Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jan 1902, p. 3

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JANUARY THE FLESHETON ADVANCE r<it iiY.YfiVV^ F, T. HILL & CO. ;5 - , MARKOALE MARKOALE SNAP5 INALL DEPARTMENTS We want to make January a rfconl-l)ruakin^ month, and to this end have marked sruivs <l liiu-s of seas()iial)le goods at temptingly low price*. Every department of our store will have its own special attractions. The best values of the year will be in evidence durinp this month, and your dollar will purchase more goods for you now than at any time previously. liar-gains in Dress Goods. Bargains in Mantles. Kargains in Millinery. Bargains in Caperines. Bargains iu Fur Mitts. Bargains in Fur Caps. Bargains in Fur Coats. Bargains in Over Coats. Bargains in Suits. Bsirgains in Underwear. Bargains in Mens' Furnis Bargains in Tweeds. Bargains in Blanket*. Bargains in Staples. Bargains in Shoes. Bargains in Rubbers. Bargains in Crockery. Bargains in Glassware. Bargains in Grocerien. av ;S In a few weeks \re will be in the midst of our stock taking- in the meantime we \m want to reduce our stock to the lowest possible point. I V. C. fii'1 ft o I Ularkdak. I Importing Retailers. .o..,,.i^^^ on m.iiii street, formerly occupied by J. 1 Gardiner. It in rumored (and we ho*.je its true) ili.it Mr. A. M. (libsonof FleHhctton and WEEKLY AT TBIt orriCB, < OL- his son, A. M., wlm Ims bt-rii manager H. rLK'.nEKTCM, O!T., TIH i -TO*. for the late firm httru, are noing to urttrt liUMiichH in tliu stand wlii-n- M. Uiclmrd- em A Co. recently kt-pt. At a ruce.it HI. i-un k ' ot the s,-jsi on of I |irr an. ill in >lrirll) 111 advance Kt-kim- Presbyterian chur-.-h, the follow- ing ofhcuiH mi i teachers wi-ru np|>ointel iVlvm tisiliU Rates : to conduct the work of tho Sabbath Column, 1 year, tSO ; halt col., 1 yar, sOT school for thr runtime year : Supt. aud qnartur col., one year. $1S. Itihle claax teacher, J. W. \\lutliy ; Mra. p ____ .^____ ____ ________ Sinclair, Mrs. Rev. Mm Ii nun, Mian M ii.n-lii-inl, JUKI Mr. D. Campbell who is .. .i-Unt Kiipt ; Allen Mi nt^oinery, sec. liwu,. ami librarian. Mi. I'.iie Noblu of M. nk. lal.', together with hid Mutur, Miss (!. ni.d MIHS L. Walki-r are viHiling friends in town IlllstiOEC <>nr (>u"/i Curretpundnit. Lant week's iti-nm. >ROTON'S CASH 5TORE. -. HOCKLBY- Special reduction! in Menu' heavy Over coals and Drem Coatn, rex price 18.50 for i. reg. |7. 60 for $5.00, reg. $4.50 for LADIES' COATS Reg. price, $9.76, for $4.26, n-n price, $5 .CO for $4.20, rt-Li price $4.00 for $6.50. LAD1KS Kl'K Oi ATS Keijiilar price, $35 00 to $40.00, reduced price ). 50 to 3t> 00 A full assortment -if Lvdio' capeiinen, fioin, $'-' 00, $2 60, $3 50, $4 00, A happy Sew Y.-nr to the Ed.tor and j weck - c-.i'iy r.-iulrr "f hi.-t i.ewsy pnper. Tho i"iial service of the late Mrs. 1 i I'.uih, foii-iii.