JANUARY 23 190-2 THE FLESH ETON ADVANCE MARKOALB ..,., f .f lf , ,, f.. ... M , ,f .,..., i. ..r, r,. MTf, 9 ... Mf . r,,,, ,r, r. , ar.r,,, , ^ \ F, T. HILL & CO. M Thirty-Eight Trirrinqed hiats at t\alf price M.iny <>f r iiini:ii...l np."ial!y fur the ho'.i- lav trade mill nil- rcpif- ndtiveof ili very prettiest ,.;i I ni'^r >1|> to .lite s'mwil this Kt'Mull. Oil Kill; tll.b ."ly 1. . I | in Sixty- Four Walking and Sailor Hats, Eacli 25 cents Til.--..- .in- unliout .1 ilulit the fiiH-ot e.ille.-tion of felt li.it have l.een off-Ted you nt this price. All HIM- hey hnvi- Ic n -old nt DOc., 75c., 90., 1.00, and s .in" nt hi-,-11 an 1 7'">. Only a few of each line loft. lull Milli !< iii to n r U \..u to make an excellent n^li-clioii "i i.;ir choice only 25 Ninety-Five Yards BiacK torrr\ Serge at only 28cts. Thi-. beautiful, r.i'li, -ilk limsli faliric is mvle of fino-i, pUie wool Wcrs- 1 v .1 ll, al'-olllt-ly fil-t I b'-k dye, -Hid vtari.tii'- ! no* to p.'t. Full 44 iti'-li llf^ul.ir . < n unlc now only 'JH lo Dress Lengths fit Extra Hair price I tw-'ftU mid faucy drww good*, ^.>.1 value* t reu. t!l>ng pii'< -, lutt uii unusual hiiyin; o|i|i utun.ty n-.w i liiiiu in (!n-j 1. -'. K\t n-lly half pri..-e. 240 Yards Tweed Up to to 60 cts. at 35 cts per yard ,, Now |Mtvni twouls (mill emln) varying in loiuth fr mi _' y.ii.h up. I ,-niliful all wu..l g..Hl. Tin sr h.i' > n.ld all m-ii.vni ut 4."'. -is. Ml, tK), HIM! are tlie bc-t valuua in town nt UIOHI- ptici-H, liui l<> cK-iir tin-in quickly wo ' tlitiuiill HIM' piicc', JUT yuitl '''> 265 Yards Tweed Worth, up to $1 atperyard 53 cts In fine Sui'ii ^ Twi'.'d* tliij is lliu j;rato.t we've i'Vi i in-ill". .M:.Ht ( f ill. SL- are in siitli. it-lit .|UAn- titit-n fi.r mi II'H suin ami nuke a vuiy pi ifx-t collec- tion. If y.'ii ni|uirf a hint this is pruhalily tin- \umt l.uyiii({ n|i|M>rt unity that will ever como yi'iar wiy. Tri-ils w-rlli 7."', KT>, 90,1.00 are now marked (u at only 5y Knitted Shirts 2 Child's Knitted shirts for 25 cents Tlieae are made of bet quality all- wool yarn, xunrtud OokwtMdtiieH and rt^uUrly Mold at 23 cU. each. \Vlnli- llit-y luHt uku yipur i-ln.iiv _' f., r L'.'i A limiti-J q-mniity C..M..II thread, (LtX) yards.) 2 *; fi.r Silk ihn-ail, <-.,:, iro-i mi<l I.Iick (50 yanU.) 2 six^lg 5 fin r ' r.i',' ainl Kxu]iy yarn, in greys (.'f K!I,I.II-I) Inuwii, (^ phatles) fnwii. i.-tvy. Mack arid fancii-.n regularly Hold at Sand 1U r^. \T kimt, to clcnr REMNANTS. REMNANTS. REMNANTS. Kv.|-\ .l.-pKiiiin i.t of tl.e strre has hd.lcil i's <|n..!i to our stock of these Itvmnnntg of DRKss i;iit|is T\\ KKI>S,TlCKIM;s. Ke.niMiiis ..f C.fons.Coit..,,,.! H. Shirtini'", l''liiiiiioln,Flnn<-i. ; Lmen.s.Towell- .. in -.. Mn-liii. t-tr. All clawes of K'-iiinititi K-llini- atalnmt half pn even lens. C.|i hny.T-. .u.- mon.-y h n- every day. T. C. fiiil ^ Co. I markdale. I Importing Retailer*. ^MMAMMA^^ I. WKKKLY ATTIIK OFrtfl. LIM.Hn.,1, sTIlEKT, FLK Mlil.x nM . l lv . II. THt KSTO.N. I per annum trir(ly in advaiH-r tin- iluti h of s-eretary were aai-(ii..l t X*?dTi'CG M' 'I 1 Mum 1 . . i.f the !a*t iiMi-tin.' i. ..I un. I nil"). dil. The s :' n~> | n -..lit. .1 'iy tin- M |i.nl .hoftc.l tl,,v live rceiil.