Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jul 1902, p. 1

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yksfetrtun Aiirana, •TRUTH BEFOPiE FAVOR." â€" " PEINCIPLEb NOT MEN." 70L. XXH, NO 1093 Fleshertoii, Ont., Tlmrsday, July 24: 1002 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR & PROFhIETOB !?^!??!?"^^Sf? I The Glorious i l2th is Past I Imt we are still soiling watches andj clock*. We have an excellent show- : ing and we (eel coiitident we ciin SHt- idfy you in any line you wish. We! hiive the niofifc up-to-<lato and beautiful : clucks. I Call and flake your Selection- j If you buy a time piece be »nre you , buy one that is reliable and we have what will answer that description. We guarantee our watches. W^tch Cleaning and Repairing Done.... W.A. ARMSTRONQ FLESMERTON The pipes in Mr.CoUinsou's mill burst; on'.Satarday nioruina. No i<ne was hurt except Fireman Riddly, who receired a slight burn on the back of the neck. Mrs. G. Mitchell of Rochester is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. F. Cairns. Mian Maniit Egan of Hamilton is visit- inu her brother, Mr. Egan, of this place. Mrs R. VVriijht and children, who have been visiting her parents here for a fort- night, returned to her home in Durham the first of the week. with I Mi, O nudnik. l»riccville from Ow- Own Correspondent Haying has commenced around this part and fitrmera report a splendid crop this year if it can be savenl iMr. .\lex Wliyte, O.D.R., t«ised a fin« bank barn lact week. Messrs. Alex Mc- Arthur and Harry Patton were eapt:iin3 the former wiuning by about ten seconds. The fra'.uev.-ork done by McDcnald Brus. was well done. Mr. and Mrs. George Watson and vblldren of Wahers Falls spont a cuple days here last wtek. Mr. John M:Arthur, ]l., spent a few «lays with friouus near Tiverton last week. Mr.Johi> A.Co.ikay took in tboOninge cciebration in DunJ;ilk on the 12th and reports a f4"od time. Wouldn't bo sur- prised if ho goes back that way'again Huon. Eh, Jackl Misses Mas.'£;io snd Minnie Simpson of Chicago are visitiuK their mother at present. Kisses R. and M. Stotbart <>f Detroit «nd New York, respectively, are holiday iiig at the old homo. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ross are visiting the former's f either, Mr. Jo.s. Riss. Mi.s.ses M;u;gie and Irene Higuins of Toronto are vii uiiR tlreir uiic'.e, Mr. P. Eol^ei- (if the "Ci-own." Mr. Matt Uolger and Miss Stella of Oundidk were in town last week. Miss M. K. McArtbur returned home from Owen Sov.ini on Sa'urday accom- {wiiied by her cousins Mis«s Fl < McKinnon »nd Mr. H. Novv«!l. Married â€" On Wednesday, July ICth, Mr. McArthurof DuUlth 'O Miss B Mo- Arthur of t!-is V'lnce, by the Rev. R. Mc- CulIou;;h. Thoy iiavo our best wishes. hlx- ll^nrnii McLean spent Suu'lay at Mt. Forest. From (hiT Own Comspondent. An exhibition game of lacrosse was played on the Agricultural grounds here on Friday last, the competing teams being Chatsworth and Dundalk. It was a very pretty and gentlemanly game throughout, being keenly contested, jis the score in- dicates, Not until the 3rd quarter was there a goal sored, when Chatsworth succeeded iu notcliing their first and only goal, and dnring the last ijuarter Dundalk seemed to gather themselves together and played fast lacrosse, succeeding in notch- ing two goals, when time was called, this leaving the score 2â€"1 in favor of Dun- dalk. Dundalk plays in Otangeville on Thursday this week. Mr. J. Syniin<5t.in, C. P. R. agent, whose health has not been very good, is taking a much needed and deserved holi- day. Union society parade took place on Sabbath bit to Victoria Hall. The A.