Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Feb 1902, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PUINCIPLE8 NOT MEN." 7 )', I If, HO 1074 Fiealicrtoii, Ont., Thursday, February 2O, 19O2 W. H THORSTjN, EDITOR A PllOrhlETOH ..IB i An 6-cr'owinu ntck which wr nrt 1 nV- >?rnan of roilui ii'g tl.is month. Come in, examine and ft *t p'L:m. You wi 1 be mil-prised at the livrainn. ?? An endleas vatiety, from 25 centu to $25, and all low in price fur tin- quality Chains Charms died on Thumdny the 13th inst., at the rip old age of 78 years. Her reroaina were, inteired in Maple Orove cemetery on Thu'*l.-iy afternoon and on Sahhaih ' m^ht a very i>npruMiive service was held 1 in tln> Met hmliat. church, of which de- ceajMxt had ien , life long and consistent . member The church waa beautifully I dr.ip-d for thn occasion. The bereaved I one*hiii'c tho wympathv of tfietomiNsunrtj*- Mr. Jolm MclViWen 1 ha ftevered hw connection with Hell & Rn-tuborough and ia g"in<? wes>. We. wuh John suocesa. MIM Violet McDutf of M-irkdale ia vwiiing fn.o.ds in I >*n. Mr. .1 S Howe, principal of Markdale neh'Mi! rud V*r. T. E. Bnw>n were in 'owu on Sitiinl.-iy. Mr. mi I Mr-. Tim.. Hanbiirr are in Tor-xito 'lii w. ek. Mnn Ida HHH ry and Mr. Robert Wilson '"'" i|tiii-lly joiii>-d in matrinmn- ial t>on-Ui>n the :ir I of the month and are now reaiiln -g in AII.Ktini. My their union 1 prove a future ! happiness 18 our wish. I A Hplendid line of Silvirwnn*, at tho livinu pricrs. Baxwcll W. A. Armstrenj - Flesherton elalyre The citiaena of Mclntyre HUTU prn> i nbly xuaT. red more th^n nnwt part* of In- country tlirotiuh the late rorm*, Nimg for eitAt cUyn withwi* wail *-o Mr. Neil McDonald, who advertised a ante of farm Htock, had to i>ot|>.>n<R the ale i wicf ai d tlie tlntil tune the aucti- n eer failed to Hhow up <>n of our local n. n t-H>k up i he hammer n.| ran the stuff offi|u.tcaatlfactory 10 all concerned. Mr. McDonald wiw ttoateit badly liy tlie otorns aiid ha>l it n.< 'n-en f T theenerj;y trnpUvwl by Rev. Mr. Fleming of Max- well, who rrniHped on foot all of four mil. h fwr tku occasion, Mr. M woulil alao have had 10 He Mr. \l. !<> es tliln werk for H fri. mis hero wt h ImiiKelf ami wife prosperity in tho new home to which they ire goniK. McDniald Mclntyte At ill" raai- Icn-e <if the hndca father, Molntyre, by tin I*. Klemiog, Mr. Donald McDonald, t - Mil*-. Jessie, dauithtur of Mr. Donald Mclniyre. At a patty held n Friday evening of Ual wovk MIT McD.-na.ld waa the re. ipi-nt . f a pri-*entali.-ii, (he par iLtiUn of which your scrine ha not liwiMd at time of writing M-*rH. H<-tur Bell aw I Hectwr Me- l.e<aa ra holding alen tliiN week a4 v41 #* f'ollingwiNxi be rosidi*. We are p'eaaeil thin winter 1.1 receive a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Win Sproulu if Winnipeg. Mr. Sproule started for h-*nei duntiu the recent HI i .mi and at 'he us>4 of the third day hail < <m'y Ulf a tn:te . on his way. Your reader* c-t*lit;urtt out ' tor tbHiii<*eJve*i bow Way t: would t ikn tmn r. > reach Winnipeg ,-it that rate uf travi-J. i > i >if Own Curre*i*>*dr>it Mr. Davnl MuCutchenn of Wiscoimin w viaitinn hik siater, Mrs K.ibt. Kinnear, at preaent. Mr. Ward of Dunda'k ia upending a few days With old friend* around here. < n vVddw.e4a^ evening, Feb. 12t:i, the Hev. Mr Fleming united in III- bonds of nut run. nn Mr. I--hn Stephen f Desln-ra and Mim Nellie. McCallum ot theUli Hue of Oiejrey, at tfte residence f the bride'* father Mr. BdWrd ttcCnllrain. Tke cer- emony wai introduced by Miss Sara Me Kee playing a wedding march. Though the oveniiiK wn.s rough and tho roada heavy. hn many friends of the bride were tliere and did justice <> i Well pre- pared feast, after wh>ch