JANUARY 16, 1*02 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Businrss M'OULLOUOH A YOUNO HetAi't*. Mtrkdsle o * (auerel banking bmlneee. Money tomieu SI a reasonable rale Call on us. A H VAN1>URKS. J P & Clt.rk 5th 1)1 Court. Co Grey Uauar of Marriage Llcentea, Couveyaussr Nutary Public Auctioneer Money to loan '* Con- 1-eoder RJ HPKflULB Poitmaet-'r, rloener&on , ouiiul-siouer in H.C.J.. Auctioneer ranu'i. Appraiser aii'l Money 1 Meal Kitate aud Insurance Agent. Deeds j^ru.."* lea.ee an 1 will- ear.'fully drawn . I valuation! made on nuorteil notice, oney to Inan at lowent rate* "f interi-it. UsUooi attau,ll to with pTou>ptn< ni.- !*. Agent Uip Company. a n U W meeti ou the last Monday A ,-, ea.-n in '''' ll " "*";, trieloe- block. Klealiertori. at t) p ui T. <'Ik.lv W. M. ; AM (!iuoo. Kjr<lr u Bel.auiy.I'lnauci i..r. Vl.ltlnn b-thrsu luvttod PHIV.'rf \RT t lTll LOOl'K. f^O. J33.A. M ,i,rw,ti in the Ma*oulc baJl. Stram'i .lock Kl.'.l"rton. ever, Kri.l.y o,, or brfui. (all niocn. J * oyd W H -iU ! O Y. CDUhf I l.KSHI.I'.T'lS. _. tofl'l Hlnrktlie last Kr. ll in ea.-h uinnth. ViiltlnR Telc-ime. C K . 11 Waller ; -trODR. meets in eveiiin* ForetiT heartily 11 S . W. A Ann- The Markets. ;ir< full > f errer ed Earn !* l>at* .......... , Peas ........... ... Hartey Until r Kifgai fresh Pork Hay Wheat, white Wheat, red Potatoes bag Hides \V, 1 .............. Turkeys per Ib <;.-< per Ib Chickens j*r |>air Duck* per pair 80 .o 46 to 16 to 18 -,o 7 76 to 7 00 to 63 to 03 to 40 10 6 00 to 13 to 8 to to '.'.': to 40 to 30 HO 48 16 18 7 76 7 2C o r,;i C3 46 6 00 II 9 40 CO MURRAY l> D. H. f1r.ti nrKun. -of Toronto Cul.r.lty.nd ,,U1 Baeon. " If . ,ri(| |- LfraVlUaVtt! OI I Ol UUbU V, us Royal College of Dental Hjrgeone of Ontario. OtBire -Opposite Ariuatrona'e *''[.. Maxwell the last Wednei.. ay Of each inontU. and Uuuaalk 1 and a Thursday ueach uioutb. J. W PH08T, L L, H. lUrri.ter, Solicitor CooTeyauoei ce-Nit to poetomee. Bprpule'i aid block. court day* Eugenia Planing Mills . . . Get your Sash. Doors, Flooring, .Sheeting, New- ell 1'osls, liallnstcrs, ( 'or IHT Hlocks.lIaiKl Kail in;;, the hcst of Sprui-e Lath, No \ ami No. '_' and rtc. Turning of all kinds done to order. N u run of stunt's for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S. Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR. It Owen So f-oulett tree t. UCA8. VTK10HT * McAHULK .aj narrleten Solicitors Conveyancers, el 0oee-0w Bound. Ont *"V* I * W 11 Wmowr. Me ARIA* N u -r-leeberton ofllse. Mitchell Bank erery Saturday. Moteoo't Iarli, Owen MM* MAKRV ( TUOSBK fH:o >f PATTKIWOS KAV A SAMPSON. Harrrrter.. * 0rioS : -Ow.n Bound. M^"" ,k MI.K!k. S of Patt*raon llouae. LoodaU. M ain troet. every 8fctarday. MACKtY.MA. H.B.8AMP90H.UL.D. Crown Attorney for Ore*. _ _ *| M fli , ittfrtical D u CAHTKB at ~ rrUMI l Hotel phyalclan, Bureeon, et bloek. Be^denc. W-kK " ' lv ltH>ly.-l'"yl l B . fureeou, MJ fH<- I'l. ihrrlon, Dnl Office and B.l.lenc.T..r.iiilo atreet. p|>|x>ili il,. cemetery, may be found there rtay and Itiiit Coroner for County of Orny. ht.-(ITT. AND BOKTLT MemlMrra Collec Phyne. * fiiir|tt>oiii> irntaiio Orartuale lo tt-ilic-lne of Toronto tnlYfr.lt). Knllimililp Diploma, Votit llradu- ate Ullcal Hhool and Hpsvital. Cl.lragi. l>iea<e> of eye, ear, uose ami throat s|>ee WHS A. BCOTT, Maxwell. Photos TAKEN AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery aro done in firsi-class style and nt lowest ratea. tsi>c.