- 0. U. W., C. O. O. F., C. 0. C. F., and the I. 0. F., headed by the citizens band all turned out in strong numbers and paraded the principal streets and thence to the hall, whore Rov Mr. Hill preach- ed an appropriate sermon for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Whithy and son, Claude, visited Markdale friends this week. Mrs I. B. Lucas and family of Mark' dale and Mrs. Hooey of Clinton, visited fii«nds in tow;i this week. Mr. James Park spent Snnda bis aoa iu Oweu Sound. I Messrs. McColraau and Radley spent Snnday last in Markdile. Master Frank White has been quite ' seriously ill but is recovering . j A certain Rockvale young man re- j vj cently drove a yaung lady down to ^ Dundalk, but it seems the couple ^ di?agreed about somctbing and the 9I yoang man was so uncbivalrous as to ^ ^ return home alone, leaving the young v, j woman to get back the best way she | ? could. We cannot say who the parties f ', were, but the truth of th« story is ' '^ \ vouched for. Alas ! for the decadence aj of chivalry among the young men of ! ^ the rising generation. j ^ 'â-  A Wonderful Tonic and | fl Strengfiiener ^ Said a druggist to-day, ' "no doubt about ^ It, the tonic that gives best results is the | ^ biggest seller, and that is Ferrozone. It | tI enriches and purifies the blood, restores â- â-  sfrenth and energy to the feeble, and is ^ a scientitic reconstructor that was always ^ popular. In Chlorosis, Anaemia, Tired- ^ uess. Languor, Brain Fag, Indigestinn | ^ and Dy.spepsia its aodori is prompt, and | ^ satisfactory cures always follow. Yes. 1 ; 7I recommend Ferrozone to my customers ! ^ because I believe it is the best tonic and ! vj strengthetiing medicine that money can I ?1 buy. Liirae boxes cost 50c. Sold by W. «| G. Richardson. 1 ^ Port Law CeylO!*. FvQin, Chw OtO'i Vorrespotuhut. Mr. ai.d Mr'. W. McNae aud daiigUt-r Lilhau ar>j vi.Hiting at Mr. J. O'Melia's. Mrs. W. McMuHen and Mi.s.-i Millio Cook visitfd Cvoinorc fiieiids last week. Mr. Charles O'Melift an ivrtl on Stitur- d;\y night to si)ei:d a couple of weeks niih l.i« parent.'<. Mr. T. ColUiinon I'f Tort-nio i.s holiday- ing at the iKirci'.tul home. Mr. mid Mr.->. S uckoy of near Peter- ♦•orough, were guest.* at Mr. J. Sprral'u, for 11 C'juple of ilay.s last week. Misses May and Blanche Sproat arrived home on Thursday, aflur si>ending three woek'« with friends iu Giaiul ValWy aad Col beck. Mr. i^'ill Rutle<i,4e, who has been at Orsngeviile for the pwt two nioaths.eame 'up Of. SiturU-iy to relvuvo â- Â»! this iitation for a fu* weeks. Our Union tiubbath scIukI huld their ^ni>.t|«l f''^"^ *â- '" F' '^W afternoon io Mc- li?S?i«'« gn^ve. Wp wero very much \,\a.sed to soo such a hr^o turnout of the panjpts and frivuds of the school. Oatncs ^48,- Ipi^liy.^ V UU dark when all went J ,i{(e-ffeeUng iWy ^"^f .thoroughly en- From Ow^ O^cii Cttrmipondeiit Uev. Mr. White, piistor of Mount Z:on church, commenced last week a series of revival st-rvices, to be continued indeti- iiitcly. It is to bo hoped much success will follow Mr. White's earnest labors to win .souls to a higher life. Mr Win. Wallace has been suffering from an artjicU of tonsilitis, but hear he if, now well on 'he way to recovery. Mr Robt. Meldrum has had 10 charao for S'lnie time past, a very b.i<l felon, which he would he ple^iaed to allow to escape or hand olT to some one else. Masters Robbie and Elbert Comliold are holidaying with fiieiids in Toronto Mr. (.has Napier had a cnw die las' week, nhich to him is a si5vere loss. .\niong the succofsful intrance candid- ates we noticed the name of Miss Malx-l Winters of this neighborhood, s pupil of NVfirc h;im school. Mr. .laiucs Goid.iii v.iised lat.ly so addiijon to hi.i barn which will give him <!ori plele and commodious barn aeoom- niodation. M.juntZio'' Sundayschi o' pi-'tiitkedon Fri(i«y hist in Mr. U. CoiuBehl's grove, and had an enjoyable time. Our fooihall team went over to Max woM Wedn-'tidiiy I'f last week and plavcd the loam there. Very little is «iid of the ri'sulf, t'u! it is (juitlly whisj>erod thwi our buys g..t licked. On Friday a reiuni g'lme wa< played in Mr.ShicKUiwu's tieid, resulting in .'v Kcore ol 3 to in favor of Ih -Uliome Uam. This i f toui-se is kept no .secret. Messrs. Wm. Allen, Edward Jamieson, and Albert IVackhuni left to day (Tuea day)*f<u' the old sott!