Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1901, p. 2

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PICTURE OFHOflE LIFE. It May be Humble, But Woman's Cheerfulness Will Gild It With Splendors. A despatch from Washington Hi v Iu Pi I -i- ai I.i (1 from the fi.lh.iviii". text . Cent-Ms i. lo ami fi'i... . i n-.ileil he limn In other x\,.|.s Cod, xxho can UiaU. no n.i.-ta!.". made man and .n, fin .. . vxork. and to U.OM in p.irliciil.n " '" M'glliinl 1. la-- realm. XX'-lnan to In-' .i.ant in hers The boiii.dai v ji'.. lH-txx..n Italy ai.d Sxvit/i i -land. I and and Scut land. is not im re n noi inn- 1. ly nm-'d than Uns di: niciion I -npirc' j . d thu en ' .nine. .v,, . the In I'ls to wl'i'li Cod tailed them that ,.,,,, I hem than .MI- -n and l.yili o-. en, v . t,-r in ! grui-.s. tixt-s and stars. All tin- about tin- MipTK'iity of ol. e :..'\ t" is an ex ink and p." eh. A i.-xxe!. r mav . ,!. In .,(.- I h.;' l,i i "Ii ' tho il :sl of diiiiiionds. but win--' the tt - - il,..t xou n weigh n. ' ' in ii".- , t .on. again--! M ntin.'-iit, thounht me' tUi>>igl.t. Mm' against soul, a man's word ..giiit.st a xvomni. > xx. id '' it xvit h your stereotyp- ed H - -'I man I- .' I!" r nil to woman in intellcit. am! tl.en I o|>i-n mi uiy ik"-k the sxvaithy, iron t>i"d. thiiridoi I- 'Ili-d xvriting.s of llainet kl. I'lin'.tii and I r.ioxviiing und i lint Vi -l coinn on with joi.i . i-eiaark about \xiin.,'i's sup. rioiiiy lo la. .n in the .tein of ali.-ctinn, but 1 ask you XX. is there more c,|acity to I. .. thiin in Ji.i r, M. di '-iple, and Hi. in ; t M.-ri:. -x i.e. ' man, Mid .l.diii Suinnier!ii-!d. tne Metho- ni i ..ml lli.iiry M.ul'.n. the mi' aiy '' I bo heart of those men \-. larKc lh.it after yi-u hud roller! Inlo II the l.i'ii, ibpheri-s (' room Itill Ii ft to marshal the hosts i.! vcn ' up tho throne of the I .TF.HNAL JKHiiVAll. I deny to mi'ii the throm. 1 n,tHln-- tn.il 1 ili'iiy to xvom.ii the throne allection.il No t.uin.in pi Will CX'-r lietll.e Hie ; pl.eles XXlllll' 11, .in i. an intuition by which WO km. n x. i '.vi a mnn in In his realm and xvhou a xxemaii is in I r out of it. No b.m-ling lei n-l-l '" atU-n.i ' to make a di.iniiioii or to , d that is tlei line " 1 know there aie women of iihilchir.iMo iiiiiure xxio xx.uider up inn) <|i xvn (he count i. v. having i.o hi ini't, of (heir oxxii or forsaking t |,e:i i \x i, l MMI t.iM.ing nl.ouf II;. n ri^'M--. nnd xxe Know vei v well that they t h. i ' M noil In r i " III to keep houso 'I I.i . i e to iM.iniliate the two thought of what my one of us i. HIM' No .voiild wai.t lo lix, iimler hii\M Uiiit such xvoinon would etiuct, or to l,..\ I upon -ociety tho 1. 1 lib. -n that SIK-II xvoinen would rniv Hut I Will hoxv you that the I .. t i L- I.i 1 1. -i I :. own she already has in her possession ; that I,, i [... it ion in tins ci.initry al il.i-. til. e IN not one of i , li.mr c I atlon. but oi. e of i of, ! ..tiiliit n. ii . that the lfiai.de ii- anil power of her realm h, r, -ppM-i i.itiil , Unit si. i r t.. ilav mi a throne no liigh that all the throi.cs of cinlh I , d 01. lop ol e.o-h oti'i I' WOlllll Hot make for her a (out '.tool, lleie is the pl.'i'oim on xx-l.n-h -he Mauds. AxTi.y doxvn N'loxv It me tin- ballot bo nnd t! umal ns i and tho LLCISLATIVi: MALI. VN..III.III -in x .-I. ,1 and nl- xx. n H xvill vole our (.'loiit-Kriind- fiitlids tliought I hey weii' by their vol.:, pit ting Wa ainuli.n i.ito II-- f'n ideiilrnl id. iii No Ills moih- II I..V the plilillpl. : hi' liHlght hill find by the habit .1 ( illcated. Illlllle hllll p|."|i!ent II XXilS II I'l.M Inni nn. tin i ii, ml ijropping il." lnt when I. old liiii on xxuile. nnd Nrxxioii pl.ili ,-|d,, . ,1, anil Alfred I.' On ' d and Jonathan Kihxards Uiiiiiileied of Hiduiii. nt tu ci.me Hoxv many men then Imxe III lilc/ll I', '!!' H al tat ion xxl o XXo Illi 1 IlllVe been I loa.lhi li'lit to ll-i ii t to wl.icl, thijr moral pin, i i|.|c xva.s put had il i, ol In I'll for a XXII' . .1 ll.i'lll d> do right ,11, 1 1 a .\ .I. ' prayer t hat '..I louder than (he clamor of , ' Why. my friends, t he ..f -'illr .. I,,,-,, ,-\ It lo I c a feeble thing You. M. r ,.,,1 man, up to I he t'l.ll'.t I " .nil x il ill i p '. our Vi.le. Klj'ht a!' I I e oils, inn ing i.f t hi' . In- ill-op'. 1,1 Xote. and Ii. \.,l.' liaintei .n t- xi, in s Hut if in (he 1 of home life a diillflit.'i by her <iii~ll. ill ill-ill. .11,, i. a XVife by her lli'hi- I . x ., n.. .1 I.i |.> li.-i- fallhflll- I ' - Xoli II, II,,. I I, |,t 111 ii 1 1 Ion, 1 1.1 ii nn' ini-i nnd the influence of II, at vote '.ill II. nd. through tho elernit a My i litef nnv.-tx, 1 1, en. i. not that WOMiei, |,a\|. oil .,, , , I ' i Mil ll,-.| .' i , l,\ I!,.