Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Jul 1902, p. 1

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y * C 'TRUTH BEFORE FA.V08." - " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' i' Jf s ;Â¥ VOL. xxn, m m Flesh-erton, Ont., Thursday, July 3 1902 W. H THURSTON, EDITOR * PBOrWETOB uagja ' j July Wedding ^ Silverware We have just put in stock some extra tine silverwiire which we can recoin- meiid as beinjj reliiible. Our prices are ri^jht, a Ciill will convince you. These new liiiea comprise : â€" Berry Spoons, Gravy Ladles, Cold Meat Forks, Child's Setts Bread Trays. In addition to these new goods wo have the regular lines of SuRar Bowls Spoons, Forks, Berry Dishes, etc. Very suitable for Wedding Presect^- Mt.\. AMSTRONQ FLESHERTOM Neithercut of Mayburn perfo'-iaed the duties of groomsinan. The biido wastho recipient of a f<reaf majiy handsome and Useful presents. The second" event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Howell of Col belton on .luno 18th, wheu their only daughter was married to Mr. C. Johnson jr , of this plft<;e. This kaot was also tied by Rev. Campbell. A large number of friends'extend congrotulatioiia to Mr. and Mrs. Rath and' Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and wish to both couples a happy and prosperous journey through life to- gether. Rev. Campbell will pi, ^H his farewell sermon in this church next Sunday. A number of true friends are sorry to part with him, . ^,, â€" : M»I»>1 m 3000 on Grounds ji^ei^^eieie&^ij^^^;^;^^^^^^^^^ Stafford^^& Port Law Price vllle The Gate Receipts Amounted the Qrand Total of $561,50 From Oitr Own Correspondent Miss Mary E. McArthur is visiting friends in Owen Sound. School closeil here fin Friday last. Mr. T. H. Boll of Laurt'l, who ha-s been prin- cipal here since last Xmas., has given up the school. We are sorry to lose Mr.Bell aa he is a splendid teacher and a good follow. We understand a Mr. Eastman of Meaford has been engaged as principal. Tha Siioraiuent of the Lord's Supper was despensed in St. Columba church on Sunday la'it. Rev. Jas, Buchanan of Dundalk pre'iohed at the preparatory ser- vice on Friday. The Melhodis': churoh post{|pDed their gai'den party tihtil July 4. Meiisrs.DavB and Arch McMuUen spent Saturday and Sunday in Collingwond. Mr. Jas. Vause, S. L.Artemesia, raised a fine barn on Friday last. Mr. H.Patton and Mr. F. Kenpedy were captains, the former were victorious. Dr. llutton and Miss N. Fatten of Purhani were in town Sunday. â-  » > ^ > , Eugenia From Our Oivn Coirespondent. DiKit â€" At his' late residence, June 25, Mr. John Williams, sr., of dropsy, aged 81 years and 5 nms. Deceased was a man very highly osteenied.. He had re- sided at Euijenia about 40 years. The Oranijemen, of whom he was a respected member, turned out in a body to the fimeral ou Saturday whith was largely atteudi-d by his old trionds and neigh- bors. His stalwart tiguie will be missed onthol2ihut July, where he and his seven sons, all worthy members of Eu- fjeuia lodijo, nmrchod in the processions. This is the third nierabHr this lodge has liist by death in one short year. Revs. Thom and White ofliciated at the funeral. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all. Our highly esteomod teachers have gone home for \aoaiionâ€" Misa Baclgi»row to Meaford, Miss ll<)binson to Markham. Mr. F. T. Ciirr has the hiasoiisat work 'â-  bricking hi,s house. He has also added ; an exteiwive addition to the house, which ' will be a grjat improvement. ] Mrs. Gillilaiid is doing quite, a few : repairs to her house, erecting a new kitchen, also other improvements. I Statute labor is now completed'and the ] •dads around Eugenia reflect great credit | on the untiring zeal of our road o\erseer. | Mr. Walton Williams and family and I Mrs. Isaac Pooley came up from the city j to attend their father's funeral. •« j Mr. and Mrs. White of Toronto are guests at the Eugenia House. Mr. Win. Bonnet of Toronto and two children are visiting at Mr. Maditt's. From Our Uuni Comspondmit , Un Sabbath last alter a lung illness Almina Adelaide McLean, wife of Mr, Geo. Beecruft passed.from this life at the age of f'.rty-one years. Docoaaed was born in Euphrasia township, and lived at Kimberley until? years ajio wheu she wed- ded ;Mr. Beecroft, being his .second wife ; Sacked to the ercJunds and proved a faithful partner and aifee». •"•- - - tionate mother to his family, by whom her kindness was fully reciprocated. Throuy;h her illness she was never heaxd to marmur or cumplaiu, but bore her sudoring patiently. »She was fuUy re- signed, often saying " The Lord is my Shepherd, " therefore she feared not to pass through the valley of shadows. Al- though her residence-ill this part was nut of loiiy duration, by her qujel and inno- fensive nature, she had won the esteem of all; and Mj. Beecroft and hor sister, Mrs. McDonald, who for .some weeks piut has waited at the sick bed, wLsh to pub- liokly thank neighbors and friends, ,who- havo been uiistiutijg in. acts of kindness and sympathy. The, funeral took place on Tuesday to Priceville, Rev. Mr. Cook officiating. Another friend h.as poasedaway. Up ti) that blissful throng, To join the choir tha' chants to-day. The never-ceasing song.. The cares on aarth that crossed her breast, ' 1 She left them all bslow, / And now enjoys that tranquil rest, '•V ashed whiter than the snow:. She's reached the river's aunny side Where storms and tempests cease; Her boaS has crossed the surging tide And found a port of peace. Why grieve we then with tear-dimm- ed eyes. The loss which wn sustain, But let the thought soothe' all out sigh 81 To her our loss is gain. Mr. John W.Haney is able to bo around again after his oriticiil illness. Miss Janiti Hill is al!»c recovering from^ her reuent attack of diphtheria. Messrs. JyA. Hutcheson and John M*. Kee took a cycle tour around the county last weekj visiting Owen Sound and other points. Mr. Beecroft of ^ottawaaaea attended his sister-in-law's funeral ou Tuesday. Qrand Weatber-Uood Attractlooaâ€" A Happy Crowd Pat In tli* First oi July in Plisbar- tonThis Year, | Flesherton was certainly fortuuate this year is being granted the choicest of ^ weather for their holiday celebration, and ! the crowds took advantage of it. It is many years since Fleaherton has seen so larpe a crowd, or a a'owd that was more iJI satisfied with the day's eQterlaioment put 1 «! up. In'the moi'niugRockvale and Van- } j dele ur came in with two very g<x)d call- j " thutnpiaa outfits, aud these ci'eated a great deal of amusement. Rockvalo had the piizo outtit with a large chariot. Flesherton yoijutistei'S put up a "hard- tiuias" bazoo band. Vaudeleur jameiu as suldiars "in disguise.", in thjaf;eruoou the weather was the piuk of per£wction and crowds of people where a grand afternoon of fun was provided. It is es- timated that there were nearly 3(K)0 ' ^ people JD tb.e~<;round. Th^K'^te receipts \j, amounted tu $3B1.