Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1901, p. 5

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The Red Witch $ +*-'**4* Or The Wooing Of Constantia. ' , -o CMAl'TKIi IV. Me came in. in tho s'.ow, dignilicd manner that belonged to him. His face was cadaverous: his inches many. Ho Was rather Italian in : Ins eyes were black and plaintive. M- was delicately reserved in h. uieaiior. and then; was a suspicion lawlessness is fed by the spirituous contemn " eloquent as In had got SO He fcit nearly as an Irish Member when, thus for. and t,top|x-d ed With his outburst. M;ss McCillicuddy returned to her In-st point and went on. 9 f hauteur in the wav he wVe hi. e;" "- "U-r in,,, upon my list " glass He had a very kindly opinmn ' ^ ""'I 1 - ' John C > r " u " U Mlth - , Feathcr- - f his own merits, which is on excel- lent thing if on..- wants to get on in Ah! Ue " e "'" the world. Not that Mr i -'. -at her- * ""' K rowin * *** ton wanted to get on. He was on- more. "As a rule I feel more grati- ly thirty-two and the richest man in tu<l own sex. when the converts are of my One r i Lunation of a man than a wont- the bounty. Miss McOillicuddy received him with as near an approach to civility u 'l as she knew. He shook hands with '"" t! .'"V* 1 ' body in the silent way that be- Wllh a SWlft sr " lle lhal longed to him. and that somehow loV ', helped him to the consideration with ' no ' J nssurc you which he was always treated- and i cd to '""' '"'"""< for * moment in t'l.-u looked cautiously round him -'is that w n dro " s "'> l1 " ""' ll " 1 ' 1 if to know where he .should sit This ! eri " B hi " iwlf W|1 t on qui^'.^ 'ow glance made toim.how. how poorly furnished drawing-room was, and how squalid ' ity of hi.-= unswer li so. "I had i.o idr.i you were '''ft it has indeed hren very kind to me," 1 Mr Strni:i;e. turning to Hie lit- :hln child beside linn and laugh- taller." s,,ic] Ili-rrv i at her pointedly m;j to lier. i.,,t at her. which latter "Vh. c.tionable word I- i 'fi'-, still smiling. but lifting his shoulders in a i.-intly il. -pi .-e.it. irv manner I hardly know why it should lie so. but it a.- ways strikes me as being in a d> . er vulgar. A t taller, as you put it. niy dear fallow, I certainly was not a year ago. but as an . \..mpV to my tenantry I be- one It ." with a lit- is a tiling hildren : "II 'ill" I' -pnml.-d II llPlld- dy dryly, as if she could have more Conversation then became genera I. In the course of it, Mr. Sin i.gi-. who was an agreeable sociable sort of ;.. h..:d: "I was up just now at Bally-more I went to call upon Mrs. who in quite an old -.> of the hand, "no self-del... and til..- effect is go. II'- .i.'l :. t ..y friend. -aid Barry, with | vtantia n- animosity, as hi: | *>! to l;e marked Mi (Jillicuildv. who was plainly . to wors i herstone as a effect upon the elder >-ybody." , f and Con- old .llicuddy with a smlT "Her coming among us have no doubt, be a great aci|ui.i- tion," put in Mr 1 ' who ne window, and the sound of , I....1 s.-, n and admired Mrs Iiimda.s. two voices wafted inwards to the' "I suppose so." re;.!iid Stronge. drawing-room One was high, shrill. J There Wiis. I. f the voluble, and eminently youthful the ac.i . .1 lack of en'-. other was .i.-cp and manly. Almost saint. At this moment two figures wi nt :.v afterwards Mr. Strong" announced. I (c came heels. in. with NVruh at hi* s a man of about thirty-four "She remarkably I went on F.-.iM erston, who up a bit. v I was re- i:i.irkubly plain." >...! M. - Me who looked fully his age, but no 'cuddy, "a thin. awkw..rd (re more There was nothing very par-! with (laming hair ami no mam,. tlcular thiit coii.'d be said of him | "Yes, I remember !: A ile,c! iji- ion of Barry, lauglinn; "she was ordinary. be a rather : nly. and her clothes used to A Run Down System SHOWS THAT THE BLOOD AND NEEVITS tfZED TONINw UP. This Condition Causes More Gen- uine Suffering Than One Can Imagine How a Well Kno-.vu Exeter Lady Obtained a Cure After She Had Eegun to Re- gard Her Condition as Hope- less. From the Advocate, Kxetcr. Ont. "A run down system'" What a : nf inp-i ry those few Words im- ply, and yet there are thousands throughout this country -uf- f.