Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 May 1902, p. 5

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THE FI. ESU^EfON ADVANCE *f AY 2-2 1902 llletbodist = €i)ureb» t»A8TOH-H3v.J.S..twi8onWllpon SerBlce-4Suncl«y 11a. m.iSc 7 p. m Subjects for next Sabbatbâ€" Morniiij!â€" "Gi»nts mid how to fix''' tliem" â€" til the boys nnd eir.a. Ei-eiiin^â€" Sing sermon -"The Souls Aiicliorage." -Souiiiiitioa to-day, Tijursdajr 'Good gruwins; weather at last, Pdtaldoa firrsale â€" S. Turner, Eugenia, Fresli lirue ahvaya oii hasid. J. H. 'Duckett, Eugeoia. Miss Tieuik Rut'eilije of Markdale spent Sunday with fnend< in town. Our mill will be closed for the ne'^t ten <lay»"for tc;):vir. P. Loucks. 50()0 feet eve tri>u>»hiiiir at 2c. and 3c. pur foot, while it lasts. R. P, Legate. S:«turday next, Slay 24, will be o')- seived as a general holiday in town. • Fit Saleâ€" One brown maro, S yrs oM, ill f"al. Will sell or ixibTn;o fi>r ^nod load liorse. W. \V. Trinihle. M'jor El. R..rko of liie 31st battalion rweived lust week at Toronto his long sc rvice iredai. Mr. A. O. H"gi;. merchant, of Oak- wood, and llttlo bOD. were in town last week and gave The Advance a call. Mis.s Min,". Gndiain of Vandeleur has "been the <;uest of Mies Florrie Richard- son during the past week. ^r. T. Scott, the geiiiafclerk of Osprey tirwnship, was in town on Tuesday and save The Advance a pleasant hour or two. There will he an excur.<ion from ^orth and Centra to Gue'ph soon. For date and fares see next week's ad in Advance. J. I. Graham. Mrs. W.att, who has livid with her brother. Rev. L. W. Thoni, at the manse here for .several years, left on Monday to live wiih her dau(:htcr iu Colorado. Miss Emma Sheppjird returned on â- ^loiiday from Moo.sejaiv, N.W.T. , where she has been for some time visiting with her brother. Mr. R. N. Henderson, Toronto, gave • old flienda a hearty handshake on Tuer- d«y. He w-is up on business for the ]Sorth of Scotland. The trustees of the Flesherton cemetery re(iuest the plotholders t(. turn out on the '24th of ith\y to remove weeds, ruhliish, f(c., from their own plots and inipiove the cemetery iu general. W. Clayton, Sec. Mr. VVr... Ward of Coventry is visi'.iug tdd f I lends here this «eek. Mr. Ward was a re.tiilent of this township about 25 years previous Ut reiuoviug to Coventry, 'Yctk-etiunfy, a few years ago. From a letter received frcin an otheer <if the 31st battalion we leain that the .-31>t«ill not go to camp in June, hut 'hijie to t{o ill "peach lime." Thiit would be a good sfiison of the jeir 'n visit the Niagiira peninsula. Money TO Lo.vsâ€" At 44 lo 4.^ per cent. E.xpenses low. Abo a nnmber t.if im- proved and uii^iupro'.i .1 furtos for .s:do cheap, .â- \pply fo Geo. Riithorfottl, Shol- burnc, or Dunda'R office Satunhiy after- ^t^^•on. The ninth annual convent! n of the Wometi'.s Missionary .Si'cioty of the (>weii Sound district will be held in ihi' Mitho- â- d St church, Klt'.'*heit"ii, on Wcihiesday, May 2Sth ue.\t, commencing at 10 a. m. Mr. Ed. Siirgount ot the Siation lost a a cow last week which hdd knocked "f 21 -suimui-rs in her career She b nl ln-eii in Mr. S<»ri:eaiit's po,-,sfS ion sin. e si ven years of ai;e, and has produced for him thirteen calves. The Ladies Aidofihe Mu'hodist church will serve ice cream on the evcniig of ' fe^atiirdHy, .May 24th, in Siniiii's block, naxldo<jr to the .Jewetleiy .store. Fiom pftft ricords vie judae thai the cre;ini will be very good an»l as the liilios arc all h.aiidsotne the attraction will he very great indeed. 