OCTOBER 10, 1901 THE FLESHETON ADVANCE MARKDALE | F, T. HILL & CO. ! MAKKDALK -? *ii- FOR u' tin- | r -si'iit HCMUM itli i lir lurm'N' :IM<) uunt oi>ui|ilete ntnck nf Ni'W Fun it I. UK i-vt-r ! < i n mir ^H\ fi.r tu<5 lei .'<-iir< 1 .lust wtuTi-\i i wi i-niilil ^rt the t<t-l \.iluiNwi-houulil- ilic li-a-in.' Kn.'li.-h, AI..I-I: .1. .u.. n tuufacturera bang t-.-| n .mul in oarktook. \Vu not unly olnni to linvi' tin: laruu-t M'.. . l i, you'll fiml hvrfHlMiiitf., i. in v* b*re inautod on getting qaalttira tbftt *r boluteljr Jependkl>. \V.- gu\rnt every fur garment HI- *!!. no nuf.rr h.iw on ill tin- price. Nutd thuw priccK nml l.rfmo buying nee the line* thuy aperines k C..ney Caperine, fancy lim-l, d. i-p ( -oll.ir, ulinin uii.'. .t li:iti.N.inic wn i. .-,ili!.' .'uni M'. .-.p c i!.40 r,hrd..r S.al ('.i|.i-rini-. ii.-!. latin lii ilia, ti tniU, up- t.. iliili> rtnd dressy. s|n>cittl ................. 4.60 Hlack (li'poMuiii C'.-iperino, K I ul. d.i>p Imck and fr..nt, I, \ti value, spei'i.tl .......... 5.00 S..iil I'*|H i-'iic. inlaid mill r.T-i.-in Jjiinli, > tai!K,ch;un . exci-lii-iit Htin linini;,<tfi.|i fn.nt^mi.i Imckt, r marki\l.!r i.ilne, H|-ecial .................... 7.50 (IB. St. me Mxrten C'perin(>, inlni.l witli electric ie:d. I'. tail*-, fancy lire<l, extra Jeep back and fr.m'.s;.. e 7.- r '0 U OppoDsain Caperine, 1H |HI|, rich Muck -inn linim", extra lit'^e, warm i:\ri ..... i's Kpe. i.-tl ' 7 '" OpimMam Ca[?rine, inUi.l with IVrxian Ivtml'. M fHKienin.;. s.-itin lined, ' t.iil-. lotvjr front and i-x- n ;i di'i-p hack, special .................... lo tut Klyctric Seal rn|Kirines, inlni-l culUr of IVrHian I.in.li, ri. Ii sntin linings, (I tail*, ch tin f:iieninir. very colliir .111 I lnni{ 1'iidn, special .............. IIIIKI Kh"-'rii> Seal Os|>oriii.-,ml.-ii.l .-nlliri if black .\Mtranhnn, othiTwi-k' same IM above, |>...i-il ............. l(i.mi fi tailn, chain f;\->. nitii', tin.- Sursh silk lining. rH-Hiitifully liiinmiil nml Ir Aslrachsti Mirl S-l Cuperin. . s i.uls. tw.. ln..-i.'s,li n I some satin lining, adeepi' .~;.-.-nl I'J 75 Seal C':i|>iiiii>, ^11 tniln, i-h^unt sutin 1 of tli' 1 nioeslt Viirin 'iits y..u i ..ilM Hi-.li to net', nj.ei.-i il .1: I ' ." Ill i.l, I l| ;M,HSIIIII Kutr. 4 (nils, iM-.iulifnlly 1 ,n,. 1, h|iei-ul ................................. 1 '25 Black Kulf, ID iiviU. extra Isiyo lined 1 iW. Caps I ' i-nil Lllllh r-lps, h.tlldo|||e ipliltrd lining, .ul. time InieA, all M7.es, at U.5(l. _' M.'i. and ................................ lllnek Astraclmn CAJW, "\\idi.'.-" Slmp>. Lti^lit Muck fur, lA-i-ii i-nrl, (icrfectly lined ;it .'! .Ml. '.'.., ;,ml 1 ;;> |{lu-l> .\t;tieh.in capt, "liamU," h. .mtifnl fur anil well lineil. it .'I 'J5 nnd ............ . Bear-HeRver caps, all *'\f.<-t. rich diirnhlr fur and very light, in wi-iuht, beautifully lined nnd durable. '.. .-i il ' in weight. nd ITT, I'.iiiiy Ca(M, wed?r, very will wi.-nr fur yinr-i. thr<.u-hly lineil, Black IVnian Ijitnb Caps, bent 'piiility. all niaes, in Ihii MI-SI. us iii-weMi mil jnoit popnl.tr ktyleN.npeoial at 050. ri!N)an.l ........................... I ;:. S, ,1 Capn. nil s . , fully fiiiihli. d and tli.irouv'hly up-to-date, hpecinl at . . ;t 75 Ladies 1 and Gentlemen's Fur Coats. \\\. justly claim to have the laruent and licst imiiirtment of thoae i-v.