Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jul 1902, p. 5

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""y-o THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE JULY 10 1902 T3«sb«rton ;'ASXOH-Hev.J.sS. Ivlaon "Wilson ti«rvicesSnnclay 11 fi ru <Sc "^ i>. irv Subjects for next BablJbatli â€" hi irnin^ â€" SjiuoLil aermon to the Foresters Rep- eseiitives of tlie I. O. F. will at- tend in ft body. Evvniiii; â€" Is life worth liviujjt Surviccs! Ceylohat 3p. m. Baptist Cixurcti, Flesi\ertor\ Pceac\\er. Rev. H. CooKe. Service Suud.iy muruing at 11 o'clock Subject for uext Sabbath: What is Sin? Vicinity Chips Characteristics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the Curious mn Fresh lirae always on hand. J. H. Duckett, Eugenia. The Ladies' Aid will give Boston baked btars on the 12th. Housekeeper wantod, midille aged- Apply at this ofliiie for particulais. The first of July figMre.s stand in round numbers, receipts ?360, expenditure §378 . It certainly is difficult to keep cool when every inau you meet tires at you, "It is a warn, day '." Come to 'own on Sal urday next, July 12. Should the waather prove favorable a big time is in store. Remember the Ladies' Aid gives a good hot dinner in Bunt's furniture irarerooms ou July 12th. 3'hompsons will serve dinner and supper in the town hall and their own place (opposite Advance office) on Satur- day next, July 12th. Purse lost, between Portlaw aud Flesh- erton.on Thursday last. Contained small junount of money. Finder please leave at this otfice. Hickling Bros, of the 8th con. hav^ placed a new planer and matcher in thei' mill and are prepared for custom work- See their advertisement in another column. The non-jury sittings of the Hi«h Court of Justice were held iu Owen Sound l*st week. The oases tried were of little interest. Clayton's are selling Ladies' Oiford Shoes at a;reatly reduced prices. Sizes 3, .â- ?^ ane 4 ar 75c. per pair. Also a lot men's lace hoots : some lisjht, some heavy, from 90 cents and one dollai per pair. Meaford Road Sunday School will hold their picnic in J. J. Graham's bush on Thursday afternoon, July 10, each indi- vidual to bring a basket which is the only fhaige. Flesherton football boys will play a return nntch with the Proton Station team on Friday evening next. It will be remeiubere<l that when the Prot^jn boys were up here a week or so ago the match was a tie. Money TO Loak â€" At 4 J io i'i per cent Kxpensea low. Also a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for .-fale cheap. .Apply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne, or DundalK office Saturday after- noon. Ice cream parlors â€" Miss Orossley at i5proule,Crossleyvt Co. will scrveicecream, straw berries and cream, lemonade and eoft drinks duiina the season, Wednesday and Saturday evenings. One door cast of confoclionery and fruit store, Sproule's block, Fleaherton. Strayed from the premises of the un- dersisiiied, l"t 2, con. 5, Artemesia, on or about Juno 19th, 7 ewes and 8 h\nibs. Strip of brown paint on ris;ht side \<( backs. Anyone knowing their where- nbouts kindly coaimmiicate with George Patterson, Ceylon. With Lennox Conservative tho uovern- tnent has a tn.ijority of only one, and the struggle is now on to open up constiluon- cies, unseat Conservatircs and get a big onousi'i majority to meet the House. As bo'.h sivles are practically on a par the sorimuvye will bo » lively one. J. D. Brown h.is -lold out his business al Duudalk to Mr. R. Benson, who takes P'.^^ession this week. J. D. inserts his valedictoty on our last p<^e. lie will (^o into tlio wilds of Quoboc for a m-inth or sn to rocait hish<vilth among the Indian-i, speckled trout,mis<iuitos and other game. Just three weeks mere of the big S;>Io" We Are just gi'ini; thnrngh our stock pick jtig out odd lines to put on thw bargain table to clear at tremendous bargains. We s-ait this month on our tifth year in Fleshtrton. The last ycnr has been a big increasj iu our trade but we hope l-o make this year the largest of any, and to .start the year wo will give you some bargains, i Call and ."ev them . 