiiiinoie kept by her InnlKind's i-ullln. for though Tho family had spent s\>mi- few seeks iit lirerlrurst Manor, nnd Lady Mlaitmore would have been willing to allow Katlileou Kbysworth to Uvy there, but she prefemxl to be with H' i mother and Gertrude. I>iiring tho last month or two the daep inourning hail been laid aside, and '.oinething like old times hnd come i^.iiu lo Scamdalo. The first thing that startled them iroin their settled wnys wan the ar- rival of the Neapolitan Prince Col- onna. who hut) seemed so devotetl to K.i'hli-on when they had ben living in 1 lorence The sudden departure h. en u great blow to him; but he was determined to find them. They had )f one away hurriedly, and hud left no iiddres--, but after a time, he hail heard the story about Sir Karl, und I i.i I understood. Hi: had come to London first, and from there he wrote to ask if he hnd permission to visit Lady Allanuiuro at Scaridah- Of cour.su the answer 1 i N s." and the end was- not dilhcult to forecast. Kathleen loved him and promised to marry him. HoiiU'lhing like despair in his I. -ait Hairy watched the more for- tunate lover; but he comforted him- self with the idea that Gertrude wa.s worth a thousand Kathleens, and c<miei|ueiitry worth ao much more trouble to win. Kathleen was very happy. It was :u,'iis-d that Uie Prince and Princess onn.i should puss six months of the year ut the Prince's palace in Naples, and the other six in Kath- l.<-i,'s home, the beautiful Manor of His-rliurst The sight of these lovers stirred something HI Gertrude's breast One ii.i\ Lord l-'ielden came in She rose ijiiickly. of late Miss Gertrude had meeting Mm alone She anil in a half nnhai r.i-w-i-d man ner said .Mamma Is at home, and she wants to see you." "Nay. (jcrtnrde, but I w:uit to nee you." he replied; and there wa-s that in his face which told her that the. time had come when she must listen "I want to see you, and you only," he weut on. "Why do you avoid me ? You must know that I love you with all the strength of my heart. I do not think that since the world began tiny man has ever lovod i.imlly WM more numerou* ; two sturdy little .sons a little daiighlur :ni ono fair-haired UK- KT>UI I old bright wiUi mil Mi jtud aojuae- fine summer ovtmiuf, Lord Fielden. who wa vtaiMng at Sear*- dale, hghtod a cigar and went out with some new.spapei ,, Gerfrudu look a book and the two boys They chose a nlnt'ly avenue, where they seated th.-um-lvos not very far from Uifl large white monument which hail already grown to !. landmark amongst them Lord Fielden was soon engrossed in -.'in;.- Kastern news, Lady Fielder, m h. . novels; the boys played at their will The b'oys. finding -themselves more completely at liberty, began to run races*. They were so long absent on ono occasion tbnt Gertrude looked ti|> from her book. Presently the elder. Carlos, came op slowfy to hi* mot her ajid looked at hor with great wondering eye, "What is the matter, Carlos''" she n.sked. \l . he s.ii.1. "tliere ia woman lying there by tho white marble." "A woman, darling' Are you sure ?" cried (iertrude "Yen. a woniiui Sho did not speak to me. though I pulled her dress "Marry." cried Gertru/de. 'do you hear what Carlos says? there i, i woman lying by tjie monument I" "Nonsense!" cried Harry, engros.s- od in his paper "That boy lo\ make a. sensation It's only the nurse." With an air of injurod dignity Car- los returned "Nnrso is thero look, papa and the woman lying !, ii" uiiirbl.- do.--. not speak." It was Uie terror on Uie boy's face that altrafted Gertrude Lord Fielden did not e it. "lk> go Haj-ry, ojid see what it is." She said Lord Fielden r.