Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1902, p. 2

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1TELSON AND THE COXSWAIN. Cause of His Popult-ity With the Sailors. lust before the battle of Trafal- gar a mail wu M-HI iiuni llie l-.ng- li.-li lleot l l-.iinluiid. mid word Was) pa.--.sed tliut it infill Mi Hi' 1 lust rh.iiuo to write bvioio the r\pc. u-<l e4iKiim"'-:nt Tin- loiters had been cuite<-ii-d ironi the ships, tin' letter bugs were on tin- \, <! ui.i h waa to take tlu-iii, a:. il Mir had HI Mime. (li.-iaiuf mi IIIT way, iindi-r full Kail. \\IK-I. I..H.I S.'ison saw u nilii-hi|iuiall nii'ioaiM anil spoak to 1'o.si'o ihe MI, - ii, 1 1 nlliier. 'Him Nol.son bhowod Uio side of Inn nut UK- winch BO . ..< u Ron the sailors' hearts 1'iinrii ulleird uii oM'liiination of fii-K'n-t and (tani|H'd his mot in cvi- ilrnt Novation '1 lit- admiral called him .11, il askid uliut w.i.s I In- mat Ire "Nothing whuh nood trouble your lordship." wan Ilic reply. "You arc not the uiun to lose youi tempor lor nothing." rejoined Kelxnn \\liul WHS if" "\U-I1. if you must know, niy lord, 1 u in ifii > . n i ou -ii' tli.il iii'.- ewain'.'" point in}.- to one of Hie n..i.st ncii\e oi the putty oll.ceis. "Wo SEETHING BABIES. A Tryitg Time for Mothers When Great Care and Wttchiulness is Necessary. There IN scarcely any |>rlod in > . r.y u.u rei|i.iiing j.-r:uli-r R;II. Mm,:, , i.ii the part of tho lolln r II, .HI Ul.i'll I ul>> Ih trclliilm. A iao.-t iiAaiiai'ly tl.i 1 lilt e oi.e Mif- ' i s much |,ain. is ' "tiviw tlay inl nij,iil. n-i|uiin,g 80 mi. in oin- Hi. a i !.< moil. <i is v.iin oui I-U..I.K . It I...I liic-l.. uir i, tin I I, ..I lallU'-rs lll1|Ufllll\ uiii'li.l .ill.MUK tin-. I'orind that Uneaten buby's li.u ItM-lt AIIIIIHK ilii-M' ate diairho.u Inn I'osl ion. colic consli|iatitin ai.'l r'liiMiisiui.K. 'ih- pruilint inothir Will iiiilx-ipiiti- ,,i.il (iii'M-ul II.. I trnubU'8 by Ku'l'intj 1-nby'b Mon.a.li iMiurN in a l.ati.iul and faultily < million liy tic- us.- of Kuby' () u TaMols. a niriliriiii' readily taken by all rhilthi'ii .u. il ulii h (UsMilvcd in ..!.!. may I.e ^IM-I, with | r.it.tv td i veil a in' I, urn intent In ner\ holm- whore llir-M- TiiMeis nie. i I... I.-, i-. i I.L-M ami h althy ai.d the m.iilier has n-nl ronilort with n. and diM'ti not I.i-Mtato to tell I er In inM.i.rs Mm. C. J. |)elnnr\. i ' kville. BH.VIS : "I lave teen Div- ing my I fti-i-n-inniit I s' old Inl.y il.iby'h (ln T.iiileis. \\ln-nr\i-r M i > - for mine inonthtt paid. ^ he Wax tcel liiiiK Mini wus i rn<-s and 10-1- I. -, Her BIIIIIH wore hard an<l In- fiuiiod After usii K the Tablets i-h<; jrii-u- <|'in i the iiifhimmntUui of tNj p'-Pii u-iin rMlurr-d. and her Loth did Hot soi-iii to liolhor her nn.v more An ini|.i i.\ i-n>, nl in lah.v's e.niilii ion ..-. inii M o..li o almost at oner, nnd I think lliere i' mi hetlrr iiK-dlrlnc for i . M' hiil. i,- " i'.'-'^ )wn Tnl>- Icts n I e IIMICI red from dniRni is fir will lie sent |H>M |',ml ni I'.") ctnlH R l...x. liv HI ilri'.s-sitiK tho r. \\il- llj. ins' Meillrli'i- (. rrni-kville. I'til A CIIAIiANTKK "I ht-rrby certi- fy I hut I luivc made a enrofiil rlien-i- ral nna'VR'i of I'Mhy'H OHM TaMetx. Tlhiih I |..TMI|I;,||V piiirhasi-d In M llruir store in Montreal My niinlvsl^ him pioxc'l that tic TablrtN rontnln I'Sdlntcly no oi lute or nnrrotii: Ihnt tliev run be pivrn with perfi-rt ^nfi'ty to tlif> vniirii'i- 1 Infant . thnt. '.-\ in n Rnf and Hliclrnt mrftlrlno for tho trouh'en they are Indicated f,. ro'irvo nnd cure," rned), Mil TOV I, IIFI'SFY. M A Sr . T'rovinrinl An-.'-'t for (Jueficc Montreal, Pec 2. - t. lildl. Sozodoni Good for Had TvetK Not Bad for Good TeetK Sozodont 2Sc Sozodonl Tooh Powdtf 2Sc Large I 'quid "d P"*" 1 " 11AI.L & HUCKKL. llontioal 25c. Till: STHONHF-ST ANIMAIX. The Ntront-i'st nniinals cxiM entire- ly on vi-p.-ialile food. It is the fer- i.i-itv of the lion rather than l.is MroiiKth that niati-s him formidable. An r'l-i'liai I is a irutch for tovcrnl lions, and is a M'''i nrinn. 'He unl- inals >Mth most fipi-ed nnd endurance the horse. the rcimlrer. and the antelope are all .vegetarians. Tho Pear ('Hid "(>h. Mrs. lilnnm. nil, -ii ilid \<ni tret Imck?" Mrs Itlooni "Illcss you. d< m . I was not uwav nn\ \vhrn-. \\liut inailo y<"i think so?" The Tear I'hi'd "I t Imt'jrht you were. I hoard IHUIIIM n siiy you wero nt l.i'KCei he-ails with your hufiliniifl fi-r over u week." Small boy U'liovetl. took nnd didn't lute his unils nnv mine 'I In- Miiiill boy went to a dnldren'M party where ho stood imd RU7id iit I ho hostli-sn for FOIII.' ininiiti". in si- leni Then he s|>ykf: "You bite your nails." he snid. A GREAT BURPKISK. At buni|uet given recmrly In I'aris by a l-ii'nch counlcwb II. e Xiic-stx received H niosl astoiimlu K Mirprisu. In the centre of iho table wits what u|>| fared to I e a hu^e pi'e of loses, and Just before noup -.ive.l II. i- rnr.es |iinlid. 