Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1902, p. 1

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jfksljrrtet "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL. XXI, NO 1069 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, February G, 10O2 W. H THURSTON, Em P T Ro B riETOB An overflowing st. ck which we are d- - sin>UH of rodutii'g tliis m.>nth. Come i i. vkanime and (jft priues. You wi'l 1 , surprised at the unriraii.H. ?? dayligh-, much to ihf chagrin of others A deapatch from Chicago, dated Feb. who were noted for early tri|*. ' 1, *sys : .fudge Tul<>y yeaterday ordered Mr. I'-iili-ip is having the timber taken a receivership fortheZin lace indUat riea, ! '" bi ' uah farm hy several of the local and on Monday will enter a decree ap- !um crmea. ' pointing Elmer Waahburn to the position Mr Hrb Keid had a W last Stur- of receiver under * bond of 700,000. The day hen he drew to the null nornr. of the court, in a lengthy decision of the cast.*, fim t Ing* nf tamarac se,-n here for sum- | which was instituted by Samuel Steven " >hn Th- revival moctii'H- i" t!i-> Methodist church are s'il! i i pro^ron ni'li a RO">d afunilanrf r^rv t.\\>ril.le i iht. An endless variety, fn>oi 25 cnntx to ^f25, MM! 11 luw in price fur the <|iiality. Chains Charms Brooches B brother-in-law nf John Alexander Dowie. declared that Dowie 'a church, the Christian Catholic Church, was a curious mixture of religion and bmuncHs. The Mr* Th,M F.llis and berson Tilford.of judge held that Stevenson had hy u-nlue , , Powm-sur. are n .1 vixit nh friends in influence exerted by Dowie as head of the church boi-n led to turn over to Dowie practically everything he had in the world, and held tlwt Stevenson wax entitled t-> A aplrndul line of Silverware, at tl.u l'.*ei living pricea. W. A. Armstrong - Flesherton in tlit :il>y Th,' form -r is n..w spending few ilavt witli her brother m CUrksburn. i Mr HngH Clel..nd of Mwiforil was up thm nay l-ixt. wr.-k on biiMJnrss and called <!! Mini '' f 1 'In. Mr A XI. l.en :n,l fjtnily are -j,,-niliii^ HI. me tune v : li :':.,<! in this v i. may. They have been for some years n-i,ln"_' 01 ( >hn>. A i ., t i !>. drove to EII^I. :iu I.i I M Uy t i joy the concert. They rv[*,rt a KIHH! evening's entertain- ment. Mm. V\ m. Bent of \V. ,ii.,r,i has gono t'. Wodi'houw, af;,-r spe/nding a couple <if weeks at her <!uglit. r's, Mrs. C. Krnn,t. Miss S.tra Thoinps >n IH riaitiog with her sinter, Mrs. Albert Ellis. From Our Cwu Currriptmilrnt . Another storm started on Sunday morn- ii.g and the snow u piled in some places from 8 lo 10 feel high Mr. r-'lland Mi-w Ethel H dson of UurtiiiiKS Mills Hpt>:it Sunt'ay at Mr. T CMawBBt'a. Mrs. Bei tty and son Walter, nf Cref- nortr,are usiimi: with the former's sister, Mrs. U M.Mullen. Mr K,ilit Leuate of Owen Sound is v lulling* few ditysnt tlif pr.u'i! homo Mrs. McLuughUii ..f Markdale is on a Hhnrt it at the (Jucrn'it Motel On Friday evening last the h..<ne of Mr. Kobt C,>k was Uken hy surprise, when the Eujish church people uatiiurud with a number of thuir invited friends and neighbor* U> present the "it-aiiwt, Mim Millie Cook, with the following ad- dress, which was U'-tunfullv wiitien nnd r.'