-ir. l .in n It. T i.f rjiccinl, n,. cCnus had li.-lil <luriii|{ il.e yi nr,iit li:cli nrifli '. n-i ; -)" il ii ! |. ' l'i tin* ilnirc.li li.wl the I ceii tiiin^net. il. Tin- orilinnna- of l."i<l s Suji, ci hi 1 , in crin|i]i MI c K i'n I lie H mil of (lie IMII.-I.I! AM-cllllih , Ii. en in Advertising Kates: m- t'oluiun, 1 yr. ->0 , hlf col.. 1 cvr, .i"iiin,> ' . 1 1 .1 ;.- nl the tint! s.ii .(jirtor ool..ono \<'r. 13. llieiic'A ei-ul my n-.il on tlie f. ur l ci'iiiiuii' KM . f..|!oine;il.c -illcii.l i i' ill'-l' nil tilt) ll. Ic ll.-lll.' co,Kl. Dentil four tunes ei.ici,.i t 1 ..- t"l I AII.| . illcil to Mis. tunic Nation liag tlirowu licr their i.-w..r.l HI,. I n ' Mi l.hlclul cncr too iiftui. Tina time it M *)*_. McC.ilm. n, Mr. \\m. 1'. tdi Durinn E.G.. Society The I 1*1 <.roy Acriciiltiir.-il Society li.'I.l i!s MMi.ti.-il inn -tin.- in tln.'T. wn Hull ..n \\ < .In ^. Tin- l .t. 111. -Ill hli iW I I. . l|iM i'f 5'.) i:J iili.liiinell.1 Mi f lf\ 1 .' I.-MM..K H l.ilniu-o on h.u.1 ot $47."'<H. I '.' | I C 'll III 'III. I .s. ,,. Illil.i.int- Tl " 1 w ' llcel ' Ullil - v ' fo'iii-'yoiin ii,- 'i.lc ',,'f il,'."coni;i.".".''||"ii l ''"". A . S. VHII|IIS.-H. .I'.s I ..',. n;aud . . . J " i d i.i ... n- i t. .. 1 "ieleimtea to tlie Ft.r Assuc-mtn-n uniiii.-tl in-, fin.' The li.ife of ill. 'i.-M fn'l f.i ' >ef. L' :in.l :t, sulijeet i .11 ut June me.-! in.'. The !! fi.iii ..! ' i.ttiei-rsi r.-Hull.'il at follows: I'M ^ . (i. ... Mitchell ; lit \ : I K. R.ithv.in ; I'ml Viecl'i... \lex.Muir; See., K. .1. Sproiil.- : I'rictoiM. |{. J. S'lroul.', Wal'er lUrtiniui. .1. I . < .mlinm, ilu venr ' :l *- "''''Hi. U r.c-i, .1. (i.-ini'-v. W. H. pi T la.i in In r work, because, al tluiii>{li slie may etiii ki < .> uji hi-r cotir- ilic will not he able to toe the bcrutcli asslio ilul i . i n hi. l l en, I'hii-t, ie . n . .1 I.L cl.urth fel nnil ir.li.'i lliri . net. u ., -i\etl l.j t in. i II- iiii.MiU, ineltiila y. tin.-, rt TLc question hail iMiued uw/n, >li\iii, l:i\in_- In. Icit lo.. 9 lf<n I'" 1 *" 1 ' "" '" ' ' l^-ll'l' 1-- (irnlitmlf to Illll UM .1. it i r I l I'll- the i.rc.tl llca I ut tbu i hurcn for lileinu w. in.y .Ajxct to li.ai fir-in llagaililii .], ,,.,! .1 .-u..! ili,-e,.n-r.- L line iniisenm to the south of ns i' " < 'l'i- ii."" Hin.ili.r year fu 1 <f .yokno,. 555 , M grjT-i ______________ f .1 l!,e S.ilibir.li sclionl. IIisie|i. it * us -r.-ii.j .LI i h"|M ful ooooiading wi'li I D.UM, II.^A^Wfiiming--^^^^^^ to 1. I l.is Ill-lit slime, anil I flj Of il Lebon) sh<M>_ll tin- I-C.-CII/H, iiic!i:.hoc; ., Strtirl. I'l.iuiei- It .^i IN tin- (-)i' tin- '' l fi'.'in lHt yeiir. . . i. i I'diilitiirc pS'.i I iv, Uidooiug it slight attack ol jjilr.lialtuia. Tlio Mail of Jan. 17 hicii'.i.in.i ilie inciil' n: in the i.i : l:in t's excuses fir rffiifiii^ a prompt ;y l I!IL I ::eiu 1 . '"" iniinity wa in n'lj ]iiii)ctiin!i] in the Legisla- tun .1:1 Wcilucs 1 iy iiy Mr. Itn.'ic I'-- LIKM-, tlie ni'iinbfi' for Centre n nalan ,,.,,, r; ., - M ,, ; s .,,. 1( . ty r . .,,,, |34 48, expvudituro f 21.87, I"!' '"'" l! T'"' 1 -" <l "- v A "'- ( maiubennip 41, h nl i BUoowMul Oil"! of the UOVCrii- ; t l, r ,.,,., p|., I ,,..- jil:!-J :t(l, ei| ..... <liuue 't"* 1 '' :i -"'. ll - 1 -""'' J "" l:1 "" 1 *-">.