Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jul 1902, p. 5

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T UL F r. JE S II E K T N A L> V^ A N C E JULY 21 1902 tt)etbodi$t = €^burcl)» TUsberton i'ASrO R- Iv'e r. J ?3. I v ison Wilson Scrvice*»Sur»cle>y 1 1 a.m.fle '7 p. m Butijtcts for next Sabbathâ€" MorniD'^â€" Qui\rtorly raeeiing â€" sorvicc at 10:iO. Bvon;ns{â€" Monthly soAg service â€" Sacred ily runs and Hyinnists. Srrvieeat Ceylon at 3 p. m. Baptist- Ctiurciri, Flesl:\ertori Praacl\er. Rev. R. CooKe. Sorvice Sunday moraing at 11 o'clock Subject for next Sabbath: la char:<e of Rev. J. Stafford, M.A.,B.D. Vicinity Chips Characteristics of tlie Past H cck Carefully Culled for the furious »-" ' Fn-sh 'ime-alwaya on hand. J. H. Ducketl, Eugenia. rtousek^seper wanted, miiMle aged Apply at tliU office for particuKiis. C>i?.- and 3-oios. calf for-sale. A; ply to Oe<\ Burritt, tailor, Flesh'^i tjR. A uiimbtT of the Fleahe r'on F'lrrfsters dri'Ve over to Dundalk on Sunday to at- li>nd a special service. Mr. E. Vanxaiit of Torontu erected a hin«lsome granite monument in the cem- «toTy here to the memory of the late Peter Holniat', Money lost â€" A sum of money iu Fleah- ertun on Thursday, July 10. Finder will conffr a favor by comnuinicating with this office. Xotico to correspondents â€" Please seal all letters iu future and see that the en- velope contains 2 cents iu atampa. The new rate is two cents fir four ouncesi. Stayiier had a costly lire recently which would foot up to nearly §12,000. The buildings burned wtre the Grand Trunk railway station, sheds and two box cars. The origin of the tire is a mystery. Money to Loan â€" At 4i lo 4J per cent Expenses low. Also a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale cheap, .-^pply to Geo. Rutherford, Shcl- burno, or DundalK office Saturday after- noon. The smallpox outbreak in Osprey has now been thoroughly clfftned up and everyone breathes more freely. Dr. Softley, who has been quarantine*! with the patients, is now ofl duty, and all are freo to go and come as they choose. Birdsey â€" H'^rrison â€" At the residence of the bride's parents, Pt-nysburg, N. Y.' on Jidy ICth by the Rev. J. Ulelland, Bert K. Birdsey of Silver Creek, N. Y., t > Nellio.second daughter of A'atd Harri- son, late of Arteniesia township. Among those who took in the Jiiagara excui-sion last week were Mr. and Mro. Mark Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Arm- strong, Mrs. John Wright, jr., Miss Clinton, Mr. Georse Mitchell and four children, and Mr. T. Clayton. The ex- cursion party from the Sound was a Ltrge one. Ic« cxeam parlors â€" Miss Crossley at Sproule.Crossley & Co. will serveicecream, eti'aw berries ami cream, lemonade and soft drinks durin!{ the season, Wednesday and Saturday evenings. One door east of confectionery and fruit store, Sproule's block, Flesherti>n. Mr. M. Richardson, who visited the Masonic grand lodce at Windsor last week, informs llie Advance that crops throush- fut southern Ontario are looking grand. Mr. Richardson 8!>ys he never saw better prospects for good crops than are to be seen along the section from Hamilton to Windsor. A log barn belonging to Mr. Join Elliott of the lOlh con., Osprey, was struck by lightning on Satutday last and barncd to the ground. Thro« head of live stock which were in the building were burned. The frame barn slauding near by was providentially saved. The new Sun cement company of Owen Sound began operations hst week. With four or live large concerns lilve these opar- atiiig in this county cement should be- come so cheap that even Flesherton will be able to afford cement sidewalks. County Commissioner Preston passetl through t'>wn on Tuesday to attend the equalization of asstrssment meet irg before the jud'^e in Owen Sound. Mr. FYe^ton thinks there is a disposition in th<) north of the ci>«nty to raise the assessment cf Osprey, Artcmesia and Proton. We be- lieve these townships will make % % rvnuoiM fiftht sgaios' suqh • etv^ Campbelton Hero to the Front Than famoas Clydetdale stalli.Hi the ilaxwell Company have will stand for mares at Maxwell \\<aA for season 1902 at $10 IW. Is one of the areatest stock getters in the country, which ia proven! by hia stock. G. R. GL VSSFORD. 