Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 May 1902, p. 6

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iAT. bCOTTJl^D JUMBO. HOW hi: controlled the BIGGEST ELEPHANT. A Ciicus Man's Stories of the Great Bravery of the Lit- tle Man. "Eleiilmiils lire xcry jjeculiur uni- laalH. No oiiu can possibly loll wlio tlioy will take a nolioii to, or w!io tliL-y will turn a(jiiiii»t, unci tlioro is III) tullinj^ ill ikInuiuc wiml tlii-y will do toward any one. Tiicy "lu iiioro tlmii wojncii past linclliiK out." The speaKi'r wu.s W. 11. Gardner, general agent of the Adam Foro- pangh and Hi;lls Urns.' shows. Air. iJariincr litis been moiiiul the world repeatedly. Continuing lie said : "'J'lie general .sujiiio.silion obtains tlmt clei>hanl.s jiiuy lie Imndled onl.V hy the scvere.st mclbod;*. In some respects that is truif. Jliit llieic are! some elephants thnt will not stand! any sort of puni.sliment. They know their strength unci will u.se it if pro- voked. One of the most noted il- liistration/i of this fact was Jumbo. Jlr. Jtailcy piirchiised Jumbo from the Zxioloijical t.'ardijns of London, lie brought with him Matthew Scott who had charge of him from the time he first came from .Siam to London. "Now, Scott was one of the Keatlest little men ever sc.eii. He has been working in Mr. Hailey's menagerie since Jumbo's death, tnk- inp caro of small animals and, by the wry, he in In Europe with Mr. liaile.,' now doinff the same thinj.;. ./iiniljo -Wa.s the only elephant lie ever liaiullcil. "UluMi Jtimbo .Tiiived we all wont dinvn to the dock. There had been enormous dillicnltics in getting him «!ii);ird the shij) at London, and like, clirticultifs wore expocted here in •ijiloading him. Mr. Bailey Konl .Scott to sec Jumbo. 'I'ho little man went in and began to talk to the Sdnlight RCOUCES CXPSNSK Aalt f«r (he Octacoa Bar A copy of illustrated booklet "Weekly Expenses Reduced " sent free to your address by writing to LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TOROHTO 'oj RUSSIAN EOMAWCE. Count SoloKOob Sentenced for Eor^ery Released. COLD STOKAGE OP WEALTH. The Wonderful Wealth Thc.t Honaires XJse. Bil- A mucli-talki'<l-of-casc Is ^t present being tried In llio Moscow courts, the result of which will probably e.xposo a fjross nil.scariiago of justice ton I yens ago. Count Sologool), the son j of the famous Uussian author, inher- 1 Iteil at his father's death a huge lor- [ tune, which ho rapidly stiuandored in i gambling and at the end of live years was pVactlcally i)Cii!iiless. Later he married the l^rincess i;hL>- looscheva and received a dowi'y of 51,000,01)0 with her. Once, however, when he was driv- ing ill a diligence over the icn-eover- ed I{ivcr Vistula the ice broke and the diligence fell through. .Sologoob not only saved hiiusolf, but was suc- cessful in rescuing tho lUissian mil- lionaire tea merchant, S. I'opon'. On Popoli's death, ten years ago, a will was found leaving Count Solo- goob his whole fortune. Ihit tho fam- ily of Topoli disputed this will, say- ing that the signature was a forgery instigated by tho Count. He was arrested "and e.xpert ovidenco was cal- led in. The ex])erts were lirn: in their opinion that the signature was false, and .Sologoob was sentenced to life imprisonnient in Siberia. Last year a woman named Zoo bijrge.'^t, liriite m the world since pre- , . i • .