Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Oct 1901, p. 1

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lltoaiug. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL. XXI, SO 106> Flearierton. Ont., Thursday, October 24, 1OO1 WfT a BDITOH ..,- , Watches. I I 4 We aro ihowina watohea u . '<> bare the Urges: lock -t slock tu se ei-t fn>m, ai ! j.est -it.*k, i.ik. mt. i conHidrra v few 'in)- ' :\ i .-xy. : i i i n.. i;i!" hlli- n slimes. " The iun m ii<:uni{ now for Midi purchaa- I you have t uo in an.l buy .-mil \ ar hay i >'! ill nnd lo-.k at the st<-ck u ih tu buy or n-.t. ligiora car.-.! ?" r ill,- chiidr n. The in- Mr. am Mm. W. J. Henderson visited tjraat* of rii:!.'.ho"i C"inmar.ds an mu-nae wit ti their daughter, Mr*. (Dr.) Murray -n I prolong -.n their t.-hnlf. The of Flesherton. till up ih- rai k- of church M..HS May Jamieanu and Ella Magee r* Tin v *re suact-i > > id visited last week with ihoir cousin, Miss and evil ittfluunce* and hence the imuor- Annie JauiiuBoii. u-nee of u; !i-m with helpful Mr F. W. Nicholson tf.es this week to i irl'ii-in i- I of yo'i'h . r>- Toronto as deleittte from Arteioeaia 8. 8. 1 he trail inj of youth Association t . the convention of the i 'nt plua >:. i .ml life, ario S. S. Aaaociatioo. IHIIII^ held in the H - * injunction, " Feed ' Me'mpotiiaii church t li- my i i I' will be g'Mi.i newi tu the people of IUv J Hunt, -r of Markdale addressed this sect MO to know that oar taschur, Mr. ..e;i'i"n on "Tliu influence ot Sab HuLchinsoii.haH been *ecu red for another hool iu guarding the morals of year. Since commit amni< us, Mr. Hut- V'ith. II i that the Sunday chin sou has proved liimst-lf not ..nly an n,tnt institution efficient teaclu-r.but a jicntleuun in every , inn ::i. Parents are aniioub i tk m<- r children. In our the youth .r.- early in the midnt of news ami : md so should have tixetl jiri ral inculcated verv -....n Any institution foetenng the of childhood should heenc the thi- mipli d hy tli" i, Tin. I.-HIK :. t:.-'M.i.i tone of n<i tli.- f-uitH pr-'iluced in teacnerv Sabbtth W. A. ARMSTRONG, Jeweller * Optician. FlesawtM, Owl Report of 5. S. ConvcncJon v-conii Ai uaJ i. ..iivi-n-.i u ..I Art meni.i T' wining .Sabbalu School Aaeucia- Iinu *t hl<i lu laa Meluudut . Lurch t Va* .br8, liWi. The alter u ii nwtMtoa commenced t 2.30. Uv. L A In 'in. urtsaidctit, *h in the chair. 1':, ';." "ii-il exercise* wre cunduttii by tlic m.->t..-r, Kev. J. S. I. U H t>. Mr. J . A. Uutctnnaoii of Putt law gae Ve.y carefully prejwred paper i>u "llo 10 tenure U.tniui 4'iciulttiiL-u of teachers and ><. hoUri. He that werj enthusiastic anu i- '..i UMvltitr woutu have * lofty mm ID In* work, aid putMMS n..: i would not I. nl to IMM great oppor- tunity fur uyciuiiuv4M in iliv fMbOn'ii i work. A truo efttttfMMPIMr*tW ..ce ft 'be work wuu.d nocur a far. niul attendance of teachcis I care attendance ul younger scholar* mini ulnt. the uituUl faculties by the use ul object .studies. Encourage lu the eh...i the "*oinjer spirit. ' Teach ilie ieasou a* a aerie** aud give a foretaste uf the next lewiin each Suboath. K. v. K. U. U.l.