Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Oct 1901, p. 5

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Eev. Dr. Talmage Tells flow It Can be Done and Will be Done. A despatch f.-om Washington aays : .scratched knee ? Did you assure a Itov Dr. Talmage preached from business man swamped by tho strin- Lhc following texts. Job xxiv, 20. gency of the money market that "Ho Khali bo no more remembered," j times would after a while be better ? aud Psalms cxii. G. "The righteous , Did you lead a Magdalen of the hall be in everlasting remembrance " street! into a midnight mission. ' r I donlng God and Into which all the music and all the prayers and all the sermonic considerations of this day are trying to introduce you through the blood of THE SLAIN LAMB Oh, where Is oblivion now T From we hare a two-fold suggestion of our Lord Jeaus, for He is the great re- veuler ol secrets, making known to us the great mystery of godliness, and of the church, and of Israel's blindness, and of the kingdom, for the Father lovcth the Son and shew- the dark and overshadowing word eth Him """* tll l HiinseU do- i,t tl I T nh M i. '( 1 . ' >f blivion and its dofeats I speak 'where the Lord said to her : "Nei- Go and sin tell a man his wayward- ness and hopeless and plotting sui- cide that for him was near by a lavcr in which he might wash, and * coronet of eternal blessedness :ha That monster is called by might wear ? What are epitaphs in Webster and alt the other graveyards, what aro eulogiums in to-day. There is an old monster j ther do I condemn thee. that, swallows down everything. It no more 7" Did you crunches individuals, families, com- clear discouraged In tuunitisa, states, nations, continents, hemispheres, worlds Its diet Is lade up of years, of centuries. of agw-, of cycles, of millenniums, of MSB*. Noah diclionarics "Oblivion." It is a presence of those whose breath is In steep down whirh everything rolls, their nostrils, what are unread bio- It is a conflagration in which every- graphies in the alcoves of a ciey thing is consumed. It is a dirge library, compared with the which period all orchestras play and at which evorything stops. It is the cemetery of the human race It is thc domain of forgetfulness. ones of those to whom you did rich it IMPERISHABLE RECORDS you have made in the illumined mom- Oblivion ! At times it throws a kindnesses ? Forget them 7 They shadow over all of us and I would cannot forget them. Notwithstand- did not : in *" tnc'r not pronounce it to-day if I come armed in the strength of eternal God on your behalf to tack it. to rout it. to demolish might and splendor, tho there are some things Uie glorified at-] of heaven cannot do, and this is one of them. They cannot forget an it. In some old family record a de- earthly kindness done The kind- condaut studying up the ancestral " < you do to others will line may spell our name and from lon K in Ue appreciation of others the faded ink with great effort find * the B te " ">' heaven will stand, aa that some person by our name was th "house of many mansions" will born somewhere In the nineteenth nnd ns lo * t"* throne ol God century, but they will know no more, wl " stand. about 'us than we know about tho j Another defeat of oblivion will be color of a child's ryes born found in the character of those last night in a village In Pata- 1 whom we rescue, uplift, or save, born last night in a villcge in Pata- j Character is eternal. Suppose by a gonia. Tell mo something about your ' right Influence we aid in trunsform- grent-gratidfather \\hnt did he do ' ing a bad man into a good man, a What year was he born ? What year | dolorous man into a happy man, a that it seemed when I began it has become something which no man or woman or child who loves thc Lord need ever fear. Oblivion defeated Oblivion dead. Oblivion sepulchred. Dut I must not be so hard on that devouring inonste* . for into its grave go all our sins when the Lord for Christ's sake has forgiven them. Just blow a resurrection trumpet over them wneii once oblivion has