Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Aug 1901, p. 3

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AUGUST 15,1901 THE FLESHETOW ADVANCE .iicfiimiifrfi.^^ *M**$$*# F. T. HILL&CO Bargains for Hugust , , IV mm.,* Wednesday evening we place on .lt> M.me very remarkable valne*. These are all Mervicealile l.i.,% ai.d -il the reduced (.newt are sure to lie quick Hellers. We want \n wk the month r,f Aiuiist nil tlMt hav preceded it. Hhuw H substantial increase over corresj.M*iin|4 mi.athfi M Omwnd with |uuti iit-iuiiiiH. If you are looking o'r r.-l genuine Urgain* youll hnd theniheie in the riicht kind goods Thi'ie for instance : 100 Pair mens, ui omens. Girls and Boys SbOes at $100 Per Pair. To ndi.-r in the month of August we place on siln Wednesday rreimiK exactly -we hundred pairs hi" clam *lu>i> ut fl IKT pair. None of these wre made, to lie oltl t k-^s than f 1.36 and some were hish M t'J M). Al- iii.nt ml! size, are r. pnH'iited and by cumin* larly we promise t<> fit yoo . Kino or course, laced and gaiters, you'll For pair on Wednesday have zood chime. For pair on Wednedy evening. Specials in Dross Goods. l. r i DresH Loughs in fancy effn-ts, >me ilk ami wool mixtures, other* line all- wool T<> clear thes out in a liurry wo make the price exactly one half I heir value. ;{.") ct. .Summer Corsets at '25 c. Ludie* Siiniiiii i tVim:is from size 19 up that hate ul.l nil ... n at .'I'd c we clear now t per pair. . . .25 Men's Fancy Shirts at 50 cents. Only a few of each line but suHieei.t in all sites to gi*H you a uoud choice. Worth up to 95 cent*, you can take your choice now at 60 Children's Shoes, sizes 3, 4, f> awl, per pair &"> c. These are all Hurvicoable wcareni a littl) aUm- medium weight -worih up t 80 ct. per pair. We wsnt to clear them out aooii and have made this ua- heanl of piice for that seuwn, your choice only. . . .36 (11.00 '25 ct. Fancy Muslins at 15. All that's left of our Fancy Mulinii- thw Heusun'H newest good* that ratailwl'np to 2a cts. fr yard, we place on uptcial sale to clear M. 15 C(M. pvr yard. A few days at this pri will clear them 001 Men's Hen vy Cotton Sox, 3 pr for l'.")c. 15 <t. /..!! pair Men's Hear? Cotton Hoi, good vtlue at 12 eta pur pair, ti wk- 3 pair fur 25 Men's Htmw Hat*. A special price on eswh to dual. 1,000 yards Print at 5 cts. You'll have to nee these to appreciate the low price Home are worth up to 10 ctniti CliiMreu's and Misses Ready-to-wi-ai Dresses for 7i> c. 28 Dreawi fur k>ii In nf 6 to 12 yvaiH, nicely made anil 1 1 iiiiiiM-d, ttry wtjnf acti-ry wearer* at ponitively leu than th* bmtv t of material. Aik to nea them t ach ..76 F. T. HILL & CO., Harkdale. WWyn^ Ad vance General News Items. WKHLV ATTHKOWCK, OM I - H. THI HJITOS. prr JUi.iuin strU'tlj In Jmn Cameron of Oakville wa run over and killed on the milway at New mtrliut. \\ili un .I..IH -. a |u>itui at the 1 ' i n Houte, Toronto, wan found dua<l on I,.-.- Avi-nur it!i ,-i I. nil. -I in Im lieiul. AilvertiBinc Hates: Jl. Coluuio, > yen.*i ; half col.. 1 T*ar, fr< quarter col . cue year. I5. Trulont dT.rtiienraat rbrfl atth. rat* o.uti per ho. (or flrit IIUBTMCB an 1 ut Mb tulmequ.Dt lni.erllo-1. The Manitoba year will U; wheat yield ilnn I. The editor of the Funning WorlJ esl : ntes this jicld at 40 million bushel*. A Man- itoba paper HiiggcfltD tliat business in I 'ffij.