Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Oct 1901, p. 2

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I The i; Red Witch f Or The Wooing Of Constantia. S\ NOI'.SIS OK IMIKCF.KUINU l'JlAl'TKItS - t'oiiituntiu's cousin, Donna, alti-r travelling abroad, re- turns home as Mrs. Dundus and lind.s 'I did then wlrnt I should do "The opportunity happily is denied trembled. "Ixst her go let all the world K"." she breathed parwdonate- ly. "so long a you and I nrc left to lovo" The victory was hers! The nrms that l> "I 'iiid to hold IKT from him, now fastened round her They drew ins. -i clo.*er still. Their lip-, i.,. i A slight sound loused I hem from I lie mad joy they felt. It had lasted i . but a, minute or two, and now it was at an end, Imt it had < handed the course of many lives "Wu had forgotten," said Jloiinn, .... .,.. you." i.-ior.ed she. ,, U ille bitterly. ; drawing herself quickly from his that during her absonco '...id Varley. ; sh.> drew back from him. and angry arms "Ihe world us yet is peopled. n old name, has married While I,,,,- about her lips; Hiid tlusii all ' tiarret llariy. a suitor of CnnHlitn- suddenly her mood chtingeil from tla's In railing on her. 1'eatherston. worn to a soft. Hcductlve lendi:rnuns. another suitor in announced. They j --f rc d(iy !" she whispered. A bigh discuss a ball to IK- given by l>aUy' bro _ e from nur |liu . ted |,,, s - rhc ol(l Vnrley. At this t-ull o'tJr.idy. coi - fo| , (| najm , , (>| , on t|)e ,, ussin g brceee> In of Feathers! on. falls in lovo with u|(d ft|1 ut O|1C(J tnc ujr 8Cl , jnea ful | I.K hostess not n-.-ogi,i/.ing I.er - of jt _,,_, ((f Ml()| . ( . ,,,., j|; (|( ,.,. lantm |dns a party in the absc-nco , woo|l , a torraccSt and ..J her aunt who return, uncxpect - ^ a _ d |ighl (md Joy . "Why should we quarrel ?" she .ud "lla\e I not cause ugainsl CIIAI'TKK XIII II word now ! You have war a has been sutd, a glorl- too. doubtless. But you and - yes - not another angry |n a , ()W t|>|ie _ Vou heard ix Hound. Come." As they drew near lhe lighted win- do\vs. Mrs. Hundius stopped suddenly und look.*, up nl a balcony that ov- erhung Hie nearer garden, where a lull ligure leant upon Iho balustrade. Com! heavens' There is my old man." e\i laime.l she. " 1 must run " Her lone was slightly alarm- ed, yet comical She made a move- ment us if to RO in another direc- tion Hut Varley slop|od her. "He has seen you," he warned her A second glance at the tall figure on the balcony ennvinccd her of this, Uic- your cau.s,-, . shall we not; ous night. The heavens were bright forgive ? Hus there been no i.nnish- with stars. Outside. . the perfum- ^ meted out U> me a* well o.s to I " Il<l "" tul1 '- V sll<1 C ' 1UI1I '' 1H| " lr . ed dnrknpM of tho ( garden*, a light vou , Ah! i et cold words die bo- *- ,* V.""^^"-^!.. !'.'. bie.'ze. nower-scented. was ruslling m,.,.,, ,, s two , now we uro once through Uie trees. u dainty wind, U u>re " bft as a heralding breath from tho What ?" demanded he unstoadily. Mimmer. now so near. 'Togelher!" bo iiiuriniircd softly. Merchant "I just had to take a life to save my own." His Ste.noKraph<T--"(!ii'ut. lli;a\ns! You don't mean that you " Men-hunt "If 1 hadn't taken this I.ifo of Wellington,' that book agent would have talked me to death " uiid threw into her whole air (|uite ai: excess of joyousness. 'old Vurley t,, le.,v her. TIII-:X -i in: COUUT LAU<;III:H Now. sold thc lawyer who was con- ducting the rros!, examination, will you pleasi' stale where and how you lirst met this man? I think, said the lady with lh -sharp nose., that it was Never mind what you think, inter- Wo want facts you lliink Meantime r "" U> " lhe law >- Ken- \\o don "You to the rignt about. I to the ilis Hundus, slowly descending Iho' teps lh.it led from the conr*:rva- lory to the fcward ix'iieath, glanced upwards, as though struck by the brilliancy of lhe sailing moon, per- haps it was to show the purity of the lines of her throat and neck. 1 inr as these were undoubtedly. Uie lie.tven.s uere fairer still, and full of a .-.Irani;.' tnyslerious power " Ho has behaved to Us pretty well about the night " said Mrs Itundas, .