'lisrlos- ing a largl- birdcage. 'Him suddenly oi I'M'. I. revealinK a bcauliful young adorned v.itli wnigM. .She- IO- in. i. nt d in her hti.uiKe dstic.n dur- ing the dinner, nrul introdiict.-d i-jn.li new dibit by sinking a couplet. .'I.MI.IIIIII n nls Is the average annual cntrh for the world. IHu.ntili of tl ems come from the North Am>-rii.in MM. MID from North Kuropean. w 'd-d ts Pnoktt*. CASH will buy a box of SWF.ET SOVORA ORANGES, er M you uke 5 bx we will m.ikc Ihe price $2-10 per box. % IrljM Ml* W J140 ) THE 0/.WSON COMMISSION CO., Limited, TORONTO. Conignnirnt ol Poultry, Butler, Fgi-s, Potatoes, Beans, Honey, Apples solieltrd> i . i i- 4 < "i iv M nil. T k* 1, l* i" ITOIIIO W'i PI e 1 '' .1 iiii-t- r -ui>d i o m ) I* liMI lo ' i<n' i' r -.-'.- i. tux. 2Je A I SKA-COAST LINFS. llrituin has u longer non- r,..i t line than an\ ml,; inn in Kuropo It inpinnrrs 2.7.".' milps. with Italy uTiniil. J.472 mile*. lti:s- kiu ranks llurd and France fourth. I or <i.r .' i > Vcr* Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and is sold rnly In lead packets. Slack, Mixed and Groen. loan tea drinkers try "SaUdi" Grwn tea. lie "I am ro.illy surprised at Dr. Ulule. nder I it- 1 tip our family doctor for yi-nrs. an<l treating nif lor all suns of thinus. and lo think of all the money \M>'VO paid him. loo!" She "\lhnl ha-, he done?" Mi' "lie \\oulilri t II.ISM me for the life insurance cnmj>.iii> '" THE HFALTHIKST HACK The Swedish census shows the low- est death rate ever recorded by a civilized nation. Durii g the last '- ciute it lias teen 16.4'J | er l.tiOO. Norway comes next, with HI. 9, then .itid, wilh 1H.8. Thus the ."-'c.in- d-n.ivi.uiK art- now the healthiest race In the world i- . ik- r.mttt .!.. t-f ' M. I*i lr Hrtim -V'i r, n- ib r- .TIM % m'd Inonoi.j. No urr. S'o I y. Price ttcia'*. 1OO rod-livers yield one gallon of oil. Brass Band in* rwmnt, Drums, Uniftorm* Itc EVERY TOWN CAN NAVE A BANt 1 :yes Burns, elc, ar rr k>i IK .iw-l h M., h ... ul ov.th. r, ! ' n l. f w it.b. w't n it. f h... al . j. . n. . r mj L- K' r', , i I,' ,11,1 th An . lK,wr.%, |,.| ! Ua b- *i n r kwv r- I r i l. UK ->vl . i . <.. ill* wot. 4. \" M.r* MMI " " The value of hni'il.ick, landed on Knuli-.li in.i-.i-i IN usually Al.inili lillii Kri'u'er thnn that of liprrings. and i >, >-i itniiii on.-1luj-d of the value of all the Imh annually t: ken TAKK NOTICR. \\'t publish .simple, nirnight testl- iriTiials. not PII-SN ngi-nt's mit-r- viei. from well known penpio I'rom all over Aiiierie.i tlnv lestify to the inciltN of MlNAUIi'S MM MI-'NT, tho best of lloii.,ehold Ili-m- cdies. C. C. mcHAitDH A CO Physician (severely ) "I Imve no tion in >ii\mg, Kir. tli..t > n.r wiii-'s nprvoiis (its ai-- <>< asioned by y.,nr Kiuviii^ out BO late t\.-iy nij;rit " \\ itlu-i l-y "Co .<! emnous. doctor. I didn't Know thit wu* sulior- ing from .in incurable di ..!'" I c.ifncss t annoi bo Cured p !'r'in , r i n ' w.. i r.ir lhr]r , -on-it rvwli IH PI- ' I. r. p..ni> fe-. knit th l i iii con*ti't|. -f- l.oweft pr I - vr qu<ul. Fi SrtOi lntr | . M. mill d O-. Wr n * r<M aaf Ih'nr in M .ilr r Nir| IsMrw'jM'Bl . WH/LEY R.iYCB ft CO., L mitsfl, 1.,.- o. uyi. aad Wtaais*j. Mas) CARPET DYEINQ OHITI ,H AMERICAN OvCINO OCX ntculvt k, pa i , .r- - aotMr Arflren BVI 1(1. M.ntril. The longest canal-tunnel in the world is on the Chesapeake an<1 Ohio UiMT. a cut of 4 nillt-n in length through the Allegheny Mountains Dominion Lint Stoamshlpt Mncr M a - Minarl's Li,ii.ne.it CITES OaiM, HI- "\Vhat is your idea of cold comfort?" She "Iro rrenm " W P. C. Ill'i .. .Ut40>, n 8UI SI . r -HP !(-. I**- (n ** I OMU* <t f- .o 'U inn of h muro'in M .tfofih*i rlrir. H'.i wii.,!t it :. . nt r U c-o- d f -- - li" r 4tl I. n<1 illl:c h In'l i n H e ii r in h> i* aimii<.hU uh'r>' r-<\ In i ii. ' .1 O'-id n n. irnij w II b At t< T' f T ' idiio oil of |.nr r u , ,1 b '-rh. w i,-h >< o- i.,n> h'ii ! flmii' il ro d ii"n ni '< inn. -no- -IIP nr . <Vn will K i\t Un I!"".! t |i" Ur- for iy r o' '"'n*' (>Tu-d '-T rut r.hi'h.lr.n n l i<u "~i ht lli.l- C-nh Cuit .- d or oircu.i-r< fr. e. . J. C II ICX K V * < XX. ToMte. O. tM by Dr.iinj -U.7V. IU.I'- K..III! / PH.