-in at Anderson's, ock, haa a son, Willinin, ho in llu- orphaned jther ol Mrs. George Itife, with tliu I'mt- i tliv rf ' M ' ^t" 1 " army iii the I'hillippims. Mr. *yiiii>a y ( ^^^ n ^. Uer fnim | lis v>|) | Ml wet .L I'.ittoii W;IM l-i-ld 111 this cliur.h on Sunday, well known in Walki-i ton, I.ein* a bro- M iiM. Mr. 1'utton and lihddtrii hnvu iho aincureHt sympathy t!i- wh.de community, in which Mm. tella of hair raimii|( fi K. v. Mr. Iliislmrd of HorninK* Mills pt nonce hu had. Himli wrote liin lelier ., ,,;,,,,! ili, : puh.it lii-re recently anil l""l'l '' u l' '" 1 >- < * ' tlle n|.iial an ihr . ,. .^. , ,i. u result of it. WlB. and a cuini.iilu K-v. \N lute uf EUK^IIIU prt-achod ouiiuay i priceii. full awortmrnt of heavy wool blankets, , Hi . pricoi $:< 00, $3 50, $4 00, $4 75, I reduced to |2 HO, $3 00, $3 00, $4 25. r'Uiuiulftto blankets n-.i.ri,-,-H Hoc $1.15, 1 $1 25, reduced to ftfk. tf.V, $1 10. SPE< < IALIS<5Kt)CKUIKS 5 Ik. rauins, 2i>cruts, 6 |..inul prunes, 125 eta. 6 pound l'iii--t. uncolored .1 i| m tea, 91.00, 4 plugo, Virgin Uold ( iMsVll in. > soldier lying in the woodx. He wn* il.-<-diK, aud looked HH if he were about WOek. MM. lUth ipcnt the Christ urns I diiyn nli fi-ii-iulM i i-ir WmahaUJ. '" '''mt- f"T tin- happy liuntin^; ground by ' Mr :.i,,l Mrs. w'.'l. IUmeM|..-i,tN..vr 'l^ Iraimit Tfi, two r,,,.r,l SUJ.-H sold.fis raikrd him up and decided t-i , lake him 1 u. k to camp. The Filipino Yi-aiit it Ii Toronto fnumU. Mr. mi 1 Mrs. H-ndrrnoii of AIM. N. W. T., visit ul Mr. o.ul.ln'i nll(, at leiuil h Irt hit cnjitniH think !... l..nh looked uround nd found ll ' '"' and It inidei- l,i. MrnUeo. Moor^, and attended lam ao he BOOM urn; it us a ciiilch. I he here , ., m ,,, m . m | !llB1 , , et ^ , ,, lu M , ,,, K ,,, tobacco, 26 its. 6 plugs chewing tobacco, 25 o nt SI'KCIAL IN CAPS Men and boyn' capx, regular price, 40 to GO, reduced to 25 cents. A full assort in, n' ot M. iiV heavy under- wear, piicex from 'JO cx-nl pvr 8uit. to $175. A car l->d of salt just arrived at low, ut CAK|I price Protons* gash Store P. S Highest price paid for fariiiers' produce. . .1 It Uk* litiktuing, nd, i.'v.ll "". lulled (he tii-j-er. The - ^V " "' "' time to ttrmok ,,, kll( , c u t d off ao.no of th,. The PiliiMnoipjickly tire<i ai{! i", e it iiMn MIII| tli.- n-i ond liulli-l suurk Ituih on the 1 1..- Sui.ilay ichiMil 1 1 i;::r.l. tin New Year* <Uy Mr. John C. t'o|.r- >uii W*H unit.;! in inirri,'u : Miiw Kit .. throw up In* nn, ainl thi< ballet Ji. n ,.f Ituddickviliu \Vu welcmiie Mrs n |, (^J ,{ Um.ck,^ f. | ..', 1 ..ui ;is .1 lri-l.-l.t of this ll<:igllbol- luxxl anil winhllii- h*|>|iy y"un couple a V.H-. happy 'id |.io.,rou. jourm-y l''f H HH ull ilon^ i,, le>M tune .l,.m ; i. s oin- lo think. Hii*!i K coinimiiioii. IBfUt*fh life i.-,.,!,,-,. wh() , IH J |>ort| ( , 11M)1 , , |y lho j ic| ,j (|y ,, f , ll( . On tlu- cunt-il iy Mr Al.-i. 15roii ul |, n s,, m -t. cnim* to hi st-n-i-H, lmw,-\,r, i'. i . .-.I I)K N,:* Y.-ur by claiming f->r hia linaily, mid pulling "i. h * iv\ .1 ,i i.n.i.-, M,.- M. u,.. i of M. /,,. \v,. jpfyf*j2*.*!. _ K .r : - alko eiti'inl In llu HI i oiimtul;itioi M ai.d ^ ,od wiliL- for abundant pr. n,.crity. :ii. K. ArniHtidiig mi.) MI-H Mi I. i,. wfowm Sound tii.d Mm. Hunter who NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC :. i. lini! tin 1' ndoii N'.inoiil n-h .1 . ., , ...... I .. li\ n.ilitv lint KBiinial pulilic thai 1 will duitli^ I U latter lull u| 1.HJ1, spent tlif not barratur b* r<np.