Jtitirance. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLED NOT MEN. " YOL 1X1, 80 1048 Flesticrton, Ont M Ttiursday, Septerqber o, 1QO1 W, H. TUUKoTOIli FROPKlKTOa > are shoring watches now, and .. h*< tl,e LAKuK-iT SV''K .f Toronto, tho BUST STOCK to frttt, aad th I'HKAPKST STUCK, taking quality and everything in'o i-oiisidiration. \Ve are getting in i w st .i-k every few i!;t)s i.n.l WV. the* every dy. PniB|>e*fn I (*>: .! rsrMSBsVf 'tie old ni.ni n , " Vsk |iy a'i ' the sun shines " The s u i? s'jii.itt.- i.ow for | uiclrm r- ; H!' y n i- > - do n to c nie in :l I lejj- and yo-u l.fy is ni.w' O-.nie in ami l'>k r the -' r y y w*!i t" ' !/ or !.:. W. A. Api^stFon^ OPT, c. FLESHERTON, Farewelling a Teacher. was found to he cons derably damaged' but not to such an extent as to discour- age th glowers from repeating the ren- t,:re rhis year. The yield of peas was go d. A few tlys aan, Harry, the ten -year- old son of Mr. G. Hanrd neaped from what mi-;ht have b:n a very rermus ftc- cidefr. Report *y* ih- twy was trying to |<> H-ii *, r> |>>< in whirii their horde's bin ; f'H>t h nl ^"t .r n-ijled, when the hone r sB'l his fo" a. ?! kicked the boy in the m out I,, knocking -ut " ia>' <>l h.s teeth and . ultin- the up'.er lip so badly A Letter Prom Africa To tiu Editor of The Adranet: DIA&SIB Nn 16 Troop of A. D.T i.sion of the South African Constabulary, to which I belong, is stationed at Rhen Oster Spruit. We have been hero two week.s yts'erday. We came here from Fort Canadi, wheic We had been nine the 25th of May. Fort Canada in about tt mi ex nor b 'if Krugerd t)., in rather a nice p't of the country. There is plenty I of water and the land U ro'lmac .mil not McFarland, Stafford 6: Co. OARKDALE, ONT. 6rv County's Biggest Store Plain Facts. thu t*o or three tir..-he!i iiH.I to bo put . Ter y stony, only Mime places, while oLt AMKII g >hr iv,->nt kUitor* to 'li s neigh- !., .:,. l er M an I Mrs. M rt Wil- . Mr n.l Mrs. B \V,lli'i.f .-: H-1.1. n.l LVotrv, t" their sis- ter, Mrs. l M .1 f. Mrs. McDonald and Mixi .Mil.it F eJ !\"i- tu their l-rolhci anil iter, Mr. \Vm. Fi. tc*er and Mrs. R. \Vir-:. ,!.> Mi*-- M:ir.jrtt A. Mi Arthur, who rec- I Bully !>:> hi'Ve I. r tl.u city. e,Tpre*) I herself ss highly pie.sfd wi'h thj situa i U .11 in !.. family "f Mr. and Mrs. Aik -n- head. We have i. ot yet liuai-J the precUa fill- ip. The little Ml .w is J.HP; ntily now, i hel ", ,; .^i^ f Krt her nonh it is nearly all :!) will i.robab'y kwp at a S'fedM-.tnce ., ,,, filers l.ave bt>en souiu wry tine ii..i he ' '! f i I'.'.r-e in fuio.rv. ( *elliiig house* ft.'t f*f tt.iin here but the/ ait* mostly ill burnt. The heir are all liuili of brick and nu'.side and in, '.hen; M no wood about them but the ceiling and rifters and sometimes a AWr Of course therw are window and door fiamo-. but tlie ti, .or is irenerally in.ida of cement. I .--iw two, h. u.'e* arxmi t miieo from here which 1 was to'd h.'wl c<wt bt'w.-en '2000 ami 3- 000. They bad len set fiie to and all 1 the w.xslwork burnt out of them. Good houses are generally ro.'fod ith corru- gated ir-n 'tnd the p<Mirer ones .lunched, ut I have seen some very good There's no reasonaMe resu>n why we can't sell aa cheap as anyone zen- vrtlly cheaper We handle all cl&asjvH of merchandise, buy hi large quan- tities, ttet .is near aa we can to t!. t at--tual cit of production, lake advan- tage oi all ouih discounts ml pp.v ie fucilitien fur saving tioteand money at every turn. The i'l'j'.'er the ore-u izaui'n the smaller its averaim ex penM and aiernKi> profits. \\'e ditnl)ute more nods than any other store in Grey County, and oe every advantage in your service. Buying ilirtx-t from (he maker" insure ui.if. rm .