SPEAK A GOOD WORD. Rev. Dr. Talmage Tells How You May Be Happy. despatch from Washington soys; and quit forever every ma* well, Hev. Dr. Tulmage pre;.cucd from Hie following text: Acl.s xxviii, -, "The barbarous people showed us no tittle kimli,. Mure we ore on the Island of Mal- ta, another nam' 1 (or Molit.i This island, which hiis alw.i.vs been an important riiiiiiniTii.il n-nlre, be- longing nt diilcrent time, to Phoe- nicia, to tlieece, to liciine, to Ar- abia, t.i Spain, to J-'r.ini-c. now be- longing to Knglaml. Tin 1 area of the Island is about 100 square inllei. It IB In the nlediterrnncan :> ami of mich clarity Mount Aetna, of atmosphere that \:',n miles away, can be distinctly seen. Tin- island is gloriously memorable because the Kmi;lits of Multu for a long while iilcd there, but most faino" cause of the apostolic shipwre,!. ! -mied vessel on which I'aul sail- ed had "laid to" on the starboard tack, and the wind was blowing Hist-nort'e '-', and, the vrs.sel drift- Ing probably a mile and a half an hour, she struck nt what is now called St. Paul's Hay. I'm bailois huvo taken up the Oiblc uc- roiint n nd decided beyond contro- versy the place of the shipwreck. Hut the i~l.mil. which has no rough And while wc take this matll.l'ss kindness from (Jod may It be found that we have uttered our last bitter v ,i,l, written our lost cutting para- graph, done our last retaliatory ac- tion, felt our last revuiiKeful heart throb. And it would not be a bad epitoph for any of us if, by thc grace ef God, from this time forth, we lived sucli beneficent lives that tin 1 tombstone's chisel could appro- priately -ut upon the plain slab that marks our grave a suggestion from thc text, "Ho showed us no little kindness." But not until tho last child of Uod has got ashore fi om earthly storms that every woman well, every child well, iv.-i.v bird well, every horse well, ev- ; ( wrm u ,, urov. ,1,01 ery dog we I. every cut well. <.ivc this I thc roi . ks ,. ko Medltci . rnneull Ku . spirit full -swing and you * roclydoM. not until all the thrones have no more need o societies for of , 1( .. iV ,, n iu . ( , Illf)U ,., (1 .,,.,, a| , thc invention of cruelty to animals, no colu ,ucr.,.s more need of protective sewing "o-'i^jS man's associations, and it would hcu% dull every sword until it would not - , . . . . W*'tIMII.ll 11 i i i . n; l,ll.^>l.l<-l \JI ail cut sum deep, nnd unwlieel every ' clilll( . s u|ld , lirc , ful , ch I,.,., ,-ry nil it could not roll, and lln , 1( . r , ho jl|bj|a| , t swj of Runrowde, of no more _u*c in haton am , wc ,.,, for tl , ''' """'" '"' """< b "t* l "f years have wr, the river from under ?,T. tlie throne rolling into thc "sea of mint'led with fire," an 'his .v inhabit shall be so far .,f it all lho trumpets an<! organs of t I'l-iimn ed or blown or and the ransomed of all thc world except for rock or pyrotechnic celebration. a spirit divinely implanted 1>N ii-id ilk answer to pravi-r. nnd then to 7v<nid ibilously ,-ultivi.ted until it fills 'j,, , h( . t t , mt ( , n|v ^ Mrt , ch all the nature with a perfume r chf, ' ' rH ,. s . J,,, m ,. m ,, rv cu n' recall that ... and more pungent than m<, ,,,, , . XIS ,,.,, ;it ' all _ Ilot ,,,,,,, end. .,s if you pr.t a tuft of that wi|| w(l , imjcl . tand what Neh s*I aromatic beauty b clock on i ca||i ..,,, t k||)(In . tin- mantel or in some , ,,i,,er wh .