-y,,,, It . ..... all. and yet what front." she said with a little grim- i aco, the 'the and Ihun wont leiMin-ly across ice alone, and run up tli.il led to the ,, I . As she reached the top and and lie on the pal, behind saw stiirli . ( , wry natur . o-luy nlone is ours, lake I e, , , |.,e ?; ,,l. \arley-lake ,t. when, , ^. out her han.U Pundus she started very natur expression full nnd and we haven't any time to waste m hsteniiiK to what you think. Now. please tell us where and when it was that you in: t met this man. The witness made no reply. Come. come, urged the lawyer I demand an nnswer to my fpiesiion Still n response from the witness. Yo-ir Honor, said the lawyer, turn- ins; lo the Court. I Hunk 1 aiu enti- Shi- swayed a little. Involuntarily \.irli-y sought to Have lier and in , t'lotigh the moon illumined In-r love- wilh a complacent and compliment- Jy ,..,. luld att Hhe took sU>p |,, r . ary glance around her. nnd another Wlir<1 sm . ,,.,, |,,. |s ,. lr ,.1,,-cl.ed by Uie cast backwards, over her shoulder. riH) , , lin old c)ln . tl ., v ,| l;lt had at her companion ixml Vurley. She Rrown u ,, wards imd crosHl .,| ihe pulh. was alluding to her host. " Why take tlmt tone V Hare his r arrangements failed to please ,., s |, wu.s lying in his .inns, you ? ' His nuinner was cold and slightly coinli.ii ivr "On the contrary : everything is O* p.llfei t a.s u liouve.iil . ic.he Would be safe to have it. The mayonnaise was beyond praise, and for once it is impossible to ravil at the cham- pagne 1'oionis says ' "II coji scarcely mailer what ho (.aid." interrupted V.irl.-y. with a i t'oronis was th.- name of tho I' i i. Hi pi inc.- who wasted so much adoration on Mrs Dundas "A poor , rro |, crs ,.|( beggar liko thai, who lives. or ves rather, it, lhal empty palace , , (>l h( . r ,.., ,,,., ol his in Home, com,,,, Is an impru- wnr f, H ,,, [( , ;iy llp(m |ljs he said, und drew her to him. and gazed with a grave rap- turo into the e\i|tiisltr> upturniil fi-p. She was Leant ifnl truly, and she was his ' lie loved her with a pas- sion the depth of which lie h.u-dly mil 1 ' PI ' to nn answer lo lhe question I : hare put The witness will please answer the the- (.' >urt in impres- ' understood himself. She was She was close; ill his embrace Al.u ! it was not for tin- first time. .11 d be know tin: swi-.-ln.-s-j of it ' His- In. HI Mi-Hied to stop lieatinp. "You are not hurt ?" he whispered bending OM-I hi No. oh. no." The answer came to him a lillle indistinctly, and u nfi. tremulous breath seemed to through her. She was within his nrmt. and now till agitation WHS nt an .-no. yet she made no e.Tort to She did not even Htir. r She lay there conlenledlv. and * I sole joy, Hie one delight of a hail In en singularly solitary. his life , ,1e,,,e when he etitui/es the ajrange- uien.,1 of a ho.iHc like this. ,, ,.,,, ,-. , , his ,, , lustrous eyes ii. the seductive at him from under her long In.sln-s- The fact Mi. it ho was with dilticully restraining an outbreak of temper. ratiMcd her some amusement. 'Hi t jealousy of the Italian's atten- tions to her. had rrcated tho tem- per, caused her delight. "Oh! it m. liters to me," she Mild sweetly. "His opinion is something. An II-V'K odd face expression grew on Var- |()>a| )() He had not meant to So far he had I "en wife, inasmuch as deeds now If she had been nn acquaintance of a year ago six months ago one known but yest>-r- d.iv us it were, it might have been all different; but uh, those old past least In my eyes You forget he ,| nvs> , fu n of life those days thai my friend poor though ho may w m m ,t. die, the me'iiiiiy of them dwelt BO near the surface that a "Only a friend?" asked hc. Inso- touch, n glance recalled them lently. Again they are flouting on t he She laughed Another woman in Jlaggiore the onrs idle. Uie arms that should have lubiui-d at them wound round her. As she IH be." Another woman in nil probability would never have- for- gi\en him Ihis spei-eh -or rather tho ine.,nmg of II but lionna wa.s above now Sl , shl . ,,.,,, , 1|ln 11|u> ,, , 1JM , nil such weakness The only pride a ac,,^ ,,f ti m ,.s- in that soft, lose- she knew was m the accomplishment ,,,.,, , 111S , (.,. | 1I1Kers twined in his, c.f tho ends she had in view, and so ,|,,. ir !.,,,-, U-ating in unison to slio laughed lightly und easily. " My lover, you mean? Well, yes He makes that apparent enough. poor in. in Uul an ar.-epled one. \vliii h you also meant'.' No lie is a \i-ry L'li it inn ..mi e. and almost -i folly. I admit, but be Is amiable. and handsome, and hi- bits his us.-s " 11 Dundas Mtmi v.ondei fully com- pl.iisaiil " " My hi -liand is fully awni.