-ibe Biiapenli 1 and that all turn iu to help Have llio crop. Suumur accident!! rxre now cliron- iclcd ever) day. Drowningn, lioot- i lus and cuicidcH arc pruvalent, but Hallway accirttnts nasily hold the It ad and ilic ('. P. R. in (?eti'"K its full Rliare. Tlie dit idcnJ* pniil by this rnui|):iuy will jiiol.alily fall sluit this 51rM. CnuifiMi,, wife of Hi-\. ('.nun. n of \Viinl.sor ill. il from injuritw receivfil liy her <1 .(liitiv; catching lir. Mi. K'lw.inl l'i|H-r of l.inl, .. 1 -VK-- drownoil itt Port StHiilcy. His hut blew off, and he U|NH!t thu l>ont iu trying to ae- cure it. Win!.- Lake 1 mil in.i .kuioujv |{t->- ir Dn >n of M.t at Lre dii m>t fire to tin- liinMinx" ui tl,.- 7th of April 1-i-t. Hrnileraun'a ln.ti-1 HtaMtji wrir Imnnil nn the hiominx of that da'e Shortly nfifrwMrJs, or nliojt tin- hvginning of the l.ctnoi- year in May last. Black went out of huailM^V his mother thr i wm-r of ?h, , ellini; out ti J. F. Wjtyoh <>f Tft.-iutt, iho ureaent lictifiaee. Ln^thu othrr <lr- fondant, in in privm M.rvinn :i Bcntcncc (or tin/ft. HI. u-k WM arraitened tiefort- M-i'/Ktniti 1 H'HU.. .n it Colling*. iod on prklity last, and his council naked for mi 1 obtained nn adjournment for a week ; M th.'it ilie inattiT couirs up iiyain IOIIKM row, the 'ii!. inil. Black IHM had in the meanwhile to innaii in thu lockup, the |MTI nipt. nily ri-fiis'n^ biul. ' f-r'he pria- upset the canoe. rlhe"was only a] *" KT - ~*^S"" *'"' few minutes in thi. watei, but was taken uut Ued. Walkrrlon Ixmitla the fHHleat pacing !i> is>> in Canada, Captain Biioo,nwa>d 1>> Mr.K HiriMon.with a ru:rtl of 2:07^. Ut >gr aboliahod tin- >gr <t inuch r<>t.N KIIICV that ha the '1 lie p .(.iil.iihin of ;' 111:11 lii lias been i i : -A .M .-,,4*) ),0i>:),')jiil 60J.OOO of au iucrraMe over the last ceuBiu. Ofconiite wlifii tl,t: llifoimcis caiuo into p'lwer tb<*y ( xpi-ctcd a veritable boom in population in fact that the h'-jtlii-ii of fi-i i r 'n C'jiinUleS WOlll'l rush witji a wild cucix) to get under i'n ir protection. AH thm blaropcik rviduiitlv did not occur they arc ctTor ing tin- explanation that the other ft llovre pail.li'J the lints in former years and that tht |x>pulation whou they came 01 dicli was not MJ large ai was unpostd. We have several beauty upota neixi uii, which, if ptoperl) devel- wou'd inuki- beautiful Btiuiiner fuiTiiiost, ttinon^ thcso, of course , being Kogcnia. But Cnllin'B lake, a mile below this Biatiou, could bo made one of the mott I' i n used Hllp|.l) II Noia, the rt \.-iir old daughter of Mis. 11 H. OK. illy of (>i.i:igevi;ie, wa* drown- il in I'alrdon lake in a few fwatii. No OIK ..AH the accident. A young man named Frank Adams of Slielbni nr lii-- U- n coiiiniitted for (rial in n charge of lap. 1 , preferred by a 13- yearold uirl named Surah Ann Neuly, wlione parent* re.'idi- ill Fairy Sound. Corn Need at hand, for with aching corn*, prompt, safe and p'linli---* n-in.-.ly ii d. Thin in iusl wli.it I'mnani'* Famleas Corn snd \V.nt Kxtrat-Uir in prompt, painli -w and permanent. All diUKgista sell it. The night was inti-iiM-ly hut, and J. Barry undertook to *l.-ep on the top of tho verandah at the Ti-mpernnce House. The result was he rolled off, broke life wrist and was se* erely cot ami bruised. Ooldwater I'lalK't. Sir.fi.;. 1 that such a thing should occur at a tumpernuce bousu. ~ Mirror. Mr A. M. Taylor f Aniun who is buy in.- nml packing appl n for Owen Sound dfiUurs b,-'.!lin operations this week. He say* that the crop will not b.