,i ,,.,r ,,,d .h, .-' t v.'v':::t: o '-:"';,'' i ,,''U':: The Red Witch j cL,un t .. { Or Thc Wooing must have been In sympathy with Andrew Stronge when it accorded moon for his entertaln- him such incut It was qulto a brilliant affair (th air and carriage of one well born, which of course came naturally to her, her birth being unimpeachable .lust now she was standing in a recess, talking to Keathcrston. It was qulto a Drimani nnnu i<-" =-, ^ -- ball, not the moon, thought it wo- was. as uMial. ammat* - brilliant too) Nearly all the couu- 1 therston. who was grave try was present-the blankets havin K , was laughing, been forgiven for some Ume-nnd "How full of e Mr* Mis DandAS who wasn't In any ssems ! said Lady Varley, ly circfut is to what sh said. do- i.ig **<^*%* - to CHAJTKR XI. "Ah!" cried she merrily. will no- thing stop youT Must 1 then have recourse to force?" As sh spoke he took up a huge strawberry, and l-i.'ssod it with her dainty, slender fingers aguinut his lips Of course he took it. and of coursa. too, he laughed, and then tho dangerous ar- gument was at an end Hut Feathpr- Bton had sown his seed, and was not | iliscontsiited. Tho seed sown was JB'"- McGillicud- w^-p^ alTi'r ?o d r for ! fc/? " M ^^ "* advice in her perplexity, and .-r^^-*"*-*-*""^ -"" - - way careful as to wnai. HUB .> ... ~~"..i. i , wonderful ,K., .-, .. , M. ,..,- ^ a* rtrjL*5 trturi ~ " " ? ," : ;:, js iSS." as-.-'S... k-~, ? r .'-,, rr.u,!;^%,s^rur:;'rr,,;! S - ri . = 4~---;- "Donna l>undas " said she wh, M ,, cr hou(M! just nO w. as sho happy" Southampton and draw part p GERMANY'S OCEAN TBAFFIC. In Human Freight Compared ^itfe That of Great Bntaia. As fi>r the serious loss of Atlantic express travel, a few words will explain why this was inevitably keeping in view I'.iitain's environment Thc British steanuhip line* su''"'*? between Liverpool and New passengets to and from only. with her 41.00O.OOO le. The (Jduian lines Sailing and Hamburg lo New of at have you got in that tumbler ?" HOIHUX looked pensively - champagne. "Lemonade," replied she, great presence of mind, and as a pre- ventive against further investigation Her house just now, as she happy had hinted to t'onstantla would be , O'CJrady regarded her pensively at her ^ , med wilh ^cats to .should there bo envy All this was rather a > guess ? Was this an allusion to J Jl<-i i>* ic ss W hv Southampton and draw part of the ....:.:... .......,i nnd, not content with Illll."ll*.'W l this augmentation, crossing to < her- from Paris aud all en bho drank what remained In her with overllowing overllowmg. AM mis v , . .. -- hocked trial to Mr. I'linda*. who was of a - Dundas s charm for- _ , ^; they draw all who wish to vmit or '-s ne wui mi/pw -** . . u_ with an adoring passion, that was without '^lii.g. -^ an the more intense because of its Dundss. I shou head of the table, where Constant!* * ul(Jlude and the . tc rn. calm nature lunate, vet sat, cold and terrilled. Constant la," said she, herself in his power Yet. after all. They waxed morrior us the minutes u.u j- -- - S^J^^tT^.* iSr^&^StiX To assunng fashion rept perhaps, her husband, had Just ; say ho sent them would gel had another cup. and Donna a little tia Into dire disgrace; I more champagne '<>m speech placed all the onus on Never hadths Cottage been guilty ! her. Once again us hope seemed of so much laughter It was a regu- dead. Donna came to Ihe irsc lar fr.lic. and at odd moments Con- '1 s,-nt H.-m." -she said cheerfully ilant.a'i. heart beat rather loudly in | "Aro they not nne i > vior her bosom as she thought of what tl.e year. too. I quite I>nde Aunt Uridget would say when she upon them. If I wore yt>u 1 should y found it out, and thanked her stars try some. They would do 10 many miles lay between them at the good in ths world . have busines. *ilh atiy of the present hour. Harry was in the middle of a rather exciting tale, and he stood up to illustrate it. "Look," said he, ho held his hand up like this" arm extended on high very cooling." Miss McUillicuddy glared at and Donna, answered the glare one of her most charming smiles. look awfully queer." she tly. "Do take my advice, , r urcryu.^^una sn uown and have a strawberry knew the last second had arrived; j O r two; Constantia's cream is ex- they were breathless with suspense. I Jcellcnt." had como into tlie iun- , - Hnps ^ _ "they were a now stood for a moment I < 4J 5,^ QQQ of ,;oplc who deslri poor things." Mrs Dundas. who was still tai m^tfft to New York, and returning in a soft, vivacious way to teath - h Ajllcrlc . a to Britain only thos. ston The girl was dressed in a sim- '^.^ j( ._ ms w|lo dosirc to visit th earn to have "anybody pie white gown. H U " g , h t 41 '.V)0, 000 for pleasure or business. Z to her-certainly nobody straight folds upon her, n goea wjthout 8ayinK that th who had any concern for lier behn- somehow suited her ii - ol .s ^.