Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jul 1902, p. 4

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JULY 24 1902 THE FLESH E TON ACVAMCE mit0imtm*mmmg at>am m-m^. I F, T. HILL & CO. I Trimmed flillinery Half=price Ladies' Sailors Half=price. Nearly (ifty very pretiy li.its aud l>otiiieta, tluH seasons most upto-dato creations, go on Hale this week at half price. Also uliuut one liundred and fifty sailors at Imlf price. First comers get best choice . "â- â- ''â-  2.-.0 YDS. SILK VEILING 10 ct«. Two humlitd ft)icl fifty yiirds beautiful Silk veilingi reproseiitiiij,' soii'o of our best Belling linos, that have I)ct>n piicud nil season at 16, 20, and 26 cts., all on sale this wi'i'k per yard 10 126 BUNCHES FLOWEUS, EACH fie. Several boxes of beautiful Flowers tliat we'd rather sacritice than carry into another season's business. Many of these are priced at 25 and 35 cts , but to make selliiiy particularly brisk, we mark them all at one price, per bunch 5 000 TAKDS 10 CENT FLANNELETTES, THIS WEEK 8 cts. 10 pieces c.\aa heavy almost yard wide fluiinalette, have been placed on sale this week, TliLs is a line we can lliurouLjhlyiecoinmeiid to keep Its color iiiul give perfectly satisfactory wear. Special price per yard 8 2:i *.25o MOLESKIN AT 18 and 20c. .lust a few piecesâ€" probably 75 yards â€" best pattern heavy moleskin go on sale this week. This makes excellent .smocks and overalls foi harvest wear, bein" si'ft and pliable, and there's no line of cotton noods that will LMjual it at the price. Two lines Bpecial per yard 18 cts. and 20 lOo AMERICAN GINGHAM 7c.' Nearly one thousand yards lovely fast-colored Ameri- can Ginfihms. We consider ourselves as being particularly fortunate in securinf; these very desireable KOods, which this season have been very scarce. There is probably no other line of goods of etjual weight that will at all approach them for wear. Per yard 7 DRESS TRIMMINGS ALMOST GIVEN AWAY Hundreds (f yards Braids, Gimps, Jots, etc , linos worth lOc. 12ic, loc and upwards, all at one price per yard on special »ale this week 6 DINNER SETTS 10 absolutuly new pattern semi-porcelain Dinner Sets, the best (|ualilie.s and most up-to-date {joods we've ever secured. Set includes 4 doz. plates, each $11. Other new lines per set 7,75 TEA SETS. 8 beautiful printed stone tea sets, cle.ir white wear in newest printed designs. In most retail stores these uoods would bo marked 3.75, hero you can have your choice for 2.90 200 OOZEN FUUIT JARS at right priopsâ€" the heaviest and best glass that money can buy. HAI^DVi^iLI^E SCYTHES, SNAITHS, RAKES, FORKS Pure Paris Green. 100 lbs. best quality, Kuaranteed pure, per pound 25 Get our i>riccH on all lilies of Hardware â€" scores of people have done so and have saved money. Why not you ? F, T. HI LL & CO ^i^^^i^^^^ei-*- Wliile every town it] this county is advocating its claims for the coming houao of industry, Fk-sliei ton should certainiy not kcop in tlic background. We have here claims move valid than 90 per cent, of tlioeo oflcred, aud cou- veiiieuce of location is the inaiu thing. A minimum of cost in carrying in- mates to and from should certainly bo cousidered. We have four of the principal highways cculeriug{boreaud arc on the line of railway running from end to end of llie county, while a property can bo got as cheap aud probably chtapcr than at any other point. Four of the largest aud most iutercsted towuBhips lie within eight miles of thia spot. All these things should weigh strongly with the com- mittee when it comes to select a site. We have not becu tumbling over oiu'- ijelvfcs here to get tlio institution, but at the same tune think our claims are so strong that the gentlemen compos- ing the commi.ssion will take us into ilieir most fivovable consideration. Economical Pork Production for pasturing pi<;s,rape<iuito easily stands] Fust, riie principal points in