Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jul 1902, p. 2

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THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc In Trade Centres. UUIOADSTUKFS. Toronto, July 21!.â€" When tâ€" There in very little winter wlicut ofteiiiiK ftow, there is some ituiuiry uiiU llio market in stuuUy at 76 J c to 77c Tor rod and white iiiiddlo freights. Ten cum of No. U northern Hold at 85Jc g.i.t. Atunitoha is .steadier at Hlic tor No 1 hard (ioderlcli or I'ort Huron, 87Jc for No. 1 hard, 851c for No. 1 northern and Siiic for No. '2 northern, grinding in transit. Flonrâ€" la .steady; DO per cent, pati- ents are quoted at S'-i-'."» to $2 02 J In buyer.s' hags, i ilddle freights. Choice braiulH are held 15c to iiOc higher. Ulanituha (lour is steady at $4 to $1.3t> (or cars of Hungarian patents and $3.70 to SI for strong bakers', bags incliidod, on the track, Toronto. MllHeedâ€" Is steady. Short-s are quoted at S''J0.5(> lor cars and hran at $15.50 in hulk middle freights. Blanitoba millfced is (Irni nt $23 for cars of shorts and $18 for bran. Sacks included, Toronto freights. Corn â€" Is steady; prices are nominal nt 63jc for No. 2 yellow and 63c for No. 2 mixed west. Oatsâ€" Are dull at 43c for No. 2 white west and 44c cast. Peasâ€" Are dull at 75c to 76c out- side freights. COUNTIiY PnODUOE. Butterâ€" The olTeiings of choice dairies are suflicient for immediate trade. There are prol)ably, however, large quantities benig held back for higher prices, for which farmers may have to accept less than they would get if they came lo market now. Prices are steady. Creamery, prints 19Jc to 20ic do solids 19c to lOJc Dairy tubs and palls, choice 15c to 16c do medium 13c to 14c do pound rolls, choice. 15c to 16c Eggs â€" The market is very firm at 16c. Offerings are fair and demand good. Potatoes â€" There is a fair demand and the orfoiings are liberal. The market is steady at $1 I er bag for old, and 85c per bushel for new. Poultiy â€" Offerings are small and prices are steady at ?l to SI 10 for ducks and 60c to '.)0c for chickens. lialed Hay â€" Heceipts are liberal and deuuind is only nie<lium at 89. .^0 to $10 for No. 1 timothy on track here. Haled Straw â€" The offerings are fair and demand is me<lium. Cars oil the track hero sell at $5. PnOVI.STON.S. All smoked meats are in good de- mand. Lards also are selling well Prices are ix\i (irm. Pork â€" Canada short cut, $24; heavy mcs.s, $21.50 to $22; clear shoulder mess, $10. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats â€" Long clear, bucon. Hie; hams, IB^c to 14c; rolls, 12e to 12Jc; .shoulders, 11 jc; backs, 15c to 16c; breakfast bacon, 14 .ic lo 15c; green meats out of picklo are quoted at Ic le.ss than 1 nioked. Lard â€" Tierces 111c, tubs 11 jc and pails lljc. BUFFALO GRAIN MARKET. lUiTfalo, July 22.â€" Flour firm. Wheal, si)ring fair; No. 1 northern, 71)c, airloads; winter firm; No. 2 red, old, 8;ic bid. Corn nominal; No. 2 yellow, VOJc; No. 3 do, 70c; No. 2 corn, 70c; No. 3 do, 6yjc. Oats quiet; No. 2 white, 58ic; No. 3 do, 57Jc; No. 2 mixed, 53ic; No. 3 do, 53c. Itye, No. 1, 63ic. Canal freights steady. EUROl'KAN DRAIN MARKETS. London, July 22â€" Closeâ€" Wheat on I assage, sellers at a decline of ,H(1 ; miiizo on passage, linn but not active. Wheal â€" lOnglish country mar- kets of yesterday (piiel; I'rench coun- try markets dull. Paris, tJuly 22. â€" Wheat â€" Tone weak nt 23f O.'jc for .Inly and 30f inc for Septemlier and Kecember. Floiir â€" Weak at 50f 5c for July aid 27f 85c for September and Deceiuher LIVK STOCK MARKKT9. 'I'oronlo, July 22.â€" At tho Western ciitllo yards the leceipts were again from Sn.nn to f4..W per cwt. Cullod Hheej) fetch from 92 to $3 each, llucka are worth from $2.50 to $2.75 per cwt. t'alve.s are ((uoled at from !P2 lo $10 each. I'ol lowing is tho range of quota- tions ; â€" Cattle. Shippers, per cwt $5.50 $6.60 do light 4.75 6.25 Jiutcher, choice 4.50 5.25 llutchcr, ordinary to good 8.50 Stockers, per cwt 3.00 Sheep and Lambs. Choice ewc.s. per cwt 3.15 Spring lanib.s, each 2.00 lliicks, per cwt 2.50 Culls, each 2.00 Milkers and Calves. Cows, each 25.00 48.00 Calves, each ..... 