-. Lord Varley. that lu^ honor Is safe In my keeping ' " Hlu- ullered this digni- ii. -.1 a.sfiiii-.iiiri) wilh quite 11 grand air tm' us sin- did so, she made a saucy lillle inoue for 1/ird Vurley's beni'- ii and a mocking gleam full of nicked merriment lit her eyes Sho lifted her shoulders, ({live herself a lim; full of enjoyment, and shut up licr fan with a little sharp snap, a I one .same sweet tune Almost ho can hear the lylhiincal rise und full of the oars of the other boats, so fur away ns to lease him and her in u blest solitude He can hear. too. Ihe faint splashing of the sprinkling water-drops, the sound of voiees singing, now coming, now going swelling dying. lie started violently. All at once he came back to the life he wu now leading the life chosen He remom- bered how things were uiih him, and Yolande'H pale, grave fur.e (so un- like the brilliant, liiuirhing on.- now looking into his) rose before him. \\ilh a slight shudder he threw up his bend, and turned his glance from the w.irin -ga/e riveted upon him II" lifted both his nrms and, taking hers her backwards. H-I.-I. she had ,,-.! Abroad Then 2!""!j_tt I " IS , h '" 1 it was nil over, nnd she was looking ."'.' ,., "Have you no science '.'" ho said. .it Valley once again, in her would Ii.- d. mure way, with a iniwliiovoii* Minile upon her lips Varley gave her no ^ aiile in rcHpon.se Thill sudden bit nf nctmg bud in - .1 i.ined him no mil Hi. had ralln-r deepi-ned his an- ger into pu.ssioii " If I Wen- your husband I should Ui'l you ' " he said h... ii sely. II suggested ll'.elf lo mo heart no Con- "l'ons-ieiife ! No " She shook her head dolihor.iti-ly. She fell. t he game was won, as she looke.l into his wild eyes, and triumph uiado her rerkle-,-; II. -ail' Yes for you ! " "Think of Iiimdns ! " She laughed softly, merrily, with uplifted brows, a laugh full of inti- llinl, returned she audaciously, .,,, many n month ago. So long ago, ind, ed. as vvhi-ii we were Italy. You reiiioniber ',' ' h-iend! .|,,v\e I you to .nil yourself my ' M!IO whispered gayl.v "What .lone to you then, lhat vou . mi speak of lh,. e far olT diiya should com|iel me lo call lo mind ill Italy- when you were mine in lent .mil soul, as I madly believed. lhat. amiable misfortune. "Do you know what you mid when II,. paused abruptly, ing?" u.s-ked he. ' I' haw ' " be said with u frown. from him. are do- slill holding her Uo on." Shu en- i "What am 1 doing. Ilien '.'" nho again "That question why Are Well- llul d gently. "Wh.ii d is then- to go on? should be to you. You nsk me Mh.il i. ih.-ie 1,-fl to be said'' 11 I ,h, not think of Mr luindas Noi lung. perhaps Km -pi that you thinking of l^idy Vurley"" ion ii.iMiok me " | sh. ind.-ed. .mil sun- None of I hal lionna !" His face Was stern and pale, as be looked at hor'villi Hashing eyes ' Delude I bo commanded he. in a low. vehement of the world il you will, but do tone of tho end. when she said tlmt. ' I.euve I.ady Vurley out of II." l,o' wnhle your powder upon 1.10. i.now you." 'Vol. il it Ihe truth I speak." , ,-d sho quickly ' W.-ie you nol sluudinjr, oiwt, drawing horwlf. (b 01 e lo cry off, to draw back, to jt were, away from ids masterful mu '.' And all for n cause, so grasp; but now she gave In to It An ho spoke ho shook her slighlly "Ay, gladly!" whispered she Her took fire imain She hail been IIM trivial" i she |. < r towardx hint; her lips "And what are you doing here, you bad. bud boy ?" sho went on in a soft, purring ton-- giving bis Its a little pull this wny and that, as if to nrrai ge ii She put her In-. id on on. i side to mark the eiTect of her meddling. "Trying to catch cold, eli ' And win n you know 1 forbidden you. on pain of death, to seek I In- air al midnight "My own lifo ! " he breathed, in a low. euRcr whisper. HiM n- u.illy uii'-'ere face ur.-w bright as hc gazed ut her. Th.-i was deep thankfulness and a certain imd,. in it "How is it that I have been so blest above my fellows." ho asked her. "as to gain your lovo ? And n ,t a litllo of it not n part- but nil the love of your sw.-vl life 1 " Sho laughed sho seem. -d thoroi,';!,- K- amused She placed one finger beneath Ins chili, and looked at him archly. "You would have compliments. then '.' But not one nol on.- I tell you. tonight ! Is it not enough that 1 should waste all my precious time hen- alone with a foolish old hus- band simply because well, because I'm ha.ppi.-r li-n- -whilst there with- in." pointing airily to thc ball-room beyond, "all my many swains uro seat cliing for me high anil low? Is that nothing to you, sir ?" Here she changed her position slightly so us to get a better view of his face. "Tell me/." she went on lightly . "\ou x.iw me coming here a moment since ? " "I felt you coming, even more tli.in I saw 'it. You stood in shad ow. and your gown is black but yet I knew you I should know you amongst i.-n thousand Were I lying in my grave and you drew near you ret-ieiTiber those lim-s. sv\ - I heart? They haunt nw 1 always. 