-r in the rolli-ciion. in MarkdaU, them heinn nuirly ono Ladien' Black A*trschn Jacki-'n, '.'H in. Ion?, |.erf<itly bind, i-u.-u-.int.-i.l lo us and by UH to xou * n ,V > TM) " " " " ' "I '.I) ... ... -t i-V I'M L'H jr, IHI J7 IK) L's u l 40 (N) iiietil i.f M.HI'I I einl.mcin almost all wervir .,!,!,. kin. I, an.l p ; : -.. \\. ,,\ n-liii,l.. Kur Ooato at |13 00 to $25 00 i T. S-.5- (Ko. markdaU. | Importing Retailers. l rom the NV'lic..tfioKN to perlorm KIM) the ma'-hini. 1 p.i'irini; out ' . . . , '. I i, -ni.v : ->in, TI-HiikuiL; y.ni for pi-t u ..f your vnlnalil I . -in,. H-. i n, itli y.iur IM-HN nil n i.-w iioti-M In ninny fnrn.ls -,\ |i i i .11 ipirstrd me to wiito In the n . many inure tliiini-.-b (In 1 y..iir |i|ier i.ur pap,-i- I t:fk.' i _\ lltr>' ColtrSl> ! 111 \Hsini!>oin, thun, S. Hue. if i bo fnrniem aro t' : in the stook, whiln HIIIIIU have M thii lieltl. Tbo crop on ilie ,,|, 1. || HI i-vi-ll,"it "lie, yt tli"' t Will miles from here, went, nr. 1 ilir nub which I piii-.l ami emu uu I th.' wheat, wl.ich was frozuti > tha' , . .1 wan Hiinply rhii-'<. ti fo d. Nut \. i > li"dy, in nil thoir crnji In i nt yield of No 1 hard by any i-., \i-tnii i be whole cnunlry' n\t-r v.n all that, could b. 1 .1 sm-.l. rt.-ni mvit.'d t.. help a in in l nt n l.iM ton lield uf wheat, mid MH one nil. ju-ivn, . M'urt.'J wi'h the binder and '. i. uu of tliieo liorsi 1 ". nnd i i limit .n- tu ..! riijht round ]i li. l.i folio* Hi- Ahi'.itan.l wo would 1 1 in ' hen' an inn point ; an wV MartM in hull n|uriti and Ir ivell.' I mi and mi, ..in nuw Ma-wiiy inai'liun 1 .''i. Kin; oil ill,' l.i.n.i .MI hhrives in n niUHiial w iy, lul.-'t in I'liilleinpl.it .ill ..( llui H.:..ne wo lid l.iHt in rtii'-ii'-. Su.ldi.iily AH i ul In. .kill.' I "III 1 Ii .11 III H.III , , ,.ir not t.riKpasHiii/ on sninu ..Hi i p. rso;i' furiii, I ln> w.iy M>.'IIU>I| ... ked n^iead amioiisly for N me in -I'ull'. h'o'l" v tlin . ' < 1 uid n . ., hi- I. -.:it .1 u f.ir .liiinli.a / And In 1 f. ryul to .\ nould Minp ovel in^li' ' .. i !i. *hi-.i' 1 1> \M ill '.HI ear. so mi AC C ', "i I j'l t 111 one I. in- i> an> hack .: 'i.i^' p-.;nt I' :i I I. did I ubolii ciiiinly '. ll'i 11, Mich am ..,:ks ..I 'leal her . The opi'ia'io'i- urn \ery i ,| dill oil a *:. i' b. I . . inil.-n i.v.ii . V"l "'''' nn ''"- " ' '.i ten 01 IV. .'lie ilin/ from HK>k t.i p-uii-H. U .-< M'- > li'-i 1 ' army hi'ld.i iii.und ou iho piiuciual ilwt . i -nch:i < iii. i nl to tlui uew. \ -i tli.- .p I w.. lind .M.ny one (jivmx cer'ain (Mirnon of tho buy wnrk ll'islli-ls pel 1 . nt ib. -:i .., :tii ,,r man ; :i ||||lllb.T of "II the tint liiiiilin-.; lo t>|-, -|. ni -r !<M i! ..t l i\r l>...-,i | - Ire it. \ el .'ill i-ll not |K|,- Ii in ibis HHI . :ini| Mi .1- o||i- \,..:\t n< |,., | |l,,. w | ,,|, | I *..li hiiise -.In ks iii ,i, iv ,l-i. , - i l \ is H l|||i|y -i-|-, -ll 1'ili'i in the tii'inity nf tlie innchine by n t itn of bop '.f. .-inil n l.'iiy | 1. i.d afterwarjl biiriu^l. I | .11 - t > -,-,-, nlial I p" d.lll I not be Ulililtl ti'nti'io for feed fur the ln-nU tbiii C'.'nin. 1 winter. Wild nni mils ( Yft, tin re ure H..UI.-. iv e. An in-.t iii -. : While cut tin.* it tit-Id i if when!, jut -i!i, ad of I' e hordes . ,iiu- in ,n.,n.il mil i.f the nh'.it. The ':'ll you. fr 'in the iinple they are a ' I nru fid mi tin .fwheu and .1 i hey we!l lan I . I .-si i.f lnr,. n,i :., .< .ile^l.t on 'il' .: 'I, I.I | -l.jllt. T \ , 'eliii',' ilner fi.