1 . J . Sheppard, Bro. Thos. A. Duff, Grand On{'»ni«cr | for tho L«'yal Orange Uitler, will deliver addressc.H is folh.ws :â€" li. O. L. No. S.**:?, C.yh-n, Monday July U; L U.L. No 244, I'roton, fuesday. July 15; L. l> L. No. 1118, Kujtetiia, Wtdnesday, July 16 ; L O.L. No. 1333, VandeKur,Thur8day,July 17; L.O.L. No. 1047, Markdale, Friday, Ju'y 18. .\ good attendance is requevtod. MMtingi ill each caae will b« held in the I ttoing 1i<-ginning at 8 o'clock. Lightning struck Thos. Duniop's house on the Meaford Road Saturday evening. It struck the chimney first. The stove pipes bein» out, it followed ihe studs snp- portinsj the chimney to the ground, shut- tering the planter o:i the inside and the boards on the outside. The iaiu.itea were in&ide at ^ae time, no serious riaiunge be- ing do'.ie to them beside the shock. Comjilaint has been made to The .Ad- vance that young men go in bathiii<; in Flesher's pond ou Sunday without fear or shame. Perhaps these young men do u( t know that they could be severly punished for this. If they do not take the hir.t herein contained ttey may find it out some of these days to the tune of ten or twelve dollars. Rev. [vison Wilson preached a niagni- 6cent sermon to the Orangemen in the Methodist church ou Sunday morning taking for his text Exodus 12th chapter and part of the 14th verse : "And ibia day shall be nnto you a tneraori.-vl." About three dozen Orangemen were present aud the congregation waii a large one. The sermon was highly praised by those who heard it. Rev. Andrew Wilson of Cookstown preached anniversary sermons in the Presbyteri.in church on Sunday to large congregations. The evening service in the Methodist church was withdrawn. Jlr. Wilson was pastor here fifteen years at;o and his return visits are highly appre- ciated by the members of his old congre- gation. Mr. Thorn took Mr. Wilsou's work. A sad case of drowning occursd at Dur- ham, Sunday. Two twin brothers named Gregston, from Lindsay, while bathing in the Saugeeii river, near the Driving Park, at what is commonly known as ilotfat's Hole, were drowned How it happened is unknown. Their clothes were found on the bank at four o'clock. A large party immediately commenced dragging the river, but as yet the bodies have not been found. One of them was in the em- ploy of the National Portland Cement Company, while the other worked on the section of the G. T. R. It is suppo.sed that as one of "^hem could not swiui. he had got into this treacherous hole, and the other in trying to s;ive him, was dragged down with him. PERSONAL Koekvule. Miss Annie Howard returned home from Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. F. G. Karstedt and children are visiting friends at Elmv^ood. Miss Marie Chisiett of Owen Sound is spending a short vacation with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Williajii House of Efora spent Dominion Day with Mi's. Huwtrd of Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. VanDusen of Duiulalk spent Sunday with the former'* parents here. The Mount Forest C nifederate has changed hands. The purchser is Mr. A. Wright of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Herb White of Trirouto were sjuests of Mr. and Mrs. Bamhouse during the piist wei;k. The Presbyterians of Bkck's corners, near Shelburne, held a garden party on July.l which netted 875. -Mrs, David Clayton and infant are guests of Mr. and Mrs. \V. Clayton. Her sister. Miss Edna Paltersoii, â- >( Culling wood, aecompaaies her. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pa-e of Welland called en Mr. A. Munshaw and family this week while on their way for a trip up the lakes. Miss Vera, and Masters Howard and Cecil Fa»cett of Toronto, are spending vacation with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Down. Mr. Gillis of Pretty River and Misw? Duquit of Toronto, w-ero iiuests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. aud Mrs. A. Wilson, last week. Mr. John Mc Master of Brock township was visiti-ag old !