CEYLON AND INDIA NATURAL LEAF Is Free from Any Particle of Coloring Matter; is Dainty and Invigor- ating ; is the only tea that suits fastidious palates and is wholesome for the most delicate digestions. IT IS ALSO A BRITISH PRODUCT SALADA Ceylon Teas are sold in Sealed Lead Packets only. Black, Hixed, Uncolored Ceylon (ireon. Free samples sent. Address "SALADA," Toronto. TIT-BITS. lie>-I always- used to owi -estimate n^y ilitiM She Well, never mi no, | your /rieiuls i.cvcr did. Kaln falls mot fi-e|uentlv all over 'Jie world between ;; a nd M o'clock in '- 1" '' "'''t. of ti.e Hntish army ire "i ft in in. or over is. height, i Tho Italian has only 4 per cent The French army has UV (100 oll'i- tl'.e Italian il i 'Ol i. and the. h^puajsii :j;t.ooo. Chai-ing Cross bridge is the longest : r<( Ixji.don bridge*, being l.:((i.-, It. I Southward liridge is only Mm ft | long, and Hammersmith 4HO ft. Cf Creut lintiun's total trade <! per cent, is Kiigiisli, nearly ^ pei- Si .MI Ii, ai.d a very little ovi r 1 pr cent Irish British 1 :ousc property grows in .e. at the rate of (id millions a year. The avenige rent of a UritiMi noun* is JLlll lu 1H12 only HKI l-jiglish pn.pl.- Were a.sKcsMjd at .Uri .( and upwards This namler lias now grown to l.i'dd Tb* Hanks of Knglaiid. Ireland, and Scotland have Hoyal charters but only the first two lend money to the i iiivei -nn . The largest cemetery in tin \. fs at Kockwood in Australia It covers ^.iKin acres, of which only OO have been used so far 3 pi i- cent of Kngland's popula- t ion are ll:en .11 Illg arms. 22 per cent of Ireland's J J f d i luany's. and '27 of Franc. Tliis is an imposition! Your sign *avs. Hoots repairi d while you wait and here i'v. i-..i-n over two hwnvl Well, Isn't that Waiting' Thi .ney of tin 1 lirst K> Hi public became more depreciated than that of any other country ever did. A pair of hoots cost $1 -,1111 in paper, and a pound of biittei fl.'iii 'It)' nest in the world is built t'V l he iiimilil bird. .1 sort of Aiintra'i., i tovvl. It makes mounds sofflBt iii-'-s l"i( i ft ill circnnifi i 111 Which it I'll! tut- Its eggs .I ft deep In Uu -i.i tin i,ly 7 in news- fru one to -. eiv I7i'.oiio peoy^e of l, i;; i Pol- ish. 4 1 (lei in. 111 '.' l - . n< ii ." \ ian. i! Id I JCiss 1'n.vle f wish to 1.1-pnk my ellgBt;! la. lit with Mr Sapple. but 1 don't know Imvv to do n without driving lliu poor fellow t<> sn Little Hi-otber Why don't yoii let him Kee you in curl papers, nisi Tho i|iiarrel between the newly-wed couple was working up into a regular ro^ when he said Win n you begin t.. tulk noasiiise I hold my tongue! Hut it. was too bad for hei to say If T ivere guided by the ^ame rule wiUl regard to \ou--l should ni-ver all 1 Then the battle began LESLEY tASE COMES HP AGAIN. JOHN FLETCHER. A FARMER, CURED OF LUMBAGO BY DOHD'S KIDNEY PILLS. On of the Thousand Similar Cas- es in Ontario A Common Trou- ble Among Farmers Dodd's Kidney Fills Invariably Cure It CTli'!ey. Out Aug ." Harvesting Is lu full swing and the farmers ol the M-ction iiie hard at, it. .ally anil hit*. I'm two steady months t In v will be woikiiig harder limn any other (lass of men in the country I'robably no period of the year is so trying on the farmer as I he har- ve^l season The management of a fiirn never a liglit task. becomes trebly heavy \Voriies iMci.-a.