.i t hy the Rev. C. Lester Milln.tho gift IHJIII^ pr<wenid hy Mr. ti. Colliiiaon. Miss Millie, wh was very much uketi by Kurprue, thanked the people very k nJly for this token and assured them site had done nothing but her duty and w<u al- ways willing to help in church work or any other good cause she was culled to do. aud that tue fiuit bowl aud riiuj would be Honor Rolls Report of S. S. Xo. 17, ileim'tia. for the month of Jam Class 4 Victor E. Phillips. imtell, Klwo.nl (ie'i.w. Cla.s 3 Selena Thompson, Ua Finher, Phillip*, Vera at Ifist 9100.1)01) from Dowie. or the lace industries, which, he sud, wero practical- ly the samo thing. i At the present time there is every in- 1 dicHtion that the Wi.irton snuir factory will h-iv.' K;I .ihumi.i.i e of <-om- meiiLV .( i-rafions with next fall. W hile f. 'inner* in ihix section have in the aggre- gate, matte contrictn f->r lante acrvnge, they are individuallycultivatitiie, nlysmall . plots as an eiprrim-nt. It u thm way ! some 3,000 ai-res have been secured. It now tnin-pires that the contemuleted ns m Walkcrton and Cargill will , not be ervcted this season, and arrangt*- ! ruent are beink, made for the beets grown for those factories) to be ahi|tped to Wiar ton. Tlins with other lo.-al contracts which will yet be made, will give the W lart on factory an abundance of material Should the coining seamm be only an average one fur ne*tx.there will undoubt- etl'y be in increased acreage sown next season if the ex ie I'uited States farmerx is \crified, and it U mily reasonable to suppose that it will be, as the testa have shown the IwetM Brown in this motion t'i be the richest in Amen ca. Canvajnerit, howitver. src still inter farm.-n 1.1 this se,:tion m re Re'n Tlion.prtou, Phulips. Hi--. L' N.-llie Pud!ar, Mn-i,- Finher. Don Pvd' ir. Fi .Mie RuKsell, Jennie Park. I 1 ,.' J Lewis Pedlar. Edna IVl, 1 Clark, K la Arni'lrong, 11 > , Part 1, r -Mry \Vhite,Erne Ruoll, ! ference to eontnicU, and thi* who con- Richard Clirk, Juumio Armstn.ug.Uertie ( sHsfBaw* the exporun-nt should 1.-,- no Fisher. tino in making one before the contract Part 1, jr. - Harley Phil!i|*. Nellie ' books are closed. 'Viarton Bch. Fisher, Kdwm Smith, Aumu Wood, Sam- ( Illlc FlhllUI. Average aUumlance for the month, 47. ' 11. W STAKFOHU, Teacher. [ Euneuia Public School honor mil Jsnuaiy : Claw V. Eva Turner, Laurie Mun- shaw. Class IV.- -Edna Madill. IdOsbo:n-, Charlie Smith. l>aisy Smith, Mary Wil _,..>., TTI ^^ son. Adit Turner, Fred Smith, Virgie | kepiTu l,li"i re"n.e,uU.ra7 of'the "hurc^ , McMullen Millie MoMullen. ,*o,J and trust.-d that all ,.f them would a "" l L J f , VVlll " :n "' 1 N \ i,,t in a brighter world. After spending Clirr ' ll l' l:l! ' "***' <-" Stanley t HIM p a few hour, ,n j;mes and music, tea was , ^ ll - F "f ' J " hl ' ( -*' n i )h ^.'\. A A J, mt two i Fmher. Lyda (jeii,*. Bertha Willi.iins, .... i>i,iM i Eiwo<l luria, Herbie Hopps equ^l ; Curl Walker. Etna Wil'iiiilB R. H. BAIHJBROW, Teacher JVUIuk l>KI'VRTMK>r Cla'sII Annie Napier Nellie Roy, AlU-rt Sloan, Kihel Hoppx, Clara Lnt- imer, Ethel ArniHiro'i^, Wilford Plant t, Alfred tJoiioe. Sr. pt. II Herl.ie FUher, Jakie Sloan, Tired Eyes served toftome forty people, o'clock the compuiy row and n "Auld Lnng Syne" unit "Hod Save the King." and thm dpisersed fr their iievor..! In.uus, fettling ttiat each ooo thoroughly njoyed the evening. THE ADIIRBSB Xu Alisi Amili<t ('<nik V\e, tbe incinuHent vsrdoiis and cum- ruitu-e on behalf of the Fleshertnn, Ceylon, nusM.on con u regal ion, tnko uiuoh pleasure in presenting you i:!i ihia : Jamitson. Mary Jtmuaon, Aesley Plantt, Kitty friendnhip ring and fruit bowl a* a sli|(lit toku i-f their itnprfciatiun of your sftvkvH a iirgainst of ilu.< IIUXM n and nNoa further u Hik nf their H.