snapped them down. Not one of them rises. Blow again. Hot a stir amid all the pardoned Iniquities of a lifetime Blow again. Not one of them moves in thc deep grave trench- Hut to this powerless resurrec- tion trumpet a voice responds, half human, half divine, and it must be part man and part Uoa. saying. "Their sins and their iniquities will I remember po more." Thank Uod for thin blessed oblivion. So you see I did not invite you down into a cellar, but up on a throne: not in- to the graveyard, to which all ma- terialism is destined, but into a gar- den all a-bloom with everlasting re- membrance. The frown of my ttrat text has become the kiss of the sec- ond text Annihilation has become coronation. Thc wringing hands) of a great agony have become the clap- ping hands of a great joy. Thsj re- quiem with which we began has be- come the grand march with which we close. The tear of sadness that rolled down our cheek has struck the lips on which sits the laughter of eternal triumph. eth (John v. . 46. "And Joseph was 30 years old when he stood before Pharaoh, King of Egypt." Our Lord was Hi) years old when He begun His public min- istry (I-iikein. U.'l). so likewise was John tho Baptist and Kzekiel and age nrhuu t lie priests the fdanet.s. and popularly this waa thc began their Num. iv, 3). at the age of 30, but our Lord be- gan His public humiliation, lor while lie went about doing good, annoint- ed with the Holy Ghost, it was to be despised and rejected and crucified as an evil-doer, aud kingdom. WE STUDY OF THE STABS, WHAT THE ASTROWOMEH3 TELL US OF THEM. The Morning and Evening- Stars About Mars and Jupiter. Any star which rise* after aunsat i denominated a morning star. aajd when it rises before sunaet It be- comes an evening star. Those term*, however, are generally confined to as the sands of the sea. very much, until he left numbering; for It was did he die ? And your great-grand- mother ? Will you descrtho the style of the hat she wore, nnd how did she and your grout-grandfather get on in each other's companionship ? Was it March weather or .Tne 7 Oblivion 1 That mountain surir* KOLI.S OVER FVKKYTHINO. disheartened man into a courageous man. every stroke of that work done will be immortalized. There may never be so much as one line in a THE SALESSON. ministry < t:/.ck. i, 1. Joseph began to rulo He still waits for to '.lie Venus) time and most prominent ones only, or Jupiter. At the present Venus, Mars. Jupiter. Uranus S.iti:ra arc evening stars. Venus ia still quite clone to, th sun, but can be seen In the early ev- ening, especially trie lights . ahe nearer to the earth and will be very if away Jroin .lee- is rapidly coming 47. 1'J. 'And Joseph gathered corn brilliant in the closing months of the year. Mars is higher up in the hea- vens, but so V.TV diMtunt from tlie. eurth that he i very inconspicuous) and hardly worth looking after. Unums ia usually visible only with without number. This he did dur- ing the seven plenteous years, for the earth brought forth by handful*, and Joseph diligently made provi- sion for the time to roim. when there would be great distress. The phraae 'as the sand of the s.-a." or, as it ia sometimes, "as tho dust of tho earth," is a figure signifying that which cannot be counted. Se I Kings iii. 8; iv, 2O-29; II Chron. t, 9. then see also Gen xxii. 17; Judg Til. 12; I. Sam xhi. 5: Ps. Ixxvm, 27. How great is our God Unit He can multiply things and people after thin fashion? 