NOVBHB1B 14, 1961 THE FLE8HETON ADVANCE I ^WMflMN^^ MARKDAl.E | F, T. HILL & CO. ! MARKDALT MEN'S AND BOYS 80 ct. SWEATERS AT 29 cti EACH i> d <2!U men'* mid hoys heavy, ribbed Hivuau-ri, in fHt col 'in of mix- o'l brown and Kreen tin- corre.-t garniKiil for nut-door, every day W.-H:- No more at (hit price wheu these are Kfiie, each only 2! GENTS' 25 er. AND 36 ct. SILK TIKS AT 12} ets. E.\< H 2."> il 'ten gents new, up-I'Miafe Silk Tn", in bow. kimts, f>iur in hand, etc. Tneee are to bo hvl in light and dark colon the l>i'trns ,-ire all distinctly fashionable nd the price (he lowest we've ever known for inch nobh; ;'"O,!H Extra special 2 for 25 fi.26 PER YARD HO.MK.SITNS AT soctt. 10 pit-on* fin.-, heavy, all-wool Homespun ftii inches wide, shirt or suit len/th*, in coloringe that arc aUwdnti-ly f-itt and dependable Not a yard of these go il-, but is worth 1 '_'."> a yard, but being the clrarintt-up lota of different linru, we'ru willing to let them < *t f his price, per ya'd 50 40 INCH TWEED DRESS GOODS AT 20 CTS. PER YARD 12 j.iei-ee of nenrly four hundred yds. heavy reversible Tweed drew i;oo In, in a splendid a**. >iiiiii-nt of rlnrnr.'x This is a decided drew g '("in map for linusc or .street wciir. Per 20 60 ct FANCY DRESS <;ool>s .\T35cts. PER YARD 3 pu-r i rch, new pattern Dres-i Goods, in green Mid blark.bloe and bUrk. purple and black. Tin* IK a li ii.dsome, silk-finish fabric, full 42 inch, and at this price is unsurpassed, per yard only 35 LADIES' 2r, i". HUSK FOR I5CTS. 10 dosen pair LfkdicH Heavy Winter HoHe, size and i'l. Tins is an exceptionally heavy Mocking and will gm> ,-ntir satifc- tion in wear. Extra ipecuil [> : p.ur 15 MEN'S 88 ct. FINE \\OOLSOX AT 20 c. tt d<>zn Men's fill* all-wool colored hose. Si > Inland 11. white li-rl Hiid te, ribbed top, a gnuine t|urtur dollar line. Special at 90 MEN 850 ct fNOKRWEAl: ATSOe. One caoc Mi n' hoary ribbed am! !' . l.r,..l iiml, r.voa: that in re- tilifi i-verywhere at 1.00 per KUit, nliirlK and drawer*, each no" only 39 LAD!K3' WINTER \M::<;ill' r.l!:|;KD VESTS AT 22c 10 do/-n Ijulit-H' heavy ribbt-j WH'K, l^ng s'i....\r ..:,,! g,,.,,l f u ]j t i tfn At thi price we do not think this vest ha* mi uqunl anywhere. Karh 28 FULL'S Bright Raw miutr at 27 pound* for tl i nrir<]uaUrd HILLS oi' Oylon lean at 5 |<oundii for 91 ' unciirp.tsaod. HILL'S Corn Sure-hut 6 m! per [tackagein 20 per cent. ICM llian othun charx<- you for tliu *nnu brand. HILL'S Bright, ofTiUlk and porfectly sound at 5 poundH for 25 cents are the boHt value in town. HILL'S New currants, stemmed and perfectly cleaned at .'i pounds for 25 ct*. are the best value you'll find. HILL'S Canned Tomatoes. Corn, Peas, etc., at 7 ct-nU ]>cr tin are as cheap an you can buy them wholesale in case lot*. HILL'S' CLOTHIHO J> FUR COAT5 Sp MANTLES ^ DRESS GOODS AND MILLINERY 2 Bland alone without an in pointa of '-- excellence of qualities & choice prices S WWMWWWMWtmm^ Advance rVM.lIIKI> Wrr.KI.Y AT TRI OFFICK, COt- LIV<iW(V)l)HTBECT, FLUMtTON, OHT., *> . H. TDURrTOX. I i> r anunni strictly In advance Advertising Rate* Column. 1 vcar. t50 ; haltooU 1 ve*r.t1 -l'irlct col . oo* year. !!. . Tranilont adverti inpnt charted at the r\tt cnt^ por line fiir ftrnt InMrilOD an i :> unlit aeb 'il - '.unit luMirtloo. The capture of MIM Stone, an Am- I) missiDiiary, by Turkish ur bill garinn bfi^nndR. and the demand* for twice her weight in gold as a ransom, Lax cn'Hled a world-wide iuierost. A lariji' sum of money has boon rmw .1 by popn'ar unlnor'ption to effect, her rrl- ;?