Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1902, p. 1

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MARCH 6, IfOf THE *LESHERTON ADVANC * UUULOUOH * YOUSO vA Haukore. Markilele o general bankiug bunliiM*. Slouuy loaned at roaaooable rate. Call on us. A H VANDU8RN. J P & Oerk 5tl; Ulv Court. Co Grey Uur of Mairlatie l,lceDo, Conveyancer Notary I'uhlic Auctioneer. Money to loan criit. Charge* moderate. P Rj M-K H.-I.K I'.utmast r, Fleaherton , oiumlttioner In H. C. J., Auctioneer Con ev-. Appraiser and Mouey Lodor Hual K-'.t'K aail Innuranee Agent. Deedi mort-ixBS, leaiui au-1 will" carefully drawn u an I valuatloui ma lo on (bortvit notice. jn. . t i m at loweit rate* of Intero-' . uttoaUil to with |>ruun>tn har^ji low. Agunl for Ocean Dominion i'dinpauy. A call solicited. A. O U W meets ou the latt Monday in oa.-u month. In tuelr lo.ige room. L-riitou' hlook. Fleliorton. at H p m T. lak.-iv. W M . AM liitxon, Recorder; W, in<M-r. VUitlug brotbrto Invltod PHI .1 M.THTIl I ' *. A- . . In tho Maeoulo ball. Htraln ck. Flesh.. rton, every Krlday on or before lull luoco. J A Ikjyd W M W J lauiy, Soi.retary. KI.KSHKUTON. I. O. K. meets In V , -,o laet Frl'U) eveuini Vi.iiiu* roreeti'M heartily *l* .mi. r .: Ii Waller; H.H., \V. A. Arm- D M ' I' 4 * Hut. Physician. Snrc^on. etc Offlce and ro.i.k"i. -l''.-Jr at., fleeht-i - DK 1 T. Mllil>y,-l'liyslelao, fciurieon. etc Klmliertun. inn i. uce. Toronto ilroet. opposite tk. . . n,*. !' l-.nn-l ihMi- nai an, I : ., i iiitjr of Orey. SCOT < -l-TI.Y M.. in her. College Pbyilc A ftnrgeoni Ontario Urail.iale In Mfllclne of Tonmti. rm whip Diploma , Poet <ra*lu- ate Mu.lu-vl Hchool enrt Hotiiilal. ChMafO. me-n i.r -)o. ear, nose and throat apt-daily treat- I H. SOFTLY, JOHN A. BCOTT, PeverebaD. Maawell. T P OTTR-AKLL ' Veli-rluarj HorReon ar d ,... ..t Ontario Veterinary Collene. Uei i . .. -."MI, I cluor (outh waet on M.I Thin itreet ran* emitti Prenl, neb. 0\V. M A ' C I MI an, I Dentlet, Ma we) " larlo Veterinary ( i i ... \ i'it- .. v ! i , in I 1 n 1,1 t M ! in tad I Hvt'nham Th'n ! fr, in t tn A p. m. J. W. KltiiHT. I. I. H. ...yaneer. f I'OntoOco, hpi, !:.'> block i ...r- I i an I court day :!lce, Froil 1 block Pjuli .tn.-c: eaet. LI 1 * MrAHIH.I, H,irii-t..r bolK'ilora Conveyancers, tt I Out itll.l kl>rk I,, W 11 A,.!.,,, Mi IMI'I.K 1 II I.IIAI u offloe, UUL'liuil's Hank every H*-ir,lay. Tl I i i II I ll:;ON >.>iiciiori, etc M Bank, Owi-n Konnd h Vl:> . . .1 W l'\ TTK1MON \IAKAV * AMPSON.tlarriti-rR.nllcltnrii*<i \\ nl cti IS: Owi-n i' -Hurt. M. -M liuim IU . ' Moute. l.dii.lalk. Main , Hktunlay, lin.n at 4) par cent. * 0. XI u I. kV.JI A , Hi: til !> >'<. I.. I.. A' ,lmn-K at Klr-lic.ton anil rU. OR. I! C. MURRAY. I,. 1>. s. il.-i.tai -nriir-in ,,f .Mitarlii u K! tin- l*t I . I ILindalk 1 and .1 Thuraday fl . ..' 'YORKSHIRE BJAfi it I U-tn. :ir,l ranqo iV T. it i .1 Hi.ir.i i Fkbrer) V. (fill l. i i Ml N IT .p Eugenia Planing Mills . . . ( li-t your Sash, 1 )o<ns, ri'Mi-iii;.:, Sin-din};, Nr\\ dl I'u is, l>;illnstt'i's, ( 'tir- ui-r I'.liit ks.l liiinl K.-iilin^, tin- Ifsl ol' Spruce Lath. \ > 1 iiiu! No. _' Shiii^h-.-i. \'.'IMIII|:I ami Kitt iii;. 1 . Sid 1, rh . Turning; of all U lionc to tinier. Nru nt' stoin 1 - tin 1 flioji S-ilisr-ictioii in all lines FLESHBRTON IONSORIAL PARLX)R Nine)ty-eifil)t i^rnont who wanted to Hoinw ninety died lo our cellar. Hook pnrllarn and ioBuranc* agantc will tie killed without notice. Per mm atkintf for credit will be pol*- uiitHl. Doad heads will be ininiwli- Mt- '\ R-'i'hv iiateil. I^oafors when au.ent II.UMO bring written excuM. Ix>cal politic, aim ao<) reioriu agita- tors will be fttmt at M.ifht, TbU card ! good for Haircut, 5have or Shampoo Or fttiytbing in oar Mae when accom- pauied with propur change. A. Wilson. I leaherton our lannilry l>(.