Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1902, p. 2

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The II Red Witch Or Tne Wooing Of Constant!:!. \\ #**+*+.**++**+ I IIAI'TKU XXXII. A nob burtt from her. And at tin-- ii. -i ant tho door wa-- o| Ofll\ .-nil I <instanti:i "In iln- il.n-k. di-ur '.' I" MI in the duik III.-' ilu- oh. it i, \rry wrmiK of >ou '" sh..- Miiil, with tender SC.nl' ' I iiail jii.-,t |i.irtd with .'triinyc. wji., hml brought, her to tin- li.ill- dou nig .singularly in. \.,-i- : but the sight of Lndy Var- loy htan-1'iiK in tin- niooiilJKht, in her strai^'lK, i linking while gown, had ODU'llou i;i\eii IHT roiiiM^i 1 How Conlil sin' ii'il In r ini-i I'aiilc tule hon \..ii'i In i in iliis l.isl cronning act of li'i'iirlitry on her litmliaild's if th.it pule, 1'iiiii'iit f:ire was plain to hi-!' ? Iti'tli-r in il.irkncss, Wh : iiv, it crui'l incliijna- tion li,if.M I"- hiilllrll. Al.is ! V. hat a ten ilri' t.i- ;. .! In i , lo jjiaU-- even saddi r tin- alieaily too sad n , n.,1, ! 'i I ni.-how she to!<l her, gi'tting ugh tliu haii'f .1 vtoiy without let or hn.ili.u.i from I.aily V.irli-y. who i,' r lips froui tliu bc- giniiiiii: of il to the i-i.il "I i;:\' il to you u.s I In-.iril it. It m.n not be true." said Con- tnnii.i ' il.' a very up.onv cf in i mis di' "It i- inn'. ' said l.udy Varley. Hi i MI,, MM quiet, l>ni liiMini't and colil I his is tlir i-inl. UK". " "\\h\ >lioulil it be '.'" rriiMl Con- tunti.i I. lit;-. \\l\y Khould yon so tmin In ? *>h. rou.so yourself, Yoliiin!) . anil try to st<ip this i u. <Jal ! If to no to IHT tn i, ,IM \\ith lii.-r to threat- u \\"> uie ! " ' V. Id such us she ran- about i <|iosiin "I" Miiil l.aily \'.ir- U-.v with col'l contempt. "Well, let him I d wit'.i," a<!\ , "lie would, in all probaliiut > l'i- niori' o|. -n lo a good inili.i .- Hum -hi- H a Would you choiiHt* to KpraV lo l.iin'' " "No H 'U o niv-iOf to- niKl"'.' s.iiil l.aily Vnili'y, with :r Sl;i: roBO flolll chaii "So I. ili- ' !(< uilvi'cd. di ar. not." v.iid Ciin-t.ini i.i. cnl ii-.it ini;ly "Or ni Ii mi- with .Mm or Mr. Si i iv "Mr SIIOIIK.' ! Where i.t i "In th-' iiM'ii'ii'. w.iUn." for Jin-." confr 'ant i,i. shyly. r.X.ii il.-il hi-r ki'riily. "Are you going t'> in^ try him ?" he nsku'l. " v . "I am uhnl of III it lli'.irtily glad. I 'or VON at |.-.i--t tl.ii,- IN a sure ih.iiin- of h.i|i|- V.i-ll, you mil he shall . ;uiittrr foi me I'oim: " The oh! town rlock struck tin .1^ i null sluv.lv into the station, lor .,-.,,-. therefore. It wns on tuiH' II u d nielit. murky and ratli'i' rliill ; tin- wunl li.ul , and tlii-n- '., a Mi>|urion of rain in the air. As hi' --I. |i|..-d iiiio i ,. Inlli'i dark- DCKH outside he run up ;>>,'. un-i I . on. "Ah ! You. liin.il.f. '" '.iid Ii,- j,-, if nsliHindril "And no other," rviunn:d luiiKhiiiK "I Jniijlit ! /ny ghoM, so ..,! i.iitorlly have I HUT- j.i i i d I-MIV one 1 have met by :hi sudden ii'tniii . liut tin' fait is that fellow Hawkins h.is U-i-n Ho>ilili- omc again. You kno I've told you H thousand tum-. I d.ir, say how I liaM- swori, to put doKn Ilii'-i' poaching affray*, no ninller hat (inn- i-i troiibli- il cn.sts in, ; ,i,,i this inorui r I li.ul .1 ii'liKi.nn lion, JeflreyH tell, in; me of n -..-i n,m nt- tuck made I'M nu/li' on tin 1 >'iiin;{ I .mis." "I heard of it . l.nt I really think JefTrc'VK PXHgueiati-il tin- iifTalr. lli-'s a Wonderfully /'.iloiis fellow, It IIiusi be allowed. Imt |u,int ile /e!i- know, is exi-i'llent advice In most mutter* I fear the honest. .Ic r , \ s nun ml her overiloiii- it i Ins time, and iven you your Journey for no- thing Mis li'indas Will thank Jef- f . no doul.l .She did not . onn' to m-t you 1" "No , in fan I or I didn't U-ll lui i '\i.-t i.-iiinliig. I thiiiir'it I'd lake her >v suri'i "' '-- I M liltli shy ly, liut with such <ii- In I ilii own ]u in of I'xpi'ctiint hnppiness In his voice us convinced l''euUiert>lon tbut his bi-ln-f in his wifi- was | erfect, und I that. .1 vet, no suspicion hud crept ' 1:1 That he hud done a vilely cruel 1 thing in giving u chance 1 for the en- ! of this suspicion did not dis- fiili him. "ili> Huiulas does not know you 'arc coining, then ?" He asked the ijui'stion to make himself entirely 'sure of the fact that the comedy promised would not prove a fail- ure. "No ; I really had harrlly a rao- ' intnt to sejiil her word," said l)uii- das, who was beginning to l<e rather ashamed of the school hoy longing to take some one unawares thai ha<l possessed hln, ^heii he decided on f-ei'lug his sudden home-coining sc- ci' t fi.uii his darling. All lliis WiiB news to tValherston, lliuiifrh the scnilim; of the ii-e^iam i was not. Hi: had squared Jeliroys about that, and cli.se-i.stcil as be was, had not held back from i.cli a I, ill" as null. iid the limn ' do lii.s bidding. Mi: had only meant. I'.ovv- e\u. to bring back Oundas a duy too soon upon the scene, and so spoil Doiiiiu's pltinH, for Uie pre>.'nt nt all events. The. future might BW l.i'-i victorious, too ! !: oweil her something, and in this wise sought In pay it | Hut now, he told himself, the plot u.is thicl.cning nf its own anoril--at lenst without help from him llow if mailaine was receiving I.er friend to-niKhl ! The frn-nil was alvv.i', lliill\ Iiiori' now. he hail I .'en told. In n anil out of it . llnw if the two men should mei t the trusting Intsband. the too n-i-lenniR lovii ' All ! In re xv a-* a laid ready to his hand, without i ' of thought, in- plan, or plot. A Mow -lolo oxer his fan- ; hi hand M inked duxvii his blomli) ni",i- I.H he. vvnh .1 \i, v\ to conci'.iliiir it | Id' Hluiol, Ii. Mids 111 the frii'mlliest xv ,ix . mid the niulit \\.i' inn iliirk to iHTIilit of Mr lilllnlas' sieing the of i'i Del amuseineiit thai i ui \ - ( od his lipH us the lust won!.- i-ii|c.l him Mr. Ilunilas dlsiippeared into the vvi'idy night, iind mox 'd -le. 'lily onv.ai ds tr, wards his home The soft, nii-ty rain Unit now 'falling anil Ix-.ii mt; .lUainsl his only lo M'lr.'sli him !! ,'iilked rapidly, vviih an I'l.isin- step. f-i'lini; tli.it each niomen' hrotight 1 nil nearer to her Mis h.,ut was full of d.