- j^..,,, ( ._ I:N ,. lh< , pvp| . nobody can sec it, you bml people Wi, Iking about your room looking this way and that, m.d you ask them. "\M-.at nix- vim U.cking for ? and they niism-r, "\\heru is that rtower 1" so if one lius In his soul this inlinile sweetness of disposition Its perfume will whelm everything. Still further, I must sp.-ak of kind- in-ss of word, \\hen you meet any ^'P' ness" of i;oil. looking t, is for the most p.irl a gur- one, ilo you s.iv a pleasant thing or den. Hichebt fruits and a profusion' an unpli'a>aiit '? Ho you t<-ll him of of honey chnraoterl/ed it in Paul's time as well ns now. Tli.- t'ni-st or- uiice'-, fig* and olives grow there Whi'ii I'aul and hi connades crawled up on the beach, MI titrated nifl hungry from long nhstincncc from food and (lin.i.i:i) TO Tin'. fuiNi:. >! i Ifii'li'is. thiiugh called ti.nl-.i 1 inns they could not h opriu'd ihfir donis to the e, Led iii-foi t'inntcs. I had g.me to tl.e bolt, -m of thf drop, and the barefooted, bi.reheadcd apostle and ship's crew were in a condition t,. appreciate hospitality, hip's crew a- .:,d a hot My text timls on Malta the ami fun (IryiiiK I hnaseUes ami with tin- I < I PIII\I-.IMI> thr islanili'i- i. in ai;n-<-ahlc thiliRS you ha\i- ! . i il about him or the disagi i-*-al<'. ' \\l>.-n lie Ic.ives sou ilms he feel better 1KIKS Hi: I KK1. \M.l;SK. Oh, lho power of the to:>K"C for THE S. S. LESSON. the produitioii of luippii.ess or mis- b - ' ' cry I One would think from tin- ' ' Tm-IN way the tonguu in tilled in we imj;lii INTEBNATIONAL LESSON. OCT. 13. Text of the I-esson, Gen. sxxix, 20, to xi, 15. Golden Text, Gen. xxzix, 21. 20. 21. --He was there in thc pri- son, but the Lord wan with Joseph" The li.st !,---v,,,n left Joseph a in the huiikc of 1'i.tipl-ai in Kjjypt. i ii v, rse 2 of this it., i .-. with JoM-ph. and he lion* arc these that ye nav one to I T 'f- Johuston stated that ke a another us ye walk and arc sad 1 " t speaking of au exhibition watth (Luke x.xiv. 17). But their sadness might b considered immoraJ from a waa due to their unbelief. One day puritanical 'tandpoiut, and whick the king noticed that Nwhemiah was some mii;ht coimid perfectly cla-j. sad (Neh. ii. 1-5). but his sadneM was due to his sorrow because of tho desolation of the holy city Je- "The show* I t.pak of," he said, "contain nothing; but what Is degraii ing. You have to go back to th< rusalem. The fellowship of Christ's '. days of ancient. Home to find any- sufferings will bring us much sor- : thing U> eiual them for lascivious their dreums, which they had I: c.ai. ril in the same night row, but in tho midst of all we may rejoice in the Lord, as sorrowful yet always rejoicing (II. Cor, vi, 10). K "Do not interpretations belong to tlod ? Tell me them, I pray you." They were gad because ol each and which they could not understand They had forgotten their dreams and ictaiucd only a sort of troubled re- membrance, like Nebuchadnezzar, but, though they could not tell each one his dream, they feared lest no one could explain thc dreoins. Jo- M ph s sa.v i:,j;. "Interpretations be- long to Uod ; tell your dream to me," was equal to saying, "I am acquainted with tJod." or "I am her lor Ood." or "God is with me." See chapter xll, 1C. and also l)au. ii, iw, ;!S. What a bL thing to be so intimate with Cod, to walk with Jlim in such comimin- n n ! Yet that is the privilege of a child of Cod (II. Cor. vi. 16-18, John xiv. 1!.'I : I'eut xxxiv. 10). 