<:n>eiit. May firiune favor them. The Owen Sound Sun is responsible for the s':ateraeMt that the Toronto man I whose wife has just given birth to triplets has applied for a recount. i Robert Johnston, a promiueiit farmer of Brant residing about three nodes north ' of Walkerton, was accidentally killed on r f^ Thursday eveniog by falling from a beam ^f$ in his barn to the floor, a distance of 20 , al^ feer. Deceased was 63 years of age. ! •â- Â£ Chas. Hetzbei-ger of lot 5 the 13th con- I a^ co8.sion of Normanby dropped dead on ' ^£ Tuewliiy morning while at work ni the ^ j»r barn. Ho built a new barn recently and j (^ he vi-ae. eiigaijed in completing it when hu j ^H felt a pain in his heart. Staggering back j -^R he died in his wife's arn)sa moment after- j ^^ wards. He had been a victim of heart ( ^J" disease fur 13 years and bus physician hiid told hini his life was constantly in danger. One of the first, if cot the first, lacr»t.so game ever played in the Dominion, in which , every one of the twenty-tive players was : a lady, occurred at the Kind's Royal p.irk I on Friday evening. It was the oatcomo 'of a picnic held at the beacli, ajid thej I gauio was decided upon as a novel diver- 1 Isi'.n. Mr. John Rani.sey refereed the| I game for the ladie.s', and the kcotb at the ! Cidl of time was a tii', each sid-e having I ^»<» scored two goals. â€" O. S. Times. 1: McFarland, Stafford & Co. i riARKDALE, ONT. ^ Grey ec>unty'$ Biggest and l^bistp^si store } The (uidsummer saleof Men's and Ladies Waterproof coats for ^ Tliursday morning surpasses anything this store has ever offered in water- ' proofs. We have never experienced so busy a period in July as we aro 7, favored with just now ; particularly in the Rain Coats. Rain or shine ^ don't miss the otferini;. It represents a special purchase inado direct ( from one of the leading waterproof manufactures â€" they making us a ? special offer by talting a large quantity. Thn lot has just " come in and i will he placed on the Bargain Counter for Thursday morning. v 53 50 MEN'S RAIN COATS FOR 82 48. ' 19 Men's grey rain coats, s«ams all sewn and velvet coUnr, bos back 7 style, sizes 36 to 44, at 2 48 i 57 50 MEN'S W.iTEaPRO0FS FOR 85 50. i 14 Men's Waterproof coats, inade of Oxford Grey Covert Cloth, seams ( all sown and the latest stylo Rairlan. including cutf on sleeves, every coat ? guaranted to give best satisfaction for 5 50 i 58 00 MEN'S W.^TERPROOFS FOR 86 30. i 16 Men's Waterproof coats, made in grey, Raglan style, extra heavy and C interliuKd \vith vulcanized rubber, collars are velvet and every coat 7 guaranteed water proof. Our prices this week 6 50 5 57 50 MJIN'S WATERPROOF CtDATS FOR §4 90. ; 17 Men's black waterpronf cape coats iu paramatta cloth, seams aro all C sewn, and can be worn with or without cape. This coat in regular way ' would sell $7 50, but you can havo one this week for ' 4 90 i 54 50 LADIES' WATERPROOFS FOR 83 45. I 13 Ladies' Cravenette rain Cloaks, colors black, navy, grey and fawn, ' yoke in back and velvet collarsâ€" tiiisweek only 345 « ^^The above Rain Coats subject to 5 per cent, discount forca.sh ; A Low Price on China Tea Setts, also Dinner and Tea Setts ! combined. • $7 50 CHINA TEA SETS FOR $3 75. ; Tea Set in Dresden China â€" beautiful decoration filled in coltirsâ€" when ' complete number 44 pieces, but the teapot and one pate is broken $3 75 ' irr 00 TEA SET FOR S3 50. ' Tea Set -if a neafcareen fl.irjil design and heavy gold tracing. When ', complete nuiuber 44 pieces. Tea pot is broken, only ^ S3 50 j $7 00 TEA SET FOR ?3 a.'). ; Tea set of 44 pieces complete, in a dainty floral decoration, blue lines on ' edges, only §3 25 • 58 50 DINNER AND TEA CO.VIBINED 55 90 • 2 Dinner and Tea Seta combined of 95 pieces. These two are new in pat- â-  torn aud color c<iml)in;itioii, i>nly §5 90 ; 40c CHEESE DISHES FOR 23c. " 29 only cheese dishes, sold in reuular way at; 40o, our price this week 23c ' lOo FLANNEIuETTE FOR 7k. • 1278 yaitls Flannelette, full .32 mches wide, in neat stripes, usually sold t at lOe, our price this week only 7^,.. ( SPECIAL IN MILLINERY'. ' * All trimmed millinery on sale at just one-ha'f the former price. • No one who values the principles of economy lets Bargain Day piuss with- • out a visit to this store. There is jihvays soaiethin:; thai appeals especi- j ally to yourself, your personal wants or the wants of your home. ' M6Fki^lkt\d, 0tkffoM & Co. i tl^!