Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1901, p. 1

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-TBCTH BEFORE FAVOB." PBISCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL III, NO FleshLertoii, Ont., Thursday, November 14 1QO1 WH Q. IDITOB * FBoPhizToa Watches. INN We ore showinz watches now. nd clim to have the largest lock west of Toronto, the beat stock to select from, and the Che.tpcat stock , taking quality and everything into considera- tion. Meant gettinu iu nw sl.k every few days and mlliug watches ev<*ry day. Pionpect- ive buyers should nrmcuiber the old amiui. "Mike bay while the aun shine*. '* Tha HUM la shining now for such porctua- n; ail yon have tu do is to com in and buy aad v^ur hay is made. Come in sn>l l.x.k at the stick whether you wish to buy or not. W. A. ARMSTRONG. JSasslsr * Owttctaa. Fte>brtswi. Owt Frvm Out Own Vail ploughing is progmaung very favor- ably owing to th rvceut fine weather. We are pleased to report that Mr.Ueo. Long is able to be out again. Mrs Mscki* of Toronto visited her son. Dr. G. W. Msekie, las-. week. Messrs. MeddUr, Willmm GUT and L. Palliffter returned home from Manitoba last week. Rv Scott preached a very tnterwHrtng <arn<.ii to the- children in the Methodist church Sunday morning. Kertou Bros, have bought Mr. William Clart <>ut. They intend running the black with shop and are going t start np a jraiv crusher and lath milL We wish the boys every sucouee. A Scarlet Chapter will be opened iu the Maxwell Oranue Hall on the- 14th inst. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clint 'ii < ack to our tuidt ,-mm Miw Oiwie McViwwrwof Collingwnnd galled on friends in the village last Fri- Mr LOU Sanders of Toronto was a cal- ler last werk. Harvest boss* services will be beM in the church of England next Sunday at 11 o'clock p. m. and 7 o'clock in the Fro* Our Own Carrnpondent . Mrs.T.Chi*lU is wni'ing on her sister. Mr*. KsrVraJ, in Ftrsbertoa this week- Mrs., Jlus Jenuie ud (rrge Cairo* Halted fnendt r> l>'.ihm tha past werk. Mr. Marshall, who has beeu relieving at Alton the past two weeks, returned on Saturday evening to his duties here. Mr. Wilson and Mr. W. Beatcie of Creeiuore visited the former's daughter, Mrs. W. McMulVn. last week. Mm. Cook and Wins Millie visited friends in Mr. /.ion on Sunday. Mr. Stewart and Miss Barton of Tor- onto are giving a series of concerts for a a week in the hall bore, which are well attended. Mr Stewart also takes photos and does *onie fiae woik iu oil paintinu. Mr i R. Cook sold his driver to Mr. J . Cairns <n Monday. -, Mr. K. McUill lest a valuable cow last danday. Mr. J. and S. McThaddtm received the sad nowH of the death of their brother, Hngh, who died in It. C. two weeks ago. A business meeting uf the English ehorch was hld in the schoolboy.** Rev. Ry*u . f Uurhtm and a minister from MsiiiUle and oue'frooiOwen Sound at tend >*d the meeting. Mr. R. Wright, who has been working IB Durham for several months, moved hi family there oil Tuesday. Several deer h;ve been seen in the fields near uur burg daring the past week. from Our than Cumtpotuient. Mr. Ben Mdill is disputing of his goods and intends moving into town for th wintiT Jake's ironworks c!<s)d down for the King's birthday. Mr. (iraliain ii.-w housa^u til is almost e.'mplettxl.MS Mr. Dick Pxrkais armal of ynung Rev. Mr. White wjjl (vujfb e*t K.rie of r> <, . - a left yttn]y (Tuesday) for Bame where attend the Toronto district Kpwwth contention s* delegates from nigh' a to weeks' K. ing*. Mr. FeUtead of Flwuhevfr-n will pWfc in the Methodist church next Sunday . The King's birthday has V.TU.' aod gone. The bunting disfft/^d in Eugenia was fair to poor. 'Fair-view villa' looked especially pretty. ""%_ jUv. Mr. White and Mr. George a quiet, intensive, indnstriotM person. For many yeais be comfortably main- tained his widowed mother on the old homestiisd. his brothers and sister* being R. Whits was iu Meaford last ' married amd Irving m ilifsieat parts of Wednesday to attend the weddin* of his the country. About two years ago bs brother William to Mis* Maye Wood of moved to Oregon, taking his mother with I i "!. him. The uews of his di-sth was received The Metbodut Sunday school is already t with surprise ad regret by thoee in the ' in the neld preparing fur the annual an- ' neighborhood when he lived so long and j nivonary which will likely take place on . WAS so highly respected- He was brother ; the 20th .