'My be. nt would know it and bout, hud it lam for a century dead ' Who was lhat with you?" "I'liptiiln I raildocJt." returned she casilv. running tier chivk soflly up and down against his sleeve "I t bought il w-is \ arU'.v " "Wi-ll. do you know I've often said It " "Said what ' 'Ib. -M- is a wonderful similarity between those two men." "A likene-s, VH. perhaps Hut c.'iuiinly 0110 should give the pulm lo V.irlev " y-i- ." indilleroiitlv .1 dale s.r, " "I am glad it was not Coronis." said Mi\ luindas. utter a slight pause. "Oh. lhat. absurd patriot ! Do you think I would lling away an hour on him Pas si bole Uy-tln^- by, when does- he leave ? lie grows itisnlTi-rably dull "lie grows troiilde.omc He makes the idle ton. -i'. round here wag, and I wish no silly talk about my wife " lie utters the last two words il li t he utmost tendel ness I think I bate Coronis " cried she iMitulunlly. "bo makes you un- kind to me." "1'iikind. Donna ? " "Yes. terribly unkind You are scolding me now beciiuso that odious man fancies himself hopelessly me. As if that w a-s at- my Inched to fault " "When have I accused you of a fault ' When- Is Hie- fault in you 1 .' And us lo scolding, that is n little unjust . is it not ? " (To be rcMitintiecl. timid, len. I oiv Rives 7O per cent lead It lakes three tons of c-onl to produce three Ions of le.td SH out ,,f I ,111111 (i, -i-j.ians live to be HII yeurs old, and HH |-'.ni>lisli li\e to i nie age. >i\e tones. t'an't s.iid the lady Why mil? Thc Court doe>ii'l core whal I think, does if> No. Then there i.s M.. u..- i|'ie>iionint; me any further I am not a law.M-r I can't talk without thinking So they called the next wi'ness. WOMAN'S 11LOUSI-:. :U to In Hust The Lesson of Health IS ONE TAUGHT US BY THE EXPEEIENCE OF OTHERS. Learn This Lesson Well and the Ravages of Disease Will No Longer Be So Prevalent Tha Story of One Who Has Been Benefited and Who Offers Hes Experience To Aid Others. l-'roiH I.'Soi i-lois. Sorel, Quc. Among the multitude of ailments that a Hlic t humanity there are few that cause more acute misery than indigestion or dyspepsia, as it n variously called. Doth young and old are susceptible to its atlacks. and its victims throughout the coun- try .ire numbered by tens of thou- sands Among the disugreeable ss iiiptoms which accompany dyspvp- sia and in.ikc il easily recognizable, ure weight, uin-.tsiness and a heavy feeling in the stomach after eating, u feeling of weariness, sick headache tuid dizziiicsK. pains 1:1 the .stomach, offensive l-rcath. irritability. Ordinary medicines will not curt d\s|vpMii. They may relieve its s> uiptoius temporarily, but the trou- ble alwass letuni- i time in an inteiiMiieil form l>r. \\illiams' I'mk l'il!s is the only medicine which will thoroughly ami effectively cure d\ s|>ep.si.i These pills act not merely upon tin- symptom/i. but on this disease itself through the blood, hence through the stomach, which engthened and restored to iu normal functions. Mr. Alp. Lu.-sier. a lady well known in Sorel. vjue . is one of the many who have been released from thc i lutches of d.vspepsi.i through the u~e of Dr. Williams' Pink i'illn. in Hie lio|M> that her e\|>erienr<) will t-e of bfiieiit ' .it her suf- ferer shT- j;iv,-. He followimj j fur publication ' l-'or over two | years I was n wfTerer from dyspep- r had imlige.tion. The iliseos* le>-.uiic chronic and I was an almost continual suflerer from lu-adache.s. heartburn and heart palpitutioii All sense of taste left m,. ttll d .it tunes my stomach was so weak that 1 was unable to kis-p any food on it. and this caused me more di,- than one could imagine Although I tried ;:;:::;, *% ** *- ^^ * ; latesl di lust r. ited is ine sill;, wilh the yoke of cre.un lace. o\ei white l iiiiiming of black and Ilin- cording. which is attached bc- r.c.ilh the islges of the tucks and nn isi:,< till. me * day while reading | cumu across a cured cut 21 -1 1 i yards of collar and taken ll-over i,,Pe trim us illustrated e for voke and ri I'. 1 va.ds of cording to "" , "' ' \VOMANS IH>lilU,r. HKKASTrii HASQI 1 ct:. 1 to 4a iiu.st. The titfhl-nitinK. weil-sliapel bas- t|UO is always Die style for appro- priate materials, nnd suits some itguie.s fur bette- tl.,in any other model Tho stylish i sample illu-. case similar to my own. throegh the us.' of I'r Pink Tills, so in the hope that I would loooive similar benefit I de- a trial. I long before I for reroverv l thu tini" I >\es a I d di,ap able to enjoy lu< b..