-n*tbl6 fo nnv ilnhu c-ni ,,, -,,!, n,,i, f,ie,,d, at ti.. -i,i .'rv 11 :,,:.'" 110 ""' .: ..a. Hoc !. 1'JOI JOHN CHISLBTT .nl Mis (i. \V. Taylor si>.nt tin-; I,, 1..1 iy , Hitli fn. nils ui M-. /inn un. i lllli'l.l.-, Ii .IMHK i 'II Silt Hid ;)', ll,C. 28 f,,V I , i.l I on r in N, l.-s. II, It. C. shot sssisted Bush liaok Iu oauip, ihu lattrr min-j tin- K ,l,p,,,o'. r.tl.- , M a rruloh.-Hruci. . CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Taka Laxativu linnnn Quliilna Tablnti Al ilt uiU4ii.t rofuii'l thr inoiii-y if It fall< to cur*. W. K. (Irovo'a alunaturaU on oacli box We Fix.i'ni to Rent* (1 -n ..I farm to rent, one an. I a ball mllM from KUitlimtmi, 100 acm, UDolAitrud : fair orubarJ Fur ILII :larH apply loth* und rnlKlie.1. A. ii. Irke*, l.il tbauk I'.o. BE ON YOUR GUARD' agaluit unscrupulou* imMaton who may claim to be able to furnish you a medicine as good, ot the iam as OUR NATIVE HERBS. The Formula is iowrv i to but Uuuli!k. one person, ALONZO 0. 'SS. >wiler Trtno* MARKS r,. O.M srrs 4r. II II V lltfH H, IK nu .ii. * AH. .-ii'i-i a loii)4 -, hut L i, "|" ' ' >' i" 1 . 'l^.v luVO I ! I I II III III ol il In. h i-i* HI A. ' ' < I'll-:' >"^ ' ''" '' ' : I, ll<>, w i.i ' i" inha.1 .. i. un ." ' "<n ln^ j . . r '.i-lhrr t. - i . i>i - n -t,- nl .*i fit Tit fir * * A . ,i> f - ..V. I- i- i Imltallona of cither TaMcli | |mr nm oidy inthli. but may I v mii lo thr health of your cuaturaerl in SOmpmaaM by lnprlrnctcl peneaiwlth-' Vui .-nrrrct knowMft of thr formula (ur' ' making Ihe ninluiin-. There ii only one** 'genuine llcrh .,.iii|uoi,l, ol K NAT1VR -. Hl-ikris, manufactured only t>y [THE ILONZO o. BLISS co. I 232 St. Paul St,, Montreal, Can. t ALBERT SILAS JOHNSON, LOCAL AST, CEYLON P, 0,: ; nv"IO, CANADA, for . . ' I We commence the New Year with a- reduction in price of a Host of seasonable lines then- is only one short month In-fore stock taking and we want them moved in short order, so as to include them in our inventory Every line where the assortments is not full and com will In marked at special prices Reduction in Black Dress (ioods Colored Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths. Winter Suitings. Waist Silks French Flannels Wrapperets Flannelette Wrappei-s Men's Fur caps Men's Cloth Caps Ladies' Fur (iannents Indies Cloth Jackets Ladies' Felt Hats Men's Boots and rubbers Women's Boots and Hubbers Children's Boots and Rubbers Men's Clothing Boy's dulling Hardware Dep't Reduction in Wall paper China-ware Glassware Boyd. tiiclkSing & go. t H FLESHERTOtf ADVANCE JANCABY ie, isor ItUtbodist ( J A H TOR KBV..F.H. Iviaon Wlleon Sei*vice8unUoy 1 1 nm.Sc 7 p. in Subject! for unit Salibath The Valley of dry bonia. Now or never. Vicinity Chips Characteristic* f the Taut tVr-k 4 ;irriul. Cull.-d for the hand. J. U. I-'r sh lira* always Ducketr, Eugenia. Wood wanted 25 cord* 2 ft. maple wooj. \V. E. RicharJ*>n. Kn-^iuetr wanted year round job lo risjlit man. Enquire at ihw office. Bon* -Prematurely, on Jan. 9, 190?, to Mr. and Mm. Frank Ooff, a daughter. II in McCort of Heatboutv in T wiring at Mr. J. W. Artiwtrotix'9. Mr. and Mrs. B. Robinson of Stsyntr were gueaU of friend* in this vicinity dur- ing the pant wek. Mr. Irwin Fawcett of Heathcote wai the ','ueet of hia sinter. Mm. H. Down, on Su&Jay. FOR RB.TT OB SALE Inick veneered roiidunce in Fls-.Jn.Tt.