>re Tumday uoon, etch week. Photos TAKRN AT THE Flesfaerton Photograph Gallery are done in first-class style and at lowest rate*. fepecial attention | i given to copying. Babies' photos. [| a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS BULHER House & Lot For Sale. Hlook P.. No. IS, 16, Fleeherton, goo.l frame bou>e aurl large stable, looil r,l.-n ad fruit trert K'Mxl w.ll.alno I'ark lot, block S lot 4, lontaimiiK 4 aoree AI>|>!T lu An Irnw Wlokrn* W. H - ttth July tf Kluiberley. "Irchari Bill" Stock Fan, Our hrBiiilini.'riiw*. cuuipnae : Mlnal,r,irlre, Clarf "i liullt'irm-". fanaillau Hi-nut', an I lni|i m. I Hi-nut v. witli Imril l.av- erxler it tn> I "I 1. 1- 1 I Y-i'ini; ni.i ,,'.- ' e&eH for nal" . ni ... ti, i>,,ii : v. , - '<], *lri-l ,-rclaln an.l from an In .lla-i i'l.n ' illV. VainU-litiir, Unt I ^< >;r Alvin i No. 738 ) Tlu> iin.li i >:/u ! h is a thornu^'libri-d T.iinn nil I'.'.u l.ii- HTTrl i I 't U'. I. A S. R., Art.-inesu. Terms $1 (HI I ll.is. liKMH, l'io|i ThorouRhbred Durham Bull lor Service Cord minto, 2^068. Tl I mljjno-l ha a fine ageil lJurhain ell fur- Mi., ui. I..' III. T .' i* *t f.n < r thori.imb- IVillgrae ou apiilii-atr n i Fleahorton P.O. Thoroughbred Shorthorn KILL FOR M.imri. NO. Jii2 = General Gordon = ii:iii"i tin in *t elan ili.notish- I, , Iti.nn I. n 1 - In H . vit MII'-III. TliH i ! M tin- l>< -I animals III tin- i ..in.ti-\. 1', 111- . " mi ai'l'li ull Hi. Icrms-fi. Thoroughbreds $j WM. MAVIS rii^F THOROUOHBKKD DCKHA.I BULL I'or Service Count JLii8ti*e L'7")10 Thu iiiidi't-Nijtiied ha-i a line Durlni'ii I'.nl for u'i-i-\ ii-f (,-ol.ir red) on lot 14T. T.S.R. I I ^M> $1.(KJ for lli- s n- n. I'l'diunv on ii|i|ilii!ilinn. A i M 1.1 Sn vi.i .YIy a 1 yr. Boar for Service Tbe nurtoratanerl has a Una young tli Vnrkublro hoar tot I 17). T. A H. i, \. i, mi l,< lii- ! ' - ; " '! i' I . I I i HUl Ft III Service. Kor?loe on I I WMS It \V.\I. >',1.INTOV, Prop. M i pe)| Ms :> nl I vr. I ARM POW SALE I) ily tISim. $.".0t >, b*l i lernia inter. ' I' HI :e-'e-, T-"> ' leni-cd Rlld under i-iiltiviiiii.ii, Imlanni Imlf radar unio u"l Imlf inixril li.ii-d*o ul. I'om- t , f rialile finmodwi'llnig. frame p< t burn S. Walker Sloan '^"'^"'"ir" 1 " 'v" 1 " 1 , I fr-on villagK of H.ii{?ni:. "Pp'y to J i'li 1 K1ETOK. Spvou'e, C 1 eslieiU,.,. Foreign Grown Seed*. The following article is from tho pun of Mr. O. H. Clark, B. 8. A., Cliii-f of tin- >'-..! Diviaion, D0partmnt nf Agricul- ture. l'r.ictio-lly all the need for )Ur ro"t criii-'- i n row n in foreign couiilri'-s. How- ever important it may bo that I he Bfod for Much crops be grown in the country win- it u wanttxl for sowing, tho che^p lal>r in those European cuuntiii-.-, which uavu li -i-tiaiu tlm send uarden of the world, has made the sued growing nidus try unprofitable to the Canadian farmer or seed specialist*. Our supply for foreign grown Heeds is linii^'lit nd iiu|HHii-i| |iritu-ipally by our larger seed firuu. Thuy make tlioir pur- chase either hy |>a}iug a c iniiiieiumrati* pi ice lo reliable Kuropciin Mtxl uruwers, men wlio i! row sued from nvlecied pedi- gieed stuck, < r lla-y may buy od at a much luwer prict;-- scud that is grown by iin-ii wh'mu cluuf aim him IX-L-H 'o pi a larve i)Uiuiiity, indapeodent of tlic quality of tin- L-r"p it will pio.lune. In the former cue the so-d 11 urown from s.-ii-rti-d plitnln fiiini roots which have .ui i.|i-al size slid form and are known to In- II in- to name. Fur iii-.Hiv.-t- HII idfal turnip iNoiivlniv- inga HfiiHil nuck and tup growth. .Such a root when pUiitri! will produce a compar- uuvvly small growth of Htalkn ami < i|iii-nt!y n HIII ill amount of seed, t.ut the s. i-il fmm niii-h a r.'ot is apt to produce a likr .In m. iin-1 ro. t which was pUiitt-d. On (In- "ther I. and a s.i.iill lur- nip having .