-lng selrivl with the no hesitation in saving that I think tlmt Dr. Wil hams' I'ink Pills are tho K>st known cure for clyspcpsiu. and I woula strongly advise all sullerers to giv tin-ill a trial The old adage. "K.\|>erience is tlit best teacher." might well be applie. in cases of dyspepsia, and if suflerei--. would only U- guided by the expert . -f t ho-.- who have sHHIered bul are now well and happy through the f l>r William' I'ink Tills. tli -ie would be less siifToring through- out the land Dr Williams' Tail 1'ills can N- had at all dealers in niedirine or by mail, post paid, ut 5ii cents a box or six boxes for $J :,i by addressing the Dr. aledirino Co . llrockville. Out. f TWO NOTAlU.i: i:\CI-Tll The Irish are scarcely less notec for their gallantry than' for their wit OIM an example of this virtue i; found in the case of un Irish judge who presided at a trial i,i which t'h plalniUk weu- u lady and her daugh- ter. I Ims giillaiil ly be-an: lent lemon of the j-iry: Kverythins In this case seems plain except Mrs. O'Toole and her cjiarmina daughter. The doalli-rato is \~H\ per lo in Kngland 1S1 ii, lrol,,i,,|. .,,,,1 I- ' in Scotland trated is cut on the Litest lines-, and '" 17 '-' ( ' il took 9 tons of coal tc includes the newesi collar and cults '"a 1 " 1 -i ton of pig-iron, 'low il only To cut this hiisip.o fm a Woni.in of tllkl '- s l w <' tons medium si/..- :i; \ards of material ''7 "On 1 1, . whole. Hkiid lhe uget woallier prolit. "1 |, ; . V e found thai Iho saf. si i-oiir.HO is to predict bad neather ." \Shy'" asko 1 the I'.e. aiise people arc imich or 11 yard-, oil in.-,.-, wide will be niiuin- l Kight cubir fi-et of unow uiaki- one cubic foot of water. """'' reidy to forj; dic'.lon does uot come true " Sozodont Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good TeetK SozoUont TootH Powd- 15c. Large Liquid and Powder i 5c. AH (tores or by mail (oi'thc price. Sample foi the p&itage, jc, HALL * RUCKEL. Montreal. THK Kl\. A\H HIS DNIFORMB. I-. nr_r I'dw..ii! muht ha.-- Ii" right In wt-.it- 1111,11- itiiifofms than any other i/onn'-l hiMd. In addition to i I elri-iiiarshal's unifonnH of the Mrit isli Army, lie can wear the four dilTei I-M.S of t!.e t: 'lard- of the inth Hussars lie i.s on {'nKlish Admiral, und in the IViiSKian Arniv. and colonel of tit riuun Uragoons and of a (.' Regiment 'll.e [\.iu is colonel of no few, i- than 1 \vi-.- ; i v -twu ili". r>-|: iments in Mif Hritivh Army THE SPRUCEJF CANADA, THE SUPPLY IS THOUGHT TO BE INEXHAUSTIBLE. Estimate of Superintendent of Forest Bangers of Que- bec. Canada's forests urc found to be fejuul to Mippl;. ing thc woild with pulpKood alone for 84O years on the ba.su of 1.5UO.OUO tons of munufac- itired pulp a year. For each province npurately. the period of exhaustion would be. for Ontario , f-00 yeurs ; Quebec. 1,103 vears . NI-W lirui.swick, 'J87 yoors ; Nova Scotia. 3.225 years ; the rest of the Dominion bringing down the period. as above stated, to 840 yearn for all Canada. This is 'he estimate of .1 I' l-.ii.- Kelirr. superintendent of forest, j.iiig- rs of Quebec Mr l.iuigelter takes a Si|iiare timber... Lathwood Pulpwood K.iunay sleepers Shingle* Total .. An old man would not believe he could hear his wife talk a distance *f five miles by telephone. His ln-tir half WUH in a country shop several miles away where there was a tele- phone, and the sceptic was also in a place where there was a similar in- strument, und on beiu; told how to operate it. he walked boldly up and shouted: "Halloa, Surah!" At that instant lightning struck tho tele- phone wire and knocked the man -1 12,582,414 down, and as he scrambled to his 111 :>-'.' l.Vi '''-' nc excitedly cried. That's 109,000 |Sttrali; erery inch." I'OOR CHUMPLKICH' "Why. pa. this is roast beef," ex- claimed little Willie a' dinner on the .'. MB,2:ifi,487 The proportion of pulpwood is ^ 3.'5 evening when Mr t'humpleigh was per cent for tin- four provinces 10- gether, 2 Ot per cent fer Ontario. 3 SI per cent for Quebec. 9.O.T per cent for flew Brunswick, .23 per cent for Nova ScoUa. It may be observed, by the way, that, more than 3O per cent, of the pulpwood got out in IH'.ti was for exportation lo lh> United Stales. \\HAT COULI- BK PRODUCED. For pulpwood alone the whole quantify uf spi uce required yearly would be : Feet. .. . I :!'.>. 417.803 . 4,1SO.3T.07B . 1 H^;{. 788,900 to Ontario Uuebw New Ilrunswick Nova Scotia .. . million and a half t. a. of put,, venr- ,. The ttrca . d dc '' J^ly , _u ly as his basis tl,a .,.,n K ibou't the thw *. Muaatitie. of wood and Ihe total production of the I'nited '^^ ' r'."f?