they enjoyed tluiM->ulvea 'ill the wee. small hours of the morninu. The presents woru numeroufi and more limn ronimoiily useful. We wish the young people much lia|i|>uean, health, peace and cooipctance. Mif-aJeskie Cameron and her mother are vmitin-j at Mm. \V. H. (Juy's at pre- sent. Mr. and Mra.T. M. l.uy spent Sunday and Monday at the latler'n home at Eu- | ""^ , re , The Anaemic YeMlg Girt Perhaps tine is sixteen. Suddenly ahe aeeins to lorn strength, her beauty fails because her strength fails, her eyea lose their lustre. How her spirit droopa ! It alarms you, but all this insy lie correct- ed quickly. Oet her Fermzone, it ia a nerve tonic, it aids the stomach to do its work. ShVll oat anything and diiieat it too. Fvrroanne m an absolute specific for anaemia of young people. Ask your drug- gist for it Price 60 cetta at Richardson's. The smallpox case in H nils ml will coat the towtiNiitp something over two hund- red dol Urn. Banner. Three officers of th 31st Regiment (Grey) liaro been recommended to have conferred upon them the colonial auxil- . wry forces -i racer* decoration. They are' Lieut. Colonel Itro.li.-, Lieut. -Colonul Telfonl and Major It.ike. The .i lion, wlucli is given to officers who have aerved continuously for over twen'y years, was ou <if the Ian matters which occu- pied the attention of Queen Victoria. The ; deeoration is a mom kandaoine one. oon- aiKtinit of a silver nvl surnioui.tod by a told crown, and bearing the letters V.R. I., also in gold. The medal is uapr by a green rib'ion from a silver bar. i;eni;i Mr. and Mrs. W. H.Guy celebrated the 2nth annircrwiry of ibetr weliiingdy on Saturday e>enma, Feb. 12tb, whan a few | .4 the friends and acquaintances wie gathered and a very enjoyable evening A knot of men wsa gathered ia the Hin..kinu mom at the club the other even- ing. All ordinary topic t had been ex- hauiited. and they tinnllv entered upon a contest to see who count' i41 the most re markaMe atory atxiut tho fat aiMI >r the lean men they hud seen. A veritable AnantaH was awarded Hrat prize without a diiuMMiinu viirce wwen he aserted that he bad m.-tm bis travahi a man HO thin that \\ could "go through a flute without ttlriking a note." Die nnny of winter fakir* is due. Be- ware ! Don't buy steel ranges, or fruit treea.oi air blast churiiH,or patent rights. or auytliing el-o of "tlie stranger under any pretext, or ioJucoinont, or reproHent- aiii.n. Kiuht ahy of all seeil-Ktarter*, hotter incieaners. preservative* and -iilier things. Don't buy soap with fo-iy yard- of carpet tlirown in as a premium m> a $5 lran* tmn. If you need fruil treua. pliinin, sewls or supplied, " h'-ii-uN from which yon Mi<w> Annie Heron ha* reUamed home after a couple of week*' visit with fnenjx in Oylan Frutn (>icr trtrw orrf.;;</(i(/rir. !\'i. Uob*. Lfgn'c i" spell-ling a few woeks in Cb:cn^f. ;in 1 other p.irts Mrn. Diinciin, who huM IK-.-H vixitii-g her many frici.ilN lime f--r tho piHt 'MO ni-ilil h, rem-iu.lt i her li'mie in \Vuah- inut.<in -n Friday. M Krank anil Mis* .lout and i'o linson v si'wi frieinlii in Durham cart of Mr. <!. Coi.nis -n is ii'.dor -he l>r. l':irtr with Inoiichitii. Mi Will Uilcbrint r.