f .\ jtfcfrattm TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL. 1X1. NO 1060 Flcahiertoii, Ont., Thursday, Septerriber 19, 1OO1 W. H. THUB8TON, DITOB * PROP JUS TO* l Watches. u wt hea ve the lar mi'ti., 'he lOiu. ai.d t i iikiT.j .| S'ewart '. Eif'int'.n. main of the bride. j..f thin viil-i*r,t>, where she remained until red ') the resident pastor. Rev. T. j nearly a yeir ago. when she went to live l-m.ilK. We join a large \ with her daughter in Cheboyauar, at which place whe passed away. Deceased had been a eonainteut member of the Melhodint church for 50 year*. One bv me we see the old settlers passing away. Mrs. J. Wron and Misa Maud cam r)ver from Che>ioygn with Mr*. Hen- derson's remains and will spend a couple of week* with friend* here. circle "f file >i in extrniling congratu- ati'-nkto !; h.i{i[r/ young couple wh. aic-a'pT'- -i.j..ynf{ trip to ihe Pan A ii.trni* t --'!ier |oint* .-f inUrrwt. Mr* (' ' n on Mat SawJt S'e J^ari^ nursi. f ili wife who are ill witli T\ r We cit n -in.-. i and hea |f'l sym- pnt .y t.i - Hu'cheaon <nl family in their i- tiw cavued hy the it.a-li ..i . Mm. Brown of Mid- Unit ; a! r" Moore ami her family, a- w lie ' r - Mimre's mother, Mr. - > ' .1 thin ifr t fi-w daya ago. A. ARMSTRONG, *%aa-ai tiia. U*t ia From "'ir I*VH B..BN <MI v-.i 0. to Mr. and Mr* Tern Mr<'l!uni. a daughter. linn RI-UI.I.. Mun<ihaw hut gune ><n an rit..n led tun Co Stratford, Toronto and lfc. r [liter** f Itlt.Tnet. Ur raham of the sawmill is ravm 4 a I. ii.ls.Mii.. nmilei'ce mi hi* fsttu IB ti.e C'ui-kiM Valley. H l.u aatM .i '11- n deii.-i- Hoy* Villa, We are aoriy to bear 'hut Mr. IKnu-l 'McM'jiKn i ouoa.ly ill with typhuid fever. The youne pi'le <>f Eugenia ie aorrv M - >' v^^'e M done fmxi FriMi'iJwr 1'irn (Virrmfmaiiflit C^ni'f it ..ii n ..T fr. m here t>>k in the |'i.r..i. .. exliil>ri.n and Bufftlo Pan- Afttfrioiii > 1 r < d utnc. Minn S ih K linear returned home but week after an rX'mded visit with fri-rd* in Pr ' Mr and Mis. Will Clarke, also Mr.R. Kinnar. took i th* excursion to Owen S. un.l laitt week. Mr. Furtrr Roe* viaited his parental home la>t week. \li* K ..ma lilimford v. rv low at prvnvnt, but we hop* he may >.n re- cover. Mr. and Mr*. Henry of Markdaleviaii- ed her lirot.k-r. Mr. Gla*s:ord. Sunday. Rev. Mr. and Mr*. Uall of Berny riait .-1 latter'* h. me last week. Misa Winnie Hamilton wan a ctlier in .<ur village last week. Dr. Softly i* d'-ini; a rushing huin*ao am -e he cane to town. Mr Robert Fenwtck baa made quite an improvement fu hi* firm by putting up their nudrtt. After spending tbu SMmaier nt the Kuticnta Hou she kasnusM to her * ".nr wue fenoe. humc n <iltielg. Mr. W. U Uur lost one Kc-cuuci!!.ir 1'irlUr and ife upvat a few days the {>( > k vtiu< Iriomlt / Ptckeiiftf, \\ hi' liy >nd other plaoe*. He also spent n few days in Toronto with hut of hi* beat hoi aw* by gettinf its leg broken. M *. Etta Kinnenr.il Toronto in viiit- if her uocle, Mr. R..ht. \i near. Mr. JoNepli Clinton of Flenhert. a wa* a oiler in .or Mr < W.r Kt rk- u of Grew- tTwt, Pi.. i the giutt nf Mi*. Koy. Miw JemMe K*'y ii -MX-, ii 1 *ni ; Him Hnck t tpend thj wii.tor with h< r - >ter, fomnrly Mis* Li.:/.:c R.y i.f Mr. Kn K- .n h i. i ned the c*teui of a large nunilx-r of fticnds ilurin^ hia st^y at ihu place. He < very much. p*sa*d with Kuxi'ii i and h ipt-s **>n to re-<iir it. Mr. Walker Sloan spent s few days at the ft*-tvscjuricaii the pant w.