> > "' lU8t m AMOI NT STIlirrKD KAIH VIM: The forest ureas in tin- four pro- preaent as the guest of honor. "Of course," said the father. "What, of that?" "Why, you told ma this morning that you were going to bring a 'mutton-head' home for dinner this evening " Japanese Catarrh Cure NOT ONLY GIVES RELIEF, BUT PERMANENTLY CURES CATARRH which would have U) be de the present extent of i s are shown in tht following table : frea denud- Period of ed yearly, exhaustion. nudod yearly to produce the required o n i ar io million nnd a half tons of pulp are' -is follows : Acres Oul.ui, . .114 -.Ml . . . i:u i ! a. r.-H >-'> 60 Quebec 83O.75O 173 New Mrunswick ....369,003 41 Nova Scotia . -JT 88 Hut ! is a well known fact that S. A ilrunswiek 1 1.371 h -.re c.irru.il on .1 :t;t| ,i wi<- niiH pioviiletit i Th- iRlenl of th.- spri.c.- [01.^1- r N" renews itself in 15 IIIK is un;ouclii-d in New llrilllSWi' it in a or at mod, tsj -<-ially wliiti the soil is good and the cliuiate i iln refore. ri':i"on- t infer. ;>> Mr I..i!ig'lier. that the Fpi in - (I.H-MS ale |>racti- ca!ly in- \liuist tide When yon have uned all that Tea yon now hare, ytt a Package ol LUDELLA CEYLON You will and it .delightful COMB*-. In Lead Pack^e.. iK. 4J. M aud aOc. APPLES. POULTRY, BUTTER. EGGS, Potato ea, Chestnut* and other Produce THE DAW80M COMMI88IOM CO.. Limtted. HIGH GRADE SEWING MACHINE or BEAUTIFUL COUCH ind ICQ PIECE DINNER SET 1FREE 1:7 < r blxfc fntim yteeaMB*aiki4urk>4a .r*F. -.;* f..r Mi Int Pr. U wul kjwvu r .r TWO WHK'C TRfATMtNT FRH. hooMHliX* wf p*.pl Cfttorrh <'ur 4oi cur* LA trrb and la UM bMd. io it BIMC b* tru*. nw amloka Cur* 1*. and In oroer to , ih ftiu uf this reaMdy and oar In II. will Mod a Ulal quaa CMI I .r rrarly t<ro vwb traaraniH. tm. U i ih n t al ikat UBM TOU tod U txor Saal. call t jwitr tnicr-M fur a regular M caa kettle, or m U1 k* pUax i la i. u M jwt dlrx*. !_! I < oi ! tar port***, ate.. o euepl* aed It will b ml to fon by r*iun in*il without any karat halc'er Maelma U>i p>p*r Th. Ur tha a MacplMnon L 1 .. . o.C.0. l it :'r-::,454 ... 11. 'JIM in S.VI..VI4 Kor a "oii|de if years yet. til. 1 until tin- returns for the next ceniuui are |-i:b:isheil i^tn-s of IM'.'I are lhe only ones th.it can give coin- i ion respecting 'h.- HAKI'S A for all purpose-) .-i ' : huve Rival feitli in in tl.e f,,ii, [n, .\ince-4. ami by Ml N AIU> S J.I M MKST. *. Itv making the proper disl inni-u-s .,,il I < ur-.l a II.T-M- ,,f llmi, hone. wilh we get the following i ** '"'" iigures. \\hi-!i i-epri blustered the horse but in u Iv the i|iianlitics ;g* Kirewood month there Te.t a.9.V<.<.L'r. Tin 1.500.41LM i'.i; AFTER A LAPSE OF JIANY YEARS A LETTER COMKS TO LIGHT WHICH SHOWS THE UN- DOUBTED PERMANENCY OF CURES BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. no ring-bone and no HAMKL MLKCUISDN. four Tails. N. U. STATES IN GREAT BRITAIN. Guernsey and Jersey Have Each a Parliament. "The Siales." us lhe legislative- OMGfUblios uf llMi'i-nscv amt J .in- called an: hisloricully in', mg on account ot their origin, dim- Patterson of Con- ' v traceable to remote Norman times Mrs. Edward boyville, Opinion of Dodd'a Kidney Pills cut French, Knglish and Her Advice to Others. _ ... In Uuernsvv you will hear a ijuaml 1 pluralay of language used indilTer- Cunboyville. .mt . < K;l ctiil 1 Mrs l-ltlwi-.id l'attciM>n. of Ihis low i ' tlu-si v ho call a sti anger-sounding jargon which is lealiy a coirupl ilialt-ct of the Kor- uiaii-Kreiich In OueriiM-y nil tin incinbvrs remain seated while deliver- ing themselves of their tpiiii.in--. INDORSEO BY THC MEDICAL PUPFESSIOM Dr. U 3 Wilson, of tha American Jttvrnrtl of H'alt>>, New Yo . wrtt . " Japaor M ( Uirrl, Cur* baa mnt with tha highest en 4os>ni'iii n( lh MtJical Profoamn for th on'y rvanon Laat erar win* nucb aoi'orsamenl. i-.iltim-t and proven raju* It In n-ajlj pacirte for c.iUirrli la IU rarioiM forma." Jpane-r Catarrh Cur* U aojd hy ail drug M) cenm. KNEW HEK MAN. lie wan desperately in lovo with her but lucked the courage to pro- pose "This line," she said, on she bunt ovtr his hand, "indicates inat you have a long life before you; this one indicates a good heart, this one an artistic temperament and Uus one vou lack courage " lieing a dull and stubborn brute, always ready to prove oilier people liars, hc popped. [HOUGHTKUL. "Say. bo," he began. "1 don't want no money. I only ask \.- r t-r pass me ii:te r J.,l lunch joint arwi buy me a s<|Uar<-- me:il " "Toor man'" excluiiurd the philan- thropist "I can't do that, but the next man you auk may so here's a u tablet in i -u \ o irself AGIMTS WANTEB. A OEll^ WANTED FOR Ol It NKW /%. Boolu. " I jfo f William Me'Cialev. Th Murirfl Prfidaat,' aim our new "JuTa> lla.