-i n.g from this condition. Their ..id w.iiery: they stif- auofst continuously from, hcad- umible to obtain restful rlion greatly 'Ah.it is needed to put i : 1C i'"i1 : Or \\illiii to be the only never-fad- ing tonic ai"l I: orer. Henry i'arsons. a respected nt. of K.\. '! < i i.t '- 'tie of the mnny who and proved : I of 1'r \\.liiams' P.i.k Ins For uuiny months she -ufterer from what is .n ii.oi-.; | .--one t.i error." . ' nothing dec. his eyes reluct ant ly from Constantia him .should. [ and again gave i.is undiviii gativo ,- lie was not very tall lung en her as loose as bags. Yet commonly tern,,-. I a run down -ys- tion to her aunt. "These men: I ; and not very short; not very stout, now i.itiful. I w.. fu a r'-porter of li;.; Advo- Khoulil lik.: to have a talk with not very thin, not very ugly and cer- so a:-:.,u:ided in my life as when 1 ave the following stoiy in them," he said. "You can give ine ' lainly not very h... Two saw !: l.iy. And yet that oth> then- addr.- things about him. so far as surface how. her beauty, in my opinion is benefit Irom her experience- I- . i A dull red llained into Mi-n Mcilil- Igfl went, were alone pos -unpleasant. She would >! i.iany months my h.-allh was in a it must app.-ar to him after his own luxurious home Finally ho himself next to Cm.- t.,:n ,., Hus quite hemmed her in. Harry w ,s ,,,i her left, he on her right. \l, , M, Cillicuddy before her the wmdm- I,.- '" '" lllv s checl ' s - shc K rew confused. : eyes, a dark luminous hind It gave le-r the f ! u-.-less. laughed aloud beautiful that they how. that there ,\ , of the men is ten vars of h..v.- redeemed a plainer face Shp WHS very glad i " *he said; "the other eight She, were undeniably gray, would They Featherston had come in had l.rok- folll ' Hl h< r hands upon her lap. and n.d fttUUlod wit 'What do you think of her ' . ing " :e, inv Subtle' 1 ' suggested Mr Strunjje greatly run down 1 was Constant ia. shot a glance at him WIMI Donna su! en up the rude speech that she felt v < ll ' a n t| y refrained from looking at ! gr. :ty loving-kind- F.-at herston. adilressini.: h.-r nddeiily 'physician i nnd fur n "an. who was choking with joy in . m-s" lie was rich, too there was) SI i- my cousin." returned she;uppcar t with ci u.y tite Wan r ' ion greatly fat , 'ird i. .- I consulted a was on her aunt's lips other She blushed s..ttlv .is sh.- felt Mr Feathers-ton's gla-ss bearing dowu upon her. "So glad," he said, looking at (Mistantia. but speaking to her aunt. "that your our mission, rather, is going on so prosperously " Mi - McCillicuddy drew herself up .She tjrew self-important.. nnd was the background Their reformation no doubt about that; rich enough to simply but his ti-.-iiiment did not to bi : -.d I gradually Shu was glad she had tins became worse, so that I could h.. is a suti.n-rt for public rejoicing" come under the head of a n.odcrn TO say. as --r havini; to ::d to my hou^cl'.old ii . . M.-Cili, -t a withering Croesus That hi:> lathei made these ' swi r : . on; but her wordB ! then tried advertised reine- at her She would have pro- riches by means of trade was. per- wrought consternation among them dies but without result, and I begun batily broken into unparliamentary haps 1V draw-back in the eyes of the | s closely connected with language. but came to the leeeiie. "To liegiii young is to brvin we'l " he said gra\.-ly mid cle\ei-lv II- twelve generations The .