-f December. , of Mr. John Me Fay Jen of Ceylon. A young fellow in the veneer mill tot Master Roy Fletcher has commenced th end of his finger removed by the the study of nhufthand under private to- j blatter on Mouday. it ion. Boy ia a bright aud remarkably | Mewars Ben Carruthsn and Welly Ma- intelligent youth and ha* already passed ! dill returned home on Saturday night all the examination* reuuired of pupils ' Uwt from Manitoba. When they left in the public schools, and w predict that Winnipeg it was 30 degrees below aaro his progress in the winged an will be : and i* .i>d sleighing* e*|'jal.y succcsswuL Clias. Roy left this week for Pena- 1 The pupil* of oar public school are tanxuiebeue where he intend* making his practiaitu; for a concert which will be homo, men before she Chi ist sues holiday*. Four feliows, all old beuediota, left on Tour scribe had the pleasure of ltl miig Saturday moruiix for a bust . After foot- i to the children singing under t(:->ble direc- , tug it for seoutfive mile* one of them I Won of Mr. aud Mr. VT.,od *nd wa* spotted a .ooae hanniessly picking in tne ; agreeably surprised to find so much vocal stubble by farmer'* barn. H up and j talent existing sssout: the children of this let it h*vd the full benefit of hia filibuster section. The teaching of v.*l music ha* in the face. That settled the gooes. In I been a long felt want in our school, but cumpany with the other three Jake took | ihoald present indication* continue we i it to the h"U*e and asked the good l*dy .predict tha- the boy i and girl* in our. to ox>k it f.i- thi m and they would call school will become tolerably efficient in the divine art, and we hope the dav is not far distant when the teaching of linking in our public schools will form t port uf our educational system, believing as we do that such s course would be an sc-(ui- ' ition and perhaps more beusoeial than ' somu of the sublets that are BOW taught. Mr. D. L. Wood has been re-engaged i later on for the meal It took a few mm ess to adjust matters, which was done uoly after they went, into their dip, SSe. a piece. With a buoyant heart over the prospects of a goose banquet paid f-r iu advance they went on their way with sober intention* of a hunt. But. the th-ught of that goose on the spit prayed _ . heavi y on their mindsand even affected a teacher in our school for next year. then deep dwn toward* the regions of , The trustee* made no mistake. the feet and they had to turn back. On Subscribe for The Adv 4-g so tbsy called iu upou an old friend lor a chat aod iucUn tally with an >ye to bttsinee*. for they weren't shoeing horses or swlliag meat to day while three en- the kitchen the Port Law Our Own Mrs. James Allen ha* been ill the peat i' r er a or selling mea tertained Mr. LuuUvy Jake *eut out to shoot ,,-.,- - - barnyMd. Several times Bob, Sam and two or three weeks. Hope soon to sw BiU bad to assure the old gentleman to report her recovery that the other fellow 1 , intentions were "r. g.Kd snd that by no possibility could oue *, attack ..f r, of the report, they heard ruu wide of a AftPi -a length; bluejay and strike a chickeu. But thorn -*?f<> shots gave the h-t a retloei feeling and long with the othets h suddenly made his appearance in the barnyard about the , time .Wpoor sp.imen of tho feaihegf *. Charles N. tier susl^ned th I.M tribe was kicking the bosket in a Dear *f, of , ho ??- ..... ,. boll.,.. .uppo.ed to have been wearied) Mr. SO.. I -Ml and family have B.W ty the dov The bi ten, oafcred to shoot, go* comfortably settled in their nw Mr. Lumliy's dog fur htv-ng worried hi wauuu, chiekeo. but nJh. wouldn't, and **** L J r '" u " * rtf """ *" bought th* cureuu for 10 cen'e. It wa*i* Gvorgu 'A'lkNMi is f mearios. y visit with fttn.l. hrr ! iliwter has returned ro ' Bruee Mines, having leased his farm to Mr. Will Janieson. who will work it in with the home firm. got sepented from the others mid after- 1 wards turned up down behind the barn ' between it and the chicken r"ost. The scenery Jowi. thr was just grand, and, hn\ ing au eye for beauty, they ualunlly diUu t care to nee how lhs> cow bargain came off. \\rll, null said here. I r may all come out iu the w.uh iu ii n. In a tew ininutei. who broken scmt; thrct :;>. -uthn ago, is vimti. g | with hi* gsandtiinthcr, Mrn. P. H.