^0and when the great I ^ number of'ten cent tickets is taken into! 71 consderation itwill bo understood that [ J this estimate, is not far oufc. Owon Sound j ^ aud Durhan* lacrosse loams pttt up a very 1 1 nice exhibit.i'jn game, aiviugsume of tha j ^ prettiest pliiyiiij! seen hero, in adong- time, j j The score stood 1 to 2 in favor of Dur- i (j ham. The 0omniii tee made no mistake, 51 iu i(ettiin! tliese clubs to entertain the people, and everybody was thoroughlyde- lighted with the perforuiaiice. Probably the sttvr attr.-ictiou oE^the afternoon, how- ever, wiis Prof, Gr. Murray^ with^hi* pip>;a, .Tudthe little Misses Ruth Bryce and, Minnie Ross in Highland dances. Tliese-littio ladi.-a are cerraiuly stars in their line and elicited tnauy favorable couinients Irom the crowd which^urround- ed th^mcontinaally durin<{ the afternoon .^ Prof, iilurray i.salso a star dancer. ThfiC were ably assisted duiiiig the afternoon by Messrs. Peter McAithur'and Hector MeDonald of Priceville. Priceville has sninethiug good on the pipes in Peter Mo- Arthur, who has only had his iustruftieiit since last fall but the inauiier in- which he handled thena wus highly praised by all who understand the i'ltricasies of this in- strument. Prof. Murray -paid him a iiii^h couipliinent. The horse racing was very good, there being horses present from Meaford, Stayn- er Durham apd .Markdale. R. McGirr of Meaford brought over a string of no Ii-ss than five an 1 all «oo<l horses. The judges were iVlussrs. Wui, Black of Durham and even 10 GecHaniilton of Toronto, the result : Following is l.sf, M.aybird' Girl (McGirr) Turning Down the Doctors. The inirvellous cures of Catanhozone are being much talked i\bout. Thousands are daily recoguizing the exceptional merit of this simple inhaler treatment, and instead of runuiug 10 the doctor with their winter ills they protect theujselves by Catarrhozune ; it kills coldj in the I head in teu minutes, quickly relieves Catarih, Bronchitis, Asthma, Lung Troubles, and cures even though all other jromedieii have failed.- Outarrhozona is very pleasant, safe and convenient to use. Its best recouHjiendaiiou is its enormous sale ; try it to-day. Price $1, small size 25c., at, Diuggists, Sold by W, E Richardson, OPEN TBOT Nitchie (Stayner mare) (McGirr) 2nd»; Dftmiutoii 3i-d. Tune2.S3.i. IH»KE JUXUTE TROT Hy.NoVell-,(MoGii r) Birdiji) A,(McGirr) Miu'lKiiigGI. B. Hunter, Durham) 3. TWo-THniTY FIVE TRliT McliudaCuok, (MuGiir) andCampana, (J.Heiiry,.Markdiile) divided third money. Inistioxe . I il'rom Oiir OiL-n Currn-'prnident. Amoni;->t roceot visitors at Inisti"ge ' were Rev, J. 0. Hutcheson fl-ion near Detroit-, Mich., who while spending a couple of ilays the gues' of his mother, â-  Woupicdl'Rio pulpit of this church very seeptably on Juno 8th. Mr. H. N. Hutcheson <if W.dkerton also vi ited Inistiiige friendsat thesftme thne. i Two event.s have taken p'scc recently nl.ioh wtro interns' ing, not only to thi>.so lakinx prt, but to thiir frien:l6 as well. The tir."',t of thoae tuok place on Wednes- day, June llth at the hi. mil of Mr. md Mrs. John8->ii,wben iheirdaughter .Vlitinii', was united