<, but R'M is still in ibe toils. I 1 , |il<! arc dividti'l in opinion as to tli" n'lvtsibilit) of ptyiog any ransom. It is ar^'imi, and it scorns to tu will) ju^'i-v . that if MIRS Btone'a M c-Jfi-cU-l by purchase all mhsniouary rfTort tni'rlit !< w^ll cease in put. of the globe. To bwy her liberty is P'i''in^ a proininrn npon orirui', ani invit'ii" * repetition of tho act S..TIIO people in this connlry lnvvi> an i<lca that tliey are ovortax'.'j], but compared with the BnisUn peasant our tuxcH ai<> a inr>te bagatelle. 'I '. l'iir,c'-<s Ki-o|K)tkin, writing in tb: Vtli'H Companion, say i thataltlimi^li tin- Un lliol.lingii are very Binall t!.. UK' H are ruinous "It is tuual. ' RAVH tht pr'ticosd, "for a poagant family to PHY from nH,< io ten dollars p-v ma' i in i lie family or Ray $26 to $.(5 per family, bHidoM all tbe indirect taxen. wlucli arc heavy, especially OH tin average money income of ibe peasant H tery small. Within tbe last tln.ty year* the poaRnnts of central Rnttsi.-i Lavo been brcnrlit to the Tergo of ruin To [ay iv.o !n I taxes hu stlln nviiii, t h-ilf prip and ihcn for nine montlm out of twolvp I'M faniilj uatH o lnlt<r*H wif'i all sorti of Tiii i i n dark picture, ba^ in only a parti 1:1 of it. l.ct ad He lhankfu! that Iliusia and its induiiioes arc a long w*v rn^novod from n.i, and let m rapot onr little tai bill* with the oouviolion iliii "it misfit I"' For The A Forest Tragedy A TRUTH7UL PICTfEB Parrn to Kent or Trade Warts Alnt Pretty Why do T i-i 'ine on to I)IMI' kn w how i<i.'iira>hei> Wby 1V|:' f ' -M '.irrl ,1 ,1 The chilly wind* of NovuiuW whistles .111 ,ug the loafleiu branches, but the soft , indcrt/ines of summer are hushed. The woodland ii carpeted thickly with duad loaves, and only among pines, and hem- j locks, and balsam is * semblance of past *<> idland glory maintained. F>veii the uiii-.'r that played among thesw is 'h.uiK'-d to n morn wierd tone, a louder wail, as if the linuert of the harpist were ex- 1 em: inn a Riant rhapsody ere the front king wrapped the string in ice and draped ' i In-ill in iitti-r Mill-mi- until sprin^awaken- i ing. Kverythiiig in the mournful woods' TH- out, "I), nth is upon us. " A man stands within this lethal chant- 1 'r Hi- II&H t,ruvelltd fir and at much 1 coiit in ttnio arid mutiny. To what end ? l.rt us watch him and sea He is silently! leaning auuiimt ;i true ami noldini<Mi iron ! thing iu his ha:id. Occasionally he starts Intent). A Utnadun jay alight* in a n M%hbwia| tree and twitters a mettalic j -t at bin presence. In a tall pine , towcrin/ from yonder hill the dismal cioal. of H riivtiii riiKp* upon his oar. But hark! i th(ir sounds drift UJMII onr wrs from far i way. Tho man starth, lifts the iron thinz and examines it carefully. The sounds grow loudir and nuarer. It i a M.J of li Hindi. Ho v uiusic.-d it H 'iinls | to tlic man's ar. How h-snerve* t.iur ainH-very mute)* juivi-ri with u>>|in>.l i Th souiuU gi-.i* IIIOIH d H linct ami the wo-ln n n nil ,1 wiili me)- in* IIIIIHIO. Suiidi-nl) l.ttlc- ii>rm loino" bounding along, aiixtoini to e -ipe from its pursuers. A beatilifu 1 fon.i it is, with !!. .