mAY 22 1W2 THE FLESHETON ADVAKCE WWWW I F, T. HILL & CO. | WWtfy Hardware Gut our <juotatiunM on HARD- WARE before yuu make your uext purchase. Many liave al- jfe ready duuu ho and huvu suvud ^ jnonoy. f WHITE MUSLIN SHIRT WAISTS Hundsomtily tiniahed line Muslin Koods, trimmed with lace or insertion, buttoned backs or fronts, nuw cuffs. Tliis is one of the most complete collections you'll find in these very upto date f5""''^i P'icus ranginu; from i.25, 1.36, 1 . 50 up to 2.40 LADIES' COTTON HOSE (fast dye) Nearly ono hundred dozen of the best value cotton Hos^s we've ever handled,.splendid weifiht, full-fashion- ed, fast dye hose, at 10, 12.^, 15, 18, 20 and 25o. Our 10-cent stocking is as good as you usually get for 15 cts. ' '. ^ LADIES' SUMMER VESTS. 50 dozen very fine, right priced summer vests, long sleeves, half sleeves and sleeveless. These are very nice, beautifully trimmed goods and are unsurpassed in value, each 5,10,16,17,12i,20, 2a, 30, 35 and 40 White Swiss and Fancy Muslins. Hundreds of yards of beautiful goods, in spots, figures, stripes snd checks, also fanciesâ€" a most supurb cilloction at 10, 12^, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18,20 and 25 White and Black Organdies. Beautiful, fine, full width goods, at 18, 23, 25, 30, 35, 37* and 40 Full a.s.snrtmeiit of Linens, Piques. Crashes, Ducks, etc. 200 pair MEN'S .READY TO- WEAR PANTS We've had these made from our own ({oods and there're right in (joality, workmanship and fit. We can give you any kind of trou.sor you wish, be it worsted, serge or tweed, at ihe lowest price you've bought eciual i|Uidity. .Just think of an all-wool tweed par.t at t»8c. fall sizes,) better ones at 1.00, 1,10, 1.25 1.35, 1.40, 1.50, 1,75, 1.85, 2.00,2.25,2.50, 2.75, 3.00, •""1 3.40 MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR. Largo and small sizes, fine stroni; thre«l.nono bettor or more satisfactory. We have Hiern at 25c. ,35c 40o. 60c. Also same price for heavier goods if you wish them. Two Lines Linen Towls, Special. 35c. per pair pure Linen Towls each 12^ 22 and lOc. per pair pure Linen Towels, each 7i Extra values in Art Muslins, Art Sateens, Cretonnes^ Ourtanis, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Linoleums, etc. 50,000 pounds of Wool wanted during the next six weeks. For which we are prepared to pay. highest cash or trade prices. Wu have ju.nt placed in stock an unusually large supply of Blankets, Flannels and Yarns, bought, atspecially close prices and wliich will be sold accordingly tlirouah the wool season. " You will find us thoroughly prepared for the biggtst kind of business, bargains greeting you at every turn throughout our large store. "^mmmmmm F.T. HILL&CO, mmmmN EUGENIA FALLS ON THE MARKET The Hogg brothers hare now got iho vvaterpower at Eugenia fails in their own CDntrol and are putting it on the market. For years this power has been held at a prohibitive ligure by the owner. It is estimated by a competent engineer thai 4500 horse- power can be developed hero. The present owners Siiy the power is goinp; tj bo developed, as they ace detennin- eJ to dispose of it to some reapousible company. The oppjrtmiity ha.