\cqu.«ntauces here last week. Twenty-six years ago Mr.McMastcr lived on '.he farm now owned by Leonard Botts on tho gravel road oist. Honor to Whom Honor is Due. On Saturd.iy afternoon, June 28th eleven Orange Valley boys, pick d nut of a sirall school, waited anxiously foi » ciub of Flesherton bojs to play a same of font ball, but 111 aud behold, tiiore came a club made up from Flesheiton Ceylon and Reid's school. Their ages r.,.,^ed from fifteen down. The Valley boys' tirst thought they would it'it face a team so much idder than themselves, but liimlly decided t.) try their metal. Results wore one nothing iu favur of the Valley. Roy Bsxttik. Nerve Wrecked and Insomnious Kverythinj goes wroni;. head feels heavy and dull, mind is tillod with straufie foreboding, stomach is out of kilter. Yon need a good io;iic like Fertiwono to bring back your lost appetite and d^gestii.n.&nd cleanse the bloo<lof all impurities. Ferro- zone is a wonderful invigorant aud sttoiigthener that will banish gl«ouiy de- pression and quickly restore you to a healthy, vigorous condition of mind and IxKiy. Nothing is so aixxl ff>r the sick, weary 5iid debilit-ated as Ferrozone. Price 50c, per box, at druugists or N. C.Polson & Co., Kiiigst-on. Sold by Richardson. From Owr Ouii CorrenpotidetU Mr. acd Mm. w. Pedlar visited with friends iu Crueaiore over Suuday. Mrs. Henrv Pliilips of 'I'oroato accouipanltd by hor two littla girls viaitod with her brothar, Ux. Isaac timitk, and otii«r relatives here laHt H««k. Uisa Tillie Hoy has racurne'l (roin Toronto aud will reu,w'*^ home tor some time. A D«w creamer^' routo ot Mr. Elliot's factory, Markilalo. is buia^; agitited to iuclu.e cliis line. \Ve hoye it will eveicuate. Wa are pleased Co mow that Rdeai Betts.who got powder iu bis f'xe on Jal> 1 ac Flesherton, is recovering. Our boys well deserved th« prise for their set-uu (ti'iidgel)au Che llrst. Wonder if they bauktid their money ? Tho uiauy (rieada of Ur.John Cbard.ar., were sorry to learn his death last week, ani auiubera frcm here attcuded his funeral. â-  M «l I » ' Ceyloa. From Oar Own CorreapoiuieiU. Mr. McHuth of Mt. Fore.'st is relieving as night operator here for a couple of weeks and Mr. J. Marshall has gone to relieve at Weston for a short time. Mrs. R. Wright and two children of Durham is visiting her parents here, Mr. and ilcs. Legate. Mrs. W. Smith, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ashdown, for the past mouth, left on Monday for the city. Sir. and Mrs. Collinson aud family attended the wedding of their son in Egreniont last week. Mrs. Neil Sinclair and children of Winnipeg are visiting at Mrs .Sinclair's of this place. Misses May and Blanche Sproat are visiting friends in Colbeck. Miss Jlarie Chisiett of Owen Sound spent from Saturday till Sunday at the parental home. Miss Russell of Duntroon is visiting. Miss Bella McKenzie this week. Mrs. Marshall left on Tuesday for an extended visit to friends in the city. MLss May Simmons of near Creemore isspendiiig her vacation with her uncle, Mr. J. Caii ns. Mr. W.Sargent, who has been spending a (ortnight with his parents here, return- ed on Monday to his duties in Toronto. Feversham From Out Oxjcii. Correapotxdent. The weather has become much warmer, causing a rapid growth, which was much needed. .\ very interesting sermon was preached here last Sunday on behalf of the L.O.L. by Rev. Fleming and was well attended. A grand celebration is expected here on the 12th of July. Best of accommodation at G. T. Gardiner's Temperance Hotel. Miss Vina Hollingshead of Dalston is visiting friends here. One of our young men must have been very excited Suncfhy evening when he did not know his own harness, eh, F? Miss Elsie Ink.stor is home from Rat Portage and is attending Normal School in Toronto. Mr. Fred Weldrick raised a fine barn on Monday. Port Law All the Mouuted Rifles except about 400 are on their way home from South Atriciv From Ottr (.