< as large a* i-xpectud, but will be a fair avuraue m>r Thu prices for harvest applt-4 will run from 91 p to 91-20, while tho dutchess will bring 91.26 to tl.50. The uriee for winter stock has not Iwun tiled, but wi'l from Jl.Vo to 92 on tho tree. Thu following highly original cmnp->* ition on tlie ubject of water is cn-diti-d by. M. JKgliith |xper to an Am, riran lioy' "Wall T is found everywhere-, M- IN-I Lilly when it rain* a* it did the otlu-r day, when Ihe cellar was half full. Jane had to wear her father's rubber boots to get onions for dinner. Onions make your eyes water and so do, -A horseradish wlit-n you eat to touch. There are a good many kinds <>f wntur in the world -rain-water, soda-watfr.tWilj-water and brine. Water is uwnl for a KO ,d ni.my tilings. S.ul"i use waier to go to se.i on. \\ liter i* a giiixl lhiii|< to fire at hoy* with a W|uirt-gun and to catch rialu-s iu. My father caught a lrne one and when In- pulled it out it was a ell. Nobody could lie saved fnm drowning if there wasn't any water to pull them out of Water is first rule to put tire* out with. 1 love to go to a tin- -see tin- men work at the i-n-.-.im-M. This is all I can tell of about wntur t-xcopt the (ood. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGN* COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyon. fi.niltni a k.|ph and clMrriiiil.ni nmr qiil.-wlT ii..'..Tii,in our ni'into!! fr.e wlinthrr an InroiilVm I* pr..titilr pulontahle Cnmnnitilnt. itn*iitrictlr c.M.iiitontui. Handbook on cut rrw ( iidf^t auvfctr fur auvfctr aktm fffn.ugh Munn A CV ..nt chr llh.. r.. In l ai.dom which we belie / would pa\ well on an iu vestment. If tliit Uke were pnichaaed by oomo men of ujiMiiB, stock* il willi IWM nml a aniu- u. u liotvl erected, it would ccrtaiuly liiirii'.'l t laiyu number of visitor*. J.-'t oiUJ of on; 1 m)iiicJ tuu tliink i. ii- uuttr over. To DrMk up Cold yoU ii-ipilit i* a i;l i* uf lull WHtuf, rink waior, a deck hand on the Dixon.waa drownetl in the liar- hor .it n. n Sound, Miin.l ,y llu WHS HaahniU the Rule of the .^ stoaintir , Sccniific JImerican. A huniliomclr Ill0'ln<li"1 wcfkl*. I r.-i i ,r rnlalloii f nf rlwilW l.iurnl. T*rm, Jl a ;*ar: riiurmunlhn.il. UolJ by all ne..1rnlrv New York W.b>o::loii D. f. a 1 > u ii 'unit u a ;;' IM 01 HOI waiur, n li'tlo lugn.tnd ilmiy drop.4 u( F.dson't Ntrvllfa*. Taku it real hot, and in th in >i iiing you Hill n.kku up without A. cnlil. I |ir>icillnrs of the cl Wtmn doprostcd or Mrnd, try Nef ilitu , i will t.inj you np btiiirth*n stiniuliiii*. N :r .'il 'T all tfSi and '.'Jo. | wlion the plnuk on which he waa ^lippi-1 from its support, precipitating him into the wator. Tl<o youili; ma i must hav,, been struck by the falling pUiik, ns ho nitver n>in to the surfncc. Ill* body wns roco\ or,-d in ab nit foriy minutes, Thu ynuiig man was about !W years m' a.-e, and wa a ion of thu second onginopi' of tho steam, Angui Illack, locally known an ''Hoy" Ulauk, until recently a licennud titvertt- lincprr of Duiitroon, Ii In tho loi-kup nt C..illingwoi,d clurgud with nrson. The c-iuiplaiimnt is John Hondorwni, !