Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Aug 1902, p. 2

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Don't Worry ! AiK for tHe Octaifoxk Bar. JONESTLY PACKED FRUIT ?BINCIPA1L SECTIONS OF FRUIT MAHKS ACT. THE Vhat the Act Heans and How It Operatesâ€" Easy to Under- stand. A/ter the rarliameiit of Canada •assed the Fruit Marks Act in 1901, iie Minister of Agriculture directed Jiul every opportunity sliould be ifForded the fruit growers and pack- rrs of tlie Dominion to meet its re- luiremeiil.s and to fulfil "their obliga- Uoiis to the public; unci for a year the work of the departuient in this fesjiect Was inforniatioual and edii- jational. This year some luneud- meiils wore made to the Act as or- iginally pa.ssed, and to-<lay tlie Act In .ill its provisions is "as plain as a pike stalT," and every clause of it go Himple that "he who runs way read." No fanner, or fruit grower, or packer who is honest in his en- fleavors and slraiglitforward in his trading need fear any of its clauses, the Act is being enforced, and 'the InspoCiPiB ai)pointod to execute its re(|uiremehts have been instructed to do their duty. Tlicy are the ser- vants of the crown; PaTliiiment has tle.'iniiely pronounced Its judgment upon the false and fraudulent pack- lug and marking of fruit consign- ments: and these men liave been sc- locle<l to carry out the regulations placed on the statute bonk for the purpo.so of protecting honest trad- ers from unprincipled dealers, and 9f preserving Inviolate the fair com- mercial fiune of Canada from un- jcrupulous packers. In other words, Ihe Act will ensure to the public of the Doniiuion and lo commission igents and the public generally in Breat Britain and elsewhere that the fruit is correctly marked and HONESTLY PACKRD. The principal sections of the Act >re; Section 4. Every person who, by Mniself or through the agency of an- plher person, packs fruit in a clos- |d pncltBge, intended for sale, shall laii.se the package to be marked in a jlain und indelible manner, before It is taken from the premi.ses where it is packed. fa) With the initials of his Chris- lian nuiues, and his full surname and iddress. (b) With the name of the variety (r v;irii'ties; and (c) With a designation of the jrade of fruit, which .vhall include jnc of the following n\x marks: For liiit, of the first ciualit.v. No. 1. or JXX: for fruit of the second qual- Hy, No. 2, or XX; and for frtiit of llie third ([Uality, No. U. or X; but the said mark may lie accompanied â-ºy a'ly other designation of grade, provided that designation is not in- lonsistcnt with, or marked more :onspicuously than the one of the laid six marks which is used on the luid package. Section 5. No person shall sell, ixpress or have in his po.ssessioii for lale. any frtiit packed in a closed package and intended for sale, un- less such i>uckage is mnrked as re- quired hy the next preceding sec- tion J-'cclion 6. No person shall sell, or offer, expose or have in his posses- sion for sale any fruit pnckcil in a ciMsed package. upon which pack- age is marked any designation which rerpri'senls such fruit n» of No. 1 or XXX. (inest, host or extra good quality, unless such fruit consist of well-grown specimens of one vuriet.v. sound. of nearly uniform size, of good color for the variety, of nor- mal shape, nnd not less tlinn ninety per cent, free from scab, worm holes, bruises and other defects. an<l pro- perly packed . Section 7. No person shall sell, or offer, expose or have In his po.s.ses- sion for sale. any fruit parked in any package in which the faced or •hown surface gives a .aixw nr,--e- sentation of the contents of »uch package; and it shall be considered a. false- representation when more than fifteen per cent, of such fruit is sub.stantially smaller in size than, or inferior in grade to, or dtflcrent in variety from, the faced or shown surface of such package. Explanations of its application may bo taken thus: On packages packed or marked contrary to the provisions of the Act, Inspectors may, after notifying the packer by letter or telegram, place the words "falsely packed" or "falsely mark- ed;" and a fine of $40 may be im- posed for illegally removing THE INSPECTOU'S BHAND. It will be noticed that^only "clos- ed packages" need be mnrked. A closed package is defined to be a box or barrel, the contents of which cannot be seen , or inspected when such is closed. Boskets, berry crates, or berry boxes even, with veneer covers, are not considered "closed packages," and therefore do not rotiuiro marking. Cranberries and