-il attention giren to copying. Hahtes* photos. a specialty. Pictures frsmed. MRS. BULHER re.eraham. JP orTEWBLL Vuterluary Surgeoti urlilo of Ontario Vetmliiary ('oll-R. nenMeiice eoond door aoutli weet oo Mar/ iitrect. Thle itreet r,mi tnnth 1'renbyturlau Cbarch. U ' Vvtuili.aiy rl.irn<on ami DentUt. Msi- wull.(!r<lu*M o Ontario Veterinary full, tir. 'itlli'.nl with Tor.mli Unlvurilty. Vlnlte Kujenia WivluenUv Irinii 1 1 a. in to 3 p. m-, vuil Pevert.iaiu Thurnlay from 4 to i p. in rHOROUaHBURD lii .H-| BULL Fer Stvrlce Couvit Lustre 27610 I'ln- iin.l.-i v^uml has a tine Diirlmni Kill " ir iiiifviuu (color red) on lot 147. T S K. TKS\H -91 00 for th -ai m. IVili-r.-r >-i 4pplu'itinii. AI.HKIIT STKWAKT H 1 yr. Kltflu-iion. FLESHERTON lONSORIAL PARLOR Mni>t v r-ii-li* |rcon> who wantr.l to llorow money .Ii.- I la our eeller. li.mk pmlUrii an<t iniirana agenH will he kill* I wi i limit notice. Pel- ..ni sakiDR fnr rreillt will be |tol- onerl. Onarl hea In will le Iniinodi- alely a'nli\ >iau< I. l>oafer when antent plxaae linn ; written ocnae. 1,'wnl politic aim un reform a^lta. toil will bo allot at algllt. Tlilacanl ii good for Danger to the Bacon Trade. A great many undi-sirable hoxs are be- ii(( marketed by farmers throughout the irovince of Ontario. Those are being; converted into export liacon ar.d forward- ed to Great Britain, and becaug* of their lity are nold there at a loM. This loos niunt ultimately be borne by the fsriners, ilthough the packers at the present iK'int-nt are .x'inx severely punuhed. As an example we quote the condition if tbc trade at tho Ueo. Matthews Com- lany's factory, Ottawa, for the months of ViiYuinber and Duceinbur, 1901, and the iint week in January l'.(02. In No-em- i.-r 11)01 it total of W70 pii:-< were received at this, factory. Of tlijse 570X* wer e- ects. 10)2 were liuhtn, 1344 were liht '.tli, 8U were heavy ft.- 97 were sows, 5 were sux, 18 were ciipplvs, and '2'M were Mtorf*, llu-^e lttrr Mtajl leau pigs uufit for any parpose. Of 5551 hogs re- ' red at the factory in I)i'c'"iiitt.-r 19O1. the selects uuml-ared 2875. tha lights 1172, the light fata 7'JU. tlu- h.-nvy fat. ol, thr! now* 74. the tagn 7, I he cripplr-. 76, and the t'.re 217 Fiuin lln- 2nd to the 4th "f January, 1902, 10l> hoys Wi-re received. Of th>.-e 270 werr- scl^cis, 608 were lijjhtH, luC .iynt fats, 10 h'-av-y fats, 14 sows. 6 Htaita, 7 cnppl. -t, 92 store*. Thi iiiak.- a tu'al tor the u m- wt-ckx of 8!4 BelecU, 3^32 hunt*, 212<l light fa, 147 heavy fats 185 sown, 18 SURK, 55 iples, and 524 atnns, total 15, 1' " 'igH termed m-ltcts aic thn>c that can nv niM-li- into tht- beat Wili-h:n- lutcou, and art' tin- >rt that lutvc in.-tdu Cuiiudinn IMCOII famous on the Englitb maikut. In order to kt-ep up i'i* puc* ..f hut;*, t Ill- packers msHt rti't-ivu the sort of In-gs that will make the tiuufct Wiltahire sides. To msku this the packer must htvt- smiMith, well f.-l pi^H with a larue amount uf l.-.m Mii-at in I lie carcaaa?x. in pr-iporti.