Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Oct 1901, p. 1

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JTlesIiiriim "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. XXI, NO 1052 Fleahertoti, Ont., Thursday, October 1O' 1OO1 W. B THORSTON, EDITOK * PBOFKIETOB Watches. .- ahowini: in t" h ivu the langeat i i t).c i\ hum ii,t" conid'-ri uj in new . : .1 " . ' '' . ei-s !:.iuM r !: >.iin: "M k.- liiy I . .n " The SM-. kj .1 > 1-1 '.. u.- in .1" u .md l"k at > t.'iy n it. W. A. ARM.STRONfl, ewflter * Optician. Fk.hcrt-.aOu; < ,,r iiii|ial Osprey Fall Fair. Friday in- ming Uvst, when th- people of O.j.rey awakened from their -lunilier, they fo;,u. ! ;h. : '-.iii'i cnverwl with allow. A* M ' <>k- 4 'l l'lu for Ihef.iirn' i., :ind the director* were correspond a\y d-.^'it-arv-n. I. Tlie Virrn* came at inierrala throu^'uiut the -l.y. hur the anrpriiM of the dueotor* a cro*d onme nlnoand in nearly e^ery res- pect the fair could h compared f >v rnlil- witli l.if year, unto receipts being about .*i:*l. wl i"l iheo. no-rt netted $80. Aa u usual wit'i th:-" !<h" v. tome Terr fine hor-a were thowu. with aheop and pigs up to th aveimc.-, whilx in cattle there WM a falling off. In the hail the roota ' were very tine and averything WM a good .IH.TIII... Mr. Noble ..f Uul.dalk niad* a i-prcuil exlnliit of furnacwt and m very ' haay bo-.' . and rspliiDin^ th.- .|ii.tii' Mr Nol.le is <\i as few special exhih:ton hid the elements that day. r n ^nd Kelly t - e 'h* c. nicer' , r ^-\ .n i trrtani- iii- nt ' - ;h n^hly enjoyed. Mr 1". "The .Simnish Re- ini-i.-itol. Fi'! full. Hol: Dnuglit Patr. Wui Hrewn'- r i : tti i. r. I'.vr, W \ Tayl >r. I'>r.<~l mare, H aid, A - '-'settr- v !eD"U- i Me H c.lt. Thfl following took k Owen 8. und fair phentoo. H M.-U'tul I 1-yeor- Mi*i.\. .1. ; |, V, KM, (f Spring d'lt. M. A \\n" ! .1. Donald, -I : V stm and Mr. (Jeuei.il I'uri.^ Pair, R Adauio, Jan, in ire, J '.n M K IU'.)M.-itth. ,, Duuilnlk ( ttew t -li. 8.yr >ld oo't, J I man Uuck- ;'-' jl ";" f ^'o'" -'"'' '" ll " M Kin "' :D> ' ' ''"" "' '' "r' ^ I Be.,. I'r I . Wed iv - , *" ..ill .way, H V l> nald, ' I.Ik f.-r the fair , M.'.HSI. M S,,,ith. T J. Pwton arrived home from .;M o.lt..l I U . id 2nd. hn.J.-ii U-- !. ..Xin.j wrlUf:,-. ^.-l ,a.,t. I |Wr. (',, . nn Mdlx':i lift mi Sarurdiy .:he_!ia.s got* jeiu 1 -year- - II. T- ry niii-li U horo :.^ I > w i< lie fr-r aex. .1111 1UCOet8 111 llM Hew l.ia.v nf i < M' !'h, 1 1, .! M. Burnett. 'n Liu; Duludi <in . . Duupc in I K !.. of ''' J her fru-uls nii'l uM m i- ; ,'ti tlie D li. List ueik. M i ,.i W v mi t- '' I- i for her !. i 'ii, 1 a!! Single : r nil by Win Hume':. , .n, J A Kcrnabau. il.K L' aliaui Age*! bull, John llm.'