Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1902, p. 2

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Sozodont Tooth Powder 25' Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth oxoa->nt Liquid 25c. Larrf* Liquid and Powder 75o. At all Ltorca or by mail, ^lu.jjiu of the U<| aid <or the jxotnge.jc. HALL & BUCKEL, Montrc.il. M.JSIJ LANCliACK. To Rive Honie idea ol the tn-nn-u- dinis growth of tin- it may be inent ii.ii.-ri that li. ; words and phrases under th'- lei tor "A" UK reahtd in iiiiy yi-arH from 7,- lllid I,) |||.;. r |y <)tl,IH.f> So .noli in'li-i-d. hu.s I : li ol til's would he I'l.'l' ; ' .MOSt 1 d tmcii ., liiiutixl with d In- i i . ev- pro- irntii (; dud I.i H.I. (in M all told, iiltlu. i I'"^"ly over ;;.iii (K.., .il tea pi. !'l 4 ij. of nil of a . full .u ac- pov.rr tliii!. m.ik. On- nu^hl . dl Hum n| \ fully oi|iml tn : V,, ( IM- 1 liis is lib... il ,ir. I>C Ui id I :i !iin tin . of n ' tlio same . ' .1 nil 'I Mil lit 11 '.. t ' I -I IllCIKloUS :LBHOOD ^fLea Leads t.> Trouble en to C'_M>-h H How This Can Best be Do. ' . u.'i " QIII n Mr, f. nil. i* It pr r<,l . .<:,.!; <v ' 1, SJO tk ' to ' ' I .-' . : i! **>! ' ' ^ M . tin- " . *< . . llj conlrolli ! "I U'lj^^ . I ' rn ' ^^ ( >\v n uln. . orrl- iTIR ' thl I Till Mill) II...' IM Ih .'i Inlil l.:i| ; V'. i Ilu-.^i.i.i ,i ! i in* . it nni- of ' i y mill hi-rii lii IIIVK p ' n of Mi- . n Sho ays: "\U ru . .1 iMligrn- H-n '. > I . .it ing >- il i . . I- I . ' ', only f'Ur . ml ,iih',i^.li r!.' had a Hv not ii- , i . , ! i i-t O ' ' ' 1 liinl iri .! rnl , I >,..r I i !;. >fr i . ^ (i wn ' . , .'In l.ox. Afu-r fivinj; I.. . foi n (iw HM-.R 1 f :ir<! ili.irt h. . il he I'lp-M in u i|>rii\r HI one.-, uni) rrew plnij,(i in,d Im I ulr.-nTi: glvp ihf. Ttilil<>tK now w^^n ohc is nll- fciR ii nd lhi> rvili IR nln-ii^is KOK| I '- ! ' i- ii IT th.- lit |n<-fli<-iii<. I hu^t vr mnl tin a Mtl\Kl\C A 'I OAST. The origin of th,- word "tout" iu *ir i..-n!.ii , drin 1 . ntlirn-.s ^> anil oil, i is. i.i ul,..h it ' 'K.ir, ' . \\ liiih i top ni i Mtp|.o:.. : l I.. ill till- ' ' . frniil h'T |.;.lli. nlln-1- to- v.-illi l! but woiilil li;u, -i is ' 1 ruin tlii" d.-nt. it is siuil, iiro--!- ll-.i- liiil.it i I (i\nr{ n ' or the drinking f-f v " I ulnr l.idy \- ' -i " >r "u Later 1 hich f>: a <iri TO WEAK fOIEl $2.25 CASH will buy a box of S iVORA ORANGES, or il you lake 5 toxi-s w.- will make ihe price 32.10 per box. (Him . THE DAW30H COMMISSION CO., Limited, TORONTO. ( i.i Poultry, Butter, Egtrs, Potatoes, Beans, Honey, Apples solicited. UJ i '. rs. f '> ' [ort'i in snail- .np dravTT n M.c . ,,f ,-. ' mil In . , I*B f nji.rp or Ii- -lllfll ! . i poini-> !' f" .' 1 1. t will krpt fii.ii, . n'd '' i* tl"- ;iM rrrtainrd - : '-duc- ed t' ' - . r nil linn found t'i .' it would take a ninil rxa'ly font" to travel a miir MHS. MAXWELL TELLS HCW MUCH PAIN AND SUFFER- ING MAY BE REMEDIED. A Very lutci citing Statement by an Klora Lady She Has Found a Panacea for All Female Weak- ness and Wr.uts Every Woman in Canada to Know of it. : . nnl- let- ti-r in v.1 trii'l 1 . Mild ; i'l. ; tliin.i}.