-n. Enquire of Mra. I . Bradbury. Vr. H Dowa Mtd Mm. f. U Kintedt visited relativts it Horiiin^n Mills over Sunday. Our police tnw'res hav started th year well by purch.uiii>K a n >w >,\ *. It open to I <>n Mon.lxy a: id did nome u-iod work. Artcuittiia council tuet on Monday and [p. iiiti-d J. V. iiitteu as a*tB-<i>r, T. Clayton and Jus Blackburn nu.litor*. The miliutua will b published nest we*!'. Frni to Rent Lt 10, M.D.R , in the townxliip .f Artrmeiiia, in the cuuu'y of Qrey. Alao a hou* and two larg ar- 1*1.1, known the Scoti proper' y. Apply to Mu C. JMXITT, Arthur, (.hit. Fevershaui C. O. K.wiH h-.ld an enter- tainment on Friday, Jan. 24, wl.,-n g oJ program will U presented. Mr. <raitui<K, superintendent "f iiryanixion, ill . * preiK-nt. Sw bilte \Vi- ii.-j!>-oteil i oiioing last week t ; iat Mr. Will CUyton of Cor.,w,ll had i>.il a short vi.il to friends here. Will n in the jewellery bu.-'uirSH for luni- rlf and u> doing a R.HJC! trado. M.-NKV fo Loi.N At 4 lo 4J per cent. Expense* low. Also a number uf im- (>ruved .nid unimproved f*nua for sale- cheap. Apply to Oeo. Rutherfurd, Shel- Iwrne, or Dundait ctnc Satunlay after- i- i-n. Mr. Chaa. Stewwt l.wt. a ma;e in a peculiar way lant wevk. \VlnK- working in the bush ttu- animal reared up .u.d fell < ver backwards, injuring her | me M> badly t) it she had to IH< sl.ot. Spt,-akin|{ of Kpecial (errices Uftt wi- k the Sho'iiuriic Eco>.oiUt SHJ-S : "Tlie Rev. L. \V. Tlu-ui of Flehert..n, who in svwHtins: Rov. C. \V. Wntch.U very much appreciated as an able Bible eip< tutor and his setmons are plain and practic.tl.'' Salem Methodist church, Proton, will hold their anniversary seiviceson Siind.i\, JanuHry 2<X, when Kev. Itui-hnnan f MarVdiile "ill pn-aih morn ing and even- i ig. 'hi the following i-vt-nim; tlie uni'al tja and^teriioiiDt will be given, ^ce bilU. The first heavy storm of the wii.ter truck u on Saturday night, oonMnuin- all day Sunday. On Monday lit ither the Fuv. rxhtin or Epping mails caiiu- 1'. rough A r"U->herton ^entleniaii, IH-WCMT. dr>.v rary and the niemlx-rxliip totalled 110. During the {mat year 16l; books h.ul U-eo circulut.i| The f'>i!n*iiix olMcera Were. app. inted : Dirvct- re Rev. L W. Thorn, Rev. J. S. I \ViU, n , W. J. lk-llamy, F. Hickliug, J. E. Fjwa-tt, Dr. E. C. Mur- rr, T. C'laytuu, W. C.y:, n.U H.Thura- ton, J. Felsttad.W Bruh-,u.,W.Mire, President, W.HThuraton; Secretary, J.E. Fawcrtt ; Tread., G. Muchull ; librarian, W. Arowronx, auditors, W. J. Bellamy, Dr. Murray. It waa decided to Uau a catalogue iiuineduituly, which will be supplied to member* ail soon as publmhed. Mr. \Va!Ur Blakeley of Mint.. Dak. is visitiuji hn mother, Mrs. Geo. IJent. Dr. Lawford, uiiawiotiary to the Gal- liciank in Dauphin duihcr, Manitoba, will be in Fleaherton on Mooilay, 20th inat., aud will addreM the League in tlie tvenii The public U cordially