-n to the amount of fst. They must be well finished, and weigh on reaching the pack- ing lurunu from 180 to 200 pounds. On the p i's termed lights (be packers loa<! at least one dollar pvr head. The light fats can lie cut up rind put into the rutail tmdf, lint t<> hirgc a uurnber of tin light pii!B would at any tmu itlut the local market. The heavy fats can b: wnrki d up, when Dot too numerous, but will aril for at least one half dollar per hundreJ, live weight, lea than selects. Stiwfl and stags are vtry poor property and can only be used in supplying a very inferior trade. In order to be of any valiu- to the packeisaows and stag* shoultl be made an fat * pnaailrle. Cnppic* an of little r no value to the packer* and are always fed at a loas to the fanner*. Store* should i.ever reach the pork pack ers, yet thousands of them art* sent every wek to the market hy the (am. ers. If the ftrwers continsMto market swd an trndusinible lot of piga, it will serious- ly aAVct the Canadian liacon Trade m Oreat HrrUin and will bring about great ly reduced prices; for h. n* throughout Cnada. F. W. UOD9ON Pain In The* Joint* May U- muscnlar or rheumatic. Thi joint* are hard to get at, and it requires a powerful, penetialina remedy to reacl the affected parts. Poison's Nerviline exactly iin-.- 1 s thu m|uirement, for il bvth | u* i ful and penetrating. The pain IN ei palled as if by uiauic. for nue tlrup u Nerviline equals in stnwfih five d*o|M o other remedies You won't often call the doctor if Nerviline is in the bois**). Price 25 cents. Euxcuia Tanworth for Service 1 hva a rnyittere ITain worth Knar for lervloa 9u lit I', S. Il K . Arl*tileU TernM !. W. MKADS, Proprietor. House & Lot For Sale. IlliH-k r.. No IV Id, f'leli.Ml.iii. good friun* Inniiu aita larae etaola, ifil kanli-n ami finlt ii'. K. i..l well, aha Park lot, Murk S lot 4, <>uitaluliiK 4 ai-ren Apply to Aii.lruw Wii'krini W. H Si.ov <ilhJtily If Kinili. il,. v iiud i>rafti \\ , B* Mreea talpaateataa)o(an*ra|MH ll- liiKw.il>ii. betuwualilp of Arteoieela, Ueurn, i Ilincwon I, Knphraela 01 Holland aod an .ir . .if Ii .uniKit |n in. il or Krafto.! ran have i - ItMII.I*. . l-l (M-'lHirl > ll> k.M.iltlli; N |l. ivl UiJ..-.-1'li \Vr.|<.,Ku;<oi.i . r ,.. i>i,|. | u ,|| alii-nd t > v. 'i- |>rnlni in n.r K ,,, . i,l < M.I .1 I mitr frartiiiM M.M...IU. ,. lintw-rn tin lit of \|nllanil the IVh ,-f M) A I,, i, . Ill . n.'li.i" f'H Cirlfll'ii; |il.''l nl.i:..tl, nu./" .. ln.< toil liavn Ii, ,iu;,ft (III 11,1. ai i . f ..-. -i rim want |.nl In Uixin. I I,,. . ,. ll>ii> ^f.- fur tlireu eenta 1. 1. IM. ,.| inniii'ik i< 11 Ilieorohanl, I ........ i- ii.li., u,, koroi.Unii -ii theerehard. Tonri reapeetfnlly Jo. \\ laiH. l*er. II k alien le M.III ut . Shave or Shampoo Or aiiytlilnn In nur line whcin accom- panied with iiriii*or change. A. Wilson, - Flesherton llrlng yunr Itinnlrv |M>( ire Tue n. MIII. .-HI Ii wek. ulny Thoroughbred Durham Hull for Service Cord minto. 2906S. Durham Th mi li'micn.'il lian a flue actv nil for Mirvi.'c on Int 141, T. A H. H Terum ! for nr*.le cowii, I for thoroufih- redi I'rrilftrue on ap|illrat|.in .moii tiKvr.ii riiwhnrtoii r.O. "Orchard Stock Farm, from Out l>u* l'>.Ti.-i f *+,lnl. A good many uf our young pe<'|rle have boen embarking OB the matrim->Mal this year to fthoni we wish bun voyage Suit we have a few bftchvlnri left, wk Hoein auxn ns to follow nit. Belter Ut than nevei, bnja. Mr. J. V. Hoath of Uiih ami tw children spi-nt a few dayH visiiing lu pari'iiia recently. Mm. Ui.hrit Hawkins hn been vi-ry il the pkitt wuek bat is eome better a prurient. A good many Kugvnm jieofrfe are K| fering from U grippe. The storm of Salurday and Sunda was the wor^t of llus SU.I.H.III. M.IIIII- I Jau. 1st, 1'JOa, at tke home .f I In- luidr's pavvnta, Mr. and MIH ' flail Contract Kealrd Tender*, ed<tres*e 1 to Ike Poaiuiaat- r OuueraJ, will be rceiel at Ott*wa uutU OOB, on Friday, 14tb February. 