-)! w! ways . ' . w.i ron- h'-r lif<- w;". lor a liit.- MI r frK4-H-t h-H-t-H-H-MH-H-HH-l 1 1 1 iil-H -M i I i i II I H-i CniWO TELEGRAPH; s USE rllllY N TELEPHONE; LUiJ V PARLOR Every Stfck A Matoh r Every Match - X A" Lighter " MATCHES t-H-M-M-H-f-R-M i t i till I -I f -M-i- 1 >l <? "Aiujt this is our n' I who hafl eamd 1 iind 1 h >p.j yo'i will en 1 as ' ''" T- 1KI. -*l.l> IS 0\K BIT. T-iko . jiuo Quirn e Tt.'.t)l A I d-uK/ o m.ini>> i' I- fn'l. to rar, Orovo ia^.i.rj Uon > li bu. to. Ill KiiKUu.iI oiilv 80 | i. | er million mump' In riiitin- ih i . - anil in 4 Brass Band ins r.im-n'.a. Drum j Uniform* Cto. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND lxiw*l pi 1 1'wl. Fi e -t>. flflO- lmtr\ I -or m *ii- a fr-. Wr.i'U-*f>fiuif tl -.I,- . r !lu-"l Ixlrani'nl . RjYCB & CO., L-mitefl, and nioBit**, .Va I i. ni vnnly, t livery- k<-f ', ( i l - "I ..-.MT- you a xrry n-itlifr kirk ii-r ^|,^, n' 'I i.< t r tno fanl." l.i\rrj-1al'lfi Kff[ i hrni r., ti-irptunusly) "OrtninU . ruv'nm- \\htrli'll rrr huvo -- a tliilh*F-'orc or n i <:i km'-'i;rs ?" !'(-. mnrk Imlrl* thr rrrord for i:nn- wmptii n >f .fin-its. 41 Riillon* a ,M ,i. | .iin-.t ii-.". limn 1 in 'I i . .ihloM will prnnijit Iv turp all tfte niiii'u ufLiirTits nf III I )> j>n. , urh an rnu ntnninrh. indl^nl HIM, li'lir ri.n'li[iul ion. Mllnv 111.. Irrltit- licin ai-ii,:i.|-ini\ in|{ the rutting of f-l>>. fir. 'I t..-y inr- r "..il forrhild- .f till HI-' nt il n u-l.ril f.> a >H dis'nl-. rri In wnler ran If ti.ili n-. . v lo lh .rt Inf. i n i rf run vnriMnt ob- Balq : iwn 'Inl. Ins ni \<.n t- ! M-nt pot'pcid t I.', ei-iiln ft l.,x hv lrt(lr>(ii(r Hit; llrck-i She snys Kin u-'l f' ii ' ; K Fills r . it li r . limit h . -fill nnrt In h*-- I cnrnot find worn i ' r tn.v ' ..Id's K J'.lls iiri- ll.i- yrrti-r- ' mrdlcine In j the w .'ially f-r tho-- of my I r.iuld Fi-iircfH- move haul or I wns no iliayy. nt.d vi.''n . ' ' through my whole I now tlmnks to |ini!d> i-y Pill* I fill will atifl smart." 'linn sr and Its cure Im* r-- i\ nonstttloB iitirl X!r* Max- ful 1 r-nl nf the matter haa brcn the subject of a ' drill of comment Podd's Kidney Pills *eom to be nn infnlhld* cur* for I>i**aK*s of V- a* well HP for Hhrumm i'l-i, l>iu> llru I.I > Pi'-.iRe and nil Kldfti-y dis- orders. Aiidtrnlia vin Sin , r.i".il is only i horses are worth to-day times MI much as in 1B55. i ii. ih- <axli II %virl-% nit Ihr r 111. I.4T1 Iv* Blum -^u-n n !>> '- fare laonuiKj. No or*. No tay- I'rtco lie. B!. Twenty per cent. nl nil horned cattle are killed for food a 40 out .,[ . \.i\ KM t nhcep, and 0<l out of every 1OO r'K 5 t O>Pu< >io I \c.r\\iv. I losi M v(. ( Dominion Una Steamships M IM t I .V0.lt IdMOU M U' i Pwt.ul l.ra Lr ( fcr til ci lit* l OSJHI.J M > .jiu".i.. r* lm. t>if t* *u/ >*4 I tUiiictt fi ' nt I'.i Itain buy* ix milNoa poumls wti^ht of F- -.ear. W P. 0. till NM-ICE. publHh dimple. ntraight tili- not | c |rrnt'R Imrr- . Irpm woll knuwn prnplc. 