Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Aug 1901, p. 1

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jfksfertmt Jtftrattce. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XXI, NO 1045 Flesherton, Ont,, Thursday, August to, 1OOI W. H THURSTON, n ?$ f PHOl'HIKTOH e Ufa ->l <4*wu to li.ivi; ttnu 1 r,t of T,tr >i tn, tfie W-OIM from, vnnd HPK'K, t w.. ten MS imw, nnd .AKi.i >!' STOCK Hr>T STOCK to the CHEAPEST ijna'i'y and rvrrytliing ' ar ; .;! tin ji in w Mt.-ck every few <) and selling s-clii-s every city. t'n.s'M-eri 1 e Imyers >4*i.a d rinr:i>lN>r the old maxim : "Mak , tiuj wh.ln flu- ,;. ,'m>.-> ' Tlie sun i* ^hinir.tf now for LUich-iRrrs ; !' ymi Imv ,, d i in to c-.me in and hy an. j>r hay IK made, (ioir.e n tid look *; >be stock 1 you ttiuli to l<i./ or no-. Biff Loss of Property and Life at Proton Station Cars Saihd Into Kindling Wood - Three Deaths to Date -Imy EC*TM -CAM tl tba AccM*t DEAD. W. CAMPUKLL, finxineer. WM. MuC&AW, Hi-akeman. W.I.ANCASTIWi, Bi-a W A. McALLAY, Vnrmnu, jurcd, aad expuddd Ui die. Of aU tkc iccunr sertCa of A. MO The 6 i VI. c i-W" 1 !!^"-! truii ** dc- tf<*d held for iliree uoiirn on -*tirdiy ovrii K t i lh-> wn-<.-k . 1'nttoi: Cot d'l-.tor V H*"ihr.i- -eciiivmi a uit-enage to order f ea for all the CMbMfiiTei.s. S'>mu 40 ;:i I..III.'I.T ti.ok Ma at the Vurcn's Hotel. On Wednesday last Mr A,'.!'is U'hit- taker hiretl a livery from Mr. \V. Smith. Klualieitwii. The hone ran w:iy, smiuth ing the b'licy luoly. ' Mr. Arch.e Mi 1'b Uter of Owen Sound i renewing old acquaintance u'" ind th.;> vicinity. IIM J. Oollinson returned to the i City, M.md.iv s th> . occuring " th >-' r*. R. sytctH,tbeiuoi>t , costly in lids and property t(w>fc ptocr at i I'roton St.i i.in on Sn'.uiday at 3.5ft p. m |Junt at tile aouth el of the 1 trail yard a xng f nieu and live tenM.i vein off. ployed putting i a new Mdniv, nd a-s tliu tvvuiar way freight on Sat- urday itpproiichud tlua pwint the en :ine juuipud ihu track, ran urn tbe wont b.ink and tdiiiKilov.T Theitiider waalhioun id '-. thu irnck iiud titiecn curs were p.leii up almost iiisi.iuiiy to a height of about i envy live tW.. Tbe tram WHH drawn f>y CM^IIIC No 4.V>, with KH^iiieer W . C.uu, Ixrii of Toronto Junction at the lever, and tir invi W. A. McAulay, a!t> uf the June' urn, ami w.u in clia'ge of Conductor A.Inirie 1'ie liial.cioiieii wiri % Win. McCraw and Win Linc-ister. At thu point where [lie dmaclei- occurrwl there is a cutting about 30 f.t in width and 4 foet drp. lu ihU cutting four <:n were .t< work with rivu teams of hoi am, and aa the en- Twelve years ago a snisuhnp recurred wittim lutlf a mile of when- ihm one hap pened, in winch a largo nuiiitm of cars ware destroyed, hut there waa no lorn of life and :h sight waa not such an appal- ling one. Several cameniR wens on the ground on Sunday and some fine pictures of the wreck were secured. A Toronto Junction correspondent of In Kinpiie says . The .lixastioim acci dent, on tin- Owen Sound dh Uion of the C.P. R. on Saturday cast a gloom over Toronto Junction, where the killed and wounded men were well and favorably known. The four victims had ln-eii fam- iliar figures At the Junction, and all were pi, pillar and c.ieeiued in rulvvay circKs. William Cani|i!,ell, ihi; engineer, lived with bis aim-, Mr. Atchis.in, on Hoskin Avenue. He w : : :'7 ytars of age. and a member of ln.tb i In- Brmlu'rliooU of En- I ginref"! anil r.rotherhiiod "f Locomotive accidents j |>i tv|lien His remaiiia will b.! hroiii{ht ; IB- to* Top-nto Junctiou this [ forenoon. ' Win. McCraw, who also .succinniied to his ' , Drai^villu, hut t 11,,'el, Toronui,' Junction, fur .v,in time. H.