-t bi|jli. Then lli.-i.. ai. InrkiyB, Niuiii>ili:iu Hinallor yet noli" In 1 1- HI uu a -cepl.i . and .k ii.-eiie, lam uid Htati-ly. but nil al> u HI ; 1 1 1. ill, r cl.iaa il gccHc, llui urateys 'uy-, white. In fly I he a\es ..t ilie sea Mild llu'ir form it.mi in 'he air I'l'iinnd- ono of Masonic rpocialtie^, u |i n-.-nl-ilioi.niif all llui hn^le y..u conh ineiilioii. Yet in in. 1 'idly in.ni, is f tl.an tin -in all. mi Ix-hind i shenl stark ni.der n pi!<> nf traw, or from a .stook o! . MIII, i, ,,f them snort nd ap-, ., ri ,,,, , i,,, m >|,,. ,1,', . r ,,f the cabin, .1 nn. isy. VV|,at m it ( <nr |,i,lnre b.K.k ..; ol, I In !|i-, IM. h is .. wolf. Th. n ..y xeiKntMii thrill* DMT ono n buck Is I here il p:i,-k just in there ? Tl.en the l, ri.'i we b:v>> r.'.'id loom up I'm I' ' . I no) f:ir ,. i .v:iv. A few xliislli-s unl lie ;>i "ii b.ind Tlien , rii'ss one nf thn llvelieal .-h.tsei it II.-K rin l-een .ir PIHI r"-- lo .-e. Kill. n f rsi-;i|,r- to l'i" li-ll.s ill ill,' lo||f{ inn. Mo WHS ;ilone. ii, sn arnualng imid. -nt ....nu-i ii. an null i ^ oini.' < 'lit iriii ns slo, .kiiiK .. ,t i A ' i ! .'.-r, lnri{.> UN nn HV.-IMKI- do^, n|i|i. iir.t.1 riot., nt bund nnil Niin|.|i.-d hii te.'tli wlii!.. Ins loi|M n-'s.t run ii|. in lint .MI in I Ins eye-i N|irkhd tire us he l k In- l.rml, In-. iv T, t.il HJ.IeH HH if siivllilt " hiuht ! I'p p,'Hks yi.imi; ll.it ,11, from tlie ..lln.r ni,le i.f ih.- Ntook : " No, Mr. ll.iili/nr, I d.-.-lin,. t'l-i i-in< !> nt. liitndNiip I'm i, ol iirined a li.'i's mi, while I nun )on h>.- " biiible row of slinr|i |i int...! iviirie*). Not HII, li"l this time. YOU ,-.m .;... Km \ , I II, 1 II. t lllll IV. I llllVi! It Ilil-lid Ullll r in |ii-rlia|i, ,,.-.i. .uiiii", I, ile yi.ii. I'll cnll bun. Hi't.-, TUWS. r ! " I'.nl^i r. h i. 1 "' brp rep.-rt 11 spit of fire, n wbn-llin luillet or n slmer of heavy nhot, nn< Uitro is a tapping ol win^s tht CMIIIH m. Hint :t|..ft K.UII. and y.'iniK Ontario i i>i gOnsM oi turkey IN nil ns>iind fact Iii ii t -.. n.il.'S fiom the cnlan wo roiih li.-ue .links by the Imgfu'l in a tlay'i -II .'..tilil! illlllllU'Hl llll> lillllier.'IIH nloil,jl|. mid w.iter |KI: dx one, tw-i nr thren fee il--,-|i, In. :-. I mill |. nv! gitutj lull JIM i II1HII. Tli. s.- ; u 1 , nes'led in ill. 1 llol lows ti. tween tile k unlit up nn the Moiw. mo intHin, mime PHI ,,r 'JtHI feel II|MI\,- th b'V.-l of tho prnir,.-. ;u e of .-any iicees the u.i.",i;il ihe . icinii.t IwrU f Tow.er i-olllln^, H Hlllp.-ls I II. leu-lull-^ lii.H d- II i.i be ^i n.id junl Hi tin 1 i.n-k 1' t n. e to . T, W.er. \Vil 1 fowl ? ttVU, 1 ,ln.ii|.l .. oisi ' ')i ,s s .1 : .n. Mr. Kdi'i.r, I inh , .1 i few mi.ro of my friends v ho I-.,,- .1 l,|i: 'i ih fiml.n^ pie.-.'. n ". !n-i- . for we Could Imre - I In- I. ml. W ill) eeene, tn i keys nnd duck-i by thu mul'ifiiih* i-oin.- m. 'Mil- . i . . , i,ii, ,, i tin) Htiibblu giv- ,'p.uluiiity for tlie clumjr nr ilu- oTjie-rt niarkamiin with gun or nil.-, and 1 through ravines that si. .p.. down t" iliu piairix lev. -1. I'p on th iiniiintains am lut-> of the licftt nf granite \ mil brown binliliiiK stonf, also tract i.f oil and * nib The pnpbtr WO.M in ikrs iji.od I milling lov.s mul liiew..-,.! d have -iln.ost UN lai-tin^ UN our Onliiiio in.pl III lln 1 w .Kin, (.ut on il.it prairie :ind ii In- ,' uiililn nt> run a l,..s> ..