1'rom ull ov< i Am, Tim thry testify miles i enter I i by the ('a| route. thnn it i OZODCNF Tooth Powdw ?5f l'nt!ri postnirn deliter in pont- TUB M'ST roPULAH DINTIPRIOC. Cl - rrM*rvt(htt*'h. l.rn*ihn th* ituin* Ulcers aad Running io?es -ilc?.ciino ouras long 8ta,id> ing so.-eo. Try it. 'rg BJCJJ 23J. Druggists, or G3., Toronto FEATHER DYEING i nd Our IM b. film* clen*t /bM to tl.i- BH-ril.i of MIKAHir.S MM- ? rnr s - 6no "'""on lers, ll NT, th- krM .f M,uM-h.,U Hem- cards ' ntwspn|.ers. and knln A fM ADAM I I! I I.nc-Vv,- ,-,>rll'y n Kin-fill < In niici.l ina1.\<i* (if Itnl.y'H (urn TaMrln, wlili-h f |H>rKini.illy purrliHvcd In a trng Horo in Men lr<nl My annlyniri .nun <>l>i;iii- or nnri iluit th*y run hi- f\\rn willi pi-riVil i to UK- ynur.gml ini'tml; (lint nif n Hiifo unil rfTWirnl lnilirliii lir Ilir (rniilil<i II. ry are inli' f* rrlif Mil l'i\ 1 !M-.l;sr.Y. M A S, r'liniin'.-l Anrilx-t fur Qutir. Mr. j:t. l!ini C. C. mr;iAT<DS A. CO Tin; MOST jiuur-j Y Sorwiinns rr nurrly the most thrifty of Kuropfnns 'I hi- nTfraRe K income of the fnrmtiitanlfl of Nointiy, nrcordltig to the rrnsun f U'"l, Is il'^A krcmvr. or nbnut $H.'> a yrar Small as tins is, the |x-O|>l- ar- nblc to save, fur ll.rn 1 is n Bav- Inics hunk for evp.ry fi.Odii liihubi- tantu, ouf drpusiior foi every ii.8 inhabitants, with an avrrngr deposit nf 1 1'.) L.I Mlwrfs Mrs W.vlm "1'nl yot r huohnnd |lve you nnythirR for a liirllirtny rrsnt V" Hi- -' \t Inrlnil. ! dill " "I'id it. l.i!%r >i.nr iinnir mi \f. nni\ my liul-. mil's nniiin . jut likf "i II Ii mn. >.!. ' ' ' C''' V " '' .' """ nut !, diiin't ' "What WBB_ nuiiir tldiiiR mi it. then 'I "It wouldn't IH.M- n any R'"d ul it. It was H r!ir |iir ' (i ' , II: llyPl'!<i Siiinnlist (nrltalily) Hut. n.admii. xi.il iniiJit. rlitw your fund \\\'\ ir " r, r leMli ni\en \,..i for 7" l-'Himle 1'alii-M i.c^i linlv j "TliP.v wrr'n'l rtTrn (o iu I bo :ght MM " -^ Uilttit Cu;e. Gums, etc, Ill 1A70 tilt TMitrli p f ,5r-f<! Cn ut >f fvtrv It'O r flout \"oW tiny own li toua out ef ench 100. B.1ITI8H AMERICAN DYEING CO. MUVTKKAU THf MOUT NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S QRATCFUL OCMPORTINO. COCOA BNVAKFA8T 8UPP*R. The sun'- rale <-f nve n dcrreaw at lli In u century. Its s 8CO.OCO miles. Cannot be Cured kr WMK) >p: llr6. tkrjr rBnr. rmeh the 4r I kr !'.> >< knit th\i U kr oitlm- T f n-.r.- r- m M hn hi Ink* ! Ntftt w TB ^ Kf > r i lui rt HI*.! k| ii:ir,.r i..i>. lp iir rtiUlit* vki.o ix-kinf rMWUNf l>'>.'k Cn.H rliH k*ul . Nr ' kl W i >i prndiirrs 17(1 UIOM ,,-id out of iroHd'l ci-op of MIMI con tons of 80ZODOMT f ~ the TEETH 25t . hin I'n-t. il TO. fwi kMting. mid w4 II i r*t rr 4>mfmn in ik* r** t. act IIC'.M* ih nili'ii PHI IM t^. B. nlntid ihl< nbe'*i >*<t t u Bnrn.nl Mtntfill , tearing w U te rt- krryo I f-.r-r: ! <" ant f U r o iu*4 b> i- inrh. wi.li-h I* ooikln* knt a>. la- flitnxd couriiUmi nf th* a< ou >ur c . ^ ii will |T* Or* M'iti*rt l>lr. f*r HY ! l>r*>rn* (wkiiMMl (17 ' rih)iblr. t t> eai-ni by 11^1'. Uatarrk Cur*, h*. rt torclrruiin. frrc. r. J. < II FN KT * (-0 . To!4*. O IkiM bj Drum :(, 7V. Il.iil'n ru&J j fili r the b**t Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces* and Is sold only In lead Backits. lack, Mixed and Green. kp*n li drinker, try "S!