Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1901, p. 6

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SEPTEMBERS, 1901 f tt E F L E S It E R f O A 1) V A N C Iff- UUULiOUOII A YOUNG Kanki-t H. Markdale Kou.ral )>*ukiiiK butiuea*. MotMT I a reanoual.lo rate. Call ou ua. At YASDUSBN, J> P Jlerk Mb DiT Court. Co Gift ol MarrlMe I.lc*n**a, Conveyancer I'uulie AucM<m*.r. Money to loan M i por cent CUarg*. moderate. FLEBHKBTOW F & DEBTS OOLMeCTI'.L Tb* ui<lri . v -.- a.Urtaka the colloot.oDOf.il klod. ol d*Wa. S0t*< buuxbt, iKjcuuuli ooliecta ate H M HBXDEHBOW. riebrton R OommlMloner in H. O. J., , AooMooew nraY-'r. M>l>raU*r and Money Slal If iat .11 1 lo.uranco Agent. Sort ..I,,. loa.0. anl will. carefully drawn S, .7, I valuation utafeon rUprW.t oo.te.. Voney to l*n t lo*t rate* of lutercaV C Irtfoal .ttoulol to with |.rom|.tD<... fjEar,,.... low. Asent for Ocean Dominion tMatii*Bip Company. A call ollcltod. ..fttrittir* , U W meU oo the lM Monday A in .oh uiontb. In their lo.W room. Ch .>' l.lock. Hle*bett<m. at Opni T. Itli ly, W. M AM 0t>.oo. B.I.*: i. . , ~. . Virtttng brethren Intlted \KTHTK U>DOK. No. J ..,.t f In tli. yeaonicnail . full Haury, . Btralo-s or befora : W J itroiv C. MURRAY. I.. D. dental nr 8 e .>o: jj uraausKi vJ loroato VBlvurUU n I, foil.*. ..f 1 rUr**!* * xItc Ariubtroug* JnwoUnr Will vl.it K.vur.liau> th. laat Wile*. y f.art, inmith.au.l Duudallt 1 and J TUunday ! Mi-h luoulh. The Markets. Caretallr Vorrer < .1 Each Week OaU Few Barley Hatter Kugf freab. P..rk . 62 to M lo 16 to 10 -. , 7 00 to Mjr 6 00 to Wheat, white Wheat, rid Potmtuet Hldet Wool 31 62 :<: 16 Id 7 50 6 00 65 (16 30 6 00 13 J. B. Sloan & Son. PROPRIETORS. GET YOUR Sash, Doors, Flooring. Sheeting, Newel Posts, Balusters. Hand Railing, Corner Blocks the beat of si/ruce Lath,No.l and '2 .shingles Veranda and Fitting. Sidings, etc. Turning el all Kinds Done to Ordir run of Stonef for Chopping. Sat infection in all our linen guaranteed 1 W. FK08T, I. I* M. Ftarri.trr, Hollcltor Conveyancer. .-Next to po*tolnc*. Bproul.'* blo.k ' -rVo " every TTLurrfa and court day. I B Owen Hum. I ). Fioe* 1 I0lell .to block LUCAS, WKHJHT A McAIr>I.H lrii.lr. Solicitor. Coj.e)an<ra, at WUICHT * Sol Koiinl.Ont audUarkdalaOot. WKtoirr. UCABOL-, H ll-rln.tum otttc*. HI.ab.H-S Uak y Haturday. TU:KI:K A FATTK.USOS WarrUU*.. H< M,.l*. B.Dk. OW.M Alt'''. TUCKKh BKO W FATTKKrtON Photos -TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery ar done in fint-clau Kyle nd at !..w.-ii rtei. bi>ec' m | *'>"" niven tocopjins. Babiea' |>hotM. a apwcialty. >*icture framvd. MRS. BULHER AKAV * SAMPSON. HarrUter*. * !BH : -<)*n Hound. Merchant. iik Hl.i-k. S -t l'tt >r*n lloo... Iloadalk. Main Htr..t. every Sfcturday M\.'h\\.M \. HJ Crown Attorney for Or*y. , H Ont. Pbyrt*b, Hurgwn. at VlMhArtcm oini- sti iu' block. HaM*nea uD*liaw' Ilut.l _ COTT \'.r SOPTI.T Meuibor* UollM. Pbyalc A Hnrgwin. Uulari" iiln*t' m M<-tl*in ol Toronto L'uUxrmlv. Koll>w*l.i|' Dipl.i.ua , I'o.t l(ralu- at* Mullcal Sr:h. M.I ii.l II...i>itl. Chlcuo , HUM and throat *i>illy " < <>. r*T.