Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1902, p. 1

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JUftiutce. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLED NOT MEN.' VOL. XXI, NO 1(87 Kleshertori, Ont., Thursday, January 1Q, 18O2 W. H THURSTON, WatoHes ** Rings >|K-cial raaM in Ladies' <;<>M Wait I, An excellent stocK I'fthr v.-ry ( 'i!t!'k- '.M tlii- ni.iiki-t to chose from. Finest iii>play <>t' Silvcruarr -iiowr. in Vlolierl.m. Very xuitsJlSS fi8 I.T \VwHfiii; nroaeiila. C'li;iiii-. IJn>adif-i .tnl of OVITV 'I'vsn iption, to select from. xSpeeial Xiniis (Jotxta ti h;tn<l. W. A; Armstrong - Flesherton Farmers' Institute. tVrhapn the mmt nuccenful ii.stitute tnecting ever held here w-m that of Thurs- day laat in the tnwn hall. Those who were present, and there was a large at- tetidasKe, weie euthusiiwtic m their ex- pressions of pfeaMire at the excellence of the meeting. The president, Mr. R. D. Carruthen, presided and opened the afternoon meeting with the following I ttie past year and we trust that the Grrat r of all things will Kuide our actions a we may lie a credit to ourselves 'pti.il t<i a'l c n. i rne 1. I thank the mem bem un c I.r.- ti.r* for the position* which !<it\ e ;! i IM| rue in m-d I hope that I 1 ^I'sii pri... .- orthy <'f llio honor cou i furred upon me. D. O .**- r--ii aas called and said m LAPIM AND ties-Time* Another year lia* pasod away since we la*t met tn dis- cuss tht differ-'!,' method* of farmsBg and the beat way to make farming profitable, itnd also t<- discus* the welfare of the f mini unity genera Uy. W are also pleases} t uotice the rapid stride* that lias been made in o ir institute work dur- ing the past year. We note with pleas- ure the laryr increase of mewSership in our uaatiute* thioughout the province of Oa'ario, and we kgp that the year aojr year. We are also pleased that our Pro- vincial Winter Fair at the city of Ouelph in now one of the loading fairs in Ameri- ca and is, we believe, destined to brine the breeding of live stock and almof fet-J iux thes* to a standard i*ut rxcelled in America nor tlie iilaaida of the se*. We oote with great satisfaction the pnwper- it y that is attending our efforts a* a farm- ing community. Price* are exceptional Jy cood in almost everything and all classes and crettN >eem to be happy and contented as it if poe-tib'e to bu in this fair land of ours. We note with great pleasure the interest that farmer* are tak- ing medu:ation within the past few year*. Our coltrKra mid uni.en.it ua are Vcn'i! filled with yountf men ;md won**ii from i lie farm, not afraid to take tht ir chances with those from our cities who had per Imps a much better chance in their earlier \i-.iis. Indeed the time is fast approach inc and hjn even now ditwno'i up. -11 us lien our legist tt i ve halls and other places >f trust are bvnm tillvtl with those who have helped to hew foresU and ni^ke 1 1 is Miit..riu of mils tin- foieuioat prouuoe in our f.