<'> '' I" an iloiV lei.oil of ill conjici- iiiniml ,.,,,., ,!,.,, .,i,,, w ,.,l . ..... tipcn.l ..nil ^-ncrnl a.eoiin'. io In ll? W, * tl !** lh. -Uwud, Mi ItolilHIld oi-Kaoll N MlMriM iillil o-'ln-r >ll (inv. , , |.MH ii Inul I..-, n p:t.,l, ICIMII . a lialancv BOM llftd PlofeHaeJ to be MU f , ., 1 cc-oviiit ; I ni,.| aiiiazl that anyone woul.l eglllallOU -DfcCtlDg! k tntitu r tlie coiiits. He was pioru|'tl> r. fi.nr.lliy Mr. l.ticftM to the action t'l \ the .inv. nniii'iit in IH'.W in calling' n Htu-cial Houion U> aiucii.1 the law ,. '^^ , N| ,, ganlllli- the lightof COimtablce lO VOlC|* r ,,.,ieen MC-H.H J"hn Bliioklmr while th.'HfcVfial C'8P8 V. n (H'lidillg.! V ' Sl'-.nt. icii ; iin m.-n. IM its. If tl.e (!<>\< ii. mint \MI- ii'l On church IX) lmr| I.e. n , ,.!!. .i..| which, irithi 9100, diawa from Imnk .lo p.-Mt iinl oilier i'(jeei|.ts, n'li'.i.n'e.l t. |, r i7!' 1'.*, out of nlii'li th re li.i'l l.e.i H.il on tnor'nuje. ni.il iniere>-t -J1HS 7-"'. e|i.l-iic I III - ink Jf'jM'. Mill. a* inn liil.in "ii I .in. I ?>l".l I.".. Tin t'MM-l .I.IS. M it en |c c|.-c! . I II . I if I ere re vlrclnl, an. I .Mi JOH.|;I.I. u. mi., \\ J. DLACKSniTHINH D^l/, Chirk'-. . i|.l Mtiinil \v. If '.,f M.\ X \\. l I I V U A c l.uinllu woo.) work of nil kiiul*. 1k^ ii-i-ii off" llorae-thoeinib* |.r. inpily atteinli1 to. il .-mention to iiiicil'ciii. ; _n.l tenil'T oontrHeteil feet. . Chopping tli'iie ovcry day it C cts. bag. ' Xo.XoX^V Bros. . Vaxwull, Out. JROTON'S CASH STORE. -. tireat L.ti^.tiiis in ill li.ii'l of wint. r Mcns.ii.il |.n\s li.-.it y mill.. r, rc^uUr |.l,.'i-> 1 thl to -.' 7-'>, eleiiril'g nit HI 7"> fl .1 il _' 0<l. \j\ ;i. ^' o\i r.l. .. I. ii-, un ],ii.-, s 1.00 .n i I I!.".. Men's h'-nvy iiiitl-. _.">.-. ,ii .1 I IHI f'.r IS, , ;;. .,,1.1 7-'f l.aric ..f inei/K Fie:ivy ox, must ireclcircil at a priee, 4t'.-. (ill.-. ,s;.,-. Sn;i|i iii men's Kolt II .- rt>KUUl |.i i M from I I II |.. .' J.i, your choice for 08e. I . . , - -<iil,,| Hinl Walknu H ii, ur.-at Iwrjain HI 4S, l.'i'lies' Tr ie. I Il.iU Mdliin; in ||., iil-ii w.-iy -' (HI to I ,MI, t nl clexr t I 'Jo ui il :i ilil. Su m. n'^ Mi. ivy Trtci'.l MII>S n-gnlai- pi ice 117."', IIIHIII |.i,,., I I i > \ II l-.u_ ll-', >-, ^ siuls 7 .ill, ..., s ,l, MI- lio.rtl, II Mi-T.lil.sh I. it. i I bill |'l i.-e .-I ('.Slew ll ailing to do, on that occasion, wb( 1 Mown, A. S V.niltiix. n m.il .1. lil,.l it |.<>..iiu>l) r.f.msto doiiowtu |m '',"" M 'V',' -' 'V", 1 "" '", "i; Ml , '' '' Hbt-iiuaid choir lea, lei- tod Mis. Jos ,iii i. ft tin- public. Mr. Lnou point was n .,,iii, um tir]i ,,; r . M- Jo BUckbui ( H > ' iini 111 men's ! his wan i.- d . itinl un , iiic, H ulno wnw ... ,, . DMI ."i.im tin .ii'i n in re i own iMppjft l-,,yHn,.,t,n,,. _ n ^ _ s(i r t| ;iii M .1,111 111-^1111)1' I 1 I' I' l I.l,. l| in lli|.lll"-Ml,- lli<- II VVil-i tlelivci I mann.'i. which nil .',\ that Mr. Lut l: r, l"r. . . i Mb it'-i . , Cl, II X. M. The Year In Chalmcr's Church. 'I'll. . n;u a'loii.'f ('ha'niiu < chureh |i Id tb lit niinnal In incsi n:ci: nu in I ''' .it of Ihe rlnnvh on Tli:. NfL-rno in Ust. Tli Te waaa KO.K! nlli'inl aiif>> and all were |.lei^e.l with tlierep.irla Mi.l dpir.t "f haini'iiy flint i>re\aili'<l. After thu devotional uiTeiion, lo.l hy the piHt.r, Kev. L. W. Thou, Mr. Jamea I' f c tin in i.v f tl It-ill i it 'ii, Hii|ierni'i Hilent u( I.! .til. !, c. ly Ic'l li\ tlie < lull- I. I ll , liKiiH.'i .