2.00 8.00 iiogs. Choice hogs, per cwt 6.75 Light hogs, per cwt 6.75 Heavy hogs, jHjr cwt 6.75 Sows, iier cwt S-.'iO Stag.s, per cwt 0.00 4.25 4.25 3.50 4.00 2.75 3.00 7.25 7.00 7.00 4.00 2.00 LOOKING TO CANADA. Canadian Meat Will Take First Place in British Market. A London de-spalch says :â€" -The probable sale to Chicago packers of the busincst-es of Messrs. Fowler Drothers and Messrs. (1. Fowler, Sons, Co. created naturafly much interest in commercial circles on Tuesday, says tltc Liverpool Journal of Commerce. 'If the sales go through," said a prominent merchant, "tho outlook bespeaks increasing attention to Canada's provision products, and if the (luality is kept up â€" and that is not to be doubt o<l â€" to its present standard, in a few years it will take the leading position on this mar- ket. We shall look to Canada," re- marked the gentleniaii, "for bacon, and it is freely predicted that Chic- ago and the wcslern packers will havo to take second rank cro long. Tlie same remark applies to all Can- adian products, which are becoming ncreasingly and favorably known amongst consumers, and command their attention from the point of quality alone. I want nothing bet- ter than Canadian side meats, and in the future we shall look to Can- ada for supplies in thi« and otlier directions. As a matter of fact, Canadian hams arc largely taking the place of Irish and home cured in the continental markets. The sal- n'.on markft Is now practically con- trolled in tho finest grades of tinned llsli from the British Columbia riv- ers, and easily takes precedence of Alaska and Columbia River packing. Canadian cereals and canned fruit ha\e also found a loremost place on this market; whilst the dairy pro- ducts of that colony are now se- riously competing witli tho Danhsh iini)ortcrs, on whom we have been so de|)cndent. especially for butter,' eggs, and bacon; ir fact, it looks as if we shall in the lear future bo al- together independiMit of Danish snp- |)lies. Cheese fioin tho Dominion has cut United States cheese out badly, owing to its superior quality, and this, with the dairy products now obtainable from Australasia, greatly strengthens the position from a mu- tual trading standpoint." BOERS GOOD FEELING, Settling Down Faster Than Was Expected. A London despatch says: The possiniislic reports respecting the sullen conduct of the Boers and tho resentful disjiosition of the surren- dered warriors to boycott the scouts who fought on the British side are clearly exaggerated. 'I here ure some symptoms of dissatisfaction over tho slowness with which the Boers are released and provided with money for making a fresh start in their old homes, but tho disaffection is not seriou.s when caused by inevitable de- lay and meshes of red tajie. While tho Boer colonies bear a closer resemblance to Alsace-Lor- raine than to loyal and reconciled Ciuebcc, they arc settling down more rapidly than the most elastic opti- mist could hiive expected wlion peace was made. Lord Kitchener's con- lidcnco ill the good faith of the Doers and admiration of their light- ing qualities aro attested by the final report of military operution-s. He Wits the real author of tlie peace compact, and the King's influence was behind him. Lord Kitchener 1ms not said one word since his re- turn to, Kngland to indicate that ho apprehends a renewal of the politi- cal agitation among the Doers against the Crown. Alarmists who lay stress upon the sporadic instances of resentment and evil passion of the Transvaal are rendering tho same kind of disservice to tho interests of fieaco with which Sir Edward Grey has been rcproaeh- ed in dragging before tho Com- mons Sir Redvers Buller's grievances