Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1901, p. 4

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MARKETS OF THE WORLD Prices or Cauls, cnessa. lii the Leading: Markets. Stc. Toronto. SepiiMubi-r S- Wheat 1'h.' itiniki't i- qulot, there heuiK no i-xporl demand Ne\v whili.- wheat at II.", to <;.".J. . middle and ol.i \.> J \vl ..... and red Winter soil to millers at <17 In '.TN low freights No I -prinx is ((noted at ttXc on Midi. in I M. mil. .ha wlieal inicliaiiKi'il. No 1 hard sol. I .it No -J at s_'. -. and N . ^! at 77e. i;t ni'lini,' in transit and w.-.l L'c low. -i t.ils Th.- dem.iiid pnrchnsi's of new No ut .".:tc. miildle freight nl :::\ to ::ic 01,1 N.. at II.V l.n-ally. I I .III.' l|UH-t . t rady No ^ new file Corn S. plenib'T. .Me. Pecom- I'-'i Iluluth. Sept :i Wheat No. 1 haul. cash. 71 Jc, No. 1 Noil hoi n. No J do. lilijc. September. ; I i . . ;..li.-r. ti'.l.i May. 7:;c Com .Vic. llat.s- to :'.ijc Toledo. S,-jii :! Wheat Cash and Sept.-mber. 71 Jc. December. 78Jc . May. 7-*;- ('.mi -Cash. fiHc . Sep- t.-mber and II. . "inbor, .MIJo. M (lilts lash, :iiic; September. .'!." J . Ih'Ceinber. ,'tlir Uvo .1 l. 'over l-l'iiuie. $." ;MI , October, i-, SU. lleeeml ei ", -111 llelroll, Sepl .'I I , t ttl'Oat No 1 whiti . cash, 7.'l. N.. '2 led, I'm Toronto r.t-li. August, and September. 7'J ; ; |lei i-lllbel . 74j)C. active, with Si l.ou, ., Sept :;. Closed Wheat U for ex|'..' ' ii. CO)C; S. I'tembi r. li'.ije. Po.- 11. 1 locally comber. 71 Jc. U is no'iiinal i Minneapolis, Siipl. .'). Close : *hipui(Mit t*i>ld at (>7 to ii7}-. north and wi-si Hurley The market in linn nalea of No 1! at II. i,.ntli West and of teed t 1 _'v w.'St Corn- -Tin- market i-- weaker .\Vi.eal -Cash, li-IV anil pri. - U) l'7Je. I '.-ci'inb.'i for Si-pteniher N.. I h.iril. 7t'le. day. with salon of i\o 2 Canadian yellow ni r;ijc. und of mixed nt .Vic We.-t I {>< The market is iincha with sales al 4!>c, middle fr--ight. and at MI.- east lliickwhc.il M.n Lot dull wiMi pri.es purely nominal Flour The market is dull N- per cent i|iioted in barrels at $U H.~> and al $-' '."> middle freight for ! export Choice 'r.iu'.lit rollers in bbls locally and for Lower Prov- ince,, s.i l :, to 53 .O Manitoba pat.uts 54 In bugH. and trong bak- ." -'. f.'l 7.1 ft. itme. il Market is iinrhangeil Car lo! , al $." '.10 in hags, and $1 in wood llrokon lots. Torontu, 3(>C per bid e Millfee.l--Tho market is lirm. with ,io i d lots offering for export Ilran m-lls in ton lots at niillH licrc at $ir. :.u, .n d shorts at September, <>7j ''.-<;.., on tl ack. No 1 Noil hern. N'.. J do. 'I",;, Khinr Kir-' pa ts I. rill. $: N.I to t:< !i.-, : sec- ond patents. $:t.t>.1 to Sit 7. r > . lirst clears. $1' so to $. M." : .second < !., is SJ ^') Ilran In bulk. 814 to to- $1 I >" with and MOCS AM' PROVISIONS In. .-.l llo^s tn ?'-' ."I'l HOK <iu .1.- - II. icon, lotM. lli iii.i i.nnneii at products lirm lontt clear, toil to 11 |c: poik Toronto. Sept :! At the .-. ' :tt |e \ arils to-d.IV. I he receipts 7n i ai loads of live .lock. incpjd.iig 1.IMMI caMIe, 1. (HMI hog., 1 'i.ll ,i" .'p and lambs, ."in calves and a milch fivvs Tl.el ' VVII. .1 ",.1,1.1 bllSI, lets 11.111" ill I'Xpolt C.ltlle ,11 from $1 <>ll to 55j for good to choice, nnd $1 1 .1 for; f.uicv lots. lii;hl shippers sold from! SI -M to $-1 5n per cwt 'I In- I. iitr!n i business Wan al o Ko.id. and more good to choice cat- tle Would have -.old The b' ' grides f. -tided from 4 to -IJc per Ib. wi'li ten cents i ii-r cwl paid for fancy stuff. Inferior c.ii'le sold down to -Jo per Ib (loud slockors are in l.