-'ight. lie felt ir.deed all ulisiirilly happy, nml an inclination to laugh aloud overtook him now and tin 'ii. as he thought of how her lieniii iful fare would light up with a (,'iad -ui'pris' ;is he -ti|ip.-il into her pieseme. anil how her rle.ir. svxi-ei hiiigli xxoulil linjf out when li.- con- fe-vi| to h- i hi-, fooli-di fancy In her. li.ul hroui'ht him to the I, < i of I ii- most yoiillifiil lov, SlV.lill lie naeli,.d IK. tiitranco jjato at lust. ;:nd mi nil the |O:ILT avenue, now dark UN l.i el".-, bee.. I'l! of the nvi'i'hiiiigiiig liiiimhrs II,. Hii-uck u ni.iteli. and >,!W by bis xvatcli that il wa>- |i\x; niiijules past eleven So liite ' l|i> |n>| ed shi- had nut gone to IM-I! If so, his t. xxxv I proeramiii.' Would b.- in .1 nie.iMin- |.i)il'-il Ho kiii-vv that .sh" .sat up very oiteii ul- uulil niidnight reading : but imv\ that In- vv.is avxay Kin- would, no iloiibt , feil lonely, and wo.ild. ploliably, l.lili' earlier tlllili usual. A turn In the axem.e. hom-M-r. (old him that this was not the ( i , Through an opi'iung in tin tn-.s 1 1,, whole of the Miulhern siil.- of I he In xx a , laid bare to linn, anil he could s.-i- that lij(htK shone in txvo of Ih nlral xxindoWH. Tln-y HIM- tin vvindoWH of the room she most uf- ferieil- her favorite room Mr hurt i'il [,'ivv.iiil until he < .uii" to the foot of Hie steps that led up to iln- balcony, oil which the loom ojieni'l He pans, d t herr with n i|iiiel. Miiile, uiid began to iisieml the i-teps \xilb exlri'ine caution. \oi .1 ound beiinxe.l his iipproach. The liliiid- Wei,' il, 'vvn in both the win- dovxs. and before 1 1 ! . which Was open, hung a heavy MI curtain Mr Itiindiis. putting ^ut his band, drexv n miner of it 'ti.sid,'. vcrv caiilln'islv nnd looked in lleyond the xelx'et Inilip .1 1C<3 curtain of the most fragile kind, and through it he peered. All his senses were riveted upon the npot. where on sulln couch, h-r dainly heud neHtling luxuriously amongst the cushions, lay his wife ) .She was dressed in a loose white tea-gown, an exquisite mass of soft laces, a little open at the throat. and vvnh wide Nk-exeu that, falling i backwards as she lifted her tirmx, I left nil their snowy lowliness nuked 'to the Hhuulder. One of these urms 'was thrown around Lord Vurlcy's neck. lie wa kneeling beside her on the ground, leaning over her so that l.i- | face was close to hers. Itoth his arms xvcro clasped around her supple waist. Donna was talking guyly, but in a 1 low whisper. A soft, happy mule, a Minlc a little languid parted her | Up*. "Ah ! to-morrow night I" exclaim- ed lie, aa it in answer to something she had said, "\\lu-iv shall we be to-morrow night ?" 'Tar from here, at all events," rc- ' turned she lightly. "1'ar from the stilling propriety of this intolerable hule. And., oh. blessed thonght ! fur from tliu immaculate Hundas." "A fool so blind is haruly deserv- ing even of one's pity," said Varley contemptuously. "lllind to what ? My faults ' What an unlovcr-like speech I" As she spoke, she ran her white, alendcr lineers blowly, lingi-ringly through his hair, as though to touch him, was sweet to her. ' Have you a fault ?" "One. Just one little one. You know it." She leaned even nearer to him. und smiled into his eyes. "Tis loving thee too well." I His arms tightened their clasp round her. A low. long -igh esc.i] e-i him. I "i a minute there was ciii-e, broken only by tho beating of his lie.irt . and then lionna fell back a little from him, and broke into n low, delicious laugh of heartfelt amusement. Mr I Hindus stepped buck into the darkness noiselessly us he had come, and walked down the bai. .-my to its end wl.ere his own den lay I li- the window and found it unfastened Throwing up thu tmsh softly, bul with haste, he stopped lightly the loom II" groped about carefully for a in nt or two in tin- darkness, and r.iu.e j,t i.i.si. to. the dnixver of the 'ed, and ill an ing hi' ii., m it, examined it by loud.. II. i vii." .-an- I eil him-. -If that nil was in !,'. I." conn > id it in the l. ." l.i t of In., t : . ling en., i lie pi. .,1 convulsively to hi-. heart the thing ho had concealed lie re, .mil vvi ill back to ti hung iloorvv.iv 'Iheio was nothing to prevent hi-, enterim;. They v. . i . laughing still 'I n. y were drawn even do : l'i.u:ul .'.'ill other- . entwined wit bin arms To linn, watching, there oemed to bo some- tliinr extraordinary in their gayety a gayety tli.n .-i,.| on the n ' brink \\.is 1 1, en. no grave misgiv- ing, no hidden KOIISI.I ..I le.ir, (o warn ill. in that tin- end of all things was nt I .,n,l ? Ib !". bed a' ide 1 he i III tains xvilll ll bold luovemont. ai.d stood ieve.ll- cd. The guy laugh died on I'OIIIM'S lips as she looked over her lov. , - shoulder, and saw xcnguanrc tie i.- before tier, i.-ady to strike Her face grew an ashen gray Sr I to Milieu in Varley 's arms, and *.ui aw- ful look darkened her eyes. Varley. startled by the change in her, looked lui k ward, and, with a terrible im- PI. .it ion. sprang to his feet, to Iind himself face to face with the inai, be bad dishonored ! Was it only a minute, or was it in truth an eternity that elapsed whilst they three stood I ben-, ga/ing .silent- ly upon each other ? llunilns broke the spell. "St. in, I buck !" ho said, in 11 clear tono. addressing Varley "Oxer there with yo'.ir back auain-,'. tli.it wall ' I don't vx.int to shoot you both !" Ib !",i Ins hand into his pocket, nnd drew out a revolver. H,, lin- gered it. klowly, cruelly, lovingly. "So !" siiid Viirloy, with i> shrug. Any dismay he might have felt was now gone, and u Millie, that was un- deniably insolent, grew on his face. "You won't even glxu me my chance then ?" ho said. \o !" distinctly. and without hnsto or excitement of any kind. \,i have done vviib cbnnees I shall shoot you as I XVol.ld a dog !" I "I Iind no fault I really Iliink I do tin- same in your place," said Varley politely. "I have but one request to make, that you will permit firs Hundas to leave the room lirst." "Stand aside, woman. His hour has come !" rang out Dundas nharp- iy. A wild cry broke from her. She threw herself on Vwley'a breast, as If to protect his body with her own. .;inl. encircling him with her arms, looked hack over her shoulder at her husband with a mad deliance. "That will not save him." ho oaid. 