invited to be preaciit and it is hoped there will be a Urge attendance. A tenible accident occurred at Pioton Stai ii'ii on U edneaday of laat week by which a young man nam.d Robert Wil- liam*, u, aje 23 years, lout hia life De- ceased and Mr. Thoinaa Wauchob were engaged killing a Iwef, and when turning a windlu one of the handles broke, the nrzt succeeding handle striking Mr. Wil- liau-wui o top of the head, crutsliinu in the skull. A doctor from Dundalk was sent f' r, hut the young man ceased to breathe about t>n hour and a half after the accident. Deceased was a arm of Mis. Chriaiena Williamson, a widow woman, and wan her in.iin supp. it. Dr. Bibhy, cormier. iuvrtig4<ed thr case but decid- ed that no ii,i|u- st was neoeasMry. The funeral took place to Fleaherton cem- etery on Friday afternoon Uat and waa very lankly attended. The tragedy ban realm! a deep inipneaiou in the ounuun- iiy and much ympathy u expreancd for the widuwed ui ther and family. zer fur the C. O. F , .pent a few day* last week in tlim ricini'y and succeeded in adding aevcn IU*III.T, < ''<mrt Van dclear with a proniine of more iu the mar future. At a meeting of the ratepayurs ul this school section it a-s d.-culeil to Uave the old stone ach.Hil houae rniuv<^<l off the school ground* aa it was C"ii>i. lured un- aafe. in its present utimliiioii. Mr. Walker, of Metford. and Mn. \Vm. Gilbert, of U'urioii, paid a abort viait lo Mr (ieo. Warling. Artemesia Agricultural Society The annual meuling of the Artenu-sia Agricultural Society, wan held in I'rice- vill on the 8th inat , when the following . re , Ici i.-d ofticern for the cuirent year: 1) . M .< '. Tinack. Pres; J. Nithol, 1st Vice Pr.-idnt ; D McMillan, 2nd Vice 1'iv-i'lent i J. Pnttoii.J (ieddi,J.Brodie, \\ Meads, A. Muir. I) Hirr-iw, J. Me D. McLean aod W. Wat*m, Dir , J Br-di*. Sec. trena ; J. Me Arthur and Ur. I>ixon, aiKiitora. Th- 1'n-Kideiit wut choMen ax a delegate to the annual meet ing of th.- Can-ulian Fair AMociation to b held in Toronto n the I'.Uli ,. 1 lltth <>f rVhruary. It was de cided to hoM the rail riLibition on the 9th aud lOh uf tMolwr. Osprey Af rkultural Society The aunuid uiee'ing uf the Oitprey agri- culturI atH.-iety -va.-* Ueld in the (Irauue Hall, Ki-MP.li.ini, on \\edneiwlay, Hth ist. The following olfici-n were elected 'r the yearltfOS : T'rv.i.lenr, H H.twtoi,; 1st Vice, Jiwiah Gainey ; L'ud Vi.e Geo. A. Miller ; Dnec or*. Win. Dm. can, Jv. Uucktni{hiii, W. H. Guv, John Douglas, K. Y. Burk, J. A.Ker:iahaii,-Jiut Spiers, [>. Smelnir. The fo lowing reaoluu- n W.M ui ttiiiinotuly adopted l-y the niet:n>_' KKM>LMI>. That we, the meiul>eis uf ho U~prey Agricultural Sxiotv. ,it ti,i>. the annual meeting, d-> eiprean our KiiKcrt- lyinpathy and ie|(ret for Hie family of the late J. Uicklioj in th>-ir iriepo-able l-.s and bereavement. In the deceased our S.oety hanloat one who many years hai been our Vice Prcnnl-.-ul, and to whose ei.ergy, dii ni- rested intereHt.atul genial manner our so iey ow a much . f Its auccens. Ferliut'. however, 'hat our lo. hi>* becu his gain, we bow to the will of one who doeih all things well. Signed on behalf if tin- -.