>e\>< i.f th i;a>ky |>nuie i-li.eki-n, which, by the Why niiikiM o'le of fie rnrtmt, tiKtii'itl roHNln, i inr H kinx. Yo-, if ymi vn.iebei a ii>ii|il<> of xii kn, Mr. Kilitnr, wo wiml rovul in h:u'h living, truly. K. T. CAIIR To / '&'&.&r&&t'r*x*&&frfr2itfe'si xiGXic*MGytfcaxGxy,<:yz<.G3i &te&feffe^^&^JRfe^ Mr. .loliii (Irii-is-'ii, ol' HIIMHU^, hit, o> to mi I |i:i..i I nv'i f.-r 1-1. "I \V, IIM I : t-n, 1 (I ,- ,!. ii r i . ii M. > !:.] i in. ,di i nn. i-i-, fli(K) for iln- finit of lis nn li-ud bn! n.sl In Hi-n'i't I he olfi-r 'IV. r Lnyei .1 if h-i .'.'ii'il t'lirchnsi. Mr. (Jonl-i fi.l'o'-4 onliKiil he would hive i.'it- L>wt two . ni i he Itoarvr valley. Hi-llec'or. FJL.ESMERTO > IM ..nr Milli i.-ry 1 !-|>-if!;;iciit ynu will timl a cl: iiiX di>|)i;iy of stiiriiy up io-d.'it^ .Millinery. > hinm;.' rit.-hr.css iiiid ( ! ad IK- No j nins li.-ivi- ! to make o:>i--- a D ruinjri'. in -UMVI- >i.i;v.iii^ ;inil \ve iuvit" c'oni; is. IVirrs :u.<l styl'-'s just ri^ht. NEW FALL GOODS The dailo arrival of new FaB Goodi keep marking i'ji' .unl putt in.; into s|...-k tli (if ill.' in.nn -,,,,, ;) ml |, ,i'l<:i _!- Uvfk \vr ;>!V -llo\\ i Nr.w IM i: M \\ i m ^ u<D C NK \ (' AIM-KIM - Nl.W ('LOTH ,1 \ . W K- HT \\E.\i. Nh\\ I'M :.K\M.\l: us l>u-\ C"iitctit- tu US. Ni:\v Di:!.-- * \ . NK\\ Sri rr QUICK SELLING SPECIALS Boot Spscilas Men'N I'li'iiLjl- I- \\ oiii-n'< -^': ,'i nn lUliin id. ail size.", V\ - iiM-ll - |i.-lilil.- I Vilin, .1 .-!-, nil H'ZeN, Cluhlren'a I.IL nr lurton urain boil, Staple Specials Wmpporcttes, bi-,' min-e of n ! i-olm-g I'ruiiH, nil coloi-,, just ii^lil f..i '|iiiltin.' Kliiiiiielti-s, u il ri 1 | \ . ! . I., Apr. .it (rjuahaina, u >.1. ;.!-, fust .-..IOIM i 'h- i-k siiinii..'. l ,st , ,|. i . -^,.0,1 width H i\\ -ihii-tiii'.', extrn Mont c!..tb. f.iNt M .-^ II. n v . i i-li t.i.i ii>- NHily ,; Flannel Specials ^ i;. V I'nion Kl.lt'llr', :'7 Uicliei ,.! (Iii . I ni- n Kl.ui'i. I, full wiilt'i, ){ood w. 1 : -jht Wool Kbnncl. pl.-iin <>r iwillm.1 I'l.slirinknlil.' K> yhsli Hun -!. .-,li ,,.! rn-liiink.ilil. Ij . isl, I 1 mi,- II. i\y 'aii'oii h ; i i.l... id,. ' v 11.83 foe for *l.li . .ir el.- 1 :. f..r ?I id I.. 1 :, f..,- Ur 12ic f..r 8c I ; .' n 1 i i Sc ft ir iV : - t. mi, | 7 ,,.r .V for I'- 1 K. uu'.r Ur M.. K. .'ii!..! 7c I So for K'-I'llhir 1'JAc fr Re u it . Keyi:' >r . ' I '.Ml,, f, i. uUr in,- f, in, and Oxford Stuvrs and Runjjrs sire tin' ln-st of thfir kind and the staiidard(>tV\ccllfii(.-c in their several Hues- every mie is sold under written guarantee and the pmvhasn is asxired of perfeet |. s;\tistaetion the lest material and the latest designs are used in their const met ion. Styles of Stoves and Ranges no\\ in >tock 1>rk '" sF "" u $15.00 to $55.00 N E W LAHP GOODS The advent orhm^er evenings makes sjitisfaetory ill- umination a neiessity we've jirejiared tor "this \\itli an elegant assortuu-nt of entirely new Lamps to suits all kinds of needs. NltiHT I, A MI'S HAM LAMIN HAM.H 11 I. AMPS T\l;l.r. I, \\ii-s HAI.I, I. \\n-s I. nut \ KV 1. \\n-s H \M;IN<; I.AMI-S Our j5c, Window Shade You should -" t & go. THE FLESHERTOK ADVANCE OCTOBER 10, IRctbodist * Church* TUsberton i T*. I vl<>ti AVll-son j Si- . ,v 7 p. m i ttlcuoM. Vicinity Chips erUtici of the Pn*t H'rr , < !iiiel f*r ^"- J U. Kr ,y on hand. : Dt'l. N'. ' -jH.-n.ling tw-< ' 'ritli i.- - fur owts and cj f\ -. M ' T .r.iuto Rpont few .: Mr. au i Mil* W. Utrn h'lU .I.:.