29a. Mr. James Lyness uf Stone's Settle- meiit recently erected what is probably the finest bam in this section of country. It dimensions are, main section 50 x 72, with »n L 40 X 42. The building was erected hy block and t.ackle in 4i days. The framet was Mr.W. Banks of Glenelg. The Advance has jutt completed and delivered to Secretary Sproule the East Grey prize lists which have by this tiuio probably reached all membpis of the society. Those who have not received one can secure it by applying to the secre- tary. The book comprises .12 pages and 10<}0 copies were printed. Horse Breeders, Attention ! Having purchased the famous young OlydHsdale stal'ion, Hcnrur Bonnd, from Mr Wm. MeCUins, Eufhrns a, I ^ive nol.ct; to pa; ties having luiircs to breed that l.e will s'aii I at my sti-.Mis lot No. 21, con. 10, Aitemesiii, f'U' .'service the batance of this syn:raer His c l"r is dark buy with one white hind .-ind I'tio fure foot, with star in f<Teht-:id. He his prnven to be a vtry sure foal getier, and the 10 or 12 spring colts from him are of superior quality and all will be about the same color as himself. He was 3 years old last 23rd May. Terms:â€" To insure, f8 00, with reduction enough to p.'iy paities time comirifj a distance. Inspection invited. Pedigree on application. JOSEPH BUCHAJhAN. PERSONAL Mrs. Fred Hiekling is visiting friends in Toronto and other points. Miss Buttio Leg.ird of Toronto is visit- ing her brother, Jlr. Etl. Legard of thi? place. Miss Linda Ftesher of Barrie is the guest of Miss Flossie Thurston. Rev. Dr. Walters of Hamilton spen": a few days last wtek with the family of Mr. and Mrs. J. Runstadtler. Miss Mamie Egan is the guest this week of her sister, Mrs. J. Ruustadtler. Miss Ella Osborn, teacher, Sprucedalc, spent r. few d.iys wiih her sister, .Mrs. W. J. Bellamy, this week. Mr. and Mrs. George \V ickens of Tor- onto are suesfs of the former's parents here. Dr. E. Kemlall Riehards-.^n of Toronto spent Sunday at the parental home, re- turning Monday nwrning. Postmaster Sproule was unable to got away last week on his proposed trip to Manitob-iaad the Northwes^. lie will go later on. Master Bert Hard of Toronto is spend- ing his Holidays with the family of Mr. W, P- Crossley. Mr. A. R. Fawcctt of Toronto Junction is taking a two-weeks rest from editorial dutifsand putting in the lime with friends hero and elsewhere in the county. Miss Kita Small returneil from New Y'ork by way of Vermont. She was ac- companied by her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Biirrett of the latter place._^ Mrs. Barrett's many friends were pleised to see her back again. Good horse rake for sale. Almost new. Apply to W. A. Armstrong, Flesherton. A Qood Quarter Dollar's Worth Is contained in a bottle of Poison's Nor- vilino, which cures R-heumatisin, Neural- gia, Sciatica, Toothache, Headache, Cramp.s Sick SNimaoli and Indigestion. Mothers find Norvilino is first class lini- ment for children's sore throat, hoarse- ness, cold in the cheat, and taken in hot water befoie retiring is a splendid remedy for C"ld». Don't bo without Nerviline ; it is the most econi>iT.icitl, potent and reli'ilile household liniment made, and cojts oul,' 25c The directors of Coliingwood libraiy,tii whiih Mr. Carnegie promised to give about J2O,0OO, are waiting patiently for something to turn up. The tenders re- ceivotl for the erection of the library are considered to be very high and the board wrote to Mr. Carnegie about the m.-itter early in June. .\ndy hits been so busy with other matters that he has not had time to reply and, of course, the Colling- wood people are getting very anxious, some so much so that they are afraid Audy will go back on his promise. The truth of the old adage, " Bejfgars cannot be chj(seis^''is being exemplilieH.1 to ihesv I >»^sfa«tion.^Stirlbarae Free Preas. Pleasant Cure fcr 'SVeak Lungs The best remedy for s<>re, weak lungs, i« the soothing v.ipur of Catarrhozone wiiich traverses every air cell and passage of the breathing organs. It treats remote parts that coui^h mixtures and sprays can't approach, and kills thousai^da of geriiia at every breath. Catarrhozone drives away pain, congestion and inSam- mation ; it makes breathing; easy and re<;ular, and exerts a marvelous induence on Cough's CoUU, Sore Throat, Bron- chitis, Catarrh, Deafness, and Lung Trouble. Catarrhozone cures at once, is deliuhlful to inhale and simple to aa». Price ?1 : small size 25c. Druggists, or Poison >!