<U" Grttn IM. 1'ii^l.in.l innl.r-' 1- njillii'ii i . M-,,1 worth $-'(), noo. ...... \eiii -ly ru 1,1 niiilion ton.-. ..( Hi it- lull 8tii|'|'i"K 1'.'' ""' s "e-. I'uiml in n ; . total of 11 millions for all ii.it imiM. . I IMirillljHIIIIMl ( IIMIIIIIllllllflll i tiiiiiiiijiitiiiiit i liniiuiiiiiiiiiii wh FugcMctftl Ornameatftl Fence, ^'c" * nrniinfntMl ri ultowy end nrf.riilnly rhmp :tl)m 19 nkiti.it for ooi- >rU, dl/MU.n farM In town UU, 7>rd (.rchr*, (to. It ut yn rtm mfii IIMNINO FOOT Li.itntl antl rrtnili > only u CW- T Ju- UiUk of U. Lrt m fl 1 you full MrtwnUn. W* ) Rk* frio ftix. poultry uttllBR, u*lw ui *U pl*. Ttii ftj WTB Ftnci) Co , LlmllU. tfillnfyHI*. Cut. Free to Men ! Are you a weakling? Are you one of those unfortunate you UK men who, through rgnor.itice and bad company, have contracted nervous spells, we ik back, varicocete, (floomy forebodings, losi of courage nnd amhition, loss of confidence, bmbfulnem, despondency and wcaknc- s ? Dr. Mcl/aughliu't Electric Belt wit! ci-rc you. Ar you middle ajjcd man sufferin.; from varicocele, prematurtnt*!!, indigestion, constipation, rheumatism, lam* back, etc. ? Dr. McLuti;;lil.r's Klecltic Belt will care you? Are you an old man, declining before your time, having lost all ability to enjoy life, with prontatic trouble, lost strength, 0-Klitv, pains and aches, and general decay of organic powers ? I can cure you with Dr. Mcl.aughlin'i Electric Belt with free suspensory for weak men. I will send you, sealed, free, my beautiful book telling about it if you will send thia a.!. Send for it to-day. DR. r,i. j MCLAUGHLIN, ' Ofnce Hours-UA.M to&30P.M. BEWARE OF BOASTING. We Had Better Underrate Than Overrate Ourselves. 4nd (] fm. ij WUII.BI FiiJj. ..I Torocta. U treat before sundown I liettcr Dot u> [wpwimtM <rf a-fenaun-. oiu.) -Ungly what you are going A despatch from Washington says : to do. Wait, until i'. is done. You 'lied from the do well to lay out your p'-ans, but fclloo ,i,gs nx . li :e are so many mistak-.-s a;. "L*i not I . ^irdcth on bis bar- uppointmcnts In lite that you may v that putteth j.ot be able to carry out your plari. it off." and thrre is no need i. - Harness is the obsolete word for world's derision and ci nrmor. It mrans l-.nrneari ii-r tiic N-.iice also that my t"\' takes inaji, not l.aruc^-- ' l.ar- it. for granted Uiat ' "U s-j:>t | '. ness for the t>; : huin.-.-s for on the harness, else how can the plow. The ni;c>i.t ;iii take it off 1 Life is a battle a ' ' ' .'y years', a f - or a plate and .shield fi r tii>- lu.-.irt. .xty years' war , . must . v for tin- \t :iiaki-s i-.'-.