|.l,-r Miss MclJiKicuddv evtdsntly pleased c.,i,stantia looked was looking full .1 now indifferent because she knew to what Featherston was- referriiiK. but Har- ry, who knew nothing, stared. All at once it dawned upon him that the suspicion in the face she uplifted to '" tion. that FeaJ. erston roni.ty families round, who. though us." said Miss McOillicuddy. in for the most pnrt poor couid count graveyard von -. though for u I w.- \..i\ /nt of her We believed, indi > id quite drop- rhi-n thi- Mr. PHI brought her back not only to Ire- land, but to every part of it where Three iiion in she had parsed much of her M as though challenging utri- bute to him that vilest of all hxp.irrisy There was. however, no him w.th a certain n .-d out of our lives. ~ was not accustomed to .i.-ri i: with i ion hold these levees, and her mind mis- her that i '. n-^tan' ..i I..H! s O ine- to regard my condition as hopi A neighbor called to see me . le- ft ml urged me to try I'r W, ams Pink Pills. Having t medicines without receiving tem pei - iiuilnl. eut i.uuljy I consented to give tie- rial aiid gs. - noticed an in.| ' in my ccndi Blue Hibbou movement w., fident that -he be- h : is a good match. I hear, in hay while the sun shon- pr. tending an interest in it to ' 'lued her ..!. i.illicuddy. He had ailopti-d ' new temp'rance lad as a means to- Wariis setting into her good graces, i in 'I hope no have you oil our said l'eather-tone. lien I eioi-i- 1 had tirii'hed the box nnd by tl-<- tune 1 ii.nl taken We all thought she four box married I.ord \. d 1 .Ith. 1 :. ..nd v .as murrnuri-d a common-plii'-e word or but doubtless. this John Dundaa. ' from tl -y ap- two of welcome to Mr. Strong.- T" fr, m what I hear. . good. I .an U" .'b.-i- him. however had she known it for her. as he is mon- likely to keep household dm :out the these words were not commonplace ne r in or^ -hat s|).. would i- >v we- and that Feather-tor u . li'-ved in him. if -he u,,| ,,,'t nltoi. .-lung glance at her n;- .,,. <h.- had ""a In., king wonderfully mwk. as she 'wo-iKl : amusement. and fiiim. hi-rs to ('.mst.intia's I .1 - ^ ook h--r head, but s.,id n.ith- discovery lilled the heart of the I.im-jing. erick man with rage. Not towards! '.u:tia will join us." said Featln-rston he was too hoi v uddy \t ul!. they we;-.-. (HI tin- i.mtiary. a . v.-ry accumulation of all swe-Jtness , As and for h. a curb, for I.'onnu! a man of no henrtod for that but towards him- ! Nl ' think not," Keif, in that the simple device ha. > 1.1 quietly. st suggested i (..s.-lf to him. "* s if pr,,s ( . ,; Mi.s.s \I, - C.illicuddy in had struck terror into so many Yesterday 1 made s.\, r ,,| ' '"'- v I M Cilliruddy poi.' : man All thrs I .< 1'r V... I jams' ' .; I would . :rae .,th- i-ial hi-re beciiuse of 1 h.it ' made . I'r W'iiii.iin-' l'iin I'::'s . girl* Cuiiid .-veil two of I'.v-i hr-hv". Liidy V ! the world o\. tiiliti.'l WilTjoln US " n -em' Kent f.i r -ton 9 tie- .111(1 it IS this ,.^,,.(1^ . had net ' '"r I hi.- good cause Hut tei- -^,,1 ^ t'rwenllv. looking at ' pi.w. r of act ing <ln . ,-t 'v on the blood oihers-. lurry of COWM w, I . indeed." returned ih- ''"""" f",- anything, but could a sen- tonTrrts. Three new names by my ivors were enrolled upon , ur l.st " "Three! Your energy is indeed marvellous." said Mr "It surpasses that of mo-t." ,,! 'I dslike Xtrena measures ;.-id the touch of lion in the imiMer way in which The blue III .!.. !l IS. in sibli- man like ri.-d away by the wiles of a villy 1 object to the ''"'i' 1 " 1 " lik.- ..s to spend his time .'. upon ,mpo.-s,blc. And . y.i.i i 'inch enable^ these pills Sli.- -nuled .,- .otor Stroiv- ,..!. and Stronge colored bi-- | at ii \.a ' .i th.it t...i..h ..f -.rnshiiii- as .. m-r- iolli- .il.iille, \ .u ' uno-r- pulle.l his mustache meditatively and shitted his glass: from on.- ejre to the other. "And these new pe,,pi '" he asked "Mrs Puffy, of Tan-yard Lone, was the ' opinion, a mistake I'ara.le II ,,,, .l.'a'h to anything that si,.,,,!,! be ' >l '" wus 1 however, m spite t.iiu u I. ether hi- will t- "Indeed." c. M h to Stronge. [ton, Mrs. I'm..! f fur lingering underslai.d it "Hear! forgetting hear!" crn-d himself for Mr the lia.