. 0"W,Johti ' . J"!ii, Kin^. . Jerney Aged cow. U 1> M.-.'lruui. .-iiatii, J"hi, I year ol.l i 1'uck Hi- ier cill, J urn* n, Joliu Kin-. lent. Shrupshire Rani i^ud, J Kern.-ilmn. Shearling mm, J i\-. ,r..-. I', vwea, J Ken: ill. ia Pair shearliiijtawes, J K>-r tiahtn, J Ken... ColawoM li in. .-.'e.l.R Ruihimi. Run in.-. \a \ Mu r. Hani I in I i .- fliearin.K twK. . to Sows say* i:ii time t-. '' ' ' M Pair nucailiu| ..r. I'.ur eu U.nls, A M i;r. ; i'y inom- ' . , ny> f . > Muir, J MoKiamm. ,,1 mtiful I'.ir ewe*. A Mu:i, .J ,- t'air - -. A Muir. J;,- i. A Muir. i tSo SW ; turn uir \ , J M s^. 13 nil,.: illy coi.-u; ,,ir. W U , ainl thv present piu-- J.joi, J Bo.ir pig . luthi in, K ):-i 'I.V..II. I ni.it crop 1 .; yet ruimms to bo harventod. nn.l - ..., U Kutlivau. >o pi I'JOl, R UkU-il cr. .f lota of hue weathur jet, |v- i;.,, Viiil-i. \Ve hope o p.., ^ TUY 'lli ii-..utiful w t-ather existmi; durine i. -n .how fair induced uiany-l , H* * ',* V",f' J?S^?* our neuhi*ra t.. take in tho s x h's a-.-t ""% H^p7 ' W^l'tf"* C day nf"thf*ir! We e wi r > nd| l "how *aj:y U " 4 " u ' Vk: '- K 1^''^-" !". > of th.;: 'ill i... to the city to feu t!,',- U ' > k " :l1 - U ti<:ut6 ' ^H.k I ; mte. tv -' 11 "' . tll ' l 7'' J t - : -"" t '- NV ti "^ !.. T. -. Tk- . luik-ys. U UMi-ldi-uin. K Kutlivaii. few ti-!nti"ii> on lliis line lajst .'hel Lyiiea* h friend* in \\'- M. '^ hitukcr visited Ir inOw.u Sound Ust we-i. Sl-.e. o.is ' ' i . M -.-. ! li i r<-i.n.ii8 to t:iko . hand -ail typ.-wiiiin t ; at t!. outlet o (hor*. \\\- bopvatu *>ll rvtum iii tl o typii-Mt M!iil st- ii"i;r[ili.-r. Mi i" week NVt- ite th;it vciy > e Week* a^o. It ,H tit Bis 1 . tl...i.^hi th.it .01 ] 1> u: .luit further .1.- in>\ . : uiivi. ilit for l.iri and lion c*ao. Ar i mil be ueces-iary but fun uliiin-ite roc<.very il! I .- the result Many thinksHn- due to IV K. K. K'chard^oti for th.- kindly in torest h has taken in Alfred's case. 1.1. le, K Flummer, A M-air. Eirly Horn, A Muir, R Plummer. Field, R A-^-TT-, RPlununur. Prnips. A Muir, K I'luruiui r. Onion* from need, W H Conn, H rUitman. Potato tMiionii, Gen Whew. 11, H Hin.n. Bcaiw, white. T r, U A Miller H> nb blaou, J<>- iiney, Neil b'ergu.-.on. Corn, table. R A.I.UI.I, U Walker. Corn ensilage, K -, Wm. .M.rf.it. .Jabbage-- nini{Mt*dt, J Elli'.it, I IVr-i.; ., Red, J oilier variety, Isuic Hatvtnn, J Uliott. Caulitiowur. Ira . \V H i .: n. Twuiatoe.---, rel. \\ H Conn, R Pliimtner. .S[uah. J K, ey. Pumpkiu, Fred Hwt.,n. Win -luliau. \ M irrow, J Klliott, R V Hur^e. i'itn,n-, J Ki:i..'t. XV J . Cuuuiiibc-ri, J Eiliotr.WJ Moora. Celery MUM K Uicklmx, I Pengo. Kkl'IT ANI> KLoWKRS Appl -Ducha, J Elliott. W Hodgen. A.. \.iiidot.J Elliott. K Uuthvan. Wulf 1: * r, J Klli.'tt. It I: hi a >r-., K Adaam, K Kuthvitn It Kutti.