- 1- .ii iu t pronto, m.d el ..:i:/ Clom i wo to tiirn cl. i..<thi, wli ti:in ii, it ii liki t i <" th ii' x rr..|i > u .'nun i uc-'n roota murli m i-f t ')'.> limn frun. - h. i-an-i', ,1 ::!- I,'M' p!iu i- 'he on ill. I O ll >!! I. "I uli!-- for |. i-il.ng, and mcoii'lly, they will produce a n.ucu larger quantity ul ieei< nriiig tin- list ten or tiilci-n years the wed trade has, tu a great extent, been |utxing from tin- hand of aceilmiien wh< l-\,,t.- .ill tln'.i timi- to a study of aeeds au>l the ih-i-d tm.n-, n-to tlic luii.l" of local dealers Unfuitunately fair competition in the seed trad.- IN practirtlly impossible incc'the p| n-nrn-i- of mimt cmmix da u bo' a slight indication of thrir real value. Tin- cuinpetition list buen and in too largely confined to prices alone. Farmers Continue to patronize thu local ilciiler who IH able t i ijuuto a low piu-c for hit good*. Thu local dealer ilemands a low ; .1 of the wliolettale linns, iinl in turn tliere has been a growing -u ii- aimmi/ ho!u^lo ec<l linns in lip- IIIIUIIK uf ct.rap ^>nd* with winch to nip- ply l.'C.ll ll'-.l I- It it well to i.unti'.i', hoAever, that tlirmigli tl. |iint of some n liable need houses a linutiil ir nlr> of thu lleSl Mto -kH of luot i |u|ii Ii;t1 bi-ell I' i .1, .in! n ri- i-. Ii tie .lilti. iilty , X| r'ienc- i- I am- .ii.> iiitel.igi-ut (aimers, in ue'lini; tin- In.-.' i^iiilitv of r-.-eds provuled ilii' tht-y o 'he rijlit way aU>nt it, u.nl nre willing tu piy :\ cuiii:iieiiitirale pii-f. l!ut much nf the fu.il < |-i.p needs sulil J:. Caila- il i an ri tiiili"l In i he farmer at a priec |in'i- ax 10.1 11,1.1:1 C.initili in xeetl I,. Ii i\e in p.i, t. pii . i Kutopaan aeed KIMW- i tn I*M| a.-rd fr."ii selected (K-ili Ap|'".il hive l.ccn Hindi', li'ith I')' men iinil laiiMil". to plaie Ml- 11 .,ii-on tlie eeil trade, a' wil t.. Hilhilrnw the r vp nsil ihty con- i-Willi, from llle li;,l,ils it 111 r i p ti-nt loi-al ili-ali'^. With rout crop . tins in-.i may In rei.licd by i 111.' utliV l.-ll.llile -.ee.l In, uses nr s"ed illl p. .rlets tin riu'l* to plm-e sucll gnifU oil tin- niatkit ; l.y nllowinn them to place t>o. ds in m-iilv.i |'Bi' Ii |iacliuu<J In In: i.io;n rly 1 ii i -lied, ind to ln-fir 'lie niinu anil consrijueutly tin- teputittiun , t '!, - ..... i IM.IIMV, ill tho hands of il.-i.l -is to i e "!'I on t-i mini. -lun Ollieial iiit,-ifeivi.c<- ill the seed tiaile limy v : i .iiril fc.-ruies. IVrhapH the i:i..-l sti'il.Mi'^ i x:i pie of 'vliere legisla- (| on liai Ii- . : I to improve the e 'ii ditioiii under winch Cuiirneicuil seid.s ar -ulil, is 111 tlie Slate of Maine, where all soli must lie aocotnpajnied nh a .-t.it. m.-nt,sl:owiiu' the p. r> i-iitiit;i' ' f pui 1 -- .u i| \it.-il s, ils. '1 hey hiii-e exlendtd lo tin u M-e,l iiade .1 muditicialioa of thu act winch n nseil in ('ana'! i to r, gnlatc. rlie ipuli'y ufconniieiie.il feitilizers, and tho icMilt.i have cUarly ileniunstiated that, what ever eviU may accuinpnny an en fur e.l giiarantou system in connuoii.iii wnh the seed trade, it is an effective way to impiuvo the ipi ilry of connncric.il . e pi.iallv of clover and yiasies, of which n gr.-ai ilc.il i-i solil 111 some d : s trie's in Canailx, thar conUins large i|iiantilies of iioximis weed seeds and is injury, not only lo the f.irmer who bu\s it, but lo ihe lor.l.ty where, it in i-r >wp. F. W. HOUSON. Live S!ook i'uinnn Mner. Slowly Dying From Catarrh Thousands I'K in this terrible, eonditi ,n I, nt don'l icall/.o ihe'r dantfiT. If you IIIIM- tin- sli^hti-<i la nt ot Catmrh, would it nut be wise lu c.iininenc l'aliiiTliu/..ine trenlmo'it now and In' peifectly cured in a -liuit tim-? Thia pleawint rein-ii} cures without i lui use of atoini/.ei.