^ pro- bably arrived for which the people of Eugenia have been longing for yearsâ€" lit least lot US hope so. One of Dowio's daughters died last week from tho effects of a burn whioli she received whila atteiiSing tho imi- vorsily. This ought to open the eyes of the old man's dnpe.'^. Sho was un- attcudeJ by a physician but Dowio Iritd his own peculiar ujctliod3,wliicli resulted iu iittei: failure. Elijah, as ho styles liiiusu'f, appears to imvo lost bJiue of his power during tho last fo>v thousand years. When lie comes ajaiu a few thousand years hence he will doubtless ba just like any ordinary man ! What rot this man tries to nuke people believe, anyway ! And what fools there ate in the world to run away after auytliiiig novel ni w.iy of religion! It is enough tj dis- gust one with humanity at large Facts Regarding Smallpox k may be regirdcd »» nn eruptive fever. It i.-< duo to a spoci'tc poison rectiveil into the blood and begins to give indications of iis power about twelve days alter its i.d.~orpti..ii and it g.pes through four stages - lirst. that of incubation, suuoiid prim- aiy fever, ihiid oiuplion, fi.uith second- ary fuVur. It coinuioiicos with lassitude, hc-dathe. vomiiing m,d niUHculnr pains intliel;uuk. Thisu Hymptnins uro sue- ecLdod on the thud day liy an eruption of innall rod puiipks, which in the course of i noek ii.tldine and Buiipuiutw. Soiim- liinus it :ittVtts tho noso and iiiuutli and l.y inaikt-d iriitnlhii i.f ihu nervous SjSteni. The peculiar e. upturn ul,vays liegiuK on I he third day of Mu) favor, and in ili« f..llowiiig ouhr : limt in tlm face, lIlK nick and «ll.^t.s; siuoiidly on ihe bodi, unl l.sily on ihu h.w.r oxIreniitieH. The papuUe lliuii xfadurtlly ripmi Into L.umules. It in oi mplolo on iho ninth day, nl which timo thu pimtnloH break and ciust* >'r Kuabd are foniioil. In four or livi> days more tliise scsiIh full i.lf. The HOkeriiy of thedis.^iw-ulways.aliniist bnaiii H direct reliicion 10 ih«* quantity of tho uoiniplion. Wlu'ii the pu.stolu.i 'are few they lenioiii distiniu Hud Hi'|iaraio froiu lUiii othup, when vi-ry niicnitriiiis they tun toiiuihrr, luilesco i.iid lomi their clrculur form. Thus iheic .«iu t«i> <li<i iini.t di.'iit.ohn The for.nur is â- «f4<lMi) attMxlod M i<.ix danger, tho UtUr i« never free from it. In variola disoreta . housus in tho infested area and found the eruption is papular on the third day, 'about 30 cases, most of them pretty well each vesicle has a a slight depression on ^ over it, of a mild type. The first case the top, and is thus distinguishable from , o-jcuired early iu March, and was intro- chicken p:)X. Aliiut the fifth day fif tho,duced from Elmvale, Siiiicoo county. Due eruption, the vesicles lose their central ; precaulioim were takon to pnnent tho deprebsion and become turgid and con i spread of thu disease rtnd Dr. Scott at tain yellowish inatter, with a peculiar, | once placardod all these placei with a di.Siigrceable odor einanaung therefrom, [siuallpux card, and (juarantiuid all per- which once smelt, can ne\er bo forgottenâ€" 'sons »hoiii he found had been visiting soinetliing like rotten apples. If the pu.s- ! these places or in contact with the dis- tulea liiivo gone so deep as to penetrate | ease. He also called Ihe Hoard of Health MirouKli