-K! will and MrWton towiirds you. YOU have .ilayii| bwn H lively uiten-Ht in our rvice a,< | leader of the singing and as organist by I your punctuality and regularly at tin-, .wit view, tun, ugh yar mil Mpteel at all time* i" f >ni.:o }<>ur |rMnn .1 pleuxuru for tb a<i>anoeii>fit of \out ohnrve. Kimw- ng thw *e fcit i' ji4 only nxht that w *tn>u d .v:kiiow!i-<l'4f your :orvice ii> some tiiiigiblo way. \\e ask you to accept this frivmUliip r n/ and fruit bowl, apan lr<ini IIM inln.iKi.' \ i'iie, n a sli/ht evi deiu-e i.f the gnud will of KlcshcrU'n.Cey Ion, Anglican congregation and of th h'gli -egurd in which you are d<-aor\ .-.Ily uinl iiii.versally held. And nlio tu take with >'U llie <wMiiitii:ice that when Unix .shli In- nn nioiv.the riMtilis i.f your otk will rot be fur^cltin IT l.mt. May you lie |.iirfd many yi-.int u> wear thi-t riiirf and use f.his b<iwl anJ m.ty the sunshii.e of divine | res-iuc ever lie with )'"U is the wili of jour cliri^tiun friviuls. S un ->i on l<o!ulf nf the cur.grotfat ion of Ft>'shi'i ton, Ci-vl -n, AngliCKii in rwion. . i-t II--KuKw41 Park, Mary Turn, r . I Albeit Williams. Wuhe H(>p Jr. Bf Jr. I. Zmdcs Mullen, May Pt wlor, A. F RUS.-U .Me SUr-PLEHENTARY MEETINGS Sopplemen'ory meftiugs of East Grey F.irnnr'8 liMlitute will ho held us follows: feyl D, Jan, 31, A. U.llKXJ. I:. > r KOS'IT M !' ; !; M 'nil ; ; I'oiMiiit'i-i-. Mr* O>lii son, K. .'. \\ . Mrs l,,cuinl-nt, e!.-:i: iK.in, S. J. M%\WRLU Kel.ru.iry U. I'.WL', 1 p n... 1. PieAiiieiil's Ad'lrtK.<; 2. "Soil M u- Uir.- Htvl How to Ri-ti-, u," F M. L-wit, Kurfor-l; 3. "SVIiaL Vomen Hnvo Done an,l ''mi Do," Mi< A, Bolliugf> worth, Kealiicv: 4. Purv Farinin.' and Us Rela- tion t.. S. il Feruliiy," C H. Black, Am- heist, N. S. 7 30 p in., 1. "Cow FmnN, their Ci>iii|Mwition an<l Klfvet on Llu'ter Flavor, ' C H. Black; 2. "Butter M.-tk ing," Mim A. HolliugMworih; .'V "Tlie Furin Home," F. M. Lewis. KiMBKKi.nY. Fehiu.iry III. 1 p. in Pieni.lent's Ailtreiw; - J. " I'ow Fo. ilioir Comp. itinoii an.l Kifi-t't on I'.n Flavor. ' C. H. B.ack; ;< "Hutter Mi-H A. HolliiiL'Wor'li ; 4 "Til" Oiehard and its Caie, " F M I.rin; 7 iM) p in., 1. "Tlio Kmiin'r'i *!;i. I, n. F. M L.-wls; 1 " What W en tl:ive i Paiiy F.-trlllinn lill"! 1's ReLllloll I - Fen II Black RAVKNV. v. Fchrnttrv 1 1 1 p in . I I'l - iilellt's .-\lM''ss; 'J. " III,' Olcll.1l' I .'111' I lit F. M. l.i wx; :< ' !' i M-i'-'insr, ' Miss \. H,>tlinwort'i; 4 IKuy F-ni ii.gand i!s Ke'at-oii t S,,il Fertility . 1 H r.l.rk 7 :Mp.ni .. 1, " C. ' F.|. , tlieii 1 CiMijp-wti. 11 mnl K'lWt on liuttor Sensations exist for our juidance. They are Nature's warnings. Over-worked eyes demand rest Eyes that tire easily call for help. Properly adjusted glasses afford the only assistance possible. We make a specialty of relieving tired eyes and guarantee satisfac- tion. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTICI* __ FLESHERTON Tr^erougribred Shorthorn I BILL FOR MEKV1CE NO. J5li2 = General Gordon * br K in t Term* hull fo Thl IH . I'editfr, fli - i*^ . at the ln->.i ui'i a! <?i . Thorouuhbfcd* .i !) VVH. Cnnp WM. I t'.) TrmU* Tin 1 nii.l(.rHiKiil <li-iro to ,>!! or triwl.' %honl tit clo to K.^.'i- . aonss) aud baru and I ch*iiK fr a 'krg farm ami p; ools. AD>OH.' niMrMlM ploa<e < K. MKI.Dl.fM. .M,k Oat* IV.L, Markets. vi fresh . M 00 Kruw Our Omu Cvrrr*ftu>. I ft . t et-k lnt.< tx-en <-iM!Of p, lu a tivi'y in tin- liiuil er lu: ill > iv4ii> we.ru engaged in h.iulinu; | the FU W.T-, ' Miss A iiuuU.r t i MttrkdnW for Mr. W. . !$. "The F.