55. Than anil he said, 'Go unto Joseph: what he saith to you. do " This reminds us ol the saying of Jacob's wive* "Now, then, whatsoever Ood hath said unto thcc. do." (Gn. xxxi. 16). also of the saying of Mary to the servants at the marriage in Cana. In due time '.ho famine cam.?, all I'-gypt cried to Pharaoh , newspaper regarding It or no mor- tal tongue may ever whisper it into human ear. but wherever that soul shall go your work on it will go, wherever that soul rises your Even the pyramids are dying -Nut jwork on it will rise and day parses, but there is chiseled off a ^ toag that go(1 , wil [ laat piece o( that granite Why. there u. only a crust between ragu to us and the furnaces Insule get out. Oblivion ! The world it- bcU will roll into it as easily as a school-boy's India rubber ball rolls " down a hill, anu when our world goes tt is so iutet locked t>y the la your work on it will last. Do you suppose there will ever come such an idiotic lapse In the history of that sou I in heaven that it shall forget that you Invited him to Christ, that you. by prayer or gospel word, turn- ed him round from the wrong way to the right way ? No such insanity of gravitation wits, other wcrld| w4U ever g^^ a heavenly citizen that they will go too. and so far j It u not ha | f ag wc| , Qn earth from having our memory jwrpetu I known that Christopher Wren plan- ned and built St Paul's as it will INTERNATIONAL LESSON, Oct. 2O. Text of the Lesson, Gen. xli. ,38-49 Golden Text, I. Sam. ii.. 3O. Patiently continuing in well doing In his prison lite. th^Ume camo when ho should be delivered. God's time, and therefore the best. The King of t-gypt dreamed two dreams, or a dream that was doubled to him in a little different form, but none of lus magicians or wise men could inter- pret for him the dream. How like the story In Dan ii . HVU7. Iv. 7; v, 8; for the wisdom of this world is utterly at fault in the things of Uod. the aid of an opera glass, and then one must know ahem to look for it to distinguish it from ordinary tars. No one can mistake Jupiter, the brilliant star in the southern hea- vens ; he shines so brightly that under proper conditions he can b made to cast a shadow. The big red spot, onre so prominent on Ju- piter, has become very faint and is not dixrvrmlile except in the \ < -j isu'gest of telescopes. The same may be said of Jupiter's fifth moon, which is thought to be about 10O miles in d 'in!, therefore, via- lltle only in t'- . Uout twenty- five inrheb diumct.-r S|/,E OF OTHER MOONS The other moons range from about 2.0OO to 3,64)7 miles in diameter, and form very pretty objects "Whatsoever He saith unto you. do it" (John ii. S). Our great and on- pared with the body of the planet, ly question concerning the things 1 8O.OOO miles in tliunu-ter. when which are eternal, tho things of the | viewed in a telesr.op.- Jupiter'* kingdom, should be. "What hath the belts are densv cloud HIM***, lying Lord spoken?" for He only has the parallel to his e.i<iat.>r. and are vis- ape bread of life and all must come to Him who would have life. Not only all Egypt had to come to Joseph but alf countries (37|. and. we shall see in the next lesson, all Israel, too; anil the sons of their benefactor Israel found that was their brother l-r.K-l shall yet sec that their deliv- erer is the game one whom they cru- ciiied und to Him shall all llesh come All who now receive Him shall learn or ni.i.v learn in their experi- thtt true meaning of and only the Spirit of God can tell us the things of God (I Cor.il, 11-14 i. rhu-f butler, learning of the King's'*"^ ditliciiliy. remembered his mgr.it itiulu to Ms prison friend, and told the ed by the monument of Aberdeen granite in this world there ia no world in sight of our strongest tele- scope that will be a turu pediment lor any slab of .-"iiiniemoi alion of ihc fact that we ever lived or died at all. Our earth is struck with death. The a*Utree ol the constel- lations will break and let down the populations of other worlds stm- lar. lunar, solar, mortality. Obliv- be known in all heaven that you were the Instrumentality of building A TKMPI.l:: Kilt THE SKY We teach a Subbath clans or put a Christian tract in tha hand of a pause r-by. or testify for Christ in a prayer meeting or preach a sermon and go home discouraged as though nothing hud been accomplished, when ion ! H can swallow and will swul- j we hgul bei . n chlirttcter building with low whole galaxid- of words easily as a crocodile taken <J->wn a frog. Yet oblivion does not remove or swallow evi-i yihinz that hud bcl'ct not be removed or swallow.