the true iSklu, pcrmanorit dis- 1 together, which has taken stringent ligniatiun, the so-called pitting or pock measuvos f(M' its suppression, but no mark, lusulls. Tliero U no contagion so doubt many more casus will develop dur- powerfiil or so certain as small pox. t)nO|ing tiio next three weeks as it had every attack, howevor.usuully exhausts tho SUS-. facility to spread before Dr. Scott was ceptabiliiy oftke'system to_futin'e|influenoi' ! called upon tho scene, of the p lii-on. 'Siniill pox oecuriing in purs. >ns unprotected by ioocuhition, (now not practiced) or vaccination. proves fatal 111 propori ion or average of one in every three, those who are protected liy vaccination, only ahout two or three in bvery Inindiud. Can it bo cured ? As well intghty^u altetnpi to riuell a storm it sea! The loss druus given iho bettor in the treat inuiit of smallpox. The patient shoulil 1)0 kept quiet in bad, well TOiitilnt- cd. Use a good disiutectant, give plenty of dilULiiLs, leuionad?, plain water, r isp- liuriy vinegar, soda water, etc., with tepid '<,ir.">jl r!r-'<j.tW.-:viL/,'^'-K _ Sculttil Tendtu'H atldreasoit to thoiuidi-rHignetl, Rud »»nilorrtoU * Toirlertt for owen Soiiud Har- bor Wiii'kM," will lioiuoeivod at this uttiee uotil MoUfluy, LJtilt May, iilHtaiit, foi Drut^iu^ at Owen Hoiuitl, County of (Iroy, Ontario, acuord- iin;lon)*lao ami 9pocil\u;Ltion lo bo Huun at tlio oiVku of II. A. Giiiy, Kb<i , KuKiueur iu eh.iruti of Hai'b'jur woiks, Ontario, CoufiKloru- tion hifu lluiluiiiit 'rotoiito, ou applit'ution to Mion^n.K. If very irrilaUo tho patient I'J'e r>«tuia.^turof Owuii SouikI. Out-, aud at ' - -...^.l ,„;n. ; .' .„.,„ I lt>oU".lmil"""""fl'"Wio Works, Ottawa. sliould lie CRlined with an opiate ; laxa t.ivos fi'r bo\vi',h a'ld for the iotolorahlo iichiiig 11 10 lo'tl erumu or lime liiiiuiei.t. Of eotirHO the iutolligont pliy.'iiuian will meet iho incideiiiiil.-i as thi-y rise, hut tio one should liolay the viiccinalion of tlioiiisolvBS and family. 1*. S. 1 would sungest, that t'voty cor- poration of school trustees should furnish vaccine l> nipli, and appoint a day for inisry uiivaooiiiated |>eis3ii to attriid at the .sclh iilliou«e and be vaccinated. Tho usiUh physician of tho rown.hip HlH.uld (^^'^''^^'^-^^ -'j;^;^;^^^^ ittona.Mlil uivon day. This or i\'.y NowHpupers instMiinK VaU iu. uthtrfowible mudo hIiouUI ho 'iduptoii. TenUoirt Will not bo conuidorocl udIohh mado on tho form Buppllot), an<l KJ^iiod with thu arluAl H (^uattiruu of tUu tunduroitt. Ad ncuoptod cht>(iuu on a clmrterod bank payablu lo ibu uidfi- of tho lloiiorablo the MriiiHturof IMiblio Works, for t.hreo thoutaud lUillurH [$:t,iK)O.O0), mtiut iwcoD)|>aity utujti tou- lUir. Tho chuquii'ftiil bo rurfoitiul if tbo I'fvrty (Itfclitiu tbo (outract or fail to coiupluto tho wotk coiitiuctu:! for, uuit will bo loturnod iu u««u of iu>ii-acct<))tanco of tourlor. Tho Dupav iiiout doo;* not biud Itsolf to ac^ cdpt tbu it'WObt or any ttindcr. liy order, l-'UKDUiClilNVS, Stcrotary. 1003. piipers iiisoitiiifj tiiU lulvortlRomeut wUl.iiul nut 01 it) troll) thu I^eptivtiuuiit, will U(»t bo \ti\id for'U. TO CURB ACULDINONe DAY TiikJ Lnxutlvo IWoino Quinino Tabtotd All (li'U^tflrit^ I tMuiitl ibtt luonuy if it fallt* t(>' ouie !