-ek. Mr. J.din Villain <, ST., has bevn very foorly fur *oun' time psAt. Mr. n.l Mrs II -nry Williams pewt a vr**4 vt>iting fru-n>l* in Toronto during ethibitio.i no. V- Mus Ki-U Roweiiaau tnd Mm. >V,,.,lbur:i also went fi.r a few tiay* to sx thtirc ly iMuaiiMut tliat liia. MrH-KtteuUile aod Mrs. Watt of Dr<ik- lyn, N.V.. who hve- r>eeii vuitiny at Mr. Planii'-. f -r < mo tru.. {HMt, have return- ed to their tx>u:.-. They wuru <iiii;hlul with their Caivt' in i-g itnd hop* soon to Mptat it. Prirrvillr Frm " Tbrehnu; M the order arouud thu vli > IAMCU aad KimlUy rleaniiig nut fruia dailv. f the day Cv'm Mo- MrPhml are each .11 '.o threi- harn* e th( th-.- yielding well inl of a n-ry f.K^.l |4uty Rev. J. A. ValhdMoii attend^ the Presbytery Mtvt'rig at dntnjjvville !t-t to-day ^ll.s Mary McAu'ay l?*vt* K f'i*er. Mm. aiul son *lm> leave f t l'.rir home ir Uotruit. \ niiinlwr (r*-m he-e tA in the L. v>. L , jMci.:c t Sovi^in Prk Kite'rilty aaJ report gooxl tune an 1 a very larg* c-owi.1. Mr. Ucrh VVt-KU HB|t oet j hts houte by XIVIUK it ivt -if r>iixhcant. Mr. A. Ahull and MIM A. \Vi!o"X 6un*la)-eJ vkh <! lutttr'* sit.r, Mrs. John Panlviw. O. D. R . nU a:teiwied 'ci.ui-cli here iu thu uvuiinx. Mr. R. Prlow of Swintim IV> i> 'ga few Jay* with hut daughter, A"rmn Our CIJMI Mr. mi Mr*. Sherwood have thedep rat lymiMthy of th whole community to Ifeeir lad bwreavemmt in tb ka of rhir only child, wh> rlird at it* grand parents, Mr WI-IK .', cutback hue. The re- ' mains were laid to net in Fl.iihert.in cenie'cry. Mr. Thorn conducting the ervice . Tho many old neighbor* -..ill be * try to learn of the drath uf Mr. Wni. Mc- Muilen. who died t his boa* In Ottn- viliw Friday. Sept. 6. He leaves a wife ' and seven children to mourn Ma los*. Mr. JM. Mo Mullen and MUM Mllh* C-.k t tended the funeral, which took placs Sunday the 8th, at Mil Male cemetery. Mr R. Mcijill received a uusssge, on Friday that hi* mother wa* rry il!. He left <>o the evening train fur her bedside. Mrs. AahriowD received word >h*t her tUuxhu-r, Mrs. Smith, waa very ill ID Grace H.mpiul, r T. i.-.> She left : r Toronto on Wednesday evening uf UM week. Mr* e. Tucker vnted l.er daughter in \Viartou Uu>t week. Mr. Chi-de't ..f iiw.-n Sound viwted hi parent* heru fur a few day*. Mr. KddMK>*< Turunto Junction, formerly of this pUcv, it visiting >'<! freaJi hem. Mr S. Hemphiil had hia cow kille>l with lhe*un>noit Koing north last wec President Mxkinley Dead rVi>()Mr(u-, Corrttfo^dmt. Mrs. W. J. BUken>n. TJews is very scare..' just now. Tsu Me*ar*. C. E . Wt*.n of Durham an 1 hat* of t*> tlircshins inaehiuu i* heard Ch-ts. Tryon of Siaum l*ark Htjeni Sun- in several ( 'ur.ci 'ii-. ,!y At thvir h"ine here. Not very many frtxii ihis ne>ghlx>rh'Hid Mr. ami Mrs. O. McAllister ! C Ilini;- attanded th.. Tor<n t' Imluatrial this year wo<'d are ruitiug their daughter, Mr* owinn to tho Inteuen* of the hnrvoat cnus T!i8. Nicliol. od by wet wj.nh*r. Ami'i!st thowe who l>id In Ohenykgi\ii, Mich . on Fri- went WIT Mr. \V. Lonswity and the iUy. Sept. 13th inat., ill the rea-dcnce of MiMM Norval. her duughter, Mr*. Jns \Va'ii. \\r-. Kr nn-l V<ni. !" -' liato rtiumed sf>er lUvid ll>nlcra n, agvd SJ yeArs. The htving a rUit with frivnil* in T.'r<o<nd reinAius ere l.r^u^ht t.> Piicc>-il!e fo r tJtnet'villo intcrinoiit. Tlie funvral look |..l.>ce from An in 1 Tv-trx . \.-nt t.Hik pluee t th- Method 1 .*! church, Sun 'ajr, whrre "The Biin* " ihe h'-ni.