-' family Bib.w, Albuma. tr. Uur pr < or* low and on' Urnia azirm Ibcra). A fre prupctHN if yoo mean hnnineaH. or write for c-r ulai* uad tie inn. W illiain Urtc. Moth !' Bouk and PnUUnblnB HOUM-. Toroalo. othf> Out tlf.ll GLAD Si.i.1 ; "1 have found out one thing about my husbuiid." said the bride who h.ul been married In-fore, "that sur- it ly." I In friend mo veil up a tiltle nfar- er so ihal they could whisper, and asked ".Kit is if" i. -alary is .nisi as big us hc told me il was " THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER. In p.r w filtjr Vwr* THE <:'% SAVINGS AM) IO4N COM- PANY In reiltiK ttocka ao<l <akniure< drawing kond ratee or lutri .iaW takinc de> pom." ; ihr-eiip|H>r-imiilea for a.lini-n' are niwjaajled ; rrh-blo ngi-al" ur* wanted. Wrl e to the Compm J n addraa*. 1 eroato \V AMED-KKLlTrJf.K MEN' TO ACT TT aa local or inxTmhrjK i(<-nu. mlher on whole or pr t.me l.iberel tcr.: on naiar} or oommM.il n t> c-xue Apply uiiw. .--TON'-; Jt C..nad < i Qre&leM Nnr*erie>. ' r>pu A. WANTKU-12 PICK DAT SCICK-UKN tlemcn ir la-Met not to ISUITM. but to employ aarent* ; t-n.. ,,ri Bereaarnt: MM per rear and expreo.->: rellak e Inn; bml referwnei-* ; exnorienon unneeevary. M. A. O'KEICKK. nd.ir.--. t/ti Tnth Oslcc. Torurro. ^ Aini'ii^ able-bodii '1 ir.e: the y*tirly di-atlis ore ten i t'r civil- ians, but only ' I'-r 1 "'" lr sol- di. TH. an-! M I>er 1 !'> for sailo.v in the navy. Deafness t.annot be Cured bj local ap: l'r:iMor, M thry -no not roarb tht dlaeaMd portion "f ma c^r. 'I hen- noal; ont wy to curs dtafne-w. and that U by ccm iiunal r oiedlr-. Vf-ta't* I' ou-rt by na. inflamod condliou of thu nun-oui lining or (ha Kufai-hia,n Tube. w i.o hii tab* la in. flamed yuu uav a rumnling HOunil or impor fact hearlnii. anJ wbui It m i-nt nly oload dtafntaa I* inn mn)t. and unlaw ih InfUm. matloo can b latrn ' ut and Uiin l aba m*u-r*ii to niaormal cnr.tl t. n. bunn will b dc- triij*! f ri.-Tfr; mn ac< o-u of t-n ir- oanwdbjr c-iarrh. which la Dolhinn but au In flamed coadilian of tha mucous nur me . W will gtr* One Hundred Po.lamfor any gBjaaof Daa/nam ""'il by >at rrti) lomt ciui it be oire-1 by Hall'* Catarrh Curo. OL<1 ' 0rciritt;Ur - K^CIIKNKY ItCO, Toledo, O Sold r,yDrni.t^7Sc. Hall'n K^nn 1 1'llln re lh be't. \\-ANTE i-i;'K)I> MKN ONLY TO 8KLL TV our well kaown ipeclalUM. V. arc oaeof the olrleflt and mo-i r^hab e firm* la Canada, -.'ary or commNMen. Kie i-i.-e t.-r rtory. Oirttlfise. Pelbam Narery i'o.. Toronto. Oat. T1HK noYAf- VlfTORl* LIKE IVSL'h- ANi K il). mMie'ipplical.ianrura,ierr in d;tn< L4 AI preftfnil vnrcpie-eatrd ; ^erraj alub e lor uo ii ara a. i aie 10 iiiiiable imlrinm. es: erlence nn: .ndUpeaiable. Apply *up0rintcudunt of A.caciea. k,n( 4ireet Wavt. Torino. CENT.-AI. ONTO. CdLLKOK. 1O1V TwelTe Txarhera. line , rup- inoat. cUhiy typiiw i i, ; ni.vtune., iDdem ccuro^, thuioiiKh v. . rni:- i-im.pund i-rrn rrom it I in n-r el pirl.o-. A.'.Jrf W. D. .-huw. F, in HELP WAMTEO. \\'ANTKD-PAKTIKWTO DO XSiniNU TT f i < it. hniBi'. Wn rumlih yarn and maohin*. Ky work. <io ,i pay. >*enil lamp for ran ten an. .-tiaJr i Hunt- l.'o.. l>,-|i' . 3, Toron'O. < 'nt. leslily lo the luMn.it nature >'f cure--* while an undecided i-n-inbei iitny re- North Italy the ratio of child- ren .it tending school id ItJ per" of the population, in I'entr.il Italy it in 01,1.. I'll, ulnv no more than 4} in the proportion in Sicily. mnord's um cuns now in To cross ih,. \tlaiitic in four days 'inier muni be '.):!."i fe.-t loi.: '- .I,-. .i!..| ilriM-n .it .'In km" 11'i.i'lMi horw-powcr. .Shu Would In rn l.Ti'ii tors of coal a day. bv l>odd's Kidney Tills, the Canadian remedy fur all ol the Kidney i. Mrs. l.mvard 1'atU-rson. according as a io her own M .iicnn -nl . is to-lu.v in do. Kplriidiu l-.t-aUli. llei i heuuialisiii has left her. aud uM hough it is ten M.i.is since ilwn. Il has m:\ci re- lurned iH-yond t slight toucn m cold .uoiil'iei. which a luxlil's Kidt.ey 1'iil C'i two immediately dri>es awuv . (tx-ul main in his place .n,d boldly exclaim 1 1 do nol vote." instead of walking fljl];|j'|| S out of 111.- llou.s,- Ix-forc a division 111. llll'ei |if 1 -I Would T|.. I louse of .li'i-H:y is u much more imposing building limn '\.il court h"i:>e ef Cuemsi-v As ul present rcr.sl iliil. -<l. tin- St.:t.i-s of the latter island consist uf two biiinrhes. the l.xislati\e one ben.g This prows what h.is always been called l-Mai- de Ivliber.ition. and the claimed that I'odd's Kidney Vills iicctorul one. I. Etal d'l'lertion. 'I'll.