-.iti- Umba^raoafal ud litlie, it-, large, eyes dllaUxi with t terriblu l.-ir of p >r- ti-ndiiiil i-n'mirop'ic. Its ln-.i.ii.ful I.- ,d w thrown hack, its nosiuU liiroii, y i il : . u llic.i i.iiroi.xn tbe f<iriut liku a liH.iitiful spirit (li-einj; f ; - .m ovil It i>- nlyit dainty fi.vrn i.:>,j s^i-cinKni of (liHl's mut,L porfiot hanJitvnr'k. (>nly six months of lifo has it seen. Only six MI <iitlis "f life has it en) iyd i; , woodland liome *nd his etuii y.-t not f-.i-noiten t'i-- inoilici who o ardnntly protected it* when Huniii. r was younv. A hnrp r-poit u.-hoai from hill to hill. ! Thu litllo cnmluro has fallen and does not risi>, but pitilul bleatingH till th.- foruMt corridor*. Tlio dot(N draw near. Tliu fnn (i-in^.s up olio.) n.or-' but it can j only run now with tlin- - or ih dainty iiinlis. Tha other hat ttoon hroki-n and! d in -livs helpleiuly ax it -i-.i-i. to sbtki) off ita pursuer* by (light. Kut the dogs come up and jump upon its flat-!; slid sink i-nii'l t-in^s into the (|iiiv>riiii( lleli, while. 'In- pitiful rdi>atuun c.-iitiiuii!. It soof the .11,111. and traiui.' iht-lf n.vnv fi >n> tin bloody JHWH nittkcH i':; w.iy in hwiu 'o hi* sidi) for protect!, 'ii ' T'u- irmi t liiig i swuiig in air a-id ile.H-.oi.di up n tlm iliunly bond, which is cruHli.-d by tliu n\v fill blow, and another forest tragmly ha> l> -i-ii, whil-' tliu a:ip titii of i.nn for " ii port " h<s be.-n appnaseii. Th - wo. Kin grow Hilenl agiin for death -, aroiiiui and sbovu us. Tho iikv.-o cro.iks, and only tho mui seeins hitppv. 1UMON. Farm for Salo . \rtrni-i, r.inuiolng i-t Tr> anderiln*d dwlrn to Ml) or tnuie shoot a .10-acre farm tloe to Fevnraham, K.KXI (nrtn lio'iim auit b*rn and vounit orrhartl. Won! I rx- abaofe kr a I*MI f<nn unl pay difference. Anynno liitorimie.1 plsiue eorronpon t with li MKl.HUr.VJ. Forcrtliaul. Qenlleman ? ? ? When getting your fall suit see to it that the lailoriog is done by ... Clayton'* Block, Flesherton Instruct your nu-re'iant to that effect. Tull him we uuarantee fit and worknmnship. I Fksb^rton Furniture Olarcrooms. /^ j We are crryin,' tbe newest styles v of si-.-isoii.itiU- K,N,.U in all lines of Furniture, consUtlnti of : > I'.irlor and bedro .ni s nts, J tables, chairs, window shades and ^ curta'n po'es, picture', i-inrln, oto , ^ . Whicli wo offer at LOWEST PRICES. Piotmv FniniiiiK "d Qenrnl Hi- j'irini{. I'M !.-it.t!<iii^ in ill ita ornnchos. Suti^faotion gusrantwKi. W, M. Bunt, - - Prop. New Grocery 'lie undorsit!iic.l, Inviinj opened in the ir-.-iM'v bns'.H- -i in tli,. \ilUi;c of Max ell, thr public Hud with us a linn f n -w i(iooTU:s.,t'tlio hmi (|iibty on the mrki-t. Wi. liitvi- |inivhHSi-(l with a view f nu-Hiin|; the wn.ts of the quncral pvbtw 'Vi. also lnx>p on hand the celebrated HURON pi.oua I'ECtAL SHOWING THIS WEEK et jCaco "Utot / fancy 7/acAwenr &t'bbont / jCad/at' barney 9/actiecar, \ jf Pertinent Question 't S/ ou eed jfm Ov.rcoat ? f f f cool evenings emphasise the need of a v,-;irm overcoat and whether you need a Heavy Winter Ulster or a Light Dress ( >verc'oat, we can fit you ami ;ive you a big rangi- of prices to choose from. t/liy durability, and low price ara com- bined /n our Ovarcoais Cord Covert Coats, in colors fawn and brown from ---- $5.00 New Cheviot Overcoats in black dark and light gray from ---- $6.00 Beaver Overcoats, 1 duck and :i;ivy from .... $f>.00 Frieze Ulsters, in, fHwn, brown and gray, from ---- " $4.95 KUHFORT KLOTHINU FOR KOLD WEATHER Mado to wear, l.