1HU2, for toe ou.eyauce of Hit Ma.viatv'i Msili on a pro- <oed contract for four yemrt. B.I UUIM each wack way, buteoen Duntr eo ami Maxwell from he 1st April next. I'riutml'.uoliceicoutalDiai further information an tooonditloui of prop-wad coutract nuy be eoen a<l bin k foronof tndermay be obtained t the I'o.t O lici'B of Duatroou, if a*we>l and HlDKhaniptou and a: the office of the poet office u|iector at Toronto, 'out Otflce f ><-|i '.intuit, I Mail Ci.nl. -act Wrench. ,- ABTHfsi LJDSAI, Uttawa. Jau .< I'JO! ) Farrn to Kent Trade or tile und?ri*nort deairM to nell or tra-le about a 30-cre farm clove to Ft>ianilia'i>, K'><>.1 farm bouee and nefi aud yoang orchard. Wc.ul ! < chautie fora 'arge farm and pay ctifforeooa. Auyune intomtod pleat* correind with R URLDhl'M. FeTrbam. Flcsber ton Furniture <| Warcrooms* nnrhiec>lln;;oowiooniprl : Mluloii.I.uiitreii, CliirntH. CrluiaoWl, Buttercup*, Canadian Ii.. Mill >nd Lniported l'i.*ntv, wltli I.cir.l f.HT an.h-r t hBd of Imrd. Yonnu aiil.iialK nf Imtli eten for ale ; aleo i.ne hull ft yrara old, aired uy Aherdale and tnnn an iDulan Qblajf eow. . Vandrlnni . i hit PleaHe r t o r. Marble - Works ! Olm. mcga.mon, Importer n( ninl l>i ill r in Swcrd- lali. S.-.iti-li ninl (' in ,.|.;tn (iipiutf nii.l .Mttil.lii vtoik nf nil kimlx. ricnumcnts Repaired and iiiKcripti .im cut on linti-,i not ce. SY DEN HArt ST. Mr. Medlar Uuy nf O^irt-y i.f Kii.'i-ui.t. Uv. Mr NVIiiiv of Kugonia tied tb Initial knot None but fit. nds of the iniuily wrr Iirt'.si'S' The- bride was highly e.ttesmrd >y a laige circlu of fiivnds, who r'ni in Kiiluiii; ln-r and bfr huMluuiJ loin; lift*. pr. .spi'iiiy anil IkapillMM, Marin-d On Jan. 8,at the home of the lniJe's pikrenia, Mr. Edward A. Carr tti Mian Lixzi" Cunt-nni. llev. L. \V. Tln*s I'tli.'i'it.'.l, The yiwirg coitpU a,ru built well and favural<ly knuwu, aud their many friomU join iu i'oiu(iaui!atioiiH,wiiili ing ihrin pros|HTiiy and Lappinuss whorv- ever they may be. Mr. \\ i-slfj- CIHM-* nf Wiartun spent s | few days around Kn-rnin rrcrntly, visit ing hia uncle, Mr. Join, Williauift, HI., and other fnuuds. Mr. and Mrs .l.>hn Slicppard of Muoao Jaw, N. W. T., were welcome gut-ata nf Mr. a id Mrs Fi-e I Hhuppard the past week. Samuel (Jray. tormuily of Oitprey.who left here last s -ring for tho Northwtat, hs very foolis ly Ix-cn geltinu hininelf, into a he*ii o( tronbU. ft ii nll.x-r'l that In- si oli- blank Kinin roupom lioni a (train linycr's oflVoe at Weyburn. Aaaa., fi>ri(rd the name nf tkiu buyor and sttcmpt.| i . collut'i iMiyinont for the aamo nt \\ iumpr/ .1 i- \\ Hkin LII. who fitniii home ii.'in Wnlaelry on Kilday laa', informs u* that In- as on hi* way home, at Winnipeg, | in In- .nl that (iiay hail Jim had hie trial and had ii. un M.'iiionixtd to the I'mMiuiutl pi'niii ni ary f.ir srven year*. (J ray ' , wji(g and (amity still rr-.nl.' in Oeptvy. Ifyu more Slar, - Eye Rest For Tired Eyes Is obtained by our scientifically fitted glasses. They enable the eyes to do as much work and possibly more without tiring than they ever did. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Eyes tested free. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND CPT.Ci/ FLESHERTON. Tarnwortri Boar for sService. Alvio ( No. 738 i The umleringntMl lia a thoriraithbri'd T.imw.irth Boar for aemce un I >t 140, T. AS. R., An.