-i or mmuV You inhale the m.dicMte,! mpor which i 'u nil | iir'sof thel>n athiiigor.'aiiK, kllU the term- ai.il hcnls the iliHamed HUlfaces. ('.ilaiiliu/.one clcais llie llilonl an.l no i- instantly, a'. d never fails tocure lliein.'-t ulis'inilte cirallhal, lllllg Hlul Ihiuat n-oiiblo*. A trial will ilomonstrate 'he nine of C itnrrho&iiie, which sells for tl.lKI, small size 2m- , nt druggists or N . C. I'oliun & Co., KuigHton. Out. Rules CENTRE - and Prize Cist of . FARHERS' - INSTITUTE Spring .*. Seed .*. Fair To be held ut Kimt>ex*ley on Wednesday, March i2, 1902. Members tickeU 26 cents with the benefit of Institute. None Imt members allowed to compete. All t-ntrio* to St- Hindu with the secretary before (Uy of fair. All grain to be in Union Hall not lattr than 11 a.m. on day of fair. Hall will be open w l " " '"'' judg"* 1 are through with their work. No grain to ii-niuv.d \iniil af'er to ir o'clock. Afti-r inspection <>f L -ritiii n public meetinit will be held for the discussion of Seed Gram, ^> I I r-.l, Cultivation of Soil and Roots, Smut, etc. Exhibitors to take only one prize in >'ch variety of grain. JUMP'S m ly wiihold prizes if not c, >n<idt:i;d worthy. , seed anil pota nes ir.ust have, tven rjrown by the exhibitor. ( in,' bushel ofouli variety to bu ex'iihitul. Ail parties tjikin.- | rizes in oats find btrley an; required to h i!d for sale not leas th.iii :VI l.nslicli f..r tifteen days af-cr f.nr day, .-unl to sell at an advance of 10 n market viluo. Sucoo-.-ful exhiltitnnt of pciui to hold 26 busbeli and to sell at an advance of 20 cents on marki-t value. Clover and timulliy to hold 10 bushels an. I n./t to exceed an advance of 20 cell in 1', , Iml-! l"i 'ays of potatoes and n" 1 io ex. c.l !o cents on market value. To h'.ld I'l i.udi. U i.f c-iriiand not to eic<-> d 1<> cents on market value. Tin: secn-t.iry will pay atl prize monus after tl e firut of Aptfl. 1st 2nd Oats, SiV. linn >- & <*1 ()atr I!.,..'. er _' Any o-lii i kin-), uai..i-<l 'i <" IJark-i, i x r vd Pe^. U -. i!.i:i-d Peas, s -d Com, I' un .'< early i "-' C.wn, i.nv Ili-r k nl, iianntl . . '-' '" n.nei. ..- ,,ni n ied 1 ' Clover.Miimmut!. - ' I <"' Clover. Alaike 200 100 Timothy 2W 10O Putatoea, White Elephant ... 1 HO 5O Patatn-x, P.- irl of Savoy 100 H J I r,.tatoe<, HII) other kind 1 00 n M K. D. gamitbers, President. K & K -.K & K 3rd 50 50 i 50 r.o n 4th fl 00 1 00 1 00 1 0<) 1 00 I 00 5th {0 .-,0 60 050 50 50 50 local \ nrks off FloitM Mir round and ih." Cold I>a!*ti* llronri-Qulitine Tablets cure a ooM In one day. No Cure, No Pay. Fries Ik) cents 1. Graham, Secretary Nervous.Weak Men. TUf>finle' -ct :rr i-f ' ' ' ffTi>ri- tl'-..jw-h b.\.U|.\ I rwtpt to a i.siass, AMO n> law. . I eye* | OorKcw Mataotf Treat. . ' .... MEN'S Lw*i BLOOD K'-hlnir can fee more ' -an cwtaalcM at n-^ .-,bt a man t r 1, liifrors. . ! by evil !:zl>:tl in - i.l TriuUiicat srU pcci U-vly cure >oa. t^ . MJ PAY. o Katoca Used Without Written Consent. W. A. r'i-v. "f i I \,_ ou-: of ' tire. T!i^ drains un r>ytn jjovirti. ,:s..- : . .;, . ol .:. tlcctricbcltaaail ; me, none cared, i f t.c. i -i:|..'.a!ii.r sji, i '.'. w ! i A In-u.l art- , ni-rc the Ne\v /MS* (!> .1 Vrcblkiir.il c: Dr-i. K. A K. A (air * . ' i. :. - .-< 1 con- ilVJr'"' months I w -Jti. I WJS cared Bctui j, ar gi <l and happy. I : . K. & . to ray aXIi jt^J BeforeTrta'- : After Treatment ] *"We treat and core Vnrlroccr*, Emiasion-v, NTVOB- : -minal T^eaktwas, i;i-t, S-rii t-. :-.-- if Atn, Kldnej- aiul . Diseases, ana all c- ,>ien. J-NO NAMrs Tisr.n WITHOITT V.-RITTT::* CONSEXT. PRIVATE. No rardlcine acnt C. O. Ii. :<iira or i -Mao; Question list and coito! treatruunt, i 149 SH;:'. Drs. Kennedy & Kerpo. STR2ET, DETROIT. K & K, K & K IttttW*^^ ESHEKTON Jfoeps On Jfand D- PL For Muosfy Harris, NOIOII, FU-nry nd \\"ilkin.'ir?atnriin|.lVinentK, Fleuiy nnd Verity plows >n hand all ihe time, alaoall kin. l-i of repairs f..r tho iii. NVe iniintifm-lHre \Vayons, Biigi/ii's, <'ntt.T<, SKiiuh-i, etc. Hoi-s^ahoeini; pr-niptly atteuded to. il n'tontioii ti. tuudi-i oontrtkutod feet. Loi5in and T!