*tt;» Currfipondeiit Died â€" On Tuesday, July 1st, Mr. John Chard, sr., aged 78 years and 8 months Deceased was a iintivo of De". onshire, England, and lived for many years on the fourth line, Artcuiwsia He was a faith- ful member if the Presbyterian church, Flesherloo.aiid everybody hadcontiJence iu his sincerity as he stood unspotted be- fore the world. Tho funeral on Thursday lust to Flesla-rton was one of the largest seen in this district. The fortnightly Sabbath evening ser- vice instituted some weeks ago by Rev. Mr. Cook in the Orange Hail, fourtli line, is bc'Utf well attended. Mr. W. J. McMaster of Bruc:: Mines is visiting the home ^f his boyhood. Mr. M. is on bis way home Iroin Toronto where he left his wife to receive hospital treatment. His friends are sjlad to see him but are sorry for the circu'aislances which necessit-ited his leaving homo. Mr. Geo. Coi. die's three children of Toronto are hnhdaying with their grar.d- psirents, Mr. and Mrj. Wm. McLennan. Miss May Jamieaon of Salem is spend- ing a week with her cousiu. Miss Anuie Jamicsoii Mrs. M.-Donald left for her home iu Sault St. Mirie on Saturday. Mr. J. A. Hiitchmi'oa loft to spend hi.s holidays ut liis father's home at Brechin. Mr. S. tVd'ar's tine new barn is about completed and presiaits a line appearance. t^ur footb.d! cinii came intoci.dlision on Friday evcn-.ng list here with the Max well team. Ttio result was a ti-j. The best of good huiniir existed throughout out the name, which was hot'y contested. Mr. T. B. McKeuzie is attending I'res- bytery meeting at Orangeville to day. ('tuesday.) . 1 1 » I â-  Does Your Baby Cry at Night? If so, it Is well to knu'.v thv '.:reat value iif Poison's Ner\iline, a household ren'edy for st<jmac!i pains, cnmii)».tooth.ache,'<;ck headuche, and the manifold ills peculiar to the chilJren A few dmps of Ncrvihne inswee'encil wafer makes a pleasant drink and never fails to quickly relieve. Norvi- hne is iis good as tho diftor in emeigen- cies and C'>stK only 2Sc. a bottle. Gut Nerviiitie from your druggist tu-day. * â- â€¢â€¢ ♦- Eoseuia From O'lr Ou'.i Co) fcs/)0»ideti< Ditd â€" July 6. after a Ions and t>ainful illnes-s, Mr. William fiiiiton, agetl 74 years and six month'. Uece.'ised was highly respected by all who knew him. An aged widow, two sons and four daughters are left to mourn their loss, ahhimgh they are assured that death to him -vas gain. The b«r«ave<l family have the sympwthy of a large circle of friends. He died io the hope of a florious resurection. Born â€" June 13, at Leith, to Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Hoatlj, a .son. Mrs. Thos Haney of Gillia Hill U the guest of her sister, Mrs. Fenwick, at present. The Rev. Mr. Wilion of Rosemont preached a stirring sermon to the Orange- men in the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon, a. large number being present. Rev, Mr. White also addrease.l the brethren in the evening in the Methodist church, which was filled with a highly appreciative audience. Mr. A. Piggott, contractor for tho har- bor improvements at Meafurd, was ban- queted by the citizens of Meaford on the completion of his contract. CKIING iRiS. â€" FOR â€" Lumber, Lath. Shingles, Flooring, We have just placed in position a new planer and matcher and are prepared te furnish building material in all the abov lines. Get our quotations when you want anything. Hickling Bros. 8th Con., Artemesia â€" Maxwell P. O. 10 July, '02 FALL TE RM At the Owen Sound, Out. Commences Monday, Sept. i, 1903 In a few month.s. at this institu- tion, you can obtain the very best tniinmg in Business Subjets or Shorthand and Typewriting that can be had. Announcement 1903-1903 seat on application. AilJres.s J.ihii Kleiuateuber, a farmer re.sidi"ng near Twejl, d.