1) 'U't 'ail to 'nvestigate on Snturdiy evening at 7.30, or umil all IS soUt. We are ploa-sed to note that the Owen Sound people cjiii apni eciat- a giH)d thin". ' The Tinus*«y8 :• "Rev. J.S.I Wilson, B. A.. B D., of Flesherton, conducted I t>th services .-it the First Mefhodiit ci.ui\h on Sund ly. Mr. Wdnoii is oi o of the most proiuisini; young p-.-achoi-s in the Tmiomui c<>nfereuce, and large <â- <>•'. â-  t'rcgnl'.oi's hstened lo his.sernn'nsat both the luiriiiii!.' u»d evening services." At the regvdiir ui«i tiim of Prii co AithurLiKlg. , 33;i A. F aid A. M. on foe IC'h iust. The folli.wing otficeis wore elected f.r • he coioii g ye r : IP. J»., wor. 1 ro. W. .1. IWll imv ; W. .M , b o. F. H. W Hick!iig;S. ^.'. hio. W. A. .ArnisttoiK' ; J. \V., bro. J 'hn Wiiglit, jr ; Cli'ip. w. r. bo. Jo>. Hickhorn ; I'roas, wor bi<\ A.5>. VatiDn.^en ; s c, hio. C H. Munshaw ; Tyler, b:o. Thivs, Bliik'ey : Audit-ors. rfor. b:-o. Jos. W.ick- h ra and b:o. D. McTavish. r'sgotiatioi s are on fo.it between t'.is villiii;« and a couplo of yi ui.z men who » ish tofupply the vid go witli l-g'n from Tu/on't. They have i urvhased prov s- i 1 ally .VIr. Th nipson \> iUon's power at Ei'genia and if a c^ntiact can lx> n-.ada with the villaue for (<tieet lighting they w'-U go ahead ami instal the plant, whiih they puipoae liavii'g in ojieration by S p- teinber, Mr. Wilson clninis that Ids \p<'ir>rwin develop 120 hoi aepower, which ' «i ulil a,su allow • coosidcmble margin t;fur tunnufmturin^ pur|>o«c«. Mrs. Will Hoard is vLsiiins; her par- ents at Sebiin^vjlle, Good hou«e to let in Fleshertonâ€" A p ply to D. McTavish, Flesherton, or E. Wht„-, .nu-kd;i!j. Mr. W. Pedlar br'>ught a rare bird t>) j town on Mouday morning which he had shot in the vicinity of his barn. It was a Species of buzzard known ai the turkey buzzard, fron> the resemhlanceof its hmd to that of a turkey. The body is dirk, stretch of wing 5 feet 6 inches, bead bald and r.'d, beak hooked atp<iint, legs ah«)Ut the length of a hawk's,ta|i'nsrai her short. The bird is a very rare visitor to Ontario, its habitat being much further south in a warmer climate. We have only h.-ard of one other specimen being shot iu (Ontario and that was got in the vicinity of Port Credir. The Ladies' Aidfiociety of ihe Pres- byterian church, together wiih a number of friends, took possession of the manse on Fud-iy evening last with baskets of goi.diis, as a son of farewell to one of iheir nuiul^er, Mrs. Watt, who was about reinovii g to Colorado. During the course of a very enjoyable eveoing the ladies' presriitid their departing sieter, with a 5- o.„-!ook teas t and feelingly worded ad- dress. Mrs. Watt replied in a neatspeech of thanks and Rev. L. W. Thorn also thank- ed the iadii'S on behalf of his sister. On Saturd.iy Mrs. Watt's Sunday .sohocl class of little girls pre.senled hor with a photo of the class a» a token of remembrance. Be sure and take in the celebration at Markdale, Vic- toria Day, May 24th. Larger and better attraction.s than ever. See large posters for particulars. » » i»> < « Completely Fagged out The world is full of sickly, desj on<lent, tired, enervated jreople, all feoping lo lie Wl-II some d.iy. "The surest road to bealih is aloU!