0-1.1. They told their dreams to J. -cjih. and he Interpreted them, and it came to pass according to the inter|. fetation, the chief butler \vas rest, i, I to his butlership ogam nnd thc hi-f baker was h -CK Jl. liU). The butler told his firm, nnd when the "I would advocate that the Fab Board l.er-aftcr appoint persons 11 whose judgment they have confidence to fee that nothing objectionable ii allowed to run, and I hope that ti' l-'air will be r.ept above CM M >n-pi cion and certainly above anythai| unmoral " t'ONFlI'KM !: IS THF. BOAHI' Dr. Johnston's coniidence in tlu Fair Board was mstiiicd in th >t the} disclaime l ki.nu .. il({o of thc i. Minor ali tits iTesuifed by the side showi and promptly onlered three of then oil the grounds, for breach of con tract. Greater caro will be exercise< in the future. Thc Board has ha its eyes opened as to what may D4 cxfectcd when low theatres lowed to run. Lacking any real abil- ity or merit, they depend for theit custom on ait appeal to tho bestia.' side of human nature. We may ex|K.-ct next year to find tho London Midway tightly censored and therefore fi.e. from i liner- n -nl performances, to which "men are invited. Kc'erring to the above the Londol News s;;ys (in puiti editorially: "The side si:ow attractions whick were in t>| rri.t ion at the Westir* Fair tiiiring the past week we,-o 11. . \ most disgraceful ev.-r presented is that the interpretation was go< 1 i. ( , mlnlli ,,. llu , ps in Ontario Ther he also told his dream, am oseph 5Doul<1 bo ,, ,,,.. jn R |. ,,..,,, ., K , ,. was faithful in his interpretation, though it foreboded no good to the l-.ik.-r. The servant of Uod must de- clare Miilpnieiit faithfulness. mercy with It is not for him was a i lo-ij^-ioii-i man." He seems tak..- the hint that it was a don- ' ''- v the grace of t;,,,| to have risen gerous power I irst it is chained U> "hove all his cin in,,- t.n.res, young the back pan. of the mouth by s, ,, , UOUfb ' ..i.,l tr>ir.g Ihouffi nin.M-les Then it is sin rounded by ; they wore, nnd t,. h..v,- ,! ' , ruiined teetli of thc luwcr jaw. :o many (that (!d should I..- ^I.u i :',eil in him ivory bars, and the:, by th.. teeth of ' d'hil. i. 20). 1'otiphar saw tl>at the the upper Jaw. more Ivory bars. | Ixinl vvus with liini nml made all Then, outside of all. arc tin- two lips that he ilid prosper This is spl.-n- with the power of n, in). res -ion ..nil did testimony ur.d might, by the arrest. And yet, not withstanding grace of (lod, be true of every N-- thoao four inipi .-.oniiients or linm.i IHVOI- (compare chapter v\v: them. And they go into ;<.v.rn- tions. how m.my t.:ke no bint in re- ; Then i;ntne Fotiphar's u.ihoundtd 11,,-nl <|,,.,,te,s f,,r thri-i- days to re V "' l(l ll "' 'bingi-i.ius powei of ' I,.. ,e in him He put all '!.,! iupi-i.it.-. I'.iblins. the ruler.' inviting tonKe. and tin- i.--nlts :M e lareia- he had in Joseph's hand and left it them, although 'he : .ere sick- tion. s. ..n ai.il i!..nuuit iun. j t hero without a cure (see in verses ness 'in the house at the time, Ids There are tin. i< if they know a good 4 to the expression "all that he father down with a dangerous illness, tiling alwnit you and a bad tl-.imr. they st.i.M-d wi " n.eution the t-nd tiling and act " though they hail never heard tho """ N " w ' ll1 '"' "' '"" tl> 1'lniost IA.IV ones cliar- '. . f. ,r I III. e on the Island watching for n ship nnd putting th- bfl - "f 'he " Island. IM to a severe le^i Hut il sides endined the test j,at .sf.,, i,., ily. und ntlt ' r - "'"' '" llll " ll "? ' I '"' I ' ' It Is roeortUd for all tho i.qei of overl.auhii!: the virtue or the \i<e time and eternity to n-.,d and hear Wl ' ( ''"' i '-' ''""I '""' "'" ''"I''" tn recaid to the inhabitants of Mnl ' " ' A ' ' ''. v cone up tin- be.u h of^'l. II) 'I he advi rsary cannot s> .. n,l i i | M . i,.,, |..,,, ,.. p,-,,ple showed Mall, i with 11:.