-e The actual manual labor from dawn to dark and some! lines after, is as hard us (v man can stand It i not l urprising t hat farmers often break down after the tliu'shing is f\e ; - "I'luni tuckered out " tho system is apt to be in a low. weak- ened condition which is easily thrown out of order The kidneys will show the sign of it lirst. llackache will probably bo the hrst sign of tin- k.d- ney trouble, accompanied by a bi-.ck diutt seiliment in the urine. l-'roin this stage it is but a slloi t step to (.mill-ago, which is chronic llackache. In this connection the letter of John I let. her, a farmer m ar flu will be found useful, showing as tl it I'oddV Kidi.'-v I'lll- navy be relied upon for cases of this kind "I have been troubled all h: i vest he writes, "with Lumbago and Kid- ney tumble My mine Was of a very I e.) col I I consulted t Ii" best Hied i il.e country but they could not hel| me. Finally I got Kidney i'llls in (Irantoii an I 1 1 ev proved all that I could \v In a very short time my back wa* us well as ever and the Kidney hud completely gore '' for NAM 'IS I'ou In tile "1'ari.sli Muga/inrt" Wittou Church. Northwich. the list of I aptiMu.s strikingly inonRtrates the rage for giving pat- riotic names to children. Major- "eniral ltadi-11-FoWull seems ti> be the most popular, one girl being christened Elizabeth Powell Mafekmg whilst four boys have received as part of their patronymic linden In ' .'eneral Huiler has I n lemembei-ed. I'.edvers having been added to a Christ i. in name Uert ram, Sir Kvelvn Wood. I General Maxdon- l aid. Ian Hamilton, and tho lit.' General Gordon are also TiiKN T11R COURT Counsel I insist on an .uiswer to my (|i:estion. \ ou have not to'd me all tho conversation 1 w:i-it to know evcrythin,.- thai passed :-..-wcen you and Mr .lone.s on the OOOMlon to which you n.'fer. Uelui't.int Witness- I've told you everything O f any conseipience. You have told me that \oii lid to him: Jonas, this case will nl into OOUTt .some day. N,, w I ....,,, lt , know what he said in reply NV|lM . I"' said. I'.rowii H,,. n . isn't anything in this business that I'm ashamed of. and if any snoajiiir, lit- tle ye(-hawin'. four-by-six, gimlct- e'-eil lawyer, with half .\ podnd of brains and M^teon pounds o". jaw, ever wants to Know what I've been talking to you about, you can tell him the whole story. FRAGRANT LUDELLA J? ]B '*" r r OBB ' ^ ** try I! ttonce and yon will flnd It unexcelled for Purity. aircuatli iind Klavnr. lead faokaae, It, it, 4 5 and M oente ...PRINTERS... Printing Material for ? i a print tatllrlm for tin The average amount of time which a man loses yeurly by ilinoss 19 ten da\ s - * -- FROM THE TRAINS. Passengers Get Glimpses of the Fan-Aii.encan Exposition. i'eo|,i, traveiiiiifr ( ro m the eost and west will com.' within the zone of the direct imluencu and spirit of th \inericau I-'\|>ositi<in miles away from the great ami glorious --pei t.u la itself Surroundin^ the setting of the position there are numerous features that will rival the attriic- of the greiit show for public at lent u i, .:i,,| i vpocially is this true of Niagara Fails There is no great- er or more wonderful eyi--feast in the woi Id l i.,ui the I'. ills of Ni.ig.ir.' :ful gorge, and the dashing tu- multiK-us \\ateis of the Whirlpool liapids If they Mie al.ii long bo- fore their Irani sto|is at Ni is over the i. rand Trunk Hallway will come in sight of II. e mighty observation tower