Eev. Dr. Talmage Says It Is The Fairest Daughter of God. A dcsimtch from Washington Hays: | to look tliroUKh it. We pray for -Hev. I'r Taluiage preached from the following text : Job xxviii, 17, ' The crystal cannot equal it." Many of the precious stones of the lllblc have come to prompt recogni- tion Hut for the pi. ci.t I tako up the less valuable crystal. Job. in my text, compares .saving wisdom with u specimen of topaz. An Inli- del chemist or mineralogist would pronounce the latter worth more th<n the former, but Job makes an intelligent comparison, looks at re- ligion, and then looks at the crys- tal nnd pronounces the former us of fdi 9. ipcrior value to the latter, ex- claiming, in the words of my text, "'I hi. cannot cijual it." Now, it in not part of my scrmon- iC design to depreciate, the crystal. whether it be found in Cornish uiinu or Haiv. mountain or mammoth cavo or lifkling among the pend- ants jf the chandeliers of R pal.,, crystal is the star of Uie mountain . it la the <iuucn of cave; and H is tho eardrop of the bills , it finds its heaven in the dia- Among all the pages of nat- ural hi'-tory there is no page more inteic.-ting t me than the page of vision, .Lord, that out- eyes may be opened ! Uhon the eye salve cures our blindness, then we liiut that re- ligion is transparent. 1'ooplc talk too much uhoir (heir cross und not enough about their crowns*. Do you know that the Bible mentions a cross hut seventeen liinea, while it mentions a crown KICHTY TIMKS ? Ask that old man what he thinks of religion. Ho has: ance It hears the resurrection voice in the mountain and it comes to crystallization; but your heart re- sists The trouble with you, my brother, is the coal wants to stay coal. I do not ask you to throw open the door and let Christ in. I only ask that you stop bolting and bar- ring it. My friends, we will have to get rid of our sins. I will have to CI:T HIP OF MY SINS. and you will rid of your sins, with our siim among the three crys- tals'.' The cry.stul atmosphere would hnvo to get \Vhat will VM- do vlii, 28. 29), but as truly a* Jos- eph could look back and see, not his cruel brethren, but God working out His purposes, so we shall tlnd that no real evil has ever befallen us and that all enemies and all adverse cir- cumstances have been really for us, for our good, under the controlling hand of God. 8. "So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God. and He bath made me a father to Pharaoh ." Note the threefold 'Cod -enf. me" s r>. 7, H). We thiuk of our Lord Jcfni/3. who, when sulToring s,. much from His ninnies, saw not them ; but His Father, and said. display our pollution. The crystal j "The cup river would be hofo.iled with our given Me. touch. Transformation must t.i!.e \ ( John xviii. 11. > When Slnmer which My Father shall 1 not drink li.ith it '.'" place now or no transfoi mation at all. Cive sin full chance in your h' art and the transformation will be downward instead of upward. In- stead of crystal it will be a cinder In the days of Curthagr a Chris- cursed David and threw stones at him. David saw no* Shinier. but God. .mil ]iisl left him to Uud to manage (11 Ham, xvi. 5-i:<> It is blest-ed united to s. e Cod and rot people or circumstances und I" ntly thickened. Ninety gallon casks sawn in half are admirably adapted for mixing the food, and also mak capital receptacles for storing milk. A good-sized copper should be er- ected out in the open, not too close to the dwelling house, as the prep- aration of fat for the fowls is not a, pleasant operation to have perform- ed just under an of>eu window, espe- cially if the wind happens to b blowing in that direction. Empty in one or two hundredweights of rough fat (which can S.o bought from most butch. ;.ont i!c a pound) ac.