-y, M. A, aduresatjd ihr O'livwi.tioii i n "The lultuvnce ol lUc 11 in the ab.,alh school." He iW- tinni intliieiice an a power proceeding iru;u !,oui subject tu s, me . ! jv. l 111 (Itoh a way aa tu chaiigu thai .'l>j<-r' T'le in flmiKc t tlie home is tar-reaching in re- laliou to Hit- school in ciuUlxxl. M. ,i .1: auu moral character re largely uiuuniexl by tlie parent*. As tiie home u HO will be the child. Too i-ftMi parents aiu u. willing to provide for the ,piritui welfare of the'child. They diM-evtaid the chuicli and >.bi.ai,i NClio.'! instead o! bnuxmn then cluldien to su.-h services. In this way by their uxani, ! they c 'U'd help the Mohoul. Mian Christ. ead llev JS 1. Wilaon, H.U., saug 4 a cktet. Kev JHIII--H Buch anau, M. A., discussed " llow to *ecuru .! tvnch-rs the necessary tran Jl, i ., M.'th'ulMt clam leaj- i-r iiuil tcHv-lier He pointed out that in the rti-lf\mi church in K'^laiiii thai the {NUvntH inarched with their cluMruii to Sablwth nthuol and from the - entered with them into the survic* of worship. lie nu^uatad that each >:< Tontion whuulJ ecur lu* terricea of two thouiughly qunhlied irutructora to ^ivt- leaHon* M baching tu ilium- prtwuut Tlii- would rpijuire some money but i; would L- an excellent iiivuKtmcnt. K\ iv tcichur !h>uld n-curu Cruden's concord- iincc, it Bit'fi- dic-.ioiiary and the . h!| of bin (iwu church. A bibl* with helpH itiul areriMxi bible are also ; ury. The ltfw>n |<ictur<- roll nJ a map of rVfutinv. *iili a ui.ip of the trnvn'n of Si. l'ul, should be found in rvety school ro-in. Ina Bible eUra for teachers the K-aJor tlinuld biuud : (I) it Dxxettry m- truiti'iu ; (2) the nooeiiy method of leaching: (3) iniiki it c!a>8 * far as p ible ; (4) unke tin- teaching an nl-j IwHon; (5) encour^^e ijiifHtions. Rev. .1. 8. I. W.IM.I,, H.I},, a.|drem~d tao cliililien, xivin^ HII object leswn ll<- pointttd out aud illustrated ooiue of Hie "Trp" by which boy and ijirl.s : Qaui(ht: (1) BH.| thotighU; (2) b.d leiu|>er; (3) bad company ; (4) livl principlv ; (5) kad haUitH. lie pointed out how t!iu> might b avoided and overrun.-. At the oponiiiu of the eveniii|{ KCMMIUII, Rer. L. W. Thoiu. retiring preHidunt, in & few well chuaen remark* iniroduccd the uew Pnwidunt, the Kev. J. 8. I. Wilson, B.l> , t-i hi* ottice. The Hubjt-ct, ' Childhood in rolatiou u> MM Ivni^il'-in. was dualt with by Rev.J. A. MathMou, B. p., of fricevillo. H jtuwed that Christ iauit/ alooe atoong r school. Toiuperance and intcgriiy are >nti<l i> th--\ _ i 11. t- the walks of life. i'li.- in r: s taught nhoulil I a*e the breath of thu j$ hi'v-l in then. Hreoccupy the -niiitU "f youth with t!i word ut Mr. l'i.-l-li of M.irk'Ule gave an ad- Frvm Ovr Oum CurretfmuJent Intended for last week B-.rn At MaxwH on < Jotober the 8th, ti Mr. and Mrt. Mkie, a MOO. Mr and Aln. W. fl 'iuy -pent Satur- day and Sunday with rrit-mls at Mclntyre. i'ir <--hoolteacher, Mr Andrews, spent Uy and Sunday at his home in Messrs. Dick Uvrouami Jiihn Bern rose r. turned home from the Pan-American H w to keep Younn Men in ' , m , rt ^ tifc<J li ^..K,..il U r I'i.>L..M htail I vol." Mr. P>ckell had been wi'h the progruiw i n and urged that such gather n. ga he given m 'it. He rcgrctt- ed that " ni.ti iv ministers were not per nitti-. I t.. attend <!e K-'hooU. H tin- r-hureh should make s*> pmviaion in this matter. There waa no <* ihj in keeping chJIdreo m the school. If yoimn m -n are to b held -umiethmtf must be dm 1 1 si inn instruct tli.