-ok wull wid feel well wind and water proof- warm and comfort. tble LEATHER COATS \)\ '< ,'K < . > \T8 CORDUROY COATS UKVERSIBU; i'uviS, a!liw* PRICES FRCM W.75 to |7 The U-nt value good money can buy. A SPECUL IN - WOMEN'S SHOES. Women's Glove (Jrain or I'.-bbleJ Leather Luce Bo .is rivettod ol subsUntially made *a-iy rittinR all siies reRuKr pricu $1.25 Mling ' 11 00 Oxford Stoves AND Ranges The UK-. ia lory li'att-rs,(uuktM-s or bakers onthe market to-day up-to-date in every respect handsome designs -all the latest improvements- piarantee with every stove. H big assortment to stkct from ! Right Prices in every line and Q-lassioaro We've just placed in stock a ^reat big Shipment of Ne\v (Jood.s which gives us the best and biggest choice we've been able to offer you in these gwods. Collet SettS { Handsome new designs \ in wl\ite and colors, 10 pieces ( plain, stippled and gilt. $|.5o to $5.00 IkwCea Setts 44 piece ?3..~><) . . to . . $6.50 new Dinner Setts 97 piece $o.r><> . . to . , $15.00 CASH OR TRADE W- i ,'. In .... ,' ht- & FLESHERTON, ONtARIO THE FLESHEBTON ADVANCE OVEMBKB 14, 190F netbodist gfcurcb, Tlesberton RA.rtT< JK -K.-V-) .\Vlle>on eer-rvl. . ~f^ui.i!..v 1 1 n m 'f t p. m ct:. for n xt Sabb*ih : MOUNIMt-( b.! i r,,:r-ir-i lennoo to per ( . '.rtr>. Vicinity Chips r<i-)r.t<-t;rtsrlrs of th* Pwtt (ai^fully nil- J f.- lima always mi hand. J. H. Docket!, Kugcuta. DIED In ArtenH-nu.on Thurrfay,Nov. 7, Mr*. ThoauM t.'Urk, agd 65 yean. BMtioiiie, :i ^eiiuiue tonic, may b liad M tin- M-.lir.-t! Hall. Bofn--Tn Fle-herto'i, on Tuesday, Nov. 12, tr, Mr. ;\nd Mfx. T. J. Sheppard, a Pow!ej' U<[u''i OAMU- for tale at the Mi-dicnl Hall a j.o ruatorative. G".I h..ui- 'o rent in Flaehcrtou. Apply to R. T. Whit:ra. Tli.- King'i birth l..y w ;s not observed in Fi!icr- by i.ojitinx of flits. Kill'.' Kd**r.l VI : for iU at (h i:... i HH|I,I%;O tlic '...l-len p M'-F*r'-<rid A ,- i>f t'l/crtme- oaet.t :.riiv<] tu late 1 f-.r in-wrtiou this Wr uinK-r -Und thnt Mim H-iruah 8t*ffi.H 1 l> - 'o v.ic!i in the new iHh-ji ut !. . ills u.-it }ar. P.-a : trj f <r -win A few pain pur* brd Piym m !, R.<;k f.-r eal* W. W. TKIMBU*. J .hu H. H-i.ti-'l i'- -i inhibition l*ly- m. u' ' K . t r -. kll froin lii<* well fcu ,wn tr Ru: ' - turns, Hellina t ill <t C.HyiiMi's aud trv tt I-i r\li-'irM i'. ' -, warmtli ai-d ivluni! r\ . ru -ij-nl rittueii t rhi-i eeM -n Oi>U i . ! urine* yu su.F. tock f r sialc- OTM> jjood fann mar.-, iKie yui, - . " nnd me mi'k C". -.1 r "r time. U. Mo- h, VWi-.-r.o- Aduoen from th* hun'ers in Mneknka aiw t-. tiic - ;'' '' ''' *Mi a jo!ly ti.iie I* bi-n'n tpent Th-'y will be h- tim . ii.- week. Kafir ' i '. -t l''.N- 1) H., in tbe t>wnl.:|' of Arteu-.ei:t, :u tUfo-uniy of <iry. Alixi a hoiimana two Urge iir- deii, kr) -*u '* tbr Sc--W p>roprty Ajjply '-.. MKN. I'. SOTT. Arthnr.Out . r C!:-rl- y rk-llaniy. fi n of Town- ship (' r-ci ived a uasty cut m the *J ' 'id I.IK- day I**' Whii. ' . ') scl.o -1 hu slipped and fell, striking in- head oo th curtiei ..f 'I'H. .s-i-itauce of a phjrwcian as reiiuirud to patch li.m up. -At 4^ Io4| pr c*nt. Kxp-ui"< low. Al*i a numWr of ini- pro\<td ;i--:ii -:u-::ii-njvi.d f^ni cliettp. * - ' - Riitlierforl, Shel- '.mrn r Sturday aftt-r- MS, R-v. luso:i V\'lnn pruacbeil -i m *t . .; is' rhif-l , ! fn in lh:- teit "' fi"'' Samuel, 10'.'