Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jul 1902, p. 8

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JULY 10 1»02 THE ILESHEETON ADVANCE mmnuitm^ J, i m ^T ^ A SOLD OUT AT BROWN'S We offer you this week no lengthy list of bristling bargains â€" no opportunities for good investment â€" no acl vice for early buying. With us that is a thing of the past. This week we are out of business. R, H. Benson & Co. will occupy this stand. We take the pleasure of thanking our numerous patrons for their hearty apprecia- tion of our efforts during times past, for the steadiness with which so many stood by us, year in and year out. We refer you to our successoi-», and tru.st that they will receive from you a continuance of that same patronage. Again thanking you one and all, we are yours truly J. D. BROWN a. u. KROiwN, ]>xj:mi>i2L]l.k: %«^%>«^' TIesberton Furniture marerooms* We are carrying the newest styles of seasonable goods in all lines of Furniture, consialinp; of : Parlor and bedrooin suits, loungvs, sidfijoardg, exten.ston and centre tablui', cliaii-s, window shades and curtain poles, pictures, easels, etc.. Which we offer at LOWEST PRICES Pictui-c Framing and General Re- pairing. Undertaking in all its bniuclies. SatiRfaclion gunrantecn. W, ri. Bunt, - - Prop. # i Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord niitito, 2906$* The unilerglgnod has s &:>a seed Uurbaul ull for sorvico ou tot Ml, T. & 9. 11. Termsâ€" ♦! for (jrado cowb, #3 for tUoronsb- redi Pedigree ou application. JACOB LI5VKU Fleshorton P.O. Tarnworth Boar for Service, Alvln ( No. 738 ) The undersigned has a thorouahV>red Tumworth Boar for service on lit 140, T. & S. B., Anoiiiesia. Terms $100. Thos. Levkb, Prop. Advance To the end of the year for 40 I cents. K K & K K <^ K K & K vK &.K K & Ki K' BLOOD poiso; If yon eTer contracted any Blood Diseaas yoc are never f afe unless the rlrtis or PoIbcu has been eradicated from the system. At times you eec alarming symptoms, __ bnt live la hopes no serions results will follow. ' Hive yoa any of the following Sj symptoms? Sore throat, ulcers on the tongue or lu llie mouth, hair fallini? out, ach- & in(r pains itchiness of the eltin, sores or blotches oh ttie tody, eyes red and smart, I dyspeptic stomach, sexual weaknessâ€" indications o( the secondary stage. Don't ' trust to Inck. Don't ruin your system with the old tcgy treatmentâ€" mercury and polash-whichonly suppresses the symptoms for a time only to break out again whea happy in domestic life. Don't let quacks experiment on you. Our NIIW METHOD ThICATMENT is guaranteed to cure yon. Our guaractees are bacUcd by bank bonds that the disease will never return. Thousands of patients have been already cared t>y oorNEW METHOD TREATMEN'T for over & years, and ao return of the disease. No experiment, no rUliâ€" not a "patch np," bat a poai> tlve curs. The worst cases solicited. Nervous Debility ODB WEW METHOD XKEATMBK"*' will curs yoB,aad maka a man of yon. Under its iaflneuce the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that I all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel, so 1 that nervousness bashf alness and despondency disappear; the eyes become bright, . the face full and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and