-ir Dominion. We are t/Ll to ti"'- loe tlie progresa that Ks been made in the sugar beet niilu-stry throughout <>n iaiioduring the putt yenr. We believe (that it ii worthy of our careful and sea >us I arc pr.Mhi' i ; "in our land* in tiih, tun Iber, feiiicra'- iin<l crop*, liut by far tl.e . ' t frum i'iir crops, ami they wt-reiie.'i-r en iin^ The it'll had mil. L. -i s i.f ,! -en* which rendered assu- titnce. Plauta are alwsys taking tn-ir f'M.n; tin- MII|, and that IB a liquid to kill the bacteria would render it sterile | until theam were returned. Humus is "in- i.f the (treat easwntiaU to pr<iduce * guod crop, un acuownt of the nnjantr mat- ter which i' contain*. The finished pro , due' rakea the lesj* from the farm, be it milk, butter, b -ef or whatever it may. , Loamy anil was the best on account of in I power, to retain moisture: a teed bed can- in >t he too fine ; it assists the plant m lay knki on the soil and the bacteria to do it* ' wurk. Keep the soil fertility uear th tup. Thni gives the plant s quick start nd is alito wise ia the aiiiwial king'lnm. The aim should be to cheapen the cisrt of production* *ad to produce a tuperior article. He followed seven years rota- ti<m : Peas, fall wheat, rnota, oar* or Iwrley, and teed down 6 lh*. red clever, 3 timothy, 1 alsike and two year* pa* twra. A field'* length should be twite its I width. He preferred shallow cv!tivitiu ' *nd h*l only pl->uxhed t inches deep once ! m 7 jrean and not after a hoed crop. He 1 <ecansd a surer catch of clover by sowing ' ia front of the drill. Uenry (J. Reid wan next called and >pi4e on "The, Influenceof Natural Laws or the Breeding of Live Stock." It was a wry old saying that like produced like. R. Bakewell was the tint to make a great advance ia breeding in Great Britain. It has now r- une easy to secure animal* of the \Msnt t> i- Trrnperamenta, habits, aa well aa ahapc, can be reproduced. Hahitt | high-tat trades of stock are the sstost like ! 4y to produce thekr own typs. He ex- 'flained the laws of co-relation in w kef Mft4 milk breeds and how pru- h<. 'el bn.sin"M tu Mesws. McGratji and McAuliff .if t;l--.ielg. Th>i district meeting of the L.O.L. was held iii the < 'ran^e hall on Tueaday evening. Mr It Oxik shipped during the season of 191)1 4000 ligs, value 940,5od ; 3(<UO ;i, Umbs anil calves, value 911,260; 50 cattle. va!ue $10..V. Mr. Th.. \\ii..-ck delivere.l to R. Cu<>k ten hi 4 nvMiths and 2O days <>l.i, winch weit;hed 1825lbs. or an average of Ilia. each. We would like to bear Ir ia 1)1- farmer who can beat that r>.c ini. Mr y nf Elk Rapids, *n.i daughter B-.ie of T.r"nt^, who have beeu pending tlie pan two weeks at Mr. J. Dyc' n'i other friends, have returned t'i '\>V\T h> lines. Mr. Arthur McMullen f Kelvin, who ha s[*ent the [utt month with his aunt, Mrs. |!otii. C<>k, left fr home Monday. Mr*, \\ilwn McMullen, who has un- dergone an operation in Toronto, re- tunml h'.in' Wednesday niyht. Mr W \\ilcock is rery ill at present. Mr. Thornton C'l.|uett, our new teacher, started school last Monday with a fair attendance. We extend a hearty wrV'.rae to Mr. C. Mrs. H. Tucker entertained her Sab- hath school class Chrutsaas week, when a very p'eanant time wait spent The little girhipresen'ed Mn. T. with a beau tiral Khve and handkerchief box and an adaress. Mitts lenMf Hem|-lnll also evtertamed ^ her :laj u( boys laat wee*, wbeu all 'thoroughly enjoyed theisselves. At a regular meeting "f Ceylon Oouncil | of Owosen Friends, held on Tn>*tiny ev- ening, Dec. 31. 