^e soni -what un- willingly. " If you have been drawing on your imagination, t'.ir'.os." he said. "we Will have a private interview "Mamma," said the little fellow. i tid. -1-d i, there, lying quite still, and she did not sy.-ik'" I am positive Dr Wll- Pink Pills saved me from an She. wbo wo* so quick of spwch ! that GeTt'rude rose hastily and fol- early grave, and [ cannot r>coiaui*nii and re. uls of wit. had no answer for ! |,, w ,.,| her husband As they drew! them too highly to those whB are woman so well as I love you." The boy's terror wa.s so e,vid > Pale and Dejected THE TKYING CONBITION OF MANY WOMEN. Subject to Headaches, Dizzineii and Heart Palpitation. They Grow Discouraged and Pre- maturely Old. From the Kevicw. Windsor. Oat. Dr Williams' Pink Pills .3 the only medicine that ever gave me an> real bent-lit." said Mrs It. K. Har- ris, a well known resident of Wind- sor, to a representative of tho Re- view recently. "I do not know ex- actly what my trouble warn , doc- tors seemed unable to tell me. though I thought myself it waa con- ,uniption I had a constant rack- ing cough, and a constant feeling of languidncss My blood aaeowd to have turned to water, and I waa very pale I had a feeling In my chest as though some foreign sub- stance was lodged there. Tho slif ht- est noise made me nervous , I was dejected all the timo and could not scarcely do any household work. I tried medicines, but they did not help me in tho least. Doctor* did in)!, .seem able to help mo or toll me what ailed me. although their bills increased with alaiming rapidity I crew so weak, and so despondent that finally I decided to take a trip to Colorado to sec if a chunfe of climate would benefit me Whilo contemplating this trip I read in a paper one day the testimonial of a person whose symptoms were almost identical with my own. who was cured by Dr Williams' Pink Pills I decided to give them a trial and ' purchased a box. When that boa was done I got another, and found* gradually that) the pills were helping me Tim trip to Colorado wan abandoned, and I continued using tho lulls until I had taken eight or nino ho\'-s when I felt like an altogether different person From a pale. thin. listless person. I twain-, the picture of health, and felt it too. It is sev- eral years since T used the pill*, and I have not had any return of the trouble liim near the mommi-nt they ^.iw tli.il afflicted as I was " . _ * - "I must remind you of one thing, he was right 'I here lay something. It i the mission of I>r William*' Orlrude." he said after a few mo- which they co.i!d not dt'st ingm -.h a 1'ink I'llls to make rich, red blood. incut. > "the reward you promis.Hl to' Ki\.- to the IHTHOII who was the llrst to bring you information concerning Ih.il unfortunate woman. Ix>la d- Ferros. l> you reinemb<-r ''" S .- .." she said. "You have never paid it. but I haxe not forgotten it l>o you know what I think you ought, (it en.-- me. l.rst; aftt-rwatil. they saw was the body of :i woman ' Ki--p away. il.-rtrude," Irtl I'l.-ldeii But it ' ite. she had ru-<h- i-d on hefon- him nnd raised thu fall- that it nourish the nerves, tissues an4 varl- : oiis organ.-i of thn body. ;ind thus by cried reaching the root of the trouble. diive di.'-.i-- from the system. Other medicines act only on tho symptom* en I .ml i|ilite dead Goitrudc? You ought to K.ve me theie of course no one km Itve Irinihi-d ki 'i>h. Harry, how wrong of you '" sin- . i .. .1, her In-. nit if ul face flushing 'How can you say such a think' 1 ' "You nmile another promise. of the disease, and when such medi- cines art) discontinued, the trouble returns often in an aggravated form If vou want health nnd llovr long she I, ,,d I,.-.-,, >tri .., ) j,| li h.. s , ln . i h e full name. 'Ur I'mk I'llls for Pale I'eo- One look SVHS en. High It de 1'Vri.is. nnd silo was >ut in | thr hour of ho- evti.