- oordini* to the si/,- of the copper, and pour in s ilficlent water to cov- er tin: whole s-ovcral inches .i After an hour or two's boiling. th fat will rise to the top. and should lh< n pall be skimmed, and put into a Have re. ply in some cool place a few milk pans, and pour the hot fat from the pail iato one of these. then, when cooled a little, pour iu erver. II* been a- close has been cultivating an ansuielic tuste. He has seen the sunrises of half u century. He has 1 e n an e-irly riser Ilr has been an admirer of canioos ;:nd <-<>rals and all kinds of things. Ask him what he thin!. of r'-ligion, and It is the most saw. The llor-riiphic. Hut 1 wajiV to 1 justice that he will lell you : beautiful thing I crvslul cannot equal it." Hoaiitiful in its symmetry. When it present* Cod's I !-. it does not present him as having love like a great protuberance on one side of His nature, but makes that 'ove in harmony with His justice - a lovo that who will come accept to Him. will all those and a by no how you that Job was right when, ic.ipiou in one hand and tho in the other, ho declared . former is of fur more value and oe.oitv than the latter, recom- ny i th.'l means clear the guilty. lU-aiitiful re- ligion iu the sentiment it implants! U. autiful religion in the opc that it kindle:- 1 Beautiful religion in the fact that it proposes to garland nd tian girl was condemned to die for j that not u dog can move its tongue her faith, and a boat was bedaubed 1 nejainst us without God's pcnni- MOII with tar and pitch und nllerl with'(Kx. xi, 7). See also Ua. xii, 1^, combustible* and set on lire, und il; 1'J . Hv, 17. Christian girl wns placed in the boat | '.Ml "Thus s.iidi Ihy son Jos- und the wind as offshore and the eph. lioil hath uiado me lord of all Moated away with its precious I t'-n\ pi. <'ome down unto me . tarry treasure. No one can doubt that boat not." This was the message to Ins landed at the shore of heaven Sin 'dear old father urging him to "..nts to put you in a liery boat and M'lickly with all his children opposite " "- -.:u....,'- ..i..i.i.... shove you off in an dircc- 'children's children and (locks and and tion off from peace, off from Cod. ' l.crds that Joseph might nourish and oft from heaven < -vorlust ingly oiT, care for them Sc the verso follow-' and the port toward which you >r>g the portion assigned for our Ics- v.oulil sail would bo a port of dark- sou and note the interest Pharaoh ness, and the guns that would greet ! took iu bringing Jacob and all that you would bo the guns of despair, he had down to Kgypt. sending wag- Mi Uio flags that would wave atjgons for tho wives and little o,e s your arrival would bo the black flags and urging tbem t.) rognid not, their of doath Oh, my brother, you must 'stuff, because tho good of rither U'l sin or sin will kill It Is no exaggeration when - . ai.v man or woman that wants .Father, when speaking of His to I. v,n,..i may I..