„â- ,â- . .,,i ,. .i.i iu..t i.ii^i, ,..;,. i;„,„o â- - 1 â-  - |,ova came to his we and smdthat historic times HJS SOIT, (ilWTLK VOICE could scarcely bo heard. With his haiiri.s em.|Uy .Scott went up to Jumbo in his room, which had been built upon tho uppor dick of tl.c ship, and walked uj. to. him con- fidently and said : 'Mello, .lumbo ! .N'ice old . I umbo! she had in her jiossession let ti-is from PopolT which would conclusively prove that the signature of the will was geiiuiiii". .She asked a half share of the money to lie gained if I he case Was Kuci-essfiilly reopened. And so the alTair has coiue before the public again with added intei'pst, for y.onbova has been arrested, since AVon't you come with me, Jmiibo â- .â- â-  | it has leaked out t hat she was bribed Come on. Jumbo ! Come along ! ' to withhold the letters which would â- â- .And aH he loosiMied the chains j have saved .Sulogoob's reputation, upon Jumbo's ankles the big fellow j l.'ii;ty thousand dollars and a further stepjied out nf the house and sub- .sum of S1"",OUO are said to have milled t|uietly to the process of be- hieeii iffoni i.-.ed her for keeping the ing hoisled oil tho slili) by means of an enormous crane. .Scott reniaim'd â- with .Jumbo all the time. Me paid no attenlion to any of the other • lephants. Among- them wa.s a very big and vciy bad elephant called I'ilol. who long .since paid the death I.enalty for his wicKednej.s. Jt was plain to see tliat I'ilot was horribly jealous of .lumbo. Ilefore Jumbo's arrival Pilot had been the .star mon- ster of the herd, and he seemed to know that he had heeii .siijierseded as well as we knew it. "One evening at Lansing, Jfich., I'ilot got loo.-e from his chains, and, wilhoiit making any iioi.'o. he work- ed himself ai-oumi in front of .Jutn- . bo's place of honor in the menagerie. KiHldenly .Scott fell liimsolf .seized and dragged backwards, and in the next instant ho saw before him tho (Mioriiious trunk of .lunibo. Looking , beyond (he jiroU'ctiiig t.unk he saw tho maddened Pilot standing befoue him, shrieking his anger at being preveiiti'd by .Inmbo from wreaking bis dislike upon ,Scot,t . Hul. old • fuiiibu stood just there, liohling ScuU. bi;lweeii his trunk and hl.s fore legs, and Mr. Pilot knew it would he had work for him to come any closer. niot'.s shrieks were heard all around the show, and in a moiiient his keeper.s came running in fnun t,ho cook tent, where tliey were eat- ing their su,p,p(.r, and for a while the.v had a lively time of it getting Pilot back to his place and getting him SKCnitKI.Y rilAlNIOT). "Another time, at Oltiimwa, lowa. ^•ilot led tho other elephants into a HaMip<!(le. At (list it .seemed us if .lumbo \youId join them, hut when old Scott so ill, 'Here, .lumbo, what are yon going to do â- / You are not going to ler.M! old Scott are you ? Stay here, .liimbn," and I am blessed if the big fellow didn't quiet down in an instant. A few monienis later (he other elephiiiils got beyond con- trol of their keepers and h'dteil olV through an alley at Ihc side of the sliow-gronnds. Old .Srof t took Jum- bo, and hurrying out f ,> the enil of the alloy, where llie il'pliants were fihriekiiig a sort of a pow-wow, as if they were deciding wliat tliey would ilo, ScoU sent Jumbo into the alley | nliead of him. snying, '.SimkI I hei home, Jumbo. Afake. tliem go bad;, •Iiunbo.' And hack they went. "Jiimho novrr got n blow or a prod all the lime lie was with the Hhow from