all wild fruit are not subject to the provisions of the Act. Merchonts are hold responsible for the fruit they offer for sale (or fruit in tlieir possession for sale), but the original wrongdoer, if found, will in every ca.se be prosecuted. The penalty for a violation of the law with i-eferonce to packing and markin;r is not less than twent.v-rive cents and not mora than one dollar per package; for removing an in- spector's brand, forty dollars; for obstructing an inspector, $25 to $500. The lines are divided etiually between the informant and the crown. Inspectors are given large powers under the Act to enter prenii.ses for the purpose of making an examina- tion and to detain shipments of fruit HAD LITTLE FAITH, HOW A DOUBTFUL MAIT WAS CONVINCED AND KESTORED A Story That Illustrates the Ad- vantage of Reading and Being Guided by Newspaper Advertise- ments. Lower Windsor, N.U., Aug. 11.â€" (Special) â€" "1 want to say that I bettevo that Dodd's Kidney Pills arei the right medicine for Kidney Trou- ble." This i.s the declaration of Mr. T. H. llclyoa, postmaster of this place, who for II long time was the victim of a very so\erc case of this ipainful disease. Mr. Holyea reads the newspapers and aft<.»r he had tried plasters, oil.'i and liniments and all kinds of ex- ternal remediirs as well as doctors' treatments, with no good rcsrults, he began reading the testimonials of I'odd's Kidney Pills. He says :â€" "This remedy was so highly re- commended for Kidney Trouble that after reading some testimonials I conchidod to try them for a short time, but 1 must admit that having tried so many things and failed to obtjiin n cure, 1 had hut little faith Ihnt Uod-cl's Kidney Pills or any- thing else could or Would help me. 'â- Mowevcr, I did not u.se them long before I found out that they were nil and more than Wn.i claimed for them. "I used to have very had spells which of lato years became so fre- cpiont nnd so severe that I was almost laid up. "I received more benefit from Podd's Kidney Pills than from any athtr medicine I have over u«ed and Ihey certaiidy made a complete cure of my ca.sc. â- I feel as well as over I did and lave not the slighte-st trace of the Kidney Trouble that bothered me for so many years." Mr. llelyea Is not the first f*eptical mnn that has been r<invinced by ex- perience of the medicinal value of Dodd's Kidney Pills. for the same purpose. The packer, however, is amply protected by the stipulation that iuunediato notice must 1,0 given by the inspector to the packer when fruit, which at all times is at the risk of the owner, is branded or detained, and tho inspec- tor who exceeds his authority is subject to A HEAVY PENALTY. The main points of this Act may be sunmiod up as follows: (1) Tho face of nil fruit pack- ages must fairly represent the fruit throughout; (2) Closed boxes and barrels must be marked with the name and address of the packer, the variety of tho fruit and its grade; (3) It is an oflence within the meaning of the Act to sell, to oiler for sale, or to have in possession for sale, frequently packed or marked fruit, even when the buyer and seller are ignorant of the fact, as well as when one or both have knowledge of the fact; (4) The Act does not prevent the packing or selling of any grade of fruit that is properly packed and mnrked; (5) The Act does not provide for the inspection of particular lots of fruit at the request of the buyer or seller. (6) Commi.ssion merchants who, after notice, handle fruit put up contrary to the provisions of the Act. will be proceeded against. (7) There is no definition of grades marked "No^. 2," "XX," "No. 3," or "X." Already the benefioial effect of this Act is being felt; and when it is fully known that dishonesty .in packing and describing Canadian fruit does not exist, an enormous impetus will be given to our fruit industry in all tho markets of the world. At pre.sent inc|uiries are be- ing made concerning tho trans-At- lantic shivments of early Canadian apples. The Department of Agricul- ture will not take an.y responsibil- ity, but through the Commisaioner of Agriculture and Dairying will as- sist in securing cool or cold storage space on ocean steamers if early in- formation be given as to the prob- able quantity, the date of shipment, and the destination desired. It will pay to .send onl.v selected apples of choice individual quality, and packed in boxes rather than in I CUnilO Extra Fin8.8took $3.50 PER BOX. The D4W80i\ COMlllSl^Ioy CO . Limitcd.,^>R0yTO. King Edward Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the >vorlcl produces* and is iold only In lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. ipaa \xx (trittkcrt try '^aUda" Green \Kk. barrels. It win be necessary to have the apples picked and packed on the green or firm side, so that they may be delivered in the United Kingdom in such a state that they may be handled with a very small percentage of bruised or decayed ones by tho retail dealers into whose hands they will go from the whole- sale centres. Department of Agriculture, Otta- wa, 1902. Minard's Llolment Cures Distemper. DOG DAY RECIPE FOR BASS. How to Catch Them at One Spot With Certainty. In the heated dog days when fly fishing is over, much exfrtion and rowing from one likely hole to an- other is work which the soul of the average mnn loathes, it is well to have a recipe tor catching bass at one spot with certainty. It muy not be spoitsmansJiip of the most exalt- ed type, but it is comfortable. Select a .spot near a shady shore, where the trees will throw a bene- ficent shade and where there i.s an approved submerged bass bar. It s.honld not he within sight of the haunts of men and prying eyes. (Mi this bar a little buoy â€" a smiall piece of board woathei^staincd so "as to te unobtrusive is best â€" is moored with a cord so as to sink a few inches beneath the surface. To this get a lad to fasten a boat every day for a week or if possible n fortnight, while he dcal.sp out into the water n.s much fish provender in the shape of chopped liver, angle wonns, gentles, dead minnows, etc., as you can furnisJi. A pint or two of cray- fish and a few suckers cut into pieces may also be distributed with great advantage. After tho first few days the lad should remain for half nn hour or so to accustom the fish to the boat. Then when the day appointed comes the master fisherman sails, drifts or quietl.v rows over to the little njoor- ed buoy near which tho lish have learned to congregate. Arriving there he throws out a few ha?idful9 of boiled bullocks' liver rubbed fine, to give the lish a relish for their coming meal. as caviare is seined around iietoro breakfast in Russia. A good-sized bunch of worms, a small gre<>n frog and a, fresh w.ater musaol are the popular baits for this time of year. The hook should be fastened to a i#.otit casting line of gut. T'l'hen a fisJi Is hooked rare " Headlight " "Eagle" IMS* 2Ma "VIotoi'la" "Little Comet" Don't Experiment with otiieir and inferior iirands, USE EDDY'S must be taken to keep it on one side of the bar. For if the ground bait has been well distributed on both sides of the bank above whicJi the boat is moored, tlie fish should be taken alternately fronj opposite sides, and a» little movement made as is possible. As the object of such fishing is to get fisih, with as little exertion as possible, it is prudent to use only one hook on a line, since two fish make much more splashing, and givo more trouble than one, no mat- ter what their weight may be. A small quill float, to maintain a uniform depth, is a good thing lo use in such a case. It will gen- erally be noticed that on a lower level than the ba.ss alTect, catfi.sh and suckers are found, and no one cares to drag up â-  an ugly gi-eat cat in- stead of a big bass. Besides, it is apt to disgust the lordly ba>-« to have a cutfisli obtrude its objection- able compojiy among them. And if the ba.ss become alarmed or sail awa.v- in bad temper, good-b.v to them for some hours at any rate. Why tliat luscious aldoruian among fishes, the chub, should almost in- variably be ..found along with the bass on baited ground is a mystery. But so it is. that one. or two of these hands(5me tish may commonl,y be looked for. And while the chub has not anything like the endurance of the blacj^ bas«. tt puts up a Very strong. vigor«\is .fight as long as its strength holds out. I bought a horse with a supposed- ly incurable ringbone for $30.00, cured him with 51-00 worth of M.TNARD'S LINIMENT, and sold him in four months for $85.00. Pro- fit on Liniment. $.'54.00. KOISE DEROSCE, Hotel Keeper. St. Phillips, Que.. Nov. Ist, 1901. .Some scientists assort that the purest air in cities is found about 25 feet above tlie street surface. Far •rrr >>lxtr Tran. A» Oti) AK» Wt[,-t.'TK«» KnicDr. â€" Mf» fVjQilow'M SoothintfSynip ll«s btsn aa.4 for ovor 8txt# 7ean bf millionfl of moih.rs for Ut-^lr ohfldr«n wfall« teotta'ny , witli perfwt i>ticcai«. U 9«atbM tt. chili. iioft«ns th. (utnv, m!1 lyi liU uain. cur«. winA ooilo, ..4 jsclio tMit rvruedy Ut Dl&rrboi \M plt.t.ai t. th* tus.fl. SoU b7 (i'U3|ii>ti ia eftrr p.rt *t ih. w«r