- (. i .,, ,. ,,f Ce'l. I i- , up to t I.,' uppiei i.ltl, tin. rsloilous i-irhls she Al.ltKAI'Y I'OSSCS.SKS. I shall only Imxe t n-.c t,, speak of gr .mil and n 1 1 al.soi -bing right luil f-very womnn h and Hi to make home happv Thai realm Ho i no Ii. .1.1 ill- p' led xvit h In i Vu may come hi.n.e at nour or at night, und they tarry a comparative- ly little while, but she. all day long Koxorns i:. l".i.'i:.' il. . uCtllicS it. It is within her pnxver to niiikc it most ntlii'iiive pi. ,10 on earth. It is the only calm harbor ill this World. You knoxv as well us I do - tins outside world and the I.UM- xvoil.l is a long scene of In- tie and contention. Tin- man xvlm hie; a dollar struggles to keep it; the man who o get it l'i n i s up Prices doxvn. L' Cains. M i- :. p: - -:.t. lion Coiio-- i lling. Iluxer . deprecat- ing. Sale- 11. !, "\ai.ifi rating. Ten- ; ants seeking le.ss rent; landlords de- i'..,,idiiig moro. (.'eld fidgety. S: i ug^le-, about ofllci.-. Men who are in trying to keep in; men out trying to get III. Slips. 'I'llluble- I cations. 1'unicn ' . '. mplii-s. O xvoiiiiin. th.mk Cod you have ., i and that you may be ijue< ;j in it l|;.i:ei- be tiiero than Woi.r .1 ii'-.ccn'H coronet. Ilelter b- lleie than carry | the purse of a prii.'i- \our abode 'may be humble, but you can by xoin faith in Cod am! your checrfulm . '.or ^ild it With splendors 1 11, h as an upholsterer's hand nexer yet kindled. \\hiii riKiit dm s woman want that is grander than to |e fpn i l, 111 aim? Why, the eagles of I 'cann.it fly across 'that dominion .s punting and xvitb latl.eiod jlliinks iire not swift enough to iun to the outpost of that renlin. They s.'.y that the sun never sets upon the British Kmpirc. but I have to te.l you that on tl.is realm of xvo- jman's infliiviice ct, rnity never 'any bound. JMiOh'Ha lied from the Ni...:,isli tin.. i... pin kind I.,' tl. lion's anathema, but --I,,, whu N a queen m a hoi. ii- xvill IP \i r lose her tlirtni". and d-i,tli it'. If will only bo .III eX.lt loll of HLAVF.M.Y I'lMNi'll \I.1TIF.S One twilight after I had been playing null tin: children (or tlllio, I laV lloXVtl oil the COUCll tO nst. anil, half a !' p and half n 1 ei-IIH'd til II. ' .'III till dllMIll It MOUleil to Id- Cat I v..-- Ill il f.n di'.taiit I th.n niii'iitiil liiMiriaiiee i roxxn- i d the oit ,.- nor i:-.e ( i op" s, al- though i.i. 'n il.ui tinpic.il fruitful- iilieil tl .- j i.or ' It.'.ly. although m-n- than Itiilian so tilled the air. Ai.d I w.ii.dend mound linking for thru." and in't- I.Ul I fo'llld 1,1 in- if then, II -i re Ai.d I XX all ed fi.i I ii. and I the sun rise nnd I haul. "\Mn-n will it M-t again' 1 " and tin; Mill Ai.d I ;aw all the peo; holiday nppnrel. and I ^:lld. -'\\::eii will I hey put on wnrkii.Kiiiiili's ngiiin mid ilelvir in the mile- sweller nt tl.e force.'" Itut i.eiil.i-r the I'iii-n,. I rob d.d I li'.v | ill ofl. Ami I waiidi-i'-d in the sub- urbs, mill I '.Illl ' \\l.e|e do tllP.V bury the dead of this gioat city?" And I looked along by tl:" hills xxhere it xxould be most beautiful for the dead to sleep, and 1 --.ixv ra.tles and loxvifs ni.d I. at t ,. u.. .! but not a mausoleum nor monument nor while lab loiild I M.. And I xxent into the ^ri'ilt I Impel of the tliWII. ami I K.iid. '\\liere do the poor wor- ship? \\; ..M I I.e In 'Ill-Ill s oil xx inch they sit?" And n M no an- f-Wend, "We have MO | ' 111 this c ity." And I xxamleied out . . klni: to (mil t he pb.i | xx the hovels of the destitute. and I found m. ncions , f .,mi. .I and iv TV ..ml ci.ul I, u( NO Tr.AH PIP i si:i: or sii'l, In a r I xv.,- I exvilil. n-d. and I t iindei tin- ;.h:nloxv of ii (.'.real and I -a.il "What iun I and xvlii'iice comes nil tl i And at Hint moment I here c.nre from iiiiumg 1'ie li.ixi"'. ;kipping up 'he flowery petl:-. and across the 'piirkling Wii- ,i very bi mht and sparkling group, and xvlien I -..ixv then ;i>-p I knew it. ind when I beard tl.en xoiies I thought I knew them, but (heir app. in I xvas so dilToront from aii.vlhing I had ever seen I bnxved. a ii t raii^.-r to vt i niseis P.ut after nxxlnlo. when they (lapped then hands iiml -I'oilled. 'W.-l, ..in,' \\el conn- " the my MI i v u . i Ixod. and I SiHV thai time had passed and that eternity had inine. nnd that Cod had eat I.en-d us up into a higher home. .mil I said. "Are all here'" nnd the xi, no- of innmoi i .ilde I'eiii'i iit , !,- aii- xxi red. "All here." And while Ic-iirs of ghidin's xvere raining duxxn our Cheeks Illlll till' bl'lllirlll'S of l^'tl- .iiiori i ed. ii- xxeic clapping their ll.lllll'- Illlll t ne oXVIli I s of t I.e ' cily xvere chiming (hen- xvi Icom. no ii to laugh linn sinir and leap and t.hoitt, "Home' Ilium! llamo 1 " Tim IM:AL AHTK i.r. At a ri'slatiriint. A customer In n , ted tor, ,' of voice : \\hy. this milk is turned U. II. sir I exclaims I he iloliuhted xendor of conn --t ibh-s ; and xvhnt doos that piove. -n ? Why, sir, It proxi's that the ailicle serxvxl to you XXiis, like exeryUlillg else sold in this roslHiirant . Bellini, e. and not a deceiving com), mat ion of ihnlk nnd xvater, sir. Jnck.