\V. M>. (iiovu'a biguaturoiH OLi uauli bo.t ^a 111 Smallpox In Osprey ()M|»rt\y tovvuHliip is'jtish in»w NnH'oiing fntiu a i-mallpux epiilouiio nft'vtriniirliiniryi •â€" â- ^â€" ' ' â€" - pri»pt»i tiiii.s. F'jr wookn .smuoihin^ whielw WHH rtiippDHt'd Iu Im cliickvnpox hia hoeu I V pAA/1 T^ITTIA DlAnA ragn,- in ho Vicinity (.f McT.tyn, ami I j[^ UUUU lllllO iluUU not uotil last week was it pr>nounod' aiiia Ipox Dr. Hryee. |<roviiieial medical health olliecr, was brou^'lit up from Tor- i>iito, Miiil ho pronoinii'oil it lo ho tho dreailed (lisensn. It is siippisod to h.ive hui'ii brought in from the chanties by a youn.; man who returned from iKeio tho .hitter pirt of KebiiiHry. There aro taiil to lie fniii lifloen to families win- liavf. buiu or are afflictud.; ^The Hoard of tliialth ol the lown!ihi|) is How m.kUing slreiinoux etrorts lohtaiii|i out the d aud all. the fiiiiiiliot 1 llbcuul and suspect.-^ arc ipi irniifiiMil Tho diMease is of the usual mild typo. I.ATKH--Sinco tho above vwvs put in ly|Hi we lian! leanied fonn an autheiilio source th.i true facts regardiie/ the out breah. Several ea.-ieii o.'currud at the eait of the township, lietwem BadjcriH and S'li^h.iiiipion, tlio doctors nt both pliicos diagiiosloy it ehicki n;io\. Hi Soott of Maxwell wu< callo.l to bis thsi eisn in till.' faiilily of Mr. (Jen. Ulnolilmrn oil ^Tay 0, and on ^fny 10 aaid it w.ta not eliicken<.o.\ and waft BUKpiuioini of sniall- p<n. On May 12th he di-njOMsed it de- is a Faithful Semnt We make a Specialty of Refonnlor tbe "wonM-go" kind. When we repair a watch or a clock we gmai'antee It to go accurately, and gfuarantee I It to keep a-g:oiD£: accurately. I W.A.Armstrong, tin tely siiial poj and .M'lil for Dr W. J. ' . .. _ ^ ^^,^ .m i Ihyoos, ,miployodbyt,l,«lt.,..rdofH.alih JEWELER AND OPTICIA •. it «iiialli>ux, L)r. So itt vUiteJ soma M Wool! Just a word about Woolâ€" when you're ready to sell your wool, remember we are open to buy any quan- tity and will give you the highest market price in Cash or trade. You're sure of satisfaction either way, as our immense assortment of desireable goods is at your service or the money is yours if you prefer. Men*s Working boots for 95c. 50 pair Men's Lace Working bootsâ€" some \ splitâ€" some whole stock â€" all bellows [ c >.- tongue â€" high cut â€" some blucher pattern.! ^oClS Sizes 6 to 10. "Regular price $1.10 to $1.50) Novelties in Boy's Clothing: JTusii OpenedL Ou.x. Boy's 3 piece cluck suits â€" sailor collar as shown in cut â€" durable â€" fast colors â€" washable. Sizes 21-26 ^1,00 Boy's 3 piece Brownie suits â€" double breasted â€" ;fancy vests â€" good durable tweed â€" nicely made, trimmed and finishetl. Sizes 21-28 ? 2.50 Men's Suits Youth's Clothine Men'.s C'oats Boys Knickers Men's Pants Men's Overalls Smocks. Sweaters Boys Overall!- HAIRIDinriLIlE: I>EI>'T ^ Floor Paint to he walked on Many so-called floor paints wont stand the walking. THE Sherwin-Williams Inside Floor Paiht is made 'for floors and nothing' ^Ise. It is made for durability. It is made to walk on. Color cards for the asking. .80M> -V 5heep5hear® Pig Rings Spades Rakes Axle Grease Wash Tubs Wash boards Washing Machines Wringers Boydtl^icklind & Co* FLESHERTON.