in niarna-j;e to Sir. Jihu A. Rath of l)>jnd:ilk. The CMroinoiiy was pcrfonnoa by t-ho young pifoplo's |»a«tor, kev.CaiHi/ood of l)'iMi:lar<,in,tlie iirt',senco of a nu.iibur of rotativeJ* and intininto S'idods. The bridoRinuid was Miss Ella ohnson, sister of the brid«, while Percy John Clarke, of Oran^oville, has si ruck on a system which he thinks is supcritirto cold storage as a preseri alive t>i perish-! able fruits for lung . distance shipment, j Mr. Chirk 's plan is a sy.stem »( dry^ storage, in which no icu is reijuirod. The idea o^j^is to till the cooipartmeiit con- j uOwis Ttjlbv OTHBR SPORTS 100-yanl da.sh-W. Pickering 1, Geo. Campbell 2, Percy Bellii.my 3. Hup. step sMid-jumpâ€" George Camp- bell, l,Th6s. McDuugall2, R. Whittaker audW. Clai'k tie. Boyej' foot race, under 15 â€" B. Trelfbrd, .J. Huinbeiston 2, VN'es Orr 3. Fat man's raco~R.\Vhittaker,E.Hawke 2, Ja». Best 3» ;'• S-iiTES . Cou^iiu Sanity Stewart can Jo lUo light funta.stic.wllcii the bagpipes |)lny as .well as any youngster, when his entliu:»r-.(sni is tuned up to'tho hii.'host pitch. At any i.thiT lime hi- i.t t u. n>od*»t.. ^ ,' Many peopln noiiced that ifie fin© Hug which i.iir tru8?ocsp<'t«-.e3S was not Hying fr> m the pullic scIio<j!-. What wi»a the luatler ? Are our rnisiee.s wanting in loyalty, or .fas it owing to an ovei ylw (.|f l;<y.ini'.'S, f R.iyd, Tliokliii'/ it Co.'s Imjidsonao flaj Every item in this list is a suggestion of stAstantial economy. Our goods are hcneit goods, up-to-date and seasonable. Prici'S and values are just as we say. We are pleased to learn our advertising i.s having better effect every week ;â€" proof of sameâ€" hosts of pt-ople every day ask us ,to show thom such and Such thin;js, as advertised, and when shown aVe delighted. * Our sy.stem i.s one price to all. Everything niaried in jjlain figures; no banteriiTt); and jockeying and'abkiiig two piiccs in order to aet one, but .sellin;; everything at the lono.st living pri.^t. Come and see us. Hundreds of bargains ovmyweok Uiat never gel into this paper. - w McFarfand, HARKD^E, ONT. ereyedunty'seiggest and ef)capc$t stdr« It's an overy-day study wieh us how to maffe this a better store for you.to shop in. We study your needs; we study to give you quick, prompt and satisfactory service, and we are evbrlaafingly on the Inokoal to give yon the most for your money. No need fur m to emphasize "^ good qualities of ou» goods. ' 75c DRESS GOODS FUR 84 CTS. . . ^ 20 ends in dress goods, making in all about 50 dress lengfjis ; many > f them are pilk and wool mixtures and Worth 75 ots., none less than 50 cts. ; all ou sale this week ajj^per J'nrd 34 SS.Oa MEIT'S SUITS FOR S2.f)8. This i.s the best offering we've had for some timeâ€" in the clothing depart- nienfc-,-and in the regular way would be chejip at S5.00 ; this week per suit -2:98 S4.50 MEN'S SUITS FOR $2.98 This is a neat gray mixture suit, and we have decided to make one price of the two suit offerings, and although the price is very low thny are noc damaged in any wayâ€" but ape up-to-date suits, only 2.98 50.C. STRAW HAT FOR 25 c. ,, Men's and boy's straw huts, saiLir style, not ninny of a kind butwhen put together number over onfthuiidred. Reg. price fx-om 35 to 50 eta..â€" now , ' , - '"'"^2&- 10 c. pXFORD SHIRTIl^GS FOR 60. . 