-Waii .Tones an oxhlbilor l\t the ho KC Hhoxv Ti'in--YeN . In a in. .s, H -. lU- uiiidu an uks of him- nu, THE S. S. LESSON. INTERNATIONAL LESSON,, SEPT. 8. Text of the Lesson, G:i. 10-22. Golden Text, Gen. xxviii, G. 10, 11. "And Jacob went out from Itocrsliobu iu:d went luv.ard I! i .in." Tin- previous chapter tells of the deception pi-policed upon I- i.i' liy .I.n-iil] anil his mother, K'- brkali. nnd of Ksuu's hatruU and purpose to kill his brother lucaiise In- had supplanted I ini in il tnkcn his ! lit i'f this i in- M'udiiiff of .Jai-uli In liar. in to Kebekah'h brother Kalian for a lime. Our lesson is the story of the ap- I'l-iumK of the J.nrd in Jacob IIH he .mill i.i xi 'I tci llar.iii and i.i a M-imd of ti.e xxonili rfnl niaro uf (Ind. but seems also to iiuply true penitence | on the part of Jacob after ho left his father's hou-o. f<:r he would have much time to n.editate PS he jour- neyed oiixviird alone. If HoU-kali h.-'d |.i.|ie\ed Coil and had trusted IJim to ufcoinplith in Hi own way His promise to her (chapter xxv, i!:{), she ininht hu\u been spared this sepai.it! .'ii from Jacob. Hut ems to have f< ared that the puipoM; of Cod might be fru.sti .-. - 1 ,1 I'V Ks-.iu and hit* father and that it wan ucccRsary fi r I IT to net 1 lumpily i". en if not hntn-lly. It is a I Ml fill thing to Ir 'ie\.' ll.at i purpose of the Lord ;:.ali I >: |,i fonr.ed both for Ilia people nnd .t HI-I enemies (Jcr. Ii. ~:> l'ii xiv. 1M) nnd jusx nhide in Him As .Incob JourneycJ from hia home tlie blr.s.iing of his father (verses 1-4) nnd the love of Ins mother would lift him HIM.. -nli. it above the thoughts of his I..!.! I, .T'S niifier. hut he knew he hail 'ii.ii.-d :!:.. insl (lod. even tl'.oiifrh his mother was the mo.'.t guilty, for she had been Ins counsellor to do wickedly (II. Chron. xxii, H), nnd then; must have i oiling of I.' ai i I . i. n- Cod Ills mother promised to send for him whcii his brother's anger hnd i|iiieted. brt we do imt read that she saw him a^ain nn i.niii. 1 1: Ilehold a ladder sr-t up on the earth and ticliold the in. gels of Cod ding mill dei c emiing upon it. TI ! I. nid .Ii-'!.-. -..id I" V'ij.imiel "I loroitfti'i- yi I Hi oven n|!.-n and the ant'els of -niing nnd ailing upon tin- Sun i.f M I .lollll i. ."il !. Win h ti ..I-I.IS Us the I. uii 1 ' r x\. ,s txpical i.f the I..>rd I i iiroiigh whom alone Mnful man ran mini- to Cod or h.ivi: any itiiui i ( Clod to him Kt. II I'.ehold the Lord stood atnixe ii ard :.ud, I am the Lord Cod of Aliiahiun thy father, and the Cod of Is., jo All tltinc 1 - aie of Cod tiiroiigh riuist . salvation is of the Lord. Tl.e .-.'I'lo Jel.nvali I. ii- lonfirins to t I.i: in.xxorlhy Jn- roli HIM pi.iiui ! !o Abraham nnd I aar. giving to Jacob the promise of seed us the (lll^t of the eiiltll, xxh.irr. lie had gixen to l--iiar the promt ven (chapter xxxi. Ii II IH possible xvhi'ii the kirgdmn i. nn we 'hall see that tin- pmiin'o to Isaac s to or nn ItidiH the church, while the promi'i- In J..r.d> lifers to the earthly heed Israel, and by the Inn i ifrhti'oir. i ompanii'S shall tin- righteouH King of klngH and Lord of lords rule all the eai in. 15. "And. behold. I inn witli Mice ai.d will keep thee in all places \\hi- ther thou guest and will bung thee again into this land " Thin is the foui th "In hold" of our lesson : a ladder tl.e angcN. Jehoxah and now the a- ' in .nice <.f His piv.nce. His k'eping poxver. His guidaiiri' mid the fulfilment of nil His PH>;UI-IH U!u;t more could vinful inort.il desire ? How iindi-erxing is Jacob! How OM is .Ii iiovah ' <'an anyone else iippropi late such a proinr-e. or xxas it only for Jamb ' Why should nny child of Cod hesitate snue in ('in i i Cod hath blesst'd us uilh oil spiritual b|e:^ings. and all Iliings a ii- inn - in ( 'In ! t ' I l-'ph l ','. ( iT iil, HI). li 17 Surely the Lord i ill tl,i place, and 1 knew it not " Such were his w. iking thoughts us he nnienilui.il his l.e.mtiful ilre.nn. and a gn..' MM of his unxvoithi- anil ^iiifuini"-s tilled him .leieil that the Cod of his fath- ers had appealed In him al-o lie I i . l.alily felt like .loh and Isaiah and I'ann I ai.d John when they i i Lord i Jot. xlii. fi. i' I xi. :> I 'tin. X. H . Kev I. 17 Sun. n T til had a soinexx liat similar i\p>ii- elae xx hen he SilXV ll.e f;u-.it gi.od- nrss of his Lord and cried, liep.nl from me, for 1 am a 'infill man. (> Lord ( Luke V. N > The Leu. x,-i rhoiild never be found xxhere he cim- i.i.t '.iv, "Surely (he Lord is in this place." but I he pnia'iis 1,111)1 of ii x\\ 111. -\>. 'iMiiild I i- an un- i . a- inj,- i 0111(01 I to n f.ir He is exer -a\ inf. "l-'ear not ; pi ... e I.e in. to you " See al-o Jer. xxix. 11. M, l!>. His pilloxv IMC. uiie a ].