favor are : (1) its quick gro«th, (2) its wide range, as it grows ivell on almost any kind of land, (3) its long season, as it may be sown as late ;is September and still do fairly well, (4) its evident palatiibihty, as the pigs eat it greedily, and (u) il? i,'ood (dfect upon the ([ualiiy of the bacon, producing as it does, almost invariably a good tirm carcass. Uapo may be expected to be lit for pasture from () to 8 weeks from date of 8t)wing It should bo .sown ubiHit 2-1 inches apart, since when so grown it gives iho greatest return per acre, as is best adopted for pasturin;,'. It should bo sown fairly thickly in the rows, say, three lbs. of seed per acre. An acre may be expected to carry from 20 to 40 iiigs through a season, depending on the season and the condition of the crop when the pins .ire turuod in. i 4 cans Peas Vetchesâ€" Vetches also are valuable as 4 cans Corn forage for swine, and may bo, under ex- ?, "'"* Tcnat'iBS ^ , ,./. , , ,, (1 lbs. Japan Tea ceptional conditions, sown late in "'e'filhs Black Tea season. Especially in Ibis true of the | Vinegar, gallon bairy vetch, whi.-h species has the; 3 cans ijood Salmon W. HOCKLEY I*r»otonL - I^roton. manted 2000 lbs Butter at 17ct8 per lb. 2 tons of Wool required at Ki'jts. 1000 dozen Eags at .... 13c doz. These are bona fide oft'ers and will .stand good for the next two weeks. Our stock is oomplote in every line car- ried in a general store, including Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, etc., and we are to the front with a new slock of Ileadymado Clothin" just arrived at lutv juices. Also a a large assortiuent of Crockery, Dishes and (jl!a.s.swaie. IL.OOK: X 26c. 26c. 25c. «100 $1.00 28c. 25c. 7c. Fialted Wheat, Peas and Rico 79o. Ladies' Blouses 34)e. Summer Cursets 26c. ( Boys' Long Boots 75c. mtndsor Salt for Saie* Full assortment of Wall Paper in stock W. HOCKLEY. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Tako I.axatlvo ni-omo Quiuino Tablets. All drut^tjiHta rortuul ihu luouuy If It (Ails to cure W £.Urovu'9 signature IH ou each box 2So peculiar (jualily of growing up again after liaving been cut o£f or eaten down. Oatsâ€" Probably no green crop will give Ladies' Wrapjiors a better return in pork than oats. They ^^ ii'ch Muslin per yaid. 8c. , ' ... Men s (Jve.ralls ;i9c. may be sown late or early in the season it Cnish Toweliui; . 4c. the rate of 5 to G bushels to Iho acre and 3G inch Shaker i>c. the pi({S turned on about a month after they germinate. Tho fault of this crop i that it lasts only a short time, as it does! Hot seem to he able to recover when once eaten down. Artichokes -Another crop of greai value for pork production is the artichoke. It should be sown late in tho fall or very early in the sprin,?. The pigs may be nlliiwrd to feed on it in Octebor and tho early spring. They will do tho harvesting I themselves. This is a ni'Mt exoellcnt crop for bi'ood sows in spring and autumn. j Almost all varieties of juicy forage crops are suitable for pork production, the Sditj mentioned above boinu probably the best for Canada. The i|uebtioii as to the advi.sability of allowing pigs to graze, or shutting in a small pen and feeding them tho gruw.dia's not soem to have been jiostivcly settled yot. for while ^'reater daily jjaini may be expected whore animals are kept in close quaiters, thero is alivays ihu item of extra labor for cutting and catr.ying the forugo Another itun of importance to tho I feeder is the coiniwrtive economy of [winter niid tiimmier feeding of pins. . , • i_ rr i According to inri..iiH expe.itnents lie.e. Other, ahd iiltimaldy both Suffer. I roicntly, poik may be priKhiced at about We use modem appliances, and the 1 81. (K) per lumdred poniidK, live weight, greatest care to avoid a misfit. jle«sco.t in ..iminer than winter 1 ^ ^.^j.