frmu whnii i.niihght signals will be Klei-tric To-ver of the Imposition. In fancy one can pic- t'l... tin benm ol the powerful pro- ex'cniliim way oil toward Hamilton. lint . to gi\e glad wel- and greeting to the iiieonuiig trams laden with humanity an to set; tin; falls and the exposition. Speeding across the wonderful gorge the tram will carry its passengers in full view of the falls of Niiigara and the Whirlpool Ua|>ids. win mark:. I. If gorge will stretch out on either side of the Kreatest railway sti^ I arrh bridge in the world Tins bridge of the Grand Trunk Railway .it NiaKiua FalN is one of (he won- ders of Hi., locality, a:, I rest NIL: Bfl it di .1 MM end in the domain of King Kdw.ird. the other in the Uuit'-d states, it forms a pinion of the industrial bond in the Angh>- Saxon union that, forces a reti lion that no mailer on which side of the Niagaia we reside, we are all Aineru ans- I'aii-Ainericiins Teith mi Mouth 25 One Four Roller Campbell Press, front delivery, bed 43x56. $1200 One Four Roller Campbell Press, bed 37x53, .... 31100 New Slit SOZODONT LIQUID, iSc SOZODONTTOOTH POWBEB. lie Urge LIQUID uU POWDBR. 75c At all Stora., or by Mail for th prica. MALL * RUOKKL, Montreal. Two 7-col. quarto Brown Folding Machines, each . . . $400 * Two Roger's Typographs, in first-class order, each . . . $550 Friend l noticing t lie confused heaps of goods of every description scatter- ed promiscuously about tho shopl Halloa' what's happened? Been tak- ing an inventory, had a tire, or are you KOJIIK to mo\e our' Shopk'-eper That shows how little you know al.out busine.sn. We have merely hee u waiting on a lady who dropped in for a puper of pins. Also Cutting- Machine, Stones, Stands, Body and Display Type. All this Machinery \ in First Clnss Order. Easy Tcrma will In GlrtD, or Special Discount for Cash. On account of .-uldlng mure up-to-date Plant the above Machinery nnd Type will be Uiipotcu of at u s-mririci- The Wilson Publishing Co., of Toronto, L ,,, TORONTO. CANADA. 2 t TIIK SI MMi:i: \o\, KL. Let able-bodied reader-; choose Historic lit-t ion to peruse lint, these Warm days, I've "'lily brain To read of silly Cupid's reign. si NSIIIM: AMI si.Ki-:r No syrup of poppies, no tincture of I'piuiii. no |ioudec-. of morphine < one of the inedica! loiirnaK. can cm . pale 111 sleep-producing power Wltll siiiislime. The Wviist Miporilic i laudanum and thf> hest is sunshine. Tin i eioi-e. it. is i-asilv undi'istood that poor sleepers should pii-.s as many hours in the sunshine IIH poss Ide. Many women art- martyrs, and do not. know it They shut tho sun- shine out of their houses, they weiir \eils, they carry sunshades, they do all that is possible- to ke .p 0,1 tha subtlest and yet most, potent mllu- rnca which is intended to tfivo them and beauty and cheerful* I wnM cured of pan ful IJoitre hy MIS \UI> S LINIMK.NT HYAKD McMULLItf. I hat ham. Out . I \vas cured of Inf.aliilnalion hy MISAKh S I.INIMKNT \ll;s. W. \V. JollNSiiV. Walsh. Out I w:is cured of Facial Neuralgia li.v MLS \KI' S l,I\lfll-:S I J. H. DAILKV. 