-ood qualities, snd place* us in a n when; we cap guan-.ntie the goods we Mil. Otir nne qualities) are tine, our gt> d '|ualiuec are <f ixl. Th;ni{B art) exactly as rfpreaented. and ur cuatorucr-i are pr"t*ctud iig&inst imposition m any fonu. Tb.- valuea arj K^xl and there are hundrcda of itbers like them: i-esu't af the lawn irty on Fridiy v ,t u thatched i-ools. too. I haven't seen n aid "f . nr S.i' ^'.tb School! , nuc h ,>f the horror* of ai. < - t We 10 pieces mole *hutin<.p, ssm'rte.i navy and white and black stripe aad spot pattern)*, al.-o fiiocv tweed patterim in greys, browns, etc., auik- ib'e either for If.yif cl< tUin, shirts or dream, rwrular falue 16c per yard, our [" .c T^.e pc(lt> of tie jjnb.ic kcboul EeTd a farewell aeuiomttrattcn oo Krul,iy after noon in h /nor of Mr. U. W. SUughter, who has retired from the princiualship The elitir was occupied by secretary W. | will probably begnen by someone who J. iil amy, ^nd the sjjtmkera were M. RicharU.tuii. l>r. Lhriatue, Mr. Kuwe of Markdale, Mr. MilU of Uurtuuu.aud Mr. Fawceti, buctessor to ibe leLirn.jj pnn- cipau. tich one made a feliucutu utUe pch eulutfiatic of the giiod work dou luwTi.8choJiduruuitneua-tlhr.eyea... I DAE Ma,-I notice an art^le in the At the cK^e of a lengthy "prograiu by the '' Ad.a-.ce signed -Onl.^ker, that ebolara Ml*. Jeuuie ^Uaon reaa the y "' *t tl.at following addre* and reseuted Mr. '"J '"> *' -,-_.__ Butld!i>n raa, l <T6 un-etiian c.aven't got i our uoHrt ol w* fdirly wtll patronized. Tb refresh ! to j (J. IT< uot ^ u L , ut , u i^py jmtr"l. ineuts were uper-exce!leut nd super- i h , ve ou jy b^,,, gnot at ouco The bul- abuJnt. A mure descriptive account | etl ctktae C j 1)se en ,, U gh to see th.-iu hit the ground and hear them go * was present. That Sunday Fishing. To tke Editor of Ou A<ltaet. ra< done on preaeuteO Slaughu-r witn a handsome secretary 1'isitml with wniiax tuatcr al. The atl- dress read aa follows : Afr. G. W. atauykter, It w wi.h iuiu K leU feUnx of joy aud aadueas tat we, your pupils, have couie toguibcr thin afternoon. Joy, aa we recall our success in the acquiiuUou . t know- ledge, s*Uue, as we u member that you are about to leave us. and that ttiu is the last time tuat you aud w shall meet to- 1 gather n. tlie capacity of teacher and pupils. Comparing our ntandiux as schoiar. t" !>' with what we were when orst you became our in-siructor, it u My for u* to M.-O tue great and rapid advaucv- ment m.i.te. Kxaininatioua p-aed and i tctoneo won in the undut oi all poasi InutK's of defeat, fill us with a [eeuug of triuuipli. These succe*** uaturaJly lum our atfuction toward* y.'U, UXMUMT the i arises that itiu stnking cu- "Onlooker" mutt have been lost or considerably miied up as my frm ir in Onokoo Valley and there *n not a line or hook thrown in the stream on my farm on that day. He clones up with this sentence, "Such acts of disrespect for (he Sahlmth do not reflect much credit on the proprietor f *ud farm, as he must certainly be awr of it." N.-W, Mr. Onl.Hiker, I certuiuly am n .t aware . f fishing being done anywhere u that !iv. but on your own ahowing you are. !>.