sex- ual systems are invigorated; all drains ceaseâ€" no more vital waste from the system. The various organs become natural and manly. You feel yourst-lf a man and know marriage cannot be a failure. W« Invite all the afHicted to consult ns confidentially and free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earudd dollars. WE WII<I, CURE YOU OK NO PAY. We treat and cure NERVOUS DEBILITY, SEXUAL W^EAKNESS, EMIS- SIONS, SYPHILIS, GLEET, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, KIDNEY and BLADDER DISGASSS, and all diseases peculiar to men aud women. Cures guorau. teed. Are yon a victim? Have yon lost hope? Are yon contemplatinir marriage? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weak- i ness? Our New Method Treatment will cnrciyou. Carniitatioa I ! Free. No matter who bas treated yon, write for an honetit opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. 3*ofc*Fr*e. â€" '*The Golden Monitor" [illustratedlonDiscasesof men ''Diseases of Women" "ThftWaseaof Sin." "Varicocele, Stricture and Gloct." All sent Free sealed. No medicine sent C. 0. D. No names en boxes or envelopes. Everjthine I oonfldential. Question list end Cost ol Trealment, FREE, for Hcma Cura, Dr&KENNEDY&KERSj us SHELB Y ST. DETROI T MICH . .John Conn, nn old resident of Euph- nisia lowiiHliip, died recenljly, in lii.-i 78tli yeiir. Tlio Tliornbuiy Heriild says lie was born in tliu county of Aniinyh, Irolund, and came to Ciinadn at tlio ii^o df 21 iind settled ill tlio towimhip of Garafriixn. He was married in lH48io Maiy Jtiiie Cowftii, dau^liter of thu liite Hamilton Cowan of TecuinsL'tli tp. Ir. 1865 lie moved l.o lot 15, con 2, Ku|)hra'ii». This wiw a liusli lot at the time and he begun to liuw out n liDiiie for lurii.iclt i.i the foivst. Ho en- countered all the huruy'.iijn nf ^liunot r lift- and hy good inunii}^uiiiuiit liiiccoeded 111 acciiinuliitiiii; ii eoiimilfr.dile of tliic woiUi'h j;oous. A.-^ a III- ::lilii.i , there wore none better, alway.s ready to lend a lielpinj! hand. In relii^ioii lie wiis alwuy.s a coiisiHtoiit member in the Methodist church. Ho \v:i.s con verted at a ciinip iiieotinn coiidiiclod hy a llcv. Mr. IliltH, and many a religious survico was oonduct- od in hiii bouse before a church Wft.s erect- ed in that Heolioii. In politics he was a staunch Conservative. His wife survives tiim, also a family of four sous and six daiij^hters. Tlio sons are Hamilton, Robt. and Joseph of llunthcote, and John, of Solheima, N. W. T, Thedaunhters are : Mrs. II. t'^aweett, Mrs. 1'. Mc.-Vusl'in.Mr.H. Jo8. Walters, Mrs. .1. A, Dalas, Miss Uachael and Miss Isabella, To the bereav- ed sy in pal hy of a larp;o ciicle of friends i.s extended. The funeral toolc place on Sunday afternoon to Union cometory and WR-* largely attended. Last Sunday a vuhiable mare belonging to Mr.J( SHiih Moori-,ofNormaiiby, backed into a well and full a distance of 1^2 feet. 'I'lie neij^hhors natliured around the scene \>l tho accident, and by iiii'ans uf hoistiH);; lackli) succeeded in trotting tha horse out of its perilous position. Just ns it ^ot out, however, it died, and tho neij-ldior*, pityiiiK Mr. Moore in liis niisfortuiio,tool{ up u collojiion aniiinK themselves and suo- eeeded in raisin'.; B sum sullii-ienlly Imi^c to eiinblu Mr. Moure to purchase another horse.