|1- lar. annoinled unto (!od May it suggest tin change in hims.'lf that xxhereas in moie MMW than one he had ri'-ently been prone upon t lit' earth he was now by the grace of Cud an npni'lit man hefoie Coil anil .mnointrd by His Spin! due of the piomi'cs to the oMu-onuT is that In- ha I 1. a pillar in the temple of Cod (Kev in IJ). and 1'aiil xviete conn ruing James nnd I'eter and John that they seemed to lie pillars (Cnl ii. I"), speaking of the time when they nave to llamalias and to lumse'f the ii|'ht hand of fellowship. Then- is one groat (ruth that bo- lievi-i'i are \i iv apt to forget, ai.d that m that their bodies Are Tin: MV, :ST UOYAL rouTUArrs. The King and Quct-n, with Princess Victoria and the Duke of Cornwall'* childrcs. of the Hiily (.'host nnd that tln'.v nre i. nt thrir nxvn. but nmiiM'-is in xvl.ii '. . Sun nnd Holy S, have come to dwell (I. (J.r. vi. 1!'. U(> ; .lohti MV, 17, li.'l) Tl.e wi.nl "abode" iu John xiv. -'.i, iu tho same us "iK'-mMim ' In vei so 2. 1M, ^1' <>f nil that thou shall give me I xxiil surely give the n-i.'ii unto t Reading thin passage just as it is in our A.V , it looks as it Jacob did nut ij nte I.i ii. \o Coil, but said. K <!oil will do as lie II.-H .'iid, then I will gix-ij Him tiio truth i)f all that Hi' KIVCS n.e Such bar- gaining xvi.uld bo unbecoming in a child of Abraham who cheerfully nl tit). i i to M ili-k ci I.. .i>). If we H'.tiuld road it, "Sn en Cod will In; with me." etc . ' the xviinl will allnxv. thi.ii it I- tin- p..i I u[ .lai-uli a fM-.it. -fill i II til t'.e l.olil \\llll ,.| |.i.i|ii| unto him. \\o m.iy hope that tlio i- n .nliii,7 is cornet. l". p xx ho med by the | ! I.Nmil of i .o to it that we gratefully and chterfully ai.d inn- ti.ilsly |j,vo |i:,. I.,, nl at . the tenth uf ail Hi- fjivi-s us tint xve may in our expi i icmo manifest the until of Mai Hi, in. unil II I'iiion xxxi. lii. ai.il , l\\\i\ . 11. A TRACKING A TIGER An Exciting Adventure in Search of a Man-Eater. A writer in tl." lri,n..n Sp,.itu,g f. i. t with n. weird noise that exer- nl.-ible spell ov r th , . the spectral ash- ligurc cciifL'd to advance, but d its i.asetaW I i".:i I into the gloom in front, und v.ixv tx\-o luminous orbs sinning through tl'.o i! u kncss Slow- ly they uppri i.cl.ed. The movementn of the diii.iii 1 1 1. .me s[asmodii: as the hu^e form of the tiger emerged from tl.e vl.a.l. .xx- arid stood erect bc- fiue us in tl," dim flickering light. xxith every hair set. breiithing I. ily. with paiitirg tongue and In aviug As 1 r.nsi-d my rillc and lirccl i . Koolll- bap|..i sai.k In the grountl cxhai; |.y , -ions and excilement. d ut the .ind iill was silent and buried in darkness For some 1.10- nii'iits I dared i. -.t move. At length as n loaieil to the darkness. . ut lined Ihein- :.d tl.e surritiinding ol sour- the pre,:t form of the tiger a| p.,, red lyii.g on tin' ground a few In an, My bullet hud picnid biy CONCERNING SLEEPLESSNESS Use of Medicines to Produce Slum- be .- is Dangerous. One xrarning cannot ! too often 'n! medicines lo produce sleep ai d.n teiou-. xvilh din'i-rei.t d' - oi d. inner, to tie sure, but still not . - . - Tune- v details >( th" di~ .things to te trust, d to 'lie hanils of i 'Ions uf n tigir in vaiiou-i vil- 1 1 tmlly where ignorant,! during the finiiine xi .,1 In ti. , |i,-i -oii.ill y inti-restol. S], op-in- course of his rei-i.nl.s h-- a\- i !.. , t tlai mj; drugs are often necessary to for 11 whole year the monstir 1-01.11,.- save from xxm e evils, but they need ued his ili |,nilal ion- almo-.t v. ill. out molestation. (Ivor forty pe/.pl,. had I. ii-n 'lain. i:nd the xilliice ocrdl suf- fered severely. The local f rangi r was in a :t.,to of leiror. and had written to his superior in i lunch UM folloxvs. shoxxing l|,i- iiill\- l.llt Mlll.itlon III | ..| his reporth: ' I'.-luunry 1st Up a ti" adhere xxith much p.nn iind MI I i i xi-ioii a doctor's supervision, that is. Lastly us to II. o economy of ner- energy. x>n this. too. much been s.iid. but. Uie text is a fruitful and s'lRKcstive one. und many scr- ii.uld bo hamniered out of it. I'ii st. let it le repeated that whether the rsscntial cause of ner- \OUMIO-S , an O rc.u hcd and con- ,.r not. the less open nianifes- poKure whilii big tieer roiir'ng in a latioi . of - patient very axvful manner on the i:re ,in" perinils herself the better it will be Thin is txvo tiint ii,,i my 'tor lar in every x\ work, coming and Fhoiiting like I'o not talk almut ynur feelings or thuinler and pulling me up ,i fiitig'ie or your sleep, do not. and making n.e In!,. .. lil.o au .i.set-t ulluxv the wi.nl i:ervous to be ut- 1 ar.i not aid" to t-linib x\ it!i Ogllity j tr*d in jour [-: MMI To t-ilk oxxing lo stomach hemg ; i little lug. nhoiit yourself is ti form of bad owing to bad xv.,t.r of this MII.^IO manners, to any the least ; to bo 1'iiiK 1 ni Ily up tree ipn, k ITJ for yourself xvill not make Kvon xxhen I tin not s. . tin- tit;er. in x one m, i e sorry for you. and so|f- iit.d he lines not make n dieadful pity is a. poor kind tif an emotiin. I see the ni.ii ks of Ins lioofj If once lliis kind of talk becomes a and Ins n.nls on the path. linlut. nil uncio. scion-, ox.'