-t' -r rei|iiosl YUKON MURDERER HAWED O'BRIEN PAYS PENALTY FOR HIS REVOLTING CRIME. How Vigilance of the Police Dis- covered Crime and Tracked Criminal. A despatch from mt.iwa says Tho i;.iM'rnn.i.|il ha-, been nolilied ih.it O'Brien, ll.e murderer, w.i^ ,-\. at I'.iu i:t. City on August l!:ird The infori. at ion ca:ii" through t In- Mounted I'oli.. . i omptrollei I U'l' 1 -- .'i lei.iw.i O'llrien laude no sssoll li.'fole In- diril )n Chrislmaii morninsf. IH'.i'.i. three men h-fi a roail-house on the Sk-in- way trail, known as the Minto Ho.id- Tl'i' M-xt roail-'ruj.sr was at Hnii hiktt. and I her- tln-y should li ive arrivi-d that ninht. hul they . turned up Two of them. l'i.. und Itelfe. hjd come thus far. .)il miles from Dawion. intending to spend the winter wi'li their fiiiinlie- m ti The third, a man n. lined Ol.'S.in. b.-lomjeil to Hutcliiku who' i in conned 'on v.itli the telegraph lines I!.- hud !''.!! sent, mi' In repair the line, und l:.ivii!i; done ... was relurniiiK to hi-, post lie had ma'li' an enn:mei:ie|i! lo b" pre-.-'ti' at .1 Chri-.t man dinner n' llntcliikii. for which Corporal li.x.iii of the .Mounted Police, had provided a tare, trt-al in Ihe Yukon, namelv. ;i turkey. There was con- nler.ilile siirpri-.e 'vlieu he fuilcd to he on hand, and when In- w.is si ill iiliM-iit on I'eeeniher :'.! his fi . i In 1 corporal fearmj? thai h" had I - i.-ivcil soiin' hurt in the perform. in. of his duly, start IM| do\va the Ime.^ in hopes nf . ,>mim; to his aid. if he needed any couroiiAi/s siTAiti' i:\ i: Co'-por.il Ky.in had K''l I'OWM til" trail a Koil many niii-'^ M hen his lo $:JO .'ill. do., short cut. 5>-1 !Vi. Smoke. t meet-* -II. mi .. M lo 1 1 ;r. bronkf.i-' baron. I", to I'ic. rolls. I b.t'ks. 1.1 l.i I1J-. and should- er--. II to II 1 ,' Lord The market is mm <:ur- anl-ed pure. Ill .".Dili lull-. 1 I JC . palls, ll|o. at.d net..-- lie. HAIIEN MAHKKT^ Ilntler Trade i. ijuiel. with no ch.llmes ill |iriie. We ijimti- seiei'ted dairy tubs, 17c, choice 1-lh lolls, IKc. HI" ond t r '" lrs '" loll.-, tubs, and pull . 11 to I.... ei lery. sol- ids, iiuu. -!!> to -'"i'. cn-.i-UK-ry prints. 1M to J2c. KKB-S M.irki.'t is iinrbaiiKiMl W i|Uole strictly new laid (nearby K*th- (.|.-.|| i' 1 ;; ' ordinary fresh candled. lit to llic. si-coiiils, 7 to He Che<-s.i- Market is dull We quote finest. ID to lOJc. MM-iinds. i>t \ at fi .mi '.' ,'. 1,1 :i|c per Ib A few good milch covv.s are watiti a' from $t<) lo $.M> e..ch i:\port eves aie .-.l.-ady and un- changed ul from $:i 4'> to 8:(iM |": cwt 1 am'i.s are Worth from 4 lo per lu. or $11 .TO to $.'f .Mi \Vo Calve, are wanted at from li lo |l|l( ' -I' 1 i.h Choice vtuls are in mess -deady demand Hogs an- si. .d. and unchanged The Ix-st price for ' singers" is 7Jc per Ib; thick f.il and light h > Worl II li Je per Ib logs to fetid I he top pi 1C.' must. lie ot prime iplali'v. and scale not. b.lovv I till nor above o,,,, || 1S Following it the rang" of lions: Cattle Shippers, per CWt $4 HO Ho . heh! .. 1 _'.-> IllllCll. -I'-, choice . 1 'J'l llulchers. mil to rood .'I .Ml butchers, infei mi - 7.1 Sh.i'p and l.amh . Choi. ewes, per cwl :i 4') lllllcli'-l | -h. op. each ... 