'If you persist in staying there. I .Inn shoot him through the brain Instead of through the heart. That will be the only dilicrence." Donna moxcd her head hurriedly from side to side as though looking vainly for some means of esrn| e A MOTHER'S WAHIW, SPEAKS OF A TROUBLE THAT AFFLICTS MANY YOUNG GIBLS. Headaches, Dizziness, Heart Pal- pitation, tickle Appetite and Pallor the Early Symptom* ol Decay. From the Sun, Orangevill, Or,t. Hard study at school, coupled with the lack 01 attention which every young girl merging into womanhood should have, is responsible not only foi' the many pain luces aim aileuuut- d foi II.M met wuh sucti lauieulabla iie.jiicncy, but is responsible. iU*o lor None came. The room was far from ! 'he lo-s of many vuluaulu young the servants' quartern, and to ht>pe to rouse them even hy the loudest scie.iins would be mere folly. She had weighed all that long ago, und found it wanting. And yet time tim. that was the principal thing lives. First there is an occasional headache, and a sallow ness 01 com- plexion, from which stages, u' Ihess early symptoms uie neglected, the condition ^ruujally grows worse and wo..s" unui decline or consumption to be gained ! Varley was as strong [sets in .ind death claims another vio n man. perhaps, as Dundas, but then he was unarmed, and 1 she knew if he made one. step towards his advcr- tiin 01 parental neglect. Upon noth- ers especially devolves a great re- sponsibility us their daughters ap- sary, Dundns would fire. 1 hey Were prouch. womanhooil '1 he following trapped us rat might be. and a j ti utlnul btory told a reporter ol th little mercy would he nhowm them 'Sun by Mis. o lluriuau. 01 'liurj, "Stand up. n an, ,>nd fling your Avenue, ()runge\ille, carries a lesson wanton to one side. If you would not nave her blood flow with \i 1 1., i ./oh. i liundiin savagely. "Are you ad. ml that you seek to shelter to our mothers. Mrs. Herman said: "About, mutrn months ago my daugh- ter, Kate, while attending the public school studied hard \\c noticed that yourself behind her ?" i h began to complain of headacnes. "Afraid !" A light, scornful ''I his was followed by a lisuessnsM laugh broke from Vurley. For \c> n!1 'l an uiter iudillercnce to the thingi hurt moment he held against that nsua.ly interest young girls. W his breast xvilh a convulsive \ '-~- '"nsulled a doctor, and she took bot- sure. his heart'H desire, and then he llu after bottle of medicine, but with parti illy re 'eased her "Kii-s me," "" b-neiil. Often he would rise in M vvhi.spere.i softly : and as her lips met his, ail at once, us it were, a strange animation grew upon him. the inuin.ng ait.v uii almost sleep- lees night, her limbs all a quiver and her head reeling. Sh would be at- lackiil wiih spells 01 di/7mis.,. und on her to a more upright position "See." he |iiK| ered the least exertion her heart would eagerly, pointing to the open window I'lilpiiii'c xml.-ntly, und we were on th/j right hand, well guarded by /willy afraid slio would not re.. ll'ind.iN ; "lilerty may lie there !" | At tnis stage my nusbnnd suggested "Ah '" she started, brought to that wo should try Dr. \\illioins' fri sh life and hope by his tone, and 1'mk I'iils. and he brought home S0v- turiied to where he pointed. Kxen cr "-l hoxes. Kate h.id only taken thu ns he dwl so. he signalled to Dun- P'l's a few weeks when theie wan a das K wit change for the belter Sh "Now I" he c.-illnd loudly, urn! l.c- B' w slrmigei . b. i-.,n to eat belter for.- the echo .,! his voicfl died away , ail<1 '" ' cnloi iind from the loud report of .1 revolver, tl.it ">nij UMil he ' hroiigh his heart. , * ajt "K*n enjoying tl . I et of rung through the room. he.ilih and able to ic-uin,. her II. fell forward on his- face dead ! Ay, even before nho si,,,.- could "' s.hool -'hat th. I mi. l,t also te! t d my turn .11:11111 to clasp I'itn, he was '"'"' of an attack of rheumatism. o that you see we have much ruison 10 praise them, and I earnestly re- -i i etched lifeless at her feet. Almost fciniiiltareoiislv with the discharge of the revolver there wns a rush of feet upon the balcony with- out, iind the velvet curtain was thru.st violently asii'e ' (To He Contlnund). f WJMN't: SKIIV AM'S-1680. Nm \fv\ton. for breaking a tea- p..l in I'hill':* fliainber. ^s I I Iti'hard Knight, forprido and I ing, :? ('.I Win. llethei ington, for not being commend them to all mothers whoSA Hers may be sull"ring as i.iirn, did " IT Williams' Pink PUN -ure all fiat have their 01 -/m eilhei in a poor or w.i'eiy . onditioii m the I l.i'.il or hhaltei.-.i K.IV,S |i IS be- I they make rich r<sl blood anil sli'einrth. n the nerxi-s wnhe .iv <!,,-e that they cure such troubles us an tiemin. consumjition in its early H, nervous b .i.lailie. Si Vitui*' ihi-iimatism partial paralysis, v trouble. indigi-Htiuii. etc Or ...*.J i. ........ . in u,^. -ni,. ,11, fn wr- ready i. go lo church threo Sun- ,,,nurv medicine merely act-* upon th. symptoms ol tho trouble, mid when ho llord.,,1 for being at Nun- such m.Mirines discontinued th. onion from morning to night, fis. Cook, dead drunk. 1' Am \,' - to be w i I at l.mly I 'ay. Stie w.nt away th- !2<>th of .luno for heir.g wanti n ard can > - l.-s She l...,t five pnirs of sheets and five pillowboers. for which xvife made her pay 1. f TH30 CABE OF LITTLE ONES. Some Sound Advice as to the Best Method of Treating In- fant Indigestion. Nothing is more common to child- hood Uian iniligi'hlion. Nothing is moie dung, rous to propir growth. ' *'""'" "' ''""' UIIU more weakening to the constitulion. ^."l"!.., *,. .'! K '" wht "". 11 ' trouble returns oM.