- words, '\\hat a sor-.mjch righteousness anil Victory over ., i,,, iittle kindness" r - v '" ' X 011 '"' ' "" w ''" ''-' ! ' irc'iiiisiancos. m.d he is permitted Kindness! \\hat a great word 0* navigation yot is( know to run | to humiliate Joseph yit more. So Hint is! It would take a "' "" M1 ""'ks ! 1'idn't you know , under n 1-. s,- f,,'sc aecusation .Io- had" f.nir times). f.ct us without hesitation plnce all that we are anil have in the hands of our Ixml Je- i-.is .u. d leave all there with the full assurance that He will MP to it IPs. xvxvii. .- : I'rov xvi. Hi Think of the widow and the Toy who gave all to Him < I.ukc xxi. 4 : John .. 11,-w little . \\hat a great word of INIV n;.it ion % ,,. ..... iv( Knov to run | to humiliate Joseph yit luere. ould take a reed || "' ' '' ' v " know , n,,j er R |,. S( . f,,^ ;,eeu-at ion loiig n H that which the ap.n .1 ' pi n '"'' ' '" ""'" '" !"" "" l "" lhe M '" 1 '- ' soph in cast into prison, but being angel iivd t., measiiio ir.,ven t,, tell n " ""''" It , Innocent the Ixml Is with him uiul wns " ot "'< h of a ship anyhow, or . i^u,.,,, |,j s nrTln mn .omewhnt by Wolll<l " ot |K1X " L =""" '" I'""- '"' Hiving him fn\,.r In tin- si K h t ,,f the * ool > " that. to withhold anything for fear of hurting |M>oi,le': feelings. Sec the faithfulness of Samuel, when but a child, in declaring the whole message id Sam. Hi. 17, 18). How touching the entreaty of Joseph to the ihief butl.r. ' Think on mo when It shall be well with thee, and show kindness, 1 pray thee, unto me," cultural and industrial exhibition fol of those theatrical side show attractions. The l-'air Board polnt< to the fact that thc amusement tear lures are patroni/ed But the Fail Hoard lias for '..MIS been catering tn a specialty loving clas*. und il would be unrsual if they did not sw cure them. r;i \s.:..\\ i \iiinniDV The Clasgow Kxhibilion should b a model for exhibitions in Cat There is not a Midway nor a sul.t etc. (verses !. 1.1 ) He did notjshow, not a si K n of a fake is to b e, nsi. to !! thp wrong that was|cen. Yet this fair has (-n on* of done to him. he did not forget his I the most sue. --.-ful that the w. i Ul poor old father from whom he had been stolen, nor the home fri.. which hu h..d bi-en so cruelly snatch- ,,| away, : nd probably it was a daih thlnn and do Ins WorU with :i ijuiet d to reod in verse _':l. "Yet did not the chief butler r. mem- ber Joseph, but forpat him " It know." mokes one think of the poor wise man who delivered ft city. y. t no one reliieinber.-d that same poor man (Eccl. ix, 14. 15), lhe length. tie breadth, tin- height .,f that n ..inn... i,i wo.d It is a favorite Ilible wonl. and it is rally launched in thu |,ook,,fi:.i, Well wlm do you j kM|>r of the p,iRon Itnt it was w "' We have Imrd .nough work |, u rd for him. for a time, for it is up m the book of Jo-.hua. '" "'-' l -' " "*** ''"' "'" '" Urs wil1 '" i written that they hurt his feet with mbracwl in ttw book of B*th. nron " wvlng tfcrwit on us 1-711 ragn- f elt era. hr was laid m iron, until word came (li by in the book of Samuel III the book of I'.