- saved. Trenien- ', ciph, 'The glory Which thou gavpst dous rholce! A thousand people are! Me 1 have given them" (John xrii. choosing this moment between salva- -->. ill yoi I load of I-^f>pt wa-* theirs, n I say Jesus buid in His prayer all '.he Our Ijird to His 't written in I Cor. lii. HUM * ''' '< V lll.ili vi... .v^.. - * ---- i .ling it to all the people und to enthrone and emparadisc an muno " . mon say. it is a I. all tho anes, declaring "The cryblal tal spirit. Solom I'.iul suys it is a crown. The Apoc- nlypso says .1 is a fountain kissed by 'the sun i'>.eki-! sa>s it i a fohaged cedar fhrist Bays It is a bridegroom comr to fetch home u bride C.pJllI IN T1IK FIHST I'l.ACE, 1 remark that religion is superior to tie ciy-tal in ex.utne-i. That h.|. . s III..KS of crystal against which you incidentally .lashed your foot is laid out with more oxa< ' \\hilo whole Job in the text takci up a vase of preclmm Rionwi- the topaz and the sapphire anil the chrysoproa- beautlful ih.,n any earUily city. 'Hwre arc us-hc holds out of this "vase Just one crystal MM hoUls it up until ii gl.-.ims m tlw v. .inn of the em. torn sky. and IK- The crystal cannot. n|uul it is styles of i i v t.illi/.ilion and .ill of them divinely ordained l.v.iy crystal l:as mathcinutii'iil precision t.i.d's geometry reaches throiigli it, and it i-. a square, or it is u rec- tangle, or it Is a rhomboid, or in tome way it hos a mathematical UK- , ure Now. religion beat* ih.,t in th. simple fact that npirilual accuracy ,'''_"'"' Is more beautiful than malojial ac- cuiacy. Hod's attributes an; i-xacl, Cod- mnmiM'ment of the world ex- Again. religion is superior l the < in its transformations. Tho is only a crystallization- of limit ns.-s until It be- lled ox- tion and destruction, between light 21-12:1. that all art our-., but and darkness, between charred and glorious crystnllr/al ion. : rui,, -many are I sliUT . ml 'neither so Christ. it so occur, i.-d with their the care of it that they nor ei.jov their riches in win. h .1 i Never counting wrong He counts the grass blades me. I l.l-S .11, ll the saiols iilld the . His providences never dealing with us i ci |-i n.liruliii ly whin tho-e pro- \M| nee-, ought in be ohliipjo. nor I. it. rally v.h'ii they ought, to be vn II. al I M'i -thing in our lib- at I.HT ...I without any | ...- -ibilily of mis- lako Kadi life u six-headed i i e m. Horn al Ihe t ight lime ; dying at ll.u ri^hl lime There ai e no ' linl> pen MI'S" in our theology. If 1 thought this was a slipshod universe I would be in d." Cod is not .,n iin.iichisi I. aw, order, sy miue- hough homes adorn our persons and our mu-enms have only try, . |>icision. n jieifvct s|uaro. a I i i fi- t irctiuiglf. a pel feet rhom- boid, u perfect circle Th<> edge of Cod's ro! o of goveriiiuent nevi i i.snrreclod fiom w i i e FAIl I'ltoM I Sciontivls for up.-. iiinining tl tions. Hut 1 lell 'Tell my father of all me glory in IV'vpt and of all that ye luivo seen." They probably found it difficult to believe their eye*, for U must have seemed too good nnd too wonderful to lie truo When they ar- rived homo and told their father, he hollered tboin not until he saw tho waggons which Jowph had sent. Then b's spirit rnvivod. and no Mini. M is I-IIOIIK'I .los.-pli. my NOIl, is yt ali.o. 1 will go and si-e him Ixv fore I die "tve,-;.-.. 26-28). AB be- lieveis boai-ir:',' testimony to fhrist. s and His glory nnd our inheritance m Him many will not believe they tec some wug . gons, miniothing in our lives to tins ot.c is i. faaclaaung \ > ,,, m ,. , tll . ,,.,(, ,,. ,, ur Wl ,rN. Ue detail of Joseph's d.-aliiK with his ure (o |ov<J iui| , }}fttvr , ,,,. |, n< , m , t brethren, but especially in its - ,. y wor< *, s only, but by tin- good shadowing of coming events in con- , w \, rk! , w) .1, n.. Vl \\ ^ur^ , UN . THE S. S. LESSON. INTERNATIONAL LESSON OCTOSEB 27. Text of the Lesson. Gen. xlv , 1-15. Golden Text, Rom. xii., 21. !