20 pieces in plain and some fancy stripe English SlrirtingB, fast colors, worth 10 cents per yard, this week only ' 5 10 a. MUSLINS FOR 3* 0: About ,500 yards Muslins, Prii.rs and Gingham Remnants, worth from 7 to M) cents p"ir j-ard, alLmarfccd at si 38 c. SHii^ETLNG FOR lie. .? . Unbleached twilled SJheoting, 2 j'.irds wide, e.xtra heavy and an . thread, free from, sizing,, this week . 60c. TA CLE LINEN FOR^SOc. ' . CO inch half' bleached table lir.eir, all pilro -Hhi^, usually soldlrt'lBO cts., now .," .,; .39 . Sl.Oa BEUQDILTS "FOR 79 c. This particular line is in assorted colorings pf damask patterns, only 79 . lOe. HANDKERCHTEFS 3 for 10 c. lOp. Wliite Hankefehiefs, lar^fl s'ze ; only 50 dozen of this lino, but will let ^,0 this week 3 for 10 cts. Another lot in ladies' ^inc, 5 for .-'-'' ^0 '^/l Vj ^' Q' Ji^^^^^^^f ^hsk^rton New Goods on Shelves Sk--*^*^,^. ^ %'V^^^^% We bave now got our oew' dxj go6tl.s, trroceri«s, boots an«T shojB-Sj^ etG;.;.praced on tlie shelves.iin([ reailv for purchaser . In tliese.imes- we might mention some .special things iu: Suit Lengtb.s Men's tSuititrgs and .Puntirigs, Ladies' pet.^, 'Oil Qiotbs.JLInoleunks, Hats and Cai).s,all and .sold at prices tiiat will surprise j'ou. Car- .seasonabl^ Hardware Department lainin^Ke fruit with c.'tiipre<*ed air,and flfw Upside dovrn as a s-gui.f distress, but ' CP \T)ES â- yet ha^^ changing atmo..pliore. The' tliuy didn't monii it tli«t way. Ip wat ' probably dnno usaih-licate rccognitioaof-; of the liiug'.-<ilbic.s-.. 'it Advertjlbv says :â€" "Upon the door placed yiilatte<l box leaving a ^p,lce about f^r inches so that the air cin uei i'|.,,|;. jViurmy and t>i8 troupe jjave a underii6atl» the ca-ses-or Loses of fruit. Scotch o.-.uceit m the eveniiiti with Cjiunty , The fact uf forciiiy! the air to the lliior at Ounimic^sionor John M.Ar'ihur in lli"*' ar»pid rate wiacKuaoH picssuie 111 t no chair. This w-vfl not trotteii up by the 1 chamber so that the air will pen.-lialo iho c<<mniitti-e, and .vns n.>t sdvertiscd, CiMi- cases and drive all ifsssea and dam|iuts.s R»-queiitly the attendance itn-t not l;u-jo. ! from the fiuit.conaequerrtly no perishable A. good pmuiaaj of Se-.icl> inuHic w,is ; matter can decay vhen kepv u'nk-r air given, inlpr!,per.se(l wiJh s| ceehes from pressure with a continual clwiigo.. As re- the clmiiram. M. K. Uicliatd.un, J .hn gards temporature.it niaki-s no diitVronci-. lJ.,ytland M. K Be.iton. M.-irkdala hand. The temperature can be from '10 to V)0, wh'ioh by iho way, g.ivc .sylendiJ music} the hotM-r the d.-iy the drier tho air. Mr. ihrough'iut the d.iy, vriw ahto pre "t and ' (.Uirke has succeeded in having Ui.saiethud rendered a a»*»plo of chuice Selovtiona. { applied by the C. P. R. b" <\ c:niHiderub!o There- -were (» cmiple of niiiiur accidents number of car* on its li«(s, ad f he throuj{b<>utlhi> day but uothin? '^jlnthiusv system is i(iving absolute satisfacliuii." Just wait till ncityoac ! HOES .sc'Y r: * K.eady Mi.\ed : (iLA.SS SHOVKLS KAKES FORKS S N AITilS FO K li, HAN I) LES OILS â-  â-  VARNISHLS PARIS (UiEE_X BUILDER^;- Hardware QTAIXTET Heavy double Harness, ilouble driving Ha nie.s.s, .sii)gle ness â€" first clays qimlity and Workmanship Giiaraii €avc Croujsbisig and Yur!!a« work a spe^alty Highest price for BtJTl ER. FOGS and V,OOL -4. • Loucks' Flourâ€" the bestâ€"for .sale. '* R G. KARSTEDT, FLESH ER^ *^^ 1

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