- r- the beL TMt M^ST PCPJUAIt OBNTIFHICC. o jc.i a M. l<*Mti ih breath. t r ifthint ih. k um CHAPPED HANDS. Rub with Cllaad m bc?o-e ratlr- Two or thraa ap will cure the worst case. Larg-s ' oe 75o Dru-nlstl, or CiLUOINi CO., Toro.it*. Vvooos PHOIO I \(. r \\ist. f. I lOM Si S(. ( I'.- ICV* --JUI I I . lllCllsK WnlM>l "Thnt's what I iret for giv- ing my n. n nl n.v i ast -oil Worth gowns." Constanie "V\ hat's hap- pt'ii'-d?" Wain -I (liiirsiiim into teat-,; That rich old iiiniie> liagg cati|.ht n'l in a dark miner und proponed lo lor. and she ac-iepted him." VNoiild you rather ha\- sonn-iliiiig Clue (hull u p <t-e in <a.e." usUed lie l-llld lielghlini' oi little I'riHidie. Who had run an errand for her. "\> . in. i'. mi." said I nil lie. promptly. "I \\ouM rallier ha\i t \\ o put PS." have not a better man on the Vic- lory, and Ilit- niPHKii^i! \\hnli put me oul was thin: 1 was lold he was so IHISV irieivmg and p H inn oil Ins ii l I .,i II.. i he forgot to put his i> n leiier lo bin wife inlo one til tin-in, and he has just discovered it in In* pocket." lloiNl n MI- mil to bring her txuk!" Was Nt-lNon'K instant coiu- ii, .mil '\\lni known thnt he may no. fall in action lo-inorrow? His li'tii-r shall RO wilh tin 1 rrs-i " 'I he 'li'rpnlrh vess.-l WIIB brotii-hl lurk Mir that alone Cnpluin Ma- lian trllM this story on tin- authori- ty of th- son of l.li'Ulenaiit I'lf-.o * ho used *o say that the Bailors idolized NVlnnn. 1 \ideii I ly It wan reii-iiii |NKW YOllK CI NTItAK ANI> IIUI>- SoN UIVKH. It It. The grenl four track trunk lino and the only tailioad \\iih a depot in New York City. A through train l>o- ti-en llulialo anil New York e\,iv hour; also to Huston 'Him is the line of Ihe 'mm. us I injure Stale l-'.x- prehK. iho fastest regular long dis^ tan., train in the \\oild 'Ihe N.-u N drk C.'!!!!!!! i ntern all the |.i in. ip.il cities In New York Stale and u.e S. 1 i nmnd Stales. 'Ihinueli ttlfepini; and parlor cars on nil through trains. See that your tickets rend by the New York Cen- tral Doi'lor "You seem to have lost nil /es-t for life, my dc-ar sir. You must rouso yoursi-lf and lake in.ne 1 inierest in your business." 1'alipnt "Cmid graciouH, doctor. I'm a money-lender!" The. lnrpr*t estate In Anstr'u l><- Irums to 1'rinrt! Nrhwarwulitirg. und dVi-i-N Md. (Mill acres' (i.'t lioheinian rinlileN hold CbtateN of over 1'J.nmi acres pnrli. 'Ihe Ntniill boy has bo-ii Wai tied by MK run ! as tn the iiwiul n'sult of liituiu hiH nnils. "If .MIU Im,- your jiails." Klin s-niil. "you will DWfll out like an uir balloon and l.msi " I he An oidinary plan.) conlaiiiN a milo fvf piano wire. Mi.nkev llrand cleans and l.i i I, I i-tm cvi-r>thin.r. Iml won't wash rlnl IIOM. Mrs Itnnglo I've udvprtlfed for a er\i"\l for a whole \\eek with no re- snll " Mrs. CuttiKo "Well. I ad- vert isrd for n good looking Inily help mid had thirty-four to delect from the first duy." * She "Music hath rlinrms. you know " lie" Yen: I'll bring a brans bund with me noxU-tiinn I c*ill." "Couldn't you innko tl a gold band wilh a solitaire in it?" "SOMLIGIIT SOAP One ounce ofSunlight Sotpis worth more-tlun REDUCED Two ounces of impure soup. EXPENSE '- nrrits M addr**i, J Of i*-t^r \.* Aik for the Octagon Bar. If yomr (roMr samot ravplr, write t* UTUt 1KOTHXBB, LIKITKD, Toronto, sanding hi*. Bam* ani addrMf, a trial tampls of BonUfht Soap will be sort you ftp* THF M3ST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S QRATEFUL OOMrORTINQ. COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER. Send us your name and address on thi below request, and we will take p easure in smding you free of any charge this SOLID ARIZONA SILVER SUGAR bHELL. You don't have to buy anything. The gift is unconditional. It is a bid for ycur ever- lasting friendship and good will, and if you do not read this advertisement through and answer it at once, it will be a loss to yourself and a disappointment to us. This Jutfar J hell le an All.VOLUTE GIFT to rnr I m<ly answvr* With thj Sugar Shell we will send you 6 pack ges of Standard Elcctlne Remedies, which wewi h you to sel 1 , if youc in, at 25 cents each. Then retum our m ney,andwe will give you absolutely free a Butter Knie and PickL- Fork, same pattern as your Sugar Shell, and also a Set of 6 Full-Size So i i Arizona Silver Teaspoons. If you fall to sell our Medicines, return them to u am retain the Sugar Shell as a gift, it being free in any event. Our Solid Arizona Silver Premiums are fast superseding Ster ing Silver for Tableware. They always look as well, and wear better r they are the same beautiful metal all the way through and are guaranteed for 50 years. There is nothing else like them