^ Co., Kingston, Out. A Sunday school superintendent, in talking to the children about cruelty to aniiiuls, said: " Only a coward would abuse a creature that had no way of pro- tecting its«;lf. VVby, children, " said he, "I once knew a little boy •^Fho cut off a calf's tail! Think of it, children â€" took a knife and cut the tail right ofif! Can any- one tell me a verse in the bible that would have taught this cruel boy that he should not have cut off the calf's tail?" After a inonieot's silence, a small boy with a "happy-tkought" expression held up his hiind. " What is it. my boyf asked the superinEendenc, hopefully. "What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder," rfsponded the small boy. The superintendent was so impressed that he neier brought his own verse to light. â€" Harper's Magazine. The Markets. Carefuliv Correr ed Each Week Oatb 38 -o 38 Peas 77 o 77 Barley 45 to 48 Butter 16 Co 16 Eugs fresh 13 '.o 13 Pork 7 25 to 7 25 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Potatoes bag 45 to 50 For Sale or Rent. For sale c-r to rent for a term of yoargâ€" two .lots on the corner of Pecer ami Elizabeth street. Flosherton oa which are ercctad a good brick dwcllitig Uouse.fraiue baru aud stables, toe;tiCher with other out buil(liDt;3 : also good orcbird of api'lep. pearstcherries aud smaU fruit? ; oocupi- odfor the last flyo yuora a.a a Presbyterian manse. Apvlv to Mrs. Sykks, FlesUeilouP. O. Flesherton, Jaly 21. lae Ya^lual^le F3 r xxi in the Township of Artemesia FOR 5ALE BY TENDER Soaled tenders will be recoivod by the execu- tors of the last will and testameut of Alexandf r McPheisou, deceased, up to the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on Friday, Augii.st '^ud, A.D. 190*2, for the purchas*3 of lot'i sixteea (\G), seventeen U7t aud eit;Ut«eD \lS)i in tlie third concosyion Dorch of the Durham Koad in tbo towusbip of Arteoiesia in the county of Grey, eontaiuing one hundred aud fifty acres more or less. This propercy is the farm owned by the late Alexander McPbersou. deceased; aud is situate in'an excellent locality about 1^ a>i!es from Flesherton Station and '2J miles trcui the village of Prioeville. Upon thepretnisos aro a frame bouso 20 x 56 wi%\\ btoue cellar; also a frame barn iox70 with stuno foundation aud stibbles beneath. There are two roo^I walls on the premises. About seveuty-five 'icres aio cleared, aud of the balance lifteou ^ces are in good hardwood bush. There i^ also a considerable quautity of cedar iu tlie bush on the preuiiset}. CONDinOKSOP SALE. The Vendors will produce a Registrars Ab- struct ouly, and such deeds or documeuts of ' tide as aie iu their possession. No tender necessarily accepted. TKUMS OFSaLF. Ten per cent, of bbe pprohase money is to be piid upon the eujceptauco of the tender aud the balance in thirty days thereafter without in- ttiedt. The tenders are to be addrei>sed to Noil Mc^ Caniiel, t*ucevillo, V. o..or Uuucan Miiir. Cey- lon P.O.. (executors of the will of Alexander McFbors^ou. deceased) from whom further par* ticuUis inav heubtainod. Dated July Uth. VJOSJ. LVCaS. WHIGHT a ^rcARDLE, Vendors Solicitors, Oweu Sound. Cbc Flesherton • • I^arness ♦ • emporium ? ? ? IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS. All kinds and prices Whips and lashes Trunks and Valices, cvmibs and brushes. tSweatpad* and o»illar pads. Axle Grease, Hoof Ointment and Gall Cure, BitU aud Snaps, Buggy Dusters and all styles aud prices. Rubber Rugs. Woollen Uug«, Harn-.-ss Polish and Metal Polish and Everything in our line. I he New Postal Rates The following are the new postal rates which cauie into force on the first cf the present month : 1 â€" Legal and commercial papers and alj matter either wholly or partially in writ ing, (except matter mentioned in next Section) 2c. for one ounce or fraction thereof. 2â€" On manuscript of books and news- papers, also on Dominion and Pnjvincial and Municipal document, the rate is 2c. for the first four ounces, and Ic for each additional 2 ounces or fraction thereof. 3 â€" Printed matter including books, cir- calrrs, pamphlets, catalogues, etc., Ic for each ounce or fraction thereof. -I â€" On maps, prints, drawings, plana (without speeiticatious, sheet music, visit- ing cards (not written), printed forms (without writing of any kind), botanical, etonK)logical,and mineralogical hpecimans, the rate is 2c. for first four ounces, and Ic, for each additional 2 ounces or frac- tion thereof. 5â€" Seeds, cuttings (not cut tlowets), bulbs, roots, grafts, patterns and samples of merchandise, 2 cents f<ir first four ounces and one cent for each additional 2 ounces or friction thereof. 