1! IMI Lambs, each - .Ml |lo . per Ib 4 "o Rucks, pel cwl - oil Milkers and Calves CoW , o. it'll "" I" 1 Calves, each - "" THK STIIKI'.T MAHKKT. lloo'ipls of grain on the street to-daj mere fair and prices lirm i.,:- Wl.oal lirm. -r for goo-"-. -JHil hush selling at ilS to ti'.ijc ..ml :iill) of while and led al 7,'ti for old .m. I at US to 7:!c for new Hur- ley hlglcr. 7011 bush selling at 48 10 .Lite 0. it- linn. 1.2011 bush of new selling nl JKtJ to .'!7c. and 1 OO hush of old at 111. H,e sold al fi-. for one load liny unchanged. J" I" ol. selling al S'.l to Jill a ton. Htiaw -old al $'.' lo gin Til) a ton f 01 I V i'.l.i. I .illovving is the l ange of i|llota- IIDIIN : Wheat, while ?H 7'J.l $11 7.'l Wheat while, new (I 70 II 7'2 Whe it. led, new O C,H II 7^' \\l,e. It. noose. nCW .... O.tiH U H'.'l 11 ,' ,. old (I 11 i II IMI OnU. ii.-w <i :ui| (i :i7 I'e.ls II HI', U HI) I: u ."iU 4) (in llai l.v . 01K 4)551 (i 1-1 IHI i.-. mi .i mi ;> INI n.. old, i < I lav. lievv. per I .n KII.IW. i .-i ton I ' ed bogs '.< !!.* llulier in Ih roll . n 17 lliitter. ii e.tincry. . . i> -I 4 'hit kens, pit p. m ii ."i.i I .. per pan n ',.-, Tin k'-v-. | or Mi n I J KgK-i. new laid n I 1 I held pel d i en II U I'ol. It oes. |,ew luisll II liO Tom. 1 1 lies, basket " I ."i Hoof [oie.|ll..l lei s 4 .",11 lt..-f. Inn. I. |ii n l. -i. Sill) II.-. i. medi.iin. c.iu .. - c. .",n lie, f choiio 7 IHI l^ilnb. .yearling Limit-, spring - no Mult. m r, .111 \\ul. choiie 7 50 II IMI l.i .-.u '.i no u -J'J l> ^li (I Mi) <i '.in ii 1:1 i) 1 1, u I 1 ii 7.1 (I I'll r. .MI I no 7 -2:, 7 00 '.' Ill) li .1.1 llullalo. Sept .", l!i' In in. t; 01 id deni.iiid Wheat Spring, litllo il.iim; No I Northern, old. 77Jc tin new V'ic Winter, easier , No 1! i i 71 ;. No 1 white. 7'ic Corn Lower und dull. N'o 'J yellow. <.l. No .1 ,lo . (.01' No 1^ corn r.lr, No .'I do. .' Jc On ' and fl.Hl\ stea.K. No J While .'IK J C No :i .1 , :i-<4c, No o mixed. :i7c . N ;i do :'..i^i Hurley NiiilmiK i It-.,. Hull. No H. .I'.ir on Ir.irk. Milw.ioKeii. Wis . Sept .".--CluM \\he.,t, I o I t;.M lil.'l II 701 to 710, ft., J ,| . '. ' to 70c. Seplellllier. I mber. 71 J In 71 Jc live l.oll.'l NO I "'I lo "'"" " tjU'.i.ly . i'to -. <>'-!'. .iinpl'' 1 1 I 5.1 1.1 1 .1" 4 :M i .in :; no :i .10 4 .10 :i oo 4.1 oo lo oo Choice hogs, per cwl Light hogs. (KM- ( vv I Heavy bogs, per cwl. Sov\>, per cwt per CWt O O" (i .Ml n .10 :! .10 " on 7 LM (i 7.1 8.78 1 ' J (10 GALE WRECKS BUILDINGS. Havoc Wrouyht by Storm at Kin cirdlne A .1 .p.ili h from Km -atdii-.e. *>nt . I Hiring ii gale of wind whnh pi.. ail"d I. i-i about inidniKlil on Thiusd.iv nigiil. Chalincc'.' Clmn-li. on the 7th concession, i-. m. .. mn- . t in i omse of erect ion. III. liawng been hud with ,,,,, two 111. ml li- ai'o w.-lerii wal wn down A mil. "H.V fuit her east Un- residence of Mr. Murdoch M. l\er. 'he hnckwotl. hav- ing ju-,1 been coniph-l'-d. was also b.idl.v wrecked. Hi" goal wall bemi; blown in 'I lie stoiin only l.isli-l fin few minute- Winds of this naluie are rarely expel iei,c"d in this neigh- borhood i sharp e\.-s observed the traces of u d tr.iil iiiniiiiiK away from Ih" mam traveled roid. a pp.'i ent I y into the bush Snow h.i.l fale-ii upon it. and til.' illl'Xf el H'lici-d I.Ve Wollld liaVe d> - 'I noihinif to distinguish it from tin- general eTp. in-ion of the si.'