^ I i. nl ii'. il oh i'. i cil il.e i ilniiikt of li.c c nui'e.'itti 'II noil I lie . Ilie , In,, ,1 w it Ii tlie i i.\ I ;', a. i I ,11 . wu vo ( t. the A C. llni^f- " , 1 iii'til li'iM noli) a ' , [i!,i,'st'i M.I.I toiilin iii. u. I il\ . In...- l.'iiclii i who has lo tni\el two miles (.. lu>r Hclmol. The Enirprie unyH I|H-M iiiiin .1, will tine', f in mi en un hour l.'l|'1, y ' ill ell Inns' iin uil'l*> of Pr ntn, im. s 'i., m .' t , s, |.-.|- yiti.l. I M j,,, - ir n I Mins nn.lci . .11 l,i, h MI Ilii n l u \. i) low c.isli |'ii e ; y. n ui lo |i|n cn.ite ill,' \.iln liio-il lmi|>.in N in I ,il es' I'MisetM, I' . i I ' i nl i.l liS.- -ett im nt .'- Ill HS 'hell I'-'i' c . " -1 I '.cm i. ill iii'i'ei-i on, . | n . -t i, . , iroiiliie t'l h.nv i'n, i\*. lO lh. (IranulitcJ ui;r $| , 'I I ... M' < till! (' ill , l, | , f s'llt. llinli.'-i | i ic, tm f.iini, rs' |ir.i<luoi>. I*' 'tOO'fl ' ' ' t--ti Ht. il f. JPa^rri to Rent n>l, l <i y I faini tort'ii!, ..t..< n I hn|i m.l< from Kl>i.tt.>n, IKiaoi '*. '.(..-I itn.l ; fair oroliarj iiUi-< ap|i t t . t!i,i :I-H|,,.KU Mr* A H, ,>, I* I, l.nk P.O. K .. | FLESHERTON In Carpets! Looking OM-I- our Cirp:- f st.x;k we rin<l we liavt? a lot of -hurt ends of d. -.- iraMc patterns li-ft o\.-|- we want them cleared out i..-t'oi-e >tock taking and to make tin-in move (|uiekly we hiive etit their .^ellinjj prices lielow first mill co>; many are just suitalde for small rooms, ranging from ."> to L'II \ards an<l you'll find them all go d -crvicealile jat terns. 7.") cent Tapestry Carpets, tliree |uarter, for .")."> cents 40 cent Tape-it ry C;-rp -ts, thr. ([iiartt-r^ for 30 cent - .')." eeiit \\'ool (',,ii:,-;s, yard wide, for to cents r> nt I'liiou Carpets, yard wide, for 3O cents 4O cent Dutch Hemp C .rp.-T-. \.-ird wide for "27 \ <'t.s. :$."> cent Hemp Carp.-;-;, y..id wide, for '2.'> cents. :;o .-.-ut Cnion Carpets. \ard wi-!i\ for L'.' i;> cent Hemp Carpets, for 11 cents. ~ 25 cents I'rinu'ed all round pretty new patti-i-n- _'.") c-'-nts I! ! IN ! ! ! i n's Pants at 95 gents :it) pairs Men's Tweed Pants, in neat dark striped patterns go<nl wearing tweed well cut well made nicel\ finished. Si/es ular Price to 10 wai^t. Ilfg- '.") for MMNNMMNI , Double Winter 0uitji for 4 Men's houlile iireasted suits well made from heavy all wool tweed neat dark pattern nicely trimmed and lined, si/e-; :Jto4-j. Regular Price $6.50 for . $5.00. Wall Paper SPECIAL January Wherever we have only a few rolls left of any particular pattern we have placed them on our Bar- gain Counter for quick selling these small quantities are just what you need for papering halls or l>cd rooms and in nearly every i ase we can give you hol- ders to match. Pretty Wall Papers, including gilt and glimmer effects nice patterns up to date designs. Regular Prices from ,V. to LV> cent,. Our Wall Paper Sale price starjs from E F L E .3 II E R T O N ADVANCE JANUARY 23, 1902 - Eburcb, Tltsbtrton I -' : ll'lll.->y 1 1 H 111 .'C "I \>. til it* loruuxt 6abttb Vicinity Chips f 'i ir.M -. -. --:Jrs of the r :. < <'uli<-(J for (he ..111 at the MiUiiail H .11. 