^^ Un ,. s mll ... inovltab ly leo There were several unmarried uck of forhionabe frill, ad H Urge, fast sUamsrs. But no Italian prince, who was lows A little color crept into ^^ for pessimism here. ' becaus* and miserably infatuated face as slie saw Keal tons -h shipowil( ,, s nre neither unen- hostess. doubted enjoyment of Dunn* , m- ising nar illor r,cient ; they only ;*s terrible to the quiet what racy conversation w th< . jr ^ S( .,, M . Ly r e C0 gn, z ,ng countVstde which was only accu.s- turned to pas. on with he, g r "^ U, situation, ait-l will hold morn of I to legitimate flirtation, and . who was Barry, the smile > .^ Te: , hc profit of Atlantic travel for Brl- wa vorv Qfton severe on that. They to Lady Variev "'a* Htgnuy " llce . uin ,,, ;m i( they attenu.twl He im- ^ k ^i^a^l" aV(v ^t rin-a ^'V^T^i^S^ ^ ^^' 4 --. and .-Lark the B irl wt by t.-iem HAi: ,;MU. their blood ran cold, when suddenly the door was flung wide open, and Me wss quite right It was flung open, nnd - Miss McCillicuddy stood upon the in that parlor hours ago. Where he may bo now, is unknown to in.-." Why is he not with you? "Ah"!" said Donna, "now. what a threshold' There was silence ... . for a very considerable minute. Mr. Barry's tale had been Illustrated for him far more generously than he ei- ther dreamt or desired When the deadly lull had grown positively in- supportable, it was broken in a ra- ther dreadful manner. Mrs. Oliike, who was young and delicately alive to thc ludicrous, gave way to a wild mlta ,,!,.,, nnd perfectly irrepressible burst "'conviction Mrs I ,. nidus regarded "Where Is your hu.sband ?' iiiandcd Miss Mc(!lllicuddy. with gap Donna "pleasantly, "he was still in the llcsh still sordid earth whispering, and encouraged It deed bv dexterous word let drop ( J< - 1*1 I * Ma? A a 1 there It was a favorite ot Araglin Lord Varley " H( . is ;l man who luvs made a study her Ihii inall gossip. Did insisting upon his going there ^ ,,.,, K o( |,,.;,Hh. A, ,.ff I ha eves of the ,>fton as was possible. les, s \MI.IM- rules of health? ken la-l 1 aw him." responded ^^^ from tli. constant dilTerent She is one ,n a thousand^ Kvcryl>o , ly ' s ,,,.., of health Tnaf. ne \v*is HUH i" . , t a visitor upon this Uent,on of but that Is many nnd iie h'- r for tho thought n of this Koman noble. Wie was rich and outwardly thought ? different. She U one " | Kverybody s rules ol neuii I think, of all th women I know, I U)(> , rolll) | c wi ,n him He's been try- tiUe her best I have sonietnue* .. t(| t hem. he, "what have you respectable, the even in Mav thatl-a eon-n- So many answers ough to know t co drum almost So many am it,, condemn her Her ,,,lgl.t I".' Riven to It; but I suppose r part not .to con ran ,. ,!, u.T^ 1 didn't want him M--* of V ' ln , one will sunico i u i u n.onevcd and the mothers Z'^ss^sst-srs ss, srwra ^ *~ - her. first ry- Af.rr a bit. too. they will not be BO now And C'omitantia too j -.. Why should t not re- I you both ' And it would be n a ha| py thing, it see4iis to me. Yes- but 'what ''" asked he. wit! some faint sense of amusement, not understanding her That you should marry lier ing to live up to Ihern. What does he do.' K\erv thing lhat he is told to do. nd when he isn't doing anything he worries because the rule* are ' so conflicting. And is it undermining his heulil Of course. It would undermine nn\ one's health. \Vlml are some of the rules'" Well Mere nre two of them. EM only a light breakfast, nnd Break- f.,.,t should be the best inoal of the day What are sonic of the others* , miles before .it tempt to do stomach the lirst i liinn member tli suddenly 'Mi- cold is very iir- careful even card-parties that were ~ w nir^i**t ii*ic*p? i i_|Bjii This destroyed the spell that held I wilh curiosity, then wilh Mr. Stronge, fearful for Con- \\,l I expert now Is our time mount, and pos , ,V vmo re earnest gaze, ana tu -.,, rum ..,-.. , us for skeda idling" said Mrs. Dundns. | in U nte, tainmonts nt **~ and pretended such a sudden Intel- ^ . i... i^t !hnr^ ibe strange young men . n i.. n , ,,ear him ' rice to her feet] Inhere ih. trang. --"^.^^^ est in a plant n,-,r , d lo whor. I-ord ,.; ,,t.,n, -s.de of " Vou B re no. auRry 'You 'refreshing *"-'P is that when I In clently friijhl fiie.l out of her wits, j nnd looking i'"i that it l)rftd Us """ ' ' u '.'.. Is that all" evening the wood " you Imvp elecled Donna, i , * ..,,, ~ , elected to possible iniquity wns w.sely 1 , hou h ,,(, Mco was a I wood." said Ke.ther- inlo the buckground. and consigned - .... nfterimon Kat only at meal- pale, "if 1 were to dare to t I ;|ni , ,, a , wl , P , 1PV er you ar* Miss McCillicuddy. what do >"| hu . y . ,. :al no meat, nnd If you ,\...L trrxlld h<> inV eilll I10W ,,l-.,l,f ..I fi.'Sll |p a lp "if 1 were to dare to think of M, ''strong wh,, ...ight I" !... 