-iit-ty. R. H*w ; os, President. J. A. KEK.NAHAX, fee At a i>u' seijuei.t nifrtui^ uf the b.<ard, J. A. Kernahan waa elected secretary that ihy all the way from Horning* Mills and f un.'. no M" > ul -Jirticuli y >u tiettin^; through, u. itln-r were tiHiu.i late. >lr. ami Mis. Archy lUiyd, who have bieu !i\ing iu Durham for the past year, rvtMini-.l rtcently to th'vr farm on the ln>ck line vast. Mr. l.yd liiul, fora year bD 4-1 gaged with the cuinent of Durh.iin, and *p<-.ik< in n| the prospect of that o Tin- A.li:iiioi- i- ulsd to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Koyil'd return. I'.ills ha\ bo(.-ii itu. d for a 'jarnival < n FU -herti-n tkatiug rink on Tuesday , Jan . J8, '.rlii<-b K line lift of prize* are cffi-u-il M ik l ill- tit i-iis' baid will be pnwent. Ati.i-.i.s tlu- lirnt cunmvl of th>- si is.-n no ilmi'it it iil bi- largely al t'-nd.-d And a go..d time enjoyed. See l-illsfor full partiruUrs, ninl dmi'l forget the d:ile, Tucsd.-ty, Jan. 28. Tin- :inuu.l nfft.ni{ of the Flesh- orton public lilirnry wtw lield on M outlay vvvinix with A mnsll attendance of tho pul lie. The Hbiatinn's report showtd t}>at there were 1392 VOIUHK-N in the Ub- treasurer for tho ensuing je.ir. The date 1!A>2 w:i f..r the fall fair for tbv year tixed for October 'Jut And 3rd. J. A KuLXiH.**, Sec. If Catarrh is Your Trouble You will tind iuntant relief iml a'.-olute cure in Catarrbozone, which kills geiniH tht cuuso thi- chsmsc, i-uren tho cough, prevt-nts il pipping in the ihn-'if.rv- hc\ts c. n;. ^iii.n and qjukly h<aln til inflamed nieinliruiieH. (.'atairho/.one cures |H"ftcfly the nio>t chn-nic caws of Ont- arrh, luug and throat (roubles, and is >le- li-jl.tful, siinplf. safe to use. C'a'arrh "/one i* a scientidc treatment highly in- dorseil by il.ictorn and druggmt-^.iind sells every wr bore fnr one dollar, small i/.o ct.H. By mail from N . C'. Poison A Co., K intuit on, On I. VandrlrHr Boxes Daily ought to be gilt-dged evi- dence of merit, coming, as it does, direct from a druggist who has for years been selling U \vanta GRIPPE Capsule as one of the " highly re- commended " cures and here are his words : " I.at winl. r t ~>M from 4 to it bot al Vwmwu C>p*tilr* d-n'.y. I a*d tke aln impd> n raig. owing large- ly, I thiak. I J the fact Uut tkoM wao omct ac then recowawtui them la otarr."-J. A, Mcsamovm, DrU. ajk TOOT dnauix c teal direct bf (or a boa. <s ccati. OWAWTA M'T-0 CO. Ottawa. Orvt Clubbing List. *The Advance and ijlole, with preniiuma $ 1.80 *M.nl.with premiums 1.80 l>.uly News 8.30 Momma World 3.00 Montreal Star and prviunu 1.80 Youth'n Compani. n 2.35 TUMI-.) Daily Star 8.30 Farmer's Sun 1.80 Guardian.. 1.1K) Notice. Notice U bwvfajr io that the hotel hual- aw hr*iofore carried oa by Sill I-nx. at Ceyloo h*.-. tint ilay beeu trataferrvU to Meaara. McOiitbit McAul.ff. n.l that n>Iutiou l. buen m*.l fur trm.fer uf llceniMi lor ll.o raid . :-ni.-.- A J. o N.ill Ceyluo.Jan. t.lVB T J U MeUI Farm f o r Sale .rch.nl k map for 1 10 Lot Hi. con. < \rttumla. enutaluirf 100 aarea, cleared, aa-l no-ier cultivMkM. r.niaiu.l.r l buibiiund .-i.ik'l bodjr. Kor further ALEX HFMiY. Maa-weil YORKSHIRE BOAR For aervi.