<lnUM,l Fltishurti>n. The fnt^turorl limb i.s slowly ' recovering, bur Charlie has yet to cavi- | gntu on crushes Mr. ThoA. II. Tuvlor having sold his n extensive sale if his utoek, I ! etc. The price ..btMiied for le bent in the' early morning found quick bonding on umniJa the roasting; turkey. It we* a feast p yl and they ate) and ice, .tnd are, till, well, lh u*U time they ate was next w*Nk. Dinner uver, they made their way homeward elan ting at tint, ol course, ihice "r lwi:e a^aia ; th--y vuiled some pretty highly cujtiv.ttvd ^i\'iid reserves, but people smelt their powder, and withul their strategy couldn't get a shot in edgewise. A little discour- aged they t''k to the woods. Twice B<^b pretty nearly saw a ps.rtri.ige. (.hice Jake let his gun go at one *nd Mew a tremen- dous !i"ie m a log oil which it w:u sitting, scatierin^ its feathers in all directions. When be emerged flora the me* lee, the moke and dust u>'ng sulisided, he was in a total Hurry Hit gun was broken off j at the stuck. After that He saw several . partriditc, rabbits, bears, deer and hyenas, Out hU un wan broken. (To be continued perhaps ) so we understand. Mr. Taylor will re- tire froes farming. Mr. He. i has nowahout n- pleied one of the largest bam* of this part, it U-iin. 60 feet nquarw, built on a stone basoment uf the saase sixe. Six mon, with the aid of bluelc and tackle, rsi.*d the eutiru fnuiew- irk in lea* llisn a day and a half. The I'dell Lmther* 1' I he sioue*"rk and 'he carpentor work was done by Mr. Geo. Deeu. and compe- tent ji.d<es oay that tho whole job re- dectv much credit on the uisrh*ninel kiil of tho e'rvm Ottr then t'orre- poiuiatt. The old yeatS coming to an mil, so whi'e there is a chance let one and all a cVilUr spend in taking The Advance. Of itn meritu I may tay there is no d*>ul.r ivbuut it, f. r Us readers who live faraway #av' they coulil not do without it ; for it's tie*! fcn.l tlea i. and spicy ko<>, nil fit'l of if.xxl rvpttrt. it t editor's gentleman tnd worthy i ! >u;port. Hoping, Sir, the c^fjiinu yi'*r will **.<> i the number of your and a'l paid up, and with uoirream may you again he troubled 'Me sr informed tlist new* hs* been i*eeeiv>d of the tleath of Mr. Hdnh Mo Faydsot, a f.-ruter rvsidejt of this local- itjf. Sir. McFaydeu was a young Vfeun, aiid > ri J and lived nearly all hit Plantt life in this neighborhood, and was ahray* Vand-l-nr From Our Own Cormpmulnit Mr. Clark of Omeaiev is visiting bis (laughter, Mr*. Ceo. Pri'chaia. CHir teh.i.il trustees have engaged ^lis j Bnll for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boland cave a party ' to a number of their friends on Monday evening and a very pleasant evening was Mr. R. Douxla* took in the cloning scenes of tno Pan-American week before last. Mit* Li** e Andrrton of Olenelg. who has been viaiing her sister, MM. lieorge Hutchinson, jr., returned home Saturday evening. - -^ w^^Lsw** 1 Adrift for Two Days Thessaion, Xov. 10 Mr. W. Harper, ' pioneer retvlont of Cock barn Inland, now residing at Thmalon, had a terrible ex- : perienre last week. He was crossing from Themalon to Little C'obnrn ia hia nail boat, whon a squ^l cspsixed the boat. He succeeded in get'.mg upon the bottom of the boat, and for two daji and (wo McFarland, Stafford & Co. flARKDALE, ONT. % Grey eounty's Biggest Store t Always Interesting. This >tore InaA in interest at all times. Stocks are biggvr h*r. -he var- iety is greateut.'and pricoi are mvanaMy the lowest. A.I the 1. >gjc at our command won> brusl snoppers unlass they choose to eonie. Extr* joud value ia the magnet fltat draws cussnm<-r* to this store from here, there and every where, bales an- jumping up continually and eacn drpartslent keeps puce with t ,e sjarch of progress. We assent dtt resporeibefity of doing better than the*averagu, ai many classes of ways we sr instru- mental in bringing prices d'wn. People can rive eheaf er to day than ever before, and money goes fanber here than suy place vise we krr,w ^ ich values a* these are by no means omnmott snd ssJespecple ir having all they can do in cosseijissneu. Mote carefully rach itm. 0c. SHIRTS AJJD DR.VWEK!