190l,the following officers were rlectd for the ensuius; term : Chief Councillor, Thoa. A. Gilchriat ; Vice Ooancillor. Oeo. Cairn* ; Recorder, John I B. Egan ; Assistant Recorder, Albert S. 1 Johnston ; Trras., John F. Collin>n ; ' Prelate, Mn. K. J. Legate ; Marshall, .Thos. WiL-ocU ; Warden, Andrew Rut- ledge ; Guard, Thos. Cuok ; Sontry, W. ' J. Lawrence ; Med. Examiner, l)r. Carter; Trontee for three yean. Ale. M>ur. and the la wi of atavism. The thor>UKh- bcvd honst will leave hi* stamp more than any uthor breed, because he ha* the Issfrsr pedigree. In-and-in breeding Khuuld h- avoided and he itrongly con detuned cruss breeding. At the eveniog meeting there waa a crowded house and the proyraut was of a highly DUtertai-jing, and instructive nature. Music wa* supplied by the Mnuya Joy and Mr. T. J. Sbeppard, this fea'ure of | the program being thoroughly appreuintcd by the dviuonstrttivc *udienc. Mis* : Mamie Ayrrs acted a* accompaniat. Dr. j Kei.l s}Kike nu "The horse iu war and i pt>4C* ' Britain's success he aaid in war had depended largbly on (he cavalry hr*e whosw original uo for that par|e began iu the far east. The ptimary r|inite in a war horxe wiu counixe, next cante in- , tellixence, which showed thj wonderful control a Holdter had over trw horM in causing linn to chau^e in 11 uiotneut from uuegtit tu another, also tu (taud jwrfect ly still and tu jump. In peace the colt nliuuld be broke wlien yua.ii); and taught to drive befurs 2 yean uld.aml lir< kun to ride before 3, which wajgotd oxeu-n* for colt antl !-'> >nd !> good fur lady, who , theu preseired th.-ir lnwt apj larince I HesMitl th uiilitary hone thai lil been JMild i'Ut uf thuoountry were well gone I FVvwi Our OSTH Corre<}wtiden< School re-opened Monday of laat week with Mwsft. McLeod again in the juuinr room, and Mr. Bell of Orangvville aa principal. '*' bid Mr. Bvll welcome lo our burn and hope he will have a pleasant and profitable sojourn with un s* tescher. Election passed off tjuietly here. Every- ou* seemed to be satisfied with the old council, and a* they were sure of their I re election, there was littl- interest taken , ia the election. However, we believe every pi-nun who ha* a vote should come out and poll it. Mr. McDonald and Mixa Emma Mc- Lenu, Mr. Alx. and Mi* Sarah Mc- MJlan arc visiting friends near Tiverton, Bruce county. Mr. P. V. McArthur, is taking a few huli lay* witii friends in Owen Sound. Mi IVter Mclntyre ho* eng-tgi-d f"r tin- wiuter with A. Gilchriat, Ceylon. Mi Auuie Mcliau of Irish Lake 11 vi.Mitin^ at Mrs. Simjiit.n'a. Mr A. Butler w on the ick list wilh . all *li soil is ejl adi|>ie<i to raut- t#!->r Inact. slid we tliink lht some u-iint id Cent,De(i i rv oould be suitable for a *>u*.'itr boi't fnr'.iiy. Wo wuUii jniugttit thai tlie, .lir-ft! ai>J aieaibers generally ts* utto tliMir -ri"ua oon* deration the- f-iitniiik; of a wom-n's irw'itute in Centre <irey. \\'e VtolieTe ttmt if wnuld be profit- i to ltdie K well as lU<! gc'nlloiuen. Hill C ' I the like atjaioss that kind was) uot likely | ever to bea^ain rvt|iiirl. Kuv. -IS I. ! it* value to tin- agriiMillsnal da*. D. S. i Aud >rs. >n npuke briefly un poultry, ihuir I i .tl u0 fr iimVing inonev, ahd cloai-d 'i'h a tallfjt" ''"' '' l . T " J""nUng out tlie ad- imtajfos uf fnnn life over that of the educAtexi