-..iv,<t wi-nl Saturday thai onu of hit cliildiun witx /. ry ill. He left for hit Ii- me iu Dakota Mis Wnr.l lliiriisoii, uho has lieon spending the |<at two montliH w l'i /riencln in (hi* vioin ty. r--ceivi-.l wor<l on un.l..y of thedeaih of litt'e \li Ueliu Beni Inin and left f r b- r home in New Yoik a' ate on Monday uM.ii.inK MisaCarW-on of Urand V.illi-y ia the i; n t - f M s S;no,it thla we. k. Mi - J. D. More-Hi ami Mrs. Morgan, ir.,me viait 114 the lat'et'H daughter, Mrs. J. M. Eimn, 'his week. Mr. H. Ki.l.lley is on tin., sick list A few of our young pir pie spunt a very fn joynhle oi niiiu a. Mr. I 1 ', rgusou'x on Uund-iT evoninu of laat nock. Mark On 1V'ediTiy. .Inn 'J9th, at 3 p. m., the resiJuucii of Mr Wm. *.tnn.l--ts n. Ruelljrove. was ihu scene of a jihwmt even', wln-n til* yourgnat ditughter, Martha, antl Mr Alf'Dunlop of Va.ide lour, were ui'e^ in tho holy |MIIII!M of uiatlilnony hy ihu Rev. Mr. Jounlan in file presence of alrmt sixty giittHta Tile hriile wan atti:o 1 iu f-iwn liemi. -HJI trim- Mic<l w th api.iii|iie and cliilfon. Shu win ^ ,vi u away hy In r br -tiler \Villimu, ami wan aTci.dcd y Mist Hunti^h Hmwn, !ulo Mr. W. A. \Vubur ai'.l tbo ^10,1 111 tluou^h ihu trvinK oiileal. Af'er the .'t-rein -ny .ia performed and congrat iilniionsovur ll K.it down 'o H KIIIIIO u.-ii- ..uppiif pTi'pii'eil l.y the liride'x niothi I Tlie renminder of t.iio wening waa ^p. nt in gani'tx, lutncinu eto. Thu br'do waK the iccipn-ni of many list-fill nod v.-iluaMr pl-e*ent4 hl-h toii!ieil to rim in:.-, ill in winch hc w hel.i \'t -i 1 apxi'dinv H c- u j.lo of uel>K it h tl'H-r fr ondit in t Ii.- " n icii i y of Hnni| ton Mr. and Mrs. Dun- lop ro'arn'd to tboir hmuv nuar Van 'e- lojr can buy, or if a local agunt approachea you that's aiw.hur thin*;. There ia tv neeil to deal with s'rangera. There is no ia dea. ing witfti tile men! HWhere, .in I represent { V .!.. -I v & C-i. Them havi 1 lieon n-gistored with W. J., Bellamy, Di. Regiatrar for Artemenia. for. half v-r ending Dec 31t, 1W1, ^2 births, 2IJ death*, and 10 inarringos. When the Baby Cries at Night there is* oauau for i'. Peihaps it is gaa on the stomach, may be crmps or diah- rhoa. Don't lose sleep, aniicipitu MIC h i . M' H'." 'ti -iea by :ilwi\a keejiinu liandy n liolili- uf Ho'N-in's N-i vil-ne. Just .1 few dr--p in watur g'vun inwardly, then nil) the Intlu one's atonmch with a small <|imnt.ty of Nervi'i.ie, iind |ierfi-ct rent i>- aMHured for ihu mull! for both mother and bhy. You limy no' uee.l Nervilin.i .-I'tt-n tnil wlnn you do uenl it you iii-ud it !!- ly. (jet a 25u. bot'lu io <Uv. AddrM and itself ,*erv K.U- M'K^I NIN KgaM lat we, l . and Mr- M..U.I hUn .-f 1 1 e spent Sunday :w the lyi.- u . Mrs. W. Ltivnce uini Mi us V,. fit* visiting friendM at (.'o|-liclt>"(j. MiiK M.-liouild o/ the Durham Rud ^ ({Heal gt the Q iwii's th't nlt. Tho following addresa t To Mi*y<'rma .V. V /. .. The roinjreiiatli.il of the M.-ill >(l-sl church iliimn-a to express to you their appreciation of your Mimrea aw >-rvAi.ifit for llie piut year aid onu half. Wo his. no-eil youi punciiutlity in altniulnnc.. an-l i-tl'ort to inaku 'lio eboir a helpful a-.'ent in our service of wo xlii|. Aa i siijln token of our eat< em we sk you to accept- thia ]ni'HH of money. A trust that wo may long ltav the |irml--L" p of your Her vices in thu posit-on vii ocoii|>y and thai your e<ori tju mi>k n holpful factor in devott'.nai Rervi* ia*jf btt crowned with Glasses Cure. That in-irea ; luusoao. l for p-t r ntht 'mgreuntion. THOH. \VHITK. ttoBT. PtANTT Jan. 27. Eycstrain causes many serious ills Nervousness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Sleeplessness, headaches baffling the skill of the best doctors. We adjust glasses that remove the strain give a lasting cure. We guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong, tWE'-ER AND OPTICI* . FLESHERTON. I Our '>( Corrrtumnlent. ; f'ed < ,tr t"n im! claim fl for its victim Mrs. .Jo'--i |(i|. die who M. V. Mulnt.wii . f rWnoch h.i.l fino horse IfiMod )>y a ii. fallioa n:>ti it while in the IHI-II A^lrang incidtni in c. nneuOon lth in- nee dent wa that the horae'a mat*', stainl-.iii' hilclied lioidc it. WM n- t harmed, Sh,orth|orri BVLL FOR SEKVICB NO. Mill General flordon br*d S K., Ar In ths