.egeralion The writer of this . ps into it ; tho xiclim be- So it o.nne nbout (hat xxhen my gins t>i n.ako ll.o most of the feol- c. nip xx.,', piu-hed in th" vicinity of ami pains rliich have occurred the ' \ellmv 1'eiil, " a t'.ep.itiition. and to look for ncxv ones. In order headed by K m,i:.l..tppa. pi cset.'eil it- to fcot all tlie -xinpatliy possible, n-lf Nf, 'to i:iv lent, iind bi-:god liu- a '' (l frtun this to imagining s.xinp- to rid the i.i ,i:l,l.,uh,.od of ii iiinn turns is it short and sadly rasy stop, ster coi.ci i nun; whoso dn.r.gs each '''" cultixato ,n.il i"icourai;o genuine i. in 1 hiid smile piteous t,.!,. i,, ti.|| einolions to overgrowth is I ad It xv. is a long tramp up the valley Enough, to sow inul till n crop ol before- da.xlif.hl next nun n-.ta'. mid il ''' !VI emotions is a moral ci nno stifT tlniib up the path, \\lr.cli xvound its wj:y oxer the rucks and tiirnugh the thick bamboo >iti".lo N'uxv. the Wlll'lil' JIIIIL-.IO xvas o thick ,,'ul exteriMVo that t.i heat for tl.e tier would In- a MelMI t.i'k. Nutliiiifr foiild be cin m the dense thickets ( ,( th" cover xxhite he lurked III' ill' lie' f(U'.\Ti;i;:s "S1IIKAII WITH lil I I'tnibtk-ss the most nnhiue spot ii> Ruropt is the little village of Alton- Whnt xx, is t,, I.,I, K . uh. , , i ls border three coun- tries meet It is ruled by no nuni- nrch, lias no sohiior.-i. no police, and ^ Then I bethought me of a m, ..... ,,f ' no , tftxi ' s lls '"l"''ltnts speak untii:g ol which a (portaman ,-i ... Clin " ll>i rron of l-'rench and ti huiit iia; of xx Inch a sp,,i t Xe.il I if are I.. id told n'c the shikar- xvith hells ' A native. '" a " ""' a ier- their days ,., ,,.u,ve. ;>' Ctlltivnt,,,;: the land or xvorking adorned only xx,ti, coating ,-f xv,,,.,i "' "! . Vil1 .";', I|11II1C """' "' xx nh a tray ri-iilnining bin n ing oil-xvhks upon his head, and a rhiino of bells in his- hand, pie odes the hunter in search of name un a dark night. Such xvas tho plan now proposed At t.i, o'clock at iiioht KOOmbappa, smearfd with ashes and bearing the lights n; ,., his htMii iMiil the rhhncH in his li,.nd, pncedctl mo to the forest. Ii was a xxvnd iid- vonturo Voiight could be Kt-fii but the dim out line uf tie |i m t he My compatiioirs xx Inch the villiifo hoiists. A CUl-lAT INIiKX. The tnili x ,:( book nt the ^ nil is nt hist complete, txvei.ty v,-i,rs of hard xvork. the printing of the t-ivat fat iih'j.ue bt'n.in in 1S.'> the iiuuiu- .cripl i i a- logue then UM',, .Mit.iineil :t.(HH).l'0 nces to .-biMit half as many book*- cross titles accounting (nr after A\ hon the dilTcronoo hot \\eon tho liguirs. Ill Kloomv foiest movements b.'Camp more K ,ot,"i,|u,. ,,|| ,,.,.,. ,.,, ,, Vl .,. ,;,,,, % , ,,.,, , n"', "I . w'''"' "I""' 11 'I'lu-'t ..... ataloc;,,,'. ,,-,,|.,,,,i,, K t|, 4K'.el llghtR danced Man nix eves UMt ol i!.O(H>.U(HI hooks The friMtt*. in- .i L. i.utlful glare for some yards ,,,. N ,.. , , H , c,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,! ul unco but all, ad Iho tinkle of , he bells be , N , n nol ,, o ,. ril ,| ft , r , itl %t tame moro sonorous, und lillftl the i uu4 ,t AbOUt the ....House FRAGRANT THK SKLKCTION" OF I-TSH. The average | ic>u .'....i.-per Vtfl-y iitllo about i'l ( ^h" caught from our inland lakes iind streams the flsh. porch, black and rock ba.s- pickerel that usual i nf u lishinji excursion on par'. of "tin.' men folks " I'ut h'-r in 'ho fi.sli market and slic i.- eoiifu.sed omi ui;i ! t.iiii. Her experience has with fish "from xx.u.'t to paii" hhe learns -v.-: doesn't linoxv how to prilled, hers..-;? from the d-aler. xvill- ing enough to ^ul. a 1\ an' agi; of IKT inexperience. To tell a freali fish says an author- ity on the subject, see th.:' is lirm too lirm to admit of pres- kure leaving a dint ; that the are full. the scales bright, the lins t.tiff, and tho gills not palo or dark livi-r-colorud, and that there is no la. iiked odor \Vtioii it answers . it is fi-e-h. and right .season fur 070PONT Tooth Powder 25 e ' In a handy Patent Cox (new) 1 SOZODOiNT LIQUID 2ie Urge LIQUID a4 POWDER. 7Sc At iill rilor. a, or ij M-il for tLo yr.ce. HALL & RUCKEL, Montreal. A CHINESE JOKE. An Incident of the Eecent Boxer Troubles. A sOranga state of ii. : -ntly prevailed ::i I't;!;in during < .'I.- t h,: xx'al!-. out: which were- uion:oii'aril< . d witJiin the city li:, body was preparing for a :id nobody could be xvhy. It all MMd liko ; x huge pruc' . -.vl.ioh c,,uld not .-I yet it was se- .iiiew it woj. - xv a.-, app.u-.-nt. p.-ac.', xvith .1 gathering in j, of safutx . compounds ine<l unm.j!'--t.-il. - m:-i,l'-::!. curiously *ht>w.s the .1 also as it is. with a bit of cako or wafer. A good con- for tho little :. ,'"aud fp.'n'z" of Uio by p, -he ginger n -voning a - 1,,-n ihp it out. lay ,m tins ,,, , )f ., bou , , , t. marking a door h.-r- and Id boiiu., ,. lt! , a circ|e Qf wh , le chalk ld P UI ' " - which be -ily. P"" i I'.-,, -,....-.- , - . to '' '" M doors in a :. te of ex- '"ment. n . s the a in boxes, p.acn-.,' piece ..i p ro , .. , to wh waxoii paper b-.-ixv.-. JUOQI JO FROM TMB llALI Of LLA CKYLON TCA it UoltAr thM t'lo pabUcre->cnl tti -1'iponoritr ol tbu popuUr blad. If Yftll i uu !