!. The wer-tnMi w:n woll prep" ' vo rcitri t . Jin.-- -enu> ^ii!iii*hinga lynopM" if it. Kor xi. v^;. tL-rin.i, two st wm.- 'IMJ!.!:- - i.i goo 1 running order, alni'it II--* ; tMn c.ii.Kio <( ves ind thrc henti ;Mpes Apply ti- R. J. Spruulo. Kl,-.i!u-iioi', Mr. I ,-: .v ^-tjisoti rt-tuinixl fn m Tor otito .y li.- i,.ni IKOIII-OIJ- ultiu.' n ( :iVvi.:'Ii 'I'lu- n.iHiio -if liis iilmwut \s )ifjliouiiced dry pltttrwy IK ;x i- ii hi|<h mad t.j recovery, nd, w.t. '.\>t!y, ha* txkun up l-.ia ruMile- ce in Heshcrtoi-. The f li'tn han been let i. n siutr. The !ietuo.H<d for you WJH-C- la'ly tl'i.-i 'Hi! "f tin- j-inr i.-i I:- (oofecn. In ^r-ler :. IMVI- yi.ur feet well pr.itucted rail at L\nj"i-i:'s ;md g* 'i pair fH b'-i-lu. Also lot of frit .!lp{l I' 1 * (ill h%nii Ju-t fi'o citu n r.-sponditl to tho call .u Kr d -y i-vi.i,iirf I -kit r-.i discuss public lil-i -ry inn . An. ther oppi>-iuary will Kiii'iiT e^'ii'.nj next fi-r v>:izviii t-i I.- |irc!>-:,' at t'n- librnry ,-i'id i u!i th^ir suggest ion*. I' v. uld I* * l-t !H.' 'HiBric.,- to 'he plHCf if out librsry wei'c to U" 'in K-r, but KKMtbtHg unlit VK- ilon-j nn<- way or the o'her, unil !; .in I.UD'I < for sb- - LeioeU-r Cta widd tti'il Oxford I>>wn mm lain b Also a p'lir uf Li icti-r e-*< Uinlm, for sale st rt on i! le IJI-ICOM W. J. MIAUA, (Vjlon K O., <>i ... B..vd I'.i .s. A Pattersu.i is * new firm wl.ub i.- libuul openinu up bus- ci> in r*lelii -rton, they liuvinu pii't-hasc' 1 . fr< m Mr. Bunt ilte old Wityhr propert\. The firm i ci -in, " 1 of Memrs. li ' A'dirw !> -y I -<f Conn, and Mi iMi> Pat" -dnrvilU. They uj- <iu iiii of (Tiler il f. iii-i-.l.inefjr. Thd celebrated Farcy core, can be had at trtn Mediral Hll. Fresh oyators, finiian haddia, codfish anJ cr:nbornes at Barnhouaa's Preacriptions carefully compounded and medical advice given, when necessary, at tli- Mrdical FUU. Mn. Ranton *nd family lft on Mon- day morniuK for Sr. Tliomao, where Mr. B*nton is employed. A union Binle sen-ice will be held in the J/ethixIist church on Sunday evening next of Presbyterian, Baptist and MetK- orlUt* Tbw in the nnurtl Bible unBiion- ary in in i .ad the idtm it to do away witll A.'bllt 1 Mrfutra. Jnlui and Will Bnyd are bui d- ing foundetioa* thw fall for two new bn.-k houu>s which they wid er.-ot mtit spiiny on the property rrcently ;rchiiHed fro n the Campfafll refute. Whil the prk oiarkrt W a d.wn*ard tkitt of /run IMS t ex tr;t K<x>d prices. Peas are 71 eunU, snd oats 37. Last work UK higli as 404 ceuti wan ; for oats on the mtrket here. A credit aui.-t'i-n sale of farm fttock and imi''ein ;nt will ! held on lot 19, cnn.6, Ot<|.roy oil Thursday, NOT. 21. Hale at 1 p.m. H. Kinnear. Proprietor. J. J. auctioneer. i n-y. M in s,-n"is IK a c ipy of the Hart- Str, witli the followinij item miked: "Mr. W. (V Knbmxon has bt-en miking a nmiHrkably ^ood thresh- ing >ej rd this Helton and ha* no where aoeomplished more than on hm on lar^e ti in. On Fi-nl iy last the out put of win-at from hu eeparatur wu 2,200 biis- , besides 30 buslieln of imln, and for tli- prern-ui rek this machine areraged 1,824 t.a-ihe!