as an act of justice to tho unfor'.iin- ate general. The last word has probably been spoken on behalf of IJuller, who was befriended by the AVar Office, headquarters staff, and tho court itself until his dismissal and disgrace wore rendered inevita- ble by his own headstrong folly, CONTEMPT OF COURT. Sandon Paystreak Editor Re- ceives iieavy Sentence. A Victoria, B. C. despatch says: William McAdams, editor of the San- don I'aystroak. came before the full court on Friday on a charge of con- tempt of court. He was .sentenced to nine months' imprisonment and to furnish four securities of $1,000 each tor good conduct: failing this, he gels a year's additional imprison- ment. Mr. McAdams has wired his friends in tho iipiicr country to cir- culate a petition to the Minister of Justice against tho sentence. >â-  KILLED BY TORNADO. storm of Unprecedented Violence Visits Baltimore. A Ilaltinnue t'espatch says: A fierce toinudo characterized by ii windstorm of extraordinary velocity, thunder, vivid lightning, and a heavy rain .sufldenly t)urst uixm liiil- timorc^ at l.ilO p. in. on Sunday, coming from the southwest. Eleven persons lost their livos. hiin(lrea<< of lidUseH weio unroofed, trees In the small, only 6(1 carloads of livo stock I pnblie parks and streets were torn coming in, coinpiislng 764 caltio, l.-iup by tlu^ roots, many buildings 41. ^ sheep and lambH. 771 hogs, 5!t (iannigeil and several i>eoi>le injured calves, and a few milch cows. Trade W4is dull and juices unchangod. There was not an active deinand f<u' export cattio to-da.v, simply Ix'cau.se space on tho lioatN is scarce. (Jood to choice stiilt sold at from 51 to (IJ per lb., with a fraction more in a few crises for prime hit.s. I..;g|ii ship- pers aro Worth from 4i to 5c per A BUMPER CROP. Good Reports of Comings Harvest in the West. A Winnipeg despatch says: The Lake of tho Woods Milling Company has completed new elevators at Wa.s- kada, Weyburn, and Maclxjan. They have material at Forest ready to erect two elevators on the extension to bo built from that point. Re- garding tho condition of the crops Ueo. V. Hastings, manager of the company, said that the prospects were good. The crops were a little later than last year, but were hold- ing out well. There was no dam- age to any great extent, except in isolated low lands. S. J. Thompson, pt-ovincial vege- tarian, has been making a number of trips through Manitoba, and he said that there was every lu'ospn.-t tha< the crop of this season would bo a largo one. Ho was in tho dis- trict surrounding- Morden and Itosen- fold, and although this is not very high land, nor exceedingly well drained, there was no general dam- age on account of early rains. In fact, the wheat was looking well, and was beginning to head out very nicely. It was only a few days be- hind lust year, and was rapidly glowing, so that it would probably be reiuly for harvest as early as tho crop of last season. Here and there a low field badly drained was to lie found which looked somewhat dam- aged, but the general pros|>oct was for an all-round heavy crop. Tiny meadows were about nil dry now. and all farmers were busy securing their crop bottoms where hay wns cut early Inst year not available. They are now almost all In good condition, the warm weather having dried tho field quickly. Heavy storms which have been re- ported from south of the boundary have evidently been local ones. RICE PAID THE PENALTY. Executed in Toronto Jciil Yard for the Murder of Boyd. A despatch from Toronto says: Tlie execution of Fred Lee Rice on Friday morning was the drawing of the curtain over the last act in the long drama of crimn which followed the coining of the ifutledge gang to Canada. Within a few blocks of the .scene of the fatal break for liberty, where Ooyd was killed and Jones received liis death v.ound.s; within a few feet of tho gloomy corridor where Rutledge dashed himself to death. Uico finished