<rl.aii<. JOBS A. SCOTT. alaiwell. Jp orn:w:'i.i. \, .r;eon dilate o( Ontario Vutvrlnaiy College, i ."i iniitU wu.t on Uai. HI: i,iii Ui.. *trc.t rnui anutb Pv.ai . GW M V wall. odUi'. : > * MIX- .. i i i .1 .in t DeatBtt. Mai- . . .iini v Cnllfl|(, i . . I'niv.-rttly. \tlt > II a in to 'I |. in-. IV from 8 to & |>. in. I or IHIHHA.1 Scrvlc* BILL Count Lustre .10 Th 11 . I.T.: ' " .1 li-ii :i fine iMil'.i ii Hill f.ir i! iii .in It.t 147. TH.R. TKSM- -fl IHI f., r thM.-a- .n. iV.hi.uM- oa a|i,-ii AuiiMir STKWAHT My I I r r< I .IIIMIOI til HI..M- for Tltsberton Censorial Parlors. Ili> . I'nw.rtbHwv for aarrle* 11 lot . T..rm. .1 >V. UKAIM, l'r for Hum css tvinporium ! ! A full liur of sweat ls, (lusters. ((!- irs, axle grease, whips, hoof oint- ment, curry coiuhs, tnjuks, vali.ses, etc. SANITARY BRACR For (Jentleni, only 40e vi'i i:iir. . I i.!.: .. .1 X'lriiiaala COlltl 'I '-l! wltl. ' ' a.t i I . I..LN IVl, ..! I'm, S..,ili .( Hi. . i .11.1 I. > I >i.|-i. t . (ill. i UK. t.-.li al. I Hoar ' Service. . Una' (or orMlot. oa lot it. , Uk foi pedigree. FBKM If \, M i'I.INT(>N. I'lOl. II May a. i.l I (. Thoroughbred Dm hum (lull for Ssrvlce. Cord ttlintd, 29068, Th uiii1i'rl(;no' li a ftna Hull (.,i .>IM... ..ii I.. I III, I A- [i . T. mi *l for Rinili. o.m-i, I fm lli-n inch raita I'udlitrnv uii .iipllcati n JAXUU UF.VKH. F1a.herlnn Co. DHIldAlk. Mr. Will McDowell, on of Mr S. Me Dowell Is |(IHK nroand nursing A painful mid which waa indicted b> the prong of a fork peno'.rating from beue.nth the arm <tnd U-.IIIIHK oni at the top of the shoulder. He WM getting down oat of a mow when he slipped and fell on the fork which wan standing with the prongs upwards. The combination Aberdeen* of Mark- dale, comprised of pick players out of the three teams of laerta clul of MaikdaU, No. 1, 8, 3. came down here on Monday with the determination of fairly annihil- ating our little boys, tl Thistlea. hut they found th*m very thorny and thv coinlniiatinn team went home a sadder but wi.er team. The Thistles torned them down. Score 6 to in favor of the Tuiatlrs. Our teacher* rt-tnrnod on Monday night and resumed duties to-day ( Tuea day) Mr. OeO. Hun bury left on Monday to attend the "Collegiate" in Owen S.iim! Mr. Will Wilson visiti-d his mster.Mrs. .1 . W. Whitby, on Sunday. Mr. Harry Watt ot Markdale and a frteiwt weru down on Monday to witn*ae the combination deafeat. They i^ient t 'i evening with your c Pletiretic Pn* a Danger Sign*! I'r. nipt t r. linn nf i* t-Mw-ntia). Battle the r.