except Sterling Silver, and nothing "just as good. Now, please don't throw this paper down and say to yourself, 'I'll write to those Electine people to-morrow." This is not an oppor- tunity to put off and iorget. Just sign and return the attached re- quest to-day, that is all you have to do- - The Sugar Shell and Medi- cines will then be promptly trailed, post- paid. Remember, even if you fail to sell our Goods, you at least have an Elegant Sugar Shell, worth 75 cents, for simply making the effort. Sincere'y yours, ELECTINE MEDICINE CO.. M ; REQUEST FOR SUGAR SHELL AND MEDICINES. J Electine Hedlcine Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. $ S'.ip Immrd atc'y, by mal', / Solid Ai-son* S.h-er Sug*r 5V ff and S'z 25- r> Pa.-kjgea oi hltcta.r Rcmed . I yr.-t to mak an tarnc t effort to ull the Mcdt- 5 cine*, and return you th' n orwy. w th the un 'cnUrd ng that 1 am lo rrceivc icr tlii* crvicc a Gutter Knife and Pickle Fo'k, imc rittcrn a* Su.-tr Shell, ard fl> alio Sii fur-Site SoiiJ An*i*nt Sitof Tttsroons. It 1 fail tn nil the Mrdklnc, I w .11 returu it to you wilt u 30 day*, and tctui the Svgtr Shell ua ciit from you. | NAME. 'Writ* N*m Plainly, "Mr, " er - !...." WrtilB VS..V "VcKV" V TORONTO, Ontario Red Witch Or t The t Wooing Of o Constantia. ***< 4^4" * I fc ** CHAlTKIl XXIX. hand, let ua unter them and thero fl Waa iitronjje. Hairy hailed him perpetrate the deed oi' darkness." the wings of love to lay hia name and fortune at your feet." "Are you mad:" exclaimed Mtronge roughly thi o \ ing oul his aim lo j force the othvr backwards. '\\hat I folly is this? lia>e >uu no respuct for l:cr or for yoursc.i.'" ('oasianlia hud stopped short; she did not l.i-im irigtiLenud. only a little troubled, a little vuxed "\.hu.t is if.'" Mie asked, looking slowly iroui one lo the oilier. Aaor a while she grasped u.11 the lucau.ng with u doligia that was rather ma- lignant,. "Thrice welcome!" he cried Ouoy- j of ihu scene, or at least, rn-ui . said l-'cathcrston and she grew rather whiiu Lpun was deterjuincd he ' SSvronije hur tjlance l,ui;urd ' So te it, calmly. lie would not be offended by anything j "I on.-*, I -n. why don't t'ly "Yeu httll be uui|.iro be- this man could hay A fctile le.l irom you spok?" said Uarrj with A i*l M two " 1 catlicrston mu.de a l ' r(llltl inl thls I ttrt ' li ' u xvl ""' snei ' r movenurut aa if to cl.cik him but that wuj quite close t the ground* Conatanna . Burr/ waved him oir. "Here in of T e Collage, and ho ti-.ped Pwion l..,n i lightly over it to the grasa bc> unit l "'1 aVc heart. lull "I t,^ ' ticgan I'calUentOQ |n-' Burr >~. wkl following hiui, looked back at Stronge. "You will come, too," he said. "Xo; thcro ia really no necessity." 1 And here am I. both bont on lading our homag'; at MI,H Loik.ttan- him. So .-.lire as you 'are of a Kood n-< -T .1 ion. >-. . hesiuiiu lo ...i.aia you- i ...-in-, aa >ou have already told us the game is in your otvn hauJs. Vou lian- but lo op.n your I In tlie programme.' M c ,ucl7 Veuard sll> " interrupted hiui. Tl.t-ie wa.-, so:.!UJ..n^ veiy uklu to the -.ther ax so (tt*cinalin tiit we '''^ery nce*slty." he said strong- murder in Fca i-.ve. a- - " ' * fl ""-',erl. lii.- bi cutit . uinc qu.ck- WHS c^ideiiliy aboul tu lane _ iu >t^ iair piay . ju ruaii.> n^ w* ^ *'P, whutl Constaj.tia s Voice mm.-- uir:ud to go wilh Uarry alone inlo t>ike in clear und duiiuil. Sironge changed color perceptibly, u " <* i 'ent wood an'l fi.r M..' u.stan'. iclt that --pceth "You mean that for inc." said Would be a trouble to hiui. Ho lelt ";' r y soflly. 1> Uiiiuld rnlher lutve t-L.-n way to, "''or you." returned IValherbton. lauRhter than to thi.s ..trance benia- "Other matters press Just uow. Ua's foet Ther. i* a hitch. twe%er. Struni<e was b.-T;muiiig when r eallier- !n tlie prograiiiuia. \\ , ,^,.li regard stl> " mterrupttrtl hiui. Uic -.ther u. so fascinating tiiat we "I'^ery ncei^lty." Le aaid stronR- -" dri-ad lo reuign the first move Come- '- wit h n" insulting glaiu-i: at. Uar- ry l fcelp ua out oi our diUHullv Slrongo' r >- "there should be a thud |>e. son ' wu WC look to you to aolCe the pro- lo - s ee fa"" P'"> " J" real.ty he waa look no noiicii oi either she aid in a low tone and very gently. ' yo houie! " 1 hrre Waa uinell.iug DO calm, so **?*** ..* hu bAAIJi ..liailKU f>tll<- w-~ * Uon of augry jiain that seemed lo " uld thB Limerick man ever so sweet- aigni ..-d. yei ho -tn-ug in Uir i numb his very heart-hiring, when he '- v - ' tul ' sntt " bre k everv bo "* '" >oun * volte ' aad '" Lhe Mj '* nl "'"" urat meeting his ye*. a> on* miajhi who had been suddenly awakened from fODM painful drearu, but site had recovered Herself quickly. 