<. H tavern kuejior at th.it villnge, aud tho nn.ee business rival of tho prisoner. The- aro that IMu'k i>rfred inonuy to one 1'hoiuas Uray to set 'tiro to Uoiidorwin'* building- at Dun- Taniwortli Boar ! for Service. Alvin i No. 7* i The undersigned IIHH H thoroutiliKred Titniworth Unar for service on l.t 140, T. * S. 11., Aniii.wi. TeriBB ft 00. Tuos. LVKR, Prop. rHolrOKVflbHI N 5HORTHORN Bull lor Service. NO. J5 'General Gordon' The uuderm^titd har H 6rat clatM th .r truon, and that in tho latter'a belief In uoni|iany with ODV Udward ' Htu-ilioin buH fur Service on rn'T36. T. and 8. H , ArtemeMa. This M one of the best animals itt the country. .Pedigree on application. Terma, 91, lh*> ThuruUghbredn, 9<l. Wl*. \. , M. Richardson & Co. Jlosherton - 'Dttndaltc - r- - - August Reductions. In Prims MuHlin.s, and Wash Hoods. He^nlar I'tc T.itterns for Regular 12^ Patterns for Kcgiilar 10e Pattenis for Regular Oe P;itteniK for UK- ' ' '' Our Prints in jirticnfar cover an immense Ifange of pretty p;it terns in pomilar shades fast colors ;ud wide width clot h<. Remnants & Short Lengths. At Bargain Prices: Press Goods Reni- nants.( 'ar|K.'t Keinnants, Oilcloth Remnants, Tweed Kcmuautft, Shilling Kcnniiuils/riek- ing Ucinnant.*. Cottonade Remnants, Silk Remnant*, Sateen liemnants, etc , tc., etc. 3 Cadies* Skirts Reduced. (rash Skirts Regular $1.00 and $1.25, Linen Skirts, Pique Skirts, for 75c All our Ready to Wear Skiit.s are cut in the newest style, well made and finished throughout. Two Specials. A Sjn>cial purchase affords an opportunity to offer two exceptional values in Men's Tweed Suits, quite out of the common. Double Ill-east I'd Tweed Suits, nobby pat- terns, new colorings, all wool tweed, splen- did wearers, well made, thoroughly well- lined and finished, full range of pat t ems. Regular $7*5o for $5. Single Breasted Sack Suits, nice patterns, fight, medium and dark colorings, good, durable tweed, all well-made and finished, heavy linings. Full range of si/es. Regular $6, for $4.25. HARDWARE. HARVESTING SUPPLIES. Right Prices. Hinder Twine, Machine Oil, Harvest Mitts, Cradles, Cradle blades, Cradle Fingers, Lace Leather, Forks, Rakes. Grindstones, Whetstones. H. RICHARDSON & COMPANY THE F L E S H E R T X ADVANCE AUG. 15 1001 V 7 icinity Chips Cti.trartertstirs r the Past Wrok rarrfully < ulir.l f*r the <>prcv v oil-TV Iut w now in the h*nd> "f tl-u cl^rk. Pwllislei On Sunday, llth iimk, to Mr. HIM| Mrs. Th.*. Fillister, a ion. Any i|ii:iniit.y of fi<). 1 opruce aiding it (Vylon I'Uir.ng nnllH. x drivina A henvy hors<! n'l colt for m\f. J. H. Hwird. S.-cd full wheat, U*r yexr'n growth, for "tie, . A. KenimJy. C-ylo:i F O. for mix A Ir; i]iMntity in i -ck at Hock vale Mill". Arm-,troi,i( Kim. Mr. F. Miinshmc of K I'.'HUI.I rji|>turl K trout near Kiiuherlry n MOP. lay which weiuht-d tvru poundn, riftem imncmt. Mr. W. TliompKon, postmanler of I>ol>binttii, paid hm uauai luiunirr Trait to frirndH here (nut week. A jolly l.iad of Dundalk ynun^ folk (HWHed ihn>u^h town on TIiur*Jy on thuir way to Euxonia. JIM* received t tli Mdiiitl Hll a ITX a*.sorlmr,t of nch'xil MO|I|U.-. and fancy uotc- |jjir for HC^IOO! Mr. Onwali-y t.M>k down a Ur-.'e bun' load of pi'ople mi SumUy tj view the Profini wreck. K ghten liarvwt exeurtiiimiKt-t l,;ft thiw taiioii un TuiwUy iioirniii-: for the Mnn- i'olj wheat hi-liN. Apprentice wanted to learn A|i|ily to l)-|iny K:iriiitr' Milling Co., tri}g, wiwrt, Inty to U-arn milling tt .loin, Mrliowitn* roller mill, Kimberley. Frivate or coui|>aiiy funds 1.1 loan at froiu4it<> .'i |i*i- i-.-i'i. KxpeiiN*? low. Apply In Geo. Kuthvrford. Shelburne. The Mfth"diit Sal.lnth --ilio*.l will |iio- tuck at the bc-avcnueadow on F'-liy nf tern ooi i. Master Beit Rarnlmnxe M-cunnl f-..ir .r nvi- Bin- |ihitonni[>!nc views of the Fro- ton Station wn-ck. There i* another sliuH)> iunon^ the Uiilor* in town, Mr. Uakt-r linriu out to Mr. Aluxitiidcr Mr. liiker d<ia* not know where he will Iov.it..