-:,. 'There stood, no man with him while Joseph uiado hiiasolf M| ^ known unto I'is brethren " Tin: Hlory as told in tho intervening . 'chapters i>etweeii tho last lestion and and our lei tion with the return of Christ 14. 15 The weepiiif; and kissing hiivr he. ii 'ill tralisdii i ill the gospel i Hi rev.Intioii to His hit-tin oil. .,,, ,,,,. , ,, llull ,,nioti afterward* ,'Hie lirst visit .,r .!. len bn-t - (1M (ll , llk l|( ,,,,. w ..,,.,, ni( . wh ich th.! of I hr Son of Coil there is v. underfill t ransfoi mat ion , ar ,. rullv ' might befall him , lt , lolllc ,-v,l ,,,,,,,(,,,,1 s ,. n fe<Wlt Joseph's rccogni- , hil , ,,,,.,, T(u( , js ,,, t . f(M11(h ,., the -i. i.. -n weepings of Josoph. twc , tion of his brethr. n. his trying tbem <lf ..,.,, |in . in OU1 . | PSfcon ,, Souls by reason of s,n blnrk W c< 1 , (y , all , llK , hfm M>les und ,,, l(U( , , lt . lo) lwo ,,, chnpU , r , ,, , and hard as iron t.,,,1. l,y hi- MM ,,, , wa , a ,|, m . Ull ,-^. their i'- :,.;- ,,. ebapters xlii. xliii. xlv. fort ing gi-ar,.. stoops- and s.ivs. , n( . ulbriUlc . o ( their sin and ,.mv., .,-,.,. ure Wl>1 . (hv of parUc ,,lar s , lldv "Tli.w shall IK- mine in the day satioll ( . onccl . n i ftg r it j,, the p.e-' . Nl) , ( , ; , . ..,- wei-jnn^s of , wb.ii I make tip my jewels. "What'" vav vou "Will tloil wear .lewelleiy" II Hi' wanted it llf coiilil <if Joseph, whom they su|iiH>(*rl <lid not undertstand theii Imiguagq. oa )ie hud spoken to them tlirough an Lord, at tho grave of I,a/arus. over .li-i us.-ileiii and iu and ront-iiler that by lli great humilia- m or COLD WATER. This latter will sink to the bottom, and prevent tho fat from sticking to the same. Continue in like mannei until all the fat hr.s been boiled out al rough piece. The next day thes milk puus mav to emptied by ,*lidin(i a knife around the edges of the pan. when the whole mass will com* away in one solid block: these can je carefully stored until re.piir^d IV hen uiilk iw given to the young- sters to drink, it khould never bt llowed to become sour, as In wit-h condition it often causes diarrhuci o set UM But we consider that u the of fattening fowls it ii quite dilTerrnt. Not only is soui milk not injurious to fattening fowli but we will go further and say thai our milk is nilinitely superior to new milk for this purpose Not one in a hundred fa,tlr-i <-vvi Mother themselves about trying Ic 'roc their birds of insects, when thoj <re brought home for faUeuln*. Nevertheless nothing interferes mori with the continual process of fatten- ng than the fact that the fowls art nfe.-ti>d with those troublosouv cre u - turea. The insert powders sol<l for this are too expensive to ht used for fattening fowla, but great benefit to the birds will be gained by giving them a good dusting m 1 I.ul K ta SI 1.1'IIIjH. onl tlie best and quickest way * know 01 ix tu have half of a I tub filled about one-third full with the sulphur. Let one man ink" the bird's head in one hand, .ui'l the fc*-t iii tli" other, and let smneonu else nil. '' -ulphur on. and placu the birds for ten minute-* in som<- unused shod, or any handy plj.n where they can give thiMii.seK >.-H .1 shake and K''<- rid of the pest.* Tlie chicken* should bo put. in a coop of small round liars Tliry should l>e from I to 1J inciies apart, unit ul way. put long Wuys. so the birdf* c. in stand and etvt out of tin- troughs Tho bars in front of tlie coop sh.iiild I- about two 1 tithe* apart I>K'- coop three feel long and about siMoou nu!:-- wp|.