- of Mr und lr*. the seivico ws 10 .1'icieJ by Ri-r. K W. John J.ilrn 'n .111 T'.i-Hhy. Sept. 10th, Varley, tullio burying Krou'id how. Mrs. when their (laughter \ddi<*a united in Hende-wu w* born nrkl married in Ire- oaMnage to Mr. F. W. Taylor of Nelsniw land ami CHIU* to Um count -y in IKI8an.) B. C. The >te!y bndel>K>ked chatm.ng swttlod in Markhatu where ho lived f. r dressed in whit* oryandif. Tho happy * number of years, moting to thtvicmi y bi Ids groom alno Ufkitl hi* beat. The of InisloK*. Krom there I hey moved to U. 1. lj .-n. -Preeid i,-. M.-Kmley Jied at .' li . tn. The .:. rdy ul the uew centiuy reaclien its cul- iiuuaiioii itu l lie paakinK "T of the 1 President in thu pru*eiiv* of hi* wife, brother and matvr. uear relativa*, uieui ' oer uj the Cabiiift aril friend*. li ~ lat wifda weiet.i Mrs McK.nl y t 9. JU ' o'clock. They wcro, "vou * *i .. i ot oun, be done. 1 lie i'rontdei.t aiade a j tight for life covering tiro i .i>. Iu il. tiiat time, although aulfvruu lu'etuely, DM liaa uuui<teteu nuiiiljceiit countK , ad always wnl be proud heritage to lie people uf the t'.*tr>n that he loved. H s..l wan suatainu-l t.irougli the uois houn by the tublti:i<Mi L'bn'uui oer- >-ni y. Fro. u thu 'iiuv h wai by trte aasiuMm'ii bulle', b.' ha Mid picyiBifl) r-'i*:-riiv; '. hi* aa all.*- i, I -r n , . ne [mini Inui," up to to n glit, when lie loicud UK itKigliaf'oU to the in- eatable to hi* devoted wifw. every h"ar of sutfering noa beeu characterized by lufty Chruuian furtitutlo. No word t cumplaiut n r frown born .-f petulauea oiarrvl the ever t.nor <f his i^tieaoa. Hi* pliysiciao* and nuno. who w-re cuui^iarative atrai^xr* u> hi u one w-ek ago, after the lirti dty in hia auHc ro>m loveil Inin vtilh a n-vci.'ncu lliat oauiaot decr oo. The butt two hour* of hie life were. moment* itliuoat of urtndeur \\ nil ex- hau>tiou an i p*iu beuuiubii>){ hn aenawn, ! he. tonally cUe<( hut rye* in uuconecioaa- ii.-v.. *nd then, M if re u. Unt to leave I the s de of one ho !iar. ii Inn j .>* and surroki tinco youn^ muho4itl, he awcke and naked f< T Mr*. .Vc\i U-> The Ut pnvate mevtii'K with nil that il nic.int fur both of theoi ta for the n'riken IK alone. With hexutiful C"urKu th.*t -K'fUi.xi to r:>' wiili tlie i. fed of Hi.- liolir. MM McKinlt-y, :ho:n;Ii lirtAua and ruckeO annuKt lo the breaking point w.tlih.r ovcrwheliniiK SIM row, witlke>l McFarland, Stafford & Co. riARKDALE. ONT. 6rey County's Biggest Store Fall Goods Now Ready for Your Inspection. We hat been Wi-rking hard the part weeks checking ff and putting in tock oaiw *ier cane ot new -'wda and eTery^w*ll alraoat rvery day another dray load iadump<d tf at oar dora. SOOM of our n|(hbor* *n finding fsult with tn fnr b<ivaa; the paremeot tillwl arery day with packing caw*, but we can ai"U(V the public we do our brit to get the ca>0 opened ar.d th new g .MJS earned in*ide with at lit'le -!^Uy a* poa> aibi*. We are umply pre|mnn^ for the bigpwt Fall and Winter baemeea ever done mi thia con. or. 'P'e magnet that drawi poeple to this itnr from here, there and all '. ver, i* Low Price*. Thin coupled toKother with honest ifuod*. Uigv t variety, and nothing but aquare and uprit(bt g, K bound to kf p the buoini mowing. Thee prion an piniriri up frum a ,{Uoce tnu^ug the new 12 only Ladies' Mantles, latest -rtyle iu either fawn or black beaver cloth: fancy Applique tiimming on collar; new Bell aleeve. It pearl huOmn and Mercerised lining- A coat equal to what we have told other saastins at >.50, our pnce tLi* fall ViW 10 pis*e* Savy Blue Senre. 