'Did you come here to advocate his virtues?" she aaned slowly. Shu h.u-dly noUCTSd lhat he did not an.suer Imr Her v.j:ce quivered will, i!|-u(>|<r..->sed eiuolion. and a MBMa; of loss, ol Injury, and lm-n died uway alloceUi-T 'li..- ',:..-. man who so lately had bcei. l,::..-,--li at her ti.-e 1 . itliould come hire coldly to- J i . lo sav a kindly U.JKI :m unolliei suitor, was very biller lo hei . all his lioanted cirvo'Kin. ' i m worlii just so much lhal he could limy U aaidtt and iorget it bo entirely that il COM him nothing lo brtbu lo her another aspirant lor thai ruii.il h* t.u.i] oi.c-p Loi.sidei ed priceleab? And >et, ol all olhers, she h.. l believed that hi. "Ihe scorn died out ol her e>ea. and a 'nil-? misi rose and blotied hiu. fur a moment iroui her sigbl She Waa d.diziavcU.. astounded at the rush oi teeliiig tlial thn-utrned lo ;iower her. Was n disappoini- ii. en'., rr grief, or despair' 1 suddenly dead cold as il were, and by an heroic determination only, kept herself from openly shivering. lo te Continued. ON THE FARM. EPILEFSK ULBAEL& to n.-cugni/.o the fact that mi', uue tut ilnee Kuitora Were on their way to Constuntia. , Ouce again in .spite of all discour- Wtl -' into lne rVutherston lie smiled for ll. iit bpceth some ; X"re now diauu up lo its nil lest height, LUnt Unrry was fcobered by genially and lead the ll wood. " As >"> will." he said, and bow- he had started forth to en-' l t> *therston followed, and BO did 'ng proioundly. he turned aiiU IcU Ui<j treat her grace more, pe.mtpa with Wtrunge. who somehow misliked that dome to put even a fuller stop to s ""'* He hatJ Featheraton and l ' I wrilleu hope of gam pace, tl.au 'roai any And now, here was Feathers! on hound on the same er- nuid Keathemloa. who had bc-n her nrhl fnt>. and though hu had sinned yet what is there that a woman will not forgive to the man she loves? He "In this thing true?" said Con- curious do- but ra-y "I hat I am iiiii'.x-d here to-day ax il all walked on in the dead suitor for >our bund >wi. Vou until they cainu to a little must pardon me ihe coarseness of liked llarry. so he went after the two atantia ihi-n. t!a.-hmg a to protect U.e latter, thouuh. in g'unce al Kealherslon. truth. Ihe former had more Deed of uuior was ai.it.lnug his They silence grass dell hrdged in by rh./dod. n- '"y approach. It Was. an vou know. suddenly lhat he uV tired, and! dronj *- vur X n r *h spot where thrusl upon me Unit he was growing old | Const amis had heard of l-i.nl Var- have iuue ou "llre lies ihe gist of tho whole l*- v ' Prtidy. Ihe one thing lin." cried Harry. the awkward silence. 1 would willingly kiun t j sue lor thua call aluue uuike luude a movement as if lo breaking into Hero Uarry came to a full stop. m> huppi "Re both de- "A Mtronaje is present to nee fair ssrt- to try our fate with the woman play." he said, looking full at Fea- ' Coutattiia put up we love. and. unfortunately, hav. therston. who paled beneulh the ' "">. *"* "> a slight gesture *om-n the same day for the trial Irony of his ey. "and lent 1 should l <<* d tt " D t>tv.' shu Mid. ra- Wlio shall give precedence lo tho olh- have sharpers' coins m my put-Wei. 1 tner ^l^'-">uy. '"t'ng i" his. iwo rT Thut is the question. It i* a suggest lhat he should be the one to B'" eyes aol^te with kcurn. aiuce have been al Ihe trouble of bringing Mr. } 'eaili-:rlon here, 1 will ask vuu lo remain .v inouinl lhal he said. sf you." "Give it upT "Give it up. it in unworthy other tt Give it up to him? ioualy. comedy, almost a fan e- it may rise toss for us. Agreed? Now then. In a tragedy!" He laughed liuhtty. Slrongo." but with iii.-uninaj. "tome, advise stmntre slowly and very uowiliing- -Strunge ' ly ,*. florln y froul hls y i( oc k)! l and > ou ""*" l ^ ke '" b " ' "It is impossible that I should tiling it Inlo the air. There was a Something in her tone tiruck like fudge between you." he said cvldly. moment's nupiise. then tliey Wuew a chl11 n Feathersiou's huurt. lie "Ihls is a_very unseuuily dispute." that Keathersion hud won the tos looked up ijuickly and marked ihe He stood back a lltUe from the coldness, the unrelenting oi her e> to. and glanced at idem cur- Ye *- lhc old wuund was open, no His e>cs brujh'on- d. his dou bt: *he thought oi that hour on ol if I gained the world by it." whole face became tranalornn-d; he ' * "*! at Ll tt liyuior. yet .: nld llarry "1 have pledged myself drew himself into a rather trium- v lroui hl en n w . he as- to II uow. and I'll curry U through pliant altitude. Yes. he wo* in luck, ' ln *t " t'^w , trkatever the end may be." assuredly; he had not been mistaken e ! cu'd combat success! ulij- It was evident to ^Ironge that the "hen he' thought lhat he should win. [' Wild. l.rcd blood Iu him had broken This happy victory was but the U>- fooie; his a>e* Bashed, there was a ginning of the end. success would ' oruH M-U.