- i-* large enough for six birds. It, should be eighteen inchc-* high. Th fattening: coops ;.n- best in a shetl or outhouse whore it is ijuiet and a lilt b- dark. Afl*-r placing the bmU in the coops they should l! loftwilh- . in . no that he liecumo Incompetent t,,r tbn day. It did not just happen that John Thomas, the missionary, on n heathen island, waiting for an outfit and orders for another mis h. . miiy tour, received that outfit .,,,,! ih, ... old. -is in a box that float- ed ashore, while the ship und tho i rev; that led the box were nev- er heard of I Iwlleve in a particular I KI\ uleiice 1 believe HOP'S ci-:(i\nvri;v may to s. en in nil our life more i e.oitit'till.v than in cryMiillographv Job \va iixlii 'The crystal can- not ei|Uill II ." Again I remark thai religion is MI I , i ,. i to thr crystiil in tranifluir- i m y \\e Know not when or by whom !,'* w "- s 'i''sl discoveii'd Bead* of il have b.-.-n found in tho I, MM!, nf Me- andor Sex cms \ ..I ii .ne In ought up from the ruins of lloiciihineum. Then- wore female udoi iinu'iilH made out of il'l V.IUM a^o ih.eo adornments found i. w all. n hid lo Ihe inumniirs of A great many commenta- s feet. .ut ' I" 'I"''" 1 1 heir younger ornment Ho will',,,, 1)1)|01H ,, H elli'iy \\beii i.i"l ,.,-., n ,,,,iHv he COIIIC-K ilown nnd unA ,Ucob'n digs it out of the depthH anil dark- ,, lut , np ,.,,1,.,. ,,( l-'nypt would not ness of sin Those souls me alliiys- ?>(i)i ((i(m aKl , 1M ,,,,|,. s s lUtijamin was his holding Kimeon us Uou nnd . ;<u ., ifK . e M( . ,,,, ni . ulr ,, ro . '"'', vision for the forgiveness nn<l bring- iuid nverlastiiig rnre of all i a hostage till they should brother, his make ll.e si urn of the I. raven lli j,,,,,,.,,,^!,.!- I. i and havo tho evening cloud for ; _ .!.. the saml.ils of His - - ,ot want tlmt iKlornmotit '!'' wil | ' t'j,, 1 ,ther'"b.ick with com and rucli ^ ' m ,"com,- "lo Him tiays out. their aie no loose ~-.iuus not have that .tewelleiy WMB l-o'l ' , nionoy swrotly put in his suck in 111,- world's inachniory. It didlwants icwellory. be come-* down und un( | .igcob's pitiful cry when told nol just happen that Napoleon was iM .eked will, indl.M-sllon at I'.oi ,. out any food for at houra. The exception li-iU-tt. I \VelvK lM>ing "'in tn-o'i travelling many talli/alions of nieiry. .-,, , again Ho putslhem W||(l thcn ^_ th iii IM all told In chap- on and lie wears them in the pros- t( , ( . xlli Their second visit, taking once of the whole universe lie wcm s ((( , |iuil)im ( , m | ,| (jl ilile money (the them on lh<- baud that WH nailed, p,.,,^,,,.,! money and money to buy ,,vei the head that wus pi<'ii.d. on )iu)| . (l , ,, rlO ul ' (< j B presvnt for the tlie t.-inplcs that were stung *"f man. Joseph's rweption of them and shall be mine." saith Hie Lord, "in (l ,. lsl (()| them in his own honsn. tbo day wli'-n I make u|> mv lewrl* n ,i\, |,,s spot'ial interest in iii'd favor \\oii.ler(ul t ransfoi mat ion' When < t|) H^ijninin, ure told in cluipter sin abounded grace shall much nivro x!m ,| OHe |,h's plan, sveaningly. to abound The carbon become* the s,.l- )( .,, U|| |),.|ijainin and the earnest and ituiro "The nyslal cannl ou,uid it " j ..i,,,.,,,.,,, ,,!,.,, ,,f Judah. who had be- Now, 1 have no likdng for those ( (>im , , urety , or Uonjamin. are the people who aro always eiilariting in ' t ,,., ir!) , chapter xliv v ' nan ino-tiiis aUmt their early dissipation !'> not go into the par licnlars, mv brothers. Simply say you weie snk but miik.