1'aiUsdale. t'nt TIIK TKUANT JURORS VKRDICT A judk'e l"<l been facing a .iury for two hours or so. and was pisi con- KiatulatinK himself that 'he case was about over, when he suddenly veied that but eleven .'urors |. resent How is tins' he sinil in ,-ui prise Where is the f.i-.iitli man' 1 I'lease. si:', replied the forei..an. he had to MO n way on l'iisiM:ss. tut he left, his verdict with mo. One can imagine the feehnfs of tha judge, who was obliged lo uiv or- ih is for a re-trial of tlie <aie Tl\0 i-MdeiMf had to he none o\"f when the truant juror was h .' I .n:k in Ins I'ltvce. QZODONT Tooth Powder 250 Tho Train of the Northern Pnciiio which created siieh a fnrior during its lirst season, in r.ino. is ngnin shontinir back and forth across i in- continent in all the glory of its form- er days. This Crnck Trnin of tho Vorth- wnst. almost entirely new for 1'JiM. in the (pit ome of modern pass, train construction. The Piiiinjr Car with its a la carlo breakfast and lunch, and table d'hote dinner for 51DO; the une(|na!ed I'onr'st Sleep- car of IH sections, roomy lava- and electric lights ; the lirst- 'rawiuic Hoom I'lillimin with two electric lights in each section and the palatial Observation cnr with tu o smokinjr rooms, bufTct. bnr- l-ec shop. bath, library of 14O vol- umes, current inaira/.ines. ladies' pm- li i and observation platform, nil lo- Kethcr fi'ii'i a tram of unusual com- fort, excellence, and even hixurious- M n in thin day of luxuries Of course, broad vestibules, stenm lie, it nnd st.i'l platforms are there. and there are nearly :!('(! electric lights on the train, the hiiKiJajro car ami (lay conches being thus lighted also. The train runs from St. Paul to Portland. nrcKon. passing through Minneapolis, l-'argo. Ho-eimin. Hutte. Missouln. Spokane, Seattle and I'acoma Connections from I'uliitli nnd Superior and for Helena are made en route. Send to Chas S. Fee. Ccncrnl I'aa- "i- Ai-eiit. St I'aul, six rents for \\onderianil I'.HU. a royal book hav- ing a chapter on this roynl train. f The Kiiincii-piK holds the record for ijilick growth ainong aniimiis. It is full grown at i! weeks. 9100 Reward, $103. Tli rnJer of this purer will bit plraeed to learn that them i- At lcai onn .in.ail.il iliMin* that nclenco has bee-i able to (ire in all Id Ktaveii unil that U Catarrh. Hail'K I'ntarrh Care In tho oaljr podtivo <\tr now known l. thommhoal iruternity. ('tnrrh beliig a con- tini. u.i.i. dlea*o, requires a contiitutlonal tro union- Hall's Catarrh Cure l lakrn lnli imllv. actlnt; illrrrtly upon the blood um. muo>u> BurfacoH of tho nyntoai, thereby dw truyiotf the foundation i-f t.ho dlftea^o. and giving tho puiiru; Hlrength hy buililinn up the oinetilutlon and ivi-Utini nature in doInK u work. The proprietor hft%e 10 much faitb In I-.8 i-uratlve powers, that they offer BO Hun- dred l>cllar for any onmi that it fails to onre. Send for lint of Uxtimonial*. F. J. CH KN KY it CO., TOLKDO Sold '-j .IniHKls.ii. Tic. Hull's Viuily Pills are tbe bunt In ISS:J the speed record on a high bicycle was U(> mileR m an hour and I L' minutes. Itehind a motor pacer a i ider rei-ently covered -Jd miles in an hour. T | WM VVAISl lUTTtR. rtCl. PBULTIIT. The Dawson Commission Co riwrs M maiuti. t* , U.-.r. Wait Market aa4 Iborne s'L. Turoate. ONK OR TIIK OTiiKK. That social reformer has a very spectacular way of presenting some e.xt raordinai y t henries. N es The man r. either poking nr supposing all tin 1 time. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria Of the total world's output of <i(> million pounds' worth of (,'oid n IX'S Soutii Aim a . onl i ibui .