A. Twoatj-fiTs t'saca u bot'l.. lu tuus Is iHOftloulahla. '>« silre and oak for l<r9. Wtoslair'. Soothios d^rapb sad. Wite â- jrasbBT-^Dd. ^^^ "Have you thanked ,vour uncle for your nice new pocket-knife. Willie?" "Not yet. mother; but 1 dare say I shall. I'm waitin' to .see if tha blade is good steel." inofd's liniiiiBiii cures cnrgei in- cows. i â€" ! Sonâ€" "Well, father, I think I shalt 'â-  marry." Father â€" "Marr.v? AVhy. I you haven't an.vthing to marry on." i Son â€" "I'd like to know what's tha I matter with the girl's father. He's worth a uiMliou." T« (BUK t COLIt IV VHM 04T. Taks l^satire Bramo QuIalB* TaMate Al dmiccMU r<fuad tbt monejr If it (aUi Wi&f«u & vr, tmn'. aisuiairp 'Mi •a,oli bos. Tat, Mrs. (Joodâ€" "And t suppose you, mean to go GU begging until tho end of your life?" I'he Tranipâ€" "Well, yes, ma'am. I ex-pect to die in har- ness." TIUCK.S OV nEOGARS. A beggars' league in .St. Peters- bm'g mutilates children and cripples them, to arouse sympathy from the benevolent when the.v are sent to beg in pviblic places. The chief of this gang, who is a woalth.v umii and has posed as a phihinlhropist. re- ceives 75 per cent, of the money beg- ged by the poor [leople. MiBard's Liniment Ceres Dlphttierla, .She â€" "ft must bo territle for a man when he is married to have to ask his wife for inone.v." Heâ€" "There is something far worw." She â€" "What is that?" lit- â€" '.Suppo.se she hasn't any to give him'.'" find narku nft lh« neM. LaialW* Bromo-Quinlao 'I'ableta cure a cold taoBadaj. No .ura. N'a Pay. Prloo 15 ccatt. .She (gazing upward) â€" 'llow bright the stars arc to-night. Mr. .Samp- son!" He (promptly)â€" "They are not brighter. Miss t^lara, thanâ€" than " She (.softly)â€" "Than what. Mr. Sampson'?" Ho â€" "Than they were last night." $100 Reward. SICQ. The raaderd of tht<i paper ntU be pl.aaed to learn thMt><"ie is at I a^toucdread'-d ditttie that iolvaceh VI been able to onra in all iti â- lages :nl iimt> i« Catnrrli. Hall's CAtarrtt Cure iH ihe on'y pofliWo euro now kDown ta the medical fratera^tT. ( a airh bsinx a oon- filltniionni dlteaae, require* a oaiatliuilonal treatment. Hnll's Catarrh Care i!i Mkeu ie- tainalljr, acUng dlraoUr on the b'ool and inueone lurfacoa of tho RjrU.ni, tbtrebj dM- traylng the ('Ubilatlcn cf iho <lliicace. and giT nz tho pUleatst.rnnith hj balMinif uc ha oonttitutlon and ai^lsUng oitare in da nglu work, 'the proprietors have «] Buati f».ih n ite cnratiTe i nwer.^, tbat they olfer One Hus- dred V) )U«r.i for any cauB that li; fall) to cure. S. nd f oi' 11)11 of te.91.iin«ria)». Addr<5« K. .1. CHENKY & CO., Toledo, 0. S.ild bv D-uwlit. T.'ic. Hali'a ramlljr rii!aorcthe beat. In washing woollens and flannels. Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) will b* found very satisfactory. He â€" "If .you kne'w mo better, you would like ine more." She â€" "And If I liked .vou more, I would know you belter." MInaril's LinliTient Cores Coliis e!c» If P C. 1141 THS MOST POPUUIR DSNTIPRIOB. calv'ert's CA RBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. rrae«r»aa the teeth. twoateRa tlia braatli. StrengUiane Die guma. Brass Band Inatrumenta, Drum*, Unlftgrma Etc EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND howost ptlces ever Quoted. Flea catalogU(\ SnOillusCrailin.-!. mailed free. Write u.* for aon thing in .tliinle or Un«teal liKtraiuent'*. WHiLEY ROICB & OO., Limited. Toruato, Ont and Winnipeg, Man CARPET DYEINQ ^^ and C oAning. This i« « ipcciaUy with tho ^ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINQ CO. Send parLicuIara by yo' t atid wc are iiur« to Mkllif j. AddrsM lox iSft, Montreal. Dominion Line Steamships Unnlrul to UverpooL Doafcon to Uver- IKK>1. Poriland to L<iTerpool. ViaQuecna- town. Livrge <k:iJ Kn.nt Stflamship*. Superior nccomniodallo* for kit cla«fl«i of pa'HiQKertt. SaIuoqs and 9t>at«roonka ftri! niuldsbipa. SpcciaUtt,«ntti>nbMi bocn civen to tb« Sft-ond a»loon anil Tbird-CI»u Kccuinmod»tlon. For ratvimfpan^nga aod all pikrticului, ^ppij to aajr agtul of iho Coru^aDjr, om Richard!*, Mills * Go, D. Torr»iiee % iW. 77dtal«au Bocton. Muntcx-ftl an 1 l*orLiMi4i \VOOD« PH0TO.EPtfCRAVW(. â- I6ft QAV S1»«T." TOR<Mia NOHUMBUfi 8 PERrxiTn. »Tai-SK>i1SlRl Bjiiiktic SwtnvV, stock M&tkor amlCvlf ' Ddhoroir. StnpisM'tDC! ot kl 1 »i|t«i(roia â- Uf ), vnth tkiiif >t)ad«. Iilr*<il» llont. TT>'tiine»aimlifrM. PrtMfl &0-jr(<>n-l 11 firtriftl ;lfitworkm,«aDi]ba)«nr4> ftt 4 C-8. II«yJ, ViIori:yr»;CHia.daDec,lt, lU.tl]rT». riSSKB BBIflHTO?!, raMeM, Ie«», C. 8. ^

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