- no ilisplav of your ube's The flii*f stock in trade of some minister** and Chris- tian workers seems to bo their raily CHIMKS AND PISSIPAT'ONS Tho number of pockets you pickrd 1ll<s " and the ruiiber of chickens you grlwd muk<* HOW TO FATTEN CHICKENS IMPORTANT BRANCH OF POUL- TKY FARMING. Britain Has An Inexhaustible De- mand for Prime Quality Fowls. Tho Into summer nnd fall is the time when the farmer disposes of Now follows his fowl To dispose of these to the of ve, v advantage Home attention in our lesson Jos'-ph s levclation himself to them. | should be given to the work of fat- -1 5 "And Joseph said unto Ins tenitig nnd preparing them for many hours before arriving at their deM- tin.itio'i. whi-ii it i advi-Mbb' to them as soon UK convenient Thoie are many fanners, who would never think of putting the birds in u coop lo fatN-ii. but shut Ihetn in a phc-pen or out-building, nnd givu them a lot of food in .1 tr.m^b. so that t-hey can run to it wli.-n the., like. THIS IS WKONC Whrn fowls nro nhut up in -u.>. , they ought, to be f1 careful- ly, HO that they can ele.iu up everj particle of food If proper 1 and ti-r.tion t-4innot tw givi-n to tht biros vvhi'e in the fattening coop*, we strongly advocate tho principU of allowing them their liberty The proper times to feed are a early in the morning as in. i at the same time expert to reap a large profit out of their say, in summer at six o'clock, .md in win (or at hn If- past SOTOII. then farmers neglect ' ,-igain in the afternoon uboui live o'clock in summer and four o'clock in VTinter. There are. nevertheless. brethren. Come nearer to me I pray market you." Nothing in his heart but lovo '"'" and pity and forgiveness for thwiv '" i as he yearns over them He would poultry. It is now agreed that the some exceptions to tliis mle Voting take them to his bc.ul add ble s very best way of fattening poultry spring chickens re-iuire an ex' is lo inclose u few fowls iu a small at noon, nnd and some, large birds of th.vm not. to be wit], tl.i niselvi s compai Miient and feed them all they piisi mis-onduct. us- ! will cat of i;ood fattening food. 'I ho usual time required to proper- (puick at. "emptying," may Also uith advantage bo fed thriv lim.-s .1 day \\lnil would wo do Without I who "ere farthest down hnve the crvMiil ' The cry v .il in tho brought highest up O\it of Infernal window lo keep out the Ntorm and sorMom into etermil lilo-ity tint of l.-l in the day , the crystal ovci dmUiefcH into li^ht l-'iom coal to,^ t l.o wateli. drfoiKling IU tlelicuto ] t he holitmie I'hr ci.vstnl Hut do not follow tho < ly fatten a fowl m about thtee n .-niled by some, of (. lim? fallen- weeks. Hut good-sized, well-condi- ing fowls genornlly "litth- i\d of- tioned pullets often"inaXe-up" in a ten " They will sickiMi oi their food fortnight, whereas very largo-frtxuied very quickly, and this, moans .1 lot cockerels will take four and some- of usclcus and labor times as much as rtre w.vks. before The usual method adopted for >'l the lllloVVIIIK US tl> :..'. i.vht..l ..f the tele II,;L< In ,,erv t I e bom MO|O. bv which the ,u.l i onouier btings diHlmit w oi i.i. so near li CNII ii s., e. t ill. n i oh lln> triumph of tl,. eryiUll in ll-.e iel,-braled win tnls' 1 ' di.w oi r.o'i, n and Salisbury ' Hut not lung so 1 1 iuispn.i enl in Vi Tr'slnl .n in our holy religion. It t a|iarenl relinlfci You fun ei|Uiil il." Oh," says some one. putting IHH blind over his eye- can it be that I who have been in so much sin nn.l trouble will ever come to (ho-,, en VOK. il m.iy !