.u covered wildei nes:; Hut tin' ron- Ktuble espi.ti two f.itul parallel de- pres-.io.is on Hie white surface and he wonderwl what could have induc- ed anyone to make such a departure from the ni.uii i lav-led road He de- termined to follow it. and il is din- to this determination mi hi. p.n : n black-hearted -coundrel wa- broui;ht to the giilloWM Six hun- dred yards from the Mini road he found hidden in the d-nse .scrub a tent No one U.I.H alum' it. but it looked as if tho owner might ! back any moment It Ktd evidently been occupied by two person-, for t her.' was .i double bunk and a dnp- lic.ile supply of table uteiiMil- ol i he Yukon traveler The constable w.u'- ed over IliK'ht. m the hope lh.it tl owners would turn up but soon Co. eluded thai the place had been abac don d lie lepoi led to Ills i .-:i und Constable IVnnyouick a' H.-l.-i ' iv.- Magiiir". also of t Mounted I'olice. W.M.- d.-'ail-d look into the mallei The main. ill which the,.- mel! vrilllg I" I from the bosom of the d.-s -i l ton. a really mat velloii-* chapter in '1 Is of crime They spent in Ihe neighbor!! I of the lent ,ilo:ii; the private trail which had I a* a key lo Ihe whole hljcL mystery They literally silted the .n.nv inch by lie h and from many mule tilings they lead Ihe st.uv Thi'.v found the threo patches of blood where the victim- Mad given up thoir lirri. not without a strug- Ul,. on the p. ill of I>1"SOII at least They found the di-card-'d shells of lie- i.u'iidges by which I lie deed had been don.' Thev found a h.uilue 'near the tent, in which th-n cloth- ' ii'g had b.'i-n burned to prevent nlen- . i [heat i,,n Hut from the she- were , ,-. .. I. .1110 K inc. n dun . (, innd.it 1011 picked out buttons, tmckles. el.- Masot.ic hon-!'hich w-re id.-nt i I After thea-h- li'.i.l Hi.- < % s had cooled, the minderers had evi- TORONTO REVIEW. It Will Come Olt In the Exhibition Grounds. TORONTO REVIEW. It will Come Off in the Exhibition Ground*. A .ii p.i'ch from nil. IVY. i -.aya : The Mimslei of Militia. Ihe mai.ir- general coinmanilim;'. and tin- I '" puly Mim-ier bed a long con-ulla- li. m on l-'rulay leganlmg air nient I loi I li \arious lev lew . l o he .1 ,i I 1,1 o I lalifax and ' Jue b.-c As to the mohilt/al ion oi troops in Toionto. il has been do- i nle.l thai Hi.' I'.xhibil ion grounds are t o In i: . d and i.ol t he Wood- bine Some 7.IIIMI troops will ho. him-.. si in Ihe I '\l.ibit i-iii r.nil.l. and about .'I.IHMI more under cai, v.i-, The review will al-o bo held oil the r\hiiiiiion groiinilN. n- ' d I he must ( o|. \eillenl place for i'. It. tile. ,1 . Well .1 P.I- ig the he-l speda.uhir adviin- lage, 'I'he ."I.IHIII troop', which are to be mobiil/ed at IJiiebe.- will 111, "Iv liv, imdei canvas while they aio there, nitir Hie I'lains of Abral, .m Col I'elletlel H II I .,( Quebec. Will command f Ihe divisions there. not v '-I d" ideil who Will coin 1'i.ind the oil n.? th" srone of thr crime was ' i. e ed I'efore Hect'inbrr UT.. IX'.i'.l. I e was pennilesM. bogging his way After thai date In- wjs In po: -.-ssion of a roll of bills und a pouch of nug- get-, one of UK-HI being MI r.-iiiiirk- able .is lo be well known ill Ilnvv.-i >n. and also Known to have I. een in pos- se-.si(i|| of Clay. on Ili.iVe. the oth- er man. seen,- to h.i\e utterly van- i-^ied. but it . led I hat ()'- ISrten -iil.s.