'I II f I itf'i.ls h-i'f S it* eorronponJonce h lil . Thornhu-y. calL-d mi U unavoiilaMjr > it r:'id V'rii(l 100 cord Bfif !.l v.r\. M.'ik \V.l<..n. J. II. M i- I iii s .f li i : Mi-i. .1 'in Sli.;p|>ard, r , v.s- .'! ' til wo k. n if Ftve:sham U the gueat Mis. A Stewart. for tin- |*ri.!i4icutiMii !{ Mr. McArdle of M.vliit.-i|.. for tfii; .lef,n.Mr. Th lurly re- : u .t;iy DODgm klktMM over thu re- <ulr, ni tjie nyrriMtiiy i.f the town p- ptirr<l to IK; with her a'u.'xrt. u> a man. \' i lejiresin: i-r..j mi-eting f,f ihu i ami iiienii.vni i^ the Melhodi*it cliurdv, lieitl ut 'he d. M- i f tliH m"niiiu! service on Sui.i^ay LtHt,it wan uruuiiuiou*- ly rexilve.t t.> holti union evat.i-ulinii : gerv.cfx with thu Prushytemn .-hurch ,' Ihe ui'Hith of March DeXf. The Vat.torx wilt IxuHutij-te-l by Rev. M. N. :io K. v. Wi's n, vho u jjersoiiiily :K'|' -iiiitetl W'th Mr. Bcthuno, speak' of hail .i-s i | r. .'idler >,f nnu-,'i,-Ll .: 1 ; . unanimity an with hi.;:i l t . int.. lh*> ripirilof iiiin.i) .-rvicts an*/ ir well f >r <l.e succerw of ihu , n- rr J-il.n K. Sv-fiolm, arxl a i.uini-er if ~- . l.c v leui.ly of Dun,: The .- _-'tin^ ',.,:<! a nu.i.b* r nf i.i'" i .-., > . l.y th: J. L illy ^anie **.-l n. wl.o ii.--ke<l ill". n to ico with him n.ij n.i, i-. :.-.i tlie nm^wtrat-e. so. ami n-iii'i-idi tin. "I f~i The > went umler the imnruMion any o <1 time. i lie l ,i' Ji.h:i V C. B. \Viil ii H-irry Ernest, Harry Trny iinr, Il?bert 'i.lii.iur ai.'l .vjrt'i ilysi>ep8ia til)le ; n, sol 1 at 'he Medical 1 1 FR KENT OR SAL! lllii.'-i 'Me; iii r'lu*iherti>n. 1- t llridtinry. In- .rjh-11 "f Dnrham f<nrJ r i .'. i . . .... tlay. Th . --tito c'ltnni.'Wivineni for C<n're tj ''' .-Mid .\!'j'ii !. 1.^ - ii*i-l. Mr. an.. .rn. <1 last wiilc fr 1 fr .- i I. ; tt i.-lni li > Mr. \V. 1*. i ' B s! y i'r .*e <> 111511 . .*! on S -.'.I ,U- .'ay. 1' I*. . ; . -'i. , ,m val on T., s A [ K .1 c<r- Tl.e I'd !. k II. r '.- i'ul-n Ptotdii Sta ti' ii ' iy Tiwn.'' It fcay that wit!; I FIX Aln:ut niity ntvpayrn of the <. n.-l.in the Prvn the accouu's f th.* u, .in ! r >1. I' u:l tj the o -. ' ! K .tT'fllio Art. m^nii* Uitt'rict f- r a livfl thri u.ii Liiiujwniuii P - i.rs. v - il. u . i : Turk, Port Hunn, are .ir u oi her, Ms Ue" .i ill. The- F.u^^i.i* Oringemen will their :u,.i iV t iirerta.iiuit>t Jan ill. M r l^'-in uf O en S iv>l .n-1 ^['feJ to irake up an evvi.my ' la- Far -b'l 10, .N I'.i: . in th* t >wn-hi|i ->i.i, in tii !ioue nod twn hi^r nar- 1 ii-. kr *u Api'ly t,i M'.-i t'. .*. nrr, Arthur. < >tit. i < K .'-I. .it I M taken a c n.- tru? : i \ K nice mid will Uy l-i< 1 ill . f :-ii' I'vt.-ioiiir ri .k-:> f\viy wi-tk hencef.'ith. The titst aniiuuuce- i bst wecjl. I '.c.i.l it un i-ut firbt | MM i U 4i io 4j p.T cei.t. Ex|- \1-" uumUr of in. ptvjviil aiivl uii!iii|<m*rd funs fi.r sale che.Aj.. A|'|ily to Ge". Kutherfonl, 5 s hil Liarn. , >r Dundall i ttic Satuul-iy alter Mr. Win. Ihivn of ihe Tomiito line hkB a valu :!'! young Durham bull wli cli liu hdvoit.M u tins iiwue. '1 lie ai.un.i! Mas puu'li..>. il from Mr. Artl.u J..hnton Mid gaver.s owner the very test of s.itLt- fcli"ii tut } F.." : i ton l.'