& ate Rovkvalc From Our Own Cun&spond^yiit I .\rmstrong Bios, will finish the , »eneor cut for this season this week, and last wouk they completed t'.e , liaidwood cut. The stock was a largo joiie and reipiircd nioie time to cut out ' than WM anticipated. Several of the !:ands will go to Markdale to work in the fitTu'B mill at tiiat place, and will be much tuissetl in social circles here. Rockv.a!e aud Eugouia football boys played a game here on Tuesday even- ing which. al'Uir a waitn tnssle, result- ed in a tic. A largo number of spec- tators supported both sides. Our United Slates cousiss aro getting ready f'>r another election, *nd one of the chief issues is the inoi.ey KtundaixL A young lady from across the hues, who is I summering iu Owen StJUiid, wms telliu'j I some girl friends all aboot it and declared j that all tho gold stanitard sirlis, of which ' she was one, wore ye'iiow garters. Just then her summer beau,a prominent young ; townsman aud park panou, joined the group, and turning u< hiui, she s.tid : "You knew I'm gcdd .standard don't you, I , ,- o Jack?" And the others giggled and won- ! I dcred how Jack know. Ciuitsworth News. I Mr. Silas Toole, of Whitchurch, 0:1 the 29;h of .May last, was vii-itod by two well- I drisst-d strangers, who rtpresen'ed them- i aolvos to bo friends of Sir. Wm. Mulock. 1 and quests at this summer residence near Nowmaikct, and .vanteil to buy a farm. ] A satisrnct<.'ry hanrMin wa'» arranged, and to bind the b.srgiiii, .S10,000 was wuated I out and placuil in a valise, which Mr. | t TiH>'o was to keep in his |H>9session until 1 I the following WeOBcsday, when the' balan.;c of the money was to bo paid, I : while Olio O" tbe men kept ih-i key of the I i valise, Afti'rc<)n8iderahle Conversation, Mr. T. was induced todraw ifo.OOO out of tho bank for the men. Wlieii they ictt they ' handed the valise supposetl to contain tlio ^lO.lHX). As they did m-t return at tho appointed time, Mr.' ^LOo\â- ^ became sus- picious, and on opening tho valine found, UOU[ flUf I CtlllSlvin. it contained only a couple of stones and a note, saying. "You'ie fooled this time, j Mr. Toole. You will never see our faces ' again." Thw men got away with 15,000 in clear ua«h. V Well, yes, but let us tell you, if you do not know it al- ready, tliat the vv-eathcr is not (he only thinir that is catchy. Om- prices come in iihead of the weather on that score, when equality is considered, and we can prove it to your entire satis- faction. Following are some of our .seasonable lines. Ordored OlothliTgr .^ Specialty assorliaent of Men's Suit lengths io woiiited, tweed ami Venetian twist, made up with Llie lost tiiiiimiiigH an.l fit i;ii«r;niteed. Men' Men's Shirts 2jc up. .Men's Fast Blak Half hosa, 2 pr. forSSo .Men's Shirfjt and Drawers, p..M- suit. . »0c Men's Overalls ... 50c U> gl.OO per p-ir Men's All- wc'-il Tweed Suit worth S7 tK> for §4 SO Men's All wool WorstoJs, worth 310.50 f,.r $8 00 Als- Dong.. Couii. ai.d Bn!s. fine stock, all sizes, worth $3 00, for Sl.uO Men's Henvy Crome Kip Tais. double half solo, shiu'Roil .sole, ami ^uvan- le-d to give satisfaction ...*... 82.2^ Mens Split Uluchoirs, heavy sole,. Si. 50 Men's Grain Blnchers.heavy solo . §1 75 Men's Hand dH^&^lish Kips, heavy Sole, 2- rowsrtHl^aiid guaranteed waterproof .'*. . 82.7.") a full lino of Wmj perettos, Scevo Fl.mnel, Shirtin_', C.iltoniuloTiiwelliiig. Prints, Apron Giui;hain CARTETS. OIL CLOTHS and LINOLEUMS. Hardware Department yix (litteroiit kinds to choose from. Binder Gloyes and Mitts from 25c. to Toe. Throshers mitts-. Hayforks, Ropes, Tracks, pulleys, every- thing complete, at lowest prices. ()ILS and V.VRNISHESâ€" Heavy Machioo Oil, Rhw Oil, B. iled. Turpentine and Varnish. Also Dry color*. All ».z«» of iilas,s in st-.ck â€" .Hi.ar and d ublc diamond. I'mlM Or«#<;u for l»otntoes. F. Q, KARSTEDT, FLESH ERTON

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