> the way of taking Ferro zor.e after meals. Fiirozone is a meat appetizer aadeinUes one to esit pleiiy of wholesoBie foixl without fear of iiidigi-s- tion or dyspepsia. This results in the nipid formation of an abundance of red, vitalisina blood, which will n store the nerves, increase flesh and viior, and nourish and feed every oryan of the b'dy. Fenoaone is an ideal restorative ai^d in- vmorani. U is a tonic of uneiiualled merit I hat anyone can use with benefit. Price 50c. per box, or six boxes for 32 50, at drugiilst, or N. C. Poison & Co.. King- ston, <)nt. Sold by W. E. Ricliard»oii. I â- Â»â-  * Two Deaths. Death has been very busy in town I'ur- iug the past week. The first vic.iiu wa.s Mrs. Fiii.k Hopps, who di.-d after a lingering illness on Wetliio.sday of !.-ist week at the age of forty y ars. The funeral took place to Fltsheiti'O cemotery on Friday. Mrs. Hopps leaves b.-hind her a husband and four litle ebiMn-n.two boys aiid two jrirls, ro liTOuru her depart- ure. The second viciim was Mrs. G^'o. Waid- ndie, who passed .iv. ay suiidui.ly :ifter be- ing coi.iinsd to bed only a couple of Jay.", at the age of 57 years. Mrs. Wardrobe W!is a native of York.shi>e, England, and came w th her husl and to this eomitry all! ut 21 yciis a^o. She leaves I eliinii her lai-bami and five childun. Diseased was a highly ri.spected citizen, ai;<l a niHiiibpr of the Methodist church. The funoral on Monday was largely aiteii.led, the service being conducted by her p;isti!-. Rev. I\isou WiUon. Inflamed Nose and Throat .\nd snoh diseases of the respiratory ori;ans as hr.iDchitis, wiak lungs, cold in the head. 'luJ n.isal catarrh, are treated with inarveUms success on strictly s, i. n- titic piiuciples by Catarihozoue. The nietlicated vapor of Catarrhozono t|uiokly traver.ses every air passage possible to be reached by any treatment. All soreness", |Min, con;:es!ion and inllanimation are â- â-  t ODCO dispelled, and by means of the he. 1- ing j.oweis of Catarrhozone the vitiated tissues are quickly restored. WhireCa'.- an liozone is used colds last only ten ininutes, coughs half an hour,and dta: '-h consumption, asthma and bronchitis tlee as from lire. .\ trial will convince ao, - o'le of the .â- <terling nioiit of Catarrhoioie Costs §1 00, small size 2i.c. At druggists or t'il»oJi& Go., Kingston, Onj. Col. Leys, of Tiondon whilo cieav.atiiiK mi his farm at Dorchester recently, is staro<l h> h^ve unearthed five skelett>-« With tUnt arrow heavls, stone skinnii g kiiveaaudotherrcr.es. Only one of he skelolons was in a good state of preserve - tion.lm' it was one who mu.<t have been a (lolia • ..mong his tribe. Tiie skeleton showe<l that its owner must have be«.n fully e-'ght feet ill height, with oth r p;op<.>rt.alions to match Tlw skull w s twic>> the size of the i.veiage human head, nudevoiy tooth in the anissive jaws was perfect. The shin bone.n and thigh lones were cich nea ly t vo-and a half tc tlong. Ciil. L -ys eoUec ed the rem dns carefully, •ntei;dius! to pre.sent them to the Norii).*! »cho«:l, but tboy were stolon from the barn ^i^ which they were placed. Oth-r lndi.,n remains have |iit;vi..usly beou dug up in 'he vi>iniiy. Cramp* ar? Like Burglars They co:no unexpe el and when leaxt we^co'ice. Ite armed with a one iuinut« cur« ill a Initt e -f Ni-rviline, which le- lievrs ^ra<> p and stomach pains in live minute*, in c-lic, smnmer c<:mpl int, diATTh.