-an. KM- -. K U..- P Mou ten burg. 1 '.';' I'Ull". 1 pl.iut. A .1 1 IV, jo, '. \ Mi cr. Ueg.mia. K I' MeUlrum, }' Stouteubur^ C.lla lily. 1 \ J Ciinr o. l'"!!.vti"ii^ f K Hcrun. DUKY ANDnTiltil i R Kxir^.-i li"iicy, 1 IVn;-.. J Elliutt. , Holl l.uttL.r, W .J M.K H Mel Butu*r. crock, W J il. r . Win 11 CbeeM. bumvinade, V. 'l..,ij. n cake, Mri McTavish, Mi- K Hickl.iu. Ji-lly c.ike, A .1 i'..iir n. N r , i _ i ; . ' St.,u;.-ni.org. Biaad, honitma. 1- . J McK N K r guauii. )Uple !u^,-ir. \\ \ I , R D Meld .in, \V < it. Jar peaches, ! Jar j.lu.ii*. 1' lia.' Jur pear, T ' . A Jur gnipen, M - i Itr i" -. O A MilU-r. : UU\: ' c wiie miff. , .-u-oii r.tir i|inlt. t> Walke- - . O W.ilki-r. V N 11 inleiNiiii. ' ;ion, other, Mrs It N Imrn Wlrjk I- . " - .' f. A Vn i N li>-ti-li-r"ii, Pm t > \Vali,, r ker, ' . .Mr- K N H. iii'i'it.'ii, J 1 I' i. i i ' M: , V M - UN I!.', .i : in. > ::i cu-!u -I, s . v 'I .nip*,:.. \. .1-1; .'. K li i \- : -UN I H'TK lil - ' , I' ! O Wnlker Mr. K N lii-i.dr.uu.<> W 1 McFarland, Stafford & Co. HARKDALE, ONT. * Grey County's Biggest Store Drag-Net has been . .-^n- OUT We're had a drag-net out for some time, catchinu any baruniot that miht be r ui.<l Surprisiim what can < Hxaionii!y l>e found in thi* way. par- ticularly H ,_ _h anil the bait ia god. We uaa cash fi.r bait .Mid rnxi chat it <W, i. -,-r Lhar any other. Oumtock ao fail of geaailM goud things as now. wan never .1 Hliirl among Gi<* c...<. W pi>uiid < -! BrowD su^ar for 91 ' <ii iuulatadaavar for tl i. -we:. i r. ii-ii - i'.,r f 1 Ceylon tea, refrnlar 25 y, for. . . ............. fl <[u Tea, regular tt ci-ut i|Urtlity. for ............. 91 ui(er Snap*. r>^ulnr i.t kuid, for ...... . . 4 !! s, rejular !. . i regu: U :,, a lx>ttle t'..r. ttc. I. mi. Fruit C. .niul frijular .-. f..r ____ 3 <1- . - -up, amnrtmi H.i ch.-irv, |iine . 2 cndd:en C'urr^ney then H -.'ul.ir lit ............... r> .-.. '<e Bowiiary j ...... ...- ! I ' and . ' lldt - ....... Same Special* in //-,/ i 1 i pietffi ri.iiinelettf, in s-iip-- v! th * wr k. ,.* |HT \ in!... -I . .-i *> , ' us, rega- ! ir 7-' for . F M n i knit topihir's, dark I )xford tfTey wuh collar .titA.-h.-d. l.rmst p.,ik-t aud g"<jd heavy '. regular 80 cent hind f ; .jht itti'l .1 irlt -h4.1.'j, iu js- rteu I stnpe pat- tern. iH iiKli^H wide, special thin wee* at pr yard ............. 5 -" - . :. ; .ir ' 1:1^.1 , i; : V' ...i oiahiner* h.^, ai> Hi, 9. H The kni't '.'ip. a pair f..r. rew* .air 1J ..r lot, 'J."i dozen pairs men'i n-y w.