-ry. si < .,nd time. Miss McOillicuddy half rose uton. putting his forelinger to his brow with an ap|~ arau. .- of deej thought "You know her," explained Con- Kt.mtia. softly "She is tl. widow who hv s , . .... in,, church and who s:ilis|sis principally on the thri? shillings a week allowed her from the Charity fund " This sorrowful bit of information Wis. I regret to say t e.-t and skit- tles to Mr. Harry. He was glad to his heart's core that the List i.-.iuil had proved so poor a one to a wid- ow, subsisting on charity, the : t.ition to drink must I . srt..,il It would, therefore, he impossible to I-'. ..' liorston to make much out of if Me laughed aloin- in the i-xuber- nii.<; of his joy. forgetful of the im- PI.--SJOII he was making on Miss Mc- t; illii iiddv No dilliculty in stopping that old lady's grog." he s i( id. still laughing gnyly S.'t much of it to b. out (if three sliilin k'" Sile.ice followed this ra.-h r"inark: tierston coughed gentl\ Miss Mcliillicu.l.ly . as though waken- ing slowly from iin uiiplea-.n;' dieani turned her he.nl towards the culprit. nnd lixeil him with a baleful eve It unhinged Mr. Harry directly, and put an instantaneous termination to his mirth only your opinions but your- self Mr Hnrry." she said. slowly. ' iiie strange In me I feel no em- biii T.i-smeri . therefore. in telling you that if you came here to and jeer lit what I believe to bo a righteous work. I shall ask you "Sco ft jeer!" interrupt -d H.n t \. with great presence of mind, now quite alive to the danger of the sit- uation. My dear Miss McCillirud dy. liow can you so misjudge nn" Tn.e 1 .nil in a sen*.- a s' ranger to you. t>t|t thiit is ij misfoi t'.'MO 1 hope e\. r> day of my life to combat " lie ii glance at Conslantia. who re- l -I to see it. "As to my opinions. I del convinced they ar-- yours You accuse me with treating this new mi-Moil with disrespect On the con- trary. I regard it as .1 bcm-fiiction t" mv c-juntry. nnd a most re.pn-ite tl'lnii in these benighted days when the itnd is hud was'e n i h rapine anil when, no l< ibt. suspicion. lie w.is not. in.lerd. .1 Valley man to whom it Would be easy t" If .il >.iut it. rude To (iiirrett Biirr.'. wed .from her s. at She wus -"videiitly h '' r rou h ' l>! ^'' w " h '" aion labout to launch into bitter mv.-c- ""' PVI> " '" Fe,ith.-is- could j lives wh.-n once again Feather- >'" *""'-' i n ter%' "' very difTerent Mull to .';!'ier .'f There ,s much truth in what your thl '"'- H " W ' 1S " 1 "'" 1 of "" birth ' r.i.ce |,.,s s.,,,1 ;. ni.irm.ued softly; >''' llis f " c ' w " s fu " "' a K r "'."" '"'K- mty iis restraining us the bluest. f the heart. that tired feein ' resulting from ner- ult- a\e from viti.iteil liuin.ns in tl..- .ul such as scrofula, cinon "but f think if -he deeper into 01. tin- use of the will go a little IV, ribbon ' He h.is- h, n .!'!.'. oi f.-r yean lie she 'will ''lood could produc. a dignity tli.i' was at . .m attacl si.intinop''- and fur the l.-.st \. two has I-. . n travelling in the McOillic'idily s,,t th-n in *!- ! "" has com- ho:. -ml I icditiitiiig on n:. my tiip.g--. l-a\e ii-ked him to stay with n unless things urc perpetually I. eld up and f.s-virg slightly t. n her "* 'on'{ i's it smts hm before then eyei We hold up to _../. i-ll .11 the luck!.-s Norah As he spoke he put on the very doubtful sipeli I-r Will:.. A co'i-in of mine is to : . t.y nil dealers in . on the wvent. enth I hope cine ,>r can be had by mail, pi'st he wi.l be in tune at all events." p., id. ii' \ . ou-Jin of vours'" ask.. i ' hy addi- Pr ss. A WiMiams' newcomer was ,m even' in Currieen. Ont. I'irew O'lliady You i: him. I think. which she now so so vigorously ob- jects In the rush and bustle of life p.. .![. ..re t>nly loo prone to fnrget. n-iideied it \.