'liJon^rrr'armiyVrVendiy" way It j to silence. Miss' Mclllicu.ldy. whst do you , hu _ ,V,M| , , Vi.tori;, I'rosH. w.-nt ' will K ive me the ,-,,, I unity of This decision wns hcl,.d think would be ' would be slrons eal plenty of fresh -""aSs u rn=r:s ;;:,^/:: r"JB JSTJtaaSfS s:::!;",.:,::;; 1 :, .^"^S >5 Era arJKSJB ^urrSroJ! fis2 - ^^^^^^^^^\^^^^^ s ^^^^^^^^>^' .d I'o sil doxvn and let your | her hand, and pressed it very gently mcnl s there since- xvoll. since < he ,.,- M ,,, ( . 1 . it>1 . weight .-^urdine I'ngg.ird and ill give vou a mp of le:, " ; a,,U murmured SonSihUag H.-.t ,iv;,l of Mr. n.in.Uu. in the lie gl, ' Ah. I nee suid s hv v..,,!.,- is :,nvon,- else who know, , s beyond mv dc-rls. Sir, |.r.,u K ht a bright nush to her pretty ,, orl ,ood. And if dear Lady Va e> . ,, jm wllh gt . nll( . sympatlu. lluie is CKCI-IS, sir. Drougnt n Drigni IIUNII 10 '. HUM ' _... ' , - i itr^si EK- ;;;- ^ ftL. T : - b " k '" " srffif ."^r- .-sfiySi aii M,:illicudily grimly. him 1,1, d ua/ed with , , "csu 6 iJat5yBsa.v "z^ ~ ^^'\^F^^,^ 1 "" ;;;:.-,,-..; ^'..JUi'^"^ ;!,? ^.Xt ,"," ,11 "IS S, .tT^li S^Sia 1 ^Sft^SfSZ i., ih,- other in turn, and marked | ( , ()H ,. u '- ~" " * l ' l| M<! wouia pmy inv else tne uoy muu " ,, . iWitk her nnd with Constant in. Sixpenny points, or so. at that goo . .. . ...... ^i... .j . ......... wi.it i Thov never brusiiuely to ihe other in turn, and nniiki I |o()B ,. njtn h ,.,. , u ,,| w |th Constant, n Sixpenny points, or so. ai im tther- Mrs Hlnke WIIN standing, with shc knew nt t)inl moment thai she o |rt Tory game, whist I lur fhotildei's sl'll moving Con\ul- | m ,,,,| I'e.u herston. and she therefore ,., j n | ( , the 'or no. wht l\e!y. ill the window Sh..' opened timi( .,| lin( j bestowed upon him u b- haps wns fortunate lor I hs lips as if to sp,':ik. find Hurry. w j|,|,. r iiig liitle smile, rich in friend- members. feeing lhi>. rushed into the breach y infKlt: Kverythtng at prosenl, Ihercfore. . .i..... .....I'll., if \i,ll Will IUs>l t> i . .... .....I _ _..!.... . . . i.il KIi*a Illllillil!) exi-l.iim^d. rnther what he is tiyiiiR to do Come " she sniil. nnd stepped wcn t on velvet ; and Mrs lliindna him towards tho window, which entered Andrew Stronge's ball-rooi ' w:is almost level to-night, a silent ovation wu "My <!,.n m.idnin. if you will just .onsid, r the long journey, the iirt.-.. I .. n. tit/hi her evi' and \vaver- ii,'!e 11,3 ..i.i^..^ .' .. [injj I, een sain. w;. *i> iin..~.i* .i.v. m-iii|^nv. * ./.. ...... I'd and i|'"ivei'ed, nnd III, ally | wj(h j (((i ,.,, un( | i j( ,,.,i Varley wns corded her by the men Hhe looked down ' M m" K''' >"" ' l p" ' ' i,,,,,!!,,., her parasol, mid now Immk-d superbly lovely In a bright, spnrk- ,,. that i^-er-u cup ot Chi i ||>>r ,JJ K ,,, VI . U ,! turned ,, if < ling style animal ion K-ing u chi ,., a gl...vi of lhat is I mean accoini-nny h-r. "Are you coming ch.irm of hers, nnd one th.vt " ie usual run 01 She was exlra- life. nnd every ,., ., lil,.-.. of lhai is I i iccoinpnnv hr. "Are you coming ch.u-m of hers, and lie faltered ill ix melancholy 11 . (oi) .,. H |,',. it . s ke<l. wilh n gesture of her high above the "Young mini," -aid Mi- - sllrll| . is ,. "im, this in loo kind U faultless beauties. .' ,< ; ddy sternly, "when you r , 9 uR thl .,. ,, ul ( yo u.r way. Lord ordinarily full of lint you do ine.in H "II > ' , ,, , , in ,| we || ,f you will come, movement, gesture, or glance belruy- peak " SI e regarded mi is'kind very kilid. (iood-bye. c d It To find a woman capable of cadi) Vou d , the part lo per- ] 'here 'could hardly have |. e i,.g amused is much To lind ono foctlon." she Miid : 'if you had re- '..i.^,,,,,., afternoon. I think. can an,i:se Is more. Mrs l>un- (joniliO I tit-re comti iiai.o.% leen ii pi' a-;'iiler afternoon. I think. | u) cull n mu BO is more. Mis specially the termination of it. ,i,, ; to most men was unuslng . .- i Sni , Miepped through the window. she was dressed in blnck Uico \v ,,j ii fool." s.,id ttccorn unnlod by Variety nnd ,j,-|,. soft, clinging gown, that ran lliiH w.,.. l.'inble II. nne. nitirely ,,,,.,,,,,.,..,,,, , ul ,,ed a col nor. and (1 ,. rP( | her already perfei't eomplevioi ,,,, ).,-il, fell out of thu conver fttlOB ^ ^ ^^^ Harry hnd arrnngod to OV( , n more da/7.1iliKly fair. ,| ,! n eoiild not lie IB:! I. r." :,..ri '.'" i.lanimoieii he. \\ nf 11 fool." said slu and mink into Hiler.ee lie hud. in, .eh (orethoiir.hl s'.vallowed Ins Q Mrs 1 ,,. lKl . ] At to and even more da/./.lingiy fair, .t flntteiir |iour les l ' ro\ inen. LUV, m ",'.*- si It. shu would pas*, ov.-r Ih,. tuin- " wu - v . biers; though, as a rule, people do '." . i ..i / i i . . VOUi IIW !*** I in,.. -n iwinvi.....f...