-jW t.^hains ronstiintly on hand. VVe are out for business ...BOUND TO PLEASE YOU... Kxaininc our sleighs and Cutters lirl'on- lmyiiir. It U OWT SJnbition tb K v al in the Carriairc tr;uh- and wjint you to help us out. We i. AC a sprialty of horse shoeing and repairing of all kinds, particularly. Fine Carriages of all kinds. J. H. Heard & Son We are agent* (or C'ream Heparatom. Straw fitters and drain Grinders, Jl&fcrfam TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL. XXI, NO 1075 Fleshertbn, Ont., Thursday, March 13, 19O2 W. H THTJRSTOR, BDI P T &&, TOB An overiowing (.li-ck which w are de> [ Mr-oils of iu.iu.ii, g this m. .nth, Conic in. i viinioe mill ;;-t p. ices. You wil be l. The necktie *ocial held at Mr. J antes | ******** Settle Dyce's on Friday etening as well atr p f f. cd. Thu sum of ten dollar* being realiz- ed, "r. Editor Your correspondent u in WcsiegUd toleani that Mrs.Sinrlair, "" positiuii to Pal, whose wife, win, has rx-eii under rheean; of l>r Hutfon 1 whe " *""" llow Pat w - replied, "Kin ofDu.l.ani and Dr. I' !'n. -Mle, tlu "- lie been enjoying very poor health U -l-'wly iuijjrovm . lately, but now he's complaining of being \\.- are pleas*! lose* Mr. G. Collii,Bon much beUt " r " The happening of the ' able to b around once more. U * t few weelta would be unintereaiing, as Mr. R. Cook purchase,! n young driver the y re '""--dated, 'he present budet is also of little interest, but we send it to fn.in Mr. X. llud, l>urliH.n K<W,for ooe ^ McFarland, Stafford & Co. HARK DALE, ONT. Grey (otiatya KIM.t.or an.l CHEAPEST Store An endletu \*. nty, fr-ui 25 cent* to 625, and all low in price fur the ; hundred dull i rs list week. Mr ' , McMnlh-n and * tli the Ureenwixxi let Chains Charms Brooches I aw A splendid hue of Silverware, at tho Iowe.it living price*. from O<cn Otrn 'forrwpmufei/t After a long ill, MS* |>aiiently borne Mr- FalU pa&ned away to the spirit worM on Tueaday of last week at the age of 50 yean. EVceancd a ueneral favonte aiii< ng a wide circle of friends.h\ing won ' the esteem of all by her amiable .lip-,>i j tion and true i-hu-.ii in character. The 1 fuiirral ti>k place t Maxwell on Friday. Conducted by h >r pastor, Kev.P.FlriuiiiK, and was one of th;> largest aaen in this district. IShe leave* one oi.ly son who reaidea in Britiah Columbia. For >me yean past deceased wa* the companion and comfort of liur aged ami widowded Frum Our OICH Currufondent mother 'o whom epcilly the sympathy Mr. F. Hutclu-iKM,, ST., has been suffer- "^ tl.wheigl. r.urh, ml is extended, ing from a severe att.ick of la grippe. \Vv ^' r ;ll "l Mr*. David Hill, and Mr Jot. are | leased to hear of hi* recovery W Hill of Jarvis attended tl.o funeral of thru me l*i glad to see Mr. Warner able to ' ter > 'he late Mrs. Falta. l>c .ut agatu altei hu severe illrn-M. N l < 5 rC'la Hill irriveii home froni T ,r Mr. and Mrs. Will N'iohol, welenmed "n to laat week to witueait the obsequies of a daughter tu theti home about two week's , h r unt ago. Mr. and Mrs F H. Thompson enjoy- An interesting eveut took place sr 'the *J * p'eaaaiit visit with friends in Bruce of Mr. and Mre. Jolm .luhnwin, on ' county W. A. Armstrong - Fluhertun I n 1st 10- e Mr. RoV-ert Taylor and bride nf Toron- to are honeymixming with friend* here. Mr. and Mrs. R. McMaster visited friends at Kimberley lately Mr Thoiuan H. Taylor has removed to t<i *ake op his rfaidsajaax Mr. Jackson frum near Berkeley has Feb. -ti'.h, when their daughter, Prwmia was uni'.cd in marru^e to Mr. J. F. Ken- wick of We> burn, Aiwa. The knot twin 4 lied by the bilde's pa:tr, Rr. Camp- 1.. II of Dui.dalk, in the presence of a few f i,ends of the contracting parties. The bride waa becomingly dressed in s travell- ing suit of grty and wsb H.