.Jicn created ijuiie a seiXHtion d- a fcvr in in- nl Da 1' v ,i . ^'011 lay. Thi y ti-tomp:id to "viit' r. ui d tlieeurnur- four <{ Mit-iii. miii. I you, in oi.e cui'.ir- n- t mm ing thbt tlu-ii- we.>;h'y bn-ii s inai.e ' lie \ tup luitvy. Oi^r tnt ih. lU'td. l.ttiKs, hi.rw and aiL ' l n | en, f' ur laitiii lia-l :li ir nen - 'it dialurbvvl, ami ir-at w,i all. D StJltioU (.011. i s vii'i it" [ rtii'i;l.tly c n>..t on. Ti..~ I in.- U i> '. other " inyhtt nous " d: a|i " M ', !i>n 1' ill a .: |'i.iri- f. : ...s. At one Mm ! i ui the 1 oiil. I in f I . ban ' . nii|'l- inei'i 1 n ni.s.. (In . riv-li' i'f l.-is' weik he . 1. 1- '-nil linuuls ami h s n t ! . I I, ll .1 *!lej. il ': f.! , . i|. il me nnu !i n. I iii I'.Uctittiiu.; his l.en M! iiu'H Tlirve in- f. nir fi inn are involved HS m 11 it luany p imte c ri \ us. An unW'unale vh.ol oiiso >aii Iwf. .n- M i ;t- rule V.m 1 uscii n the town I all I'u I' >> i venii'it in * l-i. Ii oi.e ff n.i- Im'y tiaeh.'pi wnschmg.d l.y Mr Th-MiiAH HUkcluy with having hd atliul. i t ml . u -unit o puuishuieiit Ui hm daughter. Th* trial lasted fr. m 6 t . 10 tin. and nuied in admnilMAl f 'hi- e.i^e tp/er Saui|uiuuf Owrn Sound a;>|> > f the iit-ateM .-UK! uumi up-to-date farm ri'-ufetiee'- in tin- t.nruhi|) i* tin' ..t Mr. Win. DMI, j'l^t ii'.nh f M.i4 >i!- !!/. - ' l.iniri . r- r J List ii'iim. r. . :.e und l.i-i family are r. Thu liuil.. ,ht ruoiB* and heated hy a n.-we, an.i is Very C"ii.f' -rtl'l. ii 'f titfAirs U fast ..it a-*.iy '. an.) fmgahty ^ our farutuis i-- u>h.-r irj in the <l .HI. nil 1 |iioperity i ! l>i..i.cer work .ml t. t). lav all ill H ^tdl pi. d on in ; :i-- "i.l i differeutway.bot th >ie hi>tnve lor iiii^r A-'-iKiiir. Jill t ami i heir nr.'le c.isy. . Mi. ml Mn I'.iv.i ai il trul Ih.t ih,-v niy Dew an.. liiti.iUi.ine rt-i'ii . . l>r. Lnwford, iiiis<ionary a; . e t IIP K|i'.nli I.. 14 . n miiuu 1 ' t 7" unle f K.linoiit.'n, on the rn-uli i< I in that <lii'i! -t. | nui. a i here are llO^ ' -ci-.'.ittl 'hem a*, spaakinn ". isiaii languai'c, .i.j.l <.. akin <;<al with tl.e .<.! lunnil i -ki i csp*i. IMII'I tiin-tid women w. ir * Tliy lire i.<< so lirly lhey h.i\e I en rlwry.ii .11 h rKi"K,nnd keep iue coat. ik<r 1 of ll.ill- ll and th.- luigu 15.U M.UI t. \e, . Tcr hich iveji, Th.y are mi induKtriuu* fr.'iii y.ijii';c-t lo M.- I i 1 f.f- .r mi.i i. in 1 . carry- u oiu n oie, < ll en the <'l!r r Ii. ^o ,1 lov hotiM.-* nui we I, l.i c* t.hniL' l.:li n -ide ai d "t tllelll Low l;:nt- l.lon -, . < anil i-ther imhli-in Then was that i f I i li'lt tllvte <-r: . Illy IKH I -. in the vthoie ilitiT'e', >d ha cnn- M.leied III teacliiiii; <>f the ehr gion it . ryii i{ . u. They were Vviy t n .t tie ril'U'iii^ !rei it -.in-. There as quite t I -n; of int.: IV i r II . h .a an li.xu - mi-tit. II i vl.ich wil 111 -in ^t pr.'lo 'je nn-ei o| innoya e i li^hl tlie ditficuity of ^'.-iirn ^ itainpH aft<-r . o.- MI cur '*t i n : mnchinc, l-i h H" tr ;. " ""Xe.--, I. as t>- o eo-npaniiu-iit-* If you drp i li> t ir p .c.- n. !).. -ilo- ..i f the in. i. liiiu- lh- saii.e aim in. t M 1 out. T*o ,-.). ;.i r-; ill the othei liine is n. wanted v> .i-.'l .til \ou h.txe ! ilo M to en the -l.tiiip. alii X n. drop y ur l>-t'tr . :ho ' in ii .-n.iy l:..:ii .I-IM lUin'i ! U I), n workii.j; u;.