- Our oorrmpoivlontt, are ovid-ntly in the harve' lii-lds rlna week. Hop they will have the i^niin all guli.-red by next tin- cash priois T. ,1. Shup[Mrd ii givng itt present IM nnly |,,r thin mimth, *<> n<>t. .- of warning IK to liuy quick and "i-t a baigaiii. SAl.K HMO food seoimd hand li H. F. engine wilh 'ocomotive l r \Vatt-niiw manufacture. .1. Hiclilin*/, Howl Kev.lviwin Wilson will h< ; i s, uei of Serniormon Sunday iiiorniiu^iicxton "The trinity (if <ir.u-e." In the ev.-nint; he will |i.-nk o i "Why somu pen; le do ii"t ao to church." A hitle .;n of Mr. Henry Holm-in. ul 13, if tlio 4ih line, A i u-iuesi.i. , t hi* leg badly broken atxmt three, nu Ii * above the mikle one day lHt week, l<y the slewing of a stick of limber. I'r. S.-,.tt uf Maxwell act the limli. The country and vilUge jiul.li-- K-.-h,d* will open for the fall term mi Moir'ay next. \\' e undi rslai.d llmt our late piui- cipal will hold tin: pointer fur e'^ht < r i, n (Uys aflei Kclioul o|>eu'. uftcr whiia t'ut> prineipnl, Mr Kawcutt will tnke over his Julie*. The second harvest excurmoii left on Tuesday morning for the. whvaiijeidi of the west. Aiuonn thoe who left 'Im iNtrt ate: Miiwr*. Frank T Curr, Solomon Turner, Wni Uupper, \V. L*wruu.-. . T and S. Kwlii-r, i>. Caiiu'nui, I. Liutoii, \V Kussvll, John (.itkwuii, Bert, Kl.-Klitr. \\e hd the plnuuie uf lookini; at a (ireity lrtlenrdii while in Markd i'.- on Satunlay. (.'. F. K. A/eiit Oi-aimr in the owner of tliM llttlu ln'siiiy upot. wli i-li is tilled with nnies, ciiini is.g'adioh.rluin.-Uii, I|M|I|IM-I and dozuns of other pru'ty l:ower ing p'ant* Mr. Ceaxar taken i,n a* p, id" in his rtowi-r*, i id t.lie<e aniwer freely to the tender touch of his c.nvful hand. A horse belonging to Mr. Will Smith, liveryman, was 1. It wii.huut tiemg at the station on UVdneadny evening, an 1 of coiire ran aay. \Vhen found juat went uf tin:' \ i l;i|L,e th -iv nil il I. idly demor- alized buvgy. Thu xliafU were turned buck under (ho hn ;.-, Hiidth.' atiiuml -in laxteiied only by the IIIKH, winch had Kt wound up in wnuo manner. A ue<* top, three new wheels, new d*nhboard and diaf's arc what will now bo rt(|iliie<; to put the vehicle in running order. He*. I'r Koiil-tui -. who i on a holiday \irnt with friends in this district, and mho WHS mentioned iu the paper last wrek, isgivinx thu peoplo of r-'lesherton a rre treut. L.-t week he lecttireil in the Frenbyterian church on a cauitl trip troin Kxypl to Jerusalem, and uu W, d n.-dy of this week (ton late to report) he lectures in tl..- Methodist church oo "The sublime and tho ridiculous in F.il- wstme Mr Fontaine i a in.ui of many parta and aoioug others is a lightning sketch artit and a singer. We will speak piorw at length abi'iit his Wednesday > oing lecture n^xt week, RECKLESS CLEARING SALE At the People's Popular 5TORE * -* If We want to I ncr-ea.se our* Cash Sales by $3OOO Fox* Tfejct 'Uhirty *Days. And in order to accomplish this we will commence on Thursday. AUGUST ! one of the most reckless slaughter salt's tliat the people of Fleshertnn ami surrounding country have ever been bene- fited by. The public as a rule are nor interested why a merchant should make them a present of his profits so lon<; as they reeeivr f he benefits. However, our stock is too large, so remember this salo dot's not consist of summer gotxls only but everything in I >ry (roods, Hoots. Shoes, Crockery, (Uill