-wiktec) 'by her < nioted into the pn-uiUcs recently purchaii si.-ter. Mine Ella,while Mr. C. Fen wick ol j *d ' ruu> ^ r - Tavlor. Buryoyue *cted as gr>.oii,.sini.n Amidst ' Miw Deritt of Feversham visited with the KM d wishes of a large o role of frienos they leave for their weatru.honieat \Vey- tur:i on Tueslay, March llth. Pleaaed to ate a repre-.cn t a: i >u from Bethel at tbU chuich last Sunday. K.x k;il<-. From Our Ou>* Corretpondml On Monday eveiiinjj.the Hth uijt.,'iu.te an unique bir'hday party in hoiu.r.,f Mi-* Klme Podlar was held at her home. Orer hfty eueatx met to eel, brate the evei.t, and aft*r a short Imt .spicy program gaiu> a oru entered into with much fntliusiasu* aiitl continued until a late hour, xo pting f-ir the interim in wliuli a sumptitoun luncheon Wan being intrinki-n of. Those, present speak in glo ing teiiua of their i-\ .'!\iii({' entertainment. We arc sorry t li*e from i,ur nnd.r Mr. ai,d Mia. Wood.nh.. h.ve moved to their frtnu on which Mr. Guy Blakuly has been living. Tl.oua'u KI nit- are moving iwajr others arv ci.inin in \lr i;il!i-;,!o of the fmirth line to M/. S Pedlar's faun, ai.d Mi.W. J. \Muto back t.. lu.s Loino uu tins lino. St-votal fi.iin lit-ru attended the fui.f.-il <.f the late Mrs. W. Armstronx of MaiK- d,.le, on Fiiilay last. L'i;s |IHV< ln-eii coming to Rockvale in git-at nuinl et during the past few wet-kt, hut tho iit.ds bt-in^; now in a vrrv uufuv.irublc condition, we fear the rnsji " 11! cease. An improved machine for hrcou-m, Mias Lizzie McLennan. Mr. (iuy Blakely and family have re novedfroiu thtsneighborhood. We under- stand that after spenJuu .vmc time vi-it ingfriend-4 they will go wont. Their old neighbors wish them every uccesa. Mr. Henry \V..ods and his partner in life have taken pussessiim of tlie farm , lately purebred from Dr Chri-<'oe. \Ve are pleased to sc JM know link your cor. is still on the , (j (j (HJ lj land i)f ihe living. family last ' ^' r - ani ' ^' r!f - M- *- Willii-us of Cor- bet.. n with their daughter, Miss Ethel, paid a short visit to relatives here Uwt week. Miax Rachel Lyness rerunied home , n i Ttiur.H4l^y last, aftr spending the winter I with frieuda in Albion. Tlu- friends. "lo!h young and old," of Mias Lizzie McArthur of Turouto were! 4\nd to sou her again in this neighborhood. I She returns to Toronto next week. Mr. W. J. Beat tie ia able t j be around | a. am after a three or f. ui week*' jhelvinic with a cut in hi left hand f. ' CU.irlt.-y boycu has returned to hu eui- pluyuitriit on a dairy farm near Brsmpton here he has hern the past year. He w:j* tsking a couple of weeks' rest. Johnnie , Ulks of going away aKiut the end of the present inuQth. Mrs. Henry Stoiie has purchased anew cabinet nrcsn, and Miss A. (>. R. hu Bven up the n,-r,..n of going to the c;ty. iiti'.e hat chtnuc. W* understand that Miss Laura Whit- i ink -r, who is now at home, intends to! , Uke another term at thu Biuineiw College, 1 i Owen Sound. She will likely come home 1 next time a full dedged pbunographer ! j.nil typist. Should the progress made by the pupils j of i.ur public schoul durmv the pant M\ in ,i ths be insmtained our school m'ghl rightly be designated "Academy." The singing claaH which wax organized ! in thu fore part of the ninter is making ' very fair progress) considering the ability of their teacher, who, by the way. r.-.il professor, tor he candidly professes to know very little about it, but never the'esa, t .ikes an untiring interest in th> nutter, cherishing the fond h"pe that lit may yet tu able to learn a little by tca:h- in^: .