tlie time he landed until his untimely death by accident. It will bn remembered that it was his attempt lo rescue his little male. letters, and as she did iu)t receive the money she turned to the princess and betrayed I'opofi's relations, who W'ill also probably be arrested. The iunocenco of .Sologoob is be- lieved everywhere, aiul the president of tho court has obtained an order for his release. Many pei'sons who have been amaz- ed during the past few days at the holdings of stock certilicatcs that ro- present millions of dollars by some of the magnates of Wall .Street have more than once wondered where on earth the stacks of certificates are stowed away over night. Some ol the certilicatcs arc passed day after day in their business deals from own- ers to owners who have not strong underground vaults. Nor do all firms on the street have vaults above the average kind, says a New York correspondent. lie that as it may, from this time out tho millions in bond.s and certilicatcs and other •'.Street" valuables, as well ns val- uables owned elsowlioi'O, in this city and other cities, are to be stowed away in a safe in a deposit company on liroad si root, whicli has just been put in coinniission. It is tlie Idggcst safe in the world. In this safe are already ileposited iiu)re securities than in any other place in the world. Wealth untold is represented thereby stocks and bonds, jewelry ami silver plate. Here also re|)o.se the wills of many of tho biggest niillionnires in America. .So vast are the financial interest.s concerned in this safe that the board of directors in charge of it Is made to represent every faction of the financial world. .lohn P. Rockefeller, .IP. Sforgan, the Van- dorbilts, tho Uolhsehib's the Ilarri- maiis, the (ioulds, and other large interests have jieisonal repi-esenta- tives on the board. 'J^'h i door lead- ing to the safe is a tremendous piece of mechanism. It is cir,cular. eight feet in diameter, and 12-1 inches thick. Tt weighs 21 tons. The hinge of lliis big door weighs 7,000 iiounds. The door and vestibule weigh .'50 tons, and yet so nicely is the door bahricod on ball bearings that a ba- by night close it. with a gentle pres- ,sun of its tiny finger. The safe is rtii feet long, .'^.S feet wide and nine feet in height. Tho walls are four feet thick. The inlerior is fitted u|i with L'.OOO boxes but !1.000 more will be added as thoy are needed. Formidable as the mechanical appli- ances are for safety they are not di'- peiided on altogether. Day and night men guard the big door. They pace back and forth like soldiers on guard. Three times in the niglit a third watclii Kill walks through the corri- dor to see that the sentinels are at- tending to their duty. If ever a burglar gets anything out of the safe Wall .Street will go out of business. Thanks,, dear Mrs.. Grundy about your advice about 400 THAMS FOR BOTH. PRENCH GEITTLEMAN GRACE. EULLY EXPRESSES HIS OWN AND HIS WIFE'S GKATITUDE. A Strong Letter Written "With the Noble Purpose of Trying to Eenefi.t Soiueone Else. St. llippolyte, tiue.. May 1^. (Spe- cial)â€" Mr. J^. A. Paipiiii of this vil- lage has written for publication the following li'tler. lii it ho speaks for both himself and bis wile. The let- ter reads: "After mucli .suHeriug I bad become unable to work. I had Kidney Trou- ble whicli ga\e me great iialii. "My wife had used a box of Hodd's Kidney I'ills for n similar trouble