-o on lot :u.H. Ir I ram* W T. it s. n . ArUnieii, a thoruux*br.t y.>ik. | itoUui; luruud. K. L*IK.N> Farm For 5ale. The a. T, oa .f I h.t, a f .r:n >n lut 1C.. > itcree T, oaerey , oontaiatac :im ii'li-r itn-i ui axcellfnt -,t-tte uf cnltivati -u . uia.l orchard : ^>x! franiA baru an.l ^IH| ;. - . hunM :a uv.-r (ailuiii wall, with wiu.lmill ; Ii iinlM fmm whaol.puKtolDae. telegraph ninci*. mill, i-u- Not a foot of waxle lainlon lot. one "f th brut fariiii for itb<-r vra.n or CTUUK pur ixwea. Kor further p*rti.-tilnr arp y to iaa t, 1 m. Wui. BMsf, Maxwell. FLESHEDTOI SKATIIG EIM Opens Saturday, December ai*t. And thereafter Stur lay vuuing. noon and eveuiut*. TATF MOM.:\. Wedo mav aod Bkating Cbriatinaa after- QKAHA1 Prop l - For *^i-rv f * -on lot 130. con. 4, The uiiiifi ifc[iifd h ft ftne tliorouKbbre<l !**<ik- >iiin- K"r for sorvict. P* lit; roe on tuulicivtion XomiM.^1. ALK* U Nov. '". - 1 *!!! Fle>. <oa.r FOU Service. IHorougblimd Hrrkahirt! 1 '.oar for wrvlce ou lot H, con. 4, .V|.r> A>k fur p*tliree. TERMS 1$ \V\I .'I.INTON, Prop. Maxwell. May 95 01-1 >r. ^"MIHI OKI (>u-.i >ir^. Wri^h', sr , has beeu un the sick lit for S.HIM inn Mr. Wm. Hut. Inn-. -n is Ui.l up with n severe a i tack of bronchial Hsibuia. M . Joseph Cm<y cnlled on o'd ac- i|imintjiiK-fi in tins neighboruood Inst LACKSniTHINH . I" VI c-l.-i K M. I s*tnnit I.l I 'tV handle woodwork of all kiiuU. -o off- (m-mjitly attemled to. ntfii'tion to interfurinK and tender contracted fet. Mrs. Duncan of Wiuitiin^ton TeniNiry, A , \i.sit<-l ber sisu-r, Mrs. John \V*ilinir. last wi-t-lv Mr \V llollry has reined a fann en ' the townlin between H" Uml mi I Ku I'liriisi* and uii'vetl thereon Ut we.-k Mi. Cornet of Dundalk, OUtrict or^^l^ Oni : n Chopping d- lie o>ery day it 5 cts. pur ban. Bros. Maiwvll, Out. U.?.Krton 4jtf>irtr*f*"^ ^W ******** * Ring out the old, ringin the New * * Welcome to To-<lay we take time to review the year just past and reHect on th'- yi-ar just ushered in. 1901 marked the biggest and nio-r -uccessful year this store has ever had. Now \v- look forward to I'.iO'j with new hopes, largi-r ambitions, new enthusiasm and brighter promises. Our success of 1901 shall be our inspiration for greater achievements during 190:2 for we cherish a more sincere devotion to the interests of our many friends and a larger determination tode- .serve their g>od will by doing letter for them' A very Happy New Year to all. * ^tocll ~ We commence to take stock in four weeks and in those four weeks we have decided to clear as much of the stock as possible hy making a great clearing sale. We have selected the most seasonable and appropriate goods that are at a demand and marked down to such an extent for these four weeks that you'll quickly decide to profit by some of the big bar- gains we offer. Come Eai-1 y 2i Men's D. B Sail*, special at 18.00 to clear $5.53 15 Men's $:o OOsuiU, to clear at $-4.00 14 Men's $t> 60 sniu. to clear $440 Ladies' Jackets, re K ular $10 09, foi $7 50 Ladies' Jackets, regnlar $6.50, for $4.50 -5 Ladies Jieketa, reg. $5 50.l6.frf 50.17. to clear $2 Men's Frieze Ulsters, regular $5. 