- , "" h| (x || ,|j ,.,|,|,eare<l. At l ||p inado Mrs. ItiimlixH Mko a bit of liv- <bam|MKne. ow UUStod in | . Slrongo hud torv '..imself , I)K marble, so purely white sho provldSBM lll-. >'i *!""' "' 'V s flltHl ,,,,, shone, so exquisite were tho lon K shapely naked ixrms as t""v fell ^.^.- r.--. vou" hn suid dillidpntly lo Cons-tan- n ,,w OM, now tho other, against her tot tnU- then IM out of them h(-| . h|l||( , (> , ,, ar ,i, 1K . f . i( |,. s ,, the black ilcllcato lac Tho dUcUHSion N^hOWJ!*.bj ,. wnM llllmli ,,g. of course, to M.ss , , ,.,. K ,, WI , . . ot soul" use II hllil glM'll I .,,,,,, _..H.I.. .....I l... ronllv looked I Tho wont," (.To be Continued ) WOMAN'S lll.OUSK :i^ lo tt) llust. Shallow round yokes are very gen , He was alluding of course, xo niniioi ner gown j" * ^" ,,id K i veu t orga JJeOiUlouddj and ho really looked I Tho Wom0 u grew splloful about her |i.Tiilly becoming, ixnd aro among tho t ,,,,.. for action. Dlng inlssrably BpprshsnslW of the worst. I ro d tmlr. and strove diligently to latest dtsigM shown Tho model il- h |,i,lei,t of Trtnlly UOlU "'. rj en- tSJltl lnui;l"'d thli)U it hideous ; but none of them lust rated is made of iky blue loins he w naturally full M she will not murder me." she |. >o -icstly succeeded Th"\ n--.-nd at Ine silk, wilh I he yoke of cream luce. ,! uhile his mint was IKXV ^ .^^ ^ f ^ wl , ()ok |jk( , thn , |( to n||y ni(>u ,, ( |,, lnr ,,,| nt ( h,. , u ,. r white trimming of l.l.iek and hi and playful skirmish wit - would liko to be assured ,, oii.ent lo be nonr them, mid their l-lue cording, which is altuchtxl be- . |,e mad,. hU way unoliKe, ved. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ( ; , , , ( . ( ^ ^^ n<(t inl| , n)V , 1(1 when | no.ith the edges of the tucks and I'.n n by her etiRl" ,>. l>' the ^ yourstll to morrow whether I am , pirtners letnriipd tha mns-r ishos the round neck and billions of "";' '';"' "' , '."d'e, 1 , .",'!" '" "" ' "" '"" il " f ""' llvin * " - ' ' v ill> '''""' "' '''"" k " m "T lur< i" (>isr matrlx ,"!'- '"" " nd omPty- l111 ' - ni , s siionire Ihouaht. waH .> nmr ,.,,! , ,- else n stinlhvl siyvoy of tho To cut this waist for a woman of ry . ,f\\ board i'-. ""' ' -'i.iy. im.i depo, - -,;;;,,;,.,,;-,;,. U; , H ,; ed them beneath a sidetable with a , ,, Lin lliinu o\er them and now velu i i i ,1,1,. \vilh went nwny as n,.|','.i ^^^^'nlnv'on'mfbrr,': w- in IreU.nd ,,,, |.rel d I" ^ll his life as rtenrly 1X8, c||\|Tl'|; XII . ,., nl i,sioi, and he i". MeCil.ioinlilr. iH'inC i- " w " a glorious i,i,;M, a, special ui lliosu bol- ns tl.omjli It hull boon ordered with v n ii a i; i.i.i. m u.m i, cut or else n studied survey of tho polished lloor ht their foot- nnd si- !,.,,< It VIIM impossible to decry h.-r ! She lool .'<! the very incnrmi- llon 01 \oiilh .10 1 '.e.,ul.y very vl- si.-n of lovellneSH, though perhaps ,.f ., ni'h'-r unhi'ly order With all medium si7c> Il{ yards of maleriixl l!l ineli'"* wide, ,'IJ yards J7 inches wide. '.!i yards M'J inches wide, or '2 yards 1 I niches wide will be rei|iiiiod. with | yards of all-over lace for yoke and collar and t>i yards of cording to Ii r vivacity, "ho was, too. very ills- tilui as illustrated. THINK IT OVKI! llcfore you uniiortake a seheme .hist think it over It doesn't pay to sit and dream llul think it over. I isn't wise to be too rash, t never pays to be too ll.isli. So met lines it costs tn aelutxl cash. So think il over. f you are uoimr to propose. .lust think it over t's hard to hold back, goodnes* knows But think il over You may have funds enough for two Rut seven or eight may come to you And if they should, what would yo do" So think it over. Just think it over In fact, whatever com-s along. That is the burden of this song- Just think it over I'on't l-o afraid you'll miss the trail IV\ silting down to work your bruin Tl..' chances nre lhat you will gain- So think it over. 'I Hi: ISl.'Al, T1HSK5. Tlrii;i;.s I suppose now that you vi got back from your vacation >"o will take n good long est iirlgg.s- That's the xvorst of it. spent so much money that I've go! to Work harder than e\er AN INmi'TI .'.lll'-M K KNTKK- Teiev 1 don't see ho^f you k,H-p s.i blamed cheerful and colilonttil. liny Kasy enough. I don't Wast time or vitality thinking about th people who have more of this world * f.ivoi's than 1 lnx\e KOIl I.OVK. He 1 understood she married hia for his money. .She No. it was for !ov. He Love, Indeed? She Of course. Lore of Ms fffi BITER JiETS BITTEN, DUPSS WHO GET THE BEST OF THE BARGAIN. How the Dentist Got Even With a Young Man TheGreen Goods Game. A young man. fairly well dressed, .uite rei-enily ArOpfMd in at a Lon- don West-end dentist's, and when in- vited into, tin' consulting room, after negligently disposing himself com- foi tr.bly in the dentist's chair, Raid he was afraid he had carelessly ne- glected his tifth for sonn- time, and wanted the dentist to look at them and give such as nailed it thc treatment and tilling he could. Upon investigation the demist found that no fewer than live of them nee:led lilting and that very badly Me ollered to make an appointment. "Oh! but that would never do." objcclu'l tlie young man. "I shall be leaving town to-morrow for a while, and I want to hav'; them dot..