tho thread of a misspent life. Rice's last night on earth differed in no way from many preceding nights. He appeared to realiib ful- ly what tho day was to bring, and had even taken an interest in what was to be done with his body. When his mother and sister visited hina for an hour on Monday lie said good-bye, and asked them not to come again. lie asked that he be buried in the black suit which he wore lust in court, because it was neat and fitted hira well. He want- ed a white shirt and a white tio. IN THE JAIL YARD. Forty or fifty people, including a dozen constables, had gathered in the big jail yard before the hour set for the execution. The scalTold had been erected close to the west wall, and near to the waster n wing of the jail, almost in tho corner. Eleven steps led up to the. platform, over which the noo.se hung from a stout cross beam. The .space below the platform was boarded over so that very little of tho worst details of the execution could be seen out- side. The trap wns a double affair, fastened by iron cUunps worked from above by a lever. A hole of about four feet had been dug immediately under the trap. The scallold could not possibly be seen from outside the jail walls. At a minute or two before eight o'clock the black flag went up on the jail flagstalT and just afterwajtls the DISMAL PROCESSION left the jail and crossed the yard. Sherill Mowat, in the black uniform and carrying the sword of his office, walked with Governor Van Zant, and after them came the Rev. Rob- ert Hall and the Rev, John Salmon. Rice walked behind Uichurd Coe, one of the guards who had been on the dfath watch, and on either side of him he had a guard. Berry and Dodds. Going up the eleven steps to the scaffold called for the great- est effort and .seemed lo take all tho strength which Rice could com- mand. At the top ho walked to the centre of the trap, the two niinis- lers standing in front of him. The noose hanging from above brushed against lUce's face and hff shut his eyes. Radclive bound his logs and adjusted the black cap and noose. Then the two ministers read out, "In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. I go to pre- pare a place for .vou, that where I am, there ye may be also." The solemn utterance of tho Lord's Prayer followed, and at the "Amen," just at two minutes after eight, the trap was relea.sed. Rice DIED IN.STANTLY. The drop had been one of six feet, and when Br. Richardson, the Jail physician, examined the body a few minutes later, he concluded that death had been instantaneous, though there were some spasmodic twitchings for ten or twelve min- utes. Half an hour elapsed before DEATH BY CUCLONE. Buildings Leveled Across Thre« Townships. A Chesterville, Ont., desiiatcii says ; â€" A storm of unusual violence pa.ssed over this territory on Thura day night, accompanied by a cyclone which exceedi-d in fury anything ol its kind in the memory of the oldest inhabitant. There were almost i,"^ cessaut electrical discharges. The tornado took a southca.sterlji direction and |Kti>sed within a' mile of the town. Those who were watch- ing felt dl.stinctly the hot bla,>«ts from the cyclone as it swept wit* fearful velocity to the soiithea.st; the, wind twisted, tore and destioyed everything in its path for a space of about fifty or sixty rods iii width, while everything in a radius of a mile in width was more or lews nITected. The storm is s-upposed to have spent its energy at the St. Lawrence. SCENE OF DEVASTATION. â-  On Friday laoming the country for miles around presented a scene ol deva.station. Fences have disappear- ed and cannot be found. Dwelling."