- was -.'I f ae. A. McAulay. whoe life is ' of, is in llie h.wpn.il at >en injuries, w a nan vu of Orai had bojinled st Kelly's ure cutting waa 4iJlul for rmlji with wrc<k a^u it nocins lu.irveli'U" that more fntali ,;i.| n.it ..crur. The unly dauiat(e h.-re wat> the Villisu f .1 |iaii ( hoi-sea !.rlongiu)4 to Mr D.UI Lca.:h, wlMuh not caught in llie wreck, Dun btmsuif hav- ing a hair breadth eac:i|ie bjr jumping up the Iwink. Aaothcr i-xtremxly nariow esiapc was that of Mr. W.KieM.who dc ut know how he KOI out of the cut, but after iJl wan over found himself lym .1 fence on t .p of tin; bavnk. Thu iHher te.'iius wore got otf the way by tlivir : diners, but wore by K'W luck lliiiii^mxl That Stone TiirowlBX An the uiigMe rolled over, Tu lit* Editor nf Hit Adauinc*. L>IAB SlR,- -Vlen-te allow n: J t' to r- MI.-S woek for Toronto. Mr. J. Cameron will M"', 1' m-t, of Curbetton paid a ahorl, vu.i to iuH4s in *ow. Mr. Uordon McMulUm of ,)jt;dlk speot Sunday at th parental Mr J.ia. St.acli.in and d are visiting Mr. K. Cairns. __ rf- lllAlJelUent Fireman W. A. McAulay juuipwl, but not before geUiiiir badly acaldwi. Hi ! w is able to waik up to the station. Nmh iu^ could \HS found nf Kiumeoi Caiup- i hell for aouio time, but when the dubru I katl been cleared away be w;ia dutoivored ,ply to* 1 . Geesbriif itetn. f *: crah.-d m between tho tender and the ! botler T nil alia -hiwiJ utill )(msping the t.i.rotlie. His death was inMht.iii.-ous. l.rkcsmu Lancaster w :is b.iOly crushed; i i>i ake*. u. ui McC'raw was cikiight b.-i A.-I-I "cert-uu" boys who were c'lari;*-. with ; two cars and injured internally. On th throwing aluuos. or not. llns i un- i train were MIX C. I'. R. painters in their important uut Mr. ' to i.nkc paint car, coming tn Klenlicrt** fwoik, lai'ital out t>( vwrythiu-./ however 111-.'^'- ml after i lie accident these NICH areri, iilticant. Mr. Uee now 8.-y that ,t was k || gut out wiihont bnvM^ receiv^ necew*ry fi.r only one boy lo pa-^-. t. e .scratch. The wrecked tram .is tiavell- liouse. Mr. Gee may l.e n mind uader j ( ,,g H t hi^h rate of s;*J, having in at a distance but be ha* faded in ibis i .nuctiuas to Bt^p at t'lcshert'W f<> aJlon instance a n"une (Hissed the houu but j the toambout express, which was foflnw 'hone who bad uccuumi to d" no, only u ,^ oiime behind, to p.i-< 1> ictois were one ur two atiuim Un g thiown and , t.-leui-upli-d f<i ai<a1 within un IKHII thoce wete thruwn at the deg, *hich | ^.y, Itu Wl .-ie on tle giuiii.dt'roui Dui would weigh M least twice as much > 1U i,J Klusliurum. Tbo wonnded men Mr. Gee fetated, a-id I ceiUualy /-,>uld ( ,lH,-,-d .^i ui engine am not wish to t.c I'l'ten by it. We re cr- ( 5H>uiid b.m| it.l, tain that no man ou this line woul.l MaflkM mice <lio>l. Mr. Spicvr eiih'ir ijuict or m >lfeusuu "ii callv>l '" if-*" n.iui S.iiiixt t . Unn-l.-ilk i the night in question, and althuuxii Mr. | c \ v n. i.w -y t v wreck aad ly conrii.uous i ho track in 1 >n lay in .in in which he tried to 1'ufutc my sUtr which appeared 411 your uwuc of : of July. In t: . :nst pico lie \ ' -s using whell.ci Sound Lie is - J4 ynu-N if age, and a inn .fC.I'.K H.d Inspectcr McAutay, of ! Toronto Junction. Hem a meinlwr of i rraiioiM'ii Klopx is held out for the recovery of Wm Lancantor, who reside* in, l.'il Dtiml.is Street, east , Toronto June- i tion. Mr. I..