man, who liad to place his Uuor un tlie over-crowded nsarketa of the world. Afiur a vote of thanks for the to Mr*. (Dr.) Hu'ton of Uurhtoi wa in : town on Saturtl.y. Misa Natli.'tlie Urior i spendinx this week wiib Mrs. Mint, n of Uuthim. lUmx To Mr. and Mr. Herb \Vaton on Friday, Jan. 10. inrt., son. Rev. J. A. Maihetoii i spentl'ng a f> w I dsys in Caledon. lit v. Mr. Br^d of C't-ll.irville, <K-cuj>rd tho 1'iwibyterian , ptilj.it here on Sunday. lr. and Mrs. C5. JfcArthur and ' .l.mxhu-r of ACCOM, re the guests of Mr ] and Mrs. Mclntyre. Mr. W. J. l> akestonof Dnndalk spent ' Saturday snd Sunday with fr.ends on tlit- O. 1 K" and wo think ihes excursions will be looked forward to wi'h pld.uture ax well -is profit. S'nre w Ut met in a meet- ing of this kind we hsve h.i.i a visit fnun nr piiiitpi'ctivM kinn nnd .|U.ern, the Duke ...i.l 1 1,1, '..-., .' C'n:wall aiid Y- rk, IMIT i|lb IVi0c ;>n.l I'rinociw of \V*l.-, a-nl I Am sure t*li l"oik back ith prMe, up- :, i 1 Kit rccejiti u thtt A- i ' .,1 orily by the Kiuli.nh .-|fc*kii,K t . "'., liu< by all I'lansiw and rdt i-i nr ( nr tK.iiiiiui.4i. We arc, sure ilm- 11 i ijnj- *;: )l))i oli^.o/ profit well a* \-\nt*i,,~r f :. > ... il i". i-rj "in; iii nay and that tbn (ri. int. will take lively interest in each an i evi-ry UlacuMMon that |>i'MMit* u*-lf. 1 ani *ure we all feel thankful for liehral.ii hich we havr -njo)ctl during Oylon Fnn "ir f'tcu i Mr. and ML. P. I) M LAUghlin of Markdal* H rt ipeliUing a few dny at the A True Brain Food Mn-t replaci- the foulinv of liiaoitade nnd i.u-nUl tirrdiie-* by cltMriii-tw ai.tl 1 liei.g'h of numf. Not th.it it gties <l r- 'ecilytoihe brain, that were ftM>lish The truf J Qun-n's h/>t.'l Mi Mci.'vikoi> of Duiliam in the guest ( of her frielid. Mi* .lenn Collinson j Mrs. J. l'ittt>u, wbo hn bet-u speiiiiing * couple of weeks with frtonds in Cleve- land, irturtn-d on Saturday evening. Mr. Lefltvr Huston, who haa beeu vis- , ilii>K frivtiilH her* for a wvek, returnotl to IfcjiLelcv on M ><>day. Th O'Neill Ilroa. have *olj out tbrir mut 'HI <-a>ued by rich, r-l Id.Nxl. If iiKMt.il fatigue worties ai.tl i (tlarinc yo ( I - .k n<>* to the brain, but the >ton.at>h ind HWiiaiiUttre organs. No roined-y yet disco vpfal, posrursts the uuti - vulloiit lii^iu struniitlhtiiing pwi- tlmt Ker<nne ha-t d. nioin-trafetl in thoimui.l.s of cnsos. rV; ri '/one. does not rtnmilute tho brain into a fitful glow, but by iiu|u.'Y ing d'gnation, stiengthoi-iug rlie in-m-uji syMtein, utimulatinv uwnuiiUtmn, new strvnvth to the hintrt, it seiuls stream of rwl vitalizing bl<idlo tfi. 1 In-un. . Thus ii i* a true liriv f><l . in spl I by Uichar Jsoo. McFarland, Stafford & Co. HARK DALE, ONT. 6rcy County's Biggest Store JANUARY w' (Ubite Goods Sale. To-day, Thursday niorninu. we t.