-m Teachers mjnire trn.ning. While teach era arv ifien untrnn.rd, he did not t! their Umuhmg a failure, for with a | i " f '" ' '"' ,' """' '" ' A number of tke Maxwell Orangemen work they will accompli.!, m.i.h in -pre .,,,. .,,,,, ,,,,, fuilBB j %, ,_;, of difhcultirs The Sabbaih school .hould ilUy Mr. K ,-r' kinnrar lia* started up Dr. Scott returned hi me aft<T an ex- tended visit with frwnrls at Port UOIM*. We an- glad to state that Mr. <ieorg 1 Long, who ha* been ill fur about weki>. is some o. ' Sprey council met at Sui^hampti-n on Saturday. ' .'th. luapoctor Campbell of Durham vwittti the stliool Ia*t week. He reports the : 'lie .' lnlucl clemplary ; ii; and the teaching itfhly ' Ificietit. Thia report should highly gratifying to all those IHU.T b* *naue*t:ritcii>-e. I '..riiii: tht) evenii>K programme Mia* Stavlt*. of Ait .n. and Mi~*-s .1 Rnhrrton, aaug to the delight *f all nt. rrret Riich.ina.i of I>u:id:ilk in hiH unique and aMt way han.lli i pi 'slum iirswt-r. Tlie fi'. in!- t > inde- leiir received the thank- of the conveu- timi for the e\ and the hospitable manner in wT.i.-h t tu- . m d i he ass.H-t ,tiun. Mr. F. Nich- olson wsyvsprn.intnl detain I'"' uicial :i~."ciation. The association will Mat next year in Pno-villi-. The in. low- 'ticeis wer- i-!i- tfsl : Pres. . K I S.I. \V,is. n. U D. : Vice, Mi. Win, I'.uch ,n., ( U. White ; Treas., Mr. A. WiU. n; Comiintttw, Messr*. C. C. Jaiue*. John Cunningham, Jeremiah Thompson. businaan in Mr. W wwh him uver ian ..-. - old resident:-. TO Tsku Las II . .-, ;; A -.I. A nki> >!-: DAY M-. .' ii ! i can >' iguadiru ia ou nat-h boi HOo. ., <><ir I im ''rrrnfnimlriit. Intended i.ir taut week. Mr. and >i ra. Marshall. Mi. Mr \ Neil. M".sr-. K. n. d T. i '. Wilson, M. W,lc..-k. Miss Jl'll. me Walter, .md K'.ilil .- H- n;pln.: in th<'cel.'br.'ion ;.l Ti.roiito and > a '.;ian'' inii". Master Johnuir H>ri-n of th - i* a gtit-at *t i!i ' 1 this i Mr >"! M s.-. Houiplnll of K u,; sj^iit Sun lay i;h Menu's. J. aid S. llunphi I Mr.s i'..| ,:M.II IH visiting fneiids, in Pirhs'n in* Aberdeen. Mr. an.l Mi- ' Ashdowii of London, Knglii.'l. re visi'inii with the fo-mer'* - Mr. .las .Wnl'iwn This week it -ms Mis. W. C. Smith of ' 11 vi- ti^; h.- after I Mr^. I V I.I . \V niil.li linn-,) ai.provoil w'tlod on Mi- Mi!ll- it'rui,: i lent. Mr I-.. at ir, uewii in ibis section has. I br> scarce the hut twn v.x ks or n. ra i.n< not cmui* or gone as in the i Jaya I.ei-ii n. i iloaths or ,r as we h-tve heard, and I .m vi ry ^l.ul i-i Miy IM accidents h.i cui red, but t he weather's been an very bad folks hid to ..-n tin n /aii. rv nnd i n a* a general rule roiild not div up .- nouie has 'em up ami in, ythouuhtit W"iild lie K.-t'.-r a f.-w wh.-n they ...t i .-liance. fur fear it mi. -hi b>- -%.-i '-, . i.-i' strl t ii,"-i- - iot I. -ft y.-l u idutf, bit t'leii. soin,- f"lks would rather let cm lie sn lot than dig 'em in \ such i M - -i's at his new .s it lee, ami Mr Boyc is I helping linn, and pUmly could we 9e then . th'-ir fices lil'ie. Ihcir toe* and linger* tiniile, .is th- T hammered aw.iy nil tha. \i-ryi-i-i.ldty. I'-IIMII.' tho to shinulc. Ptarley - i.-.iu home few days on a M:- liur ^rn:iiii. I'" .Mri PI.IOI II . Mr W.HH!. our pi .1 vgu*. (trho's n.