50, for $4.00 10 do*. Boys' all-wool sweaters, all colon reg. 60c. foi 4-3 cents 1 bale factory cotton, 2000 yards mill ende, 3,4.5. 6, and 7 cents 1 bale white cotton. 1000 yds., mill ends, 5c. and 6c. 15 doz. Men's collars, new shapes, reg 15c., 3 for 25c Ladies' Jersey Jackets, nice and warm for Loose wear, reg. $1. $1.50. $2.00, to clear 40 cts. Men's all-wool shirU and drawers, O.K. brand, regu- lar 60 centa, for 40 cents. All tine* uf underwear at big reductions. All sizes in boys' underwear cheap. We arc- making big cuts in all linen of Dreaa Goods. Our Boot. Shoe and Rublwr Ktock is complete aud the knife m m them. A fresh atock of groceries coming in all the time. 22 Ins. uf beat granulated sugir for $1. 26 Ibsj. uf best yulow sugar for $1. The abovn prices are for cash or it* equivalent in produ . . 3. Sbeppard Flesherton. Eugeni* * * $ ill d ...BOLND TO PLEASE YOU... Kxamine our sleighs and ('tutors k-fnrr Imyinjr It | Mr ambition tu lead in tin ( .m-iai:*' tnide and want you to help u- out. We make a sptvialt\ -of horse shoeing and repairing f] of all kinds, particularly. KiiK Carriaires of .ill kinds. BSE J. H. Heard & Son LESHCRTON 1 HflRNESS 9 EMPORIUM. ? ? ^as=^f 9991 o o 9 & S3,lhf YOU,G MAN: YOUNG WOMEN: 1 i ! .r,- -.. m;;. a s'H-crv of v- ur fut- lure ui <! rt.iking \>y takii.g a o uisj ar --- " Hr-fr i ' !> Of tlt 'i-r Th greati-at variety " shu*n in Kieht-r'on OI.HII min.-, chnnu. ci'liar. i'li-. . . e.irly *hile st .ck IH 1 in;..-. your -* in SiskiclK-\vn I'.ulf.i- lo r-iln-s, rul-l>or nil ojl ruus. liUnkutx uf all Mien nnd de.-ii|i lion-*. Cuiry conil.s. l-ii; lar Hiiti swi-iit [>a.l. Ivulhcr ii.r--', MI r,--.. w!.ip .-ni-1 irunkv ili-M-s. .-.ri-n-uli-. e\erythin fouml in HII ii|> , \^. .;''' ~-* *\ _/ in eiilior Si,,,rl!.n-l ..r ItusineM uli A i-ourM' :it th s iiin'itjli. n will ri ynu above th many whu art- rinirnv a ; 'o iiMkr a luinir l>y com-iuni in- nil- You enn--t atfnr ! to m> t-Wwher-. f--r ur metlioils mill ii|ii pint-n' ;i c un<*i cl- \\ Int. -I ti'llll HOW ..Jl-ll. Sill, I .-||.H i.lni ttt-U at miy linn?. Ca'alo^ua frc -. A. KI KM1NC Second Farm implements Boar for Service Tb* aodafaMfejil baa a AUK >-Kh- brtil > K . Alti-ine Hi. 1 .I'll Kuatbcr- - , r.M.lllt.l Tl.WIIlllJl. St!'-- took. TU.II.S '. Uaji.iX M i, . .. Farm For of t>u tlloftfh < : lot K. lialf 1 ami W. at ..f i. acre* olsarwt airl * itin " acrM , bunlwiXKl i> ,-hai-J. liai.l mid of I walaf, bttUtliog on taeU fitly K,M f-n-: ..r pr- ticularslanplylo. l'.\n. I'K-.TT N v 7.1 ui. Maxwell P.O. tl'.e 4'onxh tied \\\v <'ull a ono dsj . lli on html Nnxoii and M <si-j HarriH second hnin! inmUrs, h>ire nki-H. s-i.,1 drills .uul i. Hers for vnj, at a !>.r.-in. for McCo-!.. .r.l nd Si-,, r, and Civk^hi.tr i'oiii|i.-iny ut lii-iTitfu'-d ; A 'pin wall hand ^prnyer and potato digger. i'-.ml.T niowi-r >x-tii us 5o '.. eat I' lc IX nadill, Ceylon. ( \xlv * II *. to the urpn. ., r tho am)rtffQr i i ...,,..., on or about ,. % " uwnr ia rm| i-% *.|. ,'Miuiii* Tulilet^ onreacold -,>r >-i t. . pij t->>ina ij IK . Xo^ur*. No I'v Plio*got VUot. MoARTl

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