be sold Regardless of Profits Dress Goods in a , hort time you will )>e wanting to see fall styles in dresfi stuff. In the meantime we're making this a great ready month for that occasion, all goods will be marked at prices that you cannot resist. There will be a clean sweep, no matter what the cost. We im-iiti'in a few to show you how we RO about it ; 3 pieces new choice dress gow Is, reg. tM)c., now 40c. f> pieces worsted suitings, reg. $1.25, for . . Hoc. And several other lines which we have not space to mention. \VY have about 10 pieces left that will l>e sold at about half price. Everybody Hade to Feel At Home in GUI Store Jlfc .!'. > ' ' This is the line where we certainly <lc an immense business, and we have the nobbiest goixls at the lowest prices we can fit the great and the small. Our clothing sales have more than doubled this year, and we are determined to double itself aj^iin, so here goes, the knife has been sunk deep into ihe profits and you are to receive the benefit : Men's Suits, regular $f>.75 for . . . . $4,75 Regular $1 1..X) for $9.00 AVgular $9.00 for 57.00 Big reductions in Boys' clothing. BOOTS AND SHOES We carry a nice line, and for this sale we have them marked at re- ductions. C. ]. Sbeppard The People's Popular Stow. We have w.me of tliiit, n-i)l m-ichine oil left ywt t T. J. Shuppard's. Mm A. M. fiilison. to the deh^ht <.f her many friend*, continues to improve in h.talth, and IM >>lc to ,<> out *hoppin<.'. The dix;tn ar t|ii.r nonplusted by her rewwery, hut attntiute ii tn careful nurs- Personals Mr. and Mr*. R. P. Dalgleifth <>f Mt. KoreHt were i^uests this week at thu MethtiliM Miss C. ArniaTonx of Turtnto it a f Mrt. .1. W. ArnT"ii Mr. A. Meredith of Durham visited friends in town tlun week. Mr. Leflar of Gladstone. Mich., an'l Mrs. Wnlliver nf S.i ilt ,.. Mario are liupsts of Mn. W. A. ArniHirong. Mr. John lUnn n vf Dundalk in the gue*t of Mrs. W. A. AnnitrotiK. Mis* Ik-wtie Aikenlu- 1 of >\. w York is theijuetut of Mr. mul Mr*. Krol Hick linn. Mrs. Aikenhead of New York is visit inn at Mi >. J. W. Ann.sli'iim's. Master Ke^jfie Ho \ni\l of Markdah- :-. visiting his vfrandiiioihcr, Mr*. Win. Howard. Mite Mary mid Wilhemiim Twupd of Florenj^, Mich.. viit-.l friends in Klenh- erton and viciiniy lust week. Mr. i'. McCiillon-b ..i ' Mirkdklt) wan a cller on 'I'lie Advain.-.- "ii Miindny. He was on li: way to vuit friends at George- town. Mr. Alfred Pye of Arnprior called on his sinter, Mr. (Dr ) C.trter l;tt wk while on his way to .M.-un;V<. Uu was accumpnuied hy hia lirtle dmightof Hess;,- who remains here to make a vitut with her aunt. Mias Lnniuiit of Toronto 1.1 viaitiog her |,rotlu r. K,-v Mr I. no-, nt. MM. Pickull of Dnr'ii-i<tiiii, U riaitinj her sister. Mrs. Uolit. Irnuhle. Mrs. (Or.) R.Mli.>iough nf Mich., la a guest of Mrs. W. A Arni.sliontt this eek. V. T. Curr of Eii"oniii went on Tues d.ty iiiurinii^oii the li.irvel excursion to Percy, Aasa., N. W. T.. fur a mouth or too, there to help In. DOIID liarveat 200 acrea of the golden Kriiin, tn<l incideiii- ally to further ln mu-retr in ,t itocticn of Utnd, locattxl by hiin-elf amlooos, in the now fftiuoim Souim ilistricl wheat bult. On A Camel's Back. On Wednesday vvvnii { of Ijist week the Rev Dr. Fontaine. L-IIVO it most in'er- estint( and instruct iv.- iretnre in the Prt-s- bytvriHii church on "< ine Thcmuand Miles on a Camel's Back.'' UeqinniiiK at Cairo they made preparation* f.