-.l H x. l,,i,y length wht- het-'n, tue and ribl.ed apwaal this week at 2 pair fur 25 /;;.< MI riitthimi -' v i "it's, the new cat new cio<h avui-bit'ing Kox n tine w ''* ey iu nil tizi-H. bet of tr: i rmiiana 1 ij PI rrgukr way at t >ir |.n , ............. 1') M "* v > . W.th ^ ' -iini mad^.i <>r - Ill'l r-Itr V]l. -v inefeni. ju.tl rlio i -r. heaiy toei 1 n- . . ,pud*l I saw '. :il. :.n,l -r r Iu nultt value "ur | . -i !- . - .. :ii'ij< and * r. ^uaran'wil. : ui-ir .- price- . . I - urn, nice dark tons in cray auU brown mixturea, j-uri- w.-o! twenl. Us- ,f !inii.u in I .rK:i]:inlii|>. (.'0111; nrv them with U .-.our .............. .fi bi-avy vStaflord & Co, WteiBI&&^^ GRAIN l:-.-ii, K \ . .. I i-..rj.'e. I Whewell. Wh:Vv. M r :i.' i:. K Ku .; van, U A>!ii h'ti- r'if.-. K U'tt.itdii, U .'.ili.i.s K '.l Kife, ' John L'.u.-l.v-i. Other v.u iiott, MI il . U Ku'h-! V11I. Wliltf . HIS, J KM:. wr SSui.ilt pern. A Muir, J I 1 1 ; A MiiK-r, U Kutliv.in. Tii- > '.'uir, K Ad.n.i*. MJU IK- iii, A Muir, .1 >TS AND VKiiKi-AiU.; \ ' . '-, I K e; li.-ii.:,W 1 1 ' mi. \ (I'll. I V.I MI. .1 O.I .[,. ' Cull. :, (i \\ I: UK'S, U i'iumim-r, J Kill -it Uwrdi-t-ii tuimps, John M- Kii.non. (. WhewrH. Wo-! I'teto, I, .in;, I. \ will, T C' "|t-r. Ulixnl beetx, i>:h<.-{ var. ] -ty, U Heituiau, 1 U-kwiun. C.u ; Mr P. Harm k*ppe'ud wit h atn-x eX|Kjn :K.- a >-h-irt t-in ^,. \\'i ilu -,V.M k- i the 6AA hi- w.-nt t ) lifr i when a .-ij.Kler '-.* h'm un ih-i tin.e,- .1 d huiu '>'i MI ifi.n li- i ;ul lo ku<H.-k It n'! !.!< linger and hand Iwx-in to swell an-1 ll..-r his inn H.-nur>i-<t the nie:u- l-er c:>rt-fu|iy for :i day m,d nfler .i,i:ilyin j iniuiy i >-iiir.iioH, h not the [. -i-. .n 1 Lilt not i'1-f..ru h,' sutl- rv, i.. i ML- thought ror a whila that 1 1".- tn> ildi' w .,il.l jnw.t .rou- oo .very. -Jin. fill na- '. ) the i. r , M , , . \| AllK-u ' snj ilelib.-r.itly cut ii'ul s. to make i . The . ,i-d went cui in m, tin- U.\ M-..r.-a uirii kn f - l'-'-|i!.- ill at . !l no-.s u. full p ll.i.tj of , W. Mr. S-nuol Marti-i j...^v.'-l away i'.o-.tiNt ui-'Uiir.tm Lwst Fri- day. I ho rem.-iiii.i v i thar lii:r\n:- j.'.ot on tin- Mr i"'t Mis. Alox r- fr ; -i '!* n: ' M 'v-.-k. u "f II !>!id C. ntte l>t-i - ,u-{ HI .Ml. H. \Val! .:.' tiii.i \1 s IWIa Du.,iran of Sl > -t . f Mr* Jav. Stewart. Mr. W. Edm him (juii to Parry S..und w.tli ik number of home* which h* iuteuda to toll thre. iUm. ....(..tii '!. flonunients Repaired SYDENNAH Fli 3 hcrtcn Furniture < 5Uar Brooms. Read These Prices. .' BUNTS GROCERY. W rial's o:.J StanJ. 1- .... i I : - t, r IIM 1 *'l-. . I I'.m F. A Ul'NT, FLESH ERTON . r JMI. ^ of : Pirl . .- at LO\VI:>T I '' . K* ' :

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