> nm'litSHIP.r , ftll UW'Sr** !> nm'litSHIP.r ,r i uu VTaRl UTTM. ucs. pMLTy. APPLU. .m.r ngrrs MO M*OI, The Dawson Commission Co. u- ai&TrJS2.* EAHS NEVER STOP GEOWING as. -I p [ due.; the [un'il it is or jar ' he 1 1 bed untl he will keep for ; ut and :.s :.n ex- in the Nut aj ' d Apple Salad Tins is very dainty for u lunch-Mi. uipe As" a 'ge'noVai YhiulTl'irn,; fish should cuiily if Mrrad in Cap. of ri(M ruddy :: ,'.,.., Itoil lo-.-rhi-r for ID min- 1 cup I-*M,' ! ish walnut i be boiled . modium-s./eil ones biiki>d or broiled and .smu.ll ones fried Th -ize for broiling i.i tJ:r.-- pound., * teaspoon salt, a sin for baking from t,vo to ..-i* t. and Tl '" for pl.inkins from six to ten pound*. ; '"^ "'J Do not boil whitolish ""' Wlutelish is M best of our * rhc) P lnt " snlil ' : :! -m.ii: s.,ur Bp xrith the nuts and cove: : iiiah wi'h a cooked dressing made us fol- ' ! yolks of 2 egg to thorn put 1 cold -.- .'! t.iblo.-p,,on. v met, ir ; the sportsman onjoy. takii-it on ac- ' * UPOO dry no. count of its game light in life ind ' ' ' ' 1S " " f r "' l'"l'l'-r s'ir eon- lake lish. and the I v.st r.imo from Lake Superior or UM Son rixer llriK>k trout i. '.'.: M> --.iting. fcut alwaxs l-.igli . ' 111 ll.ixi.r is rank '>a.ss. a fi.sh ly over hot water until Tl-.-n r' % :'i.ivo from tin' lire lake lish. is Hpriny and summ-'r. ' Generally speaking a frozen lish mi * > --'< '"'I' * hpoiled lish. A fro/.-. ..,h -,!;oi:M al- '-'' "' 'Hits . liberty This li.sh i.-. ai-v.iys found in clean xv.iter. The sea,.,n for lejh, especially tho "> " < hu- -or ,',-".im- lake lish. is Hpriny ar.il suium-r. '''' * fl - rhl " throughly rlnpri.vl may ways be thaweti in In w.i'.-r Ki.-!: ' '' '" r ""'' r s -' should n n lie in water at'' T il-x are cleaned. Invert an ol.l plate 111 a pan und lay tho i,.-h on it I'., not put ii-h 1:1 a refrigoraf.ir ter and milk will taste of it I t'liiMl.i um-,1 in cooking lisi .npt to get "fish but- u " )3 < 3SINCI OVKU rillLI'i:' N a ru The coachman's rmi^h ami i is not a bad o:..- '.> mdge by if ins lii'rso o.t'.-i h,. - : , is not much wrong If your a b-.ilt.-r. baking pun. .-to . should be hopeful takes food well no . "d f.ir tish , As for the sou ii-.li solil in :n neeU be felt . for in childr-m our t :,,. stomach is a ipiicU-.u-t ing index large m.ukiits. the i through to the s - .nditinn F.ven with packed in ic-' and ur.- in C" -hy and si:',i,_- children thor receiv.il .il.i. - dit iun when receiv.il Fresh cml c.i!i ! had .il.i. - any liu.e . inark.-rel i^ excellent, but i . n. son in soring and early ..un sh.i'ihl I'e liroiii'd Halibut bought in steaks, which are boilil nr broiled, so. too i- sturgeon. which has a rat In ' -Tung llnvor. tin.- perhaps I ' iuU il is ,, danger if th o-skiKl to niuch al>ui. hoxv t! ey feel, or Iv.ir , m uch about th.; whol.-soaMnaM bio ill cfTects of this or that Some of Hi.- will very n! LM nlix-f. ,\.. child. more fussing foi- |,,ws on i h... p,irt of an a , M .f ;, n ,i the proph.s-y i a i. in xv. ix to fulfilment tho st-.txi-iiKor nsh ,.( our waters. | in .Salmon i.-. in i:iar' ' al! tho yoar . it is boiled or baked Finnan hatldio is smo\od had. lock. and rei|'iiie; mily '" ' spread with buttt-r and Warmed through in tho It may be served xvith .1 Whit.- .il-.ii. nnd hakod pot.x- shoiild airompiiiiy it There is a good d.-al ui cloainng ; ting tin- ..ruclos in ' h" xv.i,li will be Jish properly Tiny should ' c.iro- f-miid s itisfuctory. A li'.tlo salt fully scaled if pin. lish ai .1 pu' i .,,, tl,.. instant, supplenion' STAIN- \iu.i: LIN; N Tins is tl-.j seiU'in for against poi iuan"jit. injurv 'o the lin.-ii from fruit st.iins aji-l Keuioval of '!: d:-i .iloration or woakernng tho d.im ;>ut- throiiKli sever -vl xv l-'OU THi: fH)K. Crape Maruialado -Th:-. i^ ui.nlc of the grapo pulp xvith thJ juice. unletks (hat hii~ l"vr us. -I for jelly When fruit i.-. not abundant m.ir- m.iliulf niiiy l'i- prop. no,! a' the same time xxith jellies 1'itk the gr.tpe. frtim tho steni-s and rinso, thou add u little water and cook till soft. Drain oil the juice and rub the ma -s through the siovo to remove all .skins and -.'.'tis Add to the pulp an oipial weight of sugar and bmi. tiloxvly xviih tlul juico half or thn-v.-- | quarters of ail hour If the fruit i-. extra .tuicy. or too much water luis btt-n aildinl in cooking them, only half tho juico need l.o ii,l,!,il Stir voix often to prevent burning nnd bo careful to not cook too long. 1 h.ixe found by experience that a cheajier. anil to son:", more dosirati',..' dish is o M lined by using less s' To the pulp anil juice of 1 gallon ittMiimcd grapos us. . i oups -,IIL;:II by t l:o pinning on of boiling will remove win.- stains To KIS. dampen ajid Kolloxv tl.e above ihroo'ions and Uio [t is an excellent result xvill be delicious I'.ist liiili.i I'r. 'servo Weigh et|iial quantities of brown s-mai a:-.. I lour apples, pare and core tho .ip- pies anil chop lit.o Maivo a of thif .