-W of enjoy mint in his ex- surely crown his every deed to-day eturned she softly. (SUinent. Ho secured the llonn lhat hud dons ' "" "'" make the ihmg "IU is so sure, so certain let him h "" -" >'d a service, and held oul ' ' -': "aid, with (<t ane a chance." aaolher to Sironge. ','. oL J ucend lo "Vou axe nothing te me." said "With your prriuiwiion I shall keep C fVnUierston hangntily My %. ord this one." he sulu. 'as a mc-uicnio ,, .pledged to rn.vw.if. I. much. I h.r. o/ this happy t,our-a a sorl of ' proposal' demanded he. as rra.*d to see Miss MaciJillicuddy trophy, you will underhand II is I lds " '">P^"" '" JSTi, .V *>* >'- -" "* ;- .-~-. ^ "*- ' ft-,. r.^'ou "Ji.rnoTm^n- "P.h.w, We al, know what that - Hopc . they ^ Win9 half . bal- ! ^"J^an^i'th^k"'^ "ZiT^ m^mm. said Barry coalemptuously. t i e> - M , d lrungt , co , d i y cour . ^ na ^ eiTort "If I awhUeTncriVv^i" teOU " y ' "-^ "ve ,,W^ Larry have-on^ /ou-^i,, you do not a e. ^i givi m to win. though he honestly believed, know all * toss for it. now that he was in bis clearest uio- an\ a n. tiMutailiint f %r SB ^KilA L Ettonts. that to neither of tnetu would nvrnv r.s^sr. t~i srrajr* a: srsurs ^^,^. ^ ,, 'UNI. look I could, if you , . _ . . " ** *f* ..w.... A.w t^ MWUb W whisporwl to him that surely Mv something farther when a slight he would bo the victor in this game rustling behind the shrubs on their Of chance, and to win would be to riKnt hand cau ght their eur. rid himself ol this troublesome) A footfall could bo distinctly ferule forever (or this game of i-h- it? why , . further pain." She drew back with soft gcslure meanl as a larewell. but ha still lingeix-d Oh. go!" sha -, h f a H heilth f rslon . anl i l!uir y There was R susp.cion of contempt Should be htsftate about u? Luck fc^ curiously in its d,rec-t,on , ,.,- Vl)ici .. lhwle , wo , wonN was on his side beyond doubt-he "'L 1 Slr " n t"' ^ r "" r P'^ I pk,,-*' ., IJScd b ( ho knew, he felt it. Should he accede A '" co1 "'' " nd -"""tanua turn.-d nside. and. like a beaten to Harry's wild proposition it would * hound. 1, ft her presence. He who fco to his rival's downfall, not to his. Uarry burst out laughing. Here i to comer an honor on her. H soaise of exultation lm\l his breast. Wtts * situation with a vengeance! . ally doomed it. now HIH li-art rose within him. but <fl"hert was nothing infectious about crept fruiu her sigh', ^-.ricken. crush- trtto to Ms role of good young man. * 1 ' 9 laughter, however; It was sugges- ed by the weight of l-.,'i scorn, tic pi la mild horror ol' such a l ' ve o( rather malicious amusement A heavy sigh broke from her. It scandalous proceeding as tossing on and "truck Stronge uni'lonsantly as was a last tribute i.i a lust illu- .1 piU'lic road. being singularly out of place. Hut sum. She moved her head rutl>. s-.lv. 'Wl.. '.? llerel" he said, in a'tone l*rry saw only Constantia and a and so camo face to face witli Of pious alarm. "Consider " chanco of revenge on Feuth"r*ton SLrongp. who. obedient to her com- "The lilies of virtue," put in H.ir- "Ah! You. Con.ilantiu!" he cried id remained upon the spot, ry with a peculiar smile, linishing a ff a . vl > " l ' moved quickly toward* but at so great a distance that what 4iip|HiMititiou* sentence for him. "If her with sonu-thing in his air that si." and r 'cattlemen had said lo U oflcads your tender morals." he convinced Sironge ho wus wholly oa.-li other was unheard by him. Ho said to sin before the world, by all loekl.-ss now. and that, to iutork-ro. v. a . now gazing ournostlv at her, tneas Ipt us wink at your doing it would be but to make bad worso an. I met the frown with which she 4n secret. The loafy recesses ol' Vou I conic in u hu|-py horn ' '-;i.ri,-d him with extreme fortitude. own woods hold out to us a hulpiux t *'.'. Ii- - I .aherston Hying ou Nhe liad started violently indeed, on BRONCHITIS A Becomes Chronic and Rotun Year by Year or Develop* Into Bronchl&l Pneumonia, Croupous Bronohitia, Asthma, or Consumption. 