-irnn-i's 0*r.)n," F. |ii ii -|. M>III" to.iiiisiir l.avini.' made the | Music at all Kveii'.u^ M less tiutu half a <Uy. Some even j Inviud All wvfromu R.I). C.irruf.rj to i|it<_-tatin with the.r 1 ^d bofore c p>. Pra .J. I- Uj il-.ini, Svv II,. Wheat. \Vh,-*i. white. r,d.. C. 11. Black; -'. " Our Fn. ndt. M .'Worth; 3. M. Lewis, Hi.lu* 1 Tijrkoya \-r Ih .... |"-r Ih. ( h okfi.s i .or [>.-\ir. . . j>or pair. . . . 7" 7' i . 1)0 l.{ in ' K r H u, jo 7 n,, n 7') d 70 it' & UT II M I 40 1,11 Tor 50 Days at McFarland, Stafford & Co. HARKOALE. ONT. Daring February every department will offer special bargains, aud roauy clianceB will be offeied to buy good honest goads at about half price. It will be impossible to tell you about all the special bargains through these columns, bat we cordially mvito yon to come and visit us. All winter goods have been marked down regardless uf cost. All broken lot* are put out at about half price. All liiiesaJv.itiucd last week- will be left out at cut prices until all sold and new lines and odd lots are put on the bargain table every day. These special bargains will go on sale Friday morning MEN'S 15 0* COATS FOR fl.89. 'iO Men's Odd Ooats, <mad in our factory) assorted patterns m ail wools, tweeda, serges, etc. Som sinyle, some double breamed, bent of hniiurs and workmanidiip, rvg. values 93.00, 94.00 and 96. 00 each. On sale Friday morning at 1 vi MEN'S Ki.OO SUITS AT 93.M. 85 Men's Suits, siren 36 to 42. saeorted pattern* in Canadian tweeds. Halifax tweeds and blue seizes rrg. values wen 96 and ! uach suit, on ale Friday morning at .1.90 MEN'S ft!.5<) FELT HATS AT 91 48 48 Men tine Wikrnnld Folt Hats, latett fedora shade*, in black, fawn, grey, brown, etc , all sizes, every ha' guaranteed, always sold at 92 25 to 92.50 each, on Friday tnornm.: r -lioice 1.48 BLANKETS FOR 91."' 12 pair<ircy W ,nk.-t, fancy colored border*. -ii/ei'r*; liy 7U inch. _<) heavy weight, regular v.-iliio $1 75 pair, on aale Kn j.iy inorn- ing t per pair LOB 12Jc Kl'SSELL LINING Ft)R 6 10 pieces of Russell or Linrneltv Lining, dingle width, 30 inch wide, nothnitf belter fr skirt lininua, Rhadi black or grey, regular value 1J. on sa'e Friday morniirg it per yard tt$ IB,- BROOMS FOR 7 . 60 Hnn'ins,-' string, rvg Id ct. kind, on sale Friday nii-.nin<{ at each 7 91.25 FKLT B< (NNKTS FOR 25 eta. 48 Children')* Ml bonnet*, assorted styles in admit* of red, blue, grve.i, brown, crmtui. etc.. nicely made with fur trimming, regular v.tlun 75. r-> 91.20 each, on iale Friday morning at 25 50c CRIB BLANKETS FOR cts. 30 Blanket tSinple*. pure nil-wool, sice 40 by 30 inches, pure white with fancy colored border*, the reg. values are 50 <:'a. each, on sale Friday morning t I' 1 50 ct. EIDERDOWN* COATINGS AT 3Sc 20 patterns ind colorings in Eiderdown Flannel, plain cream, red, pink, lilue and fancy strip pai'i-nm, sold nil s*ason at 45 and 50 ct*. a yard, on sale Fiidny morning at. -'12 ^hflhnd, $tkfforl & Co. I .SPECIAL FEBRUARY CUT.. ON Fur Coats, Caps, Robes, Blankets, Sleigh Bells and Stoves. Tliis i> ,i ' k that we h;ivi- nod.'siiv t-i .-;irry over. ;uul an- willing ro throw .>!' pmHts in unlcr to move tlirin out. You will muK-rstiin-l that it would |KIV u< lu-tr.-r to sell at cost than to kri'|llif "tutV over for a year C'oiiii- in and OSU otthe liai^-iins while they ;in> Manv jie, .!. ,nv u;ia\s;;r'- thai we carry a lull line of Silverware, Knives, VorKs, Spoons Vet \v,- !n\ -heia au-1 at ri^'ht priees, too. Heavy hardware, tinware, builders' supplies: full line. When you want bargains in any of vhese lines come to F. G. Karstedt

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