-u.i-.ia T, rn. $1 00. LKTIB, Prop. \\'e arc carry ini; the newest styles if v,i>:iii ibl" v"" 1 ' m all linen of ;urt', c"i sis'in^ of : r and I tilri-.ni guitft, lotmgrs, M:li-l>.r.l, e''iiii<.n and ct-ntre tMw, chairs, indow uliaded and curia n i!t-, picture*, easuis, etc., W lurli vie I'ffer at LOWfcST PRICES. Picture Fmrniiig and General R |.iirin.' ('inlrri.Ain^ in All liranclie*. Stif act ion giMrantvv<i. W, H. Bunt, 1'inli.Ttal.in^ in all iu \ Satisfsction guarantee*!. J jnt, - Prop. J New Grocery At Maxwell Q The ai>derigt-axl, hiring i.ii, nt-d in the Grur* liuiviiithM in the Tillage of Miti- well, th public will timl with in a lin uf n-w ip'<vneiif ilio lxt i|n;lily on llf .iKiket. \V|. havo purchxavti mth a view of ntelii>g tli wai.te l Uk* ij FARM FOR 5ALE W abd UM>P ,,n bawl the celebrated OLE* HURON FLOUR Our term* are : Only 11800. 9600, UUnce eay tcrmi inter*t 6%, 100 ocree, 76 cleared and vnder co.iivattun, bakance half edar i r>wani|> id half inilcd hardwood. Com- furtalile frm dwelling, frame p- at barn half inilo flom fntd nchool and 3 mile* ' (rum vIUg of Ea^enia. Apply to R J. R rlprimle, Flcihciton. CASH OR TRADE U'e take all knidi of Kurm PrpduiV in exchange for Kooda. When in tito Tillage ({ire oa acuB. {ONNEAR SONS. K K&K K-f -K K & K K BLOOD POISON K 701 srer contracted anr Blood Dlesass TOT an *er safe ssleas tks rlree or potesm has been eradicated from lh*ijie>. A\ timea you eeealarminc avraptoaa. But live la hopes BO aeriows reeul'u will follow, llare jam say of the lullowisf STOiptorai? bore throat, alcera oa the toeene or la Ike mouth, kair falling oat,scav iaf fi is itrb'.ivu ol vhf akin, euresor t-wt.b-.-s oa the body, eyee r.-J awA swurT. u onto tech- lion t rio rer aretera with the < U li-a-y trratmcat 'm. ^*rr as4 swluk ililrll 00)7 eppreaece the rratrtoma toratlSM on IT lo break pt i ajralBwasa) nappr Indowjeetic life. Don't let qiacks ripenmcntoa >o. Or NEW METUUD TREATMENT is (aarssued to care jo*. Our (uairaiateee, are hacked t>v bank lioii.ln that the diarAM will ncvtr return. Ttaouaaada e( Batiealt hava bees already cored by orNKW MKTHOU TKKATME.ST for orrr >) ,rs. and so return o( thediarass. No eipttuasat, no ritk awt a "patch ap," bmt a DOSS> tire csrs> That went caas* snllrae* NERVOUS DEBILITY Ol'B l*K\v MRTHOTI TRRATMriTwin.s*rs>r.SBaiaks)a mtm of yem. Ueder its let Inear* the brain bes:owire a. tue, IV* blood swifted so that all pimpl.-*, blotch'-* and ulcers diaa|ipiar; the Bertae become nrvn as al.rV, e J that nrrTvesnr..^ baahfalaena aad deepondencr dlaappsjar; tb T*^ bevowo tti^M, m the face fall and clear, enrrcr returns te Che body, at A the siorai. rhreicat sad tea- nalayitem* arvlnTicnratrd; all dmaeceaw- no awe Tiial w..it Irum theiTitrsv The Tirhna olTpioi ocme Ba'.ort! ami manlr. Yon f**l yoerirlt a man and knvw nv.riir 1 - canaot beafaiiere. We Invite all the affllctrj to ci-ptull m* lonfidcnti.illT and f'.es nf charrs. l>nn*t let ftnacks and fakirs ro'j .ie e( joax r.irA-aaiuoJ dollira. WB WILl, CU K E Toll OK NO PAY. We trrat and care NKRVoUS t'RBILrTT. SKVITAr. WEAKNESS, TMIS- Sio.vs, SYPHILIS, Ct.KK.T, STH ICTUEt. V A I: ICfiCELK. URN E Y and UUAUDtUt UlbKAJtCS, aat ait aieeasrs pecabax to aw. a and noma.Cm^s^iutaa- A re Ton a victim? IIM TIMI l.^at hopr? Jrrroa contenjpbirfna; tnarrtay? Han yovr btootl l-een dmeavrj.* II.ITJ J^UAOT weak- o.i? Oar Nrw Methvd Tfea'meal will ctro TOO. CewswIMlM Ho natter who haa treated vom. write (or a.i iMWht opnuun p"rer*f Cli.irrri reaeonablt Jssasyreax *Trie tioldeu Monitor" lillnnirjtedlott I>.