-iiu.-r .'dd Mi" app'.'-s TO III:STKHY \\ re iJroii^e pla'os wit I. lard, and the juice ai.d grat -d rind of them xv hero the i apply rroiiiii of tartar. rulil'-.:u; it well in. J. iv. 'llo walei . in I'-moving fruit and UM rx si:u:: should not be left to th" di- crotion of an iiio.xper :oi-. "'1 l.iun- dress. hoW"\er -ni'" if in too great s' i -ngth it will e.it into and ds- f.ibric .1 ax olio xvatt-r may bo niatli' as fol- lows t'arbon.it .if pm i~-ium. four ounces ; chlorate of liii!" six ounces, water one gallon i SB i i. HINTS Iron pieces of n.aniihi p.i|'r. then paint them, and you will ttnd v on huvi something '|in'" .il ,ii oilcloth to tack behind v mr - I>o not keep ironed clothes or. iu tho kitchen any longer '!.., - .u v for thoroughly di Tliey i;a'lu-r unpleasant odors. Try turi.n.g a pan over your tl.xt- irons whilo they arc on M.o stove. way to s.ivo fuel. as you -an kivp them hot xvith ono- half the : and set abound. KUlUciont number of lemons to give They prefer lard to any t hint;. and it a good lemony la^te. and then xvill forsake oven sugar for |i Place ndd giliKor root, about J Iti to o ITis a foxv sticks around ' for though tins Hoil till th fruit. taste. clear and yeiloxx- accor-dnut to app 1 .' looks Tins will l,e.-|i the ants ID climli up 1'. De- ally turn til- plate l.o',.'iri un ..x.-r the lire, and tho ants \TilI full ill -^.- plat.'. and in a saort time the plague sho'il.i hav- disap|i,-ai -! b\ pu" i ; in ordinary xx-ith tho moiling laid ji-i-s. Jr-Ughl ones n .it nocossary. Preparlac Oinger Conserve*. Waah and pan- the rool^. and cook them in iMioiigli water to cover them, ' until they aie ju.-.! loudor Po not allow them to beci'ine so sott they xvill break in piC*l I'ram. make a syrup of tlui xxal-r t li'-y were boihsl in and sugar, using tj ..very pound of gi"K r 1 I!' sugar ;ind 1 pint of xv.ii-i Prop th root* Into tho boiling vmp. and them boiling for half an hour Tour ,nto .mall jars, aad bo sure th- plenty ol sx rup to co\er them, \\bon cold, cork and s.-.-.l They xxii: for veins Cut IT, ! | uru ailded to cukos. puddings. ices oU- A tablespoon of the syrup gives a flue flavor to a pudding sauce- The 1'AKM LAlIHUi:US IN S\\ 1 Thoro is a special class of farm laborers in Sxxoilon xvho are ix many acres of land for their own use iu consideration of so many days' labor during tho year for the oxxf.er of ti:o farm T sort. ft ti\tui-o to an estate, and their like in no other country. SOZOOONT Tooth .'i i mildly) xv, n; . you. Mr Kurd, with i-og.nd to tho ipialitx- ,-f milk with winch you an- -oi x MI* me? Milk- man i uneasily) --Yes. sir Clergy- man ivory mildly 1 ) I only want- Mi Kurd, that I use tho milk for dietary purposes exclusively, and not for t-Jnist 0111114,. t:i' an Tho marked houses mig! ' -. the fri >nd* ... Hox'.'rs. the saved or ' I iilonly a mnn went up to the boy. m by the pigtail. i him what he meant Th" by- irago wliic. -.vith .ui sary of the Boxers, and the !>>- him- and Wh.it xv. 'i-o you doing it for " d the man "Toll, or I take you to ti: i." T!i"ii the boy fell on lu-s knti-.s .HX-::,M! that he xvas onlv d. a joke, to frighten th" po,,plo Hi-, *- COMPLETE SUCCESS. AFTEH MAHY FAILUHES W. C. ANDERSON MAKES HIS DISCOVERT AT LAST. Treated m Vain by Fiv? D::f Doctors for Kidney Trouble Took Many Madicines Without Success Dodd's Pills Succeed Where Other Things Fail. \V r '. -;.t J w Aiid.-r^.in. of this tow:i For - bivn '.r; ing to !,i.'l a for his trouble, and for . t. But tri'-il .ig.na and noxv tl l '' 1 ' li. . ..'.', no :i. > minor. 1:1 t his pr> -. - go so fur a* \ was tlllic'nm of BIr Anderson K i x Kr. Atiiior-ioii in his Mtno N -f hn s.if- f"iii,g The .1:11. iun' of mislioi:. M-" that i: . | n ai! poured . U;:. Ki Anderson tolxl ! found A - HH trtei llg 111 r -i>:- II:- ooiitllliliil hop. but ; since p.ii'l '. lion , ontinuallx ili-onvenng - f.uiui-'"* It W.IS P',,1,1', Kl lf."V \V - \ i:l a man <w B irkfe 11" '.r m i:iv ilis.i|ipoi:'.t- ^ P, .. i,l', Kidsi.-v I' .1 1 e l.u: .|.-ii o.T !n lit- 1 , ::n of evorv symp- ml ; ,:i.iw- - success to th-'iii t iji ITI-: M \::MIN-: A country man p tho cle: : I ui an hotel af'or h.iviiii; i room :i - > htm XVll.lt llOli' < Luckily Mo ;t Iluni^n Moses Not the San.e Pet-uliarity. The ay examination of i pair-, of liuuian 'ears in England an<l l-'iajice h.i- -1 m s..:: .,' cor.clu- lunif. it is | grow in th : life . m 'fact, it appi.M' grow- ling until ii"ath If ,,[;,- %v: troubl" tu Kink around In any as- semblage uf people, as at church, ho .will discover that d A wniiian who .has small. shell-like xory apt to ; - - :.: :..-- ,- 1 and laru-- '.( Wl.- . ' _' al! t .un about them tl. structiv... tl-.eir ... ! l.v I An 1 be handi-d do-.v peak. f. . for gen- eration nftor neuorai 1.1:1 wi'.ii p.irativoiy ii-'.i" inn.li "II crilll: pos- sess a peculiar kir.,1 ,.f -ar. u '.: gnized by anit- Th- .:iab:>' nobody in World w!i., I..