>n. years nf ai^-. Word from Ow.'ii Si. nnd Tuesday I morning stated 'hat Fireman McAulay | waa improving nicely but that Lancaster wan very low. Tin r.,, An itiiiuest, waH hfld at l'i .1: Station . bvfmo Dr. Hurlb-.rt. coroner, of Thorn- ' bury, mi Monday aftHrtiooii. when the following; jury WHH rinpaimult-il Neil Me- > Li an, IIA Srhell, Cbas. Lynn, J. Med- dau^h, W. I5., v d, J. K. D .wd!,., J. Tri-l- j ford, T. \\ . i ,e, Jas. \i r . Kre, iiian. all of I'r:ii.,n Staiion |{ \ llen- (Jeo. Thoiii|K . i, I'.itliw Mr. t'. I UMII w:is e. na'i, ind after view- I in: tiie iiody nf tl.e decwuuxt eiijiin-fr and the aceii> r' the wn-ck a lan<e amount of v iil.'tici' was taken, alter' which (he following verdict was arrived at : "That tlif .'."'eased. William canui 'ii Ins ili-ath '<y tin; ungine derailing and cmnii/.ini; uid fulling upnn him. We also iviiHiiru fln> O. P It. Company for IK. i IKIVIH; i in in at llir crHMii< to keep the truck clrsr while contract i btiu^ ful- hlll " We will pu'ilmh a rn|MM of the evi- dence in next wek> i*-M. Ui> at HepNvorth At 3 30 on Tni'Mlxy nftermt>ii lait, a Oi.>ii nbrill blast of the derrick wliinilc- was dmtinctly hwird. and it waa iniinedi- ately surnnm-il by th i.'.ti/.cM> nf Hi'p- w irth that ml had been struck. In ten I mimit . i. in 'ciiths of thu pupulaiMii i..f this |iroK|H!ioun villuKK u,'t< clu.iturid around the derrick. Huwcvor, it wan't oil, but K*^ Thu largest ga well in ' North America had been tu[>ped. Altrrl ihu accident i'f kip block had bm-n re paireil at 1 o'clock tha' il.iy.ilrilling at unco M0niiiiuncd, driiler McCann in charue of thb pole. Everything went ull nil 3.30 p.m , whi-n -"h a -|iyl,t, gurgling sound the dri I tupped thu <iee iiMy belong to the claaH uf (.oople ' ,,,k uoiv cUii'J <i to gut who can listen t" any amount of aWwaV ' gbaaja) fjal tues without bciii.; bombed he irould Im ltlu . wrong to include cither myself or the boys in the navnra class. Mr. Ue sii) > the i iru.i down i> iy wt-iit en manse to Mr Spicer a house, LK i.-itotcr .s fat'ior m station nt at Cliellenh.ini, and liii brother in ediior of a paper in tl.ivelock. ThuuMauds of people viewed the scene of 'he wruck ou Sunday I-HI ump- him to deny ihi.t the ->tniif wt-ru thrown. Thw i* a falno ch.uy., but aa . ., lc ,, ^^ .... ^ U .. V ... J . Mr (Jew was not p eaeot we uresunif that I Xho train ww composud of 21! curs, and ho (jot bia iiifniiii.it mil from the sume; f thwte ulevon did not 1. .!> thu aourcvati hut umr. Wo know that Mr. Several of iho xinashed uira weru ha* to di peiid on > them for his ii>- ' HUH anil aeortt! were Data. but " would .tdvist- him to) The dead eimiiiver wiu known on the b til aides nt a story lu-xt tune and j ro itd .Jumbo Caiupbell and was notud not ^ilaco too muui ruliancu ou Mr-. ; f,,r Ins fast driting .iSpiovr'a oid. Mr. (ivu may not nave | The cause of the accident t ill no doubt inteudvd to imuuato that the lnys wefu be made clear at the corumr's ini|ii'nt. trying ) frigbteo Mr. 8picr, buL that i wlr.cli Ima nut luxn huW at time of writ- , ,'tinly waa the construction put upon it ^ mi;, but I be eoncuuUN nf iy:iii.'ii appc.ar> .!iy tin- niajorjtv i;f the people ; fur in- i to favi.r i he them y thai the tiacK had Mam-e, one of 'he rx.ys wlnle in I'ricevilie got tilled ii|> lo tuch an extent liy dirt m in<-t Ly a l''!Cc\ii; .toj'i.