-|.'ii of pain initnediately wi>h Pol- son's Ni-i viline and (jinckly bind on a In.t bandage fprinkled with Nerviline. Never known to- fail. Cores alinort instantly. Nvumlijta, (. '.'Inii'hr. rheumatism and lum agn are cared by Nerviline jnit a ri-iMii y. PolH'.n'* Nervilim: cures nil pmn, and in the beat household UniUHnt bimw n. lxru<- Ixittlu 'Joe During tl electric storm which pasatfl i>vr linn section Inst Thursday, many accident* happened "t which thu one I* especially oticommon A hor* tieli.ne iogtoMr Wm. P-iarce, about a milt 1 north of thin place, was out in the pas- ture, held and about noon was struck by lightning which n-vm<d it* two feet just won the hoof* and left the born. Mai.<l mi; on the ntumps of its two kind legs, the f.'.-t UN in; struwed on the ground. The horoe'a shoes are thought to have attracted the lightning. The hoiae, though Ktuoni-d waa not killed, but re- mained in a standing portion until even- ing and wan then shot.--Chatsworth News. Fireman Wm. McCauley, wko waa K.'vrrely scaldetl on August 10th, by thi< C. P. R wreck at Proton Station, is at ill n a very neriou< condition, although re- covrrinv. He has ever since been at the it-iM-ral and Marine Htmpital here, hat IIH fatbi-r, Uoadinaitor Alexander M. L'auley, infoimed tlie Advvrtiaer y.-Nt. r <lay tliat he intended reniov.nK him to .runt" General H<pital i. .!.. On W.dneMlay light the injured nun had five houra unilUturlied alerp. The skin of Ilia leg* is so entirely iluHtn.yed that .uriw must be made ti> graflini; new akin, which opwatiim will U- performed at T T .i.to Hospital. 'Hie young man ha* mitferud m'enaely from his injurira O. S.Advortiaar. The preliminary hearing as to the charge of anon against Anuua Black took |.liir-- at ('ollingwoit ..n KrnUy litat U'fore MaKttrate Wataon and Mayor. -Silver. The seasons haMexi from 8.90 in the aftt-i n.i.'ii till midnight, including an ii.U-rtal for tea. Large crowds were in .vti II.UM till the end, inrlmlin.; .|iiit- a nuinlHir of ladies. The case againat the priKoniT was ..t sa tr<>ng aa was lookc.l for, .n. .1 an iuu'\|'i'i'illy determined ftfort on Ins U-lmlf rauainK the general belief that ttie nia^istraU-H would ilmini tlie i''ii:ir.' Howxvt-r, at two o'clock the next nf'ri'ii. .t. (the hour appointed for 'lir.r il.-i-i-.ioii. i the niav.'i<traten defidi-.l not in acct-pt tlie n-s; i/iiMliility of letting him off on no serioUH a chargo, and coin niittcil him to Htand his trial at linrrit-, li" irt'iMii-.' liml fur the same reason. Hno.un.-el Mr. Sullivan then applied din-rlly to tin (' nn'y .Indue, and at-i-iir.-ii liisre'.s-- mi l-aii on TinuLty. The tri.tl mil in!..- |.Uc. at tin n. 'xt ssiiea in K p ir:i'-. nlm-h rM'k[in (Sept. Srd. Staynvr Sun. The program Hrrmi^i-,1 for the comint vi^it.'ftli" IMi!;i' ittrl Hii.li.-iii of Corn wall and Yolk to Toronto tlm gvmi, i. \i,' in .'. iiiici'tioii vrl, wliu'h will l>. |'r||, ij.Htt ll ill til" ."lilll lleillirellt i> i follows : Tlie royal purty will aniv. in Toronto at 5 p. in Tlnn .liy. (k-tolx-i 10 Thero will In- a procui'.n to tli City ll.ili, whurt- addriHHtw will be i..r SHiiied ami the party will then pr.Hi .