* <>f whont a day w.thout in- f rriiji:. n or mo'-!i v*ntli-n m tlie w .rk. Equally u.i<i reiuilt* iilioiild not be ex rr -iij -vi-'y tbr-'-hinu nuuibind u i year* of e\|>eriiiCM U< aojuire the skill in oj-uraiini; that U ptissueied by Mr. Ki'bin.-ri ' Mr. lU-rt R* ilon haw trone '..spend the winter at i.u S nit!: h. returned home -in -x'<ind-l vu t t'i f.|.ii:d iu r She ale* i visited tho Pan-Am. Mr. R R Scott of Port tlop visited nil hw inster, Mn. Andrew Carr, who ii!L Mi*e Ethel Trimble, who ban hcon hr- ir.^ mi: It her grandma in Detroit for a few yrara, returned to her home horu last week aud will remain fur the winter. Mr. Fred L"v%t of Toronto spnt a fi-w days of this week with hin cousin, Mm. A. Hoattie of In^leham. OraiiKe, Valley. K. A. Wriirr of Topio'o |>etit a fe* I .> i of 'I.e past week with his cousin, Mr. Waiter L<>uck. Mr. :uid Mrs. A. liaruh >ujo spent Sjiulny in Toronto. Mr. and Mn. Stephi-nx, Mn. Lrowm mi I lifii-- lUug'itfr.Jof il^rkdaU 1 , spent Sumlny wiih friend* in Flushert >u. Mr. Milt Tippof Sunderland spent Sun- dy at i hi- Mutuhaw houtie. .Min.-i (I.-o. Richards- <n, who went to tlie Northwest with t; - , xcurtion, rtturunl hojio ou Saturday. Mr. .-ind Mrs. I . li. Lucas Rpent Sun- day i;li i. liitivis in 10*11. Mr -l.-hn Halen ri-'urn -d honu- fn.m ^ irthwojt on Monday aftrr upending the harvest inii uii-ntliii there. Mr. .-mil Mrs. U. J. Mnthuwson "f Mi|-l.: n-iiinmi hoino on Thursday Ut aftertp-nding a forln- 'ht wi'h friHtid iu thin v i inity. Farms for Seile by Tender Terdent will hi- rn r -d by the/ und.-r- ! ii|>tp I -/click onKridny.t.h-j 14th f I. pinlmr, l!X)t, foi fie pnrchiUM 3*.( .ind 4O, con -i- MI Hi U.-'X' u.d lot ;;t',. oi-in-oMiou H, Iu8 .-icr:, all in A - llx- atiovo are kn wn as the Linley lirii;-- uvl will bo sold separately or ru bloc Tor further pnrticulnrs a.'"d Cuod:tloiM set) pnsterti And apply to LUCAU. \\HIUHT A Me A RULE, Vendor's solicitors, SIrkdHl*,Oiit. Weak Bnck end 5pinal Pains I'-niiK in I'll- back number victiuia in thousjnul.-*. *.)nly very powi-rful and p>.ne'r<ling<d)-'s mill reach thesudis- tre-vt iiu COL-I;, but I'lilsi-n 1 !! Ni-r- viiiiif M n* Ui>- to cure them us :m>thiiig in the '.<orld ian 1m sum Ru!> Ni.-rvilinu oxer the srr pur's uiv;lit iuil ui->rniiit;, nd sec ho* ,iin.-kly it drives on: tln-j un. K.I.- limes slro:.m'i- th.-iii any oihi>r. Gon'l forinteinal and extrij>'. use. - The Companion'^ Seventy-Sixth Volume In l!ti.ii la wvooty-sixtli y. ur of its |jubl.cHt.o!i TH* YOUTH'S ('I>M?A\M> promise-) more varied attrnrti -nt for its n-rtdeirs tlmn i-ver Iwfoiv.and THE COMI'A.N- IO alwy uivc-s more than it |.ronne-<. Tho govi-rnnioiit of u ( . L'mred St-.-s will | be re,>ii tenuxl i-i .ribmi-F^ fiom . tin -rctnry of '.he TV <; v Scie- t*i v of the Navy L< '! n- {jiitli, and At W ir Sailor alii. . I in % prv i-n- ; >*. K'"-ernaie>nr i ! -jii i' -n i-un i ; v iited b> . :i I . Duke of Argyll, UM Marquis of Dufferin and Ava and Rt Hon. James Bryce, T. P. O'Connor and Winston 8 Churchill, member* of thu Hoiiae uf Commona. Other noteworthy contributors will be Wu Tinrfaiiu. Cliiueee minister at Wash- | ingion, Booker T. Waahington, prasidunt of Tuakeyee Institute, Junticu Brewer of the United States Supreme Court, (ran. CharUit KIUK and Rear Admiral Hick born, while more than two hundred of tue