- lii-iiteiiHiii-iti'vernor and | b I'lTl'S Arclic Fxpedmuu is lieiiteiKt nt-e.o\ern"r eompti-o'.ler have I : .- right to speiik. hut not to vote . while tin- b.iilnf has Iho casting vote, but no cure | >. i maiienlly Their effects uro !.i*'iii! ill fa"l they do not u.crttly relieve they cm- ll.-n- is Mi- 1'at '.-> l.ati-r : "It is many ycai ur The St.-iU-s of IV-libevation c.n.Msts twelve.-, since 1 started taking Podd's of forty-six voting nienit'.-rs Kidney Tills, and t ! IT it \\iis ?iot \'i K'uuniati'iu that I look them 1 \\.is feeling iiiisei able, did not The S-ates .>f KleCtion (i-l.si-ls of the builifT, twel\e inr.its. lhe recl.'i.s of the twel\e parishes, tin- pi know what ailed me nnd while re.nl- I m -::ei a I Ihfl ulmle boily of I'o'i- paper 1 s.iu, lhe t.'Mimony of yenn'i-, " 1^" in number, mill twenly i>n.- who hixi' iH-CM cured by pai ' -I ' ("OHM Podd s Kuliu-y rills, who h..ii feeling just as I u.-.^ I i-. T * l-o\ and found Ihey lielpe'l uw I iound iilsn :lm' my Hhenniat ism was not bad. for I bail millensl for many years especially in cold w er 1 ba\c R ol I" -t 1 les "dicincK :;ntl ninl iiK'nt s. always n t.iiriusl until I iisi-d Kidney Pills, und la v. I M-li'mm baM all of il I 1 ,,\ peril. ips ' w.. 1 l <-\ei .vnyoiie comphiiii i.f Klie,iin.it ism but 1 advise them lo li : l>< iM's Klilney TilU." who are uk-ci.<i by 1 1- ratepo for thi'-e years Almost I bo only functions- uf this b-id.v of -- I .xrc to eleei inrats mill si' uh -! \ 'i B -- (H-ciir The imnily uf the Stales are limited In .l.-iM-y UH- jurats are but a I'leil- i b- lhe wh"le body of rule- lloild's |>;iyel . . .- :d . . , ' hUl IIWI e llil ecllv Ii plc>el|l.i! '\e I', .n ill III.? sister I It <osts SJ to talk for tlm-e iniu- l.ndii to VM'' S telo- ph< taking -i' I'ti'looiis lo carry lioine.Miid. when the wind Mows south They will relea-v these me?- suges .nn onuitir. illy. ^ -I. IW" I ..-n'l H nrk< -a; Hii .ld. Lavxa ir Bromo yu-nrnn 'lab'ft* cum a cold laoni-iUy. No-vurc. No IT- Price .'Jci r,:-. 'i IMI:\ T \\I:IIM; This | i-- is excellent." said tin- minister. who had t<-en invited out to tea. and Mrs ll.'ciikins. being a ili'irch member, had lo swallow M pi nl-- and say. >is I gol il al the baker's H.r.i'7 vr-s)M..|s pu.shcd I lirougli the 'anal in IS'.c.i Of th.*-.' - inc-KlKiut. shiiw, T:!!-. mail teaiuers. and the rest warships, or ships in ballast. fs Ijiiimcnl I'urrs Diphlh< r a. of the people >i tkW T'ritiMi ve.ir allowing i-i.-5-l on Sundays. and 13 days of illness and holidays Your wif- - inri;''' f'ii '- she? "i lull not nearly ~" get fill a> I'd like her to be Shu's forever remembering that *!ie'x still wearing her luM summer's h.it w p. c. Biiwrd's liiiiraent Curfs CoM, etf The biirgesl gorilla ever kill.-d b.,s just been brought to IIumnurR It veil l. -ei hish. aud weijtl- alling ihirt \-nvc stone. b.- xiiro roiiTr yiiinir.u Tt!t A 1 dml''- rfii.d ihe mony if it J"^ lo eure. li. Vf. Orove'r) nigoaturo w on even oox. AT I'm: nosriTAL. I,, |.r sui - id the Vimlly ii'in- to the man who bad losi both his h-K s in a railway accidi-'.i "you ha\e o'isl;. injured, bn ini-'sl Lo yrau-ful ' -ur lite i spareJ Vs. -mil til.- (uffcrcr, trying to no rful. "I can't kick." AOVIOB TO A YOU '13 MUOANO. D>n't start on: h> UiV'iijj your wife sdvu , but bring her homo a packet of CALVERT'S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all skin ai!mont. a. . tahwt A Co. aUMHMtor, Enlan Gents' Suits Cleaned or Ore*! . ilK> LAtlir an.l If.-UM) lln|nu-" \^ T l- BRITISH AMERICAN DTBIMO CO'T, Muiiir.%!. T, rwilo. Citaa Brass Band !n*trumntv. Drums, Uniform* Etc EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BANB pil.-o* ever ii'iated. Fi-e -^r,al t|in. milled fn-e. Writ- >i f i ir .ny Ixn?et .'Oi.liMtrt tiling In Wnalr ur Mn .Irnl ln.lrinnl . WH*LET ROYCE ft CO., Limited, Toroato, Onu, and WlnalpoK. Man ROOFIMC and Sheet Metal Work* IUJ or drain. L.\' KIII.A"K Bo \K-.V ' H.^yeA labile ai.d Hi. Rn( Fair, ntcb. Col Tar. (c. UIMU inci. Toronto, ili'iin hy our tti-n.) M-'^l tpiltn^n, Oer- bica, eu-. Kflitn .lofurnth<Ml ', > r for matorialailkipDtdteajif aartof uwomintn rneae W1 D. DUTHItAM,AaValatoAWlamerSt*..Toren!e Dominion Una Steamsiiipa Monlra4 to Lateipool. llou/ii lo Li*r ool. Pwtlaad to U<*rmool. Vialtureu- CEYLON" TH3A-- iMStnaHkipa. Siipwior .oae:.." clMMa of pa iannra. .-.:,, aoJ Dialer >] II*. 8p*uia^ uianti n KM bo -afl*a u> <M . otia ae4 Tblid-Ciatt ataomai-Mialioe. 9m ratMof >aat*u4 all ainiculan, I'lj ' itfeat W tb Compaaj at aVotariia, MIIU Oa, D. TerraeM C_.

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