-.I to Qvmawdl llouse. In t'n- ev. . they Hi.lilino .it lliu I'.n li.iinent tmild 'ii'., tin- vll tain of (lie iiovi-rnor-Oeni t .' Aft. r diniL-r their U..ynl Hiijline4>es will hold H ii Ti-ptKHi. On Kriday ii|..n.iiiK tlieruwill t>o a pxrHilu HIM! m.litary i<- view tt tlio \\ Hoi' ino, to lie follow, .1 by tln< mi., iliiu of tin. luiiilomniit to tin lul-- (Jniini Victoria. Th royal |niiy will tli.-n pr.iwil to tin. iiniv.iv > \\h-ro d. pri'w will be conformd up -i tli.- iiiMiu- Kina During in.' nfleinooi tli.'ir ^.yl ili^liuess.- will atu-n.l f -_':iid'ii p.rty lit th Islaud i|inirter8 ol lit.' It ..y..l Cnndinn Yacht Cluh. Tin \ wi.l dun. -' tiovtirnniei.f HOIIH.-, and ii l I'l- e\i-i.|li" will Hi tend (lie Ijoy i i ...; .1 i >|i. i i in MitM>'y Hall On Sat ir.l.y iiioiinn : t'n' ioy.<l piitv will Ititvi To lo for 1. onion. l!i>- Iniin t .ppin aHhoit mo,' it H..IHH of tl-e intvrven'iiK 'tili'.ns. l-'ioii Lou Inn tln.y will (,-.,. i.,., I in St. Tnoiiiw an.l tln-.i t. N KolN, wh'-ro they "ill - s i" '" ' (In Monday iliry wi.l t m,'li \V and I'l m f.'i'l, and w.ll Rp.'inl unit li'.uisi.i II liiiillon, Kittirtiini{ th--nl(. T r .-III.. ,0.1 I : -in 111.1114 tlll'M- for the 1. !> i\ my f..| Kingston o'. llip fo||cn. ni"i nn.'. iiml.in: a sli.nl ~'"\i nt I HO|KI. From King-ton H> ill procix-i , through the Tlioutaud l.->l.inds. C. E. NOBLE & CO Oundalk Ontario* Central, . . jfcardware iStorc Balance of Harvest Goods CLEARED OUT AT (TREAT RflNWffOM IN PRICE TOMAKK UMM FOR FA1.I. GOODS To Thresherg : T\B carry a full line of n|i|-i (., flubJter nd ix.-atl.er Bcltinx. Lace Leather, nbkit .Metal, Lubrecavtiog and Cvlindrr Odi nnd Pncki 1 ::s : Rainbow, Kul li.-r. 8>a|'Htoiie, AlK't ..s. H.-ni|.. ^[.ua> uml \\'n\ ' injC". Kverytli'iig tfcd *\ st matnhin*. To Builders :- Snij(!e nT -!i *r-ck >( Kin jrti' Iti.iiiiU- Ih-iiii>iilt11jMj>, Puinf OiU and >. . ' our >'|>i' nl .'ilti-n: : nod Bnlh w..S n. A carloiui nf .st..vcs bought At a jwctnl !"W price. If you arv in need of stove it will [r y. u t-> ee our price*. We will t. ' bo ui.dcr.id. A full line of Silver- wr. 5?4 will buy a goo<l sett of Buggv \Vheels. $5.00 will buy a looo-yani Snider Rif1. fT i .all or shot. A great bargain, only a few left. y you netd in Hard- ware or TJinivara We Jfamf ft. C.E.NOBLE&CO ^^^^^^^^^^^a^^m^m^^^^^fmm^m^i VARICOCELE & STRICTURE No Mh.r dlMaa. I. M pr*Unt amoaf mn a* Va th* DBlrltloBol ih. Mini organ* it product* .miaeloat. !<>> of i -iriciur*. n TOU nart raaaon to D*II.T . . ar* tit. It wul r.io TO.. Don't let doctor* eap^rl jaat f or irarlnf It. Oar New Method Treatment h.nc. it diaappaara aad caa aiaiat ratra W van el*. Aa It latarferee witk _ -- r , loee of eemea tkroafh ta. aria., drear ot the oraraa*. pala. In th* Mas. acklnf I. tk. back, .erroaaaeaa, d*- ooadeacT, batkfulnr*., palpitation ol the keart, constipation, and a comb nation L. l hue re.aU* ID complete I o of Ma jbood . Tbouand. of jonnv aa ' middle I afed men ar. troubled with Htrlclur*. If yoa bar. reaaon to b*fiT , a an afflicted wltk It, doa't aeflaxt It. ' e*i yon by cmtlufr. iireicbltif laeolvee tk. itrittur. tl**.