Bomidlnio before, and as they had ?omplelely restored her to good health 1 made ui> my mind to take a treat meiit myself. "I was not (lisappointi^d, and 1 can now say that 1 hove tried and •prov- ed Hodd's Kliluey Pills lo bo the greatest medicino in the world. "We are now both (piile well, and able to do our work as well ns ever. "AVp ha^e found Dodd's Kidney Pills lo bo u. remedy, which saves us the pains and trouble which we so often sec in others, who are hwiguish- ing and inca|ial)le of attending to I heir work. "We keei) Hodd's Kidney Pills con- stantly on l\and. and use them occa- sionally if we feel the slightest Indis- position. We have used altogelher between ns six boxes. "Perhaps I should explain why I write this letter. H Is because I feel there mu.v' be many others who have not heard of Dodd's Kidney I'ills. or who, having heard. have not yet given (hem a fair trial, and I, j lo Kiicli I would say 'Cllve Dodd'a KJdney I'illH a fHir trial and you will agree wiUi my \vif<' and myself thnt, there is not any ol her such med- icine to he had.' " AVhat noihl's Kidney Pills have done for Mr. Paipiin and his good wife, they will do for anv man or ilnard's Lioiiiient Cofes Borns, elc, While l.ixerpool has only 'J'J inches of rain yearly, as much as d."> inche;. fall in the .same time on tho high moors a few miles inland in X^anca- shire. c. c. liir'nAun.s & co. tloiillenieii.â€" I have used MIN- AUD'S l.l.MMKMT on my ves.sel and in my family for years, and for over.v da.v ills and accidents of life 1 consider it has no orpial. I would not start on n voyage without it. If it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT. P. H. DIOSJATUMN. , Hchr. "StorUe," St. Andre, Ka- Oiouraiiku. The first export of raw cotton from America to lOiigland was in 1785. when one bale was sent from Cliarlislown to l^iverpool. Beware of Ointmonts for Catarrh that contain Mercury ft« mercury will MU'oly ilc-troy tho h mi^c of tmoUuialiompliUclydoruiiso tho whole ^y^tcnl ; when eiit^rlDB iltlirouBhthoniuioussurfiiccj. ; guclianiclcsi-hoiilil never be usid except on pro'crlii ioiu from ropuliblciihysiiMHas. iw Iho I damnKe t-hi'V will tlo ;b tou fuld tit Ihi; t^ood you i cun po.siiljly doilviifioiDtlicm. Ila rnCiitarrh due, iiiunufiicluifd by l^J. Clicaoy & l'o..'ro. loilo. t*..coiitiiinH no inevcniy, nml l» l!ikcn in- i [ornitlly, lulins dliooLly uiiiia tlio blood and j fniucoui turdieos of the syKtein. In buyii.K I llnliVt/'iilarrh I'liio bo Biiro you ijo! Iho iteiiii iiie. It is tiikenliit;rartly,miit nni.l6in I'oiodo Ohio, by K. J. Cheney & Co. 'rostiiaoniid* 1 free. Bold by DruKgi^l-i, prion i.ic iier bottle. Haira Family I'ills are tho best. British survey vessels discovered last year 271! dangerous rocks and shoals which .were uncharted. woman who snll'ers from Kidney Dis- Toni Tlimnb. from injury by a traim 1 ''"**<' '•< "".V form, which (Caused him to Ixr .s<pieezeil be- - - â- Â»â-  CEYLO.V TIO.A.. I have tried it and must sn.v it Is most delicious. My husband now sayt that breakfast is something to look forward to^ n you h.ive any to sell lot us have your price, f. o«b,, stating quantity. Tha DAWSON OOMMISSION CO., Limited, TORONTO Consignnrents Solicited. A Chain is no Stronger than its Weakest Link and a Wire Fence is so Stronger than its Uprights. FENCE CO., LIMITED, No one should expect a fence to hold up of itself between the posts. The Frost uprijfht