*. f..r n. d i ow h ,s 11 in |M rt.'vi onl. i H< i> Bond Ifin f its aeet . : ' i hines La*' fall.* St. MitryV man took his into Muakoka wild [or the annual deer hui t. Towards thu end nf th timt week, while out after (fiir.e, OMI of hiii dog* otfendcil hiui.xnd manner I.e kicked l.uit. The auimal liowletl ami ran away The liun'i: la.-k ti> the rhack, l.ut lnn lie miurned it ni^ht the r!og wan nt ihcre The other do '< disappcitred, ami the St. Marys' man returned home. Ttiree dayH alter hu arrived at .St. )!ary*, the hound he had kickril. ^ r .ui.t. f,n.!-..r.- i,:d exhau*'- t..!< 1 ii.'.. the kitchen. And yet hit dux was titkf n to Muskoka hy way of ntn. A: : AUCTION SALE. VlLriLE F4XM PROPERTY In tha ioii-.hip i.f \:'.!ne8ia in the .n y of lii-.-y. KGB SALE OX -- WED. igtli FEBRUARY. ioa ' >reuooo at Muo-sLaw's Hotel u Trie V|LI.\IE Ot : FLE>HEBrON >: "1 i>i>w.. lfc ear l landii'. I!.' . imttu IU for, in*.. - ' . M I i in..- ' , r .1 I r 14J mo a >t borabtu- 1 o .t>*r> 1411 : '.'! \i .- . , * i . . l ..t... r. .. - : , : .. ,' A t or (a ... 1 r ..-:'.-. i - ' u . M, . nt th.' purcUfeM> -.in.ney un the .!> <>f *nM Far baJauca d* known at lala. eHBKUA I.E' JOHBK. ! > ik KBID, BoUcltoi, Toruuio UiMt. 1'otouto or to- il. J. 8pn,.,V K .|. . out. Hail Contract S*-\l^l TV inl*r , inj. w.li bi r*elv*d t Mftj-jM IT Mail" putxl cuuinut fur four >ear*. BI& w* i k way. butWMn Duuliuwu auU U thv Ut , v* ^fnut- lv*d t ;* until IT Mail", oti t utt each , ; t th P * v vi-ll . ptuu and at I!.- Mail. ABTBVR LIMM. X > > t i < ihf ..c ii heivbv i i.iti' tur trn.iifft.i A. J. In.. 4. 1803 T.J. u Still Farm 11U clfmr-i.1. .. L. ll.l l.V > '.>..' I ll.Mllj|LII . , 4i'i''y x* Sala Nell BOAR ' r. ,v si-, n thi>ru<it;Kbru I V... k>>ir.i*J #1. K. I'^IKNS. T. i|J . Farm For Sale. T' -MIA 1 ' , pait . 1 HI. inn i-ur- NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC t her-' ! ' th- |fwr tl pnbli I i*t I wi I no' her. ltr re i .n|. . ciblu for any .lobts c >u tntcl ' any rn tir i^cowr vrit'-n :u^tr,i.-%iont bv inv. M J',1901 JOHN CIil?LfcTT mm mi Saturday. December 3ist. \ ,-1 i. i. ; u . .' ' . - -ay ami il :n,iv mfler- U o. Ii ti . I \ II- (i \11AT. **rop. I" 1 1. M i u^ i . ! ' r I i'.-kislurc 1'oJu 4 IDC*!* . .1 IVrk U'lt.ltHI 'ii*ai. vi. n Xi-.tli-i.LicN Nov. - IM T'|am> i ton E^osnr t'DIi Th iroui|lil'ri>'l Kcrk-.hu. Hoiw for sonflco on I a M i-ni.. t, linr> -V- k ;.n i IU|r>e. TERM* It vvv. : o: l >r. jjj 0, * it Ring out the old, ring in the New Welcome to IgOa. To-day we take time to review the year pa.it ;unl rt-Hect on the \i.-u.r just u.-l.-Tcil in. l.o! in.irkcil th" l>i--^<.--i ,unl mo>t .>u<-r.-ful year ihi> store lias i-M-r ha<!. Now wi look forwanl to I'.'ii-j with new hopi-s, l.irj^i v am.Mtioiis, n.-v. cnthu.-i.tHn an<l l-ri^hti-i- pnnni>'->. Our >uri:i>.-. of P.n>l *hall lie our inspiration for un-ati-r ar.ii<-vcm<-uts ilnrini; l'.r_> for we rlirri-li a ni< >i -iin-i-n- !' \otion to the int.-rt-.-i - of our many frit-mis ami a larjr<-r ilet. -nnination to.l.-- MCW tMr good wfl) by doing !n-Uer for tlu-nr A \.-ry Happy New Vear to all. a/ a. ... a. a Or \\V e.imnienn- to take stock in four wei-ks ami in those four \vrek.-. we ha\e <i.'<:i<lt-il to <-li -ar.t.- n.u< h of the -lurk M possiMr hy making a ^nat c-l.