-mity and aeso- 1 Lit i. in. slie had gone to the gi.ivo of the in. in she had lov.vi -;o d.-a ly to d:e h|>s It was a pitiful face, svilh in closed forever. aj-ii 1 lie l.u.ij. pie " is on tho wrapper around each box. If your dealer cannot supply you the pills will he snt postpaid .,, ,,, 1X ,, r , )OXM f(Jr her' And (Jer- hor own mother none . . I'los.' to his old home he had i " 1 l " wi-r- iu:i.-, vv lion sh fell half Inn rat hid b.-n ai f.ir from thus.- ! faiiHing hv it. sin- would not leave who :,v-l him been on a tr.ipiral I hough Lo ha<l j il ""til ' was home away. or a fi o/.-ll I SI " wl V- w ' h 'li'<'l>l''"iK t.-,rs. ' in the springtide ,,[ In-. 1 >" drew the ruby ring upon Let ll.lppv ll/e Wlt.ll the -Jl.ldoW of J uk 'iir u Ins fair fame \\rli i l.u-t barkwai-'l glaivn* at Hi.- W.-IHIIK girl, Lola glided away, 1.-V'-r .11;. 1 1 u to Ik- sm-ii alive She w -nt to expule her sin in solitude. and kissed it Onix- more sho laid her face upon Ihe velvet pall She was so silent. HO still, that af- ter a time Gi-itriidc went to her. At lirst they thought that slio was de.nl, her face was so while nnd i aim I .ids- I'ielil.-n i i n-d al.oiil anil Harry rnn to .11,1 but death had M ncc I saw sou on that day in thu "Yes. 1 Inive." said Hans I have been thinking of nothing else iKlit, hours later Dolores. With l,.-r i'ldi.'-,t i|,itii;hlcr IsatJil.s-ii. i i li. .Manor llo'ls.- '.in iide " whispered l>oloi.- . 1 I i I isJi any one t" hear me :n is In- living in ile.nl '" oh. what. :in iifiony of ho|n: and f.-n wius th'we In the sweet, wnl, vio- let e\..-i' In whnt a wistful way s!i.: IM iin-il to ham; 011 tin- words ih.it i .in | d liii i J.'itiud.-'s lip . ' |i-i 1 in iiiiina," was thi! reply ' ill ins l.-ii.-.i He ill.-. I ..n that very night when pei.pl.- -.aid In; had led liil.ii -. sink upon her kn.-e-, and Cov.-i.'d her fin.- with li.'i hands Ho w/i-. dead The lover of her youth, the liUHbiind she hurl adored. had be<-ri lying d'-ad win'.- she had hard- him. h.id shut not. in.ii. IH-I-H She merciful to I.ndy Allan- ' 1'it t i palace it in you \vlio will not was carried to her room. Ir-ti-n I have li.-.-n vour faithful rn.-'l her heart 1 i A i tiolil ln-i fellow IHI--- he. .ins.- of Ihe ilisgia..- cn-.i- th.it h.- li-ll-setl hild I ..... II refill-led oil tier She had In.. ' up his l.is.il duughti-r In utter u-iii u. in ..... f i-s.-n bi - ii.inie. while sin- had ni.ule lu-r life ii tmrdi-n to h.-i-"-lf I el us retire soni.-svh..|v. I i IP- moaned. ' 'where you i .in ;.-!! in.- .ili. and no one can wilm-ss and ill. -i.- loi many weeks hi-t svn-n life ami death. the liiokeu \\lul.- rose, our.' s fair and (dooming, lay with the riihy i mtf on her finger, while her heart ss.is with tin- ihad Inr.liin.l .he h.id lllisluih.'1-d so long So thes hud Sir Karl in his hon- ored gmve, whilst I ho teurs of men. women. and clwldn-n flowed freeh On the fan- of his only fluid there was a liLiht hn-li even her grief could nut dun fur. though hi-i fntli- er was dead. In-, nienioiy wax fret- fi ..in si iin Xl.l Cert rude had just been uinging a pntheiic little sontf, and tint words |.ll//led Ili'l guile llncollHcloUSl.V fin-nil, your devoted slave, your true losi-i . nil these years; now I nsk holilly for my reward. Marry me . and main me on I lie same day that sour sister liecouies 1'rincesH t'olon- N. i \\ ill you '' ' Noil do not deserve that I should' say ' N cs ' You are so ao masterful aim-it it, Harry." 'You see. ms dearest. I am com- pelled to he so." hi- reioined "You would. 1 Ix-lieve. let me Use in sllfcr- peii.se for twenty years longer. II. -r truth- UtM'S it esci incur to ymi how completely I liuve isen to you the last throe years of ins life'*" "You luivo bcvn very gooil to me." he i, i It. -i. 1 1 ' -(iooil to siiu! Tlial is a wv.ik .'