-n MI an ag'.Mivat id form I'r Williams' Pink fills on the ri.n'rary godn.'c! to ib.- ro the t'oublo r ml cure to Slav cured th*t the lull name. ' l>r U li.ims' I'ink 1'i'ls i,u I'.,lo r.'.ipi..." j. found on tho wrapper of e If yo-ir dealer dr.es not Imvo then 'In,-," 1'iid they will be inaib-d post pa d. at .Ml cents a nor or sin lows for $2 ..('. by add' ' ; t h Pr. William-,' Medicinu Co . [truck- ville, Ont. f AIMIM. UK. II Kvory letter rc.oivod in a certain home for girls is opened and reuo 'd by tl.e girl to whom it is u.i i.'i in.Mi'"l7kel'y"to"pa"x' The way '"to ."'|*' | . the pivs,.,,o , t be **> dangerous ,,i . .:M- Among the K>uip- ' "- v >""fi liU '.v loins by which indigestion in inlunls K and young chili. ivn may he rummy '' " 1 1 i i t i .ikl t 1, j > '"" ll '""' i- ' L -in. ell .,re loss of appetite, nuu- se.i. i mutations, co.ued tongue. b.i:l lire. ilh, lliccoii K h. and uisturb.'d : ! Indigestion may be I-..MI.X cured, und Mis I'. K lieglik-, of xx ho ha-* her arduous dm II-M through u sine, for the welfare of her As u rule the i-ii -i - are only t,-i l.appy to*re.ul Uieir leiiois'to her, and it raiely htippeiis Ihal they wi.-h 'ihe cheek- Bile Poisons-Liver Disorders. Hoadachet, Biliousness and Constipation are Thoroughly Cured by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Tflere Is no slnglo organ in th* human body which exerts sin h u xxidu Intlu.n,, ov,r the other organs as does tin' Inn I' we. II nanud the i emulator of the svslein Our* tb llvsj- grows slugflsh and fails to niter the lui poi-,. ,11-, from the sy>tini. th.re .oin.s iniiii. di-e.i-..' uml det.th The he. id aches, tho tongue is ci'ittid the bovveU b.'ione ,011' ti|'.,l"il. t be il i|;esl i v e sy si em IH I lirown out of order, nnd foul Impurities thnt Ihould bS nnioved from the body, me thrown back int.. the blftod stream to Mini their way to tho weak spots Of the huni.iii name U, Cbase'l Knlnev l.i.er I'iils ' : n.l nction on tlf- liver, and Bring prompt relief and lastinr eli' Ne.iily everyboilv is i.iniiliar with i he e <i rni'i iliiim y virtues of thin famous tieaiment. Here Is a sam- ple ol the littns i-eieixi-d noin cured ones: Mr John Skrlton the well-know n bi iili-e builder of |i>1 BhOTVOOd -i re.-t Ottawa. Maten: "I hnve iic.d I'r Chase'., Is nlney l.iv.-r IMIs fur kidney and livvr il.-t .: n, . ment ~. 1-ioi'nht on by exjiosure, and nnd them better tliiin any pill or medicine I have . v ei "Iliev i-leniieil m.v s.vstiin and i.uid.- me feel lu-allhy and v iKorous nnd better In every Wny. I can re- commend them us i be best liver und Kidney medium, tb.it I Lin.w of." Mi .(nine,'- Iliurd )-., linHster. I ' ' ' ' II iitves me und my xxif ninrh plensinv to t<-i onuneii'l lir Chnvo'c Kldnaj I Iver Pills o* a fmnlly med- icine of .superior value V\.- use t In in in pi efei em to all oilier pilN in our luniily. and I mi 4 l,t lie i e th.it th-.v cured me while raillerlng fi om biliDUMu .-n, and also ctireil m.v Wi.O of nick hoiidaehe, irom vxhicli fine Kilftrrcd Bnxen-ly iu i mi ii'v Kidney I iv., IMls, AM pill a dose, a5 cents a box. at all dealers, or l.duiansnn, llutea * Cou./auy. Toronto, .. . .- say, Ont, points out how this urny l K " "' '" u ' k ll " " 'ontents. iMjst IH. done She saj.s . "Vihen my " a "''' du - v ' "OWSVcr, S.S a i.,v v b.il.y vv.i.s tbiee inonUiM old t.hu hud P '' <! ' l "' s ' 11 neaieil Hie end of a letter lion veiy badlx. She xvould '""" ' >"" :n.iu of hi r acquaint x omit her food just .'is ^oon a-, sl.e "'"' sl '" ''li.sla-d vividly and tried look it, no matter what I guxe her ' thl ' sl "' ' " f I'otepaper under Aller Iccdini; she M-eined to nuu, r it':'- '" ' l l' ro " ribly nnd would scie.im vxilh pain I s ""' l'" sl M ' 'I'l ' ''aren't read She seemed alvvavs hungry, but I,,-, ' " >"" '""." she onfessed, vvl:en food did her no" go. M| ,m! .she I ept "" ll " (ll ''l that she was v iolating the thin and delicate. - was viry '' U " i ., '''"' is -sucli a forward young MccplesH und sufleicd a -o from , Mipalion. \\c tiied :,veial i. "" " >"<> me. dear," .said tie inns reconimended for theco troui rlntendent, und slie K e. Uy took but they did her no good linally I ' ' 1> '"'''' from the girl's lingers, and saw Hiiby '- (iv\n Tablets advertised "' ll(1 "'oud. with an excr-di epei.im,- and got a box Alter ;;ivmg them to r " ll!1 ""' I'o-l'inpt xvhlch the hold, bad Jim hud xvritten : "That little uperintemVnt of ' ll," he- Concluded Is flu- walking out with atiyboilv yet > If not, di;e in a xxord or two for me I've thiovxi'd l.i. over." IT KI-l'T Till: CAT .IFF. llistrt'.ss "Cood. RruclouB ! Why to, xvh.it h.,vo \ou been doing with II, 's cliair ?" Sei v..i I maid "You *er. ma'am. the cat kept going on It. , U i.l tearing the plrsii. so I spiea.l some mn.-tard 1111 "" and now she lets it a-bc " her she l.cj;aii to improve in about two days, and in a week's time I conxnleied In r well. She could sli ep XX ell, the Vomitilli; C.'.l ed. lei bovve, became ie:;iilar and she began to K.I in in xveight She is now a fat, I e.' H bv b.ib.v ami I think tho , is due to llaby' Own Tablets and I would not now be without them ,-, the bouse." Haby's uvvii Tablets Is the only medicine rohl umlei .in absolute guarantee that it (onlairs neit b,r opi.ites nor other li.umful drugs These tablets are a ceil. MM cure for all i',e iniiioi iMlinenlH of childhood, such as sour stomach, Indigestion. constipation, simple fever, ili.i.rl, They break up i-o'.b pf%Vcmt ,,,,;. place this- diamond ring "upon voui and all. iv the li'iit.r-ion aceomp.uis - | linger MX love goe* onl to you' The Suitor "Here, ( ,n my l - I the culling of tei th I'rhe LTt cents a box .it all druggist by mail post paid by mldi, l>r Williams' Moduli.- Co. IliiMk- ville. Out. 1 Ol|t die "lint bow do 1 kno it is c,emiine ?" "My love Is ni genuine s the blush on your choh "I"' thr-r the loxe t I u>cau >k diamond " WE WANT DIVINE FORCE Do Not Depend on Brain and Nerve and Muscle. anil 3 and 4 and 5, but the figure A gives him a big Jolt fie says: "It cannot be that I am sixty. Let me examine the old family record. I . p >h j'-mt l-n; 1 T%iwi:l s n [lad l~! .i-l Two. b Will! m H ilr.ol Toronto, it U.O D pjilment .4 Afrk.