most popular of living story writers will contribute fn.m four to six facinatiug stories to each of tbe fifty-two issue* of The Youth u Comnnni ,n for 1902. To all new subscribers for I*r2 an.t Ui those renewiiiK their ubriptions Tliu CompHiiinn will send its beautiful 1SXKJ Cslendar, lithographed iu twelve colors and g->ld. By sending Iwfi-re January 1st, tlie new subscriber will receive free all the remaining issuea uf 1901 fruin the time the turincm tion is received THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, 1'Jo Culuiobuh Avrnue, Boston, Haas. On WednewUy morniog about 2 o'clock the cuuwns of Thorn bury weiu awakened from their slumbers by thu riiiKini; of the hre bell, when the large building opponite the Revere House and occupied by D. J. Pluming, wagou maker %od painter; John Tuckr, barber ; T. D. Carscadden, unp- lemunt agent ; and Tbos. Loucks, black smith ; was dmcovered to b i a mass of flaui.M The tire had '*> much headway to bo able to save anything in tbe building. The heat w.-w eo interwe that nearly all the windows on thu north runt side uf the Rxvere IIOUHO were brok- en, and the woodwork noorcbvJ. Tbe 6re soon spread M thu stable ud driving shed owned by Mr. A. S:nith, and in lurn Ins h Jium and iu*rble shop fe I a prey to the firry tiend It was only by a per- swteut strugK'e "O the purt rf tho tire tighten that the livery ita'de was saved. If the livury stable had buroud it would h*ve been imp -amble U> have saved the p'ainingmill.aiiditw hard totoiljust where the tirn would have ended. Ou the build- ing where the. tiro started them is only an iiuMiniuee uf 9600. It u owned by Mr. ThoH. Louuks. Mr. Loucka had no nn-ur- anco ou the content! of his blacksmith shop. J/r. Fleming earned no insurance and hie luei he estimate* at about f 15<H). Mr. John Tucker had $250 inaurance on the contents - f his barlirr shop, and will prolwbly loee f 100. Mr C<trscadden*was w.thuut lusurtnceand his lose will pro- Uibly ru:h foOO. Mr. Alex. Smith bad 9120U on nia nuildinon and content.-* rf -, alao, will be quite a heavy loner. How the tire 01 i^i ed ia my.stery. Herald. Htopt> the fiHiKh and works off the 4 -.1.1 Laxative Mr. -no (juiuiiie Telileti cure a oold tn oim day No Cure, No Pay. Price l iS aeotr. Clubbing List. Following is u list of na|wrs with which The Advsn-.-i- !ii arranm-d clubbing ratui. Thoee marktd with . star send balmice of thwyear free. *The Advance and ijliihe, premiunu 9 1 90 *Mil,witii pm:iiuma 1.80 lnily NUWH 2.30 Murnitii: \V .rid iir-a' Star and jin-iuuiiiis . VimthV I'ompani- n (new). ... _' '.'f> T'-n nfo Dni ! y Smr '_' I'.n *Fttri.-r s Sun. . l.xi liuanlian 1 .:i' If whst you want m not on ih- ak-nvc . -k for it. New su'scribers iliould w!i-a tit;" of the liberal offcra to <L-rnl Lmlaiice of the \fiir fr *-y r-m t t:n!M ea-ly iw puwi*.!-. A. 