- Coiifedei'Kte. Cbe FUsberton f>arnc$$ • . Etnporiuni ? IS ? ? TrtE BUY 7.rpl J. W. FROST, D L. H. IJarristor, Solicitor Oonvej-auoor, eto olHcoâ€" Ne.'ct to iiostollico, Hiiroulo's block Fl.^iUortoi), overy Tliurada and, court days N 13â€" Owou Sound olllce, Frost" block Poulott street oaafc. f LJOA.S, VVUIGIIT & mc.\rdlh: *-< llarrirfturtj Solicitors Convoyancors, ot Ollicosâ€" Owou Sound, Out. andMa-rkdaloOiit. W I( WuioiiT, JIcAuDLE t H Ldcas N » -Kiusliertou office, Mltcliell's liank avory Saturday. TlUOKEU it PATTEKROI! i llarrititors, Solicitors, oto MolBon's Dank, Owen Soaiid I1.A.KUY G TUUKBH GEO W PATTEUSOU IfAKAY&SAMPSON.Rarristors.BOlicltors. 11 Ot'l'IOHH :-- Owun Scnnd, Rlorolmnf s Umilt lilooli, N. ofrattarson lloiiBo. DimdalU, Maiu root, ovory Kiiturday. Money to loan at -lipnrcoiit. . (1. MAUKAY.MA., II. U. SAMPSON, L.Li. Always In attendance ot Fleahorton and Duudalk Division Courts. §u.5Jiu(;^5ii €mV^ «»â- ''''»«- »r , r TrT«tr gg ! p^»'''^«»'''v« ''^«™"»J'"»'v''*'"''" â- '^''* ^i^ •jT'OOLLOUOn & YOUNO "â-  Hankora, Murkdalo Do a gonoral banking buaineuB. Mouoy loouud at a. reasonable rate. Cill on us. A S VANDUSHN, .1 1' '*• Clerk 5th l)lv Court, Co Groy Ltisuer of Marriagu Licousot), Couveyaucor Notary I'ublio Auotiuiioor. Rtonoy to loan lit li iior coat. Chargos uiodorato. KLEEUEUTON V a J SPBOULE Podtiaaster, PlesIiortOD uOimnis^iouor in HO. J., Auotioaoor Con- I yoyanoftr, AVpraisor and Money Louder I [lual Mstate and Insurauoo Agont. Doods J iijovt>;aji08, leasos an 1 wills carefully drawn' up au'l valuations made on »hortost notice. money to loan at lowont vatoa ot intorust. Col lOOtiouB uttoniloil to with iiromi'tnoRa OUariius low, Agont for Ocoau Doininiou 'BMaiusliip Coini>any. A uall solicited. FLESH EKTON On Jifaad ''!•" For Massey Harris, Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson fanninipleinouts, Fleury and Vtfjiiy plows on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. Wo manufacturo Wagons, Uugsiiesi, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Iloraeahoeing pr>mptly attended to. Special attention to tender contiiictiKl feet. Logging and Plt>w Chains C(mstantly on band. llfutijsti'ii A .â- Jiorittic^ U M' moots on tliii last Monday i V\^ ni oacn montii, in tlioir loJ^o rootu, 2£i Cl;jristoo' block. Kksliertoii. at ffli m. T. !«! lUakoly, \V. M. ; AM Uibaon, Recorder ;\V, lleliatuy,Piuanoier. Visiting brotbrco iuvitod YOU WANT A CARRIAGE DR. E. C. MURRAY, L,D. 8, ilontai fluvKOOU honor Kri"'u.%t.o of Toronto Unlvornity and Koval ColloKo of tluntal S.irqoonH of Ontario. Ofllcoâ€" Opiioaito ArniBtrouK'a Jowollory Htnra. Will vlHit Maxwoil tlio lait \Vefln(»>lay of each ninntl), and Diindalk 1 and 3 Tliursaay Q eacli nioiitli. i PUINOU 'A M, AJlTiTTU U)»IJI3, No. Ml, A. meota in tlio Masonic liall, Strain'if ; block, Flculurton. every Friday on or boforo ! tlio full inoou. b' H W Uiokiing W U. Uhas. | Uun.iliaw, Siicrotary. J. II. right If FARM FOR 8ALK Gilt odgod farm for sale, lOn acron. i»2t00, S'-KM cash, balance na»V terms; 05 aoion oloarml and In coo.l Btate of cultivation; 12 neros iiiost tliiib- or oir. lialauoo well timburod, hardwood and lionilock;i;oo<l tramu lioni, Btahlo undii; R.nod ' Ifaniedwelliiin; well fonood, watorod and in i/ood stotB of cultivation; 1 J niiUiH from Maxwell and 2 nillu from Fovorfiliani, wlieie arc iiiill'<, GOUItP KnitSIIRliTOM, I. O. P. moots iu I Cliriatoo'B lUouk the laRt Friday evening ia oacli ninntli. Vliiting Foreators heartily , velconio. C.K., II. Walior ; B, 3., W. A. Arm. 1 Btrouu. PctUcat Btoroli,' eta , j milofroin clitoao taotory, Avplyl to U.J. BVllOlIU;, Klosborton. '.iO.