-e.uirr. .. l you make your most abiding friend- ships ; you arrange your home life; you fix your habits. I.i rd God Al- mighty, for Jesus Christ's sake have mercy on all the men and women in the twenties I <t 1 accost those in the from \Vu.shington says : TJ.-v. i>r. Ta!:;'.jge preached fi om tl.e following text 1 saiaiM. xc, 1O. dajc ol our year* are three ,- years and ten." The seventieth 1:^1 tone of life is as at the and of the occupation or profession. A fexv go beyond it. Multitude! never riach it The thir- *- ' ties. You are at an. age when you find what a tough thing it is to get ^ni/ed and established in your TKN YT.AKS AtJO . >.in of modern t in "s I ut 16'.> A (.reck tho name of Strii v.irii'e li.ed I j . rs. An i:nv;iishmaii of of Thomas I'arr lixed , r.e; ,n; t , lime of Moses i|,, w many hours you sat. and wait- you thought all that was necessary for succe&H was to put on your nhut- 10 ler the sign of physician or dentist the or u i ton icy or broker or ai;ent and 1.V-! you W0 uld have plenty i>f bus ^iciiple lived 150 voiirs. and if you ei , ( or | >u .sinuM. and w.i.tod in <o f:ir er '-. they lived 000 tmee |*rsons only know God. yoi.r i.ii-essury. w , c nmj yourself In coinnieri i.il *.ry of the world must ), e y ,, have not had '.ho promotion iiovvn by tr.'iiition. and it an( | the increa** in * i Wl n- I long life safely to transmit tu-ipaied, or the place xou expected the le-vs "f tb- !>' If the Ken- to occupy in the iirni h,;s not been oralio! ,s I ad : . lived. tho vacated. From thirty ti forty is an story would so o'ten have chanf.'d ,.s;,,.cially hard linie for young doc- lips tl-at it n H"t all as- tors. young lawyers, young mer- llut aft ' ' cuan to chants, young farmers, joung n.e- it down ni tuld chanics. young ministers The strug- it from century to renli.ry it was t .| ( . ( th e thirties is (or bone&t and ! live FO helpful and ntnunera' ivc rifugmt ion. 11 or.ier to .,'.t!,eiiticle tho u, t few old people know how to s of the past If in 01, r tine ( rt .^t young people without patroni/- peope- li.'-d ly ' 'e;.ty-fixe years. i ni f them on the ore hand or snuh- tmj! tl em on the other i>h. the It is put in | rint and is no longer thirties ! Joseph blood lefore I'ha- also. Before they killed Jeaua they to kill Lazariu*. whom Jexua raised from the dead (John xii. I'M. The truth of Uod when not meekly Uiey made a mistake. They 'received makes manifest lhat "tho my name down wrong In the roll of births." But. no, the older broth- ers or sisters remember the time of advent, and there is some rela- tive a year older and another rela- tive a year younger, and. sure en- ough. the fact is established beyond all disputation. Sixty! Now your danger Is the temptation to fold up your faculties and quit. You carnal mind is enmity against God" (Rom. viil. 7.f ;14, 35. "Y men of Israel, tnke heed to yourselves what ye intend to do as touching theea men." The postles, l.i-ing sent out of the coun- cil for a little while, (Jnmaliel, learned and honorable member, whose feet Saul of Tarsus had been a at FOR FARMERS \ Seasotable and Profitable Mints for tho Uusy Tiller* Of the Soil. educated (chapter xxii. 3). thus seems to have had soiruthinir of the an( j spirit of Joseph and Nicodeuius, who ipurpQ^, will feel a tendency to reminiscence, 'gins to address Ills brethren. If you do not look out. you will be- gin almost everything with the xvords. "When 1 was a boy." But you ought to make the sixties more memorable for Gnrf and the truth than the fifties or the forties or the be- "1 " ITr also were at one time members of the council (Mark xv, 4.'i. John vii. SO). Wa do not know that he received Jesus as the Christ. ihirttni. You ought to do more dur- jfrom the wisdom and spirit of this COOKING FEED FOU SWIM:. It has been uiy custom for years to cook all the feed for fattening fall and winter, and also i pigs farroxved in the fall fed over winter. For this I feed largely a vogelablo potaloes, turnips and oion- coinbined with ground grain " vc ' r und" bran. For a long tiros I used a 1 ^ homemadu cooker built of plank with a sheet iron bottom, laid on a diet _ J A ing tho next ten years than you did 'address and on the supposition that : ston- or brick foundation, writes Mr in any thirty years of your life be- ' a -* '* t- i 1~ - u;- ! rnusa (>' all the experience you have bad. You have committed enough akes in life to make you wie Saul would seek the welfitru of teacher we may hope that he did. "Before rose up Theudas. boasting himself to be above your juniors. Now, under the somebody." He quotes two cases of accumulated light of your past ex- j deceivers who for a time had quite a portmenting go to work for Uod as following, but la each rnss the lead- n -vr before When a man in the ers perished, and their followers were sixties folds up his energies and fools dispersed The mark of a deceivm is that "he boasts himself to bs di() Mucdonubl. This homemade while gix-ing fair satisfaction, not appear as handy and con- somebody," while a true follower of i row i n( { time it ia Indispen the Lord seeks to glorify Ood only. ' The antichrist shall do according to dependent on tradition. V.ha'e.cr raoh ut thiitv I'avid ..i>. I will to-i'ay directly ud- years old when he licgiin to vo-i. ami 1 shall spo^k in the : rhirty ll> tie h.-i.ht if Solomon's tornple was th* thirty cubits ; Christ eniered upon thirties, tho f >rti . tie fifti'S tie hi* active mini-try at thirty yenrs ,10 are in the O f aj^ ; Judas sold h m for thlity |i-.es ..f silver Oh. the thirteen ! Vvhat n word suggest! '.n of triumph lies and ' > . i hi-s of you who are in the twenties. You are full of expectation Von nre ambl- , -thnt is. If >ou amount to any- tlui c for soiiM 1 kind of succiss. com- hc to become a in tuttisflsd i ,al or nu- i ion- .,1 , h'ei MX or i.qrirult nr.il OU SOCIAL nit VOUAL. If I Iind some or.o in the two wii'mut any Mr' i-f - '.