( her wli.it he cau do very imperfectly liiiu.-L-lf, n.iincly, ; i n ^. Don't Rush** Wallace ar-.und again after guttering from i a bd!y cut foot. The T .mnt.. Telegram rwently contnin- e.l a g..d crf..,, n ..n Or. Landerkin ami Ja*MI McMuIlcn. The Utter is seated i a an invalid's chair snd Lui ! 1. in is feel- I I.ert ing his puUe atd his 'n.-.li - t, '. ., x it open on the n%.i-,,f the Senile chamber. [an Jerk in ays, "When we were ro.-irn . , . . Mr. Chnpinan and son of Egrein<>iu against this beiufioMit, this sublime ini-ti f r tKinie days with daughter and uieter, Mrs. R. T. White and other rola- We have heard that Mr. Haiiry Ho!- mau h.-w* purcha-i--il Mr Al- \ Henrys' farm, also that Mr. J.nne.-. Maxwell hiw ' i*old I, is t.n-iii to Kiiht.Mcldruni of Fever- ! sham, but no p.iiiiculars are tu hind. tu'ton in the old day-^, .) un. -. who would have ever thought tlint I'd be treating y-m ma patient in the Senate, the political baaeJSti, Jim McMtillui.'s ri-jily n n r rec-jrded. to spend your money KEP COOL Y, u might get tripped up. You know oor reputation for always havtng tae beat go-.d. and beat valuta.. Th, 8 wttoo W)j are ^^ prepared that ever before. The new spi-m* iru- p-.rtatioiw ar, here. Case a/ter case of mm g-xxla have been put into sK*k and the store IN K rad- uaily changing tta complexion. The breath of sp,,n K .Mt. you on all s.de. .nj the .mall price, asked for many ne, will make you wonder The- price. , r . .. beluw tbe ""> d "^ suggestive of many others as good. 2.00 LADIES WRAPPERS FOR 95 CENTS 35 Ladies Wrappers, aaaorted ahadea and pattern* of hand*, e hes .rap,, re e 1 ,da.aom.b,d trimmed, S. ailk tnoTn 7, e r~ne woith from 11.75 to |2.oO eacn, on aale thia week at ',.-, >J 00 SERGE Sf ITS FOR ft 38 20Mm s navy blue serg suits, all sizes, beat of trimmius and workman- .htp. either single ,.r double breast coat, made from pure Inw. strve tho li*M bright finish that wears no well. The kind usually sold at *9 O) i suit. Ou aale thu week at only r/ J 25c. CASHMERE HOSE FOR I. .5 iozen pain Ladies ribr}d Cashmere how, si*ea 3*." 9 and i S..me a re imported direct fn.iu the manufactuters. Sold by many nto'rea at ->oc" per pair. On tale this week at 2 pnir for "V, fc!-00 MEN'S BOOTS FOR 69 CKNTs 50 pair Men's and Coy ' boots, aascrted style and sizes, mu B t of them gaiters with the elastics .l.uiiaue<i The regular value were fl.W and 92.00 each pair. (In sale this week at your choice for i;:i 4 SptMiLS I.I SEX THREAD FOR 3 t.'EXTS 100 gross Linen Threa.1, t.|;,;k and white, bought at a big reduction price. On sale this week t 4 spools fur 30 ct. DOOR MATS FOR 19 c. :Ui ,l.,..r mats, made frfin tapestry and brumal carpets. Fringed around witu wool fringe. Regular value 30 cunts. On sale this week at lOct. OXFORD SHI RTINi; AT 61 .10 pattenw in fine Oxf-.rd Shirtmir*. Chambray's, etc.. m;h wide.trood heavy weight and gooj value at 10 cts. a yard. \V im|>orted ' cam- direct from manufacturers and put them uo sale this week a: r>4 25c HAIR AXD CLOTH BRCSHES FoR 17o. BO hair nd cloth brushes, asaortvd styles, some wire, some fiber. brushes with iiiirT'-r tn back, reg. valuer 25 and 30 ct*. each, this week your chiice j- $1.23 FLAXXKLETTE BLAXKETS K >K !T. c-j. ir white Flanneleit.) blanket*. aa.s->rted fancy l>t>rder*. thu Urge.st si-!\ best ijuality, re.[u!ar value $1.23 pair, on sale this week at * '.'.> in all 19 Constable Arrested The saw mill, atave fact>ry,eugine and .iler-h.'ii.si., ti^-thi-r witli ,i .|U.tn'ity ..f |stavea ajul heading* at .\ltir;. Ky - --idmi-. <e niileti from Owen Sound, owned li> I. E. Mnrpliy of Mopworth.worc d- ed by tire Kiidiiy null'. Lossalmutc itnuru.l in O,,ru Mutual for f'-'.OiK). fore \Vm.Ni.rt, Hi. I I' . On be ---,. .., ... .,of H ..! ii.i I i/L-ntre, manufaetutin,' ahiitglrl ban l.oen purchas- ' who cuunu.tl.'U him to jail to aa t trial ed f..r the mill her aud will U- in out so it; the ineizes. The ijuestion of living Uiil W.