6â€" Merchandise and miscellanoua mat- ter in general, including stationery and blank books, dry goods, groceries, hard- ware, etc., 2 cents for two ounces or frac- tion thereof. FARM FOR SALE Only $1800, 8500, baUnce easy terms intereat o%, KW acre.., 75 cleareit and under culrivation, builanco half ctdar swamp and half mixed hardwood. Com- fortable frame dwelling, frame ptst bara half milf fiom giM)d school and 3 miles from vill.tgtf of Eu,'enia. Apply to R. J. Sprouie, E'leahe, ton. Ol. Itloore = Flesherton ?%^ BO YEARS' ^n?iilT iiso»rtAif) var oirtnl-n fr\*v w*r**t»cr na *ttv*'"nk'n t* T'roh.'M.iT pr-l^n'ahlek Co»i>nm:ttr»*. «:>:»»'• .-•ciWcx'tM'.iTCAl. INii'iNN'kt.a INtenv -M :• .'.-. 'X ?^t av?.T^ jo» •-'".Ki-.jT "at«nt^ rtitouii t^k»'ii tiiroQifh .M.inn .> _ -.v ro:»!'*JT» tpt-.^ti tx •â- :,â- ,'. *â-  >"dt «i^2^», .:»l^e Sckntillc Jjtiiericaij. A S-,K»l»,-t'«.aT inii5*r«tt^1 w,^Wt. I a'^wt (i» ^^tic-a of %i\r Bw'<enci:t« }rtni«:»l. V*inm, M % *"ur montts. ft Sold by all n«-.Tii4l''»lark FALL TERM At the Oweu Sound, Out. Commences Monday .Sept, i, ipoa In a few mouths, ah ihis institu- tion, you can obtain ihe very best tnuuing in Business Subjets or Shorthand and Typewriting thiit can be had. .\nnouncenient 19(X3-iyO.'i sent on applioatitm. Address 0. H. Tleming, « Prin. â-  10 mis Iu the matter of tbo estate of Ah-ianJer ifcPberson, Jate of Bhe Township of Artemesia ia thff County of Grey. Faraier. deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the 'lie- vised Statutes of Ontario," IS97. chapter liS. that all creditors and ochers having claims against the estate of the said Alexander ilc- PhersOQ, who died oa or about the sixth day of April, A.D-, I'JOa, are re<iuired on or beforo the- fourth day of Auj,'upc, lUOJ to aeud by post, pre- paid or deJiver.ito Neil MeCanneU, Prieeville P- 0.. orDtmcaa Muir, PriceviUeP. o.. eseoators of the last will and Tbatamenc cf the said de- ceased, their Chrititiaa and surnumes.addresse'i aud descriptions, and full particulars of their claims, the ^itatenient of their accounts aud the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such meDtioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased anions the parties entitled thereto, havingregard only to th 8 claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said ei^eoutors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or i>ersons of whose claim, notice shall DOC have been received by them ac the tiuie of such diatribuciou. Dated the 30th day of June. A. D., 1903. LUCaS. WhlGHT iu McAKDLE, Solicitors for the Executors, Owen Sound, Ont. ilClllNG m\. â€" FOR â€" Lumber, Lath, Shingles, , ;,.>. . . ..f -â-  ,- â- ---, ,- â-  - ;v, .-.n Flooring. â-  We have just placed in position a wtit planer and matcher and are prepared to furnish building material in all the above liotes. Get our nuotacions when you want anything. Hiekling Bros. 3ch Con., -irlemesia â€" Maxwell P. 0. 10 July, '02 r»*r : f "ur mc ^\ m (»> I!* 9} I) (»> ••^•-'•35-S-^.'3-i5-^-'S-'5'I5''5^^^-i5-«»-^-«'--»>.».«5-. ** c* X Sbepp ard Flestierton « Eugenia We start our tifth years business in Flesherton this month and take this opportunity ofthaukiu^ our customers and public generally for the liberal patron- age given us lUu-ing the past four years whieh has been a gradual iinprovemeni every year and we are looking forward to making this year just entered eclipse all others. We hope to be in a better position than ever to serve your want, which we will try and do to the best of our ability. : * ' . August give you good We will until the firsc of reductions iu all lines for eash or U^ade, when we will Ity selling for cash or trade he able to do better than ever for the cash customei-s. UM oC/nes We have a good many odd lines that we wUl give special retluction to clear out as we want to get our sttK-k in good shape to make room for fall stock as we expect to have a lai-ger stock this fall than ever before. We invite every lady to call and get a fashion sheet which we give away to anyone calling. We in>-fteall who have never done business with us to call and see what we can do for you as we al- ways have something special to show you and which we will be pleased to show. ?^/c Want 2/our Vrade And if good Goo<ls and right Prices can secure it we we will have it. We are paying the highest price For all kinds of produce T. J. SHEPPARD ..^ .^..Co,"'»'-*^'NewiQri ar»3'a& 0<«o» 891 r 9t_ WmMikkmi. U \^ ^/ \v in w \»/ -^ Of \y Of Of iii iXt \b iHt ib itt iH \k lb iXi \b \^ \» Of Or

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