*rr mrn 'IMepaeea of TToeils" *Ta W*e ol Sis." "Varituceic, Slricture and GlceL" Ail enl Fws aeajed. Ho mfiiiine seiil C. O. 0. Mo namss M ktxa or MTslops*. f "s Qutttlon lit) us. Cil ol TrMlnsnl, FREE, tor Ne Cat*. 14-8 SHELBY ST. L ^K A K DETROIT MICH, Farm lor Sale. I^i M. Ceo. 1. Ai tt-in.'ia. 1*0 aeree. no bul .1- ini, no clearing. Valuable cmlar ou taiue, evur bei'U rullmt. all flan.lliiK anil cany to take oni. Cbva|i aud ay to take out. UOTC quick. W. A. Anmvaox*. Map of (ire y COUJH t v Wanted a few lite aente tft !( tue nart ot the Coiintv of Orej . lu the tovaai|of Artem, eela, Oeprev and I'roto* Akv U* Uwu lua|Ml nuiaj at.*! \ In *> 'v Lj^cea e. j'.";ir* . fi\\ J Hi l>mv.Klehu. ton trlf.ii I FL.JKSH.l4.KTON riu iniplfwentK, Kliniry and Yoti^y plnw% \i Hand all iru- i all kiudi nf rvpairs for the same, W v m.tuufitctiire Wagons, Cultorn, Slr-iKht, %.u-. Horeeeli.^iug pi mpt'y nttcldod to. Sp<>oial atttiiitniii to U<nder cmnncivl fet. l->- <h K and I"---* Chains rnill uiily on liaml. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PhlNCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL. XXI, NO 10J7 Flesliertoii, Ont., Thursday, January 23, 1QO2 W. H THURSTON, FKOFKIXTOB Settlement. U-- /"roin O*r t/ir, uietU. \Vr l..tv - . t sll < >n Mmhlay rvcir a i-Ut IW'i ili.Z. l: ..a-, if our ' <> Mr. lli'iiry St. me, ti.>i;i nb-Mv they y. rtl I! ' * '(I l|.... lt-l,|. r. Il . hit i Mr*. W IM>|, ninl a- X'iraeof im-in .111^ a.lini ir-il wiri-fou'.d to be cany- . i l. quite IM- Thu church U making rat headway boih tiiiauc-faily and -piritiuliy. under thu able an l elojiieiit pH- . r.irt- f Kev. J. Hu- ch*n*n. The :: t'.itl.iy ev- il tilH Ul weru not - :.: aa they ought to li.vi- been -s anl l-.t'Ii- daiixh' ' ' i .1.1 *r. 'r. ll' parents, Mr. illd Mn. Mc(ire|(iir. Artemesia Council nn .1 itie iliuu.:- I ti Mr. I i tlut Uiidu'ns were t.i !. aug- | Th new.y rl.-i-ttil couucil i f the mun:- ' \it:< ^ . f a ni^!r liKii ci;;ity of I'K r.,w:.-!. j. . f AtUMMMa Ii -uc'i .-ri- Li. !l,nut(t.!s, i hex ircrt' wu h-dl, Flah<rton, on : r .t few >:>'ini:iin ',ii>lr:.-i- M-.inlny, .1 in. 14, 1'JUS. There were .1 ai.d ihrt \i-\r. r-- |.u-^ut l>u. . M/l'sunK En.)., i dMotSrlveS for i!. ' ... A. 1^ _, ;. Alex. M-:.. Jot U ilii-rx ' .til.' -ii.l *'. ll.'iu(- ywcb by MHH > -.hoi, uli , v ue abore n-in.od had sub- tbe aaiuc t. "L-r.bt.1 and made ihc prracribed dtx-Ura- 'C'l ^!rs \\iHi i:li a \ itiou ai.d of . tfiof . before t AS a sli. th-- clerk, t.-u-y t<rok their soU at the r appro; . ; .. iiu'eiuitrr"j C"Uncil l-oard. Tfie uiiiiiii." of the scs- ' [laiui s i l.aJ ttkeii ni 11:1-11111^ l!io chilil- - Hvt-.lt> were r n<l and cn!; i n i.i .1 iu for f! . : - 1 ll'i.in< . w,.rt> tt i|- '' read, vix. : -Mr~ Mi \ '-l i *. on account of n, tlunktu aaaessaoeot 1'.>1 , T-,.- M ii.iln.'^s. . _ ..in tli.it .".liinieiir ni >:i.kmg fuud J.-|..*it : - .. ,-st them Mi- \\ iH.d will ale,.t [>les- i.l in I Or p>-w,T to aviitt them a i |f] U , ...J l,c f K"'ng to tlie 1 once a ..n hour <>r two Ul t' i if tti.- yc'Uiij f - - - ., s in \,\ri->u.