-.piently miirdeied t he partner of his crime Sealoin have the tii' nnd li ...Ilicefllilli-. of Itrill-ll Mist ice been more remarkably cli-plnycd. i," nil ness who hail left the Vukon v. a-i taken hack .1.OIMI miles, al- I hough the nuralioi! of his story occupied Iml live minutes. Another ii n -.-- v .1- (let nincd . \.-.ir and a half nt t!.e ntpeMI of the Crown in order in MOW* her I'vidonco. THE ONLY SEFTLEMENT. Steal Corporation Claim to Hava Made Gains. A despatch from t'n Ishuig. C s.i\s- The steel corpoi-'itinn roniin- d making gains in this district, ai.d on Wednesday added enough men to its force at. I '.-.f Star plmt to ii. 'in- the w.i, liing of two mills iMo turn, nuht and day. from now on Til" management claims ENGINEER'S PLUCK. Express Collides With a Frelgh Near Montreal- A d.-sp,.trh from Montreal says: Tho Uraiid Trunk'- Internal in.i- Limited i:\pf I, v.lnch left lh.j I'.. in aVt-lit III'.- : till inn .it !l n'rlod; .,! Friday morning for 'r>ri>nto. came intii collision with u freight Iran Let Ween I'lHIl'.- Cl.'ire and SI Anne's, with seriou- din fortunately no fatal i, 'Mill- 'II nerve of the engineer, .lame. Murphy. ;uid t h -trongth of tin- car- alone -.ived many \>.\ I' ".is a rear-end mill- i-iii. otherwise .-von I h -ircum ' a noes Would n. il ! ;u -vented mure M'i'.oii-. co!!Sei|Ui Tbe 'LiiiiitiMl" uii- going al about ifly miles ,111 hour v\!ie:i the freight i UM 1 1 w.i- fit -t . -en ahead of n . tun Iver d.-i- D in-* ami take -'pietices. \\ Hrh looked like ci'1-i..in death The live:, of hi.- hiaii.in freight depended U|>n hi- cum. i;e .IIM! .--kill 'I'n .'-hut ll ste.iin iii.'l a|i|ily hotli the air brakes ati<l the emergency steam Was the work nt In' I a few !i:oni. -Ms. hut t ! .. collision was un- avoid ilil". mill In- in. -I !!: inevn .Mo like a hern The i-!igin I't'st struck n, ..I the .r.-ight train, knocking t to splinter-- Tin- car .il:eail wu- that the en' lie plant will he on full before Iho week i nds The strikers nay this claim can::ot be made id is I . 'ii". made merely as a blufT In pur-ai.ini f i'- annum -eil plan to run all of it, pf.ints al,.-oluti-ly non-union. I lie Anicrican Tin 1'latcj^',, 4'ompany on U I -liv c.imm.-iice.l ailv<"-ti-ing for non-union men to go to work All appln-:>iii s ..|.- o::.-red Ihe highe-t wages- ar.d |iermanent iot.^. hut in every ens.- tlv applica- tion must be m.ide [lei'Sop.illv . ami the applicant dot-Lire himself fi from all union control Tho com- pany has no' as vet n.atle the at- tempt to start cither iis Mononga- hehi or Denim'. 'r plants, but an- nounces Ihut both will bo started soon. The latest official iloclarnt in i from t e.-l sources is that tho strike can now be settled only by the men u" ing back to tho mill*. The posi- tion the olliciaU tako. it is said, i- . that the strik- i- oi-er s, far as their dealing with the strikers as a body, is conceir. .1 They want vvoikmen for their idle mill,. and ni'M who want work can have it for the asking .it Wages paid before t he shut-down Tl cy may IK.' union men or not. but the union can have no to their work or wa . WHAT siiALrr.it SAYS \|. Sh.itlor declared tl'.al theHlrike ni -,pito of the claims of the io.idod with gr.ii.ito. and t 'us o coiisitlerahle jivistaiice, r.nd cans,-.! .1 good deal nf tlamage to the engini! nd tho combii.ai ion car A- if by a miracle the engineer neaped witli- uil a -cratch The impact vva- so gi-.it that the car. ahead vv -re driv- .boiit a h'lndt.'d and fifty feel from where they w.