-il.ii ion. I letl like saying : "Hy friend, you hax-e got mi l he wroi;{ pluii.-l. This is not Ih- world for < ou. You urs go- lag to be in irv way Have you made your choi" . -f poorhouscs ? You will nexer ' pay for cradle Who t- <"ing to nettle for your board 1 Tl ere Is a mistake about the fact th:it you were born at all." But. supposing you rmve ambi- tion, let me say tn all the le ti- tles, r.xp 'airg through di- vine manipulation. nnd then you will get all you wart nnd something "^ letter. Arc you looking for wealth ? Well, renumber that God controls the money m.irkot.s. the harvests, the droughts. th cater- pillar*, the locu-t - the sum-hlne. the storm. the land, ths sea. nnd you will get wealth. IVrhaps not that which is stored up In the banks, in safe deposits, in United States securities, in houses and lands, but your clothing and board nave " and shelter, and that is about all : |, ro |,ably you can appropriate anyhow You eternity- cost the 1-ord a great deal. To feed and cloths and shelter you for or disaster Next. I accost tlm forties. Yours is the dec.ulo of discovery. I do rut uioiiu the diwovery of the out- side. Lut the disc.iv. jv of yourself. hi has done enough, it is the devil nl Indolence to whi<-h he Is surn-n- Horing. and (.not generally takes the man at his word and letn him die right away. FIls brain, that under th tension of hard work is active. NOW Si;iM>KM.Y S11IUVKLS. Men, whether they relir* from secular ^ . ., __. __ p or religious work, generally retire to I Paul, the grt-at apostle, determined i ( . ant itv of thr* grave. No well oian has a ' *ui ._ t...* .. r ,*i._._* I right lo retire. The world was made to work. There reuiaineth a rest venient as ths cookers advertised in the agricultural papers. So thres years ago I purchased a fesd cooker that doe* the cooking by steam, and will heat water in the same way. Hot water is quit* as important in tJut piggery as in the dairy At far- This will heat u barrel of water in a half hour or less*. bis own will and shall exalt hiuiself I j r-u,U large quantities of root*, and magnify himself (Dan. xl. 861. 8uch ua turnips aud mangels, and a but tl u Lord Jesus Christ sought goo( i many potatoes also, but sel- ncither His own will nor His own ( j l)IU fee< i t he merchantable potatoes glory (John vi. 38; vlii. 50) and to fi. r thu people of Uod. but it is in a .s 'here beyond the reach of telescopes. My subject next accosts those in the seventies and beyond. My word to them is congratulation. You have got nearly If not quite through. You hu,>s saioly crossed lb sea of life ind are about to enter the harbor 'I here may be some work for you yet There ore. however, a largs small potatoes e.ery to know nothing but "Jesus Christ 'year""whlch con only bs fed to pigs and Him crucified." his mottoes be-| to make a profit on them- Potatoes] im.ill.-r than an egg are generally re- fused in our market, hence I natur- ing "Not I. but Christ." "Not I. but the grace of Ood" tl. Cor. ii. 3; zv. IU; Gal. li. 2U). 38. "If this counsel, or this work be of men it will come to naught." He may have remembered these ally hax-e a quantity of cull potatoes on hand each year. Of course I do not feed cooked vegetables alone. 1 use about one pound grain. ground on a small or a larva scale, tuurck of Garmaav vigorous Uis- words, "The Lord bnngeth the coun- Dllr i e y r corn and often wheat. If I sel of the heathen to naught; lie ^ home grown wheat ground st ths uiaketh the devices of the people of i t ,,. a | mills I have tho miller taks noaa effect" (Ps. xxxiii. 10; see also ' ttnuj t thirty pounds of th prims, Ua. vlii. 9, 10. for very strong flour (rom every 1OS pounds wheat, in the words in this connection.) ei K hties. The prime mmisUsr of Kng- g^t comfort to the true .. land strong at ssvenly-two. Haydn lo (u^x, that they that war against On9 pound ground grains, about composing his oratorio. "Th Lie*- | um shall be as nothing and as a e |ght or ten of boiled root* I steam lion." ut seventy years of age. Isoc- thing of naught and that no weapon two barrels at a time and find Ib rates doinsT om of his best work ni seventy-four . Christian men ana women in all department* serving Cod *iter becoming septuagenarians It is a an j let the remainder go believer 'short* and bran for pig Iced. In the I mix knows hun.-elf until ^ie Is und oclogcuariaiui and nonagenar- formed against him con prosper (Is*, 'economical and most satisfactory to xli. U; liv, 17). m j x equal quantities of turnips. 3tf. "If it be of God. ye cannot mangels and potatoes in each barrel. overthrow it. lest haply, ye be found when thoroughly steamed dump the even to light against God." 11 ' contents of the >>arrels into a large in thu No in.,n forty lie oveio-tiuiaie* or under- , tt ns prove that there are possibilt- | written that "every pu/pose of the ta, and while y.-t hot mix . l, it. x-if. Hy that time ties of work for thu uged. but I j Lord shall be performed." and "Th , ra i n mixture and cut and mash all h has learned what ho can do or ! think you who are passing the sev- j Lord of n ostm h aUi sworn, saying, together and feed warm. I have nhar. ho Cannot do thought cn u, are near being through Surely as I have thought so shall il made gains of 2 pounds per day on Uut the most of you will never come to f)IUM an(1 M j naTO purpo ^ fl ^ of aix-monthw-old shotes fed on enough millionaire, but now he tn make a comfortable h.ls human lire. Aram tno um.-vriaini.ies XJV ,j. t . p> xxxiii 11) take Cod through fhnst Jesus ai ,,, "' They commanded that they have blown enough V our prew-nt anil eternal safely Tho , hou i d not nvn jL m the name o'f you have ectii th" l.mgi-st life is os^ly a small fragment. j usua ttiln thfl of the great eternity. '.Ve will all of tis soon bo thure. living. Now. Calm yourself Thnnk i., ,1 for the punt mill deliberately se your tonu>nH.s for unothe. vov- aL' You have rbnsml enough tbir*- tlvdown; you o.i|> blll'blet.. unsatisfying natum of ALL KAUTI1LY Opeu a nnw cliupu-r with God and Uie wori.i Thu rtrcade forties ought to cllpne all it- prudecnusors in wornhm. in im-,- and m buppiness. "Forty ' is a great woid in tlio Dible. God's ancient people were forty years in thu wilderness. Kli j milled Israel forty yHtr*. I'uxid and Nolonn,.'