\ prcsnion I h.is.- worshipped s."i wiimlerer's face in loving pity which also you appear to have for- , dark hair, str.-ak.sl STitJi gray How gotten. Gertrude II was this that ! gently they if the man who brought you certain I rude lo'.ed and n-liahlc news about 'sour f.ith.-r the less N-causi- she kis.sM the poor was in any way eligible, you would marry him. if lie asked you. a his reward Now, be fair. 1- just lo me. Gertrude I 11111 the medium through Him Ii -.mil newN was ohlained I am an eligible man (Jive me my re n.ii il Marry me ! " \\lnit n way in which to ask me. Harry' What can sou expect me to i\ ' You hove not mentioned the word 'love ' " $-' "ill. by aihlnwsing the "r. Wil- liams' Metlicme t'o . Urockvillo. Ulil 1IOON FOR SHOPPKRa. l'i. \|i..ck.-' ^ who have been In tho "TAK 1 A FIT (V YKU AIN ' I'ick and Andy were comrade-, in a Higldand regimenl lying in Kditi- hurgh Cast I. ' They sver" gre4t ny . 'in .. vr. some hours lii-foii- Dolores somelhiiii? had In-i-onie a in t I er of simply Worshipped son Ah. my darling, do not tie coy with lin- do be kind lo me 1 1 love you. my <:er 1 1 tide, with all my heart. You will not send me away '.'" No." she said gi-ntly. "you know- that 1 will not.' Then his anus vseie suddenly clasp- ed round her. and her fair face was hitlth-ii upon his breast life and death with her She hull grown HO . . n ,i onii-.l to 1/uil I'lehl- en's II.IIIKIL..' and love thai sin- did not npprei iate eillu-r until ho Was away from her. tlu-n i|inl.- suddenly her lile n-w i|iiile cold anil dull Harry had learned some vvis.loiu from his mother "M.v dear hoy." slio hail said to him, "sou have been t...i lavish of I ll'-lse|f, or WHH nhlil to ( youi love, believe me, there is ni.th aim he i|iuverin< n. -i v.-s and fairly the llillll She aski-d boil' I h.- l i.-.ichei'ous pit She lutd .n e.i,(..| d.-siie lo si-.- it. Inn IJ.-i- nnl" -n. I she must not It would i IM ii -i in h. i die. HIM for over- n n 'I Ins "hole place was to :ill, -ration Lady un- 'll' I alt. Ml' I to it, and then she Hurii visit the spot, but not until )"!! tthv should von add even one dl Mll.ll I ollect loll til the I n. -in. iiies of vour lifo ?" Gertrude I .uid llolores KVI- up tlj^o 'III.-, d .1 not know, either mother u .1 ni^li'.-r. of the ,s;id work that don- t.li.it It was us llioiigh half the town of Deeplm? were i.tV- I. old l-'lclden had niv- I In .i.l-t. III. i' eseiv |u i-pai at i.m for ing like a little xv liole.sonii- m-i-lecl. For the lasl iwo seals you have thought only of (ii-iiiuile ..... I ilevol ed soui --.'If to her She accepl your as ,i in. ill. -i of c. mi si- Now take ms ails ii.- mil leave her for u short t line " Hut Harry could not make up his mind to go away, though ho prom- ised not to speak of love to <;.i trillle. This resolve he had rained out. until at last n glimmer nf doubt had crept into Miss Allan moro's mind Hid he really love her ? Sixteen months the fumvral of Sir Karl Ml.inin.ne h:td pa.sHi-il inn; and tin- old wiling had I.een righted I .ids Ml.iniiioie. with her two l i-i s, had Lfiinc hack to S dih- .mil s.ini"l him; like a gli-ain of h.ippin "-s li.ni come to hoi. n The two weddings took place on the saint- day, nniid the rejoicings of the whole county. Kathh-en lih.vs wort Ii hcrame 1'nncess ('.donna. Such perfect content, such complele hnppinesH as these soung people en lovtd is rnri-ly known (ieitrutle al- liked to n-im-mlH-r her mother's farewell She lirld her tightly clasp- ed in her arms. "I owe the en'in- happiness of my life to you." sin- whispered, "(looil- by my gulden hcnrt !" CHM'TKH XI.M Kivc yeni's had elapsed since the 111:11 i 1. 1 1;.