- M. .If., will Inilil a C.iUlt of revUi. n "ii '!) Ar'i'.uritU Voters i Saiurlay >! Wi 1 Mil!ap of Tu - i Mr*. M K. I;.- run !.wt ir f.ill mi" l! i I jui , Inkling * ih worat^d . - : . ; $3.iO Mra. A. IhMt -thegueal . ^Ir. M r,. an .l will ly n-iiiain ir !! f"r the wint r. H ; , \ .... .iighlirwd Uvrk- two yeani-U. t s liitra p,.ly tu Jaiur .' > . K ' > ; Any July .!:.._ a nice a.ttiaulian .In w- II tu ,tf T. J. ShvpiMnl's tuck liffuru l)iiyiii'4. M htt has the Duality at the n ,lr < > ;!i jmokt'U lor fnll wiut'.-r iui;ortv>l iiir<:ct fn>m Germany and we U/>ve thu style at pricua never be- f.'Ttt -.?,! n. T. J. .Shr|i(KrJ. Mr : - < i.f tliu little null fiiti r- tsinoi tiom thirty young I'tH.pli; i.f the vill: >' i : ,,; i oo mi Tueady eren- 11%, wkn a jully time wai> | The t.<s'e "f writer Ivt wt-ek caus .i i forward \,'!ii..-iit toward the p.>Ut<> nork tliu taben .irv roll in-.: "Ut t.y the t.>n. .M -. J. Uuii-.iiilili-r returiK-<l h.m r n i-\ CIKII^I \i>it with ' We an |iltU to K i< i:iuch iuipiwed in ^1 . !. I .n-. At 4i l< J pi-r !!- li.. A'xi u nuinbvr of ini- ,.r.n 1 .i.l nniiiii'-' ..... '1 fjr.ns f r >ik' Apt'I) iluthcri'ir'. Imn. . ' . IK'i i, i I'scban-^oil [ .vitli .1. .1 \ . l tin- ( >.u > .'.". .Mr Sj ;irlini prvachi'il in ! T, nh. li'i, .> -pc-ikor antl livertil .1 i-. i^i'i, II ^il>..n 'm purvliati'tl fr.in Mr. K. \\liittfii tlif li^u-ksuntli :i 1 '.. . m i .k pi>-!!-^ Tu - h.- m.iy iMw be fi>i> .ni.k'hiH svrrico in the smith I did not j (hi-lr y clear tu ; trnix either Mr. Mull., y nrlhe library nutwol the troM of lifetime aiul ihe | rtrtkKe f '! in^ bonnr i a tran-i specimen ul Brituh pluck nml Li.ild. cournge. At ihfl | clme of thu 1,-i-tu -.A, i . ' y.J lacliea ; -vi'ti-.i i:, Mr Mulloy. Auction 9eDi, mot evo wad Tuesday _' p.m., at f.-iir . K. J. >! ' : F. 11. ; '.;. uelnr. J. J. .vare- * All with, ut reser^-e. K. .1 S|., 1 of .ill . Parve*t Home Srvic.s TLi - - Newe'l company r. uii! entertainment* in tho to*u I ->1: Tkaraday, Krly mid S.,tiu.'uy : thu w.-i-k. The Chatwortli ai-ur*. when- thy lutve bevn pitying for the past . I. very 1 is;lily of the i n terlainiiicnt .:i\cii l>y tins company. A'' - " X s ""1 - in r"ii-v.--i' n > illicit mention: Mr JOB. C'onili.'ld bun tnovetl into the pn-ni ines recvn'ly purchaat I 'iom .I,,-.. Smith \lr -I IR i ..-.i will In 1 .- i .n f tho l>in oily Lome netted 1-y Mr. ('.-i:> t'.d. A. Me*':*!" .Hi liloic.ll Ust wfck t.i M Herons I. ..use on I'olliimwood - Mr. K;..' .:! S.nith -*M rout, , and W. Smith, liveryman, will move into MH ri.siiience. On Tuesday .-veiling Ut>t week ft few of tho ti : i ! ! sliertun were uririlcg to listen In one of the most euWitaiinni:, iuarriiiMive mul interes;n,j; lecturot it h..s i nil- |'imlc|{OJ to attend, wl en [HT Mul o\ ^.se hii cx^-rienccs in v ;i "few" of tlie c Itvc'tn.s' 1 fb- ur -s- pr.H-c. I:H only niii'iui.t- -il to ^I'l.'JC. <' which inn the lihimy i ci-ivnl the | rincely sum . f S5.20. Ju*t why the turnout was no oor wCare at a li>m t" ft'hoiu Hero ws a H..U1 uli.ut whom 'lie I'.r.iish w.itld is tilliiHi; :u,d to tl:. 1:1 kiii-,> iti.il |-rince!i have done houi l Me iMiiie.-'. to t'!.