T .it<lhfta llritt olafts thwonuh- li-ill (or mi-nun nil lo l.V. T.8 1 tn< in nun .it the ht tti-inhiiali I'l-ll- atiun. Tor 30 Days at * * McFarand, Stafford & Co. HARKDALE, ONT. During February every department will offer special bargains, and iimiiy cliaueei will be offeied to buy good lioin s*t gooda at bunt half price. It will be impoaaible to ttll you about all the sptcibl li.iro;iins thruugli thetwcoluiiu-H, but wo cordially invite you to come and visit as. All winter goods 1m ve b*-eu marked down regard less ofeont. All broken lots are pnt out at about half price. All liuesudvcrtiscd last w-i-k will be left out at cut pi ices until all sold and i>ew l-ines awl odd lt<t are put on the baigatu Ublo every day. These special bargains will go on sale Friday moruing : MEN'S 16.00 COATS FOR $1.80. 50 Men's Odd Coals, (made in our factory) assorted patterns in all wools, tweeds, aergea, etc. 8omu Hinple. some double hreaatvd, IH M of linings and workmanship, reg. values 93.00. $4.00 and $6.00 each. On sale Friday morning at 1.89 MEN'S .00 SUITS AT $390. 25 Men's Suits, nizwi 36 to 42, assorted patterns in Canadian tweeds, Halifax twoedt and blue serges reg. values were $6 and 96 oach suit, on sale Friday imirnniK at J Is} MEN $8.50 FKLT HATS AT $1 W 48 Men's fine Wakefield Folt Hats, latest fi-doia xhadua, in black, faw-a, grey, bron, otc . all Kites, every hat uuaranteod, always Hold at 82. 3* 'o $U.."iO each, on Friday morninu at choice 1.48 176<JKKY BLANKETS FOR $l.n:i 12 pair Hi. v Wool H.-.I ltlnnk-t, fancy colored borders, sizes 5i by 70 inch, if'Kxl heavy wri-jhl, royiiUr valuu $1 76 pair, on sale Friday mom- ing ut per pair 1.09 12k Kr.SSKLL LINING FOR 6 10 piece* uf Rutwell .-r Linenotte Lining, Mingle width, 30 inch notluni; better for skirt lininua, *lui<l black or grey, regular on sn'u Fnday morning it per ya:d 16c HKOOMS FOR 7 cts. 00 Hro.'iin,- string, reg. 15 ct. kind, nn sale Friday innraiay at each 7 $1.26 FKLT BoNNKTS F(K 25 eta. 48 Children'* felt bonnets, anaortcd stt I.-- in aha.iea of red, blue, Rrce.i, brown, en nn. etc., nicely made with /ur liiuinuig, xeguiar values 7fic to $1.25 each, saJe FrWUy wv HiMng at. 05 60c CRIB BLANKETS FtVR 19 eta. fiO Blmnket sample*, pure all-wool, sijie 4O by HOinc-hea, pure while with fancy uolorud borders, the reg. values are 50 cts. each, on aale Ftidny morning at ]y 50 ct. EIDERDOWN COATINGS AT .T2c 20 [wt terns mil colorings in Eidvnloirn Flannel, plain oream, red, pink, blue and fancy .stripe [talicm*, sold all season at 4ft and 50 eta. a yard, on mtltt Fiidny morning at. ,12 wide, value 121. A Co, We tlenire this week to bring before those who use har- ness ;hi' a<lvisiil)ilit y of t'X'iiiiiiiin^ the bargains which wo Imv to oiler von for spriii"; trade. We have bought for spot cash of tlie host iniiiiufat tuft-rs and can fully recommend this stock as bring the best made and cheapest goods that can be found within the limits of Ontario. Look at thcKe prices for h\o weeks only : M I? inch |) -nl.U- Tuani Hiniens, regular $35, com|>let for . . $30. <K) la inch Double Te-a n Haiiu-N^, regtiUr ?*JH, <iinipU-to 'or . .$~f>.00 li ill Doulile TeMiti Hainern, wi h RiileMtrapv reg $<HI for $1'7.(KI Light ('num. Hain.w, ic-jular 11 f>0 f.-r $9.50 L<gl>t Diiring Hnrnwm, r. gultr $ltl (X) f.r $13.50 Light l'ir ine lr*rne>, n-gntar 117.00 f..r $14 50 Harness fittings of all kinds to match. READY-MADE CLOTH ING We simply will not be undersold in boys', youths' ami ge-.t.-* ivady made clothing, but will have something more to say on this head in n week or two. In th" meantime the bargains are lu-re come and get them. WM. OAVU Pno F. Q. KAR5TEDT, FLESH ERTON. .-

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