-- ,i 1 . in l:. ' pie thu tw,> on the i may be judged with ^ .rucy by the oars, xvhidi. after youth in a.s-.um. an me: rsh- ness of contour A p' nan .11 ii 1 her xv.ivs. but S Wlil S, toll th>' story of -.m.'. Th":. wrinkle . .Mr dur- nit: ' -able - ir th ' -h ?ur. vVife t'wiili a 'I.-' an-i "I Wan-. nd "Uiiat letter :'" Wife 'That one you < hy the vrituig that it i.-> from a wo- man, and you turned palo xx hon you !t. 1 XTlll S' It ' I. . Husband "Here it is. It's your milliner's bill " Deafness Cannot bo Cu red bi local pplicuoiu. u Cbcy cannot rMcb lh dbeucd portion of the tu. Them ncwlj on* wj ta eon :*ln*t. and that i. lif coaMlto InfUawd condl ion of ihn muroun lining orth KiKta'-kian Tub*. When 'hit lub* U in . flamed 700 nave a rtimbll.if M>und cr impcr fact hearing, ab'l whou It i ent rj'.f clo*4 drfne l the rea:t. aad unle** he ifUm. m.iUou can b talt'n cut and thu 'uae reur*d to :' normal cond ti, n, tearing ur.:, be da- Irofei forever : nina riuua out of on itrs etiuedbj ciiarrh. which i nothing bat aa la- flamed co&dition of the mccoae feur'ace'. We will (Ix-e One Hundred Dollar! for any race of DeafnoMi icauwed by cat rrhi thai con mil be eured br Uall'< OaUurh Cure. ;*cd lor circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY ii CO.. Toledo. O. 3o!d by Uniijg'-'t-'. '^~- HAII,. Faml r l'u. ^re the beat. A tr.tvoi:.-!- rtding in an unfreipiont- ed part nf So 'h lg-> I of a inn. ....-> which he had thought was .|iiit,; safe Hailini, .1 |M- tut xvho xras standing close by. h.: ! him if tlie bug was h.ird at iliil'e er Tilly Ver k toT- MM *ILJW oaTmiii<i eimer* '.I 11 ,1111 ~ to 11 111!'. from 1 1 in '!. 'limiei' from :' I supper n >ni D to tl, ' th'- 1 cl.-rk. Kiibly .oil tl .i.-l.uis ' d IllO xx-iih binning Uhon .uu I ' tiuio to I.IX:M \L a \Viliio ^I'.u that wn-.dow nig the ilio.< in AVillit' "Well. " -' to '''l S "1110 of '"ill 1!1 Mamma-- Why '" \\illie' 'fans,,- if yon don't lot 'em in. hoxv are they going to get on UK- lly-p-'I" Utd hM -~ r uiway tiir: a mil" or more in length I the happy iiad pn>- n:" I am not worthy of vour i 'f C'Mirso you're) i mi iit my | "p- Lin : ment for sale ew C C RICHARDS 4 IV. ir Sirs.- Fur tome v -ars I havn had only par- irm. 'il by a 'ram I hav< aacd every romedy without oilei-t. un- til I got a s.i ottle of M1N- AUDS I.IMMK.NT The b.;nolit I re.-..|veil from It caii-od in.- ' I ,n'm- ii" i'-. iiso. .mil n, iw I ,im happy to my arm 13 cr>nip|.-t..'ly i . -stored OlaniM. 'hit U W HAKKISiiN - - . lucky \ l.uck la. un- I don't ' a. I %.- i ..... :. "-f i --I three t lininirot faros Barns, etc. .ont TO -, ' A l.undi : ~" s Liaiotit within tho ,lown-iiirnod odgi' and -lighf.v L.w.ir.l '.'i- V.icU. xvi. I & four it .i lump .if oar 1 i 1 n; I f'l'i- U.Uit of xvh.r . o.ir xvhor. organ in our r"ui i'o had a p., iu' to K M ' ' "" " t,>-Jay h.ivo pon: but in human NMUO.S the upper -ili;-' "i -". II.XM. ni the coiir" ' bev-n fohl.-l " -r s. M t.. cover tho ip ; -, n IT. VT A drunken Irisi m.xn w-i* h t-oiin- ,, -, . whou ho n. el.- .1 ,,...,,. . -, kicking 'h" with his heavt hob-is of :, .n. gon r ta -' cell - nd . nncht pit oil yor buits. , ., r;. .4, -:-, i or i ub. so ' H .L' when c , ,,,,,. U |i I bailio tho ni-irii." Tho pri-ni'.or. il t o.impliod. and s.i". only when the t-nn- ,|,o do. n- upon him. saying ly : \ | . .,, kick n ' my man. - ye like " Our pa - "!|i .ci.in, xvill mx'.-.-p t !< city " I'll vole for :' x' need* w. p. c. 10 yi CALVERTS CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For ill skin ailments. lit. l ROOFING Bd $h ** t " tul WorM nuwrinu KIM MM; i.Arr.. m BI^.-* Bl >rOrao LAT BLA' KBOARDS W -applf . MO. ROOrtXOTlLt |N. Ctl ino. Tomato. <OM br aar nal. Mml fwlino. Or- MOM. Mo. .um.t.fafiiUli.)JororliooiH.ii-lo Hinarh l.ininfnt M\t Brass Band r ruments. Drums. Uniform* Ito EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND !x>w.t prio*M6vraaoi4>d. Fir* -.tl->iC'i 'ooilla^trtti n*. in Ulmi fr, Wrtto UH for so 7 WHILET'ROYC'B "& '"cZTmited, TortiBto. Out . and Winn po. VJ in MEET METAL OOUOUJJMI.IO.X. CORNICES. TaaoHio. ^on WALKIM4 CLEANING "X LADIES'... OUTI1O UITS "I wish I couM tinnk of so'.no noxv il unu-.ii.ii birthday present t.i sur- prise mamma xvnh (In- year." \l - do Mini . wrinkling her fair brow iu dis-p perp.' v HOXV do you think sho'd lik.- . - III law ?" ii.>iirsol> whispere.l jroung sp more, (ailing readily into the only line of thought that so.':u.M to sug- r Cao be doo. ^*r'i-iiy bf oar I iRITHH AMtICAM Y1INO 08 MO.NTKKAU TUKOSTU O1TXWA * Try 1% Ur>r> LIBS. PI|W Corlni,. lMtln( (Mil, KM IUTTON COMMUND CO., l.ini 1- I. TORUlN ' O Dominion Line Steamships MonMft. to l.itwrpool- Bosion lo U*r fool. Portiui 1 to Urorfool. VtaQu ( a. low*. * nid rM StwoHkip*. SuiMrior -linn jr.* w c .n. >lowi tod DL. ol jr. >r* UKuUkip*. Spvoiki UIHMD b*> b*. ri'.n u, U| ft**** kJooa uJ Th,ra CUM MBMBodlMiM. tm D Twrum t Co.. MoBITMl MU PortMM ^ 8 IO 401 1 AIOI V H IORO|TO

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