-arii._ .sile. \Vc li.tv.- -' -l.-.-ted tii-- ni'i-f -.- i-i.iialilt- ainl appropriate ;_ iod> th.it an- at a demand and inai down to siu-li an extent for these four w.>eks th.it you'll quickly decide lo jirotit \>\ .-oiu> of the liiir lar- \M.- i ai. T Come Early I'.i M i: < I'. : $3.00 to clear i'l.'j* 1". M.M-? " toclear at $3.00 11 Men'- t ' ' ) clear $4 10 La.li.-3 J it;. '-, rc s ular $10.09, f,i $7 50 t? I ."><) j.'i I.'i.ii. ii- 35 SO IK $ . ,$7,to clear $2 \1. n s K: I ..--.". fir $4 00 10 <)' ; ill-wool sweaters", all colors rcg. GOc. ' 1 bale fiic -i. 2000 yards mill endb, '}. 4.5. i, ami 7 cents 1 bale wliiu- cotton. 1000 jda.. tuili ends, 5c. u liil '.i i-'Mlur*, ;. 15c., 3 for id* 50 L . nil w .inn for I'.m-.- wear. n-i*. f 1. $!.5<), $2 IM). to clear 4" Btt. awers, O.K. brand, lar 60 cciitr". f .f 40 o<-nis. $ i ^ * o> ,- Of \J/ \* Oi AU lines of un'ierwenr v - All "ue in \>J*' 'tii'lerweitr ^ \V i lie:.;. \..- .r m ikm-.* t.ii; cn*-i in .1.1 !l ' ^ ,J/ > : '' ' (* . _Ji lh muliitel sii'4'ir M * f..r fl. .'.') 1 1 w. ,.f bet ye; -1 The abovu prices are for i tj- caih or it." equivalent in produce. ibbos. 3. Sbeppardi Pleshcrton, ...BOLND TO PLEASE YOU... VJ fy Kxaniin- mir >loi_;li-: ;ui<l i'uttei'> before ^ is mil- aiiil'i'tiiHi (' k-;i<l in flu- ( .1 and want you tn ln'l[ We- inaki' a specialty (' 'arriaco It trade sh,,,'ii; : j ,-tn<l - of all kin- Is, ;>.irti' ularly, Kirn- ( 'arri.-iges of all kiii'ls. J. H. Heard & Son HARNESS 9 Y.u : .j WOMiN! I'r pa ' . in.-' i : ly ukini* c. ui.se at i An. I tli.- ).iiiulln i )i tli.- '. > -'i . .<n in F,.' h -r-.'ii eiiiine. col'ar. etc. <"li .sc M nr eily lu Nv-'W to .<J< in Si-.'s-a-ehewui Itutf.i- 1<> r.'ln-r, rul.hwr an.l nool ru?-*. hbtnkctH of all M/.O an.i tioii-t. Cuii'V I'oin' .s. l.rush. s, col- lar nnJ sweat pails. Ic.thcr Mi>p, whip- and It-h- *. irnuk". >tli-e-. liivi.^Ic". a- <l CM-rylhilii' Ii mill 'ii an h.irm s* t W. 9J?ooro .h ' I . : I .- ..... \ > 11 ii will r*is lie mi'.y wh" ar^ ei ..mv. ria^ to liniUe a , ">ii noli in. an* You ..-a-in . rfo elsewhere, f. r ur in pin nt a:o u: ii i .iw ..p.-n. s- ;i<l, nta or i m<v CataJugtM i v. i -i ;\HNt; Principal. Second Rand Farm Boar for Service Thi- un l.-'-M^^iml '.1%^ a ftn youitff th.-. ur f.,r .>enrionl 1 V - lock. M ' . ouit Service. <.ntliM.ltricon.Os"-" ''. l"'f of 1 Hii'l W. at ,.( i. c'HitAini..t; tiu L !... iv'.H.iit '.l . aertM cletkin.1 auil - . t.viti..u; l,ar.iix>.l hiiKhijo.'.! urch*i 1. l-.m.l wt*r. l>tiil.litii> on ,-aoli fifty For t-o 'h -r j.r- tict.: ti -,i'ply to. l M vs. CROFT No v 7. 1 u,. Maawell I*. O. ih- Lai%UT on* teT. of uiU'ti* TbloU cur* a col'l No Car*, No l'jr. J'rio* V ouU aud workn the old li.- "ii li.vi' I N.ivin mnl AT iey II . I Imnd hinders, horso r.ik- !ri!l .ml ! I tale at a I am ' - M I'm mack, (' n'lil'.ir.l .! - vn. 1 0" -k*!ii.lt <,' .inpany of lirantfn;.! ; A-pin w.tll hull npi.-iMT an.l jMilatii 1 . 11 inler mower octi..i.>< ..... 60 DP ye links enol: ......... lo O. nadill, Ceylon. Calves Astray. Cau to th* pr*mlt>* ol U> nad*ri>in*.i, I \ 10. c... 4. N. IV K A i tc'iKMik. au or ficul No?. mxi. 1(01. foor ol. Th*own*r U raq n**.|* I to pro** property. !'> *xpw>M* aa4 tk* wj. *xpw>M* THOt.