--,' - r - n ui.i i mere handful of citizens turn . nt. to well-nine him. The st- ry i.f h w ho i i! e x- trrmc -1" ' ; . of ihf c- an'iy rui . which h nruis have t encounter. T a line specimen uf inanliooil, a plsn K mid iiitirtniniiit( s| enk>r HIM quaint lush wit in deaxribing life mylie army kept Uie hfm.'i lauxbing thr .uh- . tb lecture. Thorn present heard a 1 thing, and the large number who Bom At KiignpU on 8*pt. ,to Mr. and Mrt . -Ti... K>D. r uv- 1 - having tliejr hovosi brlasMd ,.,'.. f iluptOTSSBSMSlB. Ml. L'Afr < iv. -..,-,..,,.;.. u.^ :, u::.^ ..*it t. ' .- - hAc returned baj sn J baarty from bin *, Hii mitay fnen.l bain ire |>lase I to wolei.uiB bin bum*. rs WiuT'i**-.. -Xl- W UP sm r v t- 1 loarn < Mrs Jo"- . ,IM ben vrry ill Letter nuw. Mr. Unui'oft of H<sa>>to t n, . tl bar ilr. liuov.t Ilin-y of Paisley, for tbo past tw wank*. 11 church *r *.o b ucUon Tut>4, Ui tiuJ A>i'..>l HUM U *- Harvest Home service^ were bei.l in the Fresbj ' Th- pi"..' 'i-r in the fii:rri. Mm *.a I;-. \\ .1 l!-i. :. ,!i!i of Mark'iVc, .ih:|i. ..pi- ; iwerful .: 'iii-.ii In I. V . prt-a. hiil an ii>li. MI,; iit-tr!! live luriaoo. . the ' f v <_ in IniirHcy ever, it clitr. a up ami the iliurch waa crciwilvu. < >i: ^ho ' . iitiT.-.iiiiiK-lit wu u:\.u vtitn tea served .11 the Oni!j:: hill. The church was Iw-tutifully decmated l>y youir^ ladie of thu cniii;reicaii(iii. The walls were . ' Uie plat- fonn were ln-auuful uiott.x s i.f t. \ jre with the d..-.iL;ii i.f the cross n<l cmwit. The letters were fi>riu<*U of U.ive nd ri-twer*. nml in fr. nt "f the pmtf'irm was coreredwith choice dowen '. Sj ti r:i"tive tbf crrireh t.'nt one of 'be Dpeakvn the ilec- n wa :!i tin- j urii.-t. The chair wk ixxupit^l by the instnr. I I.. \\ .:r ir ii the Fi i was fully repmeiitud, in cliaru; of the leader r..unl.. use, furi.:si,.-.l ili>- music. Th- throughout its p.irt of tl. aiaintan >"1 :' huh standard of musical taieot Th* avlaetHMiH were most xi, and artpropr::ite <tn<l M-> uteil in a m. inner which wi.uM lid ditbcult to en-el uu . y. Several pieces were en . nid ikijini but the perforwen did lift respond. The speakun were i Mr Iliii ..f lu,nUlk. and M. K Kich- ar-l-on, M. P., of Flenherton. Mr. Ilill spoke in a very hnppy, humorous Htr mi. und M loud'y appUude*! imm the amli- etict 1 . Mr ; IM 4 r i:in- IIK was not a pen*imit. \Vliile fully rw^nU'.nij the work done by ilie church in tlio pi>t he lo|,H by liur in the future. IK was uUd, a layman, t<> have the pn : < all their own wtyantlhe ^ . are pre*. and i ' ! i;lrhlllH 1 tint eiit the' |'< .[>!e any d:v<\;i*nv(i "li . ni.ich i u!.l I--;..; in>- chliHUIll . He was n! k!rois in the *;>:nt f unity th.i- i u wii -ri> he aud 1 . Mile I y a'll the Ki:il..l M. ik of tti I Ci-.d. Votes it l i . .':! spi .ikflS. Hl.ll I ill' '! Anthem. To Reduce Your Boot Measure One Size Uii't half an li.vd. n. H h. r is i* as painful .11 nf l*u: l'am.>* Oirn an.l \V:irt Eitractor. In tweu'j f. nil hours tlic c. tn ,s r, i . 1'ni'y and stuali :e. t are we;l .wurr-l o evei)l>< iy. out it r.m'r be done unless you ui>>- I'utii.nn'.-i - others ate not i | <>d. I'utn.-iui'K i* the bcsf. At diuv. tlonor UolU llmior loll f ir S S N... ;i. .\ r , i.iosu, 1\ I N i . : (Jertie I' ml. Vi.t.T rhiHipn. I.I. I'-i' Mciici-, Mina IVnsou, May Jauiifson, Ut-rtie Miili^.-m. MUM Alkm- Si.n, George Knxiish. II. r. Kred Kns.-ll, Jei'iiie Parks, Uu'li 1'i.nl, Fred Tnionian, \\hlter Akitt, 1!. i \i ii. II jr. Willie Mil i:;in, K'n .1 Arm- i.iiii,'. l!cori;e l'nik. Klsie A'.i : '. I'att U. Mamie M n;.-.