- alms and III llilill.y pi. lies III the N'eW- ment. Kindness! A word gentle than mighty I expect it will U 111 SI I I Ml-: DOWN. .. i th. nron " wvlng tfcrwit on us 1-711 ragn- f elt era. hr was lai , crowned " lll '"i- the time that Ins enMironed ' s '- , Word of the Lord tr l.foi.- I iv-t through with It. Il . Mrnni; enough to throw an nr.:hali- " K ,-l Hut It will b,: well for us to >"" "-"""' Him hy its ^ II:, Testa ''"" " ^- V ln '"''' no man S1 '^'- ' :| -'< J that WM I, your lives. MAUF. VDLKSKI.K AT HuMF.. You nru welcome ,- v to all we have iip conies In sight and, \oiir \, iv ag<- II. -i his t,. tried him (I's uu warm your-| ]8> ] 0) W e may imagine the 'ing that now all visions ami dreams had come naught, for ho would never get out "i this iii-nii. yet we doubt not that his mind was staid upon Je- hovah, and he had vietoiv Ijy faith. "-' LM "Whatsoi ver ' they did WORKING ITS OWN CUKE. The "Midway'' Nuisance at Agri- cultural Fairs. Thc d.,\s of thc Ontario Agricul- tural 1'air 'Midway," as now cou- 1 dm led. are ! umbered. The scathing ] criticisms delivered last year by the i 1 ..rna-rs' Advocate and other agri- cultural nnd rural papers, produced a market improvement in the Toron- to I'.xhit-ition. and the exposure, this ve.ir, before the Hoard, of the Lon- don Midway, by Hev. Itobert John- ston and Mr. Adam Heck of that city, is likely to alter the regretta- ble ,-,.nd,t ion , for three yearn pi lent nl the Ucslein Ontario I'xposi- lion While children and young people 'arc prcsslngly invited to attend such 'places, and their presence secuii-,1 by means of school holidays nnd low d- i.i.s i,-n fe.-s. tie hast th.it ran be e\|,ei ted is that all side shows per- mitted shall be free from vicious fea- tures. A good spice of fun of a has ever l.nown. Thc Western Fair Moan! is open to criticism for pern.itting tho pert". . -U The Fair Hoard was re- sp.'iisib'e for the morality of the i-x- hibiti.ii s given But it is said "they did not But they should have If one if the balldongs had known. tecii defective, hud fallen and in.iiiie-l many people, tho Hoard vvoild have been held responsible. It is t le lu.ped that the uuthoii- t ies will see to it that no theatrical side shows arc on tlu> groiim.s next year, anil th it if tlev atv not prep^i- 1 to eliminate all the specialty f".'- tmes they will c.irtail them to such nn extent as to make them the trlni- ming and not the body of the exhibi- tion - >l I :mina Waterson. Ont, 1'rov. I'I-I-N S.ipt in W.C.T.U. CHAINS C)F COI l> Dispatch is thc soul of business ( hesterficld. There is not a moment without some duty Ci< Distance lends ench.nitui.-nl to tho view Campbell. How disappointment tracks the steps of hope . l.andon. Uhat lom-liness is more lonely than distrust Qeorgi iHiot. The early morning hath gold in its mull uii r-i ani.iiii. True dignity is never gained by place, and never lost when honor* are withdrawn M.I --niger. We love in others what we lack in ourselves, and would be everything but what we are Stoddard (lean nature, cannot bo objected to. | There is no rei-dier way for a man All definitions of that t \v oi d In e.ik di'VV n half ! Yml say II Is Ck'llli -la '. I" nignitv. genero.'il v , it is made up of, (..od wishes; It in an .-\pi iu of , Ijeiii-i.c.-ix'e. it Is a ( .mi i ilnit ion 1.1 the happlne-.s of ot su>s. \\hy. I can llrliiiitloii of kindness. It Is of thc soul; It is ntleiti It is a cliinai tei n. c.i .n ; coinhn.rtt inn of all I ilk: it Is I he l liinnlilioss and w<imauli>.es-< >,. x on thronrl, ' You h -' in. idi.