-i e -truck. The pa-f-i'Mger- got a shaking up. and w.-r.- badly frightened, but happily not one of them w.i^ ininred They got out to see what vva- tho matter and upon learning the cau-e ->f the sudden halt, and ^vim,' thi- ev id- of Ihe driver's heroi-ai. they wont wild with joy over tln-ir escape and the engineer's bravery A large pro- portion of Hie passengers were mem- IM-I-S of the Canadian I'ress As-.-.- turn refirciiifi houio from Iheir trip to t In- M ii 1 line I'lov ir.i M 11 w i-, suggested ir.tt some tangible recog- iin ion of ll^e - tiis'd of dar- ing should be shown, anil in a few minutes a pill-.' of $.">" ami pi . --.!:!. -.1 to him. CHIEF SHOOTS BRAVE. Chief of the Huncey Tribe May Bo Tried for Murder A despatch from London. Out . says : John Henry, chief of Ihu other Muneoy tube, lies in the county jail ,-ido to the contrary, is proceeding 'aw.utn.g Ho result of Win. I'ov satisfactoiily. and In- MMCtetiOB i- stalor's. injuries p- '-'nr. - ' " ' _ the lai'ger articles thai would not burn and ihi ..\n Iheni into the surrounding scrub Hut the p. it lent officers found many f them- Clayson's V.tle kev s. win. h were found to lit l ho (Iraweis to whirh they belonged, an eVctric In-lt which Oleson was known to wear, al- so bis Ides and pliers INCItlMINATINt: KV1DKNCK. It was evident thai t ho m.-n who hail occupied that lent were Ih murderers, and H w.is e.pially evi- deiit that it had t u er.-oled t her.? .io headquarters of minder, for Us o, cup. in'- hid actually cut down 07 cotton t r,iv, -.. is to be enahlod to see at a greal distance anyone moving along the Pnwson trail I i .,,,, i 1,1 . e.-rie they had seen the tin.-- men approaching on that Chi .-i:iias mormt'g. nnd bad sallied forth and murdered Ihemi The bodies were slrippetl and thrown in- to .1 part of the river whore it was open, di-.ippearing under tho ice. to he di .covered, ghasl ly nnd grim, many mouths afterward, when the spi ing Hoods began their revelations Hut the ollicers had not woit-d for tins ev idei'ce I o take act ion In the abandon. 'tl tent was an oidinary Yiikon -trivo. but an aller.il ion had I n made on i' Iliat singled it out from all others 'I hat slovo had -een 111 t he | i of I Wo n. en named O'llnen nnd C.i : ( i' III ion had b.-'ii in Havvson ].i i . .11 ..ml h id I ".'ii a great deal up and down the river about that time He .M. led ti T.ICI h .is .1 Mil reel . and the police gradually Wove t net of circum-i itilial evidence about him that lacked n.. I hint,' to make n abs i- Illtol.V Complete \ltldes I '.'lollg 1 1 Ig to tho murdered men were found on . him. and almost every -ie|. ni ini I join ney mi . Ii." u reaching and uflor their emplov.'l- Tlie steel people have nothing lo young brave of the Muncey. and few weeks ago ho eloped with th* chief's daughter 'Ihe two lived lo g.-lher m primeval simplicity. d'j- -pile p.ii.a'al objections, until -on of the chief visited I'oxsUitet ' wigwam and removed some of thl ., in. Udell's personal belongings. ami, l>ox-t. (Mr claim- some of his Lust - Monday the young squaw returned to . the chief's tent r I On Tuesd.i> evening lloxstater c.UI- || ed there and demanded his pro|>erty i, There wus trouble, und the chief en- forced his objections with u revol- \.