-* 4^ Mer ..:,? I u- ! th. i . ...it the MHH ;TI i iiiunly IT- i VK(..! iMni M ti i !i > . i-i. -|>vsed if n t'.i .. and n- ;;. pi up until uU'UI 11 p. ill.. * I 1 ihiir -spool it c IKMMB, , enj > iri(. \\. Any Spectacle is no more adapted to your face than any coat to your body. The fit of the frame is as important as the fit of the lenses, We make a specialty of both. W. A. Armstrort I******** J McFarland, Stafford & Co. J riARKDALE. ON T. 6rcy County's Biggest Store JEWELEM , AND CPTiCl* FLESHERYON. . D w!ieu : i jrn aud '. n king ' ..ointuient asaudit.,1* ;".!. !.a \\ha , (riirr , wvn . ^ a ^ ..,,. treasurer to unanJC U Bellamy aking for ai- . K ,,i,. r . Hr . wn - 'us*MaJsw'c; account. W 00. J.,hn Lindsay WOO. expou.es, 988.86 wa. presr-uted by thr elt-ik; account of W. r,. K,:!i^rd,i.n for ,,:), ^ ,) .^tficeti.; ai. i-ry and niiimte b..-k for cl.rk , MctulM j-j , w j ^ ,; (iu , v fv. V M. "'" Ww -- }.. J ! ChriaXM|,k VV. geutt lit-r.. ttfj.t., f ._,_ v ... p,,,, t . 1( . lk , . sm , MMUK merutwr of local bord of ben.- M ,; . . ^, t a.;,, 1( , ,^. H -nrv O. t., appoint an sraessor for !/.', wre Hn-m.oi .- introduc-d and rsad a hr,t time. v ,._, , llu ^^ Th..u,[*on -G.uson-lht By-Lw, . $ ._, b ^, 601, ttltt and B be now lead a second : uw . a f ,, r .,,., , h ,._. time, l o u - rl|j K-II went into dn-.i . aUn e l,y Iswm, Mr. I! ,>d .11 IK- ch nr. j c i tl L ^ 15 urt-w ai. x press tut . I'" " IUi.. V l ' v K M 1 ' k ' ' ' V l f !*7 ? o.ricc as K'crWatv : J i.l ilieilt'i; md Juhn N> :: Ml.... ii ^lp I*. lOtnt's tur s, ..* pr. ii i. Kit with a ir- Kn f th , :lu- n i \ ii'.i.n I iUll.lM'.l .1 lit'*- riini'.'iil liy i a hly - I an.'. . r i ii . . rrt ;..t || <>:: (', Mri. K.ilU' il!in.' Ii i> -~ 11 ..| i i-ius torui . , ry lu.v. - . ly laws 801, ! 009) Mid tflXI .. fi!'..( 11|. 1-1 i .:,! !oe IK- , ! ri.-nl a Hurt unic. tnwlly jia.-i ; - MU. tinning ittitp. - i<s f.-l i." it ! ' M r.i. . i i K. l>\ n fl |>ni'l sf-i f"r l.i.lii -.ttiiii an.1 JRJ.'IJ ur- j i n I ; strd UP. i-d. W. K. : r i'i i ni. ;. .! ! \\m. .1 M - -. II ' l too K'nid nf livoKli, .. ,. eafoct ti' ' ! pviit \V M; . .1 M . ,. . ;h^i., H. \v H U v ; HM [1 nil irl. i- . !._' .tni'iuii' IUil-1 SI JANUARY' (Ubite Goods Sale. iv morning, we start our annual January White ' > Sale. Th-8 -eii.--on we have put iu stock an uuu.viallv lir^e t,-- * >nd have Uid our pbuM for the biggest nu by thisston. TV asnuaMe n>iwn why is t.'ieop aa any *iors in tli I p. I'.'.ymi: ;- rpjajTitu-*, direct fr-ini the M.nufactur ' i-oish. pi i<r..und-8i>. r fur piievs. Y . , : hones' iv believe, Imy f|u- materiiiU and make 1111 w!. 'ie tiniiihed articles at th-- and we think you c-.u'd not ,aalte them better Y-'U 'e rj -'i t'llmv nr in.t. Tlifiw pr:,.v arc Mlftgestive f '.l.i-i ei|U.'i;ly as . late' IKS,', laists, Corset ,'vy win' led ssMfn - *U*K. J mi iry -,-iit r. hwivy whi'e cn'ton. neck trimmed with embroidery. roams, aaw red >ue. .lanuiry la'e }:, Cutatot iv-ver. tj-ie ipuhry cutd n. felled aeam.v *]usre Deck.tniuiiK-d with fine l.vcf. J.-10'inry snlo pri-.-tf Corset c'-vi-r. vxt-a fi- Li.ttn. felled aoanis, U.w a(u;ir<; cu- with uouble row of i rj . January s-le price Ivies' " Fetiicuts Ladi'V skirts he%vy cotton. sin-ill Mi. -I kn hand. January m litr* kir-/- J.uiu.iry -ill | . deep flounce, trim . iil i Eimlm 1 , cnn . f> Bntrhh nni 1 . .. - - .,,-,. .1 .,: . ....... Mils' Infers -' r y ">V. It. i pun.ht.iied M .i. u i! . \ .. : i ,1.1, v. >.I 1..1IISS II 1 .m. .Mr. .lirlin 1: , .;iuly Ii it, N iiiuteil t,, lu-.n , \\ Jl Jaioi --I. !i is I, u ;..',; U p . wild an H; . tl . > r at his w. , Mi.t. John !\n. ,. K |t.--".ii oa tho Mi'k Mr J.. ii.'s t,'..iiiti i -;j h.i.-. :i.u - .! ,pi-isy. Mr. Hmry V, ,> Dr. (.'lirist.K- t'.iin in tbia neigh. H < vv '- ' . Al.