wires are large and strong^. Tho Frost IfOcIc holds them in place and each support its own share of the weig-ht. Light tie wires no support, bending to tie weakens them and they are apt to break when the strain is severe. FlOSt Fence never breaks. iVrite for Catalogum, m WELLAND, ONT. and do it well with the most economical and best for wear paints in Canada. Beautify your home inside and out with Ramsay's Paints the right paints to paint right, that puts olT longest tlio necessity for lepiiinlint^, and keeps your house clean and bright through- out tho lite of pure paint as no other paint e-.er did before, and at the right ijricc. rirop us a ca.rd and ask for I!OOKLKT "K" FREE, showing how some houses are puiiiled. 9 » • • • « • • e & A. RAMSAY 8l son, "'^''^»*^ MONTREAL Paint Makers, 413 out of 1,000 German men live to bo 50 years old. C)20 vvoiuen out of 1,000 reach tho same age. For Ovtr Sixty YinrJ .VlB^. WlVSVOW S .-iKOTIII.ST. Fvni'l" hus liMa U98.1 hj iiiillionsof uiuU)<'i'-^ fur Ihiii- diililrcit «htle leothin; Itsoolhe^ till- cWiUi, .'oftcui tUr mims. »!:;.>« paiu. caio..i wiiul L'olic. rvguiulcs lllo«liiin»ch :^nJ l).,uei?, anil is tho beat rti!iieil> for l.'mr^luel. Tweuty.Uv" ceiiU' ll b?tUe. Sola I'T (Uujgist* lliivjugliout IhJ worllJ. Up sure anil iisk fur" Mils. WlNSLOll" SSOOTHINO svuni'.'" Four million gallons of gum are used yearly for stidking postage- stamps issued in Great Britain. iVlinafd'sLiriidieilt Relieves Neoialgia. The human voice has been heard in the open air at a distance ol 15,480 feet. Kruj'.j) steel works consumed last â€" year l(),imi>,000 cubic yards of <wutci», and 1,C82,,')00 tons of coal. Vlinard's Linimsot for sale trnfakn 9."db. Old of every 1001b. of plati- num used in the world conio from the Ural Mountains. The mines there I>roduce about 13,0001b. yearly of the metal. Tl» <|ll!l'. .% «01,V. 1\ OXK BAY. Tiika b.ixaiivii Drouio Quinino TatilotH A 1 druKBistri ivfuiul Iho money It It falls to cure. S. W. Qrove'ii algn.'iuire 'e on tach boi. 31o. TO PRINTERS FOR 8ALE.-TW3 2-revolutlon Campball Pi-essos, bed 40)^ inches. Splenclff orcier. Price $1,000 each. Terms easy. S. FRANK WILSON, 73 West /idelait^e St., Toronto «1i)|,4 tilt* <'iin;£l« niiil ^ftirliH nff tilt' t'lilil. Lain Ivo Ilroi.i.i..ju<nii>i! 'I'ubliUn cure n cold in one day. No I uro. No I'ay. Price 25 ccnla. I'ljui-ile-Cologne is said to contain the esscntiul oils of hergai.uit, ne- roli. ro.'-enmry, citron, niiil oranj;e. ton-ether with a small luxioiint of cartinmiHiS. Mlnad's Liniment Cures Oanirulf. In one yeiu- 2,-) ciihic ynrds of the granite pavement of l^oudon Bridge is reduced to powder hy the enor- mous trallic. 1!( 1,000 \ehicles cross daily, anil 200. dOO foot imssensers. W P C. 113 S tnslrumonts. Drum*, Uniforms Etc, EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND T-.owc6t piici'S ever Quotod. Fir.o catalogui.', '.0<)i!lti!*triv;l>iw,m lilrdfroc. Writ*i u^for any, thing In ifltiHtoor >ltistcal InHtrunifnt'. WH^LEY ROYCE & CO., Limited, Tort>n:o.Ont. and Winnipeg, Man FEATHER DYEING i:lcaDlri< and Curling and ICIdGloTei cleaned Thu« can be sent b; poat, Ic ptfflSz. the b««t place la BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING GO. MONTREAL. tweeii the hank of n cii< and tho Iralu. and killed. Tom 'riiuinb was the sinnllrst elephant in tho herd. anil .Iiiniho winild have nothing to do Willi any of the rest. Tom was a lady elephniit despite the name, and .Innilio wa."» her steadfast hcnii. wliile ol J .Scott was a sort of guar- dian to both." !»Oti i>ersons n day on nn nxeru); .visit Ilie While 'louse. tliT' reslilenee! feclioiis diseases of the T'ldted .Shites I'lesidentfi. I "What an awdil-lookijig \illaiii tho prisoner is !" whispered a laily in the police-cmirt to her hu.sband. "1 should he afraid to stand near hiiii !" HuMh !" wnrnetl her husbiind. 