- a lead fnliuie III V.OIII lie. n. it loll It I, ,!,!.! I.e dellla-.l. but \ve oil know it Is for we have felt it I p,.u, That I .irt'ielllioi t, II,' ie l 111 t mil That is vvhat ed to Ins out .-:. ,.,-., ii- l",,thers belli for his fath, i .lonathan's s.,Ke. e von -I'iiul in the Human pi nlt.'i.i mi \ unarm.''- K'ndness to all ! Siin-lv it ought not In be a ililluiilt grace to rulti- < (III III I, I IS the V - l( '' _- OD l o j Stances do not always indicate pros- Iperlly or othervri-e It is the PT<--,- - kindness of f " ca "" <l "IcsisiiK; of Cod (hut con- .; -| I11W . lil'it' 1 tine prosperity; lianlel was ' pr,.S|>croiis in the lions' den. and his fii.-nds in the I'.ery furnace: I>a- vid was more prespei ouw than Saul tho king, even though he (led from him. for find vva-t with him Kvery step In the life of Joseph and of p to .-< tin one. and and ou>;hi to serve as a sauce for the mi. re st.ible articles of mental diet provided by the various exhibits. Hut when fun degenerates Into simple n.istini--". it is> tune t<> call a halt, and l>r. Johnston nnd Mr. Heck, de- to bring his own worth into tion. than by , iul--,ivrniK to de- tract from the worth of other men. Tillotson. There is no in.-rit where there Is no trial ; and til! experience stamps M-rve the thanks of the parent oi the mark of strength, rnwords may London and vicinity for their person i pass (,, r heroes, and faith for false- al investigation and fearless denim- hood A. Hill. | .. j | Hoi to n.- a ililluiilt grace to cultl- " """ " "" llr - '' r.-nli , -uch an example that one- "vnrconi.-r is promised a M*1 will, . gl.mpse of it ,M, K |,t to ,,.,-lt and 'l"^' ' "i- ""'"' < l!,-v iii. '_M. ' ^ |( . trni.sform all nations Kindness The ci -,.s H is t he way to thu cn.n n. ,,.!., ', bi"u-lil ...ir I. nnl from heaven. xl, 1-1 I'liaraoh's chief but 1, our Lord from heaven M I., miscreants, kindness to 1,11(1 t lie Cot alept ic nnd lli.< <liop-lcii| and cintion of the evils that, to within the last two .lavs of the close of the l.oivlon Kxliitulion. drew laiti' cu.vvds of men and boys t v > their ; mis p.-i formal In- Johnston, who Is ono of . don's most honored Vresbyl, i i.ui n.inis'.ei-s. said befoie the lloaul "It is not in the Knglish lung- to describe the horrible lewdness and Hi of vou may havo f.-ll r " ' ' ." """l" """ *-""" ""' ' '""" r,,,,i f.-n ',., tome COM< of rock !)" i""'"";'-'" BharoeUrUed hta a>l|Mph Is not only numbered with xl, 1-4. riiaraoh's chief buller ,i- d baker Middenly imd themselves with Jo eph ill the prison, and he serves them while t hev noiitinue there for a Mason Like our l.oi.l .Jesus. .li>! would ask on behalf of the citi/en.i ilidesrriiiably lilthy suggestiveness of , th,- grossly immoral perform j which we witnessed It was an atro- oulrage on deceney. and vve ,,N -he ship we,,, lo pieces but nun, of us have again and again in 10 ..... '' '" "' r '""' "" bandit* "" ' ' - ,,f |. 01 loii. not that the obiectiona- l r., i s:; ,,-.-,, rM ,,i:d has ti.ings lai.l to |,le fe.ittues le expunged, for tie rln on the sule |,|, eh.une that !- knew .. but he II HUllltl II. .-..,,111, . . , , , I, ,,l either from "' ''"" "'"' " '" tw WO- is also an Illustration of minist.