-r the journey, providing 12 dromedui ies .in. I 17 csmels. Dr. KoiliainCKMy the difference between a camol and a dromedary is thM a drum- udary is n feinalo cmmel (>n the 17 e.-iiuols t.ho Arab nttendanti, guides, run nera, etc., put proviiins to last 110 day*, confuting of turkeys, chlckviM, gx, can- ned atntfv, water, dates, prum-s, and a large number of other eatables ; alaohay, charcoal, two large tents, an iron rang**, 18 matremeg, and other neoewarie*. The Bnt place of intorett wat the pyra- mid-., one of which is 720 ft. l>y 7'J) f'. ."i ft., tho height of tin- .-t Hies of which it IN huilt being about, seven and a half or eight foot . This pyramid was mounted liy the party. After N mie tun.: they en i m? to a liui;-; wedge i-lucil rock, tli.- tVe .it which is nlioiu '.NX) ft. hixh mul iliimM perfectly per|n-inliculr. At tliis juncture in the iliKCnnme the Dr.anng "Jo^Ua i a Rock in a *uary laud" in the Aral ic t<ti>gu. After CTOM.I-H; into Pl ektinu at letikit!) 'l.i-jf Hirnnl .it 'Iu wi'il- erne-f of Sin. Sanify d,"eit was pns-wil f ir c> iMnli-ralile distance till they ciuiiu to where thi.ii: wa-s no Hand hut large round smooth bouldera and cn-Mcvs and 'crack* which decended alxnil 80 or 100 ft. these opening* being full of copperhead unakua ami is the place where so many of iti" Isrwel'toH died frooi the bite* m ten- . iii-'ii.-i *n.tkes. While |utHaing Ihrougli r.tns sirvt '- n, winch is done at tho rate of tliree miles a day, the canu-ls and Aratm wear I- ni; ruliher boots At one place i he "i -i dromedar/ was charmed by a mm Kter make *o that sho could not niovu ; and but for the speedy despatch of the siniko by the Arabs, it minlit have )>oen a i.-rhi'ii icci.lunt. After viansiiu tins t'.iey I:IHII.' to ;i tii.e Hand, no tine tiia' when the b-.-ist hreeZd blew the t.i*\ellers li.nl to be cuai;iietuly wmpprxl in blankets or lie;! i. winch wax donu very quickly by the Arnbb, to prevent 1111- tli.-i .ng The |mrty t ion approached Mount Sinai aud ,iceiul,-,l to the top and afturwards pro- ceed-d lo ihe Joninn, wliicli is one of the iniiililiunt nvera on earth and falls about I'i.'i) ft 111 alxiu'. 4 miles. It is exceed- inyly ift andtliioe sailors were drowm-il wlnlu a' tempting to swim in it. Dr Kon i line nays il Would be impossible for any man to 'i.iphzu hy iiniiiersion i>n account of ihe swift and rapid watvis. Joiitn.-y mg ouw ud a rhoit time brt<uitht tlieni to Jerusalem, one, of the n'llhiut cities on tl-e face of the eaitb. It* population is about 144 ,(00 and cover* about 'M) acre* of land which d.-es not include the '.'A I acres within the Temple enclosure The mud in the streets is very duep and only itwo airerU in it can ha driven upon, the , remainder are such that an oxlinary man can t m h both side* at unce with out- s' retched arm*. All lorls of rnbl'ish i-. throw n i-i'o thu at i eels, such M dead pigs, :ishi'i mid all household refusu One of tin: places visited w.ts the T*l-ernclo of H -ly Sepulchre which is a Human fraud , from top to bottom, 3 Christ was not buried there for time ressons : 1st, the Jews consider the jiound Hour a cmub to , bo unclean for a curtain dijtaucu around it ; 2nd, thnt t hern wera no other touih* in the city ; 3rd, as I'hriat WM considered 'such :ui inip<uitur the Jews would not Hl'.ow him to be buried there Anuthur fraud of thu Jews i* tho selling of old spikes ami splinters i-fcea.ii lepresentiiiK ithi'iu as the npikcc that nailed Christ to the. cnms and splinter!) of the CIVM. Kach .