- before I go." As the ra.-e .seemed urgent the den- tist deferred to the young man's wishes, and set to work immediately He spent several hours on the job. and 111 led every one of the teeth with gold. Ills surprise can be imagined when, having completed the task, on pie*c;iting his bill the young man nonchalantly informed him he wax afraid he couldn't pay it, as he hadn't any money "Po you mean to say." said the At ntist. "that you deliberately came here, knowing you had mi money, to practise fraud?" "I'm very sorry. replied the Sozodoni Good for Bad TeetK Not Bd for Good TeetH Soiocof.t . . 25c Sozodonl Tooth Powder 25c Large Liquid and rWdrr 7Sc HALL Si RVCK.EK. M*w York. 25c. supposed counterfeiters further de- clare that their notes can positively not be detected from genuine treasury . oji'i thc victim would do well to become one of their distributing agentn. If he will come to thc ci'y they make their headquarters, he din insfect the notes for himself and i( satist'ed with them he may buy .1-- much as 915,000 worth for $1 of legal currency. \\lun the victim snaps at the bait, and comes to the city to meet thc supposed coiners, he wears some pre- arranged symbol, such as a ro-i in his button-hole, and is met at the till the following night, no the Canon had to go back to the yacht ami wait, much to the disjfust of l.is impatient friend Th next evening he made, the r.e- ceseary declaration and then got back to the post-office wh< .! : mandcd his letters, and WB..S i> 1U calmly thai there were none. A LONG SI.KKP. Dr. Soca has reported the case of a .voting girl of seventeen token with syncoi e after a cold 'tub' who slept for seven months- in the hospi- tal to which she was admitted When she was roused from sleep she r> Mndrd drowsily to questions put and fell asleep again At the end of seven months she died of pneumonia having slept herself out of life Som.- tiines she was fed in her sleep and at other times while they kept her awake. station by the sharpers t >ne of theso immediately takes him in a roundabout way to some premises that will have been Just engaged, where place transaction Arrived there is to taJue leaves him young man in a cheeky fashion, "hut I'm awfully short, and us I couldn't stand the pain of my teeth ns they were, there ws nothing left for me to do but get them lill-l as best I could. You can prosecute me if you will, but that won't make you any richer, and It might mnke you poorer by taking up your time." ... TU1. DENTIST SCUKKI" The dentist contemplated this mon- umental impudence for some mo- ments in silence while he thoupht things over; then he >uud: "It's easy to see you're a gentle- man, nnd I suppose onu day when you have got the money you will const- in and pay then: eh?" "Ohl yes!" replied the young man. eagerly. "I'll do that of course." Well, that will be all right." said the dentist: "only if your teeth pain- ed you in tlie meanwhile you might think differently. I'm afraid I hur- rie.l the job a little just now. but if you'll sit back in the- chair I'll put on. ami tliev \\ Ml insu'o th- (il- lings lasting " The voting man readily complied. l\nl thc'i thrtt dentist one after an- other. deliberately pulled the fillings out of every one of the teeth an' I left all the n-'rves i-\posil When this was do 1 and the young man ros- from I' chair he found out his iniM. :...'. for. if the pain had been great before, with the nerves exposed the. suffering must lime N-en awful Son you can go." said the den- alone in the room, bare of any fur- niture but a table and a couple of chairs perhaps, for a few moments, when he retires to a room at the back, or behind a hastily-con-t ructed partition, to fetch tb goods. Presently he returns with a small satchel containing 15, coo dollars worth of real legal currency, in notes of all denominations, which he repre- sents ns counterfeits The prospec- tive purchaser handles these. and comparing them with notes from his locket finds that he cannot : tit-t -evcroly wont It is lives through the the cxpo>. .1 H.IM his head of. he will hardly over try smart a train TIIK "trui.KV-i.iMHiS CAMK" and the young mn safe to assume, if he awful sensation of trying to hammer ELEVEN YEARS A CLOSE PRISONER, STORY OF A QUEBEC MAN'S TKIAL AND HIS LONG UN- EAENED PtTNISHMEKT. His Recent Marvellous Escape by the Aid of Dodd's Kidney Pills Hi Gratitude to the Help that Saved Wim Six Boxes Com- pletely