* and outbuildings were overturned aiwl in some cases lorn to piece.s. Dead cattle are lying here and there at almost every farm in tho center of the storm's path. SOME KILLED, MANV INJURF-D. Several persons were killed and a number injured at the farm of John Keams, Ttii concession of Winches- ter. Portions of the bam la.v about the premi.scs and of tho dwcliing not a ve.stlge could be found. Not even a splinter or a rag gave evi<lenice that it had onoe been the .site of a happy home. The father lay in the clover field with a broken hip and otherwi.se terribly bruised, and near him lay his little son, seven years old, quite dead. The corpse of the unfortunate mother, evidently picked up with the house, was found against the fence. Tho two other children were fouud in the field with broken limba and terribly bruised but still living. Tho pro(>erty of J. Coyne, adjoin- ing tho Kearns' proiierty, presented a uniiiuc appearance. Maples, eliua, and oaks were torn from tJicir roots, twistod. broken and splintered. Many intftances of narrow escapes are bo ing reported. SOME NARROW F,SCAPES. At the residence of Michael S. Orally, 5th concession of Winchestel", a narrow escape is reported. John Clark, the mother •• -d four children were in the stable milking when the barn collapsed over them. Clark espcaped through a portion of the roof, and getting an axe, cut his way to the imprisou-ed family, all of whom were got out safely e.xcopt one girl badly injured. The residence of Harmon Shaver. 9th concession. Township of Win- ohe.ster, one of the most solid brick hou-ses in this locality, was com- pletely devastated. It is impossible to estimate the damage now. but it is within the mark to say tiint in the townsJiips of Winchester, Finch and Osnabruck it will exceed $200.- OOO. At the time of writing four arc reported dead and many sci'ious- ly injured. There were a good mniiy | the ro^ie wns cut and Coroner Dun- can opened the formal inquest. Tho verdict of the jury was that Rice had mot his death in accordance with the sentence of the law. Rice weighed 175 pounds, a of 13 i>ounds since he entered jail. NEGRO BURNED ALIVE. Bound to a Tree and Clothing Soaked With Oil. nm the CANADA'S TRADE. ?36.827,673 More Than in Previ- ous Fiscal Year. lU. Oood butcher cattle 1b worth from 4i to 5c per lb. Lots of so-called hutclier cattle, with shljipers among them, are quoted higher, but ftu' Hlrnight butcher cattle ,'>c was tho best figure to-da.v, tVo had a better (u'oportlon of good cattle hero than has lioen the ca^o lately, but trado wns slow at the best, and dragged badly for the poorer kinds of cattio. Fi-eders, stockers, and bulls aro unchanged. Tho demand for stoekers is easy Just now. Milch rows aro (piiilcd from Z'-^> to S17 each. There Ih no change in small stulT, and prices mity be lalled Btoady. Kxporl ew( !. are worth from $.'1,00 to $n no i>er cwt, l,amba sell al DATE OFFICIALLY FIXED. Notification That Coronation Will Take Place August 9. A London despatch sn.ys: An offi- cial noli Ileal Ion was i.ssued Friday morning that by the King's rom- niaiiil the corimatlon pf King Kil- wurd and tiueen Alexandra will luko place August ?•. Rehearsals of tho lirocesslon from lUicklngham I'alace to Westminster Abbey were held on Friday morning and tho oMlcials of tho various State departments c<ui- rerned In tho Abbey cereiiion.v nro again busy with lueparalloiiH for too crowning. The llritisli West Indie.s are almost on the verge of rebellion on account of the siugar crisis and lh(> inndi'- ipiBCy of the means olTered by the lmiH>rliil Uovornnieiit for its anie- liornliuu. A Clayton, Mi.s.s,. despatch says: William (^dy, a negro, who on Wed- nesdiiy night attempted to assault Miss Virginia Tucker, of this [ilnce, was bm-ned nt the stake at mid- ^ night. After Ody's capture by the P<\'''=* 'Or posse, a mob quickly formed andi"^""! ""'' took charge of the prisi>ner. He was brought before Miss Tucker, who positively identillcd him. although he n.ssertod innocence. Ody was taken to a spot in the country near the scene of the assault, and a boa An Ottawa des|)alch says: The ag- gregate of Canada's foreign trado for the year ending June 30th is S4 1-1, .517, 858, an increase of SHO,- S27,f>7!l over last your. The im- consumptiou. including bullion. nmouuted to $::o2.7!ll..5!1.'