-r- ,'.',,,,, ,,' ' ';"" --< " - ,. little killU "'' '' howled ti,,- '^ Ph> the unto others r.ither than awful stre-s of life or he.". .led II i e Is kih ' . klndi.e-s of vvoid. l,n 1 lln-ie I-. Jl s , ' UMl of all of I li'-lll 1 You cannot a"-'-t it. - I || .... part. N(l1 ' ' ^- N "' ' *A<T I'''- ; (hBl (ho W01 .,,, pvfl . ,.,.,, all(1 ,1^'iu- will by no mean* d.-r tl,, the man- of Ood yon must them,- of tin- mnjlitii'st 1,0^,111111 thnt.ty who refu.so to turn to Him (Bl i r Ilia vli \ vv<a w li ii' It 1*1 not blii^plieiui. -, All tl.- xxxv . n : Malth. \v l!s, Tho of di-i.oslti.,' ''"' ll " 1 '" I'""-"' 1 - 4 "ml tbc olTenre of the-e otlic.-rs brought them kji.ilnes , of act l''l>r-iice NlRhtlnffBlM end the (I r.u e ! , ,, n | v imp, is,,, m ,eiit . but the (1,,-i-t t|,,. mi- |l " 1 ' 1 ' 11 -' 1 '""' "'" 1 ' 1 -' I-'-"!'-)"' pn!- -.ihiliiv of death If our l.oid Much depends upon a man's cour- age when he is slandered and tra- duced. Weak men are crushed by <k-traction. but the brave hold op and succeed - IV t ham I'l cretion is th,- perfection of rea- and a guide to ns in all th dutii-s of Iii,- It is only found in men of sound sense and goo, I tiiul.-r- sla tiding Ilru- ere 4- TO nil-: POINT. A poet n,, t ;l pretty maid. And vowed that he wonlJ woo her. l>av after day he s|M?nt his timo In writing sonnets to her. An I through t ions told, For th-nigh it did him hoivmr. lie \\ is s,, v.-i j l.,,s!ifnl that lie feared to call upon her. Mud . . . "'"''' '"' ' uro , """"' el ,. mark Iniquity, who could "i nd life and d.v.tl, .., .,,, -, , ,, is ,,. ,.,, ,;,, Ily Tlli: t :i;i: \TI--.S-L .s i OKV ,tlit the world ever beard and morciliil and gi.triom, forgiving ii.i- qully, tranajrcxslon and sin. though ii.nihlr. but that the Hoard should rid it>elf of these shows, root land branch "In the city hall, on th- e\et iii the hosi.itiiN and at the rail- . 'road Station*." continued lr. John- ' A ""' "'' 1 "" 1 ' |stB, ' these p. i foi -malices are. I un- | ""' ' PI n<! the principal subject of conversation to-day. 1 hope it is not i ' features which Wei And when he found hi- l,,v,-d her well, lie vowed M know lie sj-ent no II um.-ts grand, fn.m Toronto and HiilT.il,> 11 " t s " il1 - "' v -' l( i i u Inside of vou. an cvnh' HUIIIIIIPI-, oi . rathei , .1 .oinbiiiation of .him- and October. I ho geniality of I ,,-.iv -h ever lilti-d Yen. t' iv Kiiidne , that alinn.-il botji hands to b" nailed to t 'u- heri/ont nl timber of Huo inorniiiK Joseph finds two prisoners vi-ry unhappy | "I do not wish to i . ,vn fairs- have been permit led (.. flourish ..I the Wi-sti'rn 1'aii but 1 he.iid that one attraction heie was not allowed at Hi.- one and the tnul. of tin- i.tlier. j t ), .ith that <-n:el thump, ' slid inai it -,, plainly in ' sor of the morals of the Western i I with arrr. K, nut! or thump, now stretcher down from thi|tl f tha 1 b<" asked lh.ii,, .. r i. -venue or in.. V lho-:e vann' lutniN Idled With "\\hcrrfore look ye so sadlv to- ' tid.-ir e in i ii-nu-:, to b.-li.-v.> r.ntain. I :t n" 1 .iceom|>lislMd by man i' all i balm for nil our wounds, forgiveness i Amah-kill* and QtrglKhlt*"*, mil for all our crimes, rescue for nil our Hi ' '. * Hist ;uit. <! To him the pretty inai.i "Well, I'll be yours for life, i ,l--n s d.,i'.v and v are I'd per c.-nl m,,re in number than of hvland ConiOUl.-'l. Of 1<0 units of work, done In t!rat ti.-n to the two vvho walked to Fin- \<,u. and tl .it you will take steps to luaus, "What 1.1,1 nm-r of conununieit- .. st,,p to It " power unaided by inachlnrvv. In tha I n ted ,>nly I per cei.t ' work- N done by man p^wer.