>; it reflect niiich cndit on you ) Might I ask what you were doing when you aw ihi vioUtioi, of t'ie Lord's Diiy ' iloi. ; to or c'.iuing fr.ini church. T I turmiae th.it "Onlo..ker" is not so anxu u.i about the public morals as be is to get a Mi'ig at your humble servant, Joiix WEBBK, Valley. sbl Wnv'ht are trast between past and pe*>cu. u> laigely doe to vour c..iitinued and kindly lutrrvxt in tta, a; J your euouraging .>tuii and; Frum Our Cin unreu.ittug efforts in ' ur belialf. ri-.n Mr. KUin La..rcncc nig that word* alwne bowenjr sine. -i Iy , Kr , und .,,.,.. and emphatically ipr.'s '-U mmlit |.peai- ( Mr \\ j c ,., ani j ijr weak aud empty MSafsMM ith tnc I p n ,, in< . weight ot iue*ning we wu.li them to cou- La,,,U. r f Wellwoo.l, who hs been <ri- vey. e have endesvorwl to .uppori them it,n K his unc e. Mr. .1 Tn'ton, i~ witu something ofa more tangible natuie. j|[ Sovuml lioctois h iv t e;i in ::tten- You will ple-iso accept fro'" us thu wru- J ftnce \V t . i,,,| V to s^-e l'i:u Miir-<l -. iv ing-de-k and writing material, whictj re- | \j, \s ,:*. 'McMol., ;n ! M *,, Millie present the cum t lined eflorU of tl.e (,,. V lof- ..n S.,>ii-i.i\ t,. <e the fonn- seiiior aud intermediate IOOIHH. While ,,,-, i,,,.t:. cr . l... M if tin- p nn .. the value of tbe*ea.ticloa in -lollirs and \f.. .!,., NK-Mn! en 1 -ft .. M-mlay cents us far b.-iieth what it would Imvo ,,., m< f,'otfrr,yetthey areuot^lvellon ; %j,. H j, ..,;,. ^.,,,-, u ,^.,| the money reprentnt'd. but iu ,(,,,_ {-L.J.:^ , i",,,v, ,, :i ,.,,\ ,.tlu-r a token of our esteem and as a slijlit erideucc of the sincerity of our allecUuii. ; \\, ,;.. , c'. H (.n s of M We wish yu every success lu the i;hool j,,.^ i j, ,. t i ur , M : *. H. nrv Tucker, to which yuu go, a. .d you may full avtui - \j ls Aslidown. who g.,t her !_; hurt. ed of tho sjMsVwili of ;h so who hae [. under > hi care of Dr. Sproul . Iwen your pupiis in tliis school, and that \i.. Ynr^ m" Tio it (.'nil* i we shall ever cherish tor you the uiost her .Nuj'uor, Mis Jas l>yce. nd other pleasant meuioiies, aud ghall re 1 , am the (n n.U. greaU-St interest in and hopes 'or yu , r Mr .'. Cbislett is >till hid up. welfare. I A irei'.-h' train fr-.ni Owin S..;nrl r:i Mr. SI ui. liter WK vis.bly affected at off the track at C'.rlH-tton Moi, day uight. this evidence of .lie go id -Mil of and feelingly n plu-d to th-j aiidresi. The piooetituiKs were brought to a cloMJ by ainging "(j<.<d Save the King" and be with you.' 1 Stones Settlement. Owr Vand-lfr On MomUy, tin- % Ai;h ult., oi-r schorl iHJil. which h:.u IHH n silent it wc.'k Ling, r than the prewnbed rigulHtioiis, a^.iii dent for.h Us j 'Ciind "Un<l in wli.il ikp- peart-d t.. iv mou- vi:or..u tones ihwn on forii:iTO-c:i.sii us 'I his may, pel 1 . be only mi iiii'gli.a'ion arising fiom ihe fact th.it -)! .e ih.- building of tho school gclv ol I.T tin- fall term. A'rum <>nrii-H ',rr>'/i"iiii. ut < hurAefet i- nearly hll hi .mi b> commenced. M.S. S I'oi Us spent Sunday with l":ie!-..l.s i.i I'r tu.i Mr*. John Wirling \i-itcd friends in P.Tt IjW l.Ht W V " Iv M^-. I' i i U -i:. i ; ns bevii i ;i the sick iis^. , .r i*o!Hi- t line. Mr. John S!i.uin..n is lu-lping his lin.di r, T mi, al O.-rU It. n f r ,t while. ,ii .T -huso i has .te^-nrotl sjaj | ) t i no, th s :s in; rst-. inatauce of il'i- rope bciiij pulled by ; mule tea.Bi'i. Mr. J. L. W. od will con tlol the sc. ol f.-r l!:i' tvil.