. aud Jithoiush rvigi.ed forty xeurs. xxhco Josi-ph vimtod hi brulhren. ho was forty years old (>u. thu mountain top of tho forties) You now the churucl*M you xvill huva for all linn- and all God. by ll..r :( co. m.m.'- im.n after the for- reach the eighties or the seventies or tb" iixtles or the fl - 8hall p he counsel it of the Lord i ne counsel 01 me Liora sianueui j us very He w< passes ii to tho tort i for ,. verj t he thoughts of Ills heart to about a p gone far beyond the average u f ^ generations" (Jur. li. 2W; Isa. ^^m l n an life. Amid tho uncertainties X1V -J4 . xxxill 11. again, this mixture In the fall of the year. standeth very little water In cooking, pailful to a barrel, as the cooking adds about the right amount of moisture to the mix- ture In finding fall farrowed pig* I do not b.i.e the feed so dry. but of this aim to have considerable water in ungodly and rebellious command it. In this case do not mash. but they are beaten and let go. How amply mix the grain and root* with the devil bates that name at which a sharp MI every knee shall yet bow and concern- I could not winter fall pijrs pro- ing which every toiiguu shall yet fltably without roots, and for the confess that Jesus Christ Is Lord, tlrwt four or fivt! mouths feed tlui to the glory of God tire Father! warm, sloppy fei'd To feed or win- (1'hil. ii, 10. 11.) Jesus told His tor fall pigs on grain alono I Iind -' :|>les that they would bo deliver- almost impossible, as they go of! txl up to the councils and bo scourgod 'their foot. suffer with rl,.- nn.. 1 >-:n and brought before governors and and other ills. I find it advantag- kiiii;s for His sake (Matt. x. 17, 14) eoua to food raw roots now and 41. "Hpjoicing that they were then to both fattening swine and counted worthy to suffer shame for young pig*. I also lay up a quan- 'Behold. the men whom yc put His name." What a glorious reality tity of sodrt in the fall, and from is tho Lord Jesus to those who can 'the cellar feed a sod or two every THE S. S. LESSON. 25- lifetime requires a big sum of money, and if you get nothing more than the absolute m-oe^sities y<i get an enormous amount of supply. Kxpect as much as you will of any kind of success. If you expect it from the Lord you are safe. Pe- pend on any other resource end you may be badly chagrined. but di- pend on God and all will be well. It Is a good thing ir the crisis of times changes- a lies, but after change. 1 * himself. that Tell man never uie. O men INTERNATIONAL LESSON, FEB. 16. Tozt 4f the Lesson, Acts T 42. Golden Text, Matt T. 10. 25. in prison are standing in tho temple and teaching the people." This waa take- such treatment, not only with- day or two. This i.i a great appeti- ih'e message which was brought to out resentment, but oven joyfully: zi-r and corrector of the S-, -tern ho niiib priest, council and senale Backs scourged and bleeding, full of of UK- children of Israel us they pain physically, but full of joy In- VOUT.TRY OS THK I> UUY KUIM .... . _ waited to receive the prisoners whom wardly how great IH ti ..f j, 1>t why dairymen do not inak .. who src in the (< '' -. ll-e y li.nl arrested the evening before. God! They were already tasting 'poultry raisi-ig pay Is not a pro- habits of thought and I le. [Multitudes of men and women were that which I'aul was afterward told blsja hard to solve Tho reason U your und I will tell you vxh.il you will forever be make a mis- take once in a thousand times, but not uioie than in ll)t proportion life to have a man of large back you up. U i- a greut thine to have a moneyed institution M.v sermon next accost* the fifties, j wo rk wa-t going so grandly that thu IlovV queer il looks when in writ- j high priest and Sa'lducees sir.iply irg your K<* .xou make first of could not stand it and so pul Ihc the two Pgures a "o." Thin Is a d- apostles in prison. God. mean* i Ctt ,) B which shows what the other de- stand behind yon i:i your um'er- takint;. Hnt it is a mightier to have the f'-oil uf 1'oaxun earth your coadjutor, and YOU MAY HAXK HIM I am so glad thnt I met you thing and whilo caderi hve been If a y.vinn man has .- ; ,t an ungel hy night and re.e.'sed believing, and multitudes of sick concerning i In: great things ho must i,,,.^ o j knowledge relating to poultry and demon possessed people not only suiter for Christ's sake (chapter U, raising. Would uny common sens* in Jerusalem, but also from th" 16). dair.xm.in start dairying with a cities ro inl.ibo'ii. were healed. Thu 4J. "And daily in the temple and 'pound butter cow and permit hei in every house they ceased not to 'to rustle for her lixing around th touch and preach Jesus Christ." (bay stack ? As to In...!-.. m.Mt poo- Thus they obeyed God rather than |,| ' have their fancy ; but nil ' man and were ready for the next ar ,. not oi| ..uiy pi " r \\<' i..ivo s beating or imprisonment for so do- giout many impuri"* from men thai ,ey wore and whom they ser>od. ..own wild oats and he has lived up them from prison and sent iheiii to let to tins time, he reaps tin- harvest of it the tenipic to continue tlieir minis- in the fillies, or if by necessity ing whenever Oh. tl-tf ixven- the and Insomnias have their playground u, a t they hud been forbidden in tho fifties. You b.-ix.- :n.de -o , O1U .