-oa, iiidiuertion and i.auseA, N«tT- iline is a rcniedy of reniarkaWc p* tenc^, acts pron plly and satisfactory at %ll ^meii. Th( composition of Poltoii'^ lier* viline expresses the highest medical pro- gress of the atje, wbich accoun^s for its superior merit. Price 2dc. On Tuesday evening of last week a thunder storm crossed this vicini'y, and as Mr. Win. Parlor was turning his team of smart 4-year-olds at the end of the field, there came a fiiuh and one of them dropped over dead. He was otfered §108 for it a few weeks ago, but having a busy summer's work didn't like to part it. Being insured in the Hanover Co., he is not so heavy a loser as he might other- wise be, yet 'tia no easy matter lo find a mate for the one left.â€" Traverston Cor. â€" Durham Chronicle. The Markets. Carefallr t'orrer ed Each Week Oats as -o 38 Peas 4E7 o 77 Barley 45 to 48 Butter 16 to 16 Bags fresh 12 -.o 12 Pork 7 25 to 7 25 Hay 10 00 to 40 90 Potatoes be g -40 :o 50 Notice is bereby given th&t the .first sitting of the Court of Havision ou cha assesament of 10O2, Township of Artemeaia will be held in ihe Town Hall, Fleshertou, ou Mouday, the aecond day of June A. D.,ia02at lOo clock a.m. All i)ersoa3 intarested are requested to taj£ o notict? and «ov(jri> themselves accordiaKly. Clerk's otfice. Phjshertoy, Mav iS), 1903. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk- ClOBT HF BEIiSiOi 1901 Notico is heyeby ^iyen that the drst sitriugs of the Court of Hevision on the assessment rol 1 of 2902, Township of Osprey, will be held iu Maxwell on Saturdar, the 31st day of Uay. A. D. 1003, at 10 o'clock. a.in. All persons interested are requested to take Qotice and i^oveiu chemselTes accordinglv, Clt rk's office, Mclntvre. Mav ao, 1903. THoS. SCoTT, Clerk. Kegarditig Smallpox in tbe Cownship of Osprey WHEREaS. owins to the prevalence of pq epideoiiu of smallpox in the Towuship of oaprey. the Sf auicipal Board of health hereby enacts the foHowiug reguIattouR : That Section 15. chapter 206. R.S.O., 18S7. re- garding cotnpulsory vocciuatiou and re-yaccia- atiou. bo heruby ouforcod as a By-law of the Municipal Board of Health of the Township of Gap ley. This enacts that all persons of au age to maketh'^m legall^r' reBponsibte who have not been vttcciuated »ithiu seven youjs. shall pre- sent themselves to some legally qualified meil icftl practitioner for vaccination or re-vocci- uation as the coso may bo, and getting a certifi- cate for the same. .Ml paients. custoiUau? and guardians of children iu the township et Oaprov must secure vacciaation or re^-vacciuatton of such children as provided by tde Public Vaccination Act. This Prcclamatiou putting this Act iu force shall be sufficient evidence to secure com- ictinn of any person who does not comply with the law within a vtuiot' of seven days from the date of rlie p':Mi'Js*'ou of this proclamation. .\li tniste •- ff any public or h-.g'i sthool in The Towu^ll^p o! Osprey are requented to p'"*^- vidu that u>> children sball bo pennittcd to at- tend !<uub school without produciuR a certificate of success: ul vaccination on beint; d<^uiauded r f him or her bv tho teacher. R.S.o. 1SS7. chap. '2C6. sec. Hi. The olCcials of Osprev will prosecute all per- sons not mtmpl.vicg with the ubov regulations. 'Ihe ciiisjus of Ospiey arc requestsLl to^ •omply wiuh the above regulatioii.q and assist tie ofiiciaiR iu preventing the »preR 1 of the tUi>.ea''eiu Osprey. aud to abstain fium unnec- eii'ary visitiug or mingling wit-: the gei*ortil public, and i-specially visiting hcusos where sickness iskucwu to exist. All petsons are-hereby requested to fui tiisb Dr lahu A. Stott, Medical Heulih Otticer, Max- woil P 0., with a stHtfuu'utiu writing of any Eerson who. withi.i a puriod of lifteou days, ave been in contact wiih such disease. By c.vder of Osp*ev l^oani of Hoalt'-. TH05. 