'I'll* ivnl il.ti.Kers of bronchitis aro sometimes overlooked. It Is too serious a disease to trifle with, aiid (or that rpa-i'M "-\orvbotly ^h<luld b Tamiliar with tho symptoms Children . linlilo to r'ntrsot bront-hiti.i. and. i( no^lected. it becomes chronic, and returns \car af- ter yi-ar. until it wi'ars tlu- |)ationt out or .1 \. -:. ]i- into some deadly lum Tlio approach of bronchitis is markod by chills and fever. na..:il ur tliruu; ra'arrh, quick pulse, loss of np- |K!ttle nnil I'rolingN of l.iliguo and lanK"of Itiouchitis is .\ :> In |..un in tlio niHK-r p.irf of th I'.icst. wh:di i, .iv.irravatcd by deep breathing Or cniinl.iua;. until it seems to burn and ter tin- ili-:n-.iu- IUUUKS of tile bromh The j-ouj(h ii dry and Ivarsh. nnd is accompanied by expectoration of u frothy naiuie. which gradually in- rre.is<-s; IH very stringy nnd loim. i 11 I'requonlly stiraWed with t-l p. un. in" unlike rl' in limbs, joints and bi>.i> constipation nnd extreme depression and In some people, the exliaust ion ni'.ouuts almost to ucr\ ous collapse, delirium follows, and ia MQ: rluhlren convulsions may follow. I 1 ' ' -. nip of I.inseeti nnd TSirpentin-'. is. wo believe, th- in >--t sflttttn ti".-\tinent for bronchitU lht money will h-iy This fact has been proven time and tinm airriin in ii!;my tl It U the i- ll\o lo.wedy for bronchitis. brcauM- it i^ fur-n-.i- Inn!? i s on the win-!..- s\sti-in, not merely relieving the co\ii<h. but n. .1 ihoroiiKlily curing the dis.M'-.v I- li.ioons t lit rough. fr*) UwtlieHof tigritnesi nnil pain, niilu i-\|i'< nr.-.tion anil IH-I in:ui"n' i\ cui iifo otlier prejiat iitii>n-- of t.ii| d ' up iit in. ,p o f Lin- rp-iuiMe T.I I !; , , I \ \\ < on tiie box you l-uv kku< times us ui .^i *' . us. All dv-nltrs, or i. Mates *. Co l A DISEASE THAT HAS LONG BATF1.ZD BIEDICAX SKILL. Mr. X. A. Cautluer, oi Bucking- bam, Gives His Experience tor the Benefit of Other Suffer- ers troi.i This Terrible Malady. From the Tost. Buckingham. Quo. \\>: Ventura to say 'hat in our town of 3. (MX) Inhabitants few bu*i- neea mm are better known than Mr M A Gauthicr. the young und hustl- ing butcher of Main street. He wasn't, however, as energetic or as Lust I. n; a coup o of years ago as he In lo-day. and for a good leajjnn he wasn't well. Havu g gone into i 'i.-,i-iL'Ss ere reaching his majority his desire to succeed was such lhat no : - | .11.1 lo k. "ping tie body in the stulo of health necessary to stuna a strain, und in consoquonce of the extra demunls upon the system it became run down to such an ex- tent that or fulling sickness r."ulted. nnd these l.-rses Into un- Coanciousnesit boroir-n : alarmingly frequent he consulted physicians and took Home remedies, but without beneflcii*! results Klnnlly se' n,' I'r urns' Pink Pills advertised as a cure for falling blcknes* he decided to give them a trial. As to the result the Fust c n iot do better than give Mr. CduthiiT's slory in his own words : "Yes." said Mr. Gauthier. "for nearly four years I suffered from epilepsy or fatlirg fits, which took me without warning and usuatty In most inconvenient places. I am iunt twenty-four years of age. and I think I started business too joung and th- fear of failing spurn*! uu- to greater efforts re' haps Uian wa.-i good for my constitution, and Uio. coneequvnce was that I booame ub- >o tho u at tucks which came ni'lioul anv wurnimr whatsoever, lo.. ving me terribly sick ard weak after th.y h :d passed. 1 got to dr. I'd then r<H-urreno vei v much t SOflsulted doctors and took their remedies to no ii'.ip'-v ;>e tit still troubled mo I saw Pr Williams' Pink Pills advertised ard iletermiro.l to try them I did BO. and the niedi- d me so much that I ^ot more and kept on 'af-i'-ir tncni, mull v 1 am UH well, ves ri-t'or. tl..n I ever was. nd am rot troubled ,u all by eprei'sy IT '!.. f. ir of tile :ii Thinking thero may be -I. I give my story to the Post . it perhaps lend them to give this great medicine .1 t I v. ... [-osl- tive cure f'-ir all diseases arising trom impoverish" <! ' i < or .-h.it ti"-,'.l O.T .1 'I n of th'! IL.lkl'S I .'\V. noli. I and giv. \ the imii -<iirri di<eafie8 as epilepsy, St. Vitus' dan<-e. juira anaemia, etc. Those pills are also a cun- for tho niltnon's that make tho li\.'S i.i' so many -v . 11:011 s constant misery They are sold in noxos. tlio wrapper around which bonrs the full n. tine I'r Wi'liatns' I'm); I'll 's f< r I I I'l-oplo. ''.IP lo |ii-oc'iro,| from or will be sent by .-n.nl. paid, at " i t'ox. IT -'\ b. MS for $2.*i. l>y i, .- Iho Pr Williams' M.-diclne Co . Brtjck- ville. Ont. Tin: luiii'i-vs pi! ':\IM v At a small country church a newiy- n urried couple wore just r- o ii-e from tho elderly as u. ! ,.u il;,-y i\. -"Iiii-t tlli'l'.lschi s .