>. ctiniparod with 5181,- 122.">,;i85 in 11»1>1. The value of dutiable goods was SI 18.(>.'>T.496, us against S105,9.">S.r)8."> in the previous year. The value of tho free goods ini- fire wiis built about a tn-e. He was 'I'oi ted was $77.8-'2.G<)l. as roni- .securcly bound, oil wns poured over^Pu'e'l with §71 .7L'l),.. U) in 18iil, his clothing, aiul in a short |>eriad only his cluiriod bones marked spot of o.xecution. the END OF MR, DE BARRY. riie total exi>orts were $illl.72i>,- r>6!l. In IWl they were 5 1 '.»»•, 1S7.- fi;i2. (>ur exports of domo--<tic pro- duce alone amounted to Sli't>,ll>5.- 240. and increase ot Sli>.;Ui6,048 over t!)l>l. SUGAR-BEET CROP. The Various Test Plots Are Look- ing Well. A despatch from Toronto Says: Prof. Robert Harcourt. of Cuelph, who is in charge of tlie sugar-beet experiments throughout the pro- vince, gives some facts concerning them. The plots are located at St. Catharines. Brantford, Brussels, Markham. Orangevillo and (iuelph. The weather has not been particu- la.'ly favorable to beots this season, but except in a few cases where the lands have been too wet tho crop is looking fine. Owing to tho fact that a largo acreage of beets was sown this year to supply the factories now building at Berlin, Wallaceburg, Oivsden and Wiarton. the value of the beet crop to the farmer will be accurately as- certained, but in the meantime Prof irarcourt believes that the crop will prove a most profitable one. Last year the average yield in the \>lots was over 17 tons to the acre. This in l,"i dillerent parts of the luovinci at §1 iH>r ton means S68. The co.hI of production, including rent, .seed, and labor, has been put at S^^IO pel acre, leaving a good margin of pro- fit. Another very important indu» try will also ari.so in the fe*><liug ol cattle on the pulp left after the sac- charine matter has liceii extracted from the beets. Twenty factories ol the si/e ot tho.se erected this yeat will be roquireil to furnish Canada with sugar, so thnt there seems good ri>om for development of the cntor- prise. The ligures are: Ofincious Immigrant Inspector Gets 'pin- mines His Walking Ticket. 'piio li.sheries A Washington despatch says; IJl>-i'!''"' '7'^"'*^ ; â- â- â€¢ ) on the roconunemlation of Coimui.s- t -^ """"'•'* ""«' tholr pro- sioiior-Goiieral Surgont, of the im- I "".'" migration service, the .Secretary of Agriculturo the Treasury has dismissed J. It. He Manufactures Ilarr.v, immigration inspector sta- tioned at lUiftalo, N, V. There were several charges against He Harry, tho principal one of which I AU.scellnncous .SiH.!> 17,574 . 14.or.9.O70 . .'Ja,ll!>,42>J . .'>9,24r>.4;i:i . H7.2.18.165 . 18. 402, (Kill !12.5t)i> The Russian t!overiunent has sub- mitted a propo.sal by the Impi-rinl was ungentlenianly conduct towards ! Government for an lntornHti«»nal ladles tia\eliiig between Canada and j i-ouforence to ileal with trusrt.s, the United States. « W. T. U. Preston. ncromi>nni»l by U> or lis editors of loailiiig old c.nin- Iry newspapers, will visit Canada uaxl month. Berlin exi>ects Its flro brigade to perform a variety *>f duties, Tho men havo just been called out to hive 'vveral swarms of bees which had e e»HH!d from tholt owners. REAIOUNT STATIONS. Ofhcers Say They Will Be Estab lished in Canada. A Montreal despatch su.vs; Ma- jor Rowe. one of the Hritish armj remount officers, who has jurt left •for home. states thnt the Rritish (lovernment will establish army re- 'mount stations throughout Canada, jThe numlK'r of horses secured in i Camilla throughout the war was 16,- t>iHi. some ol the best of which canM from the Northwest, while lots ol good ones came from the Maritinn Provinces, The stations would b« of great benefit to horse bri>eilers It spreading the knowledge of tho bosi breeds for oriuy purposes. «

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