-ea:nc<l tliat rliere was a rich deposit of gjld hjarin;; <)U:irtz in the side v.f a hill on his furm. Next day ha locatixl tiie »re, wliioh is s.iid to assay I SO) to tho tun. The Markets. Varefullr Corrci- ed Ea«ii W««k Oata 38 -o :}»- Peas 77 o 77 Bariey 45 to 48 Butter 16 to 16- Bugs fresh 13 -.0 13 Pork 7 2u to 7 2,t Hay 10 00 to 10 1)0 Potatoes bag 45 :o 50 ii[ 1 mm\ In the matCtir of the estate of Alexaniur -â- fcPherson, late of the Township of Artemesia. in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. liotice is hereby givea pursiiancto the *Re- Tised Statutes of oatario." 1897. chapter ^3Q, that all creditors and others having claim s a^insti the estate of the said Alexander Mc - Pherson. who died ou or about the sixth day of April. A.D.. 1902, are required on or before the fourth iay of Auj^i^t. 11X)2 co send by r^at. pre- paid or doliver. to Keil McCanuell, FricevilleP. 0« or Duncan Muir. PriuevilieP. o.. executors of the last will and Testament of the said de- ceaeed. their Christian and 3iirnarue5,address&s and dv.scrtptions, and full particulars of their clalm:^, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the seonrities, if any, held by them. Aud further take notice that aftfer such - mentioned date the said tisecators will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased aiQoas th« parties entitled theruto, havlugregard ouiy to the ciainit. of which they shall then hare notice, aud that the said executors will not oe liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or 1 persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of auch distributiou. Daied the 30th dav of June, A. D.,19QB- LUCaS. WRIGHT tV McAKDrE, Solicitors for the Executors. Owen Sound. Out. Caiupb^Itoa Hero to the Front That fiimous Clydesdale atallion the Maxwell Tompany have will stand for mares at Maxwell hotel for season 1902 at SLO.'X). Is one of the greatest stock getter? in the county, which is proven bv his stock, G. R. GL VSSFORD, OOa'. FARM FOR SALE Only $1300, S500, bal.inoe easy ternxa interest 5'.', 100 acres. 75 cleared and under cultivatitjn, balance half cadiir swamp and half mixed hardwood. Com- fortable frame dwelling, frame pest barn half mile from good school and 3 miles from village of Eugenia. Apply to R. J* . Sproule, F!eshertou. ^•^r iS :^ iJS :^ vS Jft J6 JS :^ ' '^ :^ -S :^ ^ :i ^ -^ ^ '^ft -i C^' -^ •-^•**^'.»»'*'^^^.'^^T5:5^'<» â- ^â- ^â- ^â- ^â- ^â- i^^^-^. \)> xHif \k/ \)/ \^ ii/ 'Or \it \A< \^ \li \«# \l/ \l» \l^ a> ii^ \^ \l/ \<; \^ \l; ih \^ 9^ We are paying the highest price ^ ff\ For a!l kinds of produce ^ itr J. 5HEPPARDI Flestierton « Eugenia- "^ Change in Business T. J. Sheppard having decided to make a change in his busiue.s,s bviidoptiug the CiU-^h and produce plan, and doinjy awav with the credit U}\W 0ositinue our big $a!c Until Ist o! Hug* when the cliaiige takes place. Our stock is very coni- pk^te in all Hue."; and we are niakiujjj rediiction.s in everything. Our sto ck ot ready-to-wear clothini:, hoot.s, siioes and general day goods, is exceptionally large, and in these lines we will make special reduc- tions. Ir will pay anybody who ha.s the cash ctrpro-" duce to visit our store and secure some of the u)any bargains. ' : - >> >Ve feel that the credit system Is a very wrong prin- ciple, making the man who pays cash for his goods, pay the same as the person who gets goods charged for a year. We hope after August 1st to be able to sell goods cheaper than ever before, and the person who pays cash will be sure to get value for his money. (?> Remember the Big ^ Reduction Sale Lasts 40 days 9\ So we would ailvise you to call soon. AVe want the chance to sell you some goods at the low price, just to convince you our prices are right. AVe have a very fine lot of Scotch and Engli.sh tweeds and worsteds to make into suits. A nice se- lection to pick from and these are all cut in price. Our stock of groceries are always fresh aud a good assortment.

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