-rv dirticult for an;, to oiTer him :ui olleiisivr word. ne .'o. liroi-kville. up them the blue ribbon to remind them s nf the gr.-iit work in which ne would have them nun \\ewmild Mow did t hat child ceme did .town, that forbid the ii'tmnce into MOW ITT! riXKI' IT. the Kminent Musincs* you have |..,-en with me a lonu \ ..u i :-- :..ithfully p.-i i- i n ed your duties If tl H I admire in an employe it s- V i | . sse-s that attribute in litt 1 1; ', perceptible c ..,> v touch ..f pomp. I oh. s : ve,v to defv the rules laid broke out when he \va.i ali'iilintf to considerate! exclaimed the gratefU . 1 ...Ill-lite eve|\\Mieie 1 he fatal W dl a< IIIK-ri'Olll of lll'ldd.V ti What brings you here, she demanded sharply. Norah?' int.: The love of drink. like money might justly be termed the root of all evil " This speech raised a curious ex- Mi Siron. quickly, scent ing mis- , n on H.inv H ho now cJiicf in the I i .-.-/. He took tho add ,-e-sed him directly Id's hand n his u ,,.i "You mean us t,, nndei stnii'l lh.it ti"inl>!e slii-liily. tightened hi. gn-p you your-elf. then nev. r i,,;:ch any- on it. and drew her close to him In- | i-nig foiwurd with a very kindly snnl" ''I me' ;ii. Ing?" I el' III one of 111.- helds iis I came to- ne was shiiip I W) MIS the house and she mo--' 'Nothing." returned Feather-ton, -iderati-ly turned with II-H nnd bore ng that | ride Ins family s. !| II.- is in reality Tlie o't:- -1 of that fa i hav.- virtu.- ai .1 .is \ i - i .ni.l I turd t lie- ii-' Bej i .- hcrca> came in v.uli me." niis-.xet,..l hut he prefe.s he ordiiiaiy ( : r I will, etc with Bt smile lie <!id not try to nnpiove me in company. : delightfullv bv ained mi- She \vav !ns i.anie. I tliii-.k you will like him Me Was addre'-.ing CoiisUint la Me seeiue.. :u \i,.i. . 1 .1 Ukteil ' ! er ill i Const ..nt 1.1 w I1KAUI' IT \\K(i\C Put Si i lie nil tl-e t ne s. uc half consciously .-it this mark of Ins pi-en- : .,nd .1- the usi.'lly diil \\li.-n lee who had just none to n.'i l:e|- IAIS met. h,s, sile blushed .. '-illg. 1 en days) Inter 1 1 e appr. i 1 he blush Was not li-M en \iili .w gained eon... i.nisn.-ss iin.l found Stronge. To be Continued. ON IM'l.i: s\\I Jol.r Hull Nou'ie liable to lo?e your grip on that hammer, uncle, if you don't watch out." the | HI.OWINO ins OWN MISK When <;..!-.; 1\ Ke- gi-nt ' time Hi- K"v.>l IliKhiiess \\.is suiTer- mg from a eo'd One day the 1! showing t hem-elves! to froM -iv Which is the Trince'' I n the l'i in.'-' cried an evile.l old Yorkshire woman who had com,- to si.- Ilie l-'il-l llent .-111.111 111 Kliropi- That's him. said ii hysl a iid.-r pointing upwar.K. him with a hand- kercln. f in his hand linn 1 ci led 111.- old lady in ; found ci.titi-inpt Thiit the l'i iiice ! Why he blows his own I T'MKUK AUK OTllKi;-. lie -Why th. -r has .,-.,!-. 1' g Sllll -p. Sll,--Coo.lli. \ ! p, ..pi. ,i are inquisitive ' At r.ie.uiKi. 1 1"- average i i~e and fall of the I : 'he lowest for occin tnle- but the Medilci riin- can h.is a tide of i>m. only. sell in a hospital lie at u,,." sum moiied Ui -:iipl. >(' When th..- bf cycle repair-maii arrived at th. i[ipri-|ll ice s.,1,1 |||. I feiij- 1 did not understand sir I thought you >aid put. AP. I I MTS MI n \KCAI\I\C .Jtidkms I learn throiiKh ; RAVI boimrit the proper .n eith.-i i your h and got them ..p Mow dm you in. mane l! ' Ko\ley Iva-i.v e.iininh >l> Wi elo.-ii: innist . my iliiUKtiter pl.iyi 'In- piano. Ceorm: plays the ci. I | ''' the Molm. Kol) pai>s a I'.in io. L' Inn- ley r.iltles the bones, ami little Johmi'e h.is u drum. Corn (at Madge's wedding 1 v on earth are you crying f'-r, Iterlha This isn't \oiir m.irri, : i ha' I know (boo-hoo) Thiit'j why I'm crying. IHuielv You look al me ;is ii yoi. th.iin;ht, I was iin n'i.it. el\ ' SI- er \\ !iy n" >on .. i -it. N- sr.,'h iiu idiot . after all \ our reni.n ili.it you lead a m. n's Li:oii(;l .s at

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