-i il-.'.ir> H ild ||..< | inn o , ih.' l .in tli lire ,vi-j pur "M.- MINI!- M '.rk Mr lliiniiiui 11 i!u y \iMiu-d tritiul-. in Uw.-n Sniiii.i r^nt:j Mr Uele> M. t M, uil\- a:i.l dan of I'uluth. hjive It, t-n lifiv mi it visit with Mi '! .vK li,.t!nr, Mr Jnhn Winters, and a hi t of oilur ivUtiVen. Allan Saanuir-, li i I ,i I, en working witb Mr. \V .1. rlnU.urn, slipped anil ffll while walking on thi- nwi! .uJ dis Ins atrih , t t u.e elbow. l ^h p ntU' pan! I'j him in I'.lJl <n i : u h:i\ ,in; bi-t-n Mu . i. rk is Ii au. (nulled I . i A n H nl A L5ijj Quarter's Wot tti I 1 il llli'TI' .- tl -'Ml. ur- ' 4 KM '-MI. .. in od Hi smile .,-1 e C'.:n .:i\ ' r '' ; *' 1 ' cu '-! * '' the HIM Jv'KjO C.lllled . It t : K- M us of ilse Mum, i: .! V- .,,i 1 t , 11W-' i-.li -sent ; ' llt ''"I- 1 nn . fan' e 'Uiicil .-ti.il ilu- : . C 1. Gtln.'ii- Th" i - iv in each in n. lii ev the 1 1'iie 1'i.uiicil .-Mijiinv Osprev Council ' - Ospre> Di. trlit Lodge ... .1 i . i : Duniiitlk. Our (>i-, .!(. Tho annu.kl nu'el:r bytertau churcli wai he!4 Vm the inst. Tiie K-jv .1 t-n I', i -lu-iaii preaid- my. Tho tms'iie.v of the pnt )o,n reviewed and the reiM.rt,-< iir.senttil ly the several braiK-lu-.H of to- ebiireh and the work done was ^ni'itu ,/. each branch having a n:ce Uilanc.- t 'heir Credit. Tht- to. lowing are the Ktiuleini-n cvnuprUiog the soasi m : Mes.il^. .Sin.'l >ir, D. CampUtll, Dr. Mi.iin, S M.irebwMi. Mennn. Kennet, Cowan, \\'i|. foo, MoArthur,' Uvoderauii ani Sinclair, as audi'..r. Tho council "f l ' tSe Ornngo Hull, M > \M\. Thi -iii^ iiu' iilrrs he u^ iiuiv eli in ul-- the I ii of office :inil '|i; oirn-at , *.,; \\in. J. - i.n iu 1 T.iv! r. I N n. l>. W I'linii 11. ciiiii i-. Ml-lU'es Ol l:L.sl InretM ^ M el jtl;,l t'lj^y the reel . t' mu- and pt-utioiiH wero re-nl us Mi . eip.tl U nil. Sr. l!i i -.,, and Mun:. Quids, r\terborou)(hi i-ko ^ I--,UIH SubrH.'1-l'.O f"f -lllluk I,. 'tl jonl-n i!* ; fl'uni tho clerk. . from s ck ihii.lnn - h. ->; -i al, n.skin .ii , [irtiu.'ii fi , .', lii , ,.!,, U.tVlJ II. \\ lll'-el tn . - to have i i- pait of 8.8. M - Apjili at' us I r in .In.j AUisoii ninjr'A. K M inont of asses*)!'. Applioatj I'.itK *i.d K'-tier' -I :;ie' N W I iii i : TI.-..S. \ M ' i-ir ; 1-. Ii tt ; I) . . : C . i' . '.; .la m s \ , ! Win. All i: * ' '.' cd.llii-t; in i thr i: -uud - - i lie >r..,.s n :'., .i .. iVntml ', Dr. MmN i- . m, .md j . . t ur> liut ilicd mi MI - inn. ewiu " hemstitched, IL-HI , tt unirrvra tj]e. clt> 4 tine nil- ' i -* i 11* L i n Lafcs jiijK I) m, ' . k, tutf* nd d- > - , .-i. nt. Janustry wlv price 9ft McFiiriana, StaftorJ & Co, fr^4^*4r4r-^HM^4.*4^4rt- P. Ci. KARSa EDT, FLESHERTON I [ar< Kv.u-o. AM> CLOTHIKG. In our h:ir.l\v;i: nt will !>, f..unl cvrrythiii:; carn- c 1 in thv most up to d-ir -.inrlmlini; furn is, ;!!: r\ ;unl silvrrwaiv. Will n\-kr ,i >]i,, i.ii |; : . . Builders' Hardware . For the comiog sdasoo. \Vonlsodo ; \ Jiml KiioriN;; i>usin Department ' t^ain hi iftrup. o- injilett' ^:: . n:i t>iul>l t-.t n h.rre-s \\ i- . h>-avy >e i.i- ir.p'- t, ; : ?t 00 .s. lin-'Sl 1.-.1.MI-. . . ou ,1. O..IJ1J) .-:e C' Fur i^'HtN i.f a 1 . .1 n ilh't' nml . in.'iae cl lhni){ u; l> '\.-n price -i. M : ' h nx I '> l Gordon 11 Iera Ji. 1heroi<r<n .1 . | o Stools of Goat \Vli.Mi in '..>\\;i .-.ili on us. or t-on:o to town specially to see u>. It \vi!l ivty vou to \isii tin- storo of F. Q. KARSTEDT, FLE5HERTON ^-!*X -^