5C0TT, SMreUry JOHN A. >COTT. M.H.O. Dated this i^'^ad day of Uay, 190^. T AM WORTH Boar for Service The uud'tmigued baa fnircbased from Shup- V>ardson of Walters KnlU a fine tborouahbred Tamworth boar, wiiich is held for service on lot 146. W.T. S.R.. Artemesia. Terms $t. NOBUS LAWaBNCK. FiosbertonFurniture Ularerooms* We are carrying the newest 8'yles of sea.soualilo gtvals iti all lines ef FurniluTO, coiLsisiiis; of : Parlor aiij bctlrooiu suits, loungeo, sulebtiirilf, tjxteii.Mi'ii aid centre talile.", chains niiulow shaUcH and ourliiw {Ki!t a, picture*, ea«el<>, etc , \CJiMih wefiflTtNi wt LOWEST PRICES Picture Framing aial Oeiien«l Re- imiriiig. Uinleilakint; tii all its DrHnches. SntiHfaction guHrtiitcot. W, t1. Bunt, - - rop . [if May Doings at T.J. Sheppard's Enough has been said and done to emphasize our position in general Dry Goods and Ready-to-wear Clothing selling, not a single statement in these columns concerning any of these lines has been over estimated, quite the contrary, for we fail to do justice to the nicely assorted stock>s, with so much to be seen and all worthy of your attention. We cannot do better than repeat our invitation for you to come and visit our store. We don't insist on you buying, but we would appreciate the privilege of showing you what we have gathered for the people of Flesherton and surrounding coimtrv. We are showing special values inâ€" LACE CURTAINS, MUSLINS, ART DRAPERIES,CRETONNES,LAWNS, DOIITYS. PRINTS, HEAVY DUCKS, suitable for skirts. novelties for Silk ^^ome extremely pretty,uew spring shades, taffetas and wash silks at special prices. The suits we are selling now are not like ready-made clothing, they are made up of Scotch tweed and Eng- lish worsted French facings and first class linings they fit like the best made-to-order suits. We have also a new^ assortment in spring suitings to make up with the tailor. We ctm give you a close price on any kind of a suit. - Hats - From the number of hats we have sold we think we are in it with style, quality and price. You are sore to find the latest ia Oeiit's furnishiu us with us. Wall Paper ! Wall Paper ! We are fairly in it with an extra large stock,with which we can please you Millinery Our Millinery Department is strictly up to-date, and it is only for a lac'.v to call aud see our hats to t>e pleased. We pay the highest price possible for n\\ kinds of produce- THOS. J. SHEPPARD = 1^ m m m li TOWNSHIP OF ARTEHESIA Notice is here by given that the Council of township of Artemesia. will after four pub'ic- atious hcr«of in the Flesherton Advance news- paper, the llrst being ou the tittb day of Mav, A. b., VJOii aud the last on the -29th day of May. A. L. 1902, proceed to pass a bylaw to close up aud dispo;^e of the uudormeutioued roaiis in tihe said tiowiiship. 1st beiup a roadway ooecb.un in width and bein.u paj t of lot i'l.con. 12, the Centre line o.' which is described Asfitiowsand boing nccur-i- ing to a pUu ma/U^by T. U Uillaul, Esq., P. L. S., dated Dec. I8t;t*, viz.â€" Ccumjonoiut; at a point 50 links easterly from the N W. an^jle * t said lot:; liiMuce south 6 decree s, DOmin. I-.;., fort y-oue chains more or \ le^sto the northerly liujit of Tc%d deviatioa ' croBsii'g caid lor. ; '3nd being a roadway one chain in width and â-  bfiUp; yaxti of lot iV cuu, W.