^ ^^^,,j ^^^ yOUr eyCS and { 1 lili Reems to be due to less coat of^roen 111 the p;ist some (d)jections have been laisid by the paikers ro the use of forage plants and roots for pork production, but the light of recent experiments would 8eemto»h<w their fears or oVjoctions gnmndle.sH ; in fact, the good influence of a considerable propiir'ion of green feed or roots in the lalioiiof a jug can scarcely ho overeatinmlcd. It has long been known that skim milk has n most lieneQcial in- fluence upon tho thrift of the piirkerH.and quality of the ])(>rk,evon when the amount fed' fiiriim only a small pait of the ration. Urueii feed Olid runts seom in n largo measure to be capable of supplementinK the now, in view of tho tremendous ox- pansiun in the Canadian bacon industry, quite inadcijiiiitc supply i\ dairy by-pro- ducts, for ui.n ill \\^ feeding. Tho farmer whosii coiidilloiis permit njay go uvcii further than t<i u^iu forage plants a« n Huppli'iiientary food. Ilii may even make them the chief item i>£ his pig feed if lio '\» careful to use a good proportion of UiMtn, (oatd, iiinsu and bailey,) during the lait month of the feediuK peri«id. As the leason is rather far advanced for au e.xiiaiulive di.<cussi»ii of forage cro)i8 suitable for the purpose, I sbivll conhne my rtnmrks to KiU'h as sie still season- able. Cloterâ€" probably no crop la beltvr i - ".. „â-  „.â„¢. ,..„.„.,.. , •dnptod to young pigs tlian clover, and, a f"»"l. '«< w^" »»•<> lew temperature, which i ^"'^ reputa lon. bii of clover stubble u»e»l f.-r tliis purp. se , "m"' 1^° ovorcaine by f.K)d or by aitificlal' Stt , A. ArmfttPOng, will give <ory g'!oi ruturiii. So far »• ''W*- 1 our eiperimcnt-i go, li.e pork so produced "' ^^ A^riotdt j.t^ "^^ ^""^ " '^ ** ** OPTIOlA ^ of kixkI quslity. Oeni.nil Kxperimentsl F*rni 4U^ie - <Jf all (Im cro^M usoJ hern tn Us \ Ottawa, Out. FLCSH ERTOM< One eye at a time That's the way we test. Usually the eyes differ in sight. A glass which suits one injures the Bovd^r^icklitig^^ % ♦ FLKSlHEPtTOM nn.LliNERY = DEPARTMENT. Reduced Prices on Ladies' Sailors Ladies' Walking Hats Children's Straws Trimmed Miilinery Three Boot S p ecials at Sioo 30 pairs Women'.s Glovo Grain Biilmorals â€" Riveted sole â€" solid iusole â€" liigli cut, Sizes 3 to 7. Eegiilar $1.25 $K00 30 pairs Men's Fine Buil' Balmorals â€" Whole foxed â€" medium last â€" new toe â€" riveted sole â€" lined. Sizes 6 to 11. llegular $1.50 $1*00 30 pairs Men's Harvest Boots â€" Tan foxed â€" bellows tongue â€" solid leather â€" light, cool and durable â€" just right for haying aiul harvest. Sizes 6 to 11. Regular igl.25 $1*00 Dollar Parasol for 65c. A sample lot of Ladies' Parasols, full size.nice assortment fancy handles, reliable black covers. Regular Dollar Hne 65C 25c Girls' Silk Lace Mitts ^ and Gloves for 10c i^ 48 pairs Girls Lace Mitts and Lisle Thread Glovesâ€" Sizes 3 to 6- new goodsâ€" guarauteed perfect in every respect â€" colors tan, lawn, brown aud grey Regular 25e, 10c $1.35 and $1.00 Corsets for 75c We have too many small sizes of good makes of regular $1.00 and $1.25 Long Waist Corsets â€" they are perfect goods, size 19 and under â€" while they last we'll them at 75C Specials in Ladies' Vests and Corset Covers Ladies White Ribbed Cotton Uudervests,light weightâ€" full sizes â€" short sleeves. Keg- ular 10c. 4 for .'. 25C Ladies' Corset Coversâ€" sizes 32 to 38 â€" fine Avhite cambric,nicely finished.special 2 for 25C Ladies' Corset Covers â€" assorted sizes â€" fine white cambric- -trimmed nice embroi- dery- --nicely finished. Regular 25c., 3 for 50C KARIDlH^i^RE: DEI»'T liiay Kakcs Scythes Snaths niaCiDne Oil (Kreatn t^eparator Oil Prepared Paints Uarnisbes Dry Colors Boiled Oils Kaw Oil Curpcntine CvGri/thtnff i^easonabie and Seasonable. NOVELTins IN CHINA AND GLASSWARE. New Dinner Setts New Lenioiuale Setts New Tea Setts New Fancy Glassware New Toilet Setts New Fancy China Boyd»l^icklitig&0o*

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