-. Le.U t'i.irk. Ellie AriiMtrou^. Uet.i Ki-ber. F^rl At- kiisusi, F.ii::.-i l'..rk, K' In 1 Tmeman. I'rt 1. si. Kin.o l:ii*.ell. Ch-nlie Jamiei..ii, F.in''-l ll..ppor, Klwyn J:iinio noil, J.inniu 1 AniMfrotiK, Nowtou I3en*iB. Put I jr N' 1 ! Tiuem:in, Uiclianl j (.'lark. May 1'irioiis, Johnnio Wilson, i Walter Fisher, Hlfley, j I'hilp- Bronchitic Asthma h no* en> eous dertru. ' : v dru)(H in'., the - niach, m--ra Ii irm tlisn healing mwiiuaU-d air ' irrhomM I supp.ii-> to the lu: g^ nd t.r. ni.-lu.il tube* cann- ' fail t-i benefit. (' iMirhutnast pc veuu those, sinothering spasms and heail cuien the cixixb uu r.-arn- -y. I'mversally use! ; doetora re- ii'l it ; I'.ru.'^mts wl! it, 25c, and tl.W. For Fashionable Tailoring go to R. HUxanckr Fit and Aotkinaiwhip guaranteed nd r>-|iriiii; |>r.nnptly altmidwl tu. Hfnar-nable chanfes ADVANCE OFFICE .. ( hr.'l,v i . Alexander Flesberton. il ll.TES' LIST 191! i : t ' . -t ! - n t of tb <.'.inutv f . - . . ac. Farm fcv sale Fa,x*m to Rent. 1 .- . t a A Farm for Sain -?.i. ni'i ,*rchiLl-il. A 8HAP * -r ir. si "Iy w M<\. \; i T . illl" Stock Farm, (TsMdlng OOW^COtMsrtMl t liri'i-*, I'rnii --IMIH tiutt>'i it lir^.l .if ? .Out IN THK MATI'KR of th- Kstate nf fetcr H liixn, li'i- ni the village of 1 .h-t!,m MI the i'out.'y of (!rey, Farmer, dece 1^1 d NOTICE l hrb glroi: V i' .M> to "The R>>- *kMd tt.it,-s of Psisano lx'7. cli.. pier 1-JU.that ail cr. --hr bftvitix ih,' iiiit..- t .h-tia d Pet i Hjlmn. ,wh- J ,l| u orsbnul tliuiwei.tt tin v ji 191)1, ar-. r.-e . , " Sure Cure fcr Seasickness, Nausea v .f t!u> ;y|' \ ielil n.st r.t'y t.i l'.)ls> .'s Nrr\ihue, and if ynu sufft-r ndically froui thoso compliim*, just '.-< p NeiMl.ne Ht hand. A few drujiKin *e.t tlie-l *n r kjivea iiiUnl u.iol, and i:. ibe i , >. nie of half an hour the cure l* com- plete. A lame '.'5c. bottle of Norviims in tho housw will save doctor LilU, and a TMt amount of safferiux every year. rlahn notiohl thui at the tun f T J. SHEPPARD^o - CZ^ 7 Flcsberton and Eugenia. i$ci * * * * * * * * t.V viv vfc * * * Of Of * * * * * * u. 01 0> * viv Onr buyer lias to make his choice of suitable co ls without any :.i the w-u'.i.-- r. He decide* on Furt), Flac- I-, he-tvj W:aps an-i Text urea for wintry days at a time wheu the lightest garment* an. a biud.'i:. il utilized the experience of past sen lie ueedg of the next. Moru- ,-et hinta of coming coi, id i. ore are some helpful snifgesiious from the Jiff.-n-Qts di-partmenta in T.J. Sheppard's two stores. Hew Dress Goods ui.l daintiness every day m JOT Drc-u (< ahi.iv. v ia the time to -study the trend of fashiu 1 Call an 1 winter. (' MT-.CI ideas can be learned to best advaut- agi by fr. stores. We are giad to ha> come and will cLeerfallv show you anything you wish to H ivy DP -s <j >..-.lj, r.twest colorings, at 80c and upwards. Cadics' Stylish Fall Jackets These Lints of tli ne-.v- ai rivals ia oar Cloak Department. represent arme of UM lataat f.\'.<:* frotn the worlds fashi m centres, handsome garments having that charm of noreh sty ! i * Lijily appreciated by women of tana. Aak to << these tli next time yon visit the store. N.-w !