-t'-i man flatter) moved isu tiiai'n on thi: fai i> bvlooging ti M. INia ti-r. He inovwl a wet k ortuoHgo, and brought with him Mrs I and wu in >-t h. m. tlii-ni to this ht-rx m i.-hlmrriiNul N.-i^li b<ir II ' sh>: ! iv ; i *i'.-k i-_'o lie hrouyht h-r luck ii.id I nnd luT miles away. His !. Ll,,-r .K-ivis y nd McFarland, Stafford & Co. HARKDALE, ONT. Grey County's Biggest Store Drag=Net has been OUT We ve had a drag-net out for some time, catching *ny tianain* that might be ar-'und. Surpnsing liat can ocuaaionaJy IK- found in this way, par- tieularly if the net is lar^e eimukh and the bait is good. We use cash for bait ml lind tint it do,-s barter than any other. Our stock was never so full of gnnuine giHxi thim^i as now .1 Whirl nmony fit >,, rie* 96 pounds beat Brown ntinar for $1 20 lhH.be*t lininul-iti-il ^ii^.ir for fl -<) Ibs. best V Uencia taimtiH for $1 8 Ibs. Ceylon u-a, regular 25 cent ipiality, for 91 "i Urn choice Japau Tea, regular tfr cent ijuality, for fl 4 Ibs. Fri-sh inirer Snaps, regular 10 cei,t kind. for. ..... 4 Ibs. (Jii.g-r Cookies, regular !"-. kind, for 2Rc. 3 dozun in. i ties Lime Fruit Juiii>. reguUr 12J cooU, a bottle for.. 9c. 3 dozen Lime Fru.t Cordial rrgular uts per bottle, for 9*. - -up. assorteil flavors, raupberry. vmeuar, cherry, pine- apple, vanilla, reg.l'Jio l .t'l- for 'I 2 caddie* Currency chewing tobac- . -. regular 10 cent pluiix. We do n-.t luiend kfi-j.tiii' this line in and in onlcr to sell it quickly will sell pet plug 5 1 cave Favorite table salt, gutran- tewl not t.i _.! .11 up or cake in any westh"! JUT package 5 5 cases Ko--iii.irv j.ims. ,m.~ raspawiij, trtiwht.'rry. giMisb*rr.f, plum, '.. | <it :. 111 screw top KlarM jars, any kind for I'l -s A Kla -k well's Peel*, i and . >riuiiie, alb 13 llR) packages envelopes, *| 1.1 size, juat haif pii- pi ice. n,,re rt i.r hunineas siae. per ijuiru ju*t 4 10 pieces KI . in fancy .Hitipe p:iterto>. -4 imheti wide. i! ihiit wo,-k. 4t per yari.... 4 L'4 ".]' ^l n * cx>l weaters, fancy red an<l IJue mixed |n't-rn, lr 75 cent kind for . .y Men'n knit top shirts, dark < Ufortl grey with collar attached. breast pocket and good heavy weight, regular HO -?ei:t kind for M 2<> pieres K!ann.-|. ItM, light and dark -h.i.l.-s. in assorted trii>e pat- .crna, 28 inches wide, special this week at per yard 5 _ .ioBfii pair Womi*n't Ribbed uaahmere hoae, lizu H^. '.), <^ The kind y.u, often pay 25r. a pair pecial for this week, per pair. . 15 iier lot, 25 dozen pain men s Mil s. x. '.nig length leg, white heels, too* and ribbed top, apecial thia week nt 2 pair for 85 >/>-. -KI/S IK < I'll III IK/ If i-i ".i's, th,. new i-ut and rn-w .ii-tiit -ing 1-ox Imi-k. mad. :/ -M - i- .- ....d friexe, iil .I'ey iu ill auMM, heat of trimming a'id wnrkiii.iiil'ip and . -.aim- in regular way at f air price 5.t6 IU M. n s IJt?vcr .iverciMttt, either navy him- or black, with -Uet collar. ell trimmed and tinule.per- !ti-rs, .md Hitra value at B'y*' navy Hue frieaa reefers, juat the thing for buys' -.i-li.sil ' i>'t*s. n i-.'ilar. ht-avy twead lin- ing, throat strap, apecial values 2.-.H) :J cx) - Du''lu Ureas' Twet<d Suit*, si/."- -.N. ;.-'. :". .n .ml ::L'. a, iiiown n.. at her mixed Scot. ...ii.iil.li. dreast -hurt pants, n-yilar value 94 '"I our price 2.76 N - Tweed suits in nootid heavy weinhi, .lark tweeds, double breast coat, KO d trimmings and work- maiiahip. r d. Reg- ular JH..">U value, one price . . 