>*- il will be lleavcn vo must have, wliut.-ver vv o b,,\e m Iiave not. and we come here, tho comfort of foigivenenn in its fullnens till we have K<-iti and I'elt xomelhing of Ihe enormity ol our To his hrsl words. I am Jos-, they ato fully falte<l. A fatter, how- feeding the fowl.t durnif; Ih.- ndds. "I rtin Joseph. e\er. does not care much how long week of the pi i< c> i^ive what whom ye sold into a bird may take to fallen, provided most fullers term 'water u.ruol " no niisiak ing this He was the very JOMBh whom they had envied baled and sold as a sl.ivr to Miiliiiinles as they said. "We sec vvhat vill become of his r, 7 and the that he is pulling on lk-*h the whole Thia consists of nothing but I ha .ml that when In' is in (it Con- ground o.its mixed i:p with water iii- ditiou to kill he will bo worth a to a niUier .sloppy c.Misi->teiicy Th" round sum at Ihe linish. idea i. Ihat din ii'i; Hi.- nrst week \ .1 rule, falters do not Riv,- the ihe bird's sy>iem is m>t Ir.iin.-d to food otbervvise Ulan in ;\ cold slate lich livin. ami many f.vlK-i-* prefer sum- t.. .lo vvh.,1 l.i-.i-y term Cod -.-lit me before yon to d we think that during tho vou a to get it. 'How much must I pa v pie-ervo 'for TO" you say Vou will pay (or ii MTtk nnd to save yon, - .o re'it .lehvenmc ,,, hi-* sin Ins soul, his desln.v |,,,| il to your eve and you -KT th-: ju>,(, HK imiclt as (he con! pays lo IK- 'lily in I bo \,.nr lives bv a can hardlv us. UK m..- u Ihe .liamond I ol her wor-l- ittppOMth( .1 of t . '-.I .v as - tim thfs is to In- preferred Hut we are n mil I.v convinre<l I hot in cold weather greale, brnefil will ac- crue by \\ AIJMINt! rilfc: MILJK v.,, , u,,,k ill Cod I VM, - nothing. Tho sixmo Almighty povvei [M phnn to .lo 0| I" " -'II il venl.- .1,1, I." nni M of 1l1 chur- Ui a t make- the .r.vstal , the mo,,,, o, th |.a. "' 'tl _ m (l(ti .J? |, js u t.niiiKpaienl reluio'i i ,,,, will . I, ,,..,. vnm- I., -Mil which i- impi i oi.tnent . a . , ^ ,_ ^ tell US' it I" Opn<|UC v o o, IM knov why they tell UH it is It Is beciiusn they nro |.| ml | I he imturnl limn lec.-ivctb ,,,,t ll.e thing', "f Coil,u.o they ure spii H niilly diererniMl ' I f*e no trouble with the crystal Th Uuutde i- with Ui <-je which try lain will ihiMlK'o your h.-ail vvhiil. i. impri: on hauler thnn St.,,,.. for Ihe proml . looking bad 1. 1'"' II ''" ' ' had been brought. ' CO STK VliS \ I riH.ST." aio. hovvevoi. pel s.. 1. 1.-. I Ilia" M tv>e r.-for of com-'.- i" nii'k or sour pure nnlki b mhled in pr|>rlioii of lo I, I i.l alr '.-it is am- We milk I will tale away your stony heart to which he- nnd I will givo you n lic-urt of llcsb i ih " says some onu "it is just Ihe ilocttine I waul. tioil is In do evorvllur.K an<l I uBi i do ni'thn My brotlH-r. il in not the doctrine vvuiit. I In. OOal m.iko u" n \Ve ,, ,'. bow ;\!1 tbiiiKs aie work- ing ((igolhel- for olll good as clnlil.e. of tlod. and w-e do not always 1 con- sider thai (hoy Work logrthei ac cording lo His |iurpose lo conform us to ihe iiimge of His Son ',1 "Ui Ihr food not hot. but nicely wan'ii ply repaid by Hi.- impetus i.bu tak.ii by llm birds 'The best t > t hi- I'n 1 1 ,-i, in ; pi way to nii\ up the food is. to place what milk or water is reiMiired into a little at a time and sin well with l>rvin' 1 ho s.-c.unl -.wet, we Increase th- nm.lily <>f mil i I r each ,i pnil. then add in UK- ground . ; ol Ho \ve I :\i < ontniueu the U wooden Indie Continue t,. ;nl.1 'e- entirely. I h" s<>Iid portion oi I li< more meal until the whole is surTid- ' fcod being itllll i "i,, 1 ! oat