*! The old monster is welcome to his nc.l This world would long ago have been material that no frost or earlh- or rolling of the centuries can damage or bring down. There is another and a more com- plete defeat for oblivion, and that is In the heart of God himself. You have seen a sailor roll up his sleeve and show you his arm talooed with King how Joseph had interpreted tli.-ir dreams in the prison. Joseph. Manasseh Kl'hraim. for God will make their toil, and will itful where they have (verses ,11. .Ui. The Held, which is the world, in which we are ible in telescopes of three Inchon or more a|>ertur.' Consideruhle chang- es have been noted 1:1 them of late, but their .sigiuiicaiice ia not yet ful- ly dftermined. Saturn IM the fam'i-r star lying al- The ap- most directly east of Jupiter, two planets aro apparently proaching ench other, and will be in conjunction about the last of year. Saturn is without doubt now the n-up*r.s. t-et.mgs to our Boa/ and in the morning of our marriage IB). Interpreted the dream, assuring Pharaoh that God had by those dreams shown him what He w.u about to do. that the events would surely come to pasa and that Prmr- aoh would do well to profit by the ievel.it ion (vorses 28-itTi :is "fan we Dud such a one as this, a man in whom the Spirit of i God is ing Isa of fruitfulness (Rorn. viii.. 18: xxvii. 0). Being redeemed, let u* be willing and obedient. A NEW FUEL GAS. Much interest is felt in England in the Mond fuel gas. which is made Thus spake the King to his j from the cheapest class . . lt ** * w j v*va ina 41 1 14* VB>WUW s vii overcrowik-d if not for thi I , th- of R fortrcss where nc . removal of nations aud gen.-r.viii"W What if all the book* had lived wore ever written and printed published their Immensity liave obst i telligence and made all research im- of garrl*oned. or tho face of K-neral under whom be fought :u . "' i You have seen many a hand tatooed The libraries would bv wiih ^ or after tatooing face of a loved one mart iage This custom of ...... .....I.R is almost as old us the possible. The fatal ** f I world. It is some colored li.,uid took*. was a merciful punctured int.. the flesh HO Indelibly Many of the stale and national .1 th . a (i , B Wiu||> R QUt u rarien to-day are only mo -s. in b ^ _ , ^^ ^^ ., ^ b(|t which dead books are wa w ,,;. U)e mun BOW> ,, eoinn ome one to com- am j t)| . lt ,,(,. tllre wi n go wit |, nim OB them What if al/ the peojdo that hand of iirm Now (}od that had bwn botn were still alive 1 ,,_. ,,^ ,..,.,,.,, UJ4 ,. ,,,, ,,,, would have been elbowed - ., h . n , ian bc n(( olhQr II10(lninR , cestors of ten centnr.es ngo I |si ,,,, ,,..,.. ( ; <1(i _ , , nehold. I people who ought to haw said r h Kraveil t | u ^ ,, t |ie palms of last word 3.000 years ngo would I ,,,,.. u WU3 as lu)ich as to snarl at us. saying say: "i cannot open My hand to "WHAT AUK YOU iHUNi; HI Kl ' ' ! help, but I think of you. I cannot There would have been no room to j M " ' ** '""' to >'- turn around. Some ol tho pa.-l |Hf m;T j THINK OF YOU. erat.ous ol mankind mra not onfc , ,. rover [ ., UJ) alll , t , OWI1 the hea- servants when he heard the words ol -l..-|>li 'I In- man who could Inter- pret such dreams and give such ad- vice must be the man for Uie occa- sion. :>d had been all the while preparing Joseph for this occasion and this occasion ; 'irposes In Himself Joseph that which II.. II.) and dust, known as "bituminous slack." This gas. which is intended lor furnaces and gas-engines, can. it la claimed, be supplied at a cost ol four cents per thousand cubic feet. It is not a lighting gas. as it bums witji a pale blue flame, and Its heat- ing value is lower than that of il- the the most wonderful sight in the heavens, with its immense rings encircling the planet with a glow of brillian- cy The .Ji.imetcr of Saturn la about TI.IMMI miles, .in. I the diame- ter of the rings is nearly ITT Astronomers are now general- ly agreed that the rings are com- posed of myriads of satellites or moona travelling about the planet, each ui ita own orbit, so near to each other, however, that at thin great distance -n< miles their light seeuis to merge together and thus appear to be a solid ring ol light. Itotli of these planet* .in- very low in the souther!, sky. and are rapidly nearing the western horizon. HO that in a month or two they will be prac- 1 1- illy out of sight until next sum- mer. wri.i MIT Years ago Lord Palmerstos. and Count favour, thn prime minister of I-'tuland and the organizer of the It. i Mil monarchy, both chanced to works o'lt according to the counsel of jluminating gas. but greater than ' ^ , s ,. the some lime N.