>:.iukevs N vr Dress Gaoda New Hoisery FlanoeU Fali Underwear Overcoaa Carpets Jackets Wrannerettes Wool GlovM CoraeU Silk* Ribbons men's lotbing Department Ws are now juat on th burdr of another bosy .WSMMSS. We say busy saa*- on. w ean tat;ei pa'-* oilier u tx-cmuw. lit of oar ba-insa i pas* : 2nd of oar ow o-l ap to date gnoda ; 3srd ur luw pnevf. way of >ioiB| tb cl"tbinj{ kactMa* baa ba Trr helpfol to knadrwls of Mo.who dud it ousnparmtiTsly *y to bay omr stotlung and kp ahrraat of the disw nqaircnu-nU uf the iiay. so loaf a* w maiasaui oar staau ard of rxitrtleao for the money wn *re asking. w BUT rsa*oi.ably ipoct the balk of tue elothiog trade to cjmo our way. Millinery Oar Jfilim>-nr ,ieprtui-nt thu tail ! mora aomplfta thun *rr aaii all*, we Have I i ; -rid* In th* falibat aoJ would wish ail tna laUiw call aad sa oar cnoio* of hau. >.-! ' to tnU shoo Jvpartment cumi'iete. Grocery dec too luiurie of the MMHDII. (Jivu us a call f itment replete in all pectfully yoon TKos. J. SHepparxl. For Good... V'ir>r ('i..-i I'li^ri'^. I'li-a.-nre and Farm \\":iur:_ r "ii-. Spring TiHirli anl Irmi Han-u\\-. M iill aii<l l>yiiifiu. Hutti-r- I 'I v, - ami all kimls <>\' \ - Spramotors. { lniss anil dth- \iioU nf ui-ik'-. Ci't'.uii st-paraturs nf lit'- kirnls. r.'inrin^ ami j 's ami all kiu<l- i-t l;!.n-k 1 aii'l wii' 1 ' tu 3. R, f>eard, Tksberion. J : ^25>^ BO YEANS EXPERIENCE d tutertv&m mr onr epini -^ fn>* tl 1- tmotvon U Df-'hnb!* pr.tf : .: o(lyc*.i.'rrrtI. f t' .M 1 , t-.- t l( f. 'V*", ' . llll(* 41 TldlJ VSJl*H;i-l- 1 IJB*. SSWSB H'nt :r. i : K-i u*;-. ^ ' I* (.!-* I. .4- n i-.. 'a^h -V - i \ r-Mlnotic*. with,.ar charfo, uiUM Scientific A handsomely ftt*fCT ' 1 ' >.vr for Alvin i No. The undersig'i'sl h i a thoroii^h' r red Tain worth Ko.ir ' MM "n 1 -t UU, T. A S. U., Ane.u.-HM. Tenn.s $1 (Ht. THOJ. LlvlH, Prop. House & Lot For Sale. Hlock F. N 1 ls*wrV,. food ' *.n<1 lam t'-l, food r.t>-n an I wuil, il l'ii lot. biixill - ..tii'K 4 acn-- -> v- -i.eus <>r to \> I' i'.th July tf Cock'i Cotton Boot Compound Thoroughbred Shorthorn IHill for ^'."rvi 1 NO. 35112 'tikntral Gordon' The undt-i-it!i--.l ' ir a tint ela-s-i oughbreJ Sborhorii bull f..r VTMCC on T. and S. H , Artetmwin. .f KfBt .ininiils ,n the cmii.'ry. reu un application. Teun-. Th. rough brvda, f-'i. \\M tlATIB, IV p Plica t i< *ia4 busine l-<luca:i>>ii is at INENOCTNEKN BU5JNE55COLI.BOP ( H R.<K .irjk;, Aruhiu-t'c, f*en- msnship, Corumercial L*w anii Letter- wriiinR, Shoithan.l OOUFM, inelu.l,.s ritinnn'N Shorthand, Typewrit inn, I'M ip, Letterwritinj ai.d a.liitts! at any time, ful- 'ilr free to any addrenn MENTION TMli PAPeK^WNEN WklTINil C. A. Fkmin^ Principal OWKN -. \|\ iiNT Phosphcdln*. It toaoMsrollT oacd monthly by ortr V-.OoOLadlT-i. Safe.cITcrtiiaJ. Ladle* aak _}-"-ar drugKut forCsskt asmsX Im.ttlo:;s snr .Uuftrtvoji. boa ; No. . iolrsssi sirx>|r. -i- o. .->. 1 or I, mailed *B receipt of prior and two-e*n (tamps- Th O*ok ContWBT Windsor, Uat. . I and 1 sold and nfmmmifi fcy tU ;_}-"-a iSkke no other. a all Mlatarr*. pills and .tlo:;s snr .Uuftrtvoji. Pikni.M*. 1. tl pr boa ; No. . iolrsssi sirx>p|ryr. r-i-r bo. N.->. meelK- Luc**, Wright A \ rAi llo, SolicUort for tho F.xtcutora I Own itouod.* No. 1 sod Ho. liooi'l in Tl<.*iiroo IT 1 BMiardaoa and W 8. Cbristoc Bold and nsnswiraaded bj all draosit*** In Canada. Only rell- m.- discorcrad. Ml rmMstil so esuw all ______ . an effect* of alWM kkl Weny. KnMMw ose ol T> or MsBota***. Mallnd on iinU* ai.ais.t*. OWM<UJ>. trw snr a*dr. swsaw. Wniir s> rs-ajhsOii t soil n rin>lwrson bf '. I-M*M a* W. > BUhaf4aon. Dm -