-.ii.t.iiKV \ li.j n,l ^iiin-l, wltutv "ie woi-kmeii .ilniol iiMin.eilijKHly ankel him, "U'ro ' were dniwnu it acnms the track, you ouvilif tlir Hoys wh were trynu: to that llie wheeli of the engine were 'inighUtu Mm. *>u'Cer the other night." , thrown otf thurtiby. If illia prove due Mr. Guv M rttlnr jolmng r ho is |HI.SM?H- there WHH oiwMM iKmlio-iuv tl>" ; i:l ' t 1 uf a Vri-y feitile I'na^inatioii .f be 1 e- of .soine on.-. Had the H p va.nbot t-xpreiw lievtM that other couiaon ex cvijt thu pub paaud at Dun<i!k ud bit t!ie defei-ivt- be prMi ait- opfii lo me a^aiiut a puiaon ; pumt tin ii- would luiv e I <-. n a fearful 111 lua (HMition, and I nm e<|ua!ly ure ; lo~ of lif to chronicle. Severn I Fle^hcr- t.hai h a silent nr, tempt will hurt no |>-T- ton people caniu up n t u no n tiam, *>n and a.lnisi anyone knowa e:icu^h to ami H' lie's on the ni-.'bt tmtti, wl>i.;h did jkecp ailont wluin h-.i baa no frenh htcta or no' anccued in landing '14 piuiseiigerH at '.uppnt-Aiui^ to olfer. Hoping I nave this statiam until 4 '(U a. m. Sunday. tmt lrni^|HMed t'.o lirgely on your valu- I'iwngers and baguagu on the stemnboai nd -.ent to Om i veiii at a depth of 1410 feet. In one ln;iv M'jCiawj second driller Mct'innwas horse de onm IVac^iuuM were l*t, stretched at U -until i n the derticli iliH,r from the ttfuvta it the gaa, while n^ka, dirt and w:ttor was tlirown to llio top uf the deniclt, a distance of m-aily 50 foet. The c;hur drilltns iitiniidiately f. iiincd theuiHelv. n into an ambulance and MI. .-ci-iied in getting McCann outof the deniuk and lesuscit ttin^> lum. For a i|uaiturofan Inuir the u is continued to throw dm and water out o! the hole, and when it settled down the immense atnuut of gas (low could be seen. It is ritt.lic.i- difficult to entiiniite what the volume of llie )<HS will be, but it is cal- culated it will lie in the ne ghborhood of l.UUO.OOO feet evo y t my li.m- hour*, with .1 standinx pressure of probably :i in | pounds lo the aipjare incli. Dulling- coinineiicud over a week ago when the j hole was aunk aln>nt ten fei-t to prQparu i fi.r ,1m nifr glycerine shot. Thu drillers are if ihe oiunioii ib.tl.iln> shot nil! m- cre<i-so the roluino foul |" r 24 hours. f g'i cubic inle apiacv, I remain express w.-r traOHfeti'ed and AN ONLOOKKll. < Owxn Sound abuut 11 p. u. left for ttailjcro . Frain Cur Own ''cri'>>^)(/ii</fii<. HarveHiing ind liucklu^erry-picking is the order of tlio day. ','iiite a few bine left for the Novth- we>-t on iho hiirHt i .xcurmoiis. Wi.l E.irlo of this place went, I st es-lc. -Ve wish him jond lin-k ann a | roH|iur..s time. Robt. McK>e lift. I'y th'S Week's tx I cnrsion to join Ilia two Urothers who h,ve ] breii out Wi.'st fr ilie pniit taw yeais i,u give i{i*d re|H>r's. Mr. (Jeo. May has returned home aftrf , ,wo weeks with friends in tho city. McFarland, Stafford & Co. HARK DALE, ONT. * tirty County's Biggest Store urnng POINT Then- comes a time ill every teason whim it pays to ac>ll at a lose. You nuty womier at it but Imlati! While | you are uontudering present needa wu hare an eye on the future. Mrrchan- < it fall IN almost here; new goodH ,ire replacin-? muniiirr stocks a fast as needed room can be secured; then one of oiirlni.xm. v. i'linei) IUK :K to sell idl i/ooda in their senaon and carry nothing over; and tbiAigh iho !'