'dress. The AJvani:o, Fk-therion. CboSe ]* Sbeppard Fltshtrton and Cngcnia. to to And the General Public * * BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP | 3 We reali/c that your interest is onr interest, It's to your interest to get the best for the money, it's to our interest to give the best we can for the price. We a<lmire the customer tliat wants jjood honest goods at the right prices and we are trying to give the public all we can for their money. Selling Gooda at Right Prices Makes Friends. to to to to Dress Goods.. and nillinery la we to to to to We have had extra succem in these Hoe* this seaeon. The fact have found it dilfi -ult to keep up with rkeetanami. Heavy plain Drewi Materials aru corri*ot and we have a compli-tu raave *t the liuht prices. Our Millinery department alao has experienced extra demands and our stali of milliners have been taxed to keep np with the work- Buy your Far-, now. Fashionable Fur*, rnaaoijsbli Prices, and Stock to select from. Ladies' Fur Coats, Ceperines, Cap* and Mitts Men's Fur Coats frm f!3 lie* to thu rim- (Von CoatH a' 940 and 850. We carry a very large stock of Furs and you can get a goo 1 choice here. to Men and Boys' * Clothing * 2 to * $ to to ^ We keep everything a man wears and this department at prenent is very \k, heavily loaded. We can fit yoe with a nwv ready to wear to to tuit or a tailor-md with a liu eeiecHoa to pick from. * Boots and * Rubbers. il Well stocked in all saawmable linen. Wo btry err boots direct from manufacturer saving you the middleman s pr to Amenta for Hmtrrick Patterns. to THos. J. For Good... First Farm Pleasure ai in- Tooth and Iron ry. IHrk. Mrdilland Dymcnt, Hutter tit-Id Vnmpativ I 'lows, and all kinds of sliiiivs. Also Jv.iiaraotor*, of brass and oth- er kinds of mak' 1 . Cream separators of dif- ferent kinds, Shoeing, Painting and Trininiing carria.-s and all kinds of Hlark- and win- fences, go to 3. fie IHard, TUshcrton. 52 LESHFRTON ? HflKNESS 9 il*. EA1PORIUM. SSalltf Thv _ a. -;v of .fli"Aii 111 Fii-hr'o:i- olunii!, -jo! nr, etc. Chone your b -lln o irly while tt -ok is Uryi-. Now to d* in S.isk tii-lii-rtM jo r ' l.i.i, rul.ln.-r a>id ool run, Ui.tnkcts of nil si/.i>n and do*cri|>- Cutry c-oiu'w. bnwhos, col- lar xnd wiiat pails, luiithi'r initis. bits, snap*, whip* snd Inali-s, trunk*, r-i!iHi-H, circn^U>i, m .1 rvirvthini; found in mi up-io-datu Minims shop. rap. For Servioe -on lot \at. con. 4, ^rt-'i'icniv Th.- in.], ,-i^n, .1 h ()< t' ' -ik- hire Koar for service. 1'eii^rpooii Terui*l AI.KI V.oMi'i.i.nN Nor. T, 3m Klenherwii f. >1 Boar for Service Tlio nnilii.ilauptl ha< 1n Tonne thoioaiih- \ .rk^tlire bur !< .<r\i<- >, I ,.l 174.T.I* H. li.. ArteBMeiei Prod' froiu JiNH*ph FVulhi r- VMM'S (Tetness TOWII-I!III>. Sirmit-Ti1ti bent (lock. Toi-uii SI. U:i. M U. O. out Karm For Sale ipn tlioflfli eou.,0|>rev. rwing lot R. U'f of l-i-iiw Mo( i. conioii.p inb norne. almnlOS aonm olMurnd and H-ioi-l.ti rnlt vmti.-n . -i aoree l*i-ilwii~i buli K'lod i-rrlir 1. 'i,il nml itott wti. liulliiiDH on reoli fty Kor fnrtUor jiar- nrt'lv to rB- raurr in Majornl! P. O. I |0 dT-> w ;, U (* a e*e>n4 bu>ine> Edwcatlua ls e* TUG NOCTHEKM BU5INES5 COLLGOR Oit/f ^d Ttl IBM CovBHU INI-I.I - M : B<H>k-| :u, Arithmetic, Pon n>eji-i!:ip. Coin in . .i l.iw -md Leiti-r writtn^, SktHtrmnd i '-urno includr* : Pttmaa's Shorthand, T) JM^TVUJ:;, Pcn- niaejihip. Lelvrwrifin . a -! KI.I-|!III){. Student* ndiuittc.; .11 any nun-, fal p*fticuUn free t any vl Irrsw PAPBD WHEN WRITINO . A. Fleming, Principal OWKN* SOIND, ONT Second Band Implements Has on bnd Nuxon snu M me*) Harris -von.l iiand bimK-m, bone nOmn, seed drills *ud roUure for sea* t a bargain. 1 em ato ae^nt for McCorniock. 0tiultheH and Snut, ai>d Ovapany of HiMitfo-4 ; Be le Dnee ahe i O. n*dfll, Ceylon,