* I ,. .. , > aricocrle and Strict.ra vitbont op*rattoa or loee of time. The trutmea ma b* I I lak. at horn* priTatelT. Sead for oor free lllaatraud Book ..a Yarlcoc*)!*. | Btrl.tur. <. J ijlect. W*> rautco to tur* or No !> . Kidneys & Bladder i . ^ " " U| compUlat* affect theee orraaa, hnr tk* kldti.r. an a f real aonrc. I or diaeaie. Ha.*- ton aching or wtaknee* or*r the imall of the back, tandancy t* I arlaat* fr.qu.ntl.T, d*pn.it In arin*. roldnM. of handi or fret, a drowij fe*!ln la |hr an*fninf. Doat uri-lect joar klda.i*. Onr New Mottkod Tr*attm*ut | 1 1* (uarantted lo car* any dlataae of tkaae orarana or no pay. No Names U*d Without Written Consent. O. W. Kowe, of Jackaoa. Mich., aar*: I had raricrr.lf In the Mcondary atajr* and two atrlcture* of 8 rear* Biaadln.;. I wa* operated on twlcr, undriKi.nirfrr.it anflcrl.f, bnt only Tot tenir-.rarv rell.r. I wae final IT adTlatxl to tir Ib. N*w Method Tre>trn.ot ol T>r*. K. Jk K. Th. ealarrfd vela, dlaappured ia *ix wnk, theetrlctera ttaeae waa ramoTrd la elf ht week* and rur **mal en.rvy and Tltallty rrt.rned ao I waa a man in .verr r**prct. 1 rKomm.nd you doctor* with my whole heart." n*f,.r CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURE NO PAY. A fur Treatment. W* treat and car* Nerrott* DbllltT. Lo*t Manhood, TaHcocal*. Strictor., 9rv Ilia, 61r*i. Weak 1'artn, Gpnorrhtra and I'nn itaral DlKhar*;**. Contaltatioa Fraa. B.K.k. Kre. Writ, for Qmtloa Ll.t for Horn* Traatmcat. 140 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT. MICH. Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, K&K K&K i 1 1 1 ti\v I:.N HOI-NO Institute KKOPFNINti Tuesday, Sq.t. ;?. |HU. The Owrn S.an.l l\.]W-Klate luilitut.i wlU n o|k-u i.. i the K>ll term on Tu*le. . Hrpt ir.l all' a. m., when i<u|>:l* will hr enr..:t .1 an I ela<in.-t and .'la*M oruauiM.t t. r tii> in-nt-rml . tl... I'.'iiiinin -i.-.l l\.un ; for nil vra.li.* .r I'lM.^i.-r-i ..i-ttAt<*t<i'< ; tor !*< a- i.l Honor .In. ii. ii RII.I s,. nor Marti i Miliuimi. an. I fur t-n tt'iiii''.. nit., i-ii til., litunu* I |<rofr*aloo.. Kiel and 1'g.ilpmrnt si MIIII> -i nu-n iftle bu;ht)t profef- .I'TiKtit' th'*roiulv .rtclni am) .111. I. lit. ,.l VUlollg tl .' I'.-t ill lllill .,.. T.mas t |lla.Ton itnllarl | ' ^- 'ir.fi.i |"l :'. ri.-i.i Itl 'I. l.< I'*. .'.. Jiillajt )',! y.-ar. I .1 \ii.n-; AIIIIAIIIU, .ui'iit i'i ntli.-r nif.irnu W M'jrnkla., Second If and Farm Implements MM nn lutt-.l N \ .1 ..r. I >!>! H'trrU mvomlli \u.l I.- . I. i-.. horaw i A, .. s , 1 1 ilrilli ..ii.l i, i! MIS fur **Jv nt a birun'it. k.(inRu.hrrord. f :ini hand iM'n> f"i \l i in.i k, HP. I S.-o-t, ', 1 ' . if l>rntftnil : .\|.n..ill Fn,K*m to Rent. iuv r II-IM.I tii.ks I. 'l <' .. Artomeaia. oonul iii (Uvloare-l an I under f.no*. Apply to At I i,. Kar.tedts, Kleebertou. D. riadill, Ceylon.

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