-M under euuaiJtratitHi, bur uothini; was d.'lli-, a-.id Constable (.' o.s* ;is d-rcct- Do*n at Hlla. id Centre there is iiotal'le l.y the name of Clow, who lia ' just pmJ into 'lio public cisli l.ox the ' sum uf rifry i!..llar. which include* a line Lumbago Backs Straightened ' of twenty <l..U*r aud cit, for uegk-ct of [,.,-, |. c ir , j .|,.. i,,,,,,,. , ilMn , , , 1|e duty nuhe disposal of a prtaofier. At ,r ,1 m m, v I (C .11 -e v oiu- li^ i- si i!f u, m In- tec. nt i.iBizes William Walters wa* I^Ugo ." IV> .s ih. nsamls >H fore von 1 the defendant in a criiniml ekaqs*, I -.n Ck*Hi'd leniency with t'.n p .tier 1 1. .it. _ut linn into trouble, bring iirtrstvil \\altets -vns Iruunht Co. I ,.,!,,... Iluy i l.i-u !i .itie of that liirn,.-nr, I' l-uns Nu.vi- line, rtoii ml! it fn ijueii'ly ,i\er I'm par. mi urives it utit. limbers you up in n > time N -i viii. e is i|iii.-k *o relieve ; uu-.er fa:V; never liai'ius. Try it today Cir< (licit It. tended fur hut w. ek. of ;x'nition m the near futnie. A Herien of sjieciil inrc'ia^g has been held for ov^r a e. k by the S A.iu Salem | d to procceJ to O*en Jv u.id i h ihu ' church, ai.d have buen fail ly well attend- '^.lisoiirr. The Con>taMc v.ut d fur! i'.itn Sound but Liter m.ule arr tag,. UK t.- i.,k,,[ithc i-iisoner in custody nt Ii. liuuse till tho opening uf til" .issues, hicli would take place in a fiw days, lloll.inl Centre is a s nail pUce, und naiuially thu Conduct of the olticer was the topic of ducutsiou among the inltabitanta. The M. PwtgMee is spendini; a couj.le matter reached the earn of tne jumice of tea, Sugar, Coffee* Something very special Mrs i.f wevl with fnenda in L'a!vdo. >li- .livui C' 11 ns MI. who has s|K-n(lm({ :t w.vk withfi-ieiidn i and l>urhaiu, tvtuiiK-d on Fii>lay i UK- Mrs. is visiting fi'u-nds i* this week vit.t- tho |HMi.'r, aud a ut-w war am f. r tlm arn.si of the tuisoner wiis is- ued wi hout ilelay. Aii'trni ttnnitii' * as iw>Ui-d f >r tho iiirest i.f Cout.iliU' C.tis*., who ap- jiMiiil lief.'r J jsrices of I'uit-iu U. Al on and I). T. JUtel.H on Knday. Tlu-ao gi'nt'.i'iiK'n uiuinntte<l thf jutiM.ner to ijaol for trul. li'yr. through the mrtu. i T Chmlett Kiv. C. Le'er:.:;il th^ purental ho:u in Hamilton. fi lends In- was rel.asotl un 1'ail, ,-n.I tl.at Mr. J. Marshall r!ieved the Shelburnu afternoon a|<]ieaU-l f. r ir.al l>rf. rw lli for a couple ( ,I,UM |st week. Honor Jud-e Venison, who tiued liiui.iu Mr Robt.McLniiKhlannml Mr. l.'.oryu .-t .tcl. t*-n'y Jollan anil costs. Tlie fi.ii n< spent Sin- day with Mr. and Sirs. cis is tn unusu il oi.e. and the ex'.rime 1'. MeLnughlnii, Muikdiile. in-n.-ilty pr\ idctl by law where i [ risoncr Mi-s Ik'it Carleioii.wln. IMS In-ep v.sit- esotpes from cu-itinly thr'U^h the lu-^luet inu at Mr Siir<*i's for the u s t tniir<<k, or w.th the a-Utance uf an ulticer IN five returned to her homo in Uiand Valley un years in the peiu'eiitaiy. There a>, ^ilnrday. 'however, extt-nuat.iiK cm irii.Unccs in .Mi>. Spioit and Mist U. in: lie nr e this c.-e, to which may ' *ttribull tlio MSIIIII;; the former s tu-nhir in (.ii-4nd nu-rciful viaw of the cam taken by Hit ^ alL'jr. H. ijyi Jud^o M.-ITIMIII. -Tiniejt. EYES 1 EXAMJKEO FREE! '" CHILDHOOD has blighted many lives because the pain caused thereby produces an aversion to study. Th backward child too often becomes the unsuccessful man. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPT1CI* FLESH ERTON. 22 Ibs. Gx*t,nvila,ted Sugar 25 Ibs. LigVst Yelloirv Best tea for ft* money in Tlesberton, without exception. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON.

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