-irt our annual January White ' Sale. Th's season we hive put in-stock an unusually lange amortincn' nf Ladies' White Wear and have laid our plans for the biggest movement of While <ji odit ever ilne by thustore. There's no reasonable reason why w can't tell white good* as cheao an any store in the Dnavninn. Buying in large quantities, direct from the Manufaciures, for spot cvth, put* UK on the UP und-do-T for prices. You cou'd nt in the onlm.iry way, we honestly believe, buy the material* and make up white garment* at home at the cost to you of the finished article* at thm ttore during January ; iii'l we think you could not make them better You are cordially invited to come ami inspect whether you wwh tu buy or not. Three price* arv suggestive of other* equally aa good : bite 1 Co-set laists, Corset covers, heavy white cotton, felled Mamn. perfect fitting, all size*. January sale price Corset cover, heavy white coton, neck trimmed with embroidery, felled earns, assorted tixen. January sale price Oorset cuver. fine <|uality cotton, felled seams, square neck, trimmed with fine lace, January sale price Coraet cover, eitra fine <|Uili'y cotton, felled seam*. luw square cut nock with double row of entbinidery. January s-le price 39 Lifts' Pittiwiits Ladiea' skirt* heavy cotton.*niall tuck*, yoke band, January sale price 48 Ladie* kirt*,tiD heavy cotton.cluitter of fine tucks and five inch flounce. January al price La>lien' *kirU, fin English cambric, cluster of tuck*. diM-p flounce, Iac rnui in wl, January *ale price Laditw' skirla, in* Entilish cambric, eiyht inch Bounce, cluster uf tuckinr. fine lace and inaertion tnmminv, January sale price Ladiea skirts fine Envlwh cambric, thiee clusters of tacking, ten inch flounce of fine embroidery, January le price 1.1'J Ladies' Iraurs Ladie*' drawws. heavy cotton, luaistitched, hero emtniidery tnmmed. closed only January sale price Ladie*' drawer*, heavy whita c-Mon. umbrella style, cluster of tucks,dn bter tncnraing. o| <* closed. Jnu\ry salt- price Luli-n' drawer*, fine cambric, u-nbrelta ityle. duster of tucks, fine m- bf>.idT fnll.open or cl-*d. January sale price 4,'. lafe' LvJie*' gowi.a. Mother Hubbani style, Heavy oaron, frills of embroidery around neck, cuft and down front, ted rows if tine tucks, January sale Ladiea' JOIIK. Mwtkr HuMwrd style, heavy cotton. fnlU of lace around neJt. cuflii aid <low frtujl. four pleata down front and yoke bck. January ^e price ** LJir* g^wnm, Swe cotton, *<lid itwertion yoke, frills of embroidery around yoke, c"IUr ami cuftX pleate.1 front. January wle pric' 9fi , $tkfforM & Co. F. Q. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON Hitrtlware. AM> READY MADE CLOTMINTG. In our lianlwurt- lqiiirtnit-nt will lx- t'ouiul overythinjr t-arri- el in I ho most np-to <lato sttK'ks.iiH-ludin^ t'urnact x s.-<ti)Vfs. ranges, cu Ittrv ami silverware. Will mnko a special line of . . Builders' Hardware . . For the sc;v-<in. \Vealsotlo ;i general TINSMITHIX<> and KOUKINC business. fiamess Department Du'<le team li.irn-ss. 1} in. lu-avy (trap, complete f ; * ! ( * } Double train Iwn e, 1J ii., heavy alra|i,hand sewed, c-nnplere |^S 00 Horses' blsiiket^ from f I t.i . $1 50 Single harw. btCiiMt c-0'ar.. $1060 Suv;l" hrn^i, |i|.le.Ui'at!vr b'.ll.l, C-.PI|,lete 'Ill "> Keady IHade Clotbina Fur c^atM of n'l kiiH tvddcetl in price fin balance of san >n A fu'l Inn- of uienft', yimtlis' and boys' Ri;:ily-inivlc ss^SsVms] at w.iy- <l .wii [>rio. M .v' i i.| ({..-,' P. n. ).'.!> cl*. Know M ' 'v 'f.. nuaii'l ;i |.iw i i ! A Let* -go StooX .^ -wrsfcin andl GOiXti i^O*3<?S. When in t-.)\v:i eill !! - -Hy to see us. It will [:T it the s:- ii of F. 0. KARS Tr-DT, FLESH BRTON

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