40-inch wide, suitable either for jrownai or boy*' clothing, regular price 25c a yard, we have them marked to sell at ID} 10 piece* Xem Cauiela hair dreNS cloth. 43-inch wide, the new tints in -reys, fawns. -.cvwns. graens. blue*, etc. Uood value at 50e. a yard. Our price M "*j ^iec C<tuioe Flannelette*, assorted patterns in pot*>trips. Floral d.f>un in i i -. lut, reds, ure**, etc., K inches wide, regular lOo and , jali-i^s, your choice this season at t**} 10 pec*s Oxford Shirtings, in assorted patterns, com pure this line with :: g you <*) at lOc yard, our price/ 7^ tkX) (Hiunt 1 * Mula Cottonade Reuinants, bought direct fmm the mill at iu nU) per p< und, they run from 1 :o i yards in leng*h, worth 15*} to . yinl. y. u can take y<ur ohire at per yard :< ) ill w. > . .1 ) L-U.-IC and white check, and (rey and f 11 cy puid patterns, very *uitar>ie for dre*sa* and undenkir'4 a* well as - l.irs. Rcgulivr 30e i i ;. hile they last we will ty 20 v.r flann.'lett blanketf, full *ire, aawtxted hit. grey .iinl fawn with fancy eolored srnpe borders. Uu^ular 'Ale kind, oar price- 75 <* pure all-wool *erge in o.ivy u. 1 black, ^8-inch wide, just the I'ni.ii , cn.vt wear. RvgUi.tr 4'te. value. Our price 29 1 i 't.ly Ladiea' Fur Caperines. Mack couey with Mjuirrv's tail*, fancy ;inl !:n UK, c!;iin fa>f .... r. I'C'-P storm collar, as *oud as we hsve r\ ci .irfered at 96, this scuson .inly 3.50 . ' n;. ..locvi *./.i; i '..,...-' < . >'. in; -h Bear trimming, u r erited tin- -r, compare thum with what you ee at 18.50, our I-rti?e . . '! - Shirt* and diawr*. f*ncy pac'crn, full 98 Cent* each. We can ail! th>m at 5.90 , rvituW valu* 25 .n Men's Henry nM*.i l'u.lerw-r, a.itl grey and dealt, pure % .1, Ift- s. :l'y sold at 73 ct*. inch, this Mason 30 r Mi n's heavy Tweed pants assorted Kripd pat'ern*. cpvcial value "." \IcFuriaiia, Sthfford & Co, Fkshrton Furniture Olarerooms. I < J b .tu-'y MI the bedaide . f ml v/ave ik,*- a fatv'ell the rrvHident .MI 11 ACO ainl Jiwtiiow tem* -iloiu tlirvsliius{ and | : an* in order, lunl tbo following is j interetting : In a recent contest at (.Sue'ph to feed wheat to it i|>antor for otic hour. Amos Bowie , an Indian from Ooeiila'iiwn. corruxl olf the gold in^dul aga'iMt fo-tr while co*: etitow, xpSTt) fiom tiilK'r- nt |it>t* of On'aro. In an h. ur Bo*le fel 136 t.unl.o and 1 pe.k of wheat, wi.il the next nun was *ro>Dd with 121 bu!*heii, cloaelv followed by tbe third which was 119 bushels Thefourth ! fwd 110 bushel*. BowWs weighs 180 ' wai performed by Rar. J. W. Con. 1, ArtemeM*, abuat two mill* MM pottodaand i* very atruugjy built, Iniporirr "f in-1 I'ealer in >*e Soo 'i and Cani.Kv' ' : raaiM . k f a'l kinds. Monuments Repaired and uiscripti -n* out on SYDLNHA.T ST. Read These Prices... They are found only HUNTS GROCERY. Wrifhfs Old Stand. V\"e are carrjin^ '1 in-west j \ of swwon iWe ^ . ,.i !in. i Kurnituiv, cm !i i. .^ of ua. each \\ .-htwsatd* ............... 20c I'. I'v.t* Kiclni.t- i I vr | -i cnn .......... To for ...... PM'r. i.ti'y JK.T mi t'i> ..... nl linking P*!! 1 !-, (> r mi (.'orii SiHtv'ii. o ..--** for (K r Sing S..t. 3 lv>xe f.-r. .. .. M-i-l.noiu i-.tHiip j-vi '.ttl> T"iinro cti*ii|> i.er i otile. . . . lirick. jn-r l X bedroom i.:ti. lounges, eitenxi' n *i.d o , ohiiuv oimlow <liadi ond n polr, pio'ure-, ivei, e'c , Which we oiler at . .1 l'n<Urt.ik\n^ mrng. t>riiicnw. W. H. Bunt, FLESHEKTON