Restored Him to Health. St. Pauice, Lotbini.ie, due . Oct. 14. (Special.) A sad story of un- just imprisonment is that tol Fhillipp* Boissocnc-ault, ol place His cose was worse . just imprisonment is that told by this than for and that of tho ordinary prisuuer. hi bonds were those of paan disease For eleven years they held him a hopeless victim, chained. tor- the slightest difference ever fails that a bargain is then struck, mil the \iclim pays his l.i Ofi DOLLARS DOWN Tie sharper pockets this, cnrefully puts the other money back in the bug and then, arguing lhat he and his confe<l-r.'tes can only allow the purchasers of their notes lo dispose of Ihem in their own dislricts. to in- sure this, undertakes to escort him back to the station and hand him the bag e|v on bourd hi* home-bouud train. The 'new agent." as this was pre- M.vis! v st ipnlaud. does nol demur, nnd they immediately go out But. ...... ,. It hardly 'ture*l, a slave to Kidney Disease \\ ho is- there in the world that thuik.s man was intended to suffer, that he merits his fate, that he de- s-ves the afflictions disease put on him ? Surely, no one thinks that. We were put here to be happy, to be healthy, and free from pain. Nobody will say that Phillippc Boissoneault of St I'utrico deserved \n- long puninhracnt. and nobody but rejoice to learn that through will the of a wonderful medicine I'oitd's Kidney Pills he has escaped. :d s Kidney Pills, the remedy- that proved such a boon, have made LUDELLA GEYLON TEA has earned for itself THE GOOD REPUTATION it BOW has and will always sustain. UHIFORM BOOD QUALITY DID IT. Lend POdGJQK, 25C., fe, 5flC. 66L If YOU Want *"* awns, saas.-fiuiTST. The Dawson Commission Co FIVE TON'S OF TIMK-TABLK.S. ue idea of thc immense, amount of work done in the orncew of a rail- ay with a mileage of 1O.400 milee may te gathered fro u thc fact that the printed matter issued by one company iV tailing the changes made iu the paflscnuer services for the sum- mer months amounted to over five tons in weight 1,818 mile* of London streets con- tain waler-i'ipes HELP WANTED. WANTER-PAUTfESTOI>Oi.NI far a at hamr. We furniah r rn o4 roa-b.ne. Ear work. Go -A ^ay. Somd "AM for parU!*n>. SUadard H<JM Co.. Dept. 1 ToroBiQ. Oat. AGENTS WANTED. 389.651 Briton* live on salans which average .'> a head. A VANCOUVER LADY ('red of Aalhmm After Hlk< Yrr f AlKVOt (o.<ul -rrln. h mmrm the Ab*atBtr Fr*r4o Fruni fkr OI**Mo * Like ; Orran. Clarke'* Kola < omfa*t Cue*. Mrs, J. Wl*v>. Ml. PtMOSDt. VasraoTrr. B C., write* " I a*r Wrs great lufftr rt from broschUI tstkina for Ike pt elfht ynr*. muy tloes having to ill op nnr j all sight. TUraugb the adrtc* of t frlDi who had bees cured, by riark* Kola Compoiiart I >e*olTd lut r**xn t* irj It. The flrtt bottle did *< r*Urr* me mnrb. but befort I h>4 Hitabed the third bottle tbe urks reued ;tcctar ad dnriof the pad ill month* of dtap ad cold wither h o*t bad *licl* at tsek. It *eem* *ora<>thlss Ilk* artam to he fr fr..m thi* ont of all 41>e***i after so m-ioy jfirt of fofferlnc I hi *lir* ny rp<t v*rv reee*3is*B4ed thl* rvmedj to then iff. -tnf I ni*. *n4 ksow many ctften In 'bin city WD*B It kA* rured I ct-Lildrr It msrrelloas remedr. *nd w*<ikl uifr 117 person (nffrrlif r- >ai tb!> it!**!*- to trt It A free asaiple bottl* will be cent to in* penon who ha* adhin En<-'ow> Ae ittmpt. itrret. Toronto, Oat. Umltc-J. U'l Clarkf'* Kola Campocnd *h*ld not be rnnromidcd with th* other Ka prpn tlonn on fir narkrt. t thi* I* altefe-ber i fiferrnt prppararios. deilxnatrd e*p''tl!" for thr nire of aithsu All drafflnj. Prln) 13 p<r bottle. I -f- a reputation all over the world in of and arising i 1 ?-*^^*.*^^.?^:'^ r "'uheuniatW.' Lumbago. j curing of disease* ihev d., so unknown to the vie- (rom th- Kidncys Blight's Disease. \\h-n safely aboard, just before the Uackach e madder and I. train pulls out tho counterfeit bag Troub | l>s \v,,,uen handed the victim by the sharpor. Nervou gVess and Blood Impurities all rvxid s Kidn.-y with the strict injunctinn th.. should not open it until he ar home And to can be better iina K ined than d.-wn^ come within the scope of Kidney 1'iK.v and Ik.d.r- his the victim p . l]s j invc , cs , jlui , ma | s (,. the euro and ehusrin , th( . n) iMnllipp. i ed when he does open it. and finds ' instead < sawdust form was the common notes. that it is full *J" I ..p~"V] C vTy^ar,. I havf ulloiv.l ... 'untold .igonv with lUickache which It'll th.Hte sharpers soinet.mrs havn cr , pl , lp< , , ns though I were barred the tables turned on them; and grn- iMiill\ by former victims and shackled I dwindled in weight to a mere shadow. I have taken .ill ( 'i OM KCasion some of them made sorts ()f 1 .,. medics . ,,,,thing doing mo temporary premises an empty any good. I read in Al- . . '''"" . In the United States there .ire re- gular gangs of swindlers who perpe- trate what is known as t'ie "ireen- gimds K.nne " What they do is t.i lure eiitlulous farmers nnd getieral- t-tore k.vpers of the small towns and vil'ugcs into one of the large cities. principally New York or Chicago, by tin- aid of temptmc circulars In these the\ assure them, in confidence. ih t the.