'The prisoner hasn't been brought in >el, Tluit's his lawyer." Lifebuoy Sou|i â€" disinfectant â€" !â-  slrongl.v recoiniiie.nded by the medical profession as a safeguard against in- A FKW J't)lN'l'.S. It isn't tho seedy chap who sows wild oats. I'ree speech doesn't always consist o( giving advice. It is easy to love your enemies af- ter you have gotten the better of (hem. Lots of ns gel out of breath trying to keep up with our running ex- penses. No mnn is so .skeptical ns not to believe the good things ho hcar.s about himself. The poor wo havo always with us; but Ihat is better than having them against us. I'eoplo go to tho mountains in summer to keep cool, in spito of tho I mount nin ranges. ! 'I'here is no reason why the man ' who fakes his money in oil should ; have a bored- look. I Tne ' fellow who has a yacht ho ! can't pay for realizes the significance j o( a Ileal ing debt. THE MOST POPULAR DENTIFRICE. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER, Pr*«*rves tli« tealh. Sweetant the braath. Strong thaiia (he gum* 'WIDE AWAKE CRIIGGISTS: i Sell Clleadlne. i f yours doei not, seniS 250 and rccelvo full sized box bj pest i prepaid HEALS ANY 80R(. Money re- ftincicd if not satisfactory. Cl«a Dru«r- gi?ts first ohaiios, BUT INSIST ON ; CILEADINE. 250, Drugghts, or Olhadlno 0».. Toranto. Dominion Line Steamshlpt Montreal to Ll»«rpi»l. Bo«lon to Uta- l.o,.l. Vortlmil to Lliorpoot Vi>i gu«in- town. . - ^, Larac ;»:iil Faflf, Sleam9hil«. Superior iiccoHii;oa»tio» for »ir<liv;..-n of I'ii >»'n»ifm. &t*l'^onl and 8t»t*) 'j«wl %T« miii-Wiip!! Si«.oi»l nllfiitioii h»> be.n (ii>oi. lo lh« Seioiul Hiloou ami Xhird C!,i»» ncconim<iil«tio!i. »or re..B(ifpa««a«>-»ml all i«rliml*r«. H'Pl» to uij a«enl odhe Company, or Ric!..ir.U, Milla t Oo. D. Torrance » Co.. 77 Utaie St. Uostoa Montreal an 1 Furilaiid. El^it*:Bsr FREE SAMPLE OF UEBIG'S FIT CURE. If you ^\ifTfrfro«i Fpilfnsy, Fits.FaMIntj SiJau-ss. St. Vitu!* l>ani,'«!. or h.tvocKiUtrcn orrt'talivr.! I'nat do no. or know « friend that in atnictrJ, then Ri'nd for a ftâ€" trial botti* with vatuAble Tre.Mis«, and try it. Tho Mmp1ebi>itlrwiU hcKc^ntbvniail. prcfviid, to your nearest Post Office address. It hAs cure*;! where cvti y« thing' else has failed. When wrIiittK'< mention this |Mii>erand K\ve name, n^e and full addreits to TH5 UeBIQ CO., 179 Kino St. Wcst, TORONTO, Canada. WANTED RELIABUe AQENTS Wtf w»nl ut once tnislworthy iiini i>!"l wmi.- i M cTcry locality, local or irivulliig. lo iiil o.lmn .1 iv>w diK-uver> i.n<l kwii oar .h>w c«.lj ana n.l.oitl.i u« inatlor Wikcd iipin ponaiilniou.i plic3> thromli'vi'. i^' town aii^l lountry. Stoailj empU'yiiionl ji»r roJii.l. iomnilj.ll )i> Of Milirv. J&j.oo per .lonili anj Expemea. iiotioi»ceeil}2.50 p.nUy Write for paniciOikn". IVi-lofHcc l';n Wi. INTER.iATIONAl MEDICINE CO.. LONDON. OHT \vooD a Photo. EwcR \vivt5_^ fe-J. I.JONES tNG.C9^^ '^IGJJ UAV &TREC T. - lOnOJi^O

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