*< "n some lii.es is heavy we take our lit-dirine cheerfully. i is ha bwen exceplimially n l>r> d during the paat and w f.'.) wv can now ntfor-l 'o Ue hlx-nil in regards to clenring |*ic<-i ..n Sl'.MMER GOOD8. A P\ HI IT \^ \J I li TI.M-... liave ust-d an i.ng pi iceh ' liin wrek waa a het-n ~U. >-ie .md e swu.ig it with a vi-jor. The i>.i,M- ( n.>n-t; timiiy |)rict we inlend<-d to uk a chip or two off hnvu IMS-II <-iU cloao in two. Home othura have in thing but a splinter of their former price left. Kiury dupartmant in our bigiitore IM full of apecial itliien. Set You Thinking 20 endti Drem (Mioiln, cimipnMing fancy .ilk and wi^d fabrics, fancy shut L'ood i. f tiH-y weaves in plain nhadcH. fancy tartuns, etc, regular ">(), tlo vul ?." .1 ;. "-trd, soini- of tbem drens Icuglha, nihers two or ihrue drcaww .1 'b. [ ret 1 , ''in- M ilsnminer !. prii-e in ymir choice for .... .'We 5 ]iiec-M fancy printed iiinidin, white ground with allotted stripe and rtord i. -SI-MIS worth in the r!j{iilr way 7o a yd. Our m-dsumuier sde :w '?* 3 ^ii pi.'oi-s Muslin, light, and dark ground with fancy floral design*, also -n. .,li-s in lino Siwisi Muslin, tin regular price WM 16c a yard. Our Mtil-uuiiiii-r Sale price ui your i-hotcu for **ic Pi icr* *it nil other M**Un* Cut in tame Proportion. 'Jl i nils Print, dark and light, ground". insort<-<l s!ivlt tnd |Kitt:rno, the kind must U>r<! .-ll at Tc yrd. -mr MidsniinT Sale pric is ...... -'Uc IB piuc-uH piint, full 3S inches iile, litfht and dark groiinda, patteniH, regular value ll'k yanl, our Midsummer Sale price m. tn lo :*O itrr rent, <li*ronnt off at I <tth*r ir tn toek. 10 picin-s Fancy 8<>iph Xepliyr. fnil HO inchi'H wide, regular price IX a"d 'M cm. yard, t n. MiilBUnnner Sale price in ................... 12Ac Li.li I rvi <: .in. I ()r Shirt Waists, your choice now at 38 ct. Indies 7">c .ni.l s.~>c sliirt w ais s. yi nr choice now .it oH cti. ; Ladle* 11.00 and *l -'."> nliirt waists, your idmici' now at ............................. T.K: 10 only [.miles' While Durk skirts. ii,,id- with Hare deep dias fold an three (deal* at back, wide heavy insertion, double atltfhed stains, li'iigihs 'M l 4 1 inclief, lejidar value 8a.~6 each, our sale piico will be.' ..................................................... 1 75 r> ^ i I Co, Seasonable Goods 1 ,'".''!!". ln0 ; D "' At Bunt's Grocery Tako Laxativa Hromo ginln Tulilrt*. Alk luiwIMa irdnni UK in.int) if It fil to cura 4c. E. W. (i.-oTe't klKtiaturu ia ou uacb biix. This week Potato Onions BANANAS. OBANQB3 AND Dutch 5et5 ^ __ ^ 5ugar Beet SEED * HCSn^rtOn FumitUF^ rlALmPM >sFFim " t Uartrooms. FUil lines and hooks are now in reason mt ihvm lieie. Ice Cream this week. (TliUi~slay and Sitnrday.) T. W* Bunt, Fksberton. Wright's OW Stand. ris onrrrinj the nt-woa' MyV of HdiRonuUle goods in .til lines uf Funiittire, ! iiHiMiinir nf : mm* IHcC/ciiiiion* Iinportt-i' of and (lealyr in Sweedisli, Sc-ottiHl nn<l C'anadian (Ininite of nil fl-jjiuments Kpaired ant [nscriptioQfl cut <n shortest luitictv SYDGNHAH 5T. P-irlor and bodm'nn suits, lining' >. sulebonriU. ext^nfinn tnl cinti" talili>, chairs, nindow shaileu m,l cnr'a n poW, picture*, i*a<eU, mo. , Winch we offcr at LOWEST PRICES. V i-iinv Ki iniinu and <!eM,rl Ra pairni;: t 'ndi-rukliit; In all it* *. Satiiifaclwin L'UHiiiiitet il. Prop. ! W, H. Bunt,

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