* F>R 35 CTS J*ive doaen 60 only Men'* nil w<il nbbed shirts and drawen, heavy weight, assoswad gray and deah, all sues snd well worth M ct. each gar- ment. Thiv .]"Sen -h.'uld nut last twv days at the price only 38 HO ct MEN'S TUP SHIRTS FOR ~. Ffod^tv, 60 only. Men's heavy knit top shirts, sswoitsJ patterns, woUars attached, t, me with rireau poaksts. worth -n rrri'.ir waw *)cts.each. While they last you can take your ohwssw i, ftheui at H . BLACii.DRFJ8SG<X>DS FOR :t. Four pieces, about tifteen dnss lengths, fancy baawk ftgureJ irwe* goede rich patterns. ood heavy cloth, %nd 4H inuhes wade. Had we b*,oht them early m the season are .amid i,--t piMiory have said lea* than 00 eta. * yard. Y HI can huf any length this week at per yard 36 LADIKS VKOOL flE FUR dMn only Car!':*, wool ho**, full heavy weight, solid blaak, reg. price 25 ota. a pair. you cn liuy them at pr pair sa o^. 9. 9^ good If you get tbwqs early 2.00 WHITE DED BLANKETS FOR.: .................. *i M 90 pair white blank*. ts. with fancy colored stnpe borden, SUM, otfxM inches, every pair wii(hs five pounds, and am good value in the regular way at 98 pr. While they last you can buy a pr. for ........ ..... 1 .41) 63 CENT P.i'^ SWEATERS FOR ............. ..... 36 CENTS 30 only Boys red *>! Sweaters, assorted SIMS, rsgmlarly sold at 60 and 65 cts. each, but w ,!:<! n--t boy them iu the regular way and can aay...3o I'. OENT MK.VS LINKN COLLARS FOR CENTS. 100 Slew's Laneo Collars in all the popular styles, stand up, tarn-down, cot., puro linan and w. r-h in regular way 12^, and 15 cent* each, en sale this week <t 4 for .................. " il 75 LADIES Fl R COLLARS FOR IL20 19 Ladies' Fur St.. mi Cullaas, sicli g! u <sry black Coney, w.th six |uurvl tails and chain fastener, a goud, deep collar in the n*w shape a 100 tbernioDietors, regular 85 cent kind, this week 100 package* tea spoons, just half regolai price, 6 for 100 packajas Desert spoons, just half price 6 for .') 3 l-> !. 60 LaJie*' Fancy Lawn rlandkercFrefs, white centre with fancy embroi- dered edges, regular lijc. kiud just half price. 4 for ......... & uiglr-f driftsu helplessly, tho water at tiuivs wishing over him, nU ouce he fell asleep and fell overboard, losing his hat. After uinre than nfty houro tb boar touched Grant's Nlaud, and Mr. Harper crawled Ashore. He lived on winter.'r--#u beiries, strawberry leaves, birch, bu.ls, etc., for several days, when i party of Indians cuuiing from John s Island camped on Grant's island, and f >und Mr. Harper, als.oet exoaut *d. They carefully nursed him, poulticing hn feet, which were blue and nuuu, and atter 24 hours brought bim to Thesealon on the Ttb, jiut one week fr.-m the day cf his departure. Meantime, the people of Thwesalon, fesvring *om disnuter, had sent out two luga with bands of men to scvur the islands in the vicinity. Mr. Harper earned th mail between Cockbum and TheaMlou for some years, a UM st periloun undurtatintr, and on two former occasions nearly lost bis lif. Ue hat. CL.OIN !hr..u-;h tnis terrible expeiieuce very well, and will sooa be sweund as W. HOCKLEY PROTON STATION. A full and new \(,, v r, .dy- * *. * >l i l'slOj~ made Clothing of all sizt^, w h,ch the public will6n.J u, t , oir ^ terest to com>'. ..-ror* purchasing their su ts. Also a new stock of Me,,, Suitings, Worsteds, fc,gl,,h Srgw. Heavy Tweed. A Ilarriston man baa a peculiar pet iu a tamo crow which m o,u.'r H luitu'tt. It wil' tell an enquirer that lU name is ' "Hello Barney" and addresses it* owner familiarly aa "Bill. " Betide* this it h*s an exvnive vocaoulary, and can imitxte the notes of til doiuusiic animals it will bark ai.d atari like' a dig, crow like a Cv-wk, eat rwanl, etc. Iu special aversion is dvtft, mid the most coumgeoUH caiiiue will taseto its heels wben"lielli> Barney". uteutudl to sr^ue with it. TO CCVtt A COLD IN ONE DAV Tftk* t s<tiv (Vrvnio (jMoma Tablets All 4TOwu. r(aej* ib niovey if It lalu to msre. K. . UiawsBBXaasurvlseB MOB> tea fla. Also a new stock of BoU and Shoe* just arrived The vwry beat make and latest Srylen and at right prices. MORSE , . . BLANKETS . All kinds of Hormt BUnkeU at different pncw ; from $1.00 to- 93 50 ; and Navy all-wool blankets at K>wvt prices. Cone ind Inspect our Stock. Highest Price for t:.

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