-e, for the battlcax.s of svep- a coi ! .ignoatic^ru ;-. aimed Ing lor moim; war your head Fvery possible tun. i will be niarlo to ' off. young man llenr-uJud. the t- ; of S thought ho con : . .t God. nbout l about king of leraol. I: .. about the great ; uln-:id.v cupt' . nn anteh<>!l<im bon<ju.'t. With, o kings be .1 i s at the . . ' ut drunk, iions wcro siiii.r ail -d OOD OR SATAN. ia to have possession of this planet. Oh. yo oidien of Jesus Christ, when the war of life is over and the victors rest in the soldiers' home on he heavenly height* pernapa i_ier uiay be in Uie cuy of the un a tow- r of bpiritu4 armor such us in- creased the warriors for Christ iu ly combat! Some day we may bo in ii.:it armory and bear the her- oes talk of how they lough i the good fight of faith ana sire uteia With cars of wound* : he weapons o:' o lef.-nce with which they bocaice inoro than conqueror*. Iu that r of heaven as UM weapons of the spiritual conflict ari THE S. S. LESSON. IKTEHNATION'AI. LESSOM JAW 19. Text of the Lesson, Acts ii, 37- 47. Golden Text, Act* ii., 47. 37. ' Men and brethren wli.it shall we U . .3 uua Uie cry ol ' v. ho. having fa ard Uie ^.os, ci pr- a.il\- el Ly 1 eier, were l/y tin; .-v|jim re- j ctmi< i. hi. t. Couipaje Uie c. ;. -St. 1'aul may point out ._ __ with which BT ad\ised the | .' I pheiitns to -" aul und ol the Jailer iu examined ' ' ->'' 30. w. to us Uwj 101 - 1 - ^' D - ''hi* i tlie work : . as the uiemscives and! Je - us s* 10 - *. il ' That is the siii-.-ld of faah ' v * ' co -- ll! G l ''- w '"' 1 f S1 Q. Is the helmet oi '.". th -'y_ not on Me" (Phil 11. 21; n. Tim I. I; rr. 1O; III. John <J. Col \, !3j. 46. "CoLtinuing -> ^IUi one ao* cord." Hhcthcr u. '.he Mtiyl* *r aft thero was >' . 'loi 1 ip aud . -ss and sioglun-sa oi n- iuits oi i nrf.it .u<' doing tho will . >ui the h aco-ptable to God and appr..\ ..-d of men (Kph. vi.6: liooi. x.v, IH/ This was not their u..u,i..:r of life one day in the week only, but . . b> tho graci- . v *,-r ..Hod with and c' these luatures of the K.ugcioiu ousness and peace and joy in - Uiuiu xiv. 17 i, aad 'a tlieyi before the . Lord added to the church . i : . Ia the . . wordl -er* 1 1. XL : hat the be- 1'hat i U; ,i truth Tl-.it ' J h x^. S, -i- in tke i .rere "added to . .10 breaat-picce of r'ghteousncss ' ' ;1:e s t' . hurch is rhf L,.jly oj Christ. Those are the m-i in whi<-h '! ouirh 1 et-r, had ; led Chi .-use thousam. hod wilh the prepara- f "'> ' " l s - " % and cjt. j . .irU : of U*e gospU " I ' : *"<^ ' >mplelk>B. tukin<i in all who will you may recount tile contrast t>- from or an Lord tween the day when you enlisted in ' : - l9 pa>*age from tho U d Chris' ia.T conUici uid the day when , m> nt you closed it in earthly farewell ami ' only one thii-g for . ._icjf all who - and wheat wili tli aalutat ' the to\t . J'd t .at wa to st- l.ii.-vi.'sr. anJ M as so m-jch meaning (or u- ^ " ; ON THF. latchct tv.-H adjusted I i.-.-. '. ' r',i right, . . '. fcrw heart. That Is the most im- portant part to l>" .iat yen love and wh.v what you hope . -hut you despise. T!