-uiiv "I ths jenr iit I.i-', ai>d (.rciKMit nidicntioi 8 point to tut iiru iinpr.iienients ri -eiy deiMirtmi'iit. The hr\ist ia some insUnctw yet 10- inains uiitiiushed, and it is fear^l that the oat crop will be hVht and. straws. Mr H. P "i^'n.-it 'S tV in,; '" ' I 1 :.!!! l'.|:s v>l. k. He Will .'li- vi>it l.lie H..n Aini'rn..iri h. f. 10 ixturniii'/ Mt.lt.-' 1'-. lti.'!>:iru :ll'll ill!' ;!. ','l-. l.,li i i-, v, vis'tc-'l fricinU t <"h:ii,- w.nlli on K- M.S. lie.', ilntafeatd tweiv'-.l tin- *.i neson Fnd;iy of the d-ath of l.ci l>r..th er. W, liter Oi.'irk, of S.m ! Sto. Mine. The reinaim will be _ me. The horse* are inure afraid of the whistle of a bullet thn they are of the crack of a rifle. S>inc of 16 Troop liave b?n in s. me preety warm places but none if them ha-e been hit yet. We hare loot two hones shot and one mau had h coat and iilurt cot with a bullet. The Boer* are ruther scarce around here now, at least wo have not seeu any of any accunnt for some time. A |i ty of Howards Canadian . cout* paa-ed through here a few days j sjo. They stopped for a short rest and ' r neeme t home-like to have a chat witli some of thorn. I don't kn .w why, unlew it j was hN-Mie they nitked a few <)Ufnlioii about other fellow* we knew. They had a pom- p"in and two Colt guns with th- m. A H : i;un went rhrouxh ahead of them, which w.'iilil tlirow a 45-lh shell 8 miles. It w* either a 5 inch or 4 7 inch. There were 24 oxen hi'ched to it and sometime* they h iv.' an in. my as 00 oxen on it if the roajs re IM>). u I I am sure they c .at h v-rv in.ul in wet wea'her. Thi kind of life i ilright as long aa there is Jry weather, b-it I tliink it will be anything hut pl.-asiint in wet weather. I waai on , uunrd !* night and to-day, and we have no gunrl tent. It rained a little this momiiiu' and t!u> mt "f us just pulled our blankets ov-r our heads and lay as if it w*s the fineot morning inwijiiiiible. It hard'v ever raim here in the day time notidi- the r*iny season, but a rairuitorm C-AII blow up in an liour at night. Otir duties here convt of guards pat- r..!s "d fatigue. We '" two o'ock- hou^eo. the men chanci"l< elkcn we U - * had a .jood wash to-day *i uc"nd one in a w.V. The watw * * way nr.d the water carl draws nough for .ooUir.g only, and we ha-n t time .. go ash very often. I didu t like it at ur I .-iui eettin.- use 1 ' '" ll "ow and I do (rot a wash I np.TeciaU i it we loft Kruzrmdorp "" tht! :25th u ] ehav.-tvim living " swMNsjWJ l beef and hard t t-1< wlth n -nHl .,'...,t ors-eer wo ">' ca^ure, hut tins wr-ck wo have 2-t some breivl .AH ! it is quire .in H :r-ahle c nf- s< " tinit-o we ba<l ^.riid-f if *"! ll our ; vlv,.s. Tht-rewa,s a small mocnt of roll.-l OHM in !h- ,'i.itee.l <""" camo fn.m Kruucniorp with u but ltU ! d ! not last long Then.- in pk-nty " f *>"* '" :h- .- untry and we got two c c. ,f f iivllsdt d.'sTte.! hou,- "'' cornmeril which win verv .o"' i for * change Taking .-v.-rything in'' eon- idem'ion we fa^e pretty wo" weath'-r here is pretty hot some day* b in always cool at niu'it and there ' H *"' .nil- a breeze i the dy time i a little '(> much ..f a breer.e to * llt * out I .ors with comfort. Tthnsb'own ">y letter nwiiv now two or three times H '' rvn.lv.!>!> I think T will close for this time. Hoping this will be of interest to your re.vlors, I ret'i'i" vo\)rs respectful'y Cori-Tivl H. .V Wnlton 1C, Tro,.|> A. Hiv. S A.C. Krux'ersiJor", Transvsal, S. A. Mid Hr>, Any fall wheat that has been threshed on Tuesday for -ntcrmeut. As Sure as You Are Born Putnam's fo'n Kxtnvctor CIK<>' H 1 ! kinds n<. rt. in a shorr lime. Oire* pa : n'i - ss'y :is w-11 'is pi-i'iiiptlv, cnr.'s m- di.M'U 'is well us i|'iirkly. Tho urufl'.'st corn i-vs r P'I i ho No'th Anu'ri.