|, m the name of Jesus and then many voyages you ought lo be aj a dds this word, unintentionally giv- irood Mttor, So IOIIK |>rot.i'led and ji, 1R blewnd. you ought to have a soul full of doxology- In HiM" times in Cannan every fifty years was by (iod's command R your of jubilee. Tin- people did not work that year If property had by misfortune irone out of one's posacssk'n, on the IM eth your it c.ini. 1 back to him li h luid fooled it away U was loturivil without a farthing to puy If a m. HI had been enslaved, he was in that year emancipated. A trumpet and as you can put the figure '2 Itfore the other flgur.i that helps describe your ago I ha.ve high hoped ubout yon. Look out for that .''guro 3. Watch its continuance with us much earnestness as you over watched nny- thinu about that promise;! you sal- vation or throaU'"''il you iletiioll- /ion TVhat a criti.-ti wan sounded lo'id ami cl-'iir long, und it was tho TKUMl'KT t'b' .It MII.KK They shook hands. they laugh- ,-il. they congrntiihitoil. \Vhal a time it was, that fiftieth year! An I if under tho old dispensation it was such a glad time, under our n -w ami more glorious dispensation let all who have come to I hi- rfmtt hear tho trumpet of jubilee that I noxv blow. Mv sennon next accost* I bo sixtie" tcsiiinony to their /.oul. b' evidently fi>rnoiling that the |" had cried, "His blood Ix; on us anJ on our chibJien" ( Mat' MVli, '-" 29-312. "\\o ought to ohey i.od rnther than men." Thus replied How ran vv m. ike fow and e\.'l Ci>e ' I I -t . VV " to., heavily or make it too i jsy for birds to g.-t t h.-ir food \\-' Peter and again acc'.is --d v'.iem to their faces .u heir'; ihe nun del-era of -. whom t5o>l rai ed irom the and exnlied with His right hand to \>e .1 I'mice and a Saviour to give repentiime nnd furuiven. .-ven to such as they were. 'll.>' God might see fit t. want to ki-ow if it v. ill pay to raia*. it come. As Peter and John the ^tandard-brod lien on tlm farm they could not help doing it. no place where it will pay he try and 'there they are found teach- like Jeremiah, when tempi.-.! to . i all the xv.is com|?lled to overtoil in honest im / insteuii of in tne prusin i.i.der speak no More in His n.uno. ' , \v ... \, . (. I'hey will pr.i- dirottionn he is call-d lo so (tie up , ho power of the authorities. They had such a burning lire within them due. us many ORK- with exacting nature sometime dur- belonged to God. that, they rv if they did not breed and motv ilesh UMI, njosj) o! ing the liitlra tlanv have ii so hard I .iiv-'-S "IN-hold, yo MO.XT fillud Je-jspcak; or, lik" F.lihu. they felt that them T"i.,- H.irr.-il I in e.irlv lit.- thH! thiy nre oclogcnar- r ,, 9l ,f cul with your 'doctrine and in- they would burst if thov did not ooil for bom ,,f tin-,- ol.j.xis. but , at flftv. Scinticas and rheunni- : ,,.,,,| t o bring this man's blood upon speak (Acts iv, 1!U, ./.-r *r. '.': .lob. we think that th W2 ^s^ld^'t^Vxi "Tor - -i '-' Th. W prta. remind xxxl,. 18 five hundred million years of your existence will be aiVotod b.v tho.so plans, ll is about 8 o'clock tn the Horning of your life. a"d yon arc Just starting out. Which xvuy lire you going to start ties I "Twenty" is a great wont in Dible. Joseph waa sold for twenty pieces of silver; Samson judged Is- rael twenty years ; Solomon gaxn Hiram twenty cities ; thu flying roll that Zechariah saw was twenty cu- bits; when the sailors of Iho ship on which Paul saiVd M.urdeil tho Mediterranean sen. it w t xs twenty fathoms. What mighty thii-tfs have bwn done in tho ixv.":ies I Horu- ulus founded Home when hft xvivj twenty. Some of the mightiest things for God and eternity Imxe been done In tho twenties. As long ;\ ANN SI I \l-l-- The latest dcveiopment in suix'' '" f" u ' : ' .'.i their B win- 1 ln Vl ~ tor a much n- possi lie I he proflt known as ; wi!lter dc|H-n,ls on having th saddle nose the most, remarkable re- hcm , w ., Wlous ^j iind K ^ ntlt ,, enna. In the deformity known as suits arc said to be obtained. Tho process consists In the siibcutiuie \ 1^; by L'U f.^-'t in lori; nniiej of that (leendo i< m H to slay them." Not T While the'v" rontinucTV.'.', lhiin ">' olner lo hK w '" ' ;o lll< "" 1 "' ''' s " 9 " p " n lournov tho mm riduvt hut ''- ~" rau.lv to hrin yorr occup.iti in itnl the (iriu- Moni'.o -;n at h -hi.-v, ,.., nit) in, ...'H...I I raUior smoothly over tho (.gurus 2 .Un- you will U gui,k, it, i-i not possible to pi, use Cod und to | lease tlie world lying In thu wicked one is s-ovn In Gai. I. 10 ; Luke xxi. IS; Ja.s Iv. 4 These :ii..st'o- were in conscious pnrtiter- with the- Holy Spni'. who was In them. i. nd He. the Spiiil. wus the speaker through tb'-ir lijs. oven aa .l.sus hud --aid. "It is not ye Unit speak, In t t''e Spirit of your Father .which si'ea'.cth in you" (Matt. x. L"" H3. "When they hoi.r.l that. they wore cut to the heart nnd took only them. hut they wore ready to bring omselveH the blood of the apostlo.s in.ii-lion of paniifin. which before il a v i,f tin- completely sets Is mould.^ into the shape A warmed gyrlng enough for ">i> foxvk> l'i not Hour .p. ICO " be witli nests, n other ii\ ' s " of tlie lino i- space should ^ " charged with the inelt-d compoim.l i . r ,.,, ,.,. Ul ,. , t t and the needle -I between tho ovebi - above the root of tin- noso Then the compi-iiml M in.iei-l- \"^\\ jn ^ j^,,', . ed into the subcutaneous < Ihe ncdls is slowly withdrawn il ';houli' be i,s.-d for a scnitehini I'ut in only cinv:i(li HAIS1SC \ SEA. The i' ust sanctioned a ro- markable IJJT on xx 1 1 not succeed with poultry is that, thej >t knoxv how lo f. --.I to the best itai<e. Largo fowls leipiiro i different system of feeding thai sin.ill o not likcl] -ih,- to uef ovorfat. They will leave con ; of tli.- .: : - wat-r on tho ground and run after insects of tho Sea of Azof 14 fet 8 Inches, while tho larger lu.eds will eat t.hr hy building a dam uear Kei corn that is. giv..-n them and stn< nn!i-i Ion:;. In the wall immense sou- aro-md x-. ;:ii;ug for luon' made tor the passage clover is i;o.nl :ind Chopp ho tt* Of ships. There xril! also ;. outlets -'neh du.v. for the suiwrlluoiiH I'hc Co3t will not taU will t-o about. ?'.'.". i in, >oi 1 1 rhe inter- nverutje i.mu o-s which xvill bo paid by ships 'go to xa-ite chop) ' O* tht ti,en> is much ts* th.xt the fowls cat trailing to tho ports a.'Tcted ' this hclpt* to glv ;irofl<

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