-. - e:>rthly mess and eternal destiny Keep w. wiiU havo more meaning for <i- ir. who are . . . . . then "L* not him that girdcti on; 1 is na ;.. . and they would ihua re- his harness toast himself as he that : . : ." of sins ana putteth it o(T." Thi-y Oj ;r and a deceiver, OLD ENGLISH ENGINES. on the Bails Many Ysars and Still Effective. I ,vuu tiR.|>i.tt-. i ii.n. IIM WUUJF Tlio famous "Nil I" i?:, .it North- by tha Spi.-i'. make* i J S j , ' k ._.. ...-ss and eternal ii - ! "'n . -ix-ently couiplct, d Hi - :i of aius. a* Je,u fta.. r T^L , pure, and tha Urn will be luuj mile. It was b nit in D and d in Lu x.\lv. 47. ilw .> Have the heart corrupt, and 18TO .11 regul,. . : el trat does not prod. 1m th- is will, be corrupt. pi ess passenger woii. ; thy wives ar.d thy ...it.h not plar.' 18). Uay w.ti aJi who rc.id h.- : tree* ol but righteousness ,i th tl oy n ii-t, change u.e.i- mti.d ato :'. Lord, that He may be ''*> ar.d re- tlsa. UT. ;I|. and Rr^.-itly used by i aa Israel's He-.- Him slab, the C'h: fst, of Uud tha . <r n.urh fruit ' tho king Will : ln- . . . i<K of U ly. 1 wi into :-..t I f-.il for . of i- . IST-H .iadad. r. l .-sec you say. ROYAJ. \KT. t I . your Uuiquet' ut:U , tnttlo. Vnu I Lat- uot I ;; boa>t biniscil as h>. ti:at putteth it 00 " An AV.I!.I:. ho - f couraga ami righteousness, the I n silt civile down on Iici,i:adnu uj. 1 host. It was 'o hat.O each Lsr.it-lu-.- hewms down a i>> 1 udad. on hois- -Lack. L with iC'iue of tl.o on'.\ .a\ed liom a v. which 1OO.OOO .s>i u tt-rcd in -Noiv w see the sarcasm and the epigrammatic pc-wer of the me.- -;K.> ol my Hiil by the king of I nb*- dad. Let not hii-i f i iid -t'l on his homcae toast 1. LIM If as he that puuuh it off." Tirst, 1 find cnCouraRPBient in this Ubjcct for Hie li the work 1 who lu.\ <.it ;u:d slruffgl* of 1 be corrupt. i'u, ' n express passenger all of n . / '. si: s ! not i oi loncoriiug J.-- ,.f covered . Turn;i.g these facts over in his tn tl e. >,o -, ./I con- eruin greaves mind a Daily V'a,l r--;.: --sir .;,- si ; tjie preacher be fur the feet. So laany ilaciteroui Was j reflect that, aiUT a. ght bo .-uinc . , : ' IIUu be said for the much-abused I hat conwUi unco M I wi I in 110- ve and ho set out on * > cost out." (.Joi.n t. i voyagii oi investigation which cm- I.e braced, lirst of :-. . >mr>any'.-- to the^cro*- works at King'H ' f i-- i c th rn f . y-v. " r one. either by aeridi in answer to a query. aha. 1 -. r.-il :. but the tales a number oi rngtnes ol this class th. a bo nun Me in ; . . of In- running c ]Iai:Un-< vl <: irajfd teuipernnce arc ov.-j . ery passenger tmiiis? CtrtaiaTy. and ex- tlubo whom ' kili- day rushing scores or itnmortals c*l!<r.t tii - |o- ing thr aro we compelled to walk. ;.ny people tr-iid on il prone;* of tempi at ion and go lamo B' liruptag all the days. Iron mailed shoe forlhe foot : : oath ia horror as once in a wallc v of soruu . : ': tho hundreds of thousnadit seugc vrnro of . ^.U and r TO r. long arc temptations to au impure o-.:r pas- tli..t they might outain his f T .I.TU n si '1 he c^.i i> to PN.TV om.