-m *",.n tiin-ii', jnsr Ask y 'in- druggist if this isn't | an, l>n: -g^ts all sell it. If y"ii are at a distamv from ilnig store sond t. tiveorfots t N. L'. V'olson & Co., King- ' slqa, and get it post paid. f ; -, --~^ nm woirsrnr nuMjr .soiors. a\w r uf -- inrti,refi;! rf r rslttc fl.86 each, our speciii prioe only gfe 10 pieces FUncelette, 28 inches wide, in assorted stripe patterns, usually nold %t 7 eta. yard, our special price 5 6 only Tapestry Table Covers, assorted patterns in garnet and gold, nary and gold, etc. Full 8-4 sue, good weight and reversible, fringed all round with heavy knott fringe, good value in the regular way st 92 each. You can buy one this week at 1.39 20 d. zens gent's ties, astortod shades and patterns in court, puff and four in-haud styles, regular 25-ct qualities, on sale this week. your choice at il 400 boxes fine French Toilet soap, pat up in fancy boxes 3 cakes to box, each cake wrapped in fancy paper wrapper. Your choice of the following perfumes : hyacmthe, voilet, rose, crabapple blossoms, etc. Reg- alar value 25c per box. Thw week just half former pnce 12* 60 cloth Brushes, Urge tax, suitable either for clothes or boot brash, regular value 25c. each, our price only 500 packages envelopes, either business or square shape, just half former price, per package Tiger stove pulish, large size tin, regular 10 cent kind, just half price, per tin Hair pins, plain or crimped, half price, per package Nail brushes, full size, half price, only 35 coffee pots, good heavy tin, copper bottom, regular price 30cts. each, now half price GOO dozen pearl buttons, either 2 or 4 hole, assorted sizes, regular values 10 to 20 cts, per dcsen, on sale this week at per doewn Trimmed Millinery at half price. Men s and Soys' straw bats at half price. Ladies' Shirt Waists at half price. One case Mole cottonade remnants at half paice. Another lot, S dozen hammers, i*u. 30c., just half prios 30 fan^y Photo Frames, regular 25c , just half price 5 1 S 15 15 12* , gtkfforii & Co. Olm. . Importer "f and IValer in Sweetl- ish, Scotch and Canadian Granite and Marble work of all kinds. nonuments Repaired and iuscription.3 cut ca shortest notice. SYDENHAfl 5T. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxatlm Bromo Quinine Ttblvti. Al> drawl!** refund tb luontvifu, rials to our* 1 * liter* s litjnacure ia on avti box. Read These Prices... They aro found only at BUNT'S GROCERY. Wright's Old Stand. Brooms, each -'"<- Washboards - > * >0 .; Kirs Richards Soaps '-'-V t Jillet's Lye per can '- <;,il,l Dost S.V.P, :.t for C..1I Oust \V;,h. l"d r, pkg*. Spio,*. ..illy per tin. Pi,.inond Baking I' d'r, o.-r ti-i t'ori. Snireh. U liacka-e-* for. Uundry Surch per pkg. Sin.; sh. t. ;t b.>xe for -';><: Musliroin .-.itsup per I'ottle.. 8c Tomato carsiip |'<'i' l''lc-. ... 10c Pow.l-te.l luitli l.ri.'k. per box Flcsbcrton Furniture < Olarerooms. * F. A Bt'NT. FLESH ERTON . e i-arrying the newest styles ^.'liable goods in all lines of Furniture, c.'iisisiing of : Pnrlor and bedntoin suits, lounges, si<lel<.>arH*, extension an.! .-finre t il'les, chairs, window shades and cun .-tin pnli-s, picture*, easels, -tc., Which we offer at LOWB5T PRICES. Picture Fitniinu and |'irini{. I'lidertaking branches. Satiufsction W, H. Bunt. .'! its Ptop.