-d 1 o millions Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc Only two lish can turn their r< independently of their bodies |'ln e are the narpike and the seahorse HIM. Liniment cufes Goroei in cows. The bu:t;." I artesian well iii Kur- opo is at (Ireuelle. near 1'aris. It Wives 7(1(1.11(1(1 gallons of water a d . i v NOW, ABOUT THIS SEASON'S For MOWERS. REAPEM, TNRESNING MACHINE*, "S" PEERLESS Is Favwite with Ontario Farmers over ? Yearn bsfere the Public. 8 that VIM et It Hardwire, Druz and General SUrci se'l It. Hold! 17 Oeld Medals. ^tgfy ''sTtutL HOGLHS MKt.TOHONTO. USE MIC*. AXLE GREA3B. INSIKANd IN OERM \\Y. The S\II.|H of workmen's msui-:nco in i Germany is a hu^e piece of Stato The magnitude oi the inai ed l>v t he fact thai it pays out in one way or au- other. about $-"'"''"" a For Ovr Fifty Yeara Ma* Wiimowe aowrn^u STIIIT hu b nwd h mull. mi of mulhrra (or Him thililrm while tcmhiaf. ItieoUwi ihticlnia. ,o(tin- ih. iiiui*. l^jl>m. curw ..Hi- reni>t* d> 'loniuh i,.l In well, u,l Ii :h bTr.uij tM I)i.rrh. T-rnly B. o~.U . beul^ Hold tiliiifc-kil :t:nut;hout dte world. Mr MI* aad ea for" Miu. WIMSLUW HUUTBIK u\ aur." The aM'la^o Weight of all Kllllsll hoy of ten is (17 ll's of a man of thirty l.'iti Ihs. of a man of sixty. Ki^ Ibs. M inard's Liniinunt Cures Distemper Lady lenmiuiiiK set-van- i- Yes I think you'll suit Hut have \ ou a sweet heart? Servant No. mum But I can soon e;et one W. P. C. Brass Band interumcnt*. Crume, Unlfbrma. Ito. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAN! Lowot piicec ever auolnd. Kli i-auio .'lOOIIIuttrail nn.in ulta fr>< . \V-itr usfo-i Ihlng in *)Mlr or llii.l.nl lux ruin, nl itay CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all skin ailments. *. 0. Calvert A Co.. ManollMtw, -i. nt ..,* peic, Man. 3UPPL K3. AMieelei Conns, Pipe Coverinc, LulirloatlnR DIM, Qreaies. eto. WM. SUTTON 09MPOUNO 00., l.-n. . TOKufuro. Dominion Line Steamships Monlrol to l.irrrpool BMleo to Litwr pool. Portluil to Luwpool. Vi g ulr>> . ktell eoad >*IOOM ad Third-i'lAM -. rtta* u( I.*M* feo4 il iMnkviftn, f tb* CoBipaay, er Biot.tnU.Mllb to* DTrrDC. ,. n HIM. 8l. 8Ua. MoatiMl u J I- ROOFING and M>Mt Metal - Wortw iiwvirnw ROOKINII si, ATE, in Blick RedorOracn. SI.ATK III.A( KMOAIIKS Wonnb t-iil.lu- and Ilisli s. hMtli, TnmnUil Kin>0n Frit, 1'itok. itnoFINdTII.K (So, Nr. r F RENCH CLEANING. For mxlc ap Ooodt. Haiti In no h. v.-l.ri, *Uk I or run tod >il nluihlf. houi IIninn". MtMa| ' to ^ul it If don hi th* ITIM AMIRIOAM OTIINO 00 , Montreal. , inf. Toronto, ilcm by our Brrol. Metal t.'fiilliitfv. i'jf- uufi. ii, l-Xirati(c furnlaheil for work rninplf (r nr fflf mtrrili him>- ,1 To any prl ol I hf .-..iiulrr Phi.ni. :9U 0. DUTMIf 4 SON8.Adel.lds JkWIdtnerits., Totonte AvOoo A PHOTO ff. NOR AylN(, '6 8 10 AOUAIODTW TORONTO SHEET METAL oouau|. m***. CORNICES. TllR.lMO. ^ (1ST. BUFFALO HOTIILS,^ C CANADIAN HOUSES FOR CANADIANS AT CANADIAN PRISES AND MANAGED BY A CANADIAN. Tha Hotel Bucfclngham, Tho MarlDorouBh. and Tho Lillian. All up to d(e ImiMliiM . ronf-Brdf-n en ih Il.uk i itithum roomi al.OR per any, AI>I>IT, K. hOIUNrv 11. .(el BiK'kmihu n, lluffnlu. N. V. C&Asns Centum/ fa / /f CANADA'S PREMIER COMPANY WITH THE I j Fund Asset; . . . . up on which Internet >t KOI R I'BH CKST. I'ICH ANNl'M i paid half yearly, for which lnre<- tor hn\ e ilio moet UNQUESTIONABLE SECURITY. Full particulars on application. THE CANADA PERMANENT AND WESTERN CANADA MORTGAGE CORPORATION Toronto 8tr,,t, Toronto. I