-. how- ..r . . . > .. c-su:. came into to : 'hem norld to >-.ne i-inuar*. and who^o- ;ed opin- o.r; i . . . \ : ..t t* -imd 1 1 'llm. 1. 15; Uom. i. il tho time multiplying ninl in- r of the Locomotive Ma- x. II . Unto n- more rx- - .irit ga\o him tit* VAM. Fancy - ' all sort sed afterward by tl. ' er.Kin*." he saiJ and elegant in parlors aro book5. . nd the 1'.. od in Christ 'iting t-. fruai lid to lid with lu,- coi.- tr'vled . elUvintf 8 .(.. Loose chatuct'?rs in the novel applauded by rhetorical pens onffJics runiiiug to i!ay o:. .iat all : proprieties of life aa4 on co prudery and In! .TO cons' put in a way to e.xt. nn-l half approval. My wonder H which are still perfectly r. not . . TV way. wonder is ttiat ten times us n: American bu i are not debauched There or it. - d Josji e- d wo Id f il. !:. ..- ^ ouia would ulso fall on tho I, .'ni on rtcky a thorn;. .,a .d. or about tho* swell foat both usa* Is w ted .- held by e w.ust - mar tcrials-. t. ' and sil : ouoi?s ut work, r.luch. if uii .\ ' ec 'loc . i ' hrist by rocaivinff I ;irn our cilios into Sou short as ten years. It wou : .! rah> ready lor Uie hail aud <! aged at 15. And d brimstone of '. . ,n.-.- 1 should imagine that thf. tion. abo-.e n .ir-olj 1. Tes, yov I . whole L ^ ... .. ti o i if or by of there aro all Bi>- CAMING cither ten-; iu ..ling halls Money iiij:..-t. l'U> wheat th^y never paiil lor and earthly life. My von. ratio fru-in.; i .id at t - borrowing what 11. full appri-ciatiou of wh.it rou \vouUlireturn. and sti-alir,; what to go throut'li in the thirties and the fortn-- llfetime you would luive I- en aj -d VortunatPly tin- t-ci.- Uio teniptar the Imrilships. w.-rr .. ,.iii..-d from your fciKht \Viih j n: or less forti- tude >o '!.o rri<-^ ol pain nnd : >1 disappoint- ment nnd futigun ; .- .'. still livi> t. recount the divine I i-'p that MI cd you. At twenty or thiity y.-.u-s of your age nt the tap of ll.i- drum you put on tho I. Now, at sixty or seventy i-; \ nu nrc peacefully puUinc; it o'.' You would net want to try tl.' 1 battle of llfr ovi-i- aR.iin. S i i :. . . rl ymir tfi"liei'.mient and with ns poo ttartiug and us :h .- n P.U.-I.: ..j,-- and with a^ us you |..id have i;. shipwreck that you would Borrow. All ho-^rs o: .ill hours 01 , >. ,n 1 ior (U&tding in nil cases is ft _ dai-'.3. side-buck. Jesus i i. I-.L as the "prwnn*ed Mo- t i h who . . . The ba ,-.:.' -.-.-- n: -. :.- . , '-, - , :^.- . .: '. ....... 1 I pro'end to I - o now to 'stay ' " ^ht tlv^.- FurUicr im^uiy ri-vonled the : I!!!* 8 ' 1" ;i,ptd-il to ..' ,- ord of Cud. not bv !'om. * pa.=sgcr a t.reat Bnla 71 . 1. 17. ii. 4;, ar..l as > ilallfliHl 1 are '-uJ n - it be package or n . N.n-th- 01 n r street and tho bourso ngba.st und . the rations v earthquake. until God tells Iu olden times bt.il! in usi on ti '. rd 1 do nothing of * Tr.uuoru . ' for a railway on which it mm 1.^ ..rkablcin .. L . '" r works" 01 wUicli e It i - - /jpjm railway'' .o u-.ko it off. it was leathern ar- mor or chain armor or ribbed fashioned in anc:.ut ; o\ \ , ' nehes wid. f : eolh L 1 !*,. 