\I-3 DR OARTIin M C P A 8 Ont, Physician, Snrgeon, etc Olllce and roiiidouceâ€" Peter Bt., Plesliortoii BnadYt Demoerat» lUagon? Heard & Son have thoiu in variety, at prices and easy terms. Before buying any vehicle call on us and inspect our .... lines We are agents for the best cream separator on the uiarkct and are willing to soli on trial. « 3. R. I^eard $ Son. W. I'''. 'J'. TJlbliy,â€" Phyeiolan, Surge on tite. FloHherton, Ont ] Ollleo andlioBidpnco, CoUin(!WOodfticot. last j hlouk ol I'roaliyterian oliureli. May bo loiuid I there day and uiglit. C'orouor for Coiuity of Oroy' TlnnrQ SOOTT, AND SOFTLY I^UUIO, Mombora College Pliyalc LAC E TO YOUR HARNESS. kinds and pricos Whii>s and lashes. Trunks and Valicon, coinlm and brnshon, Kweat|Huls and collar pads. Axle Grease. If oof Ointment and (aall Ctire, Bittt and 8:ia|)^, Unitny Duster.i and all ntylon and prices. ]<.nbliL>r Uu^R. Woollen Riig<, Marno^ I'ldixh and Metal Puli«h nnd Eucrything in our line. 4U* ntoore - Flesberton A Snrgnoiio i Medlolue o( Toronto 1 nnia, Pout Oradn- at. n odical Holionl and llo.ipital, ChtoaFO. ' diHeasuQ of eye, oar, nose and turoat Bjieeially ! truatod. I H. SOPTI,Y, JOHN A. 8aO'»T, Kevoraliatn. axwoU Eugenia Planing Mills . . . Get vour Sash, '' ,,, ,. -vT „, Ontario Oradiiato In Modi Flooring, Sheeting, JNow- univ6r9ity,_i'ctiow8m,,_uivii ell I'osts, BalluHters, Cor- ner Blocks.Hand Iv'ailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to onlor. New \\m of .stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in Ji-Il our lines gnaranttiod. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR •jiJWinrV'U'inrirujnJ3Arii:iru:iririf>rinj-tx Photos JP OI'THWULL. Votorlnary Surgeon Qraduate ot Ontario Votorluary College, roaidunou â€" second door south wost on Mary street. Thia street runs south Presbyterian GhnroU. u VV. ."VT A 3 C 10 ' V«tuiiiia»>r riurgjoii and nentlat, Max-' woll, graduHth of Ontario Veterinary CoIIpuo, onilla'ted wiUi roiMuto ll;iivorBlty. Visits l-.tigini ia Wedritia'lavfiimi 11 o. 111. to ;J i>. ui., »ii f'oyorBliani Thiivndav from 2 to 8 p. ni. , IorkshTrT'boaJ 1 For sorvii-oon lot 1:10.40, .Inl raiigo vV. T. A i 8. li. AituDiial*, s Ihoroughbreil Vork>liiru Whltoboiur. Tormi «t F.CAIltNB.pioi.. â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery arc done in firei-olass stylo and at lowest rates. Special aitontion nivpii to copyinc. Babies' photos, g a specialty. Pictures fiamed. MRS BUtriER Ftops tbe Voiish and works off tlio. Cold laxative Brono-Qninine Tablets cure a cold in ons d«y. Mo Cu:e, Xo Pay. Priee U osats B. OlHson = Tksberton Fleshertons' Tonsorial Parlor W.\NTED--BAlinER APPRENTICK good chance to learn for tho right young man. IJring along Ya Laundry. Jl, ttlilsdii > ?le$l>{rten

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