-. ha\p printed off some ab- solutely perfect counterfeits of the paler money in general circulation in the States This money is known 1< "yvi enh.irk.s." from its color leu: e the term gn en-go.nls" The shop near n busy thoroughfare. When i man<M . wha , wa ., ,ecommided for t^lic bag containing ^their^ money was ; thp Kj ,,.,,. , .,,,., ,,..,, , try them and sent for six boxes, ihougli with- out confidence. but to-<lay I m coui|detely cured, nnd thank Podd's Tills alone for it." CRYING BABIES. The Cry of An Infant is Nature's Signal of Distress Uabios never cry unless there is Koin" v. ' \ i;ood reason for it The cry of a baby is nature's naming that there is somethitiK mother ought to get to work Immeiliately to find out what that something wroii-; may be If the fret fulness nnd irritation are not cause.) I'V eMeiior sources, it is con- clusi\e evidence that the crying baby is ill The only safe and judicious thing to do is lo administer Bahx's Own Tablets without tin- slightest delay l-'or imlnfi'Stioti. sleepless-ness, tho frritiition aecotiipaiiy'mg the cutting of teelh, diarrhoea. constipation colic, and simple feiers. these mar- vellous little tablets have given re- lief in thousands of cuses and s.i\e.| miiny pre.-ious luiby lives |K> not. LiM 1 .1 child so railed "soothing" medicines; such only stupii'y and pro- duce unnntura! .sl.vp. Baby's Own T.il>lets are miar.nil eed to contain no le or olhei- harmful drugs, they promote sound healthy sleep !< cause they go ilu.vtly to the root i bal'y troubles |iissi>l\ <-il in w.iiei thi'W tablets can le gi\on to the youngest infai.t M;s Walter Urown. Milby. (Jue myt I have never used any medicine for t>.,!. thai did RS mch good ns H(,|.\'. o\\n Tab- lets 1 would not be without them " llnby's Own Tablets are for sale nt II ilrui; stores. o>- will be sent di- rccl on n-i-eipt of price (- i* o . Di oc'tvUto. Out, i,n looking it over. when, suddenly raising his hcd. he said someone had called from the bucK room "Di<l they''" said the sharper under whose es.'iTt h was "1 didn't hear i' Wait, and I'll be back i:i u min- ute." Itut the moment he reached the Sack room where his confotle were, there was a greut crash, and on hurrying into the shop found their bud had smashed the front plate glass window anil fled, carry- ing their lT>.,Mni dollars wilh him They knew Iwtter than to pursue, and. as this sum of money wns their "workinK capital." those par- ticular 4 .)ireen-(joods" men went out of business for some time after On another occasion the intended victim, on the pretence of looking at the notes in n Rood liRlit. moved ti>- w.irds the wiirlow This he prompt- ly opened, and thre\v the bundle to a friend waiting for them in the vtn-et below As murder inff him wouldn't th" money l.ael. . tho shnrpers hail to lot their oiitwiM.r KO taking I ,-. the l.(XXl le curries with him lirst. But the man. who had been swindled once, didn't ob.b-cl to this. ;ind sai.l lie \vo-ihl N- willing to make the same exchange e\i>ry rl.i\ A WAY Tiirvvi: cor IN srM\ An Isle of \\is;lit ili\;tie went on n yachtitiR ciuisr to tin- Mediterranean with ft friend of his. who hated put- ting into ports on 1 1 c n-.i\ Ui his destination lle\\e\er. alter it gieat ile. 1 1 of persuasion from the I'aiion. who particularly w.u:t.Ml ti> K 1 ' 1 his letlors. the yacht \vus put into l'..n celona The t'anon at once went to the post-ollicc and ileuiunded his Liters. U, cannot i\ them up till you are iden tiled ' w.'.s the iinswor. lint 1 am I'anor 1' . and well known in KiiK'-'ud. nnd am on board Captain II ' > .'plied ROB 'Yi> must IK- identilicd b\ capUiin of the \iieht." answered the po-t oilici- ollicia 1 There was notlnnj; for it bill to v;e oft to the yacht ami bi intf back the Hkipix-r. w iio satisfactorily ide- the C, \,,\. v .1:' n ' ..... "> '.' h me to the llrit ish i.'onvul uiul make n il<^ clnra' "..-inl They fou:>.! the Consul w.is i n .iy from bom.' nnd wmiln lit H.MS. 'Nile" has the 'Jjlckest armour of any Briiisii ship on ac- is in places 20 tive svrvice It Inches in thickness. SOZOD ON T forth. TEETH 25c The first C <.-iei.ee church was oi-Kani/ed in 1>*S7. th<- second in IS'.H 'l\i-day there are u\cr 6OO such churches. SheYou ought, to be ashamed of stealing a kiss He You are equally guilty. You received the stolen goods. SOZOOONT Tooth Powdr 25c A THOHi'i i:inu:i:|. Sh! Is it true il.ar. that when i.roposf<l to me you didn't know whether I was Worth a penny 7 Me Absolutely Hut I always was to take ili.i- Deafness Canoo: be Cured by local p./hcaiicr, a* Vktj niaaoc naeh th ilaniMil p iril n if tnt nr Tbrv icoal; OM waj lo curr- d3fno-. and that U by canitnu iiooal rmdi, lie.fnr*" it eaua*>t br as knflamrd coodt'loo of Ui oucoui lining of t!n Kua A.