<: I - i\..- lla(>- pUy tl.'\ .-I- fiOtll L onci- . it is tho i an i o e.isi. . iovo, honor. nd obey her I follow him \vhoiov-T h-- "I'.tit, si(- " pU-adod II. bride "I h.iv.'t.'t tho . h.. intor- rupt i I) " "Uut. ploiise. sir," in rl I .MMI .1 'I't ? -i going to ! o :i Tlio l-'njli-li I ,ir.l ( i.i f .! ' . LII-K ON THK FARM. I know from obtxrvauon and x- that tttriu Uii! is nubu- a nor a |M-J,J, but like all other callings, iiaa i> .lavanla^ea and <H9- ad v antuguH, 1111 rnaana and i,ulure, wr.Lc-s a i'urrosi>onU;nt Uut not- *ithsiandm){, svum iiieru i ci,.. oi action aiid co-uperalioa bc'.riu ; und lu.-i wit.-, & world ui work and worry may be obviated. much valuable tune saved, and uiu houiu made moru aitractive. cosy and houiclike. nud tlie happioul placa on eurlh to ihe lovor of nature. But by all uieai.s should ttu- laruier and . ife recommit; Uio irreat truth that time is money, and mutually aid .in i assist each other in kuepi:iu : !ariii!n>f i;upl.-u;..-r.n and househole :. 'laM),i-ali:t.*. come- I alible p:ore where they c&n be hm .uuucHJuiti* use when occasion r ,| Jina. ar.d ;..rm . i ! shorn oi its ifr.-aLe.st oi i alienee and perse- I Tcraaco to overcome carelessocM aac! ucijuire the habit - i h.ivint? .1 place tor everythu.i; ai..l overytlimn in its proper place, bui when once acquired U becomes habitual, natural oiui |eay. It muy be that 1 .un jMWiitivQ about order in douiestit -N. and if so I aut peneclly wil- ling to reier the n:ait.-r i.j all good housekeepers and progressive farm- ers and abide by the decision. It al- ways makes me feel tired and dis> < 'n aired to see a farmer's tools scat- tered from on..- side of the farm to the other, and household articles in every conceivable place and corner. and the man nnd his wife continual- ly on the tramp, tramp. March. .search, for Home article lost of csluid and ail the time scolding and abu.s.ni; tliuir children for being se meddlesome, when they themselves are to blame. 'Ihe snug farmer and 1114 tidy wife who have learned th groat secret of contentment and suc- cess on the farm by practising fru- gality and industry and keeping ev- erything in shape, are not only a blessing to em b other and their children, but to the whole communi- ty in which they reside, if tor noth- ing more than the example they set. and the influence tor good they exert OVI.T their neighbors In many iu- stances the contrast between Ui home* of tha. thrifty and the r are so striking as to remind one oi the beautiful symmetrical shade, troet amidst rotten truuks and wind-neat? en snags. It nMjuiu-4 a ru.ghty faithful zealous t'hnstiaii to keep cool, suppress evil thoughts and keep a civil tongue in his head when living in an old shack surrounded by dirty children, disorder und con- fusion Dy all means let the mum nnd his wife learn to appreciate eack other's ulTorts in keeping order Dul Cnd pity tlie.u when they disagree and pull apart, and conclude they have no common intcrc-sit In each other's welfare and wrap themselves about in mantles of Mliishntras nnd become an Irritating influence to each other's property and happineM. It is simply domestic stupidity. Families who thus live will soon lark shadows creeping into tli"ir homes growing stronger and darker dav bv day. until life becomes burden und not worth the lixinj; I'MKY W1S1 No one can muk.j good buttur with bud odors in and around the cream- ery Pon't attempt to make irili~dg butter in the midst of all the cook- inir odors in the kitchen. You can't butter sweet aitur it baa be- come tainted. Sun.shme. good air. cleanliness and couuort aro aa important with the ti.-iii ius fe.-d. I'o no'- neglect to put on the shut- -,) ih.-y may be closed Ht night to piovtnt n. chill in the It c\trui<; w -;a i K-r . 1 hey em, ed up or buck during th.? r nil tli.' sun in tha r is this extra cure that will ina_w tng worth ulule H is a great mistaU lli>< young nniniiils lied up. They must. lia\e excre.se or they will beciitn* crooked and Bo if th- i'n-h eoWK and do not let tl'.c cold mini blow on them. Avoid all nervous exci'ein.iit oi th.-r.' will |., a loss in th tnilk pail I'o not allow a cow to grow thin durii: :.tor. i.ir >!>, will not produce t.|u: s.-in . milk in. the spring aa if - kepi ,!! lion. Pairying can no longer go on a line ;t. or luck. It must bo on the line of pro for ^s. no love for his a I. will fall beli'ml iion ami ,\\d K '.-p i;i. c.iw-, v,-,-:i i>.-,:. : ,i not let them i(et bk-nn- i and slipping placea. Week give all I)M- U'\\ .1 I The w:: . li"

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