4.50 - inn. iiiri. dark pat- terna in uray ami brown mixtures, pure Wool tweed. l>es; of linitiga and workmanship. 'oinpr them with any you sre at g7."()a suir.our prico li.'J.") ~ Mr l Ud frtandsln llarkJale 1 not a l>it ooiisiimptive, h.n ni'.ved on to . I.U. Janctien w hefar,,lto *hichlK- s'heher picMuni.- town on Saltinlay. live. Mrs. -- aays shs tu IIH-, It seems a Kv. Mr. l,rmd of HolUnd Cmitre r-s<-li...l ,..,,.|, )1IB ciiiwr. that 1 should pav nf^SwaSS :, l s H r:;. ^ *. >* ****? * ^-^ iu the cvi-ulnn toscrow.lnl hous. . m y pa| er. Hy the by, I oi^li forn'.t h v \'r r.'ii.f . <n is biiil.tinR a-iahl,- near bin u:i:l I s hmi iu Hi |ir:iik- Mr (4 Hiili ha i ilrs Cul f \ii I \lr.Tn\li.r ilitot'inhoBaS Mr.l'stK h,n l" , whlcb he u'jrgbs4ii i TI m vi - . \ o vi ;bir. ul Puc Vl'l". We u'l'l.'n'an ' M ' w - r.nwi*ncn h boui(h Mr. srrhi.i M.-l'li.att", a houso a'l 1 lot. :.mt. Ti'iUil (nun i-. in Corbstton thia w**k. t -r.l the other ninht. 'ha' Mr. Alex- a:,.| rN Ui*i>n w'a* viaitillg Mv NVri-jln. i shi-N thci-o to.ai d s i is >!t-s. H>nd.s, :hy are sist,.-i . ; M -.. \Vriht. mils. K'-ali-i. just M word I'ufoic 1 ipiit. I !i- pe. >-.'i^ will n. .t fail, to n-nit'iiili. i tli-it on Friday next , l.s T,.in Mi-Arth Port Our Oicn Corretpoiulent In last kuilget th'! iiamn Mrs. J. Kaxter should have read Mrs. J. W. llnte*. Mr. .1. A. Hutohioaou alteudrd the South (!rey tescher's i-onvuntioa at Dur ham on Thumlay and Fr-day. Miss Neil of Flesherton ai>ent a few days last week with Mr* Nicholson. i Tendency of Catarrh is to spread. Just a sliuht matter at first, and IHI- Hlight.iii'gh.-c'isl; but the seed owu _-s forth daiiiC'totis harvest, l' -n a .mpt on, which i i he hrve<t of death r ipvnd a few m.nncut* a day inhal- ' itArih<izon'% n aromatic Kutix-ptic that relieves at mice, clean the nasal prm ' i-/e, and reU>ri's thn luttt ieme ol taste ami smell. The minedialo clf.scts '-f Cat Mr. Jsmo* Blakey, sr., who is never iu Uiiboaono if nuwical. R.I prompt an-1 rlri a robust state of health. U DOW very with heart trouble. ill c.cu*. Cure is certain and [h-rmanciit if you us-j Catarrhomae. Price $1. Small " " Polaon * Mr. WalU* Taylor ha* a new house tiw Soo.. at drugxista or N. 0. voder wa,. I * Co.. Kingaton, Out, t i - ^ Something to the Publk :- - ' !'.- _ inj tnivitii: -h- lienernl st. -,-k of .). K. ISiwdle at s jir-p*nsl. -iloiig it!i g.HMls hi .. nioiHhn ag", \o<.urcu'toiiu-rsihe\ery bvt \ aim-- : > i- la I.e hl auy place. Tlii- Ir arc Imt * f v .v of tho values we h-iv.' to ^!u-.r. rail and lUintcrfurs :{ I.,, - tine .nd even ci :1. 'cwni-r pric*.- J540.00 . .<.;_' :H 4 of an .f.lier line, r> ^ular $JC ml for . *5l...<i -.' f n..;!i r .i-ie. n mil.ir for . . r-'o-OO O.IHJ 6, - . :*..'j Groceries 3 lar^e b,-\r Soap, s<->!d everywhere t 10V. strrn-ht. our price 3 for 25c Raisins, 3 llw. for 26c Curranta, new, 3 Iba. for 25c it <'\ns of :11 kinds can good*. . 2fic Choice Toas, Black iinl Tho above arc all absolutely new good*. A Urge i|-.i mti'y of t'lnin liags to chose from a'. $1 (Ml, 1.96, 2.25, $3.tH) per dozen. All Kinds of Farm Produce Taken at Highest Prices.

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