^he centra line of wiiich may be dtisoribed hs fol'ows : Coni- uifnciivj at apoiut SO links ensterlv from the S. W. anjile of said lot; thctico north 6 dcureta, ;»0 niih. W..ae^eu chains more or 't-st. to the •'outliL'riy hini~o( what i?t known as iho Va'lcry road- and also .shown \\i ou the plan afor^taii. :^rd botufiau>a4ixv!t> rtfty Huks in width the cet tieUtJo ol which i» the limit b«?^ ween tho9ib and lOih conceseiou of ^aid towni^hip from the westerly hmit of lot 50 to the easterly limit of lot ;i5 iu sai i uoucessious. By order of Council Clerk's olHce May 6 »i \V. J. BsLLAiis Public rieetings nr. I. B. LUCAS, Ex. H P.P. OONSERV.\TIVE CaXIUDATE FOK C ENTREE (rREV, WILL ADPRESS rVBHC MKETINOS AS FOLLOWS : Eugonin, Mouday, Mnv lO'.h, 7.30. IVtMH St>t on, Tuesday ^I'Vv 2^'^ll T.30 "Vanihaiii, \Vi><lnosi.!av, May 2Ut.7 30. M»x»ell, ITiitrsdav, Mav 22.7 SO p m. Th^unbury.FnJav.Mav 2;<id,7.30 p.m. Kiieltlyu. Situnliy, May 24th. 7. 30. t'hiitawi.rth, May'26th. 7 30 y.m. Desboio, Tuciday, May 27!h.7.30 p m. Markdale, M«y 28th, 7."0 p.m. Opposition Cnndidate.* or Ke* prcsriitiinves Invltnl A hand of Italian Uiirv)ers will play at met.tin(p>. Ijadies are «p'cially invited. .eod $apt Cl>« Hino* W. HOCKLEY Bargains = Bargainis Here are a few of onr many bar gains for the next two wot-ks. Ladies Kra(per», res.price $1.5t>f-r J. 00 Ladies priiili 1 loufcs, i>u sjile af .lOc. Ladii-8 meicerizi'a sjlIi'vii ••^kirt.s. rci;ular 82.00 and §2.25 2tioiHls,snip at 1.50 Ln'i'-s Sail.-r Hat?, refill ii iT'Ce o'.l and (51.) cents. For." 33 â- 1 Mens sii 111 inur shirt â- < in fan y | .'.tteris stripe and cheek, mi sjilo at .''oceiioh. Men's heavy Blue Derry Ovenills, n-ij. price, O'V'. Bargain at 30 6 Ladies' Bl-ick Lustre Skirt*, ^veat bar- gain at 1 55 G<ji.tlei>ian->' l"m'.nv!!a~,a snap at. . 75c. A i.ice apsoitinont ot Mfu's .•^pri!!..; suit- ings. Also a lirt't c'a^? tailor in em- ploy. -Vil .niits gt;ar.into d t" tit. Mei.'s Bicycle Suitsâ€" sn.n> at ."J 50 \ nice assi'rtti out of La ie-.' Waist leMt;th.< ill Lu.stre and Silk p.i't. rrs. Great burj:»iii.s ut 40 and 60 c'b<. iicryard. READY.\!AOE CLOTHING in l"lacU, brown. Grey and idue, at; greatly ra- \l»c«i> pr CO. '5 lb*. CI. a;i curraius for •.... 25n. 2 tin* *irUiiii 3 for 26 25 lbs. lest b:cwi> sugar 1 00 22 lbs. be.>t jjranuhited sui;ar I fO Turkish dyes. 4 pa<-ka::< s f'lr £5 3 cai.s Salm in 25 4 cans c-jrn 27 4 c ins pens 27 5 [K'uiid.s tHpioca . 25 7 bars. Sweet H"ine vm\y 25 Flaked wh. iit ai.d pca-x, 3 pkts 25 Dutch !'>ts pi" qt 12 Toilet kO«ii, 3 bars f"r 5 Tonia'o ca'sup. regular I2cf"r.... 10 .\ full as.-:orliurnt of garden ieedii of all kindit. .\ liae r.nge of teasels, flowered and git patttr.is, r,lso u>iUt sets at. e.\treiie!y low prices. CouKi and inspect, n>. tr>>ubl8 to siiiiw KOials. Hlghe..:t price for farm produce. PROTONS CASH STORE. W. HOCKLEY. Public Notice Kotico h> h.-n !'y uiven that a byJuw was paKM<i by Ibe CpuiicU uf tl><.< t'wnnl'ipof Art«- mesi%, on lie Mh Anv .<t ^tay . .\. D la^pvovii!- . Inc for tho ii^titie of oH>iiNttiF04« to th** amount of •IMM for thep\Kpo«<» >! ouaVIi'ig tli« tiustsvi of S.S. No. 17 to piiFob««e « ^ch»'ol .-Ite an I er«ct A ffcho.>l botiso iri HAt.l MciUxi. and ttiR^ RQCh bvlaw wait irgtsrcrei] In ttio registry offlc^i for South 'trey on • hu Sth dny of May A.D. 19<-i An; nioUon to q.iash oi sat a*ide tlio nainj or anv part th*».-*4or niti >t Tm aiade within thre-i ahMMIi* Ikeuiih '.da'e . trrkiUration.aod cannot -. tw tnadtf tbcrcaftcT. W. J. nF'LI..KMT,Cl»ik t aMI thli Utb day of Mar. ^-D^ tW. .

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