1 *. i of town, slut ions pla- c ' m the two weept Hod w!,,, ,* .,.,,,.,,, ntl m t , 10 ' "i, T" "'".I , ""' t'-'Cca rid fro.r. might <:..! Xothinn ! lit DO \ou n-i-d axi'i-pt (Jod. w niiistcr of this world .imi tho m- Quiau>ott k nfc m strontr temDtcd for tli , . :. BOt want again to run the risks ; 'limit' li v-.iii i i\ Inrtk hark :.nrt KIP . .. _ _ rcstinwt tho ee.it tune \ou you i .u. many mi-.tai.e-. un u lit uuiko \\onsr. MI ^ r \i. In .toad of being di-|ir.--.-'tl o\.-r fact that \ ou nro or omitted in the r- t >' of the church and thr- world, r-- you have a rlirhtTlo liui.R up the out your helmet niul stu-.-thc yo and free your hands fi i UKIli. youi Apuin, I Irani fr.-iu Heiit'.-id.nl g of what on.- is ' l< Two uic- :>SCS had lie set.t to thr kiiuj of Is- rnol. both inessngcs full of and braggadocio. \\nii i In li.u .1 he i< talking with th* royal MO'I|> about what he will do with the spalls f Ihr victory ho 14 going to ftc-hicM.- tliut iiftcMi.H.n. Hi- tnki-s it for prni'lnl thut Samnria will surrender. Hi- comniiuid or tho rupture of sotue of tl-P inli.il>- ftunt*. B.-xylns. "Whether they b i-oma out for peace l;iko tlii-tu nlive. or whether tlii-y be come oui for tak* tkcni nliv." But I-.- 1'onhudad's fa'.il : -i. . 1 wh;p tliew l.i.-!orr sut-ii-M-, xvajiL-d less than half a day to cap- On.- king of Israel riI>itu)at thought was so i-a-y tuineil nut to bo tin- imposili! > ' was built by Messrs. Kotx veason & Co . at.d wa< littod with \\.- v. : .. tr> HIK to the world wh.it it o>:.lit to :iten-l not \\ .;!- hoimraculi. \\i- ;< not x\ ii coujilecl driving wi> :.!. n. i;i; \ixs or I always in tbv wrong. A good cc: luixkea good . rut than fall into the h. . silver a who!.- nnny of antaoail ' Ihtow tli. te it - will ns nnd Alcxundor Rruppliil each other at Ail-l!a. ns T\ hon .foati of Arc rode triumphnnt nt l>r; the Flussiaus met tl-.e i tavii. us wlien MarlNo'oitph i-om- mand. i tl.e nil;.-.! .H nt UK-n- hrini. Those u, re ,',;,is lot earth- ly crowns and dominion's. l>n light tluil now goe on Imitvccn nil the nlHed armies of Hvaroii and nil t armies lle whether o( to -\t- n. AH dtviids that he 1'liiw, or not. i>]", you sau.-' your Wi. 'i there row- to one on another wrong " HMD follow tlv -in. ;cs take place \v I ar.d . !in viii. ., of the lamo and ill oi tho woakc ' ' ' signs following" tho 11 able. . '.-':::.: in : -d it .v with .' ;' i< Witl. r ixnd J J . (I John. i. H). -11111- ; woll doing" tKoni il 71 is od sunituary oi the t- lite. 11 : \TII| all tUat ' and had :<M t 1 In this :ril from on i ci alt seoms in !;a% i- <-- V- '.. o-n- troli' at l. -; \::. To ' and '. . i- tl ol ' 'Mi ,t d.> n tu d i . 'I thin er in 5=0 . ' lhed that they iu;i;ht n that in.vdel'1 (l-'l-ii The IOUM.MI. evil i. 10. IT ' i-gn.li to Woi k and to .' ; : ull Sought which ;i many ttivi-iil awyy .i:.l l\.d this t Wv^rlJ or south' pre i -i ' nv it fut-tli.-. .'1 ICY. n t i hm . "i wr SI. t a point to b i.i.o t.i . . i i I '<jr Uow is.'*

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