-in- of th>: [utrly had si-curtd threo nail* ,u, .1 .1 splinter paying from ttf.oO to $4. DO. '. Another peculiar fraud was ihnt of a pr- iii-nlar sti lie in the middle of thu Mivet which a Juw a-si-rted waH * i\i of tho stones that "ctied out.' 1 " Tliey didn't cry out, " replied one of the party, "be- cnuae Chi 1st aid 'if the .1- held their ;ieiu-e [the very stouea would cry out,' but they ! didn't hold their peace theieloro the stones did not cry out." "But that U one ' that would have cried out" replied the J -w. In .-011,-iur.i n thu Dr. mud that Canada was the fairest and bvat country he haxl ever seen and ho had ;rvelled jaruund the globe three time*. FLESHKKTOX For Mawcey Harris, Noxon, Fleury and \VilkiiiMiii Inrm implements, Fleury and Verity plows m hand all the 1 1, n", alno.il! kind* f repairs for the s.uue. We manufacture Wagons. Mullen, CutUira. Sleigh*, etc. tlorieihoeing pr>mp|iy attended to. Special attention to tender coulnicted feet. Logging and Plow Chain* con-nnily on hand. For Good... First (.'las*.- Huprit-s, Pleasure and Farm WJIU'KOHS. Spnny; TuDth and Iron Harrows, Klcary. Dick. Me (Jill and Dynicnt, Butter- h'eld Cunipany I'lows. and all kinds of shares. Also Sprainotors, of bntss and oth- er kinds of make, Cream separators of dif- ferent kinds, horse Shoeing, Painting and Trimming earria^'s and all kinds of Black smithing and wire fences, go to 3. h. Heard, Tksbcrton. House & Lot For Sale. Block T., No l.'i. 1(1, KIwUlBrton. nood (r*lot> IK.-ICU turt UuM Mamsv no<l fcrrlu ami ftmt trarn. K.S| wull.ahw )'rk lot, block 8. lot . i -nt-iinlnij 4 norm. Apply tu Audmw Wiclc, 01 ,.rui W. H. HI.04.N ii'ith July ( Kimborlrv. ' Osprey - Voters' * List. . . . MONDAY, SFT. 2nd. ATTHB Notice if :iii'> ivou that 1 hi>T tranimit- toil or dull vet-oil to ino cnionii mnntione'l In Motions flvo mul nix. of tli Votarn l.iot \n, tin- . ..pn-r. ro^nired by snl Mtciioaii to b nu trnnt.- tnittu-l or -iL-livoroil uf Mid lint, made pumaant to nail) act, of all |>roni aopnarmg br tile titHt ruvinvtl A-.H.HM,iniit Holl of tho n*ld muni- iriixtlity a' olnctinns for inuiubora of tli* LKiii. liitiva MwmMy ami KtiniiniclixJ loctlour; aim tliat aald li^t waa Itist ioUtd up at my offlc*. nt Mulntyra, on the IJtn day of AugiiM, 1001, Mul rnia!un ilmr" for UMpfetWB, Kleetor* o>- cullixl u|<ou to onauifna tlin laid llrit. and if niiv otiiiiMiioiiA or any ut.hr -i i or* aiu f'nititl : :ii-r,'i". to t;ii. muiit,.liHt procoud- i I>KM in Uavu thu Maul oj t"i- corrucn.J ulaw l.'atoil thin thirtontli rt*y of A.i^u^t, I'.IM TMO SCOTT. Ctork OWEN SOUND ONT. Young ntem *rul wmato cannot do bettT ilmn to tnko a cuuraa at thin INSTITUTION M a ntart in lifo. A pint u.nd will bring you full particuUra. Addrewt C. A. Fleming, Principal OWEN SOUND, OST Cook's Cotton Boot Compound 1* 8UCCCP8fnll7 nncd monthly by OTXI- 1.000 Ladleo. Safs.efTMtaal. Ladle* ask _ mr drarl8( for CM*'* CottM >*! Cssv *. Tki) no other, M all MlxtunM, pill* and ] ImtlaMoiu ar* dangerous. Fri**, K. 1, tl Pr box t M*. s), 10 dcTM* *lrongr, M pr box. No. I orl, m*4lcloa roi-lplof prli-iiil twu-nl ' ftaani*. rh. Ow>k Oo. np ..r Wtndsot. Out. l and t *oM and raoomsMadad by all DraigUM U Canada. to or all OU of abBM 11 TO Of TO- No. 1 and Mo. t ! told In riavbaion by W E. Klohknliou aud W B. Cbrt-itoe, DrunUU WocxVi fbovpbodlD* I* *oM n Kliwhurtun by W. B Ui'utu* tad W. B. Klotardson, Dra -

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