-n h- His own will (Lph I. !>-H). and hap- that ol most other "producer ga>- cl . kj ,. w lhc ,,,|,,. r t> v sl .r|,t and each In the process of manufacture | Wa9 nUe ^ lo the Driln Wlln n,,. state es- py an those who are in His will. . , __ . . . 88. 40. "Only in thc throno will I ( a very large proportion of the nitr - ^(y-rots ( his own particular goveru- bo greater than thou." From a; gen of the coal is recover \eiis. I la I...- these two pictures ol y^u \MI|I ' .' are >o inwrought into My I'.-ing that I cannot lose thim As long as My hands last the remembering. The first useful thing that many pvoplo tlid wus to die. their cradle a misfortuiio and their grave a boon. Thi.. world wu.s hard- ly a comfortable pU, e to live n, le- fore the middle of the eighteenth -,' 1 ",'" r ; century. So many ihmi;- lave come I into the world Unit were not lit to stay in we ought to be glad ^ i hey ,^ ^ ^ ^^ um( , ovc were put out. w| ,, |ast Ni ,, thc hands, as though t W ,, ut . - n , mm , s f|>i . n , vS( , |f t|) , 'l''> The waters ol Lethe. , tho fountain of forgetfuluess. are a j healthful draft. Thc history we Have of Uie world in one sided History few sirag^ling facts. We may build this "everlasting reme-mbrHnccv" as uiy text st\l--- It, into the supernal existence of those to whom we do kindnesses in this world. You must remember that this inlirm and treacherous faculty which wo now cnli memory is in the I hold the wiuds in My fist, no i-.\ - clone shall uproot the inscription of your luce. nnd the hol- low not wash out the record of my re- membrance. "Ik-hold. I hav i, n the palms of my hands !' What joy. what honor, con there 1,.- .ompai.iide to that ol being re- membered by the mightiest nnd 1,1. st affect ioualu fViiig in the uni- mne ' Think of it. to hold an cv- prison to a throne, and so suddenly, nnd what wonderful words) from 1'hira.di. "Thou shall be over my house, nnd according unto thy word shall my people be ruled." the second ruler in all I'gypt. and because God had spoken through him. According to HIM golden text. Cod honored Jos- eph l-iH-iiii;-ie Joseph hud honored Him. forui ol sulphate of ummonii nearly two dollars for every ton slack gasified. in tin . worth of ment. They went to a cafe on* night, and hap|iciicd to sit ut the same lahle. There they entered into talk. an<l be- came so intereRted that MM "nv. r- saiiow went on until midnight, when tin- vvaii'T civilly reminded them that tli*y could not k.-ep the table any PRESSING To best preserve autumn Uv the gath-rer should immediately lay j l on g was wanteil for supper them tl.it BelwtN-n two sheets of new | Cavour gave him a franc and Lord Falmerston a -oM-reigu. ..n<l then iliey <liputl as to who should pay lor the dinner The Englishman was perniil t.-d 1 o do it I., morrow, said Cnvour. cour- teously, you must bc my guest. M.I. I have the honor f knowing comet Ii neither from the blotting paper spread upon a table eisi n.ir from the we.st. nor from ths top and cover over by a stack of south, but Cod i.s the judge. He put- heavy hooks It 'al that. i. -Hi ilown otiu and >. -tteth up anotli- ;t n ,,,, u> . M , ,. sliould be prcaced out er" (Ps Ixxv. (1-Ti |, f thean. Hy tin.- simple | 41, -III. "And I Pluraoh said unto they should IM; dry witliiii thr.-o or Josepli. See I have set thee over all ( our homt So treated they will re- tha land ol Kgypt." Ho cotilirni.-d lllili their beautiful colors (or years ' to wht.iis I am speaking it by trmnsferriiiK the ring upon Ins ,, rov idi-d they are not e\p..-ed to Th.