-i lino bullet struck the young say but [oml to the mill" at work, brave on the face and jarred loos,- ., and the product turned out Ac- largo portion of his lion-, they say. speak hinder than word- OFFICERS AND MEN SHOT. War OllH-e Sends Imperative Orders to Lord Kitchener. A despatch from London say.s: I'lider dale of Aiigu--l L'.".. Lord Kit choncr telegraphed the War Otlice from 1'ieloria as follows: Sworn evidence lia- b-en brought to my notice bv IJen-ral Klhott that on . I line ii I. lent Man. of Iho Now South Wales Artillery, and 1'riv.ites Harvey and lllunl \\ere shot at lira- Tan after sin i.-ndei in^ I have for- warded copies of the statement.* to Steyn and Holha " To Ilil- the \\.tr Ollice on Wednes- day sent the following reply: "Wo understand that you have not re- ceived s.it isfai toiy assurances ro- .-poclini; the murder of our wounded nt Vlakfontoin In view of that oc- currence, and of your despatch of August li.Y we are of opinion that you should notify by proclamation thai membeis of any commando by which such outrage was committed who a iv capluied will he (nod. and if proved to have txvn preseu! on MI. h oi-oasion will be hold to be guilty, whether they actually Ccm- mitteil the deed or not. ami the leader of the commando will be sen- tenced to death ami other na'r.ihrrs punished with death or a less .sen- tence, according to the degree of their complicit.v " BOGUS BANK NOTES. A Number ol Them In Circulation In Toronto A ile-pat cli from Toronto says Siine the arrest of Salidtortl John- ston, the pedi'lcr who. nhoiit a week OtfO. passed a bog". 1 ' bill. several more lorgciies hive turned up. The MV, have I .-( .'IVed Word of three American $."> forgeries, one $.") Hank of Toio.ilo l.i'l. ..nd one li> Sl.d-ons llank n ile The latter was delected when a wholesale lirm who had accept .M| it deposited il at their ' t bank on \\cdu.--iduy. vv a- aricsted. and no charge will be laid pending the result of Hoxslal er'< wound The young man is seriously injured Should he die the chief will be chargevl with murder SAVED HER CHARGES. Nurse Girl in Railway Wreck Gave Her Life for Children. A dispatch from Newark says : Tho wreck of Iho southbound passen- ger train on Ihe S.xlns Bay division of tile I'eiinsylvania (Northern Con trail on 1'iiday night. bn- resulted up to Saturday in the death of elevmi persons The death of Mi-is Anna Kane was 1'iosi pathetic. S' w a mil so girl employed by Mrs I'.dwin Stan- ciiile. of this city, und was sent from Nodus on Friday in charge of Mrs. St. incline's two littJe daughler-.. who were coining lo Illnnia When tho wreck occm i .vl Mi's Kane threw her skirls around the children to protect them, while she received the full force of the escaping steam in con- seipience As a result, one of Iho children was uiiiniurod. while Iho other, though severely burned. was sa\.l fioui death BOER GUNS FOR CANADA Will Not Be Overlooked When Tim for Distribution Comes. A despatch from Ottawa says: The IVp.irl nient of Militia has re- ceived a cable from the Imperial \\.ir oilire -.la I ing that when a dis- tribution ol the guns captured dm ing the Moor war is being mad,-, tho claims of Canada for these memen- toes of I ho si niggle in which her sons plaved nch a noble part will not bo overlooked. MORE REBELS SHOT. Had Been Found Guilty by the Trea son Court in tapj Colony. A despatch from Cape Town sav- Tv\ o more ii'bels, who were forte! guilty by lie Tre.iMin Court, h. '.-hot at lir.iaf Ke.itot

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