-hiaa Tub*. When tb. tab* t* .n. flamrd 700 aav rnmhllnf -O'iod or I m par fct h*nnc. amd whrn il la nt rIy eioMd draraawtitbe rwm t. ad nalr*. .ha lafUm mtlMan b taknolasd tSSSUMfMBf.4 to insormal coc4:U.n. arinc will be <t ltroj : f.rv*r : nine caw* oat f tn ara c tuat'd bj o .larrh. whirh in aolliias bat an Is flamed cocditton ot tli< mn. ."i- turac*'. TV* will fire On* Huadiad Do.lanfor anj nue f D*afna (eaatW by catirrhi lhat can at b> r*l by Hall Calarrb Cure. 9ud tor circular*. fr*o. K. J. CHENEY ft TO.. TolJo O. U> bsU Hair, rasti y In 1871 IT :UIS (XK.i acres of Brit- ish soil were under cultivation Thi.- has now dwindle<l to a total of a little over 14 millions. ft PER DAY SUHK-liKX TV ,lin <r ladla nnt U> craara*. <i> In employ aBU ; poiiiioa p*r por yomr and eip- ' ; r.uk a Arm j ruforoacM ; aio"rtnc * O'KEKrK. addroml*) Trath O i n . ; law rm . baat TorwC. ANTE -GOOD MIVON'LY TO SELL oar well known ipoaltU*. We aro of ttae oldat and mo-i raUa*.'4 tlrmi la Canada. J <ary or romrmtoaloa. Czelydro /. Ou fit fieo. Pelbam NurMTT Co.. Toronuj. On: WANTED FOR OCR MEW Book*. " LU of Wili.ua McKtnMT. Tk rvd Pro-id***,' Kin oar MW '/*& U". " Family Bib.o. AlbiiDM, He. Our prlasl arc low ud OQ lermt ztn ubr.. A tmt nspcctuii If jou mn boilno. r writ* for e r.-uln and irm. W'.LIam Itnsx*. M.o- oUt Book and Pvbli>aln HOOM. Tortuio OaC WAVTID-RET-IABLE SIEV TO AC7 u loc-a: or tnTotKhf anau. o!Uir a* whoitor part HBO. Literal lira on Mlair r cotnmlMlcn. w ti noon*** fu*rji 4. Appir ow. STQS*. f WKUJVUTON. Cnd G-nMot Nur^r.oi. Toronto. DojS. A. THE SfV SAVINGS AND LO*_V COM- PA NY u -.:! tiaca* and J ihoarwoa H rwm cootl ratea of ibicrwt aad tmalas do- pe* tu . the* uppor* unl'iaa fer .n vearmcnt ar nooqmaJlod : i*l..nlo agaau ir* wasted. WHto to (h* Company addraw. Toroau Do you think th' money Is th real test of sucevioi " akl the inert man I don't know about that, answered tie other ; but tt strikes me that the lack of it is a pretty accurate failure LUHI Cllf2!i GflW 111 Cflll Of five million people born iu ths United Kingdom and now .1 broad. threr -. are iu thc L" n States, aud 9O.OOO In India. linartl's liuia^nt Cures Di>ie.iip*r. Of the -l.'(4 millions inhabit icg ths colonies of the sevei. itreur potfers. Britain rules I France, with 5'. millions. COOMS tec- ond. W P. C. .*? CAL VERTS CARBOLIC OINTMENT. NT all t* n ;!nntt. J. tsAurt A Go . I SHEET METAL CORNICES. CLEANING LADIES' OTALKIKC ON OUTINC i a SUIT* Caa W ac, pr?ct:j IT our Pnmb rrcmja. TIT * Ml HSU AUSIAN OTIUM CS. MOMTHKAU TORO.VTO OTTAWA a I'W BT FT P tr ch.IJrr Brass Band EVERY mentvt Drum*. Umftormm Ito. TOWN CAN HAVE A BAM _ .k.it M<ala Low*** pcloa* Tr uu >.! K, x >iO(u* MOIIliucnulina.iniuM fr*. Writs u fttr any IhiDC In MH.Ir ..r Iral I o .ir ,^ i.. tk r WHiLBT Toraato. Onfc, aad CO., Limited, I have K-en buck for Sirs This is to certify that linaris liiiinifiit CirrH troul,;. d with a lauie >'' I have used three bottles of your illNAKD'S I IMMKNT and am com- pletely cure<l It gives me great pleasure to re- couiinend it and you U re ut liberty to use this in any way to further the usv of your valuable medicine Two Uivers. KOIIKKT KOSS C \KKIKU I'lCKOVS II{\VKL The earner pigeon, when travelling, never ii.-ds l( the distance be long it. t ics , m without slopping to take nutriment, and at Uisi .urives thin, exhausted, and almost dying If corn U; presented to it it refuses t.' eat. contenting itself with drmkim; u little water and then sloopintf Tw.. or three hours later it begins to with trc.it nio.loration and sleep* again nuuio liatclv afu-rwarils We have decided that the baby ' looks like Uncle Joseph. sid i ! luippv manuii.-x Why. Joseph 11. i ris is ., ugly a uglv can be. fts, but he is worth $"i('.i.K.>O. . , ^ .^_ inard's Lininttt dm Colds, t(t Old Ootrox I couldn't listen to it* Why. my daughter would starve Impecunious Suitor If I thought you would allow that. sir. 1 would at cnce abandon all thought of en- tering your family >vnoi> \ PHOTO*!: ndR4vl J.I .JONtSEC.C9 Dominion Line Steamships Ml- r.. W U lljIlL ! ~ namlojaifa Sfiatai auaauoa ha* b~jl'. t ia*ia<<2*oios*a*4 all aarUcalon asoiy ta aat SL^ Mill. 4 THf MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER. SAFETY I SECURITY tl.e . of a proper depository fur tl. iDgs of the people. la CANADA'S PREMIER COMPANY these r th most JUtinL'tiT* ehsr- nctertstiCH. Tlier are combined with a prontabla rtuiru to tn-> de positor. Apply for purlieu . Tbe CANADA PERMANENT and WESTEBN CANADA Mortgage Corporation, Toronto Strt, Toronto.