-y pi-oilured their cards ur. I ex- hati'l r Joseph'H hand, by tho ves- tne ,|j,.,. f t glare . f Old Sol II not changed them ceremoniously. Then lures and Ihe gold cimin and a place n,,,,-, .: -pi ive.l ol tboir nor- with one impulse, they stared, and in ill. ..iriot in thc land. It cc .l to 1'haraoh that ha did it. but it w.is the Lord's doing;. lie mally hifg.' pen .lit age ol water. Cavo .:r ai.l. frankly they will soon asMume a dirty l.rowii , i should not have spoli "ii s,i freely tint. !'' of r.s realize that tho | j[ [ |, ; , ( l known that I w-m |>iiking rjlish politi'-iaii of permit tcil Pharaoh to do it nnd t'.iii.s W1M1 ,| I | ,,f y, ,.,... h-av, is Hue n' ',, :i , accomplish Hi* pVa.-ure Nebuchad- enl j rt ., v to t I consrnt. II. proha'.ly t h..iiighl that lie took for ,.\ain;>le. put a hundiod | Nor would Lord P:iliii.-r-l.>ii have .tehoi.ikiin c.ipliv.-, . nd ti> human .,,,,,,!; ,,i ' lettn.-e l.-.iv.-s in a press talked so freely, us ho Vowed in turn. all Uie moisture, | n, lt ,|,,. ,,.. N t night they met nnl re- vision he did. l>ut it was tho n ho e/:tvo Jchoi.'.K im into hi- (Pan. i. 1 hand an'l thus out. we obtain of water and havo only two pounds ol green II. I.',. "Joseph went out overall vegota t,] e matter left. wnicii we now ccxu memory i - . . ... . future state to be complete and par- : ; : u ' ' * h ^ '' ' fect "Everlasting remembrance I" Nothing will lip the stout gr p :of that celestial faculty. Uid you help a widow pay her rent ? Md you Jliul for that man released from I>TI- ou a place to get 'mtiiest work ? l>id you pick up a child fallen on 1 1 curbstoix: and by a .stick of candy put n hi* hand l ;> the hurt uu his Th- heart of Hod t The most beau- tiful p.il.u-c in the universe l-et the archangel build a pa [rand us IK- can nnd then you e p..|.u-o ol nrcliangvlic coiKtrtir' ion poor a pnlsce it is and sv h w Compared with Ihe liiml of Kg.vpt." No one might do a'i|;ht without him; us in tin- n so now in all the land it B said of him. "\Vh.i t so. -\:-r lid there I w.i- the doer of it." oter .\xxix. --\. There is n l.KKT lIKIUMi HIM Put Murphy had been out ol work for some time, and was a few W.-.-U-, wh. niav not be so yi.vd'ed to in arrears with Ins payments to his Christ ti:at wh.if is done in or landlady. Finding no other ,-vnploy- .\\ tliem He will be the iloer of uient Pat determined to enlist, con- if as Paul sai.l con eroiag himself, .soling himself with Hie thought that 1 live y.-t ii . i. I. but Christ, liveih I ho life ol a soldier would not bo in me" \C.il . ii. V>] Nim-e our u. being i:i l.xlgii Jes-is IMS s.iid. Without 1st I All went well till Put was in thc n do notlrnn" (John xv. :>) , ranks fair' drill, when the sergeant, why should no think of doing an)- Caui'- up nud Called out. Here. Mur- thing ixpart Iron l!im, hocaiiso how- e\er it 1:1. iv ' -[.table in the others, it is nolliing" unless ' His r.ew name the gr.-..i.-r palace to the- acoorditiK ,.,,,,,. ........... . ,,f ,\ou have already found land I'" 1 n '"is wife tl." d iu tho heiu-t ol a lovinjj und par- I let of tho priest of On. here again phy, throw out your chc-st. S.uiy. .sir. I can't, replied Can't' Why' Cerau.se my landlady has il. sir. The bones of a mini's skeleton \\ei;;h 0:1 a:i average 20lb., ol a WO- tuan 1 .">'.'. 1 nil night at the tublr. i-'\eiy utensil were to break A CITY OF ZINC. Thi i on thc coast of Pur- t;ig,i. I \fri.a is imvile of it If yo your leg. you won!. I be tak.-;i tu the hospital on a stretcher made of and wh.-n >on arrived ai l he /me building, you v.-oulil t"; I'"' '' I "-' J - ding rosiini; on a /.isie ft .I:M-- i k. A dead man lying in a '""<' '""'"' ' ho latter n 1 . i inn >'n sr ' ' ""* "' metal i- ii"t an c\lra.. ^ ll1 - The body is carried to t:- church, and it i,iy r-l i:' li,,e.l KUIVO. if the r'lalU"- and an uilii'i- t. to bo ihe only . ' --ri.il that will witlista.i.l for -1 ' '' ' -lal'U lelie.Hl Of lime tl. O elV.vts ol mid cl-Binle. and it is- ,..-coi--'. | j eui;d.>yetl in every p..f-Mo v-. ay. sire

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