- of I to I ores' fair daughters. and to her they h.id been sears of |Hrfecl pt-iii-e The I'lince and riincc-.s Colonna tlividi'tl then time brtwi-eu Hals' ami l-'ainlonil they had. ono son and one riaughtt-r At l-'iehlen Manor th - hands to do a spr.--. and one morn- ing t.iuiid them in the horrors, out of c.isli and out of credit They dressed and went out in hopes of mix-ling u Christian. but foi t.iiu.- eeined a<.iiiisl them SUMlling along a We t -end strts-t. Dick sud- denly fainted away right in front of a villa Seeing the sturdy High- lander lying on the pavement . tho Hood Lilly kmdlv sent t IIK servant out with a tumbler and somo bran- ds They raised his he. id and got Thev never told anv one wh.-r-- Ihev had found her. for I.olor.-s' habit of making a living by ,taalin sake and tl,,-v con.-eahsl her idem,- I""*"* '"'"' w '" l ' on the strwls oi- ls with so,,,.- d.nVnlly and burie.l "' <-'owd,-d stores ..- likoly to nnd her in tJie pretty rhurchyartl at . lh '; lr "?!*?^?_E.*^^t*L! 1'ecping There her grav-- is distinct Ir. mi all others, hi-caiise it i* gener- ally surrounded by rich r.-l r and there the passionate, guilty, lov- ing heart is af last at The 1'nd turo since a running device ban invented which will tender it linpos- him to take a to revive mouthful, which him, and sci/ui;; the glass in his hand he sv.ts nisi PI tin- act of draining It off when Andy .-fiout tjd: "Oh. Pick, will ye no leave me a \s,-.- ill appie *" "G'wa. Andy d've think 1 was l.tirn yesterday' ti'w.i, an' tak' a lit o' yer .mi " 4 Al.l'HAUKTH'AL The prosiMMit ing attorney i:i .1 laW- suit had \\a\e.l ,- ^mcially indignant iit the defendant, whom he t harac- teri/cd as an "abandoned, baneful. cynical, diabolical. exoKirable. felon- ious. Hi'eedv . hateful, irresponsible. jaundiced. knavish l.i'v. meddle- some. noxious, outrageous, and pro- rowdy. 'j a hat lUivl befoie The learned nounse! on the . side." said the attorney for the de- fend.int. when he rose to reply, have put his adjectives in t>>viu up a lit'K You must lias ticed. ircntlNiieu of tlu- jm v. that Uu-y were in regutar alphabeticul -ii-diM- This show.-. that he s.-;. them from a dictionary, h.-uinning with 'a ' He slopp.-d it p ' hui ,, his manner of reproducing th.-m IIP has triVi-M us tli,- .'ii ' as to how hp got them " This turned the ' in^li .ig.nn,i tho other liiwvc.'. a nd h sible for them '> snatch th* covototl I i.ii ' .-monnaies Thus device, which can be ,it'a li.-d . ny purse, consists of a sm.nl band, at one end of which Is a ring and at tho other end a clasp. Tho rim; is mi .-nditl to bo worn loosely on the l.iitv's linger, and by means of the cl.isp -.In. can fasten tho purs.i to her arm so that it cannot be re- moved without nor knowledge. IIOI'SK t'LKAMNO HAYS The boy knocked at the front door The bell was out of omler Presently soiiu-body was trsinn to clnn!> over the fnriv.tj'U'.- in the front hall .uid a woman's voi-n .. .:..- I \\ho'-t t f. Telegraph messenger, loudly re- |i!ied the tiov (!ot a iiii-.s-.age f.>r the man of the house The attic window Uew open, a c.ob- webbeti head was thrust, forth uid . man with a wild, de-i;iuiring voice veiled on! \\rap n round .1 s'one and throw it up here 1 TWO IN A FIX A Yorkshire-man, whilst wnflefnfj across l^mlon Undue, hoard a leiii- lic acr.-aiu, which